Eighteenth Congress
Third Regular Session
Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-sixth day of July, two thousand twenty one.
[ REPUBLIC ACT NO. 11650, March 11, 2022 ]
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:
Section 1. Short Title. - This Act shall be known as the "Instituting a Policy of Inclusion and Services for Learners with Disabilities in Support of Inclusive Education Act".
Section 2. Declaration of Policy. - It is the policy of the State to protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all. It shall recognize , protect, and promote the rights of all learners with disabilities, including those belonging to ethnic, religious, or linguistic minorities or persons of indigenous origin, to education compulsory and accessible to them by ensuring that no learner with disability is deprived of the right of access to an inclusive, equitable, and quality education, and promote lifelong learning opportunities for them.
The whole-of-community approach shall be adopted for the inclusion of learners with disabilities in the general education system and the community to facilitate collaborative action in and by the school community, the academe, and other stakeholders; public or private, to foster the involvement and participation of every sector, especially the organizations of persons with disabilities, the learners with disabilities, and their parents, guardians, and other membes of their families.
Towards this end, the State shall encourage learning institutions, including higher learning institutions and technical and vocational institutions, to take into consideration the diverse needs of learners with disabilities with respect to the use of school facilities, class schedules and physical education requirements, and promote and support their provision of services that will facilitate the learning process of learners with disabilities. The State shall further recognize the right of learners with disabilities to the highest attainable standard of health and to facilities for the treatment of illness and rehabilitation of health, and ensure that no learner with disability is deprived of protection and the right of access to such health care and rehabilitation services.
The State likewise recognizes the vital role of learners with disabilities in society as an integral part of national development strategies. It shall accordingly guarantee their social protection, and facilitate their active participation and inclusion in public, civic, and State affairs.
Section 3. Objectives. - This Act shall pursue to the following objectives:
(a) To provide learners with disabilities free and appropriate public early and basic education and support and related services based on their needs, and in preparation for independent living and community life;
(b) To provide learners with disabilities access to the general education system through formal school systems, including the implementation of alternative delivery modes, in accordance with the "United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities", "UNESCO Convention Against Discrimination in Education", "The Incheon Strategy to Make the Rights Real for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific", Republic Act No. 11510 or the "Alternative Learning System Act", and other specific rights and benefits under existing laws;
(c) To establish and maintain Inclusive Learning Resource Centers of Learners with Disabilities in support of their inclusion in the general education system, particularly to the formal school system as provided in the Individualized Education Plan;
(d) To ensure that learners with disabilities develop their full potential toward self-sufficiency and become fully participative members of society;
(e) To create significant and positive changes in community orientation towards disability to ensure that learners with disabilities are understood, appreciated, and respected for their differences by the members of their communities and by society in general;
(f) To further develop a system for identification, referral, and intervention for learners with disabilities;
(g) To identify, through a Child Find System, learners with disabilities ages three (3) to twenty-four (24), and infants and toddlers under the age of three (3), in compliance with Republic Act No. 10410, otherwise known as the "Early Years Act (EYA) of 2013";
(h) To institutionalize the development, implementation, and review of the Individualized Education Plan for the quality education of learners with disabilities;
(i) To provide parents or guardians of learners with disabilities with information and opportunities to actively participate in the determination of educational placement options and programs to enable them to make informed choices and decisions;
(j) To enable and empower all teachers, including those with disabilities, parents, guardians, and family members by training and equipping them with capabilities for the detection, referral or introduction of interventions with regard to disorders, disabilities, and abilities of the learners;
(k) To train and equip all teachers, including child development teachers and workers, principals, administrators, non-teaching staff of the school, sign language interpreters, parents, guardians, and care providers as partners in the care, development, education, and advancement of learners with disabilities;
(l) To increase school retention and cohort survival of learners with disabilities; and
(m) To establish an effective consultative mechanism that will actively involve learners with disabilities, when appropriate, and their representative organizations in the implementation of this Act and in resolving issues relating to it.
Section 4. Definition of Terms. - As used in this Act, the following shall be defined as follows:
(a) Basic Education refers to a program of instruction intended to meet the basic learning needs which provide the foundation on which subsequent learning can be based. It encompasses kindergarten, elementary and secondary education of all learners, including those with disabilities, as well as Alternative Learning Systems (ALS) as provided in Republic Act No. 11510, ad Republic Act No. 10533, or the "Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013";
(b) Child Development Center (CDCs) are the day care centers established in every barangay under Republic Act No. 6972 or the "Barangay-Level Total Development and Protection of Children Act" and converted to CDCs under Republic Act No. 10410. CDCs are implementing health, nutrition, early education, and social services development programs that provide for the basic holistic needs of learners with disabilities below five (5) years old to promote their optimum growth and development, These also include national CDCs as provided in Republic Act No. 10410;
(c) Child Find System (CFS) refers to the system of identification, location, and evaluation of all learners with disabilities not more than twenty-four (24) years of age who are not receiving basic education services for purposes of facilitating their inclusion into the general basic education system. It likewise covers learners with disabilities below five (5) years old who are not receiving early education services and program under Republic Act No. 10410;
(d) Inclusive Education refers to the process of addressing and responding to the diversity of needs of all learners by moving towards the end-goal of full participation, presence and achievement in learning cultures and communities, which involves accommodation, modification, adaptation, and individualization in content, approaches, structures, and strategies. It involves equitable opportunities for learners with disabilities to receive educational services, and the needed support and related services with their age-appropriate peer groups and, as far as practicable, in such schools or ILRCs nearest their homes or residences, in order to prepare them to live as fully functional members of society;
(e) Inclusion refers to a process where all learners, regardless of their background and abilities, are given an equal chance to play, learn, and interact together in the same learning environment and the community. It is an approach where every learner is valued, supported, and given access to equal opportunities and learning experiences within an Inclusive Learning Resource Center, CDC or school setting, and the community;
(f) Inclusive Learning Resource Center of Learners with Disabilities (ILRC) refers to a physical or virtual center that provides support and related services to teaching and learning, using appropriate, accessible, disability, linguistically-culturally-, and gender-sensitive instructional learning materials, tools, devices, gadgets, and equipment to facilitate and enhance learning, and assessment tools and instruments, to evaluate developmental domains and specific areas of concern to determine appropriate services and placement decisions, with support and related services from medical, health, and allied professionals for care, rehabilitation, and development of learners with disabilities;
