Today is Monday, March 24, 2025


IRR of RA11934
December 12, 2022
Rules and Regulations Implementing Republic Act No. 11934, Otherwise known as the "Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Registration Act"
Republic Act No. 11935
October 10, 2022
An Act Postponing the December 2022 Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections, Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 9164, as Amended, Appropriating Funds therefor, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 11934
October 10, 2022
An Act Requiring the Registration of Subscriber Identity Module "SIM Registration Act"
IRR of RA8972
September 29, 2022
Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations for RA8972, as Amended by RA11861
IRR of RA11767
September 29, 2022
Implementing Rules and Regulations, the Foundling Recognition and Protection Act
Republic Act No. 11933
July 30, 2022
An Act Declaring Two (2) Parcels of Land Situated Within Sicogon Island, Municipality of Carles, in the Province of Iloilo, a Protected area with the Category og Wildlife sanctuary Under the National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS), to Be Referred to as Sicogon Island Wildlife Sanctuary, Providing for its Management, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act. No.11932
July 30, 2022
An Act Creating the Metropolitan Baguio City, La Trinidad, Itogon, Sablan, Tuba, and Tublay Development Authority (MBLISTTDA), Defining Its Powers and Functions, and Providing Funds Therefor
Republic Act. No.11931
July 30, 2022
An Act Renewing for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years the Franchise Granted to Racitelcom, Inc. Under Republic Act No. 8606, Entitled "An Act Granting the Radio City Telephone Company, Inc., (RACITELCO) a Franchise to Construct, Establish, Install, Maintain and Opererate Local Exchange Network in the Municipalities of Meycauayan, Sta. Maria, Marilao, Bocaue, and Abangan, Province of Bulacan"
Republic Act. No.11930
July 30, 2022
An Act Punishing Online Sexual Abuse of Exploitation of Children, Penalizing the Production, Distribution, Possession and Access of Child Sexual Abuse or Exploitation Materials, Amending Republic Act No. 9160, Otherwise Known as the “Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2001”, as Amended and Repealing Republic Act No. 977, Otherwise Known as the “Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009”
Republic Act. No.11929
July 30, 2022
An Act Converting the Municipality of Baliwag in the Province of Bulacan Into a Component City to Be Known as the City of Baliwag
Republic Act. No.11928
July 30, 2022
An Act Establishing a Separate Facility for Persons Deprived of Liberty Convicted of Heinous Crimes and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act. No.11927
July 30, 2022
An Act to Enhance the Philippine Digital Workforce Competitiveness, Establishing for the Purpose An Inter-Agency Council for Development and Competitiveness of Philippine Digital Workforce and for Other Purposes
Republic Act. No.11926
July 30, 2022
An Act Penalizing Wilful and Indiscriminate Discharge of Firearms, Amending for the Purpose Act No. 3815, as Amended, Otherwise Known as the Revised Penal Code
Republic Act. No.11925
July 30, 2022
An Act Separating the Sitios of Naibuan, Lagnas, Ibanag, Hobkob, Abong, Malumak, Kianay, Libertad, Lowaliw, Ilya, Yabat, Salidang, Upper Kaywan, Dayaga, and Timbangan From Barangay Batasan in the Municipality of San Jose, Province Nof Occidental Mindoro to Constitute a Distinct and Independent Barngay to Be Known as Barangay
Republic Act. No.11924
July 30, 2022
An Act Creating a New Barangay in the Municipality of M'lang, Province of Cotabato to Be Known as Barangay Poblacion B
Republic Act. No.11923
July 30, 2022
An Act Separating the Sitio of Tulalian From Barangay Balagunan in the Municipality of Santo Tomas, Province of Davao Del Norte, and Constituting It Into a Distinct and Independent Barangay to Be Known as Barangay Tulalian
Republic Act. No.11922
July 30, 2022
An Act Separating the Sitio of Tagukom From Barangay Camingawan in the City of Kabankalan, Province of Negros Occidental, and Constituting It Into a Distinct and Independent Barangay to Be Known as Barangay Tagukon
Republic Act. No.11921
July 30, 2022
An Act Separating the Sitio of Songkoy from Barangay Poblacion in the Municipality of Kitcharao, Province of Agusan del Norte, and Constituting it into a Distinct and Independent Barangay to be knwon as Barangay Songkoy
Republic Act. No.11920
July 30, 2022
An Act Separating the Sitio of Pangaylan-IP From Barangay Poblacion I in the Municipality of Santiago, Province of Agusan Del Norte, and Constituting It Into An Distinct and Independent Barangay to Be Known as Barangay Pangaylan-IP
Republic Act. No.11919
July 30, 2022
An Act Separating Sitio of Panacan-2 From Narangay Panacan in the Municipality of Narra, Province of Palawan and Constituting It Into a Separate and Independent Barangay to Be Known as Barangay Panacan 2
Republic Act. No.11918
July 30, 2022
An Act Amending Sections 1, 15, and 21 of Republic Act No. 11212, Entitled 'an Act Granting More Electric and Power Corporation a Franchise to Establish, Operate, and Maintain, for Commercial Purposes and in the Public Interest, a Distribution System for the Conveyance of Electric Power to the End Users in the City of Iloilo, Province of Iloilo, and Ensuring the Continuous and Uninterrupted Supply of Electricity in the Franchise Area
Republic Act. No.11917
July 30, 2022
An Act Strengthening the Regulation of the Private Security Services Industry, Repealing for the Purpose, Republic Act No. 5487, Entitled “An Act to Regulate the Organization and Operation of Private Detective Watchmen or Security Guard
Republic Act. No.11916
July 30, 2022
An Act Increasing the Social Pension of Indigent Senior Citizens and Appropriating Funds Therefor, Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 7432, Entitled “An Act to Maximize the Contribution of Senior Citizens to Nation-Building, Grant Benefits and Special Privileges, and for Other Purposes”, as Amended, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act. No.11915
July 30, 2022
An Act Designating the National Music Competitions for Young Artists Program (Namcya) as the National Youth Development Program for Music, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act. No.11914
July 30, 2022
An Act Converting the Provincial Science and Technology Center Into the Provincial Science and Technology Office and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act. No.11913
July 30, 2022
An Act Declaring August 12 of Every Year as National Youth Day
Republic Act. No.11912
July 30, 2022
An Act Establishing a Multi-Species Marine Hatchery in the Municipality of Bagac, Province of Bataan, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act. No.11911
July 30, 2022
An Act Establishing a Mangrove Crab Hatchery in Barangay Geratag, Municipality of San Jose, Province of Northern Samar, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act. No.11910
July 30, 2022
An Act Institutionalizing the Conduct of Summer Youth Camp in Every Barangay and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act. No.11909
July 30, 2022
An Act Providing for the Permanent Validity of the Certificates of Live Birth, Death, and Marriage Issued, Signed, Certified or Authenticated By the Philippine Statistics Authority (Psa) and Its Predecessor, the National Statistics Office (Nso), and the Local Civil Registries, and the Reports of Birth, Death, and Marriage Registered and Issued By the Philippine Foreign Service Posts
Republic Act. No.11908
July 30, 2022
An Act Mandating the Establishment and Implementation of the Parent Effectiveness Service Program to Strengthen Parental Involvement in Their Children's Development and Learning and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act. No.11907
July 30, 2022
An Act Granting Oro Broadcasting Network, Inc. a Franchise to Construct, Install, Establish, Operate, and Maintain Radio and Television Broadcasting Stations in the Philippines
Republic Act. No.11906
July 30, 2022
An Act Separating the Sitio of Crossing From Barangay Poblacion in the Municipality of Kitcharao, Province of Agusan Del Norte, and Constituting It Into a Distinct and Independent Barangay to Be Known as Barangay Crossing
Republic Act. No.11905
July 30, 2022
An Act Separating the Sitio of Butacan From Barangay Del Monte in the Municipality of Talacogon, Province of Agusan Del Sur, and Constituting It Into a Distinct and Independent Barangay to Be Known as Barangay Batucan
Republic Act. No.11904
July 30, 2022
An Act Providing for the Development and Promotion of the Philippine Creative Industries, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11903
July 28, 2022
An Act Creating a Barangay in the Municipality of San Luis, Province of Agusan Del Sur, to Be Known as "Barangay Doña Maxima"
Republic Act No. 11902
July 28, 2022
An Act Creating Barangays Acmac-Mariano Badelles Sr., San Roque, Luinab Upper Hinaplanon,and Ubaldo Laya, All in the City of Iligan
Republic Act No. 11901
July 28, 2022
An Act Strengthening the Financing System, Including Capacity-Building and Organization for Agriculture, Fisheries, and Rural Development in the Philippines, Repealing for the Purpose Republic Act No. 10000 or "The Agri-agra Reform Credit Act of 2009"
Republic Act No. 11900
July 25, 2022
An Act Regulating the Importation, Manufacture, Sale, Packaging, Distribution, Use, and Communication of Vaporize Nicotine Products, and Novel Tobacco Products
Republic Act No. 11899
July 23, 2022
An Act Creating a Second Congressional Commission on Education to Review, Assess and Evaluate the State of Philippine Education and Recommend Innovative and Targeted Policy Reforms in Education, Appropriating Funds Therefor, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 11898
July 23, 2022
An Act Institutionalizing the Extended Producer Responsibility on Plastic Packaging Waste, Ameding for this Purpose Republic Act No. 9003, Otherwise Known as the "Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000"
Republic Act No. 11897
July 2022