(g) ILRC Personnel refer to all personnel who are considered qualified by the Department of Education (DepEd) to administer special needs services as provided in this Act. These include, but not limited to, guidance counselors, all persons who are qualified to teach sign language or Braille, para-teachers, learning support aides, and other persons as may be qualified by the DepEd to teach learners with disabilities in he ILRC, CDC, a resource room, or inside or outside a classroom;
(h) Individualized Education Plan (IEP) refers to the systematic, purposive, and developmental educational programming of curricular and instructional priorities and contents designed to meet the educational requirements of a learner with disability and ensure mastery learning of skills and behaviors. It includes the services to be provided and the duration and frequency of such services, describes the learner's present level of performance, how the learner's disabilities affect academic performance, and specific accommodations and modifications. An IEP shall be designed to meet the unique educational needs of a learner with disability who shall receive appropriate services, have real opportunities for equality, and fully participate in the general education system and the community. It shall likewise aim at developing the learner's strengths and talents to achieve the greatest possible self-sufficiency and independent living;
(i) Instructional Materials for Learners with Disabilities refer to textbooks in Braille, large-type, audio, digital or Filipino sigh language (FSL) materials for deaf, augmentative and alternative instructional materials for learners with development disabilities, or any medium or apparatus that convey information to learners with disabilities or otherwise contributes to the learning process;
(j) Learners with Disabilities refers to learners in general early and basic education system who require additional support and related services and adoptive pedagogic method due to their long or short-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others to develop them to their maximum capability;
(k) Learning Support Aides refer to qualified persons who work together in collaboration with special needs education teachers and para-teachers as defined in this Act, and contribute to the provision of services that promote achievement and progression of learners with disabilities. They may include those persons with experience in caring for learners with disabilities, graduates of a caregiving course under the Technical Educational and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) or its accredited schools or training centers, and graduates of senior high school with caregiving as his or her specialized subject;
(l) Multidisciplinary Team refers to a group of health and allied health professionals who, through their specialized assessment, shall provide for the overall health and well-being of learners with disabilities;
(m) Multi-year Roadmap refers to a document that shall serve as a guide to government agencies and private stakeholders for the optimal realization of the objectives of this Act. It shall be part of and aligned with the basic education roadmap as formulated by the DepEd. It shall likewise contain the current policy, practices, gaps, and challenges affecting the early and basic education of learners with disabilities, set detailed targets and outcomes for a minimum period of five (5) years and provide the public and private stakeholders specific actions or interventions including implementation and monitoring strategies and annual budgetary requirements. It shall be subject to a periodic review and updating to determine its implementation status and ensure that the delivert of services envisioned in this Act is sustained;
(n) Para-teachers refer to those who have taken the licensure examination for teachers but were unable to qualify, and have been issued by the Board of Professional Teachers a special permit indicating their area of assignment and their completion of training programs on special needs education, or inclusive education to teach learners with disabilities in accordance with Republic Act No. 9293, otherwise known as "An Act Amending Certain Sections of Republic Act Numbered Seventy-Eight Hundred and Thirty Six (R.A. No. 7836), otherwise known as the "Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994";
(o) Private Sector Participation refers to all forms of indispensable, substantial and meaningful participation of private individuals, partnerships, groups or entities, organizations of persons with disabilities, community-based organizations or nongovernment organizations (NGOs), and business and industry groups in the delivery f educational and rehabilitative services for learners with disabilities;
(p) Related Services refer to provisions which include, but not limited to, linguistic solutions for deaf learners' concerns, speech-language pathology and audiology services, interpreting services, intervenor services, psychological services, physical and occupational therapy, recreation, social services, school health services, orientation and mobility services, medical services, and transportation services, as may be required to assist a learner with disability to fully enjoy the rights and benefits from education services;
(q) Reasonable Accommodation refers to the necessary and appropriate modification and adjustments not imposing a disproportionate or undue burden, where needed in a particular case, to ensure learners with disabilities the enjoyment or exercise on an equal basis with others of all human rights and fundamental freedoms including their right to quality education;
(r) Special Needs Educations refers to the customized instructional program or service designed to meet the diverse needs of an individual with disability, which may necessitate supplementary aids and services and teaching strategies in the classroom or non-academic settings. They include instructions on physical and vocational education, social skills development, and basic survival needs, and providing reasonable accommodations, modifications, adaptations, and individualization, as needed. It includes learners with disabilities in the general education system to enable them to realize their full potential and prepare them as independent functioning members of society. The term "Special Needs Education" shall replace the term "Special Education (SPED)";
(s) Special Needs education Teacher refers to an individual who teaches academic and life skills to basic education learners who have a range of disabilities and learning difficulties using various strategies targeting the learners' holistic development. A special needs education teacher works in partnership with a general education teacher in planning, teaching and providing support to learners with disabilities. He or she has a degree in any of the following: Bachelor of Special Needs Education, Bachelor of Elementary or Secondary Education with Specialization in Special Needs Education, or Allied Undergraduate and Graduate degrees with eighteen (18) units in Special Needs Education, and is qualified to teach Special Needs Education as provided in existing rules and regulation of the DepEd.
(t) Support Services refer to services provided to learners with disabilities by the ILRCs, schools, other facilities, group of medical and allied medical professionals or by the community in general that facilitate, aid, and support the early and basic education of learners with disabilities in the potential toward self-sufficiency and become fully participative members of society. These include related services as defined herein;
(u) Universal Design as defined in the "United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities", refers to to the design of product, environments, programs, and services to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design. "Universal design" shall not exclude assistive devices for particular groups of persons with disabilities where this is needed; and
(v) Universal Design for Learning (UDL) refers to a scientifically valid framework for guiding educational practice that:
(1) Provides flexibility in the way information is presented, students respond or demonstrate knowledge and skills, and their engagement; and
(2) Reduces barriers in instruction, provides appropriate accommodations, support mental and physical challenges, and maintain high achievement expectations for all students, including learners with disabilities.
It also refers to a set of principles that guides the design of inclusive classroom instruction and accessible course materials. The three (3) principles of UDL are:
(i) Recognition - refers to multiple methods of representation that give learners a variety of ways to acquire information and build knowledge;
(ii) Strategic Learning - refers to multiple means of student action and expression that provide learners, alternative modes for demonstration what they have learned; and
(iii) Affective Learning - refers to multiple modes of student engagement that tap into learners interests, challenge them appropriately, and motivate them to learn.
Section 5. Inclusion Policy for Learners with Disabilities in Public and Private Schools. - The policy of inclusion is hereby instituted in all early and basic education schools, both public and private. All schools, whether public or private, shall ensure equitable access to quality education to every learner with disability, such that no learner shall be denied admission on the basis of disability.
For this purpose, the implementing rules and regulations shall provide the minimum services and conditions that must be included in the admissions systems and policies of all school, including, but not limited to, the provision of assistive devices, facilities and infrastructure in the admission process, and other forms of reasonable accommodation.
All learners with disabilities, whether enrolled in public or private schools, shall be accorded services and reasonable accommodation based on the IEP and shall have the right to avail of the appropriate support and related services under Section 7 of this Act.
Section 6. Establishment of ILRCs. - The DepEd, in collaboration with local government units (LGUs), shall initially establish and maintain at least one (1) ILRC in all cities and municipalities: Provided, That in cities and municipalities requiring the establishment of such ILRCs shall be established based on the multi-year roadmap, or as resources may allow. All existing SPEC Centers shall be converted to and renamed as "Inclusive Learning Resource Center".
The LGUs may establish satellite ILRCs in schools, the operations and maintenance of which shall be included in the School Improvement Plan (SIP). The SIP refers to a roadmap that lay down the school's specific interventions and solutions to corresponding identified priority improvement areas and aims to improve the three (3) key result areas in basic education: access, quality, and governance.
Private early or basic education schools may likewise establish additional facilities needed for the education of learners with disabilities in coordination with ILRCs within their cities or municipalities: Provided, That the DepEd shall provide the minimum standards for compliance to be considered an ILRC: Provided, further, That the DepEd shall provide non-monetary incentives, such as seal of excellence awards scheme to LGUs and schools to encourage the establishment and maintenance of better ILRC services and facilities.
All ILRCs and the additional facilities established pursuant to this Act shall comply with the requirements of Batas Pambansa Blg. 344, otherwise known as the "Accessibility Law" and adopt the universal design and UDL concepts as defined as Section 4(u) and (v) hereof.
Section 7. Functions of the ILRC. - The ILRC shall deliver free support and related services towards the fulfillment of the goals of inclusive education. It shall:
(a) implement the CFS to ensure that all learners with disabilities who are not receiving early and basic education services are identified, located, and evaluated, and facilitate their inclusion into the general education system;
(b) utilize the expertise of a multi-disciplinary team to conduct educational assessments and diagnoses of learners with disabilities, to identify specific developmental areas of concern and determine appropriate services and placement options for the preparation of their IEPs;
(c) spearhead the preparation, implementation, and review of the IEP;
(d) provide appropriate support and related services, including school-based trainings to learners with disabilities and their diverse needs for their inclusion in the general education system;
(e) produce and ensure the availability of appropriate teaching and instructional materials for learners with disabilities;
(f) provide and facilitate consultative mechanism, counseling, technical assistance, and training to general basic education teachers, administrators, CDC child development workers and teachers, non-teaching personnel, parents, care providers, guardians, or other family members on the the education of learners with disabilities;
(g) establish a referral system that shall provide and organize multidisciplinary services needed by learners with disabilities and their families to mobilize community resources;
(h) monitor and ensure that learners with disabilities within the city or municipality or school district receive the appropriate services needed, including, but not limited to, FSL interpreting;
(i) deliver such services under the ILRC's alternative educational programs, early intervention program, and transition program among others;
Alternative Educational Programs refer to the programs provided to learners with disabilities who are not able to attend school due to the severity of their disabilities or other circumstances, or both. The range of alternative educational programs or placements may include, but not limited to, home-based, hospital-based or community-based instruction.
Early Intervention Program refers to any form of educational program, therapy, treatment, nutritional intervention or family support designed to reduce the effects of disabilities or prevent the occurrence of learning and development problems, or both, later in the life of the children from birth to five (5) years presumed to be at risk for such problems.
Transition Program refers to a coordinated set of courses and activities for learners with disabilities that is:
(1) designated within an outcome-oriented process, which promotes movement from school to post-school activities that include post-secondary education, vocational training, integrated employment, supported employment, continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living, or community participation; and
(2) based upon the individual learner's needs, taking into account the learner's preferences and interests; and includes instruction, related services, and community experiences.
(j) initiate the implementation of research-based innovative approaches, and adopt or replicate best practices in providing educational or support and related services to learners with disabilities;
(k) orient the LGUs served by the ILRCs on the diverse needs and potentials of learners with disabilities;
(l) familiarize the ILRC and its personnel with the city or municipality they serve, and the diverse needs and potentials of learners with disabilities;
(m) provide access to auxiliary aids and services that are non-educational, but which enhance the education process for the learners with disabilities. These shall include, but not limited to:
(1) Language and speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical and physiotherapy, among other modes of treatment, through a multidisciplinary team;
(2) Quality reading and writing materials, especially Braille materials for learners with visual impairments, or other effective methods of delivering communication materials;
(3) Acquisition and adaptation of equipment or devices;
(4) Provision of consultation for creating appropriate and reasonable accommodation in the classroom, among others;
(5) Provision of qualified sign language interpreters for deaf learners;
(6) Assistance and monitoring in the transfer, or admission of eligible learners with disabilities to post-secondary or tertiary educational institutions; and
(7) Other similar services and actions or all types of aids and services that facilitate the learning process of learners with disabilities; and
(n) perform other functions as may be necessary in providing and facilitating the provision of support and related services to learners with disabilities.
The ILRC may also provide the same services to all other learners, including learnerd with disabilities under the ALS Program, as identified by school officials and teachers, parents, guardians, or the learners themselves.
Section 8. Hiring of ILRC Personnel; Functions. - In addition to teachers with special training, special needs education teachers, para-teachers, learning support aides, licensed social worker, and other allied professionals with the knowledge, skills, and special training in interacting and dealing with learners with disabilities, the DepEd shall hire the necessary personnel and support staff, including qualified persons with disabilities, to operate, administer, and oversee the ILRC.