An Act Declaring the Second Thursday of January of Every Year a Special Working Holiday to be Known as "National Baptist Day"
Republic Act No. 11896
July 1, 2022
An Act Dividing Barangay Muzon in the City of San Jose Del Monte, Province of Bulacan into Four (4) Separate and Independent Barangays to be Known as Barangay Muzon Proper, Barangay Muzon East, Barangay Muzon West and Barangay Muzon South
Republic Act No. 11895
July 1, 2022
An Act Establishing a Multi-Species Marine Hatchery in the Municipality of Tibiao, Province of Antique and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11894
July 1, 2022
An Act Granting Unicorn Communications Corporation and Franchise to Construct, Install, Establish, Operate, and Maintain Telecommunications Systems Throughout the Philippines
Republic Act No. 11893
July 1, 2022
An Act Upgrading the Land Transportation Office (LTO) District
IRR of RA11663
June 30, 2022
Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 11663, Otherwise Known as "An Act Converting the San Lorenzo Elementary School in Barangay Bibincahan, Sorsogon City, Province of Sorsogon Into An Integrated School to Be Known as the San Lorenzo Integrated National School, and Appropriating Funds Therefor"
IRR of RA11662
June 30, 2022
Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 11662, Otherwise Known as "An Act Separating the Area Blanco National High School - Mampang Annex in Barangay Mampang, Zamboanga City From the Arena Blanco National High School, Converting It Into An Independent National High School to Be Known as Mampang National High School, and Appropriating Funds Therefor"
IRR of RA11661
June 30, 2022
Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 11661, Otherwise Known as "An Act Separating the Celestino G. Tabuena Memorial National High School - Mercedes B. Peralta Senior High School Extension in Barangay Guinlajon, West District, Sorsogon City, Province of Sorsogon From the Celestino G. Tabuena Memorial National High School, Converting It Into An Independent Senior High School to Be Known as Mercedes B. Peralta Senior High School, and Appropriating Funds Therefor"
Republic Act No. 11892
June 29, 2022
An Act Establishing in the Municipality of Kalibo, Province of Aklan, a Geriatric Medical Center to Be Known as the Aklan Geriatric Medical Center, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11891
June 29, 2022
An Act Establishing in the City of Iloilo, Province of Iloilo, a City Hospital to Be Known as the Iloilo City Hospital, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11890
June 29, 2022
An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of the Teresita Lopez Jalandoni Provincial Hospital in the City of Silay, Province of Negros Occidental From One Hundred (100) to Three Hundred (300) Beds, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11889
June 29, 2022
An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of the Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center in the City of Baguio, Province of Benguet, From Eight Hundred (800) to One Thousand Five Hundred (1500) Beds, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11888
June 29, 2022
An Act Upgrading the Orani District Hospital in the Municipality of Orani, Province of Bataan Into a Level II General Hospital to Be Known as the Antonio \rdblquote tony\rdblquote P. Roman Memorial Hospital, Increasing Its Bed Capacity From Fifty (50) to Two Hundred (200) Beds, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11887
June 29, 2022
An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of the Ospital Ng Palawan in the City of Puerto Princesa, Province of Palawan, From One Hundred (100) to Four Hundred (400) Beds, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11886
June 29, 2022
An Act Establishing in the Municipality of Liloan, Province of Cebu, a Children\rquote s Hospital to Be Known as the Liloan Children\rquote s Hospital and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11885
June 29, 2022
An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of the Unayan Municipal Hospital in the Municipality of Binidayan, Provinc of Lanao Del Sur, From Ten (10) to Fifty (50) Beds, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11884
June 29, 2022
An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of the Balindong District Hospital in the Municipality of Wato-Balindong, Province of Lanao Del Sur, From Ten (10) to Fifty (50) Beds, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11883
June 29, 2022
An Act Converting the Governor Celestino Gallares Memorial Hospital in the City of Tagbilaran, Province of Bohol to the Governor Celestino Gallares Multi-Specialty Medical Complex, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11882
June 29, 2022
An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of the Gov. Faustino N. Dy, Sr. Memorial Hospital in the City of Ilagan, Province of Isabela From One Hundred (100) to Five Hundred (500) Beds, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11881
June 29, 2022
An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of the Concepcion District Hospital in the Municipality of Concepcion, Province of Tarlac From Fifty (50) to One Hundred (100) Beds, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11880
June 29, 2022
An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of the Eastern Pangasinan District Hospital in the Municipality of Tayug, Province of Pangasinan From One Hundred Fifty (150) to Two Hundred Fifty (250) and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11879
June 29, 2022
An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of the Davao Regional Medical Center in the City of Tagum, Province of Davao Del Norte, From Six Hundred (600) to One Thousand (1000) Beds and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11878
June 29, 2022
An Act Establishing in the City of Meycauayan, Province of Bulacan, a Tertiary Hospital to Be Known as the \ldblquote Ospital Ng Meycauayan\rdblquote , and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11877
June 29, 2022
An Act Converting the Oriental Mindoro Central District Hospital in the Municipality of Pinamalayan, Province of Oriental Mindoro, Into a Provincial Hospital to Be Known as the Oriental Mindoro Provincial Hospital, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11876
June 29, 2022
An Act Establishing in the City of Tagaytay, Province of Cavite, a General Hospital to Be Known as the Isaac Tolentino Memorial Medical Center, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11875
June 29, 2022
An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of the Lingayen District Hospital in the Municipality of Lingayen, Province of Pangasinan From Sixty (60) to One Hundred (100) Beds, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11874
June 29, 2022
An Act Establishing in the Municipality of Jose Abad Santos, Province of Davao Occidental, a Community Hospital to Be Known as the Nuing Community Hospital, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11873
June 29, 2022
An Act Establishing in the Municipality of Don Marcelino, Province of Davao Occidental, a Community Hospital to Be Known as the Lamidan Community Hospital, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11872
June 29, 2022
An Act Establishing in the City of Panabo, Province of Davao Del Norte, a District Hospital to Be Known as the Panabo City District Hospital, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11871
June 29, 2022
An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of the Martin Marasigan Memorial Hospital in the Municipality of Cuenca, Province of Batangas From Twenty-Five (25) to Eighty (80) Beds, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11870
June 29, 2022
An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of the Dr. Serapio B. Montaner, Jr. Memorial Hospital in the Municipality of Malabang, Province of Lanao Del Sur, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11869
June 29, 2022
An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of the Roxas District Hospital in the Municipality of Roxas, Province of Oriental Mindoro From Fifty (50) to One Hundred (100) Beds, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11868
June 29, 2022
An Act Upgrading the Novaliches District Hospital in Barangay San Bartolome, Quezon City, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11867
June 29, 2022
An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of the Congressman Natalio P. Castillo, Sr. Memorial Hospital in the Municipality of Loon, Province of Bohol From Twenty-Five (25) to One Hundred (100) Beds, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11866
June 29, 2022
An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of Mangatarem District Hospital in the Municipality of Mangatarem, Province of Pangasinan From Twenty-Five (25) to Fifty (50) Beds, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11865
June 29, 2022
An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of Ilocos Sur District Hospital-Magsingal in the Municipality of Magsingal, Province of Ilocos Sur From Twenty-Five (25) Beds to One Hundred (100) Beds, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11864
June 29, 2022
An Act Upgrading the Lipa City District Hospital in the City of Lipa, Province of Batangas Into a Level II Hospital, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11863
June 29, 2022
An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of the Laurel Memorial District Hospital in the City of Tanauan, Province of Batangas From Twenty-Five (25) to Fifty (50) Beds, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
IRR of RA11862
June 2, 2022
2022 Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 9208 (The "Anti-trafficking In Persons Act of 2003"), As Amended By R.A. No. 10364 (The Expanded Anti-trafficking In Persons Act of 2012) and Further Amended By R.A. No. 11862 (The Expanded Anti-trafficking iIn Persons Act of 2022)"
Republic Act No. 11862
June 2, 2022
An Act Strengthening the Policies on Anti-Trafficking in Persons, Providing Penalties for Its Violations, and Appropriating Funds Therefor, Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 9208, as Amended, Otherwise Known as the "Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003", and Other Special Laws
Republic Act No. 11861
June 2, 2022
An Act Granting Additional Benefits to Solo Parents, Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 8972, Entitled "An Act Providing for Benefits and Privileges to Solo Parents and Their Children, Appropriating Funds Therefor and for Other Purposes"
Republic Act No. 11860
June 4, 2022
An Act Establishing Campuses of the University of Eastern Philippines (UEP) in the Municipalities of Allen, Victoria, and Lavezares, Province of Northern Samar, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11859
June 18, 2022
An Act Converting the Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology in Sagay City, Province of Negros Occidental Into a State University to Be Known as the "State University of Northern Negros", and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11858
June 18, 2022
An Act Converting the Solana Extension Campus of the Cagayan State University in the Municipality of Solana, Province of Cagayan, Into a Regular Campus of the Cagayan State University, to Be Known as the "Cagayan State University-Solana Campus", and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11857
June 18, 2022
An Act Converting the Balamban Extension Campus of the Cebu Technological University (CTU) in the Municipality of Balamban, Province of Cebu, Into a Regular Campus of the CTU, to Be Known as the CTU-Balamban Campus, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11856
June 18, 2022
An Act Converting the Iligan City National School of Fisheries (ICNSF) in Barangay Buru-Un, Iligan City, Province of Lanao Del Norte, Into a Polytechnic State College, to Be Known as the Iligan City Polytechnic State College (ICPSC), and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11855
June 18, 2022
An Act Establishing Campuses of the Davao Del Norte State College (DNSC) in the Municipalities of Carmen and Sto. Tomas, and in the Island Garden City of Samal, Province of Davao Del Norte, to Be Known Respectively as the Dnsc-Carmen Campus, Dnsc-Sto. Tomas Campus, and DNSC-Island Garden City of Samal (IGACOS) Campus, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11854
June 18, 2022
An Act Establishing a Regular District Office of the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) in the City of Dasmariñas, Province of Cavite and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11853
June 18, 2022
An Act Converting the Land Transportation Office Licensing Extension Office in Iloilo City Into a Regular Licensing Center to Be Known as the Iloilo City Licensing Center, Appropriating Funds Therefor and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 11852
June 18, 2022
An Act Establishing a District Office of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) in the City of La Carlota in the Fourth District of the Province of Negros Occidental, Appropriating Funds Therefor and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 11851
June 18, 2022
An Act Converting the Land Transportation Office (LTO) Extension Office Located in Mandaluyong City Into a Regular LTO District Office and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11850
June 18, 2022
An Act Renaming Barangay Sta. Maria in the Municipality of Presentacion, Province of Camarines Sur as Barangay Parubcan
Republic Act No. 11849
June 18, 2022
An Act Converting the Satellite Office of the Maritime Industry Authority Located in Calbayog City, Province of Samar Into An Extension Office and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11848
June 18, 2022
An Act Separating the Sitio of Lower Dado From Barangay Dado in the Municipality of Alamada, Province of North Cotabato and Constituting It Into a Distinct and Independent Barangay to Be Known as Barangay Lower Dado
Republic Act No. 11847
June 18, 2022
An Act Naming the Road Leading to the Bohol-Panglao International Airport, Stretching From Barangay Lourdes Up to Barangay Tawala in the Municipality of Panglao, Province of Bohol, as Governor Constancio Chatto Torralba Road
Republic Act No. 11846
June 18, 2022
An Act Separating the Dulop National High School \endash Labangon Annex in Barangay Labangon, Municipality of Dumingag, Province of Zamboanga Del Sur From the Dulop National High School, Converting It Into An Independent National High School to Be Known as Labangon Subanen Agriculture National High School, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11845
June 17, 2022
An Act Amending Sections 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 11, 13, 18, 22, 24, 26, and 28 of Republic Act No. 3591, as Amended, Otherwise Known as the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation Charter, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 11844
June 8, 2022
An Act Granting Philippine Citizenship to Liang XI Wu
Republic Act No. 11843
June 17, 2022
An Act Granting Mount Apo Science Foundation College, Inc. a Franchise to Construct, Install, Establish, Operate, and Maintain Radio and Television Broadcasting Stations in the Philippines
Republic Act No. 11842
June 17, 2022
An Act Expanding the Scope of the Franchise Granted to the City Government of Davao, Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 11538, Entitled "An Act Granting the City Government of Davao a Franchise to Construct, Install, Operate, and Maintain Radio Broadcasting Stations in Davao City"
Republic Act No. 11841
June 6, 2022
An Act Renewing for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years the Franchise Granted to the Polaris Telecommunications, Inc., Presently Known as Raduis Telecoms, Inc., Under Republic Act No. 8955, Entitled "An Act Granting the Polaris Telecommunications, Inc. a Franchise to Construct, Install, Establish, Operate and Maintain Telecommunications Systems Throughout the Philippines
Republic Act No. 11840
June 17, 2022
An Act Amending Sections 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 11, 13, 18, 22, 24, 26, and 28 of Republic Act No. 3591, as Amended, Otherwise Known as the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation Charter, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 11839
June 2, 2022
An Act Granting the Gvm Radio/tv Corporation a Franchise to Construct, Install, Establish, Operate, and Maintain Radio and Televisions Broadcasting Stations in the Philippines
Republic Act No. 11838
June 2, 2022
An Act Granting Purple Flower Telecommunication Corp. a Franchise to Construct, Install, Establish, Operate, and Maintain Telecommunications Systems Throughout the Philippines
Republic Act No. 11837
June 2, 2022
An Act Granting Linkserve Telecommunications Network Inc. a Franchise to Construct, Install, Establish, Operate, and Maintain Telecommunications Systems Throughout the Philippines
Republic Act No. 11836
June 2, 2022
An Act Renewing for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years the Franchise Granted to General Telephone System, Inc. Under Republic Act No. 8636, Entitled "An Act Granting the General Telephone System, Inc. a Franchise to Construct, Establish, Install, Maintain and Operate Local Exchange Network in the Provinces of Quezon, Batangas and Laguna; Municipalities of Pasacao, Libmanan and Cabusao, Province of Camarines Sur; and the Municipality of Paracale, Province of Camarines Norte", and Expanding Its Coverage to the Entire Provinces of Camarines Norte and Camarines Sur
Republic Act No. 11835
June 8, 2022
An Act Granting Aspire Media Technologies and Ventures Inc., a Franchise to Construct, Install, Establish, Operate, and Maintain Telecommunications Services in the Province of Bataan
Republic Act No. 11834
June 2, 2022
An Act Granting the National Council of Churches in the Philippines (NCCP) a Franchise to Construct, Install, Establish, Operate, and Maintain Radio and Television Broadcasting Stations in the Philippines
Republic Act No. 11833
June 2, 2022
An Act Granting Prime Broadcasting Network, Inc. a Franchise to Construct, Install, Establish, Operate, and Maintain Radio and Television Broadcasting Stations in the Philippines
Republic Act No. 11832
June 2, 2022
An Act Granting South Cotabato Communications Corporation a Franchise to Construct, Install, Establish, Operate, and Maintain Radio and Televisions Broadcasting Stations Within the Province of South Cotabato
Republic Act No. 11831
June 2, 2022
An Act Renewing for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years the Franchise Granted to Continental Telecommunications System Inc., Under the Republic Act No. 8579, Entitled "an Act Granting the Continental Telecommunications System, Inc., a Franchise to Construct, Install, Maintain, Establish and Operate Local Exchange Network in the Provinces of Batangas, Laguna, and Masbate"
Republic Act No. 11830
June 2, 2022
An Act Renewing for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years the Franchise Granted to Lukban Telephone System, Inc., Under Republic Act No. 8564, Entitled "An Act Granting the Lukban Telephone System, Inc., a Franchise to Construct, Install, Maintain, Establish and Operate Local Exchange Network in the Municipality of Lukban, Province of Quezon"
Republic Act No. 11829
June 2, 2022
An Act Granting Ismo Incorporated, a Franchise to Construct, Install, Establish, Operate, and Maintain Telecommunications Systems in the Philippines
Republic Act No. 11828
June 2, 2022
An Act Naming the First Cebu-Mactan Bridge Traversing the Mactan Channel Located At A.C. Cortes Avenue in Barangay Looc, Mandaue City Up to the Mandaue-Mactan Road in Barangay Pajo, Lapu-Lapu City, Both in the Province of Cebu, as Serging Veloso Osmeña Jr. Bridge
Republic Act No. 11827
June 2, 2022
An Act Renaming the Lobog Bridge, Traversing Barangay Panalsalan in the Municipality of Plaridel, Province of Misamis Occidental, as Alfonso Burlat Apdujan Bridge
Republic Act No. 11826
June 2, 2022
An Act Granting Philippine Citizenship to Kwok Yam Ian Chan
Republic Act No. 11825
June 2, 2022
An Act Expanding the Coverage of Foundation Days and Feast Days as Special Nonworking Public Holidays in the Province of Davao Oriental to Include Cities, Municipalities and Barangays Therein, Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No.8256