Each ILRC shall have an ILRC Supervisor and a multidisciplinary team, and supported by mobile teachers, a mobile multidisciplinary team, and supported by mobile teachers, a mobile multidisciplinary team, and para-teachers wherever necessary. They shall have the following functions:
(a) Supervisor.- The Supervisor shall:
(1) administer and supervise the ILRC Programs and oversee its other components;
(2) monitor and supervise the provision of technical assistance, training, and enhancement programs of the ILRC personnel;
(3) prepare reports regularly on the operations of the ILRC to include the progress of learners with disabilities, and submit the same to the Secretary of the Department of Education (Secretary) through the Schools Division Office.
(4) ensure the performance of the functions of the ILRC and the implementation of the objectives of this Act; and
(5) perform such other related functions as may be provided in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR).
(b) Multidisciplinary Team.- The multidisciplinary team shall prepare, the IEPs of all learners with disabilities based on the tram's assessments and diagnoses, monitor, and evaluate the implementation of the IEP, and ensure that learners with disabilities are included within the general education system by appropriate and qualified personnel as close as possible to their homes and and alongside their age-appropriate peer groups with or without disabilities.
The multidisciplinary team shall be composed of any or all of the following professionals and specialists, as may be necessary:
(1) Educational Psychologist;
(2) Guidance Counselor;
(3) Psychometrician;
(4) Developmental Pediatrician;
(5) Neurological Psychiatrist;
(6) Physical Therapist;
(7) Occupational Therapist;
(8) Speech and Language Therapist or Speech Correction Teacher;
(9) Speech Language Pathologist;
(10) Reading Specialist;
(11) Specialist for Braille and other augmentative and alternative modes of communication;
(12) FSL Specialist;
(13) FSL Interpreter;
(14) Sign Communication or Visual Specialist;
(15) Special needs teacher, who shall be the lead interventionist and implementor of the IEP; and
(16) ILRC Supervisor.
The school head for school-based ILRC and the general educational teachers are likewise members of the multidisciplinary team.
(c) Mobile Teachers. - Mobile teachers shall be hired, unless the ILRC Supervisor deems otherwise. Their principal task is to assist in the CFS and determine appropriate learning modalities using the services of the ILRC. They shall likewise share responsibility with the multidisciplinary team for planning and scheduling, assist isolated or remote schools with specialized equipment, individuals programs, curriculum adjustment, and teaching aids, and perform other related functions. Mobile teachers shall either be special needs teachers or teachers who have finished the necessary training programs on special needs education to be provided by the DepEd.
(d) Mobile Multidisciplinary Team. - At least one (1) mobile multidisciplinary team in every municipality and city, or schools district with an existing ILRC, shall be organized as determined by the ILRC Supervisor. The team members shall serve as mobile consultants of the schools, the ILRCs and the LGUs. They may be drawn from professional organizations based in the region or nearby regions where the division is based. It shall be composed of necessary professionals and specialists in the multidisciplinary team as stated in paragraph (b) of this section. The mobile multidisciplinary team shall be prioritized for deployment to efficiently reach as many LGUs as possible. Pursuant to this, the DepEd, in consultation with the Advisory Committee for the Education of Learners with Disabilities under Section 15 hereof, and appropriate professional organizations, shall consider various programs to allow allied medical professionals in relevant field to join the mobile multidisciplinary teams.
(e) Para-teachers. - Para-teachers. - Para-teachers shall be hired and assigned to areas where there is a shortage or absence of a special needs teacher, as identified and provided by the DepEd. They shall perform the same tasks as special needs teachers within their areas of assignment: Provided, That they shall have completed the necessary training programs on inclusive education to teach learners with disabilities prior to the performance of their tasks: Provided, further, That the completion of such training programs shall be indicated in the special permit.
After the expiration of their special permits, para-teachers shall be prioritized for employment as learning support aides, or for other plantilla positions suitable to their qualifications within the ILRC in order to utilize their experience. The DepEd shall provide opportunities for para-teachers to further develop their skills in special needs education.
To ensure the effective implementation of this Act, the DepEd, Department of Health (DOH), and Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) may hire other necessary personnel and support staff for the ILRC such as learning support aides.
Section 9. Remuneration, Benefits, and Incentives for ILRC Personnel and Staff. - The salary grades, remuneration, benefits and incentives of the ILRC Supervisors, teachers, and other personnel shall be in accordance with the Revised Compensation and Position Classification System and other civil service rules and regulations.
The DepEd shall endeavor to attract the best available and qualified teaching staff and talents through adequate remuneration, benefits, scholarship and training grants, teacher exchange programs, incentives and allowances, and other means of securing their job satisfaction and tenure in their respective posts. A similar program shall be designed for workers and health service professionals or workers involved in the educations, health and rehabilitation of learners with disabilities.
Section 10. Scholarship Program and Service Obligation. - The DepEd in collaboration with the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), shall develop a scholarship program for in-service teachers who shall take courses or the required master's degree units on special needs education, inclusive education, or other related courses to equip them with knowledge on policies, principles, and pedagogies on inclusive education. The grantees shall be required to fulfill an obligation to return service in the DepEd.
The DepEd shall take into consideration the personnel requirement for the incentive education of learners with disabilities at the regional level as indicated in the multi-year roadmap.
Section 11. Pre-Service Education and In-Service Training. - The DepEd shall collaborative with the CHED to ensure that teacher educations institutions offering bachelor of elementary or secondary education degrees include in the curriculum courses on inclusive education which are updated and responsive to the diverse needs of learners with disabilities.
In order to adequately provide the needed personnel for the implementation of this Act, the CHED, TESDA, and DepEd shall closely coordinate and effectively implement programs necessary to support the continuing education of DepEd personnel including a unified system for ladderized education, which shall have a mechanism for conversion of career experience into education degree credits. This shall include programs for transitions and progressions for teaching and non-teaching personnel, such as, but not limited to, programs for an educations degree graduate to become a special needs education teacher, and a psychology degree graduate to become a guidance counselor: Provided, That they shall pass the required licensure examinations or were issued the required certifications.
The DepEd shall also collaborate with relevant partners in the government, the academe, and the private sector to develop and conduct appropriate training programs, advanced seminars, and workshops on disability for all in-service teachers, which may include those in private schools, to upgrade their skills and develop new professional competencies and enhance the services for learners with disabilities.