Republic Act No. 11824
June 2, 2022
An Act Converting the Kinangan Elementary School in Barangay Kinangan, Municipality of Malita, Province of Davao Occidental Into An Integrated School to Be Known as Kinangan Integrated School, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11823
June 2, 2022
An Act Establishing a Regular District Office of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) in the Municipality of Guipos, Province of Zamboanga Del Sur, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11822
June 2, 2022
An Act Converting the Land Transportation Office (LTO) Extension Office in the City of Passi, Province of Iloilo, Into a Regular LTO District Office, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11821
June 2, 2022
An Act Converting the Molave Extension Office of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) Located in the Municipality of Molave, Province of Zamboanga Del Sur Into a Regular LTO District Office, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11820
June 2, 2022
An Act Converting the Guimbal, Iloilo Extension Office of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) Into a Regular LTO Class "d" District Office to Be Located in the Municipality of Guimbal, Province of Iloilo
Republic Act No. 11819
June 2, 2022
An Act Converting the Satellite Office of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) Located in the Municipality of Initao, Province of Misamis Oriental Into a Regular LTO District Office and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11818
June 2, 2022
An Act Converting the Land Transportation Office (LTO) Licensing Extension Office in Bacolod City Into a Regular Licensing Center to Be Known as the Negros Occidental Licensing Center, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11817
June 2, 2022
An Act Converting the Extension Office of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) in the Municipality of Javier, Province of Leyte, Into a Regular District Office and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11816
June 2, 2022
An Act Establishing a District Office of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) in the Municipality of Aliaga, Province of Nueva Ecija, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11815
June 2, 2022
An Act Establishing a District Office of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) in the Municipality of Labo in the First District of Camarines Norte, and Appropriating Funds Therefore
Republic Act No. 11814
June 2, 2022
An Act Renaming the Municipality of San Isidro, Province of Davao Del Norte as the Municipality of Sawata and Its Barangay Sawata as Barangay Poblacion, Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 9265, Entitled "An Act Creating the Municipality of San Isidro in the Province of Davao Del Norte"
Republic Act No. 11813
June 2, 2022
An Act Renaming the Municipality of Lista in the Province of Ifugao as the Municipality of Alfonso Lista
Republic Act No. 11812
June 2, 2022
An Act Renaming the Municipality of Rodriguez in the Province of Rizal as the Municipality of Montalban, Repealing for the Purpose Batas Pambansa Blg. 275
Republic Act No. 11811
June 2, 2022
An Act Establishing a Central Multi-Species Marine Hatchery in the Municipality of San Jose, Province of Occidental Mindoro, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11810
June 2, 2022
An Act Establishing a Freshwater Fish Hatchery in the Municipality of Bombon, Province of Camarines Sur, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11809
June 2, 2022
An Act Stablishing a Multi-Species Marine Hatchery in the Municipality of Basey, Province of Samar, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11808
June 2, 2022
An Act Establishing a Multi-Species Marine Hatchery in the Island Garden City of Samal, Province of Davao Del Norte, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11807
June 2, 2022
An Act Establishing a Central Multi-Species Marine Hatchery in the Municipality of Libon, Province of Albay, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11806
June 2, 2022
An Act Declaring a Parcel of Land Located in the City of Masbate and the Municipality of Mobo, in the Province of Masbate, a Protected Area With the Category of Natural Biotic Area Under the National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS), to Be Referred to as the Tugbo Natural Biotic Area, Providing for Its Management, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11805
June 2, 2022
An Act Granting Philippine Citizenship to Linlin Guo
Republic Act No. 11804
June 2, 2022
An Act Reapportioning the Province of South Cotabato Into Three (3) Legislative Districts, and Separating the City of General Santos From the Third Legislative District of the Province of South Cotabato to Constitute the Lone Legislative District of the City of General Santos, Repealing for the Purpose Republic Act No. 11243, Entitled "An Act Reapportioning the First Legislative District of the Province of South Cotabato Thereby Creating the Lone Legislative District of General Santos City"
Republic Act No. 11803
June 2, 2022
An Act Dividing Barangay Pasong Putik in Quezon City Into Three (3) Distinct and Independent Barangays to Be Known as Barangay Pasong Putik Proper, Barangay Greater Lagro and Barangay North Fairview
Republic Act No. 11802
June 2, 2022
An Act Converting the Polytechnic University of the Philippines Alfonso-Maragondon Annex Campus in the Municipality of Alfonso, Province of Cavite, Into a Regular Campus of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines, to Be Known as the Polytechnic University of the Philippines-Alfonso Campus, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11801
May 29, 2022
An Act Renewing for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years the Franchise Granted to Victorias Telephone System, Inc. Under Republic Act No. 8340, Entitled "An Act Granting the Victorias Telephone System, Inc.A Franchise to Construct, Establish, Install, Maintain and Operate Local Exchange Network in the Municipality of Victorias, Province of Negros Occidental"
Republic Act No. 11800
May 27, 2022
An Act Integrating the Consolacion Community College in the Municipality of Consolacion, Province of Cebu, Into the Cebu Technological University (Ctu), to Be Known as the Ctu-Consolacion Campus, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11799
May 27, 2022
An Act Declaring April 28 of Every Year a Special Working Holiday in the Province of Aurora to Commemorate the Death Anniversary of Doña Aurora Aragon-Quezon
Republic Act No. 11798
May 29, 2022
An Act Renaming the Marawi City-Kapai-Tagoloan II Lanao Del Sur Road, Stretching From Barangay Banggolo Poblacion in the City of Marawi, and Traversing Through the Municipalities of Kapai and Tagoloan II, All in the Province of Lanao Del Sur, as Senator Ahmad Domocao Alangadi Alonto Sr. National Road
Republic Act No. 11797
May 29, 2022
An Act Renaming the Bogo-Curva-Medellin Daanbantayan-Maya Road, Stretching From Barangay Don Pedro Rodriguez in the City of Bogo, Traversing Through Barangays Dayhagon, Don Virgilio Gonzales, Canhabagat, Tindog, Curva, Caputatan Sur, Caputatan Norte, Poblacion, Daanlungsod, Antipolo, Mahawak and Kawit in the Municipality of Medellin, Barangays Bakhawan, Paypay, Bitoon, Poblacion, Aguho, Tapilon Up to Maya in the Municipality of Daanbantayan, All in the Province of Cebu as Juan Macaraeg Highway
Republic Act No. 11796
May 29, 2022
An Act Separating the Datu Danwata Elementary School-TFS of Balis Extension in Barangay Datu Danwata, Municipality of Malita, Province of Davao Occidental From the Datu Danwata Elementary School, Converting It Into An Independent Elementary School to Be Known as the Balis Elementary School, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11795
May 29, 2022
An Act Separating the Datu Danwata Elementary School \endash Agik-Ik Extension in Barangay Datu Danwata, Municipality of Malita, Province of Davao Occidental From the Datu Danwata Elementary School, Converting It Into An Independent Elementary School to Be Known as the Agik-Ik Elementary School, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11794
May 29, 2022
An Act Separating the Dulop National High School \endash Bag-Ong Valencia Extension in Barangay Bag-Ong Valencia, Municipality of Dumingag, Province of Zamboanga Del Sur From the Dulop National High School, Converting It Into An Independent National High School to Be Known as the Bag-Ong Valencia Agricultural National High School, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11793
May 29, 2022
An Act Separating the Rodolfo V. Pamor Jr. Memorial National High School \endash Sagñay Southeastern High School Annex in Barangay Turague, Municipality of Sagnay, Province of Camarines Sur From the Rodolfo V. Pamor Jr. Memorial National High School, Converting It Into An Independent National High School to Be Known as Turague National High School, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11792
May 29, 2022
An Act Establishing a Regular District Office Of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) in the Municipality of Calamba, Province of Misamis Occidental and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11791
May 29, 2022
An Act Converting the Satellite Office of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) Located in the Municipality of Tanay, Province of Rizal Into a Regular LTO District Office and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11790
May 29, 2022
An Act Establishing An Extension Office of the Regional Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board in Puerto Princesa City, Province of Palawan and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11789
May 29, 2022
An Act Converting the Extension Office of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) in the Second District of the Province of Bohol Into a "class C" LTO District Office and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11788
May 29, 2022
An Act Establishing Campuses of the Cebu Technological University in the City of Toledo and in the Municipality of Asturias, Province of Cebu, to Be Known Respectively as the Cebu Technological University-Toledo City Campus and the Cebu Technological University-Asturias Campus, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11787
May 29, 2022
An Act Converting the Pinamungajan Extension Campus of the Cebu Technological University (CTU) in the Municipality of Pinamungajan, Province of Cebu, Into a Regular Campus of the CTU, to Be Known as the Ctu-Pinamungajan Campus, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11786
May 29, 2022
An Act Establishing in the Municipality of Leyte, Province of Leyte, a Campus of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP), to Be Known as the Pup-Leyte Campus, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11785
May 29, 2022
An Act Establishing a Campus of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) in Caloocan City-North, to Be Known as the PUP-Caloocan City-North Campus, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11784
May 29, 2022
An Act Establishing a Campus of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) in the City of Santa Rosa, Province of Laguna, to Be Known as the PUP-Santa Rosa Campus, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11783
May 29, 2022
An Act Converting the Bulacan Agricultural State College in the Municipality of San Ildefonso, Province of Bulacan, Into a State University, to Be Known as the Bulacan State Agricultural University, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11782
May 29, 2022
An Act Establishing a Campus of the Philippine Merchant Marine Academy (PMMA) in Cagayan De Oro City, Province of Misamis Oriental, to Be Known as the Pmma-Cagayan De Oro City Campus, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11781
May 29, 2022
An Act Converting the Extension Campuses of the Don Honorio Ventura State University (DHVSU) Located in the Municipalities of Sto. Tomas, Porac, Lubao, Candaba, Apalit, Mexico, Sta. Rita, Floridablanca, Guagua, and Sasmuan, All in the Province of Pampanga, Into Regular Campuses of the Dhvsu, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11780
May 29, 2022
An Act Integrating the Consolacion Community College in the Municipality of Consolacion, Province of Cebu, Into the Cebu Technological University (CTU), to Be Known as the Ctu-Consolacion Campus, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11779
May 27, 2022
An Act Declaring April 28 of Every Year a Special Working Holiday in the Province of Aurora to Commemorate the Death Anniversary of Dona Aurora Aragon-Quezon
Republic Act No. 11778
May 27, 2022
An Act Establishing a Technology Verification Station With Tilapia and Freshwater Prawn Hatcheries in the Municipality of Sto. Domingo, Province of Nueva Ecija, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11777
May 27, 2022
An Act Establishing Inland Freshwater Fish Hatcheries in the Municipalities of Carmen and Braulio E. Dujali, Province of Davao Del Norte, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11776
May 27, 2022
An Act Establishing a Multi-Species Marine Hatchery in the City of Calbayog, Province of Samar, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11775
May 27, 2022
An Act Granting the Estate of Mr. Amado L. Ola, Opc Doing Business as Amapola Broadcasting System, a Franchise to Construct, Install, Establish, Operate, and Maintain Radio and Television Broadcasting Stations in the Philippines
Republic Act No. 11774
May 27, 2022
An Act Renewing for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years the Franchise Granted to Calapan Telephone System, Inc., Formerly Known as the Calapan Telephone System, Inc., Under Republic Act No. 8351, Entitled "An Act Granting the Calapan Telephone System, Inc., a Franchise to Construct, Establish, Install, Maintain and Operate Local Exchange Network in the Province of Oriental Mindoro"
Republic Act No. 11773
May 27, 2022
An Act Renewing for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years the Franchise Granted to Panay Telephone Corporation Under Republic Act No.8704, Entitled "An Act Granting the Panay Telephone Corporation, Inc. a Franchise to Construct, Establish, Install, Maintain and Operate Local Exchange Network in the Provinces of Aklan and Antique and in the Municipality of Janiuay, Province of Iloilo", Limiting the Area of Operation to the Provinces of Aklan and Antique
Republic Act No. 11772
May 24, 2022
An Act Establishing the Biliran Cultural Center and Museum in the Province of Biliran, Defining Its Purposes and Objectives, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11771
May 24, 2022
An Act Establishing the Cagayan De Oro City Cultural Center and Museum in Cagayan De Oro City, Province of Misamis Oriental, Defining Its Purposes and Objectives, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11770
May 24, 2022
An Act Establishing the Kalinga Cultural Center and Museum in the Province of Kalinga, Defining Its Purposes and Objectives, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11769
May 24, 2022
An Act Establishing a District Office of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) in the City of General Trias, Province of Cavite and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11768
May 6, 2022
An Act Strengthening the Sanguniang Kabataan, Institutionalizing Additional Reforms to Revitalize Youth Participation in Local Governance and by Providing Honorarium, Other Benefits and Privileges, Amending for the Purpose Certain Sections of Republic Act No. 10742, Otherwise Known as the "SanguniangKabataan Reform Act of 2015"
Republic Act No. 11767
May 6, 2022
An Act Promoting the Rights of and Providing Greater Protections to Deserted or Abandoned Children with Unknown Parents, Amending for this Purpose Articles 276 aqnd 277 of the Revised Penal Code and Special Laws, Recognizing their Status as Natural-Born Citizens of the Philippines, Providing Penalties Against Acts Inimical to their Welfare, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 11766
May 6, 2022
An Act Fixing the Validity Period of the License to Own and Possess, Registration, and Permit to Carry Firearms Outside of Residence or Place of Business, Amending for the Purpose Sections 7 and 19 of Republic Act No. 10591, Otherwise Known as the "Comprehensive Firearms and Ammunition Regulation Act."
Republic Act No. 11765
May 6, 2022
An Act Affording More Protection to Consumers of Financial Products and Services
Republic Act No. 11764
May 23, 2022
An Act Changing the Name of Salin Elementary School in Barangay Sadsadan, Municipality of Bauko, Mountain Province to Talban P. Bitayan Elementary School
Republic Act No. 11763
April 29, 2022
An Act Converting the Molmol Elementary School in Barangay Molmol, Municipality of Jose Abad Santos, Province of Davao Occidental Into an Integrated School to Be Known as the Mariano Anoy Sangay Integrated School, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11762
April 29, 2022
An Act Changing the Name of Pinaglabanan High School in Barangay Pinaglabanan, Municipality of Goa, Province of Camarines Sur to Pinaglabanan National High School
Republic Act No. 11761
April 29, 2022
An Act Converting the Satellite Office of the Maritime Industry Authority Located in Maasin City, Province of Southern Leyte Into an Extension Office, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11760
April 29, 2022
An Act Creating an Extension Office of the MAritime Industry Authority in Vigan City, Ilocos Sur, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11759
April 29, 2022
An Act Granting Derecho Telecommunications, Inc. a Franchise to Construct, Install, Establish, Operate and Maintain Telecommunications Systems Throughout the Philippines
Republic Act No. 11758
April 29, 2022
An Act Renewing for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years the Franchise Granted to Sultan Kudarat Telephone System, Inc. Under Republic Act No. 8637, Entitled "An Act Granting the Sultan Kudarat Telephone System, Inc. a Franchise to Construct, Establish, Install, Maintain and Operate Local Exchange Network in the Province of Sultan Kudarat"
Republic Act No. 11757
April 29, 2022
An Act Renewing for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years the Franchise Granted to Independent Telephone Company, Inc. Under Republic Act No. 8615, Entitled "An Act Granting the Independent Telephone Company Inc, a Franchise to Construct, Establish, Install, Maintain and Operate a Local Exchange Network in the Municipality of Biñan. Province of Laguna"
Republic Act No. 11756
April 27, 2022
An Act Renaming the Adiong Memorial Polytechnic State College in the Municipality of Ditsaan-Ramain, Province of Lanao Del Sur, as the "Adiong Memorial State College"
Republic Act No. 11755
April 27, 2022
An Act Converting the Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College in the Municipality of Sta. Maria, Province of Ilocos Sur, and All Its Campuses in the Province of Ilocos Sur, Into a State University, Integrating Therewith the North Luzon Philippines State College in the City of Candon, Province of Ilocos Sur, to Be Known as the University of Ilocos Philippines and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11754
April 27, 2022
An Act Recognizing the Cabiao Campus of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) Located in the Municipality of Cabiao, Province of Nueva Ecija, as a Regular Campus of the PUP System, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11753
April 27, 2022
An Act Establishing a Regular Campus of the Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology (NEUST) in the Municipality of Nampicuan, Province of Nueva Ecija, to Be Known as the Neust-Nampicuan Campus, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11752
April 27, 2022
An Act Establishing a Regular Campus of the Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology (NEUST) in the Municipality of Sto. Domingo, Province of Nueva Ecija, to Be Known as the Neust-Sto. Domingo Campus, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11751
April 27, 2022
An Act Establishing Campuses of the Cebu Technological University (STU) in the Municipalities of Liloan and Borbon, Province of Cebu, to Be Known Respectively as the CTU-Liloan Campus and CTU-Borbon Campus, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11750