The Professional Regulation Commission shall ensure that a separate field of specialization on special needs education and inclusive education shall be incorporated in the licensure examination for teachers.
At least one (1) teacher education institution from Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao, and in Metro Manila, Metro Cebu and Metro Davao shall be established as a Center of Excellence in special needs education.
Section 12. IEP Preparation and Review. - With the active participation of the special needs teachers, in collaboration with the multidisciplinary team and with the consent of the parents or guardian of the learners with disabilities and the learners with disabilities themselves, when appropriate, IEPs for all learners with disabilities who require specially designed instruction and educational support services and programs shall be prepared by the schools, the CDCs, and the ILRCs.
The IEPs shall be based on the educational assessment and diagnosis of the learners with disabilities by the multidisciplinary team and other relevant specialists. The parents or guardians of the learners with disabilities shall be given a copy of the IEP.
The IEP shall likewise be subject to an annual review or at such other period as may be determined by the multidisciplinary team, which shall not be later than one (1) year from its implementation to assess the progress of learners with disabilities, and revise the plan when necessary.
An IEP review shall likewise be conducted upon the request of the parents or the school for its early review if there is a determination that such review is necessary. The result of the IEP review or the necessary of revising the same shall be communicated with the parents or guardian of the learners with disabilities and the learners with disabilities themselves, when appropriate.
Section 13. Inter-Agency Coordinating Council for Learners with Disabilities. - For purposes of policy integration, harmonization, and coordination of functions, there is hereby created an Inter-Agency Coordinating Council for Learners with Disabilities (IACC).
The IACC shall be composed of the following officials or their duly authorized representatives, up to the level of Assistant Secretary or its equivalent:
(a) DepEd Secretary, as Chairperson;
(b) DOH Secretary, as Co-Chairperson;
(c) DSWD Secretary, as Co-Chairperson;
(d) Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Secretary;
(e) Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary;
(f) Department of Finance (DOF) Secretary; and
(g) National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA) Executive Director.
The IACC may call upon other implementing national government agencies as may be necessary.
The IACC shall perform the following functions:
(a) Ensure that all government and private organizations involved are effectively implementing the provisions of this Act by conducting a quarterly on the performance of their respective roles and responsibilities;
(b) Ensure the formulation of a national policy on inclusive education;
(c) Ensure the preparation and regularly review a multi-year roadmap, supported by annual work and financial plans, for the effective implementation of this Act;
(d) Develop policy guidelines and effective mechanism to ensure the implementation and enforcement of existing laws for learners with disabilities that contribute to their educational, physical, and psychosocial well-being;
(e) Create appropriate and coordinated programs in health and related physiological health services, multidisciplinary domains, transportation and access for learners with disabilities;
(f) Act as catalyst of change and source of information for the benefit of all learners;
(g) Constitute and authorize groups of experts on the education of learners with disabilities to conduct an annual audit to determine the compliance of the ILRCs on their operations; and
(h) Coordinate with the Bureau of Learning Delivery (BLD) and the LGUs to ensure the establishment of ILRCs.
The Council shall regularly convene at least once every quarter. The Council Chairperson may call a special meeting whenever necessary: Provided, That members are notified in writing at least three (3) days prior to the said meeting.
Section 14. The Bureau of Learning Delivery. - The Bureau of Learning Delivery of the DepEd shall implement the provisions of this Act. It shall:
(a) Serve as the Secretariat of the IACC for purpose of coordinating the functions and meetings of the IACC;
(b) Coordinate with other national government agencies and offices as implementing partner agencies through an effective mechanism for the proper implementation and enforcement of this Act and other existing laws for learners with disabilities;
(c) In consultation with Advisory Committee for Education of Learners with Disabilities created pursuant to this Act, other implementing partner agencies and stakeholders, formulate and adopt a national policy on inclusive education and prepare and regularly update a multi-year roadmap, supported by annual work and financial plans, for the effective implementation of this Act;
(d) Participate in the development and implementation of an efficient and effective CFS in collaboration with the LGUs, the ILRCs, the Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) Council, and organizations of persons with disabilities;
(e) Formulate and implement policies and standards for the use of learning delivery modalities for learners with disabilities, including the training on distance education of their general education teachers, special needs teachers, para-teachers, and other persons as may be qualified by the DepEd to teach learners with disabilities;
(f) Supervise, monitor, evaluate, and assess the compliance, operations and performance of the schools and the ILRCs and their personnel pursuant to this Act, including the assessment for the need of additional ILRCs in schools districts and regularly submit reports thereon to the IACC;
(g) Maintain a system for identification, referral, and intervention for learners with disabilities initiated by the DepEd in coordination with the ECCD Council and other relevant stakeholders;
(h) In coordination with a multi-disciplinary team and the Advisory Committee for Education of Learners with Disabilities, develop the IEP framework and the guidelines for its preparation, and evaluate fundamental changes both in educational practice and the design of educational services for inclusion of learners with disabilities in the general education system; and
(i) Perform such other necessary functions that the Secretary and the IACC may assign for the effective and efficient implementation of this Act.
Section 15. Progressive Realization of Inclusive Education. - The multi-year roadmap as provided in Section 14(c) of this Act shall be crafted to ensure the timely compliance of the implementation of this Act, and the progressive realization of inclusive education.
Towards this end, the multi-year roadmap shall provide targets for the following, such as, but not limited to the:
(a) Conversion of existing SPEC Centers to ILRCs, giving priority to those handling the most number of learners with disabilities;
(b) Creation of ILRCs in cities and municipalities without existing SPED Centers, giving priority to those cities and municipalities with the most number of learners with disabilities: Provided, That in cities and municipalities requiring the establishment of such ILRCs in every schools district, such ILRCs shall be established based on the multi-year roadmap, or as resources may alow;
(c) Creation of plantilla positions for ILRC personnel and staff, with consideration for career progression, in accordance with Section 8 of this Act; and
(d) Creation of plantilla positions for teaching and non-teaching personnel needed for the implementation of this Act.
The DepEd shall submit the funding requirements, with its corresponding annual targets for the implementation of the roadmap to the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) and other concerned agencies for the determination of appropriate budgetary allocation and inclusion under the yearly national expenditure program of the government.