April 27, 2022
An Act Establishing a Regular District Office of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) in the Municipality of Pagsanjan, Province of Laguna and Appropriating Therefor
Republic Act No. 11749
April 27, 2022
An Act Establishing a District Office of the Land Transportation Office in the Municipality of Enrique B. Magalona in the Province of Negros Occidental, and Appropriating Therefor
Republic Act No. 11748
April 27, 2022
An Act Creating a Regular LTO District Office in the Municipality of Ibajay, Province of Aklan, to Be Known as the "Western Aklan LTO Center", and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11747
April 27, 2022
An Act Converting the Mabalacat City Extension Office of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) Located in Mabalacat City, Pampanga Into a Regular LTO District Office, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11746
April 27, 2022
An Act Establishing a District Office of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) in the Municipality of Cataingan in the 3rd District of Masbate, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11745
April 27, 2022
An Act Establishing a Land Transportation Office (LTO) District Office in the Municipality of San Jose, in the Lone District of Dinagat Islands, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11744
April 27, 2022
An Act Establishing a Land Transportation Office (LTO) District Office in the Municipality of Laoang, Province of Northern Samar, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11743
April 27, 2022
An Act Establishing a Regular District Office of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) in the Municipality of Alcoy, in the Second District of Cebu and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11742
April 27, 2022
An Act Converting the Land Transportation Office (LTO) Extension Office At the Municipality of Sigma, Province of Capiz Into a Regular LTO District Office to Be Relocated in the Municipality of Dumalag, Province of Capiz and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11741
April 27, 2022
An Act Establishing a District Office of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) in the Municipality of Liloan. Province of Cebu, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11740
April 27, 2022
An Act Establishing a District Office of the Land Transportation Office in the Municipality of Balingasag, Misamis Oriental, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11739
April 27, 2022
An Act Establishing a Regular District Office of the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) in the City of Bacoor, Province of Cavite and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11738
April 27, 2022
An Act Establishing the Land Transportation (LTO) District Office in the Municipality of Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11737
April 27, 2022
An Act Establishing a Regular District Office of the Land Transportation (LTO) in the Municipality of Alicia, Province of Isabela
Republic Act No. 11736
April 27, 2022
An Act Establishing a Multi-Species Marine Hatcery in the Municipality of Basilisa, Province of Dinagat Islands, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11735
April 27, 2022
An Act Establishing a Satellite Multi-Species Marine Hatchery in the Municipality of Batad, Province of Iloilo and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11734
April 27, 2022
An Act Establishing a Central Multi-Species Marine Hatchery in the City Environmental Estate in Barangay Sta. Lucia, City of Puerto Princesa, Province of Palawan, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11733
April 29, 2022
An Act Granting Philippine Citizenship to Patrick Francois Rebucci
Republic Act No. 11732
April 29, 2022
An Act Granting Philippine Citizenship to Feng Li
Republic Act No. 11731
April 29, 2022
An Act Renaming the Carmen-Santo Tomas Road, Stretching from Junction Agusan-Davao Road Fronting the Battle of Ising Monument in Barangay Ising, Traversing Through Barangays New Camiling, Alejal and Magsaysay, All in the Municipality of Carmen, Province of Davao Del Norte, as Saturnino R. Silva Road
Republic Act No. 11730
April 29, 2022
An Act Officially Naming the Mandaue Causeway Located in the City of Mandaue, Province of Cebu, Stretching from the Corner of S.B. Cabahug St., Traversing the Tipolo Creek in Barangay Centro and the Mandaue Reclamation Area, Up to the Bridge Over the Mahiga Creek at the Cebu International Port, as Ouano Avenue
Republic Act No. 11729
April 29, 2022
An Act Declaring June 10 of Every Year a Special Nonworking Holiday in the Province of Tarlac to be Known as "Danding Cojangco Day" in Commemoration of the Birth Anniversary of Eduardo "Danding" Murphy Cojangco, Jr.
Republic Act No. 11728
April 29, 2022
An Act An Act Commemorating the Cityhood of San Jose Del Monte, Province of Bulacan Through the Annual Celebration of the Tanglawan Festival on the Occasion of Its Foundation Day on September 10, Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 9750
Republic Act No. 11727
April 29, 2022
An Act Declaring June 21 of Every Year a Special Nonworking Holiday in Tagaytay City, Province of Cavite in Commemoration of Its Foundation Day to be Known as "Charter Day of Tagaytay City" or "Araw ng Lungsod ng Tagaytay", Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 10775
Republic Act No. 11726
April 29, 2022
An Act Establishing the Edades and Bernal Cultural Center and Museum in Dagupan City, Province of Pangasinan, Defining Its Purposes and Objectives, and Appropriating Funds Therefor.
Republic Act No. 11725
April 29, 2022
An Act Converting the Don Jose S. Monfort Medical Center Extension Hospital in the Municipality of Barotac Nuevo, Province of Iloilo, Into a Tertiary Hospital to Be Known as The Don Jose S. Monfort Medical Center, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11724
April 29, 2022
An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of the Ilocos Training and Regional Medical Center in the City of San Fernando, Province of La Union, From Three Hundred (300) to Eight Hundred (800) Beds, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11723
April 29, 2022
An Act Converting the Western Visayas Sanitarium in the Municipality of Santa Barbara, Province of Iloilo, Into a General Hospital to Be Known as The Western Visayas Sanitarium and General Hospital, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11722
April 29, 2022
An Act Converting the Sulu Sanitarium in the Municipality of Jolo, Province of Sulu, Into a General Hospital to Be Known as The Sulu Sanitarium and General Hospital, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11721
April 29, 2022
An Act Establishing a General Hospital in the Municipality of Villanueva, Province of Misamis Oriental to Be Known as The Northeastern Misamis General Hospital (NMGH), and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11720
April 29, 2022
An Act Establishing in the Municipality of Bocaue, Province of Bulacan, a General Hospital to Be Known as The Joni Villanueva General Hospital, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11719
April 29, 2022
An Act Converting the Bicol Regional Training and Teaching Hospital in the Municipality of DARaga, Province of Albay into a General and Subspecialty Hospital, to Be Known as The Bicol Regional Hospital and Medical Center, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11718
April 29, 2022
An Act Establishing a Tertiary General Hospital in the Municipality of Abulug, Province of Cagayan Valley, to Be Known as The Northwestern Cagayan General Hospital, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11717
April 29, 2022
An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of the Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center, Located in Cebu City, Province of Cebu, From One Thousand Two Hundred (1,200) to One Thousand Five Hundred (1,500) Beds, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11716
April 29, 2022
An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of the Northern Mindanao Medical Center in Cagayan De Oro City, amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 7938 as Amended by Republic Act No. 10677, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11715
April 27, 2022
An Act Converting the Cotabato Sanitarium in the Municipality of Sultan Kudarat, Province of Maguindanao into a General Hospital, to Be Known as the Cotabato Sanitarium and General Hospital, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11714
April 27, 2022
An Act Reapportioning the Province of Agusan Del Norte into the Lone Legislative District of the City of Butuan and the Legislative District of the Province of Agusan Del Norte
Republic Act No. 11713
April 27, 2022
An Act Further Strengthening Teacher Education in the Philippines By Enhancing the Teacher Education Council, Establishing a Scholarship Program for Students in the Teacher Education Program, Institutionalizing the National Educators Academy of the Philippines, and Appropriating Funds Therefor, Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 7784, Entitled "An Act to Strengthen Teacher Education in the Philippines By Establishing Centers of Excellence, Creating a Teacher Education Council for the Purpose, Appropriating Funds Therefor, and for Other Purposes"
Republic Act No. 11712
April 27, 2022
An Act Granting Mandatory Continuing Benefits and Allowances to Public and Private Health Care Workers During the Covid-19 Pandemic and Other Future Public Health Emergencies, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11711
April 27, 2022
An Act Further Amending Republic Act No. 4566, as Amended, Otherwise Known as the Contractors' License Law
Republic Act No. 11710
April 27, 2022
An Act Separating the Parañaque National High School - Marcelo Green Annex in Barangay Marcelo Green, Parañaque City, Metro Manila from the Parañaque National High School, Converting It into an Independent National High School to Be Known as The Marcelo Green National High School, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11709