Section 16. Advisory Committee for Education of Learners with Disabilities. - An Advisory Committee for Education of Learners with Disabilities (Committee), which shall be composed of representatives from various disability sectors and a representative from the academe, is hereby created.
The Committee, which shall directly coordinate and collaborate with the Secretary, shall have the following powers and functions:
(a) Represent learners with disabilities and their respective organizations, and participate in consultative meetings of the DepEd and other organizations of persons with disabilities in the formulation of policies, plans, and strategies, educational programs, rules and regulations, guidelines, or regulatory changes on the education of learners with disabilities;
(b) Conduct research and policy studies on inclusive education and other matters related to the education of learners with disabilities;
(c) Participate in crafting, amending evaluating, or updating the roadmap referred to in Section 14 of this Act;
(d) Subject to compliance with the provisions of Republic Act No. 10173 or the "Data Privacy Act of 2012", gather, consolidate, or interpret relevant data on the education of learners with disabilities, and prepare the necessary report for the Secretary;
(e) For purposes of assessment, monitor the delivery of services for learners with disabilities as provided in this Act;
(f) Review existing and recommend new legislation to promote the educational welfare, and physical and psychosocial well-being of learners with disabilities; and
(g) Perform other similar functions as may be necessary.
Subject to prior consultation with organizations of persons with disabilities, other NGOs and relevant stakeholders regarding the composition of the Committee and the qualification and terms of office of the members, the DepEd, within sixty (60) days from the effectivity of this Act, shall issue the necessary orders on the creation and composition of the Committee, and direct the Department, bureaus, ans its attached agencies to extend the necessary assistance and cooperation to the Committee in the performance of its functions. The composition of the Committee and the qualifications and terms of office of its members shall be stated in the IRR of this Act.
The Committee is independent from the DepEd and its members shall not be entitled to any compensation in the performance of their functions.
Section 17. Learner Information System. - The DepEd, through its Information and Communications Technology Service, shall maintain and regularly update a secure Learner Information System (LIS). It shall contain and store relevant disaggregated data of learners with disabilities such as, but not limited to, their personal information, socio-economic profiles, IEP, performance, educational progress, and relevant medical records. The LIS shall likewise include information on existing ILRCs, status of delivery of services, list of public and private partners, and other relevant information that may be identified by the DepEd.
Subject to the accessibility and security guidelines to be included in the IRR of this Act, the LIS shall be linked to the CFS of the LGUs, the ECCD Council, and to the information systems of other implementing partner agencies. Access to data by said agencies shall be limited to such data that are relevant to their roles and functions.
All implementing partners, public and private, and their personnel, teachers, and third party service providers shall ensure compliance with the provisions of Republic Act No. 10173.
Section 18. Continuing Research to Identify the Needs of Learners with Disabilities. - The DepEd, through the Advisory Committee, by itself or in collaboration with relevant national government agencies and the private sector, shall undertake continuing research to identify and design strategies and programs that shall meet the diverse needs of learners with disabilities. Such continuing research shall also be used to develop instructional techniques and materials for use by the ILRCs towards improving the acquisition of skills by learners with disabilities for their transition to independent living, technical vocational training or competitive skills development, and to design holistic programs for all schools and ILRCs to enhance the potential of the learners with disabilities to participate and be integrated into community life.
Section 19. Learner Assistance. - The DepEd, DSWD, Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), NCDA, and the LGUs shall develop programs to support the financial, educational and accessibility needs of all learners with disabilities, particularly the economically disadvantaged learners with disabilities, as envisioned in Republic Act No. 8425, otherwise known as the "Social Reform and Poverty Alleviation Act".
The benefits accorded by Republic Act No. 6728, otherwise known as the "Government Assistance to Students and Teachers in Private Education Act", as amended, shall likewise be extended to eligible learners with disabilities based on the criteria under the said law on academic qualifications and financial needs, among others.
Section 20. Sports, Recreation and Artistic Opportunities. - The DepEd shall establish opportunities for the safe, wholesome, interactive individual as well as group sports, recreation, artistic, and social activities of learners with disabilities, optimal use of leisure hours and advancement of physical, mental, social and cultural development.
Section 21. Instructional Materials for Learners with Disabilities. - Publishers shall grant the DepEd the authority to transcribe adopted instructional materials into accessible format which include, but not limited to, Braille, large-print format, electronic, non-print, or multimedia format for learners who are blind, visually impaired or otherwise print disabled, without penalty or payment of royalty as provided in Republic Act No. 8293, otherwise known as the "Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines", as amended. The publishers of a newly adopted instructional material shall provide, not later than the second working day after the adoption of a textbook title by the DepEd, the digital copy in accessible format of such materials for the purpose of producing their accessible versions for learners with disabilities.
The accessible versions shall be produced by the DepEd or by non-profit accessible book producers which shall indicate the copyright owner and the date of the original publication, and shall be copied and distributed without cost to either the learners with disabilities or their teachers-in-charge for instructional purposes. Production of instructional materials for learners with disabilities shall be in compliance with the "Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired, or Otherwise Print Disabled", international and local laws, as well as rules and regulations issued by the appropriate government agencies.
Section 22. Family Members, Guardians, and Care Providers' Education and Roles. - Formal trainings, orientations, and counseling programs for parents, other family members, guardians, and care providers of learners with disabilities shall be developed and initiated by the DepEd, and implemented in coordinated with the LGUs, DSWD, ECCD Council, and the private sector. These programs shall equip and provide them with awareness and understanding of inclusive education such as the rights, privileges, benefits, and diverse needs of learners with disabilities. These shall likewise set their essential roles as partners in educating learners with disabilities, so as to maximize their knowledge and skills to fully participate in developing the potentials of learners with disabilities.
For this purpose, parents, guardians, or other family members should also be apprised of procedural safeguards and processes to resolve disputes and complaints to protect the educational rights of learners with disabilities, as well as of their rights to actively participate and be involved in all aspects and stages of the latter's education as provided in this Act.
Section 23. Incentives for Private Sector Participation. - Partnership between government and the private sector catering to the diverse needs of learners with disabilities shall be encouraged. Any donation from the private sector in favor of the DepEd for the provision of the necessary educational assistance, facilities, materials, and other appropriate support and related services for learners with disabilities shall be entitled to the benefits and incentives provided under Section 5 of Republic Act No. 8525, otherwise known as the "Adopt-A-School Act of 1998", allowing for additional deduction from the gross income equivalent to fifty percent (50% of such expenses notwithstanding the provisions of existing laws to the contrary. Valuation of assistance other than money shall be based on the acquisition cost of the property taking into consideration the depreciated value of the property in case said property has already been used. They may also be entitled to the benefits of the first paragraph of Section 6 of the said law.
The entitlement to such incentives shall be subject to the guidelines and minimum standards to be formulated by the DepEd.
Section 24. Responsibility of Government Agencies. - For purposes of this Act, the different agencies shall have the following roles:
(a) DepEd - The DepEd shall be the lead agency in the implementation of this Act and shall ensure that learners with disabilities are guaranteed their right of access to free public early and basic education services.ℒαwρhi৷
(b) DOH - The DOH shall provide learners with disabilities with healthcare needs services such as child mental health service, health plans, oral health care, and family-to-family health information and education, advocacy organizations and other community organizations serving learners with disabilities and their families. It shall likewise coordinate with the ILRC for the services of Barangay Health Workers.
Due to the importance of integrating primacy care with mental health services, the DOH shall collaborate with the National Nutrition Council and the ECCD in the provision of inclusive health and nutrition services for the implementation of this Act.
(c) DSWD - The DSWD shall be responsible for the effective management and provision of social and welfare services, including auxiliary social services, for learners with disabilities based on their assessed needs, subject to its prescribed guidelines. It shall likewise coordinate with the DepEd and the DOH for the detail of necessary DSWD personnel to the ILRC.
(d) DPWH - The DPWH shall prescribe the proper physical indoor and outdoor set-up of the ILRC and ensure that the ILRC, roads, sidewalks, ramps, railings, and the like shall be constructed, built, and maintained in accordance with Batas Pambansa Blg. 344, otherwise known as the "Accessibility Law", and universal design concepts to ensure their accessibility and the mobility of learners with disabilities.
(e) DOLE, TESDA, and Public Employment Service Office (PESO) - The DOLE shall coordinate with the DepEd in developing a training program for the learners with disabilities' transition from school to work and provide to the ILRC current market analysis and job coaching sessions before and during their employment. The DOLE, TESDA and PESO shall facilitate job placements. The TESDA shall provide technical and vocational training when necessary. The PESO, on the other hand, shall conduct employability enhancement seminars, provide pre-employment counseling and orientation, and offer programs and activities on employment assistance pursuant to Republic Act No. 8759, otherwise known as the "Public Employment Service Office Act of 1999", as amended.
The DOLE, TESDA, and PESO shall lead the promotion of inclusion of learners with disabilities among public and private institutions and comply with the requirements set forth under Republic Act No. 7277, otherwise known as the "Magna Carta for Disabled Persons", as amended by Republic Act No. 10524. They shall likewise disseminate materials and conduct orientation and information campaign concerning effective practices in working with and training learners with disabilities.
(f) DILG - The DILG, in consultation with the DepEd, LGUs and other relevant agencies and stakeholders, shall promulgate the policies and guidelines relevant to the implementation of this Act by the LGUs.
(g) LGUs - The LGUs shall also perform the following functions and responsibilities:
(1) Partner with public or private volunteers and local or international private organizations, duly recognized and accredited by appropriate government office, for technical guidance and information dissemination campaigns and funding support to augment the funding for the services pertaining to this Act;
(2) Participate in all efforts concerning inclusion of learners with disabilities in the general education system, health services, transport services, and other social and welfare services;
(3) Adopt measures to raise awareness in the community to respond to the needs of learners with disabilities;
(4) Enact appropriate ordinances to implement the LGU's role in this Act; and
(5) Coordinate and share the responsibility with national government agencies and other stakeholders for the implementation, regulation, enforcement and monitoring of the provisions of this Act within their territorial jurisdiction, including CFS.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 235 and 272 of Republic Act No. 7160, otherwise known as the "Local Government Code of 1991", the Local School Boards shall be authorized to set aside a portion of the proceeds of the Special Education Fund to supplement the funds of the DepEd and other implementing partner agencies for the delivery of support and related services for learners with disabilities to include, but not limited to, any of the following:
(i) Provision of sites, buildings or centers where there are no existing school facilities that may be used for purposes of this Act;
(ii) Provision of assistive devices, instructional materials and teacher's training;
(iii) Delivery of health and nutrition services and interventions and educational assessment programs for learners with disabilities in their respective localities that shall be initiated by the DOH and DepEd, respectively; and
(iv) Provision of trainings on livelihood and entrepreneurial skills, in coordination with DOLE and TESDA.
(h) Barangays - The barangays shall coordinate with the Persons with Disability Affairs Office (PDAO) established under Republic Act No. 7277, as amended by Republic Act No. 10070, in their respective cities and municipalities for the assistance that they may provide for learners with disabilities, their parents or guardians, care providers, and other family members on matters affecting the education and provision of services to learners with disabilities as provided in this Act.
A barangay may seek assistance from the ILRC in its area to facilitate the proper training of barangay help desk personnel to perfrom their functions under this section. The ILRC shall likewise ensure that necessary information and materials on the rights of learners with disabilities under this Act and other existing laws are provided to the barangays.
Section 25. Protection of Learners with Disabilities. - The Secretary shall issue policies and guidelines for implementation at all governance levels of DepEd to protect the learners with disabilities within the ILRC and school premises against neglect, abuse, cruelty or exploitation, bullying,discrimination, and other acts or conditions prejudicial to their physical and psychosocial well-being and development as provided in this Act, Republic Act No. 7277, as amended, Republic Act No. 10627 or the "Anti-Bullying Act of 2013", Republic Act No. 7610 or the "Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act", and other existing laws.
Section 26. Procedural Safeguards. - The DepEd shall establish and maintain procedures to ensure that learners with disabilities and their parents or guardians are guaranteed procedural safeguards for the enforcement and protection of their rights under this Act, including the provision of free and appropriate public education. Procedural safeguards shall include the creation of policies, procedures, and other administrative approaches which include, but not limited to, the rights of the learners with disabilities or their parents or guardians to be informed in their mother tongue, and be served written notice on matters affecting the education of the learners with disabilities; the right to confidentiality of personal identifiable information including the right of parents to written notice and written consent to the exchange of such information among agencies. This shall also include the opportunity for the learners with disabilities themselves, their parents or guardians to examine all related records and to participate in meetings with respect to the identification, evaluation , educational placement, and provision of education programs to learners with disabilities.