April 13, 2022
An Act Strengthening Professionalism and Promoting the Continuity of Policies and Modernization Initiatives in the Armed Forces of the Philippines, By Prescribing Fixed Terms for Key Officers Thereof, Increasing the Mandatory Retirement Age of Generals/flag Officers, Providing for a More Effective Attrition System, and Providing Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11708
April 13, 2022
An Act Creating the Metropolitan Davao Development Authority, Defining Its Powers and Functions, and Providing Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11707
April 17, 2022
An Act Declaring the Municipality of San Jose in the Province of Batangas, as the "Egg Basket of the Philippines"
Republic Act No. 11706
April 13, 2022
An Act Providing for the Establishment of Timbangan ng Bayan Centers in Public and Private Markets, Amending for the Purpose Chaptere II, Title III of Republic Act No. 7394, Otherwise Known as the "Consumer Act of the Philippines"
Republic Act No. 11705
April 16, 2022
An Act Establishing in the City of Candon, Province of Ilocos Sur, a Tertiary Hospital, to Be Known as the Ilocos Sur Medical Center, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11704
April 16, 2022
An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memorial Research and Medical Center in the City of Cabanatuan, Province of Nueva Ecija from Four Hundred (400) to One Thousand (1,000) Beds, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11703
April 16, 2022
An Act Establishing in the City of Calbayog, Province of Samar, a Tertiary Hospital to Be Known as the Samar Island Medical Center, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11702
April 16, 2022
An Act Establishing a Multi-Specialty Hospital in the City of Tayabas, Province of Quezon, to Be Known as the Southern Luzon Multi-Specialty Medical Center, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11701
May 16, 2022
An Act Granting Night Shift Differential Pay to Government Employees INcluding Those in Government-Owned or -Controlled Corporations and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11700
April 15, 2022
An Act Declaring the Province of Catanduanes as the Abaca Capital of the Philippines
Republic Act No. 11699
April 13, 2022
An Act Declaring August 30 of Every Year as "National Press Freedom Day" and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 11698
April 15, 2022
An Act Regulating the Use and Other Activities Related to Vintage Automobiles and Other Historical, Classic, or Collector Motor Vehicles, and Providing for Their Exemption from the Standards and Restrictions Set by Laws, and Regulations Issued After the Date of Their Manufacture
Republic Act No. 11697
April 15, 2022
An Act Providing for the Development of the Electric Vehicle Industry
Republic Act No. 11696
April 13, 2022
An Act Providing Compensation for the Loss or Destruction of Properties and Loss of Lives as a Result of the 2017 Marawi Siege, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11695
April 11, 2022
An Act Strengthening the Tarlac State University, Providing for the Composition and Powers of Its Governing Board, Prescribing Its Curricular Offerings, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11694
April 11, 2022
An Act Declaring the Batangas State University as the National Engineering University and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11693
April 11, 2022
An Act Converting the Extension Office of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) in the Municipality of Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro into a District Office to Be Known as the LTO District Office - Pinamalayan and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11692
April 11, 2022
An Act Converting the LTO Extension Office in the Municipality of Polomolok, South Cotabato into a "Class B" District Office to Be Known as the LTO District Office of Polomolok, Appropriating Funds Therefor and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 11691
April 11, 2022
An Act Creating the Office of the Judiciary Marshals, Defining Its Powers and Functions, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11690
April 11, 2022
An Act Renaming Barangay San Isidro in the Municipality of Lupon, Province of Davao Oriental as Barangay Ernesto D. Violan
Republic Act No. 11689
April 11, 2022
An Act Revising the Charter of the City of Baguio
Republic Act No. 11688
April 8, 2022
An Act Declaring a Parcel of Land Located in the Municipality of Balbalan, in the Province of Kalinga, a Protected Area with the Category of Protected Landscape Under the National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS), to Be Referred to as the Banao Protected Landscape, Providing for Its Management, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11687
April 8, 2022
An Act Declaring a Parcel of Land Located in the Municipalities of Gregorio Del Pilar, Quirino, Sigay, Cervantes, and Suyo in the Province of Ilocos Sur, a Protected Area with the Category of Protected Landscape Under the National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS), to Be Referred to as the Tirad Pass Protected Landscape, Providing for Its Management, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11686
April 8, 2022
An Act Declaring a Parcel of Land Located in the Municipalities of Naga and Kabasalan in the Province of Zamboanga Sibugay, a Protected Area with the Category of Protected Landscape Under the National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS), to Be Referred to as the Naga-Kabasalan Protected Landscape, Providing for Its Management, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11685
April 8, 2022
An Act Declaring a Parcel of Land Located in the Municipalities of Kabayan, Bokod and Buguias in the Province of Benguet; in the Municipality of Tinoc in the Province of Ifugao; and in the Municipality of Kayapa in the Province of Nueva Vizcaya, a Protected Area, With the Category of Protected Landscape Under the National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS), to Be Referred to as the Mt. Pulag Protected Landscape, Providing for Its Management, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11684
April 8, 2022
An Act Declaring a Parcel of Land Located in the Province of Pampanga, a Protected Area with the Category of Protected Landscape Under the National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS), to Be Referred to as the Mt, Arayat Protected Landscape, Providing for Its Management, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11683
April 10, 2022
An Act Amending Section 450 of Republic Act No. 7160, Otherwise Known as the Local Government Code of 1991, as Amended by Republic Act No. 9009, By Providing for the Requisites for the Conversion of a Municipality into a Component City, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 11682
April 11, 2022
An Act Renewing for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years the Franchise Granted to Air Philippines Corporation, Doing Business Under Name and Style of Airphil Express, Pal Express, and Philippine Airlines, Under Republic Act No. 8339, as Amended by Republic Act No. 9215, Entitled "An Act Granting Air Philippines Corporation (Air Philippines) a Franchise to Establish, Operate and Maintain Domestic and International Air Transport Services"
Republic Act No. 11681
April 8, 2022
An Act Granting Capricom Broadcasting Network Corp. a Franchise to Construct, Install, Establish, Operate, and Maintain Radio and Television Broadcasting Stations in Tabaco City, Province of Albay, and Other Areas in the Philippines
Republic Act No. 11680
April 8, 2022
An Act Granting Southern Luzon State Install, Establish, Operate, and Maintain for Educational and Other Related Purposes Radio and Television Broadcasting Stations Within Its Campuses in the a Province of Quezon
Republic Act No. 11679
April 8, 2022
An Act Renewing for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years the Franchise Granted to Bicol Telephone and Telegraph, Inc. Under Republic Act No. 8342, Entitled "An Act Granting the Bicol Telephone and Telegraph, Inc., a Franchise to Construct, Establish, Install, Maintain and Operate Local Exchange Network in the Provinces of Albay and Sorsogon"
Republic Act No. 11678
April 8, 2022
An Act Renewing for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years the Franchise Granted to Meridian Telekoms, Inc., Presently Known as Smart Broadband, Inc., Under Republic Act No. 8337, Entitled "An Act Granting the Meridian Telekoms, Inc., a Franchise to Construct, Install, Establish, Maintain, Lease and Operate Wire And/Or Wireless Telecommunications Systems Throughout the Philippines"
Republic Act No. 11677
April 8, 2022
An Act Renewing for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years the Franchise Granted to Marbel Telephone System, Inc. (MTSI) Under Republic Act No. 8449, Entitled "An Act Granting the Marbel Telephone System, Inc., a Franchise to Construct, Establish, Install, Maintain and Operate Local Exchange Network in the Provinces of South-Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat, and * Sarangani"
Republic Act No. 11676
April 8, 2022
An Act Renewing for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years the Franchise Granted to R.C. Yulo Telephone System, Inc. Under Republic Act No, 8348, Entitled "An Act Granting the Rc Yulo Telephone System, Inc., a Franchise to Construct, Establish, Install, Maintain and Operate Local Exchange Network in the Municipalities of Binalbagan, Hinigaran Pontevedra, Murcia, Himamaylan, and Isabela, Province of -Negros Occidental"
Republic Act No. 11675
April 8, 2022
An Act Renewing for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years the Franchise Granted to Odiongan Telephone Corporation Under Republic Act No. 8956, Entitled "An Act Granting the Odiongan Telephone Corporation a Franchise to Construct, Install, Establish, Operate and Maintain Local Exchange Network in the Province of Romblon"
Republic Act No. 11674
April 8, 2022
An Act Renewing for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years the Franchise Granted to Mati Telephone Corporation Under Republic Act No.8675, Entitled "An Act Granting the Mati Telephone Corporation a Franchise to Construct, Establish, Install, Maintain and Operate Local Exchange Network in the Province of Davao Oriental"
Republic Act No. 11673
April 8, 2022
An Act Granting Sulu-Tawi-Tawi Broadcasting Foundation, Inc. a Franchise to Construct, Install, Operate, and Maintain Radio and Television Stations in the Provinces of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi
Republic Act No. 11672
April 6, 2022
An Act Granting Philippine Citizenship to Zibin Liang
Republic Act No. 11671
April 1, 2022
An Act Creating a Barangay to Be Known as Barangay La Medalla in the Municipality of Pioduran, Province of Albay
Republic Act No. 11670
March 29, 2022
An Act Granting a Franchise to the University of Southern Mindanao to Construct, Establish, Maintain, and Operate for Educational and Other Related Purposes Radio Broadcasting Stations in the Province of Cotabato
Republic Act No. 11669
March 29, 2022
An Act Renewing for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years the Franchise Granted to Enrique M. Orozco & Sons, Inc., Presently Known as Real Radio Network, Inc., Under Republic Act No. 8717, Entitled "An Act Granting the E.M. Orosco & Sons, Inc. a Franchise to Construct, Install, Establish, Operate and Maintain Radio and Television Broadcasting Stations in the Philippines"
Republic Act No. 11668
March 29, 2022
An Act Renewing for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years the Franchise Granted to GV Broadcasting System, Inc., Presently Known as Cignal TV, Inc., Under Republic Act No. 8169, as Amended by Republic Act No.8591, Entitled "An Act Amending Republic Act No. 8169, Entitled 'An Act Granting GV Broadcasting System, Inc. a Franchise to Construct, Install, Maintain and Operate for Commercial Purposes Radio Broadcasting Stations in the Island of Luzon and for Other Purposes'"
Republic Act No. 11667
March 29, 2022
An Act Renewing for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years the Franchise Granted to Nation Broadcasting Corporation of the Philippines Under Republic Act No. 8623, Entitled "An Act Granting the Nation Broadcasting Corporation a Franchise to Construct, Install, Establish, Operate and Maintain Radio and Television Broadcasting Stations in the Philippines"
Republic Act No. 11666
March 29, 2022
An Act Renewing for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years the Franchise Granted to Soundstream Broadcasting Corporation Under Republic Act No. 8209, Entitled "An Act Granting Soundstream Broadcasting Corporation, a Franchise to Construct, Install, Establish, Operate and Maintain Radio and Television Broadcasting Stations in the Province of Isabela, and in Other Places in the Philippines"
Republic Act No. 11665
March 29, 2022
An Act Renewing for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years the Franchise Granted to Iriga Telephone Company, Inc. Under Republic Act No. 8962, Entitled "An Act Granting the Iriga telephone Company, Inc. a Franchise to Construct, Install, Establish, Operate and Maintain Local Exchange Network in the Province of Camarines Sur and All the Cities Therein"
Republic Act No. 11664
March 29, 2022
An Act Renewing for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years the Franchise Granted to Franciscan Broadcasting Corporation Under Republic Act No. 8736, Entitled "An Act Granting the Franciscan Broadcasting Corporation a Franchise to Construct, Install, Establish, Operate and Maintain Radio Broadcasting Stations Anywhere in the Philippines Where Frequencies and/or Channels are still Available for Radio Broadcasting"
Republic Act No. 11663
March 24, 2022
An Act Converting the San Lorenzo Elementary School in Barangay Bibincahan, Sorsogon City, Province of Sorsogon into an Integrated School to Be Known as The San Lorenzo Integrated National School, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11662
March 24, 2022
An Act Separating the Arena Blanco National High School - Mampang Annex in Barangay Mampang, Zamboanga City from the Arena Blanco National High School, Converting It into an Independent National High School to Be Known as Mampang National High School, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11661
March 24, 2022
An Act Separating the Celestino G. Tabuena Memorial National High School - Mercedes B. Peralta Senior High School Extension in Barangay Guinlajon, West District, Sorsogon City, Province of Sorsogon from the Celestino G. Tabuena Memorial National High School, Converting It into an Independent Senior High School to Be Known as Mercedes B. Peralta Senior High School, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11660
March 29, 2022
An Act Granting Philipine Citizenship to Elizabeth Eder Zobel de Ayala
Republic Act No. 11659
March 21, 2022
An Act Amending Commonwealth Act No. 146, Otherwise Known as the Public Service Act, as Amended
Republic Act No. 11658
March 11, 2022
An Act Separating the Manalo High School - Pinamulaan Annex in Barangay Pinamulaan, Municipality of Banisilan, Province of Cotabato from the Malinao High School, Converting it into an Independent National High School to be Known as Pinamulaan National High School, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11657
March 11, 2022
An Act Separating the Libudon National High School - Shanghay, Mati City, Province of Davao Oriental from the Libudon National High School, Converting it into an Independent National High School to be Known as Shanghay National High School, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11656
March 11, 2022
An Act Separating the Manicahan National High School - Lamisahan Annex in Barangay Lamisahan, Zamboanga City from the Manicahan National High School, Converting it into an Independent National High School to be Known as Lamisahan National High School, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11655
March 11, 2022
An Act Separating the Arena Blanco National High School - Tigtabon Annex in Barangay Tigtabon, Zamboanga City From the Arena Blanco National High School, Converting it into an Independent National High School to be Known as Tigtabon National High School, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11654
March 11, 2022
An Act Separating the Arcelo Memorial National High School -Liloan National High School Annex in Barangay Poblacion, Municipality of Liloan, Province of Cebu from the Arcelo Memorial National High School, Converting it into an Independent National High School to be Known as Liloan National High School, and Appropriating Funds Therefore
Republic Act No. 11653
March 11, 2022
An Act Separating the Lydia D. Martinez Memorial High School - Sugod Senior High School Extension in Barangay Sugod, Bacon District, Sorsogon City Province of Sorsogon from the Lydia D. Martinez Memorial High School, Converting it into an INdependent Senior High School to be Known as Sugod Senior High School, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11652
March 11, 2022
An Act Separating Roberta de Jesus Elementary School - Disiplina Village Elementary School Extension in Disiplina Village, Barangay Bignay, Valenzuela City, Metro Manila from the Roberta de Jesus Elementary School, Converting it into an Independent Elementary School to be Known as Disiplina Village Elementary School, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11651
March 11, 2022
An Act Separating the Balbalan Agricultural and Industrial School - Balbalan Proper Extension in Barangay Balbalan Proper, Municipality of Balbalan Agricultural and Industrial School, Converting it into an Independent National High School to be Known as Eastern Balbalan National High School, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11650
March 11, 2022
An Act Instituting a Policy of Inclusion and Services for Learners with Disabilities in Support of Inclusive Learning Resource Centers of Learners with Disabilities in All Schools Districts, Municipalities and Cities, Providing for Standards, Appropriating Funds Therefor, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 11649
March 8, 2022
An Act Granting the Hapi Jockey Club, Inc. a Franchise to Construct, Operate, and Maintain Race Tracks for Horse Racing in the Provinces of Batangas, Laguna, and Cavite
Republic Act No. 11648
March 4, 2022
An Act Providing for Stronger Protection Against Rape and Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, Increasing the AGe for Determining the Commission of Statutory Rape Amending for the Purpose Act No. 3815, as Amended, Otherwise Known as "The Revised Penal Code," Republic Act 8353, Also Known as "The Anti-Rape Law of 1997," and Republic Act No. 7610, as Amended, Otherwise Known as the "Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act"
Republic Act No. 11647
March 2, 2022
An Act Promoting Foreign Investments, Amending Thereby Republic Act No. 7042, Otherwise Known as the "Foreign Investments Act of 1991," as Amended and for Other Purposes.
Republic Act No. 11646
January 21, 2022
An Act Promoting the Use of Microgrid Systems to Accelerate the Total Electrification of Unserved and Underserved Areas Nationwide
Republic Act No. 11645
January 14, 2022
An Act Establishing a Heritage Zone Within the Municipality of San Vicente, Province of Ilocus Sur
Republic Act No. 11644
January 14, 2022
An Act Declaring the City of Cargar in the Province of Cebu a Heritage Zone
Republic Act No. 11643
January 11, 2022
An Act Granting Survivorship Benefits to the Surviving Legitimate Spouse and Dependent Children of a Deceased Retired Member of the National Prosecution Service and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 11642
January 6, 2022
An Act Strengthening Alternative Child Care by Providing for an Administrative Process of Domestic Adoption, Reorganizing for the Purpose the Inter-Country Adoption Board (ICAB) into the National Authority for Child Care (NACC), Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 8043, Republic Act No. 11222, and Republic Act No. 10165, Repealing Republic Act No. 8552, and Republic Act No. 9523, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation, Inc.