The DepEd shall likewise ensure the speedy and timely administrative resolution of complaints filed by learners with disabilities, their parents, guardians, care providers, or other immediate family members, which shall be promptly acted upon and resolved not later than thirty (30) calendar days from receipt of the complaint. Any private school, government official, and employee, and CDC or ILRC personnel who shall cause any undue delay and fail to comply with the said prescribed period shall be held administratively liable.
Section 27. Public Information, Education and Communication. - A nationwide information dissemination campaign on the rights of learners with disabilities under this Act and other existing laws, prevention, early identification, assessment of a disabling condition and strategy intervention programs for learners with disabilities shall be intensified and jointly conducted by the DepEd and the Philippine Information Agency.ℒαwρhi৷
All information dissemination campaign materials shall be in accessible formats which include, but not limited to, Braille, large-print format, electronic, non-print, or multimedia format.
Section 28. Administrative Sanctions. - The DepEd and other implementing agencies shall ensure compliance with the provisions of this Act. Any private school, government official, and employee, and CDC or ILRC personnel who shall violate or fail to comply with any provision of this Act shall be dealt with administratively.
Section 29. Transitory Provision. - All public and private basic educational institutions and the ILRCs shall be given a period of not more than five (5) years from the effectivity of this Act to comply with its provisions and requirements.
Pending the establishment of the ILRCs and the full implementation of the multi-year roadmap as provided in this Act, cities and municipalities may share one (1) ILRC, as may be necessary.
Upon the effectivity of this Act, the DepEd shall conduct an evaluation of all schools to determine their readiness in delivering services for learners with disabilities, including a general assessment on the number and condition of every learner with disability, as well a s the resources and personnel they need within the five (5)-year period: Provided, That the DepEd shall coordinate with CHED to ensure the supply of qualified professionals through recruitment of student sin the appropriate courses and ensure their seamless progression from higher education to employment, taking into consideration the demand for such personnel in the multi-year roadmap as provided in this Act.
The DepEd and the CHED, in coordination with the DBM and the Civil Service Commission, shall likewise ensure that the necessary changes or adjustments in the plantilla items are reflected in the Revised Compensation and Position Classification System and other relevant existing rules and regulations.
Section 30. Program Support Budget (PSB). - To ensure the institutionalization of services for learners with disabilities, a PSB for learners with disabilities shall be included as a line item in the General Appropriations of the DepEd to guarantee the implementation of the provisions of this Act, including the following:
(a) Implementation of the Child Find System;
(b) Hiring of specialists for the diagnosis and assessment of learners with disabilities and the prescription of appropriate intervention;
(c) To defray expenses in the delivery of related services as stated in Section 4, subparagraph (p) of this Act, such as transportation and various developmental, corrective and other support services; and
(d) Purchase of assistive devices, equipment, learning materials and other needed resources to deliver services effectively.
The PSB for learners with disabilities shall be used solely for the delivery of services for learners with disabilities and for the performance of the functions of ILRCs and the IACC.
Section 31. Appropriations. - The amount necessary for the implementation of this Act shall be charged against those authorized in the current appropriations of the DepEd, DOH, DSWD, DPWH and other implementing partner agencies as provided in this Act. Thereafter, the amount necessary for its continued implementation shall be included in their respective budgetary allocations as separate line items in the annual General Appropriations Act.
Section 32. Implementing Rules and Regulations. - Within ninety (90) days from the effectivity of this Act, the DepEd, in consultation with the DSWD, the DOH and other concerned government agencies and education stakeholders, shall issue the rules and regulations implementing the provisions of this Act. The IRR issued pursuant to this section shall take effect thirty (30) days after its publication in a newspaper of general circulation.
Copies of the IRR and the roadmap referred to in Section 14 shall be transmitted to the Chairperson of the Committees on Basic Education of both Houses of Congress not later than six (6) months and one (1) year, respectively, from the effectivity of this Act.
Section 33. Joint Congressional Oversight Committee (JCOC) on Inclusive Education; Mandatory Annual Review; Impact Assessment; Report. - There is hereby created a JCOC to oversee, monitor and evaluate the implementation of this Act. The JCOC shall be composed of five (5) members each from the Senate and the House of Representatives with the Chairperson of the Committees on Basic Education of both Houses as Co-Chairperson. The Chairpersons of the Committees on Higher and Technical Education of both Houses shall likewise be designated as members of the JCOC. The Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate shall designate the other three (3) members of the JCOC of the House and the Senate, respectively, from among the members of the Committee on Basic Education, one (1) member of which shall be from the minority.
To assist the JCOC to evaluate the implementation of this Act, the DepEd, in partnership with LGUs, other relevant agencies, and the private sector, shall conduct a mandatory annual review of the implementation of this Act and its IRR to measure its effectiveness, identify the gaps, issues and challenges, and ensure its proper implementation. It shall likewise establish an evaluation system to assess the impact of this Act and the progress of learners with disabilities.
Section 34. Separability Clause. - If any provision or part hereof is held invalid or unconstitutional, the remainder of this Act or any provision not otherwise affected shall remain in full force and effect.
Section 35. Repealing Clause. - All laws, presidential decrees, executive orders, proclamations, issuances, rules and regulations, or parts thereof contrary to or inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed, amended, or modified accordingly.
Section 36. Effectivity. - Notwithstanding the non-issuance of the IRR, this Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation.
(SGD.) LORD ALLAN JAY Q. VELASCO Speaker of the House of Representatives |
(SGD.) VICENTE C. SOTTO III President of the Senate |
This Act which is a consolidation of Senate Bill No. 1907 and House Bill No. 8080 was passed by the Senate of the Philippines and the House of Representatives on December 7, 2021 and December 13, 2021, respectively.
(SGD.) MARK LLANDRO L. MENDOZA Secretary General House of Representatives |
(SGD.) MYRA MARIE D. VILLARICA Secretary of the Senate |
Approved: MAR 11 2022
President of the Philippines
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation