Act No. 1278 December 27, 1904 | An Act So Amending Act Numbered One thousand and Forty-Five that Small Traders Who Make Use of Local Currency After the thirty-First Day of December, Nineteen Hundred and Four, Shall Be Subject Only to the Fine Imposed By Subsection (D) of Section Eleven, thereof for the Use Cf Such Currency, and Shall Not Be Compelled to Take Out the License By that Section Required. | |
Act No. 1277 December 27, 1904 | An Act Amending Act Numbered Eleven Hundred and Forty-Seven So as to Extend the Time for the Registration and Branding of Large Cattle Until June Thirtieth, Nineteen Hundred and Five. | |
Act No. 1276 December 07, 1904 | An Act So Amending Section Three of Act Numbered One Thousand and Forty as to Authorize Vacation Leave of Absence Which Has Not Been Taken During the Calendar Year to Be Enjoyed During the First Two Months of the Succeeding Year. | |
Act No. 1275 December 06, 1904 | An Act Appropriating, Out of the Congressional Relief Fund, the Sum of Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand Pesos, Philippine Currency, for the Construction of Public School Buildings. | |
Act No. 1274 November 26, 1904 | An Act Authorizing the Provincial Board of the Province of Leyte to Revise and Correct the Assessment Lists of the Municipalities of Said Province. | |
Act No. 1273 November 25, 1904 | An Act Amending Section Thirteen of Act Numbered Eighty-Three, as Amended By Paragraph (B) of Section One of Act Numbered Three Hundred and Seventy-Two, and Giving Discretionary Authority to Provincial Boards to Make Loans Out of Provincial Funds Not Otherwise Appropriated to the Municipalities of Their Respective Provinces for the Construction or Repair of Municipal School Buildings or for Other Municipal School Purposes. | |
Act No. 1272 November 23, 1904 | An Act Extending the Time for the Completion of the Revision of Assessments of Real Estate, for the Certification of Changes Made in the Assessments, and for the Payment of the Land Tax, Without Penalty, for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Four, in the Province of La Union. | |
Act No. 1271 November 22, 1904 | An Act to Amend Act Numbered Six Hundred and Thirty, Entitled "An Act Consolidating the Offices of Provincial Treasurer and Provincial Supervisor of the Province of Misamis," By Providing That the Civil Governor May Designate Some Member of the Bureau of Education Other Than the Division Superintendent of Schools for the Province to Act on the Provincial Board. | |
Act No. 1270 November 22, 1904 | An Act Amending Act Numbered Eighty-Two, Entitled "The Municipal Code," By Prescribing a Method for the Correction of Errors in Tax Lists of Real Property in Cases of Double Declarations and Assessments. | |
Act No. 1269 November 22, 1904 | An Act Authorizing and Directing the Provincial Governor of the Province of Antique to Perform the Duties of the Provincial Secretary of Said Province Without Additional Compensation. | |
Act No. 1268 November 21, 1904 | An Act Providing for the Establishment of Local Civil Government for the Non-Christian Tribes in the Province of Antique. | |
Act No. 1267 November 21, 1904 | An Act Appropriating Two Hundred Pesos, Philippine Currency, for Payment to First-Class Sergeant Howard R. Jackson, Hospital Corps, United States Army, for Services Rendered in Performing a Post-Mortem Operation in January, Nineteen Hundred and Four, and for Expert Testimony Given in the Court of First Instance, Province of Leyte, in the Case of the United States Versus Victor De Los Reyes, in February, Nineteen Hundred and Four. | |
Act No. 1266 November 17, 1904 | An Act So Amending Act Numbered Eleven Hundred and Eighty-Seven, Extending the Time for the Payment of the Land Tax in the Province of Tarlac for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Four Until December Thirty-First, Nineteen Hundred and Four, as to Provide for the Refund of All Penalties Heretofore Collected for the Nonpayment of the Land Tax in Said Province for Said Year. | |
Act No. 1265 November 17, 1904 | An Act Extending the Time for the Payment, Without Penalty, of the Land Tax in the Province of Ilocos Sur for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Four Until January Thirty-First, Nineteen Hundred and Five, and Authorizing the Provincial Hoard of Ilocos Sur to Revise the Assessment Lists of the Municipalities of Vigan, Santa Cruz, Santa Lucia, Lapo, and Cabugao in Said Province. | |
Act No. 1264 November 17, 1904 | An Act Extending the Time for the Payment, Without Penalty, of the Land Tax in the Province of Iloilo for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Four Until January Thirty-First, Nineteen Hundred and Five, and Authorizing the Provincial Board of the Province of Iloilo to Revise the Lists of Assessment of Land for the Purpose of Taxation in the Municipalities of Santa Barbara, Barotae Nuevo, Passi, and Iloilo in Said Province. | |
Act No. 1263 November 15, 1904 | An Act Extending the Time for the Payment, Without Penalty, of the Land Tax in the Municipality of Echague, in the Province of Isabela, for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Four Until November Thirtieth, Nineteen Hundred and Four. | |
Act No. 1262 November 15, 1904 | An Act Granting to Ignacio Arnalot, of the Municipality of Tayabas, Province of Tayabas, a Concession to Divert Certain Waters for the Purpose of Generating Electric Power. | |
Act No. 1261 November 14, 1904 | An Act Appropriating Thirty Thousand Dollars, Money of the United States, Out of the Gold-Standard Fund, for the Payment of Interest on Certificates of Indebtedness Issued By the Government of the Philippine Islands, Under Act of Congress Approved March Second, Nineteen Hundred and Three. | |
Act No. 1260 November 14, 1904 | An Act Appropriating the Sum of Sixty-Five Thousand Pesos, Philippine Currency, or So Much Thereof as May Be Necessary, From the Congressional Relief Fund, to Be Loaned to the Province of Albay for the Construction of Wagon Roads From Tabaco to Ligao, and From Guinobatan to Jovellar, in Said Province. | |
Act No. 1259 November 12, 1904 | An Act Providing for the Payment of Certain Sums of Money to the Present Sultan of Sulu and His Principal Advisers, and Making Permanent Appropriation Therefor. | |
Act No. 1258 November 03, 1904 | An Act Making Additional Provisions to Those Contained in Act Numbered One Hundred and Ninety, Relating to the Exercise of the Right of Eminent Domain in Cases Where the Exercise of Such Power Is Invoked By a Railroad Corporation for the Purposes of Constructing, Extending, or Operating Its Line. | |
Act No. 1257 November 03, 1904 | An Act Repealing Those Portions of the Existing Industrial-Tax Law Which Apply to Distillers of Alcoholic Spirits Who Are Actually Operating Their Distilleries. | |
Act No. 1256 November 01, 1904 | An Act Granting to Juan Bautista Fernandez, of Cebu, a License to Construct, Operate; and Maintain a Slipway or Marine Railway on a Tract of Land Situated in the Barrio of Canghana, in the Municipality of Opon, Province of Cebu. | |
Act No. 1255 October 26, 1904 | An Act Annexing the Barrio of San Gaspar, of the Municipality of Santa Lucia, to the Municipality of Candon, Both in the Province of Ilocos Sur. | |
Act No. 1254 October 26, 1904 | An Act Annexing the Barrio of Eguia, of the Municipality of San Isidro, to the Municipality of Infanta, Both in the Province of Pangasinan. | |
Act No. 1253 October 26, 1904 | An Act Appropriating Fifty Thousand Dollars, in Money of the United States, for General Purposes, to Be Disbursed By the Disbursing Agent of the Government of the Philippine Islands At Washington, District of Columbia. | |
Act No. 1252 October 26, 1904 | An Act Appropriating the Sum of Twenty-Five Thousand Pesos, Philippine Currency, or So Much Thereof as May Be Necessary, for the Payment of Claims for Damages Sustained By the Landowners and Residents of the Municipalities of Mariquina and San Mateo, in the Province of Rizal, on Account of the Quarantine Measures Adopted By the Insular Government to Protect the Water Supply of the City of Manila From Infection With Cholera. | |
Act No. 1251 October 20, 1904 | An Act Amending Act Numbered Seven Hundred and Seventy-Five, Entitled "An Act Appropriating the Sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars, Local Currency, From the War Emergency Rice Fund of the Province of Batangas for the Purpose of Erecting a School Building and Manual-Training Schools in the Municipality of Batangas," and Authorizing the Province of Batangas to Reconvey to the Municipality of Batangas, Upon Such Terms as May Be Agreed Upon Between Said Province and Said Municipality, the Title to the Land and Buildings Thereon Which Was Vested in Said Province By Section Four of Act Numbered Seven Hundred and Seventy-Five. | |
Act No. 1250 October 20, 1904 | An Act Appropriating Thirty Thousand Dollars, in Money of the United States, Out of the Gold-Standard Fund, for the Payment of Interest on Certificates of Indebtedness Issued By the Government of the Philippine Islands Under Act of Congress Approved March Second, Nineteen Hundred and Three. | |
Act No. 1249 October 18, 1904 | An Act Amending Act Numbered Eighty-Two, Entitled "The Municipal Code," By Prescribing a Method for the Collection of Taxes in the Municipalities of the Provinces. | |
Act No. 1248 October 14, 1904 | An Act Making Additional Appropriations for Sundry Expenses of the Insular Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June Thirtieth, Nineteen Hundred and Four, and Other Designated Periods. | |
Act No. 1247 October 12, 1904 | An Act Appropriating Seventy Thousand Dollars, in Money of the United States, for Payment of the Third Quarterly Interest Upon the Friar-Land Bonds. | |
Act No. 1246 October 12, 1904 | An Act Appropriating the Sum of Two Million Five Hundred and Five Thousand Four Hundred and Ninety-Four Pesos and Seventy-Five Centavos, Philippine Currency, or So Much Thereof as May Be Necessary, for Certain Public Works, Permanent Improvements, and Other Purposes of the Insular Government. | |
Act No. 1245 October 10, 1904 | An Act Changing the Times of Holding Terms of the Court of First Instance in the Second Judicial District and Amending Section Seven of Act Numbered Eight Hundred and Sixty-Seven in That Respect. | |
Act No. 1244 October 07, 1904 | An Act Annexing the Barrios of Bayuyuñgan, Bugaan, Balaquilong, San Gabriel, and Binirayan, Now a Part of the Municipality of Tanauan, Province of Batangas, to the Municipality of Taal, in the Same Province. | |
Act No. 1243 October 07, 1904 | An Act Amending Act Numbered Eleven Hundred and Thirty, Entitled "An Act to Prevent the Failure of Military Justice," By Extending the Provisions of Said Act So as to Apply to Naval Courts. | |
Act No. 1242 October 07, 1904 | An Act Amending Act Numbered Eleven Hundred and Seventy-Eight By Further Extending the Time for the Payment, Without Penalty, of the Land Tax in the Province of Occidental Negros for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Four Until January Thirty-First, Nineteen Hundred and Five. | |
Act No. 1241 October 05, 1904 | An Act Amending Act Numbered Nine Hundred and Fifty-Three, Reducing the Number of Municipalities in the Province of Surigao to Twenty-Nine, By Further Reducing the Number of Municipalities in Said Province to Twelve. | |
Act No. 1240 October 05, 1904 | An Act Amending Act Numbered Nine Hundred and Thirty-Nine, as Amended, So as to Locate the Seat of Municipal Government of the Municipality of Luisiana, of the Province of La Laguna, in the Former Municipality of Cavinti. | |
Act No. 1239 October 05, 1904 | An Act Amending Act Numbered Eight Hundred and Sixty-Four, Entitled "An Act to Amend Act Numbered Three Hundred and Fifty-Five, Known as the Philippine Customs Administrative Act, By Changing the Membership of the Court of Customs Appeals, Providing for Appeals in Criminal Causes and for Certificates of Appeal in Other Customs Cases Where There Is a Division of Opinion Between the Judges of the Court, and Specifying Powers of Collectors of Customs in Cases of Fine and Forfeiture, and for Other Purposes," So That a Judge of the Court of First Instance May Be Directed By the Secretary of Finance and Justice to Perform the Duties of a Judge of the Court of Customs Appeals. | |
Act No. 1238 October 04, 1904 | An Act Appropriating the Funds Derived From the Sale of the Bonds Authorized By Act Numbered One Thousand and Thirty-Four, for the Purchase of the So-Called Friar Lands, and for the Payment of Expenses Incidental Thereto. | |
Act No. 1237 September 23, 1904 | An Act Consolidating the Offices of Provincial Treasurer and Provincial Supervisor of the Province of Ilocos Norte. | |
Act No. 1236 September 22, 1904 | An Act Amending Act Numbered Four Hundred and Nineteen, Extending the Provisions of the Provincial Government Act and Its Amendments to the Province of Samar, By Increasing the Salary of the Provincial Supervisor to One Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars Per Annum. | |
Act No. 1235 September 22, 1904 | An Act to Amend Act Numbered Three Hundred and Fifty-Five, Known as the Philippine Customs Administrative Act. | |
Act No. 1234 September 13, 1904 | An Act Authorizing the Provincial Board of the Province of Samar to Provide for the Care of Residents Wounded While Engaged as Volunteers in the Defense of the Municipalities of Said Province Against the Attacks of Pulajanes, and of Pacific Residents Wounded By Said Pulajanes. | |
Act No. 1233 September 13, 1904 | An Act Further Amending Paragraph (F) of Section Nine of Act Numbered Eighty-Three, as Amended By Acts Numbered One Hundred and Thirty-Three and Seven Hundred and Fifty-Two, By Making Additional Provisions With Regard to Counting the Cash in the Hands of Provincial Treasurers. | |
Act No. 1232 September 12, 1904 | An Act Consolidating the Present Municipality of Puncan With the Municipality of San Jose, Both in the Province of Nueva Ecija, With the Seat of Municipal Government At the Present Municipality of San Jose. | |
Act No. 1231 September 12, 1904 | An Act Authorizing the Provincial Board of Samar to Loan From Provincial Funds to the Municipalities of the Province Such Sums of Money as to It May Seem Proper, Not to Exceed a Total of Fifteen Thousand Philippine Pesos, to Be Used in the Construction and Repair of Public Schoolhouses. | |
Act No. 1230 September 09, 1904 | An Act to Amend Act Numbered Eight Hundred and Seventy-Five So as to Allow the Free Importation of Merchandise By the Insular Government When the Articles Imported Are of Such Character That Local Competition Therefore Is Impracticable and Orders for the Same Must Be Placed Abroad. | |
Act No. 1229 September 09, 1904 | An Act Amending Act Numbered Eleven Hundred and Nineteen By Extending the Time for the Completion of the Assessment of Real Estate in the Province of La Union, for the Revision of Such Assessment, and for the Payment of the Land Tax for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Four in Said Province. | |
Act No. 1228 September 09, 1904 | An Act Providing for the Revision of Valuation for the Purpose of Taxation of a Certain Parcel of Land in the Municipality of Sibalom, in the Province of Antique, Belonging to Juan Sanches. | |
Act No. 1227 September 08, 1904 | An Act Appropriating the Sum of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars, in Money of the United States, for General Purposes, to Be Disbursed By the Disbursing Agent of the Government of the Philippine Islands At Washington, District of Columbia. | |
Act No. 1226 September 06, 1904 | An Act for the Relief of F. J. O'Grady, First Lieutenant and Inspector, Philippines Constabulary. | |
Act No. 1225 August 31, 1904 | An Act Making Appropriations for Sundry Expenses of the Insular Government for the Fiscal Year Ending; June Thirtieth, Nineteen Hundred and Five and Other Designated Periods. | |
Act No. 1224 August 31, 1904 | An Act Providing That the Court of Land Registration Shall Have No Jurisdiction Over Lands Situated in the Provinces of Lepanto-Bontoc, Benguet, Paragua, and Nueva Vizcaya, or in the Moro Province, Except in Certain Special Cases. | |
Act No. 1223 August 29, 1904 | An Act Granting to Cho Hang Lin, of Manila, Philippine Islands, a Revocable License to Construct, Operate, and Maintain a Slipway or Marine Railway on the West Hank of the Iloilo River, in the Municipality of Iloilo, Province of Iloilo, Island of Panay. | |
Act No. 1222 August 29, 1904 | An Act Appropriating the Sum of Five Hundred and Thirty Thousand Pesos, or So Much Thereof as May Be Necessary, for Certain Public Works and Permanent Improvements in the City of Manila. | |
Act No. 1221 August 26, 1904 | An Act Authorizing the Provincial Board of Tayabas to Make a Loan of Five Thousand Pesos From Provincial Funds to the Municipality of Lucena, in That Province, in Addition to the Loan Authorized in Act Numbered Eight Hundred and Eighteen. | |
Act No. 1220 August 25, 1904 | An Act Appropriating the Sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars, in Money of the United States, From the Fund of Three Million Dollars Appropriated By the Congress of the United States for the Relief of Distress in the Philippine Islands, for Expenses Incident to the Purchase and Delivery in the Philippine Islands of Draft Cattle. | |
Act No. 1219 August 19, 1904 | An Act Amending Section Forty of Act Numbered Eighty-Two, Entitled "A General Act for the Organization of Municipal Governments in the Philippine Islands," as Amended. | |
Act No. 1218 August 19, 1904 | An Act Providing for the Remission of the Penalty Imposed on Francisco Gonzalez, of the Municipality of Bautista in the Province of Pangasinan, for Delinquency in the Payment of His Land Tax for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Four. | |
Act No. 1217 August 19, 1904 | An Act Extending the Time for the Payment of the Cedula Tax in the Municipality of Quiangan. Province of Nueva Vizcaya, for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Four, Until October Fifteenth, Nineteen Hundred and Four. | |
Act No. 1216 August 17, 1904 | An Act Making Appropriations for Sundry Expenses of the Municipal Government of the City of Manila for the Fiscal Year Ending June Thirtieth, Nineteen Hundred and Five, and Other Designated Periods. | |
Act No. 1215 August 05, 1904 | An Act Amending Rule Forty-Eight of Act Numbered Ninety By Providing for An Acting Assistant Treasurer in the Absence of the Assistant Treasurer of the Philippine Islands, and Amending Rule Sixty-Three of Said Act So as to Provide for An Examination of Accounts of the Auditor and Treasurer, and Count of Funds in the Hands of the Treasurer, as Often as the Civil Governor Shall Deem Expedient. | |
Act No. 1214 August 05, 1904 | An Act Extending the Time for the Payment of the Land Tax in the Province of Samar for the Years Nineteen Hundred and Three and Nineteen Hundred and Four Until December Thirty-First, Nineteen Hundred and Four, and Authorizing the Provincial Hoard of Samar to Revise the Assessment Lists of the Municipalities of Allen and Wright, in Said Province. | |
Act No. 1213 August 04, 1904 | An Act Making Appropriations for Sundry Expenses of the Municipal Government of the City of Manila for the Fiscal Year Ending June Thirtieth, Nineteen Hundred and Four, and Other Designated Periods. | |
Act No. 1212 July 29, 1904 | An Act Amending Act Numbered One Hundred and Twenty-Eight, Extending the Provisions of the Provincial Government' Act to the Province of Misamis, as Amended By Act Numbered Six Hundred and Thirty, By Decreasing the Salary Attached to the Position of Supervisor-Treasurer of the Province of Misamis. | |
Act No. 1211 July 29, 1904 | An Act Extending the Time for the Payment of the Land Tax in the Province of Batangas for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Four Until October Thirty-First, Nineteen Hundred and Four. | |
Act No. 1210 July 28, 1904 | An Act Extending the Time for the Payment of Property Taxes for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Four in the Province of Lepanto-Bontoc Until October First, Nineteen Hundred and Four. | |
Act No. 1209 July 26, 1904 | An Act Consolidating the Present Municipality of Mogpog With the Municipality of Boac, Both in the Province of Tayabas, With the Seat of Municipal Government At the Present Municipality of Boac. | |
Act No. 1208 July 26, 1904 | An Act Consolidating the Present Municipality of Santo Tomas With the Municipality of San Fernando, Both in the Province of Pampanga, With the Seat of Municipal Government At the Present Municipality of San Fernando. | |
Act No. 1207 July 26, 1904 | An Act Providing for a Second Revision of the Assessments or Valuations Upon Real Estate in the Province of La Laguna. | |
Act No. 1206 July 26, 1904 | An Act Extending the Time for the Payment of the Land Tax in the Province of Mindoro for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Four Until October Thirty-First, Nineteen Hundred and Four. | |
Act No. 1205 July 26, 1904 | An Act Amending Act Numbered One Thousand and One So as to Provide That the Seat of Municipal Government of the New Municipality of La Paz, Province of Abra, Shall Be At the Former Municipality of La Paz. | |
Act No. 1204 July 22, 1904 | An Act Amending Act Numbered Eighty-Five, Extending the Provisions of the Provincial Government Act to the Province of Pampanga, By Changing the Capital of That Province From Bacolor to San Fernando. | |
Act No. 1203 July 22, 1904 | An Act Appropriating Seventy Thousand Dollars, in Money of the United States, for Payment of the Second Quarterly Interest Upon the Friar Land Bonds. | |
Act No. 1202 July 22, 1904 | An Act Appropriating Thirty Thousand Dollars, in Money of the United States, Out of the Gold-Standard Fund, for the Payment of Interest on Certificates of Indebtedness Issued By the Government of the Philippine Islands Under Act of Congress Approved March Second, Nineteen Hundred and Three. | |
Act No. 1201 July 21, 1904 | An Act Appropriating An Additional Sum of One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, in Money of the United States, for the Purpose of Continuing the Exhibit of the Philippine Islands At the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. | |
Act No. 1200 July 20, 1904 | An Act to Provide for a New Assessment of Real Estate in the Province of Romblon and for the Revision of Such Assessment. | |
Act No. 1199 July 19, 1904 | An Act Authorizing the Provincial Board of Pampanga to Make a Loan of Not More Than One Thousand Philippine Pesos to the Municipality of Apalit, to Be Used in the Construction of a Manual-Training School in Said Municipality. | |
Act No. 1198 July 19, 1904 | An Act Appropriating the Sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, in Money of the United States, From the Fund of Three Million Dollars Appropriated By the Congress of the United States for the Relief of Distress in the Philippine Islands, for Expenditure Under the Direction of the Civil Governor Upon S of the Philippine Commission. | |
Act No. 1197 July 19, 1904 | An Act Amending Act Numbered Four Hundred and Eight So as to Provide for the Temporary Assignment of Officials and Employees to Perform the Duties of Heads of Offices or Bureaus, in Cases of Vacancies, Upon Designation By the Proper Secretary of Department or By the Civil Governor. | |
Act No. 1196 July 19, 1904 | An Act Amending the Provincial Government Act, Numbered Eighty-Three, as Amended By Acts Numbered One Hundred and Thirty-Three and Two Hundred and Eighty, So as to Provide That Vacancies in Provincial Offices Shall Be Filled Within Ninety Days From Their Occurrence Instead of Within Thirty Days as Now Provided By Law. | |
Act No. 1195 July 18, 1904 | An Act to Authorize the Issue of Three Million Dollars of Certificates of Indebtedness Under and By Authority of Section Six of the Act of Congress, Entitled "An Act to Establish a Standard of Value and to Provide for a Coinage System in the Philippine Islands," Approved March Second, Nineteen Hundred and Three, in Addition to the Nine Millions of Dollars of Certificates of the Same Character Already Authorized By Acts Numbered Six Hundred and Ninety-Six, Seven Hundred and Ninety-Two, and One Thousand and Fifty, and Appropriating the Sum of Three Million and Thirty Thousand Dollars, in Gold Coin of the United States, From the Gold-Standard Fund for the Purpose of Paying the Principal and the Last Quarterly Interest of the Second Series of Certificates of Indebtedness Issued Pursuant to the Provisions of Said Act Numbered Seven Hundred and Ninety-Two. | |
Act No. 1194 July 15, 1904 | An Act Appropriating Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars, in Money of the United States, for General Purposes, to Be Disbursed By the Disbursing Agent of the Government of the Philippine Islands At Washington, District of Columbia. | |
Act No. 1193 July 15, 1904 | An Act Providing for the Revision of Valuation for the Purpose of Taxation of Certain Parcels of Land in the Municipalities of Enrile and Pena Blanca, Province of Cagayan, Belonging to Catalina Pintang, Jose Carbonell, Honorio Lasam, Salvador Lasam, and Hilario Taguba, So as to Correct Clerical Errors. | |
Act No. 1192 July 15, 1904 | An Act Appropriating the Sum of Fourteen Thousand Seven Hundred Pesos, Philippine Currency, From the Congressional Relief Fund, to Complete the Construction and Repair of the Vigan-Bangued Road in the Provinces of Ilocos Sur and Abra. | |
Act No. 1191 July 11, 1904 | An Act Amending Rule Twenty and Rule Thirty-Seven of Act Numbered Ninety. | |
Act No. 1190 July 05, 1904 | An Act to Amend Section Forty-Seven of Act Numbered One Hundred and Eighty-Three, Entitled "An Act to Incorporate the City of Manila," By Providing That the Annual Tax on the Assessed Value of Real Estate in the City of Manila for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Four Shall Be One and One-Half Per Centum Thereof. | |
Act No. 1189 July 02, 1904 | An Act to Provide Revenue for the Support of the Insular, Provincial, and Municipal Governments, By Internal Taxation. | |
Act No. 1188 June 29, 1904 | An Act Making Additional Appropriations for Sundry Expenses of the Insular Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June Thirtieth, Nineteen Hundred and Four, and Other Designated Periods. | |
Act No. 1187 June 25, 1904 | An Act Extending the Time for the Payment of the Land Tax in the Province of Tarlac for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Four Until December Thirty-First, Nineteen Hundred and Four. | |
Act No. 1186 June 25, 1904 | An Act Extending the Time for the Payment of the Cedula Tax in the Province of Batangas for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Four Until July Fifteenth, Nineteen Hundred and Four. | |
Act No. 1185 June 24, 1904 | An Act Extending the Time for the Payment of the Land Tax in the Provinces of Antique and Capiz for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Four Until October First, Nineteen Hundred and Four. | |
Act No. 1184 June 09, 1904 | An Act Amending Act Numbered Eight Hundred and Sixty-Seven So as to Provide That the Court Vacation for the Court of First Instance for the Mountain Judicial District Shall Be During the Months of August and September, and Changing the Times At Which Courts of First Instance Shall Be Held in That District. | |
Act No. 1183 June 09, 1904 | An Act Appropriating An Additional Sum of Eighty-Seven Thousand Dollars, in Money of the United States, for the Purpose of Continuing and Completing the Preparation of the Exhibit of the Philippine Islands At the Louisiana Purchase Exposition and the Carrying on in General of the Work of the Philippine Exhibit. | |
Act No. 1182 June 08, 1904 | An Act to Provide for a Preliminary Listing of Manufacturers of Alcoholic and Tobacco Products and Matches, and for An Inventory of the Stocks of Goods in Their Possession With a View to Furnishing a Basis for Taxation By An Internal-Revenue Law. | |
Act No. 1181 June 08, 1904 | An Act Extending the Time for the Payment of the Land Tax in the Provinces of Ilocos Sur and Zambales for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Four Until October First, Nineteen Hundred and Four. | |
Act No. 1180 June 08, 1904 | An Act Extending the Time for the Payment of the Land Tax for the Years Nineteen Hundred and Three and Nineteen Hundred and Four in the Municipalities of Alaminos, Bani, Bolinao, Anda, Agno, San Isidro, and Infanta, Formerly Belonging to the Province of Zambales But Recently Transferred to the Province of Pangasinan, Until July Thirty-First, Nineteen Hundred and Four. | |
Act No. 1179 June 07, 1904 | An Act Amending the Provincial Government Act, as Amended By Act Numbered Five Hundred and Eighty-Five, By Providing for the Payment From Provincial Funds of the Salaries of Persons Not Already in the Service of the Government Who May Be Appointed By the Civil Governor to Fill Temporary Vacancies in the Office of Provincial Governor. | |
Act No. 1178 June 06, 1904 | An Act Extending the Time for the Payment of the Land Tax in the Province of Occidental Negros for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Four Until October First, Nineteen Hundred and Four. | |
Act No. 1177 June 04, 1904 | An Act Amending Section Six of the Manila Liquor Licenses Act. | |
Act No. 1176 June 03, 1904 | An Act Appropriating the Sum of Four Hundred and Six Thousand Five Hundred and Ninety-Two Pesos, Philippine Currency, or So Much Thereof as May Be Necessary, for Certain Public Works, Permanent Improvements, and Other Purposes of the Insular Government. | |
Act No. 1175 June 02, 1904 | An Act Authorizing the Establishment of a Circulating Library in the Province of Albay, Creating a Library Board for the Supervision, Management, and Control Thereof, Authorizing the Board to Adopt and Put in Force Rules and Regulations for the Management of Said Library, Receive and Acquire Money and Property for the Benefit Thereof, and to Expend the Funds of Said Library for Its Maintenance and for the Purchase of Books and Property for Its Benefit. | |
Act No. 1174 June 02, 1904 | An Act Extending the Time for the Payment of the Land Tax in the Province of Misamis for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Four Until November First, Nineteen Hundred and Four. | |
Act No. 1173 June 02, 1904 | An Act Extending the Time for the Payment of the Land Tax in the Province of Lloilo for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Four Until November First, Nineteen Hundred and Four. | |
Act No. 1172 June 01, 1904 | An Act Providing for the Revision of Valuation for the Purpose of Taxation of Certain Parcels of Land in the Municipality of Iloilo Belonging to Matilde Jalandoni De Lopez and Estevan Jalandoni, So as to Correct Clerical Errors. | |
Act No. 1171 June 01, 1904 | An Act Repealing Act Numbered Six Hundred and Eleven, Entitled "An Act Authorizing the Civil Governor to Issue Passports to Citizens of the Philippine Islands." | |
Act No. 1170 May 31, 1904 | An Act Extending the Time for the Payment of the Land Tax in the Province of Pampanga for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Four Until November First, Nineteen Hundred and Four. | |
Act No. 1169 May 31, 1904 | An Act So Amending Act Numbered Seven Hundred and Nine as to Prohibit the Traffic in Intoxicating Liquors Within a Certain Distance of Land Used By the United States for Military Purposes At Calbayog, in the Province of Samar, and Also to Permit the Sale of Intoxicating Liquors Within a Circumscribed Area in the Town of Lucena, Province of Tayabas. | |
Act No. 1168 May 31, 1904 | An Act Extending the Time for the Payment of the Land and Cedula Taxes in the Province of Oriental Negros for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Four Until August Thirty-First, Nineteen Hundred and Four. | |
Act No. 1167 May 28, 1904 | An Act Making Appropriations for Sundry Expenses of the Municipal Government of the City of Manila for the Fiscal Year Ending June Thirtieth, Nineteen Hundred and Four, and Other Designated Periods. | |
Act No. 1166 May 28, 1904 | An Act Providing for a Loan of Eight Thousand Eight Hundred Pesos, Philippine Currency, to the Province of Batangas, in Order to Enable the Municipalities of Santo Tomas, Tanauan, and Lipa of That Province to Better Their Police Force, Which Is to Be Under the Supervision of the Senior Inspector of Constabulary, for the Purpose of Suppressing Ladronism in That Province. | |
Act No. 1165 May 26, 1904 | An Act Amending Paragraph (D) of Section Five of Act Numbered One Hundred and Thirty-Six, as Amended By Section One of Act Numbered Eight Hundred and Sixty-Seven, So as to Authorize Judges of Courts of First Instance Performing Interlocutory Vacation Duties to Appoint Notaries Public in Certain Cases, and Authorizing Officials in Charge of Public Works to Administer Oaths in Certain Cases. | |
Act No. 1164 May 23, 1904 | An Act Amending Section Twenty-Seven of Act Numbered Seven Hundred and Eighty-Seven, Entitled "An Act Providing for the Organization and Government of the Moro Province." So as to Authorize the Appointment of Justices of the Peace in Remote Localities, Whether Included Within the Limits of the Organized Municipalities or Not, and Defining the Jurisdiction of Such Justices of the Peace. | |
Act No. 1163 May 23, 1904 | An Act Extending the Time for the Payment of the Land Tax in the Province of Albay for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Four Until August Thirty-First, Nineteen Hundred and Four. | |
Act No. 1162 May 23, 1904 | An Act Extending the Time for the Payment of the Land Tax in the Province of Cagayan for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Four Until September Thirtieth, Nineteen Hundred and Four. | |
Act No. 1161 May 23, 1904 | An Act Declaring Any Bonded Officer or Employee of the Civil Government Who Leaves or Attempts to Leave the Philippine Islands Without First Securing a Clearance From the Auditor to Be Guilty of a Misdemeanor. | |
Act No. 1160 May 19, 1904 | An Act Authorizing the Collector of Customs for the Philippine Islands to Clear Foreign Vessels for the Port of Isabela De Basilan. | |
Act No. 1158 May 19, 1904 | An Act Appropriating Thirty Thousand Dollars, in Money of the United States, Out of the Gold-Standard Fund, for the Payment of Interest on Certificates of Indebtedness Issued By the Government of the Philippine Islands Under Act of Congress Approved March Second, Nineteen Hundred and Three. | |
Act No. 1159 May 19, 1904 | An Act Making Further Provisions Than Are Contained in Act Numbered One Hundred and Ninety Relating to the Procedure of the Supreme Court in the Exercise of Its Original Jurisdiction in Civil Actions and in Relation to Costs to Be Allowed in Such Proceedings. | |
Act No. 1157 May 14, 1904 | An Act to Suspend All Taxes Imposed By Law on Draft Carts and Sledges in the Province of Isabela. | |
Act No. 1156 May 14, 1904 | An Act Providing for the Marking of Animals Afflicted With Surra. | |
Act No. 1155 May 13, 1904 | An Act Renewing Certain Appropriations in Acts Numbered One Thousand and Forty-Eight and One Thousand and Forty-Nine Until Such Time as the Regular Appropriations for the Fiscal Year Nineteen Hundred and Five Shall Have Been Made. | |
Act No. 1154 May 12, 1904 | An Act to Amend Act Numbered Eight Hundred and Ninety-Seven, By Providing a Clerical and Administrative Force for the Arrastre Division At the Manila Custom-House. | |
Act No. 1153 May 11, 1904 | An Act Providing That Certain Duties in Relation to the Bureau of Justice and the Bureau of the Insular Treasury, Now Required By Law to Be Performed By the Civil Governor, Shall Be Performed By the Secretary of Finance and Justice. | |
Act No. 1152 May 11, 1904 | An Act Extending the Time for the Payment of the Land Tax in the Province of Isabela for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Four Until October First, Nineteen Hundred and Four. | |
Act No. 1151 May 10, 1904 | An Act Providing for the Revision of Valuation for the Purpose of Taxation of Certain Parcels of Land in the Municipality of Badoc, Province of Ilocos Norte, Belonging to Pedro Calaycay. | |
Act No. 1150 May 10, 1904 | An Act Further Defining the Powers and Duties of the Board of Health for the Philippine Islands and of the Municipal Board of the City of Manila in Connection With the Preservation of the Public Health of That City, and Repealing Certain Provisions of Law Relative Thereto. | |
Act No. 1149 May 10, 1904 | An Act Amending the Customs Administrative Act, Numbered Three Hundred and Fifty-Five, So as to Authorize the Civil Governor to Set Apart Certain Portions of the Wharf, Landing Place, Street, or Other Public Ground Adjacent to the Seashore and Custom-House in Any Municipality for Customs Purposes, and to Place the Same Under the Jurisdiction of the Collector of Customs. | |
Act No. 1148 May 07, 1904 | An Act to Regulate the Use of the Public Forests and Forest Reserves in the Philippine Islands and Repealing General Orders, Numbered Ninety-Two, Series of Nineteen Hundred, Act Numbered Two Hundred and Seventy-Four, and Sections Twenty of Act Numbered Forty-Nine, Eleven of Act Numbered One Hundred and Nineteen, and Eleven of Act Numbered One Hundred and Twenty. | |
Act No. 1147 May 03, 1904 | An Act Regulating the Registration, Branding, Conveyance, and Laughter of Large Cattle, and Providing for the Disposition, Care, Custody, and Sale of Estrays or Large Cattle Captured or Seized By the Philippines Constabulary or Other Peace Officers, and Repealing Act Numbered Six Hundred and Thirty-Seven, and So Much of Act Numbered Eight Hundred and Seventy-Seven as Provides for the Disposition, Care, Custody, or Sale of Cattle, Carabaos, Horses, and Animals of the Bovine Family, and All Other Acts or Parts of Acts Inconsistent With the Provisions of This Act. | |
Act No. 1146 May 03, 1904 | An Act Appropriating the Sum of One Thousand Nine Hundred and Five Pesos and Fifty-Six Centavos, Philippine Currency, for the Payment of the Salary of the Acting Judge of the Municipal Court of the City of Manila for the Period From March Twenty-Fourth to June Thirtieth, Nineteen Hundred and Four. | |
Act No. 1145 May 03, 1904 | An Act Providing for the Establishment of Local Civil Governments for the Non-Christian Tribes in the Province of Tayabas. | |
Act No. 1144 May 03, 1904 | An Act Authorizing the Payment of Extra Compensation to Members of the Philippine Scouts and the Constabulary Detailed for Special Duty in Connection With the Erection of Bamboo and Nipa Buildings and for Other Purposes, At the Louisiana Purchase Exposition At Saint Louis, Missouri. | |
Act No. 1143 May 03, 1904 | An Act Extending the Time for the Payment of the Land Tax in the Province of La Laguna for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Four Until November First, Nineteen Hundred and Four. | |
Act No. 1142 May 03, 1904 | An Act to Increase the Salary of the Secretary-Treasurer of the Province of Nueva Vizcaya, Amending Act Numbered Three Hundred and Thirty-Seven, Entitled "An Act Providing for the Organization of a Provincial Government in the Province of Nueva Vizcaya." | |
Act No. 1141 May 03, 1904 | An Act Amending Sections Thirty-Three and Sixty-One of Act Numbered One Hundred and Eighty-Three, Entitled "An Act to Incorporate the City of Manila." | |
Act No. 1140 May 03, 1904 | An Act Regulating Appointment to the Position of Secretary of the Advisory Board of Manila, Amending Section Sixty-Five of Act Numbered One Hundred and Eighty-Three. | |
Act No. 1139 May 02, 1904 | An Act So Amending Section Seventy-Eight of Act Numbered Eighty-Two, Entitled "The Municipal Code," as to Make It Unnecessary to Search for the Personal Property of a Delinquent Taxpayer Before Proceeding Against His Real Estate for the Collection of Taxes | |
Act No. 1138 April 30, 1904 | An Act to Bring Immediately Under the Operation of the Land Registration Act All Lands Lying Within the Boundaries Lawfully Set Apart for Naval Reservations, and All Lands Desired to Be Purchased By the Government of the United States for Naval Purposes. | |
Act No. 1137 April 30, 1904 | An Act Appropriating the Sum of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars M Money of the United States, From the Fund of Three Million Dollars Appropriated By the Congress of the United States for the Relief of Distress in the Philippine Islands, for Expenditure Under the Direction of the Civil Governor Upon S of the Philippine Commission. | |
Act No. 1136 April 29, 1904 | An Act Authorizing the Collector of Customs for the Philippine Islands to License Vessels Engaged Exclusively in the Lighterage and Harbor Business and to Provide for the Regulation of That Business. | |
Act No. 1135 April 28, 1904 | An Act Providing for the In6Orporation of the Municipality of Bongabon, Province of Mindoro, as a Barrio of the Municipality of Pinamalayan, Province of Mindoro. | |
Act No. 1134 April 28, 1904 | An Act Amending Act Numbered Six Hundred and Twenty-Four, Entitled "An Act Prescribing Regulations Governing the Location and Manner of Recording Mining Claims, and the Amount of Work Necessary to Hold Possession of a Mining Claim Under the Provisions of the Act of Congress Approved July First, Nineteen Hundred and Two, Entitled 'An Act Temporarily to Provide for the Administration of the Affairs of Civil Government in the Philippine Islands and for Other Purposes.'" | |
Act No. 1133 April 28, 1904 | An Act Amending Act Numbered Eight Hundred and Fifty-Four By Providing for the Payment By the Insular Government of the Cost of Medical Attendance for Filipino Students Appointed Under Said Act. | |
Act No. 1132 April 28, 1904 | An Act So Amending Act Numbered Five Hundred and Ninety as to Provide That the Expenses of Preliminary Investigations for Criminal Offenses By Justices of the Peace, When Held At the Capital of the Province, Although the Offenses Were Committed in Other Municipalities, Shall Be Paid By the Municipalities in Which the Offenses Were Committed. | |
Act No. 1131 April 28, 1904 | An Act Making the Governor of the Province of Mindoro a Justice of the Peace With Jurisdiction Throughout the Whole of That Province. | |
Act No. 1130 April 28, 1904 | An Act to Prevent the Failure of Military Justice. | |
Act No. 1129 April 28, 1904 | An Act Amending Act Numbered Eighty-Three, Known as "The Provincial Government Act," By Providing That Judges Holding Court in the Provinces May Be Paid a Per Diem for Expenses. | |
Act No. 1128 April 28, 1904 | An Act Prescribing Regulations Governing the Procedure for Acquiring Title to Public Coal Lands in the Philippine Islands, Under the Provisions of Sections Fifty-Three, Fifty-Four, Fifty-Five, Fifty-Six, and Fifty-Seven of the Act of Congress Approved July First, Nineteen Hundred and Two, Entitled "An Act Temporarily to Provide for the Administration of the Affairs of Civil Government in the Philippine Islands, and for Other Purposes." | |
Act No. 1127 April 28, 1904 | An Act Providing for the Payment of Per Diems in Lieu of Expenses to Employees in the Bureau of Engineering Who Are Directed to Perform Official Travel. | |
Act No. 1126 April 28, 1904 | An Act for the Purpose of Empowering Provincial Boards to Subpoena Witnesses and to Require Testimony Under Oath in Conducting Certain Investigations, and for Other Purposes. | |
Act No. 1125 April 27, 1904 | An Act Empowering the Civil Governor to Detail Provincial Fiscals Temporarily From One Province to Another. | |
Act No. 1124 April 27, 1904 | An Act to Provide Medical Attendance on Civil Officers and Employees At Isolated Points When Life Is in Jeopardy. | |
Act No. 1123 April 27, 1904 | An Act So Amending Sections Twelve, One Hundred and Forty-Three, and Five Hundred and Twelve of Act Numbered One Hundred and Ninety as to Diminish the Expense of Conducting' Trials in Courts of First Instance and of Proceedings in the Supreme Court in Review of Such Trials, and Making Certain Provisions of Act Numbered One Hundred and Ninety Applicable to Criminal Causes, and Providing An Inexpensive Method of Appeal in Cases of Paupers. | |
Act No. 1122 April 22, 1904 | An Act Providing for a Loan of Four Thousand Pesos, Philippine Currency, to the Province of Paragua. | |
Act No. 1121 April 27, 1904 | An Act Amending Acts Numbered Five Hundred and Eighteen and Seven Hundred and Eighty-One So as More Fully to Define the Crime of Brigandage, and Providing Punishment for the Failure of Municipal Officials to Perform Their Duty in That Respect. | |
Act No. 1120 April 26, 1904 | An Act Providing for the Administration and Temporary Leasing and Sale of Certain Haciendas and Parcels of Land, Commonly Known as Friar Lands, for the Purchase of Which the Government of the Philippine Islands Has Recently Contracted, Pursuant to the Provisions of Sections Sixty-Three, Sixty-Four, and Sixty-Five of An Act of the Congress of the United States, Entitled "An Act Temporarily to Provide for the Administration of the Affairs of Civil Government in the Philippine Islands, and for Other Purposes," Approved on the First Day of July, Nineteen Hundred and Two. | |
Act No. 1119 April 26, 1904 | An Act to Provide for a New Assessment of Real Estate in the Province of La Union and for the Revision of Such Assessment. | |
Act No. 1118 April 26, 1904 | An Act Authorizing the Chief of the Bureau of Public Lands to Administer Oaths, Examine Witnesses, and Send or Persons and Papers; and Providing That Any Person Who Shall Willfully and Knowingly Make Any False Affidavit or Oath to Any Material Fact or Matter Before Him Shall Be Deemed Guilty of Perjury and Punished Accordingly. | |
Act No. 1117 April 23, 1904 | An Act Providing for the Revision of Valuation for the Purpose of Taxation of Certain Parcels of Land in the Municipality of Iloilo Belonging to Warner, Barnes and Company, Limited, So as to Correct Clerical and Other Errors. | |
Act No. 1116 April 23, 1904 | An Act Authorizing the Provincial Board of Tayabas to Revise the Lists of Assessment of Land for the Purpose of Taxation in the Municipality of Boac, in the Island of Marinduque, Province of Tayabas. | |
Act No. 1115 April 23, 1904 | An Act Appropriating Seventy Thousand, Dollars, in Money of the United States, for Payment of the First Quarterly Interest Upon the Friar Land Bonds. | |
Act No. 1114 April 11, 1904 | An Act Appropriating the Sum of Three Hundred and Seventy-Seven Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty-Six Pesos, Philippine Currency, or So Much Thereof as May Be Necessary, for Certain Public Works, Permanent Improvements, and Other Purposes of the Insular Government. | |
Act No. 1113 April 11, 1904 | An Act Providing for the Establishment of Local Civil Gov-Ernments for the Non-Christian Tribes of the Province of Isabela, and Amending Act Numbered Two Hundred and Ten By Providing for An Increase in the Salary of the Provincial Governor of Isabela. | |
Act No. 1112 April 11, 1904 | An Act Authorizing the Assignment, Sale, and Transfer to the Manila Electric Railroad and Light Company of All the Assets of the Compaiiia De Los Tranvias De Filipinas, Providing for the Surrender By the Manila Electric Railroad and Light Company of the Franchises, and Amendments Thereto, of the Said Compañia De Los Tranvias De Filipinas, and for Certain Amendments to Ordinance Numbered Forty-Four of the Municipal Board of Manila, Enacted in Pursuance of Act Numbered Four Hundred and Eighty-Four of the Philippine Commission, and for the Opening of Certain New Streets By the Municipal Board of Manila, and for a Franchise to the Manila Electric Railroad and Light Company to Construct, Maintain, and Operate An Electric Street Railway and An Electric Light, Heat, and Power System From the Limits of the City of Manila to Malabon. | |
Act No. 1111 April 08, 1904 | An Act Granting a Franchise to Charles W. Carson to Construct, Maintain, and Operate By Animal Power a Tramway Within the Limits of the Municipality of Daet, in the Province of Ambos Camarines, From the Wharves of the Barrio of Mercedes, in Said Municipality, to the Town Proper or Poblacion of Daet, and Through the Said Town of Daet to a Point on the Public Highway One Mile Distant From the Municipal Building of Said Municipality of Daet in the Direction of the Town of Talisay. | |
Act No. 1110 April 08, 1904 | An Act Appropriating Fifteen Thousand Dollars, in Money of the United States, for General Purposes, to Be Disbursed By the Disbursing Agent of the Government of the Philippine Islands At Washington, District of Columbia. | |
Act No. 1109 April 07, 1904 | An Act Appropriating An Additional Sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, in Money of the United States, for the Purpose of Continuing and Completing the Preparation of the Exhibit of the Philippine Islands At the Louisiana Purchase Exposition and the Carrying on in General of the Work of the Philippine Exhibit, and Also Authorizing the Exposition Board to Grant Concessions, and Amending Act Numbered Five Hundred and Fourteen, as Amended, So as to Authorize the Chairman of the Exposition Board, With the Approval of the Secretary of War, to Appoint and Fix the Salaries or Wages of Employees of Said Board in the United States. | |
Act No. 1108 April 05, 1904 | An Act Amending Several Sections of Act Numbered Tour Hundred and Ninety-Six, Entitled "The Land Registration Act." | |
Act No. 1107 April 05, 1904 | An Act Fixing the Salaries of the Registers of Deeds in the Several Provinces, Appointed in Pursuance of the Provisions of the Land Registration Act. | |
Act No. 1106 April 05, 1904 | An Act to Provide for a Second Revision of the Assessments Upon Real Estate in the Province of Cavite. | |
Act No. 1105 April 04, 1904 | An Act Legalizing the Action of the Municipal Board of the City of Manila in Dividing the Territory of the City of Manila Into Thirteen Districts, Assigning the Names and Defining the Boundaries of Each of Said Districts. | |
Act No. 1104 April 04, 1904 | An Act So Amending Section Thirty-Three of Act Numbered One Hundred and Thirty-Six as to Provide That the Reports of the S of the Supreme Court Shall Be Published in Both the English and Spanish Languages, But That the S in Each Language Shall Be Bound Separately Instead of in the Same Volume, as Now Provided By Law. | |
Act No. 1103 April 04, 1904 | An Act Authorizing; the Payment of a Salary of One Hundred Pesos Per Month to the President of the Municipal Board of Health of Daet, Province of Ambos Camarines. | |
Act No. 1102 April 04, 1904 | An Act Extending the Time for the Payment of the Land Tax in the Province of Ilocos Sur for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Three Until April Thirtieth, Nineteen Hundred and Four, and Providing for the Refund of Penalties Already Paid. | |
Act No. 1101 April 04, 1904 | An Act Amending Act Numbered Seven Hundred and Eighty-Seven By Authorizing the Provincial Engineer of the Moro Province to Purchase Supplies in the Open Market Under Certain Conditions. | |
Act No. 1100 April 04, 1904 | An Act to Provide for a Second Revision of the Assessments Upon Real Estate in the Province of Surigao. | |
Act No. 1099 April 04, 1904 | An Act Amending Paragraph (A) of Section Twenty-Two of Act Numbered Eighty-Two, Entitled "The Municipal Code," as Amended, So Far as Concerns the Municipality of Cebu, Province of Cebu. | |
Act No. 1098 April 04, 1904 | An Act Conferring Concurrent Jurisdiction Upon Courts of First Instance for the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Judicial Districts Over Causes Arising Within the District of Lanao, Moro Province, | |
Act No. 1097 March 30, 1904 | An Act Relating to the Payment of the Premium Charges Upon the Bonds of Bonded Insular, Provincial, and Municipal Officers and Employees. | |
Act No. 1096 March 30, 1904 | An Act Amending Act Numbered Twenty-Five, Entitled "An Act Providing for the Appointment and Removal of Subordinate Officers and Employees in Certain Departments and Bureaus of the Government of the Philippine Islands," as Amended. | |
Act No. 1095 March 29, 1904 | An Act So Amending Act Numbered Eight Hundred and Seventy-Five as to Permit the Free Entry of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores Imported By the Insular Government. | |
Act No. 1094 March 22, 1904 | An Act Appropriating the Sum of Sixty Thousand Pesos. Philippine Currency, or So Much Thereof as May Be Necessary, for Commencement of the Improvement of the River Front On, and Construction of a River Wall Along, the Pasig River, Authorized By Act Numbered Six Hundred and Sixty-Nine, and Providing for the Employment of the Necessary Engineers and Assistants. | |
Act No. 1093 March 22, 1904 | An Act Authorizing the Provincial Board of the Province of Misamis to Make Certain Corrections in the Lists of Assessment of Land for the Purpose of Taxation in the Municipalities of Misamis and Oroquieta in Said Province. | |
Act No. 1092 March 22, 1904 | An Act Extending the Time for the Payment of the Land Tax in the Province of Nueva Ecija for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Four Until July Thirty-First of Said Year. | |
Act No. 1091 March 22, 1904 | An Act Amending Section Four of Act Numbered One Hundred and Seventy-Five, Entitled "An Act Providing for the Organization and Government of An Insular Constabulary and for the Inspection of the Municipal Police," as Amended, By Providing That When a Member of the Philippines Constabulary Has Been Convicted and Sentenced By a Court of Competent Jurisdiction, Other Than a Constabulary Summary Court, the Chief of Constabulary May Order His Dishonorable Discharge and the Forfeiture of All Pay and Allowances Due or to Become Due. | |
Act No. 1090 March 22, 1904 | An Act Authorizing- Provincial Boards of Provinces Operating Launches for the Use of Their Provincial Officers to Make Reasonable Charges for Transportation of Nonofficial Passengers and Freight and Authorizing the Carrying of Nonofficial Passengers and Cargoes Tinder Certain Circumstances on Boats Controlled By the Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation, and Repealing Act Numbered Eight Hundred and Twenty-Nine. | |
Act No. 1089 March 16, 1904 | An Act Extending the Time for the Payment of the Land Tax in the Province of La Laguna for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Three Until May First, Nineteen Hundred and Four. | |
Act No. 1088 March 11, 1904 | An Act to Amend Act Numbered Ninety. | |
Act No. 1087 March 11, 1904 | An Act Appropriating the Sum of One Hundred and Eighty Thousand and Twenty Pesos, Philippine Currency, or So Much Thereof as May Be Necessary, for Certain Public Works and Permanent Improvements in the City of Manila. | |
Act No. 1086 March 10, 1904 | An Act Appropriating, Sixty-Two Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty-Six Pesos and Sixty Centavos, Philippine Currency, for Sundry Expenses of the Exposition Battalion At Saint Louis, Missouri. | |
Act No. 1085 March 10, 1904 | An Act Providing for the Loan of Four Thousand Five Hundred Pesos, Philippine Currency, to the Province of Batangas, and Authorizing the Provincial Board of Said Province to Reloan That Sum to Such Municipalities in the Province as to the Provincial Board May Seem Proper, to Be Used in the Payment of Salaries of Teachers Employed in the Barrio Public Schools of Such Municipalities, and for No Other Purpose. | |
Act No. 1084 March 10, 1904 | An Act Amending Section Fifteen of Act Numbered Seven Hundred and Two, Section One of Act Numbered Nine Hundred and Eighty-Nine, and Section One of Act Numbered One Thousand and Thirty-Five, By Extending the Time for Completing the Registration of Chinese in the Philippine Islands. | |
Act No. 1083 March 10, 1904 | An Act Appropriating the Sum of Thirty-One Thousand Dollars, United States Currency, From the Congressional Relief Fund, to Complete the Construction and Repair of the Padre Juan Villaverde Trail, in the Provinces of Nueva Vizcaya and Pangasinan. | |
Act No. 1082 March 10, 1904 | An Act Authorizing the Municipal Boards of Assessors in the Province of Occidental Negros to Hold the Annual Meeting for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Three Within Sixty Days After the Passage of This Act, Any Provision in Existing Law to the Contrary Notwithstanding. | |
Act No. 1081 March 10, 1904 | An Act Amending Act Numbered Forty-Nine, Providing for the Establishment of a Civil Government for the Province of Benguet, and Act Numbered One Thousand and Forty-Nine, Making Appropriations for Sundry Expenses of the Insular Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June Thirtieth, Nineteen Hundred and Four, and Other Designated Periods, By Providing That the Disbursing Officer of the Civil Sanitarium At Baguio, Benguet, Shall Act as Treasurer for the Province of Benguet, and By Striking Out the Provision That the Cleric of Class Nine of the Civil Sanitarium Shall Be a Dispensing Clerk. | |
Act No. 1080 March 10, 1904 | An Act Amending Sections Two, Three, and Five of Act Numbered One Thousand and Thirty, Entitled "An Act Creating An Honorary Board of Commissioners Composed of Fifty Filipinos of Prominence and Education, to Visit the Louisiana Purchase Exposition At Saint Louis At Government Expense." | |
Act No. 1079 March 09, 1904 | An Act Repealing a Portion of Act Numbered Eight Hundred and Seven, Relating to the Office of Reporter of the S of the Supreme Court, and Creating That Office as An Independent One, and Amending Section Thirty of Act Numbered One Hundred and Thirty-Six in Relation to the Appointment and Salary of a Reporter of the S of the Supreme Court. | |
Act No. 1078 March 09, 1904 | An Act Giving to Courts of First Instance Jurisdiction Over All Offenses Made Punishable By Act Numbered Eight of the Legislative Council of the Moro Province, Entitled "An Act Defining the Crimes of Slave Holding and Slave Hunting, and Prescribing the Punishment Therefor." | |
Act No. 1077 March 08, 1904 | An Act Appropriating Ten Thousand Dollars, in Money of the United States, for General Purposes, to Be Disbursed By the Disbursing Agent of the Government of the Philippine Islands At Washington, District of Columbia. | |
Act No. 1076 March 05, 1904 | An Act Providing for a Loan of Twenty Thousand Pesos, Philippine Currency, to the Province of Ilocos Sur, Eight Thousand Pesos to the Province of Romblon, and Six Thousand Pesos to the Province of Abra, From the Congressional Relief Fund, for Use in the Construction in Said Provinces of Public Schools of Secondary Instruction. | |
Act No. 1075 March 03, 1904 | An Act Providing for a Loan of Four Thousand Pesos, Philippine Currency, Out of the Congressional Relief Fund, to the Province of Rizal. | |
Act No. 1074 March 03, 1904 | An Act Appropriating Seventeen Thousand Dollars, in Money of the United States, or So Much Thereof as May He Necessary, From the Congressional Relief Fund, for the Construction and Repair of a Wagon Road From Calamba to Bay By Way of Los Baños, in the Province of La Laguna. | |
Act No. 1073 March 03, 1904 | An Act Appropriating the Sum of One Hundred and Twenty-Six Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars, in Money of the United States, From the Congressional Relief Fund, for the Construction and Repair of Roads and Bridges in the Provinces of La Laguna and Tayabas. | |
Act No. 1072 March 03, 1904 | An Act Amending Act Numbered Five, Entitled "An Act for the Establishment and Maintenance of An Efficient and Honest Civil Service in the Philippine Islands," as Amended By Acts Numbered Forty-Seven, One Hundred and Two, One Hundred and Sixty-Seven, Three Hundred and Six, and Five Hundred and Eighty-Nine. | |
Act No. 1071 February 26, 1904 | An Act Extending the Time for the Payment of the Land Tax in the Municipalities of Tabaco, Tivi, and Malinao, of the Province of Albay, for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Three Until April First, Nineteen Hundred and Four, and Providing for the Refund of Penalties Already Paid. | |
Act No. 1070 February 26, 1904 | An Act Extending the Time for the Payment of the Land Tax in the Province of Mindoro for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Three Until June Thirtieth, Nineteen Hundred and Four, and Providing for the Refund of Penalties Already Paid. | |
Act No. 1069 February 26, 1904 | An Act Authorizing the Provincial Board of the Province of Bulacan to Divert From the Provincial Road and Bridge Fund to the General Provincial Fund, for Use in the Construction of a Provincial Building, the Sum of Ten Thousand Philippine Pesos. | |
Act No. 1068 February 26, 1904 | An Act Amending Act Numbered Wine Hundred and Sixty, Entitled "An Act Reducing the Forty-Three Municipalities of the Province of Samar to Twenty-Five," By Correcting An Error in Paragraph Four of Section One Thereof. | |
Act No. 1067 February 26, 1904 | An Act Amending Act Numbered Nine Hundred and Sixteen, Entitled "An Act Reorganizing the Mining Bureau and Prescribing the Functions Thereof." | |
Act No. 1066 February 26, 1904 | An Act Exempting Small Vessels From the Requirements of Act Numbered Seven Hundred and Eighty, Entitled "An Act Providing for the Examination and Licensing of Applicants for the Positions of Master, Mate, Patron, and Engineer of Seagoing Vessels in the Philippine Coast Wise Trade, and Prescribing the Number of Engineers to Be Employed By Such Vessels." | |
Act No. 1065 February 25, 1904 | An Act So Amending Act Numbered Eight Hundred and Ninety-Eight as to Close Cape Melville, Balabac Island, as a Port of Entry, and Creating Balabac, Island of Balabac, as a Port of Entry, and Providing for the Necessary Office Force At the Port of Balabac. | |
Act No. 1064 February 24, 1904 | An Act Amending Act Numbered Ninety, By Providing for An Acting Deputy Auditor in the Absence of the Deputy Auditor for the Philippine Islands. | |
Act No. 1063 February 24, 1904 | An Act Fixing the Territory Over Which the Justice of the Peace for the Municipality of Jolo Shall Have Jurisdiction. | |
Act No. 1062 February 24, 1904 | An Act Authorizing the Appointment of a Justice of the Peace and Auxiliary Justice of the Peace for the Island of Basilan, Notwithstanding Said Island Has Been Annexed to the Municipality of Zamboanga, in the Moro Province. | |
Act No. 1061 February 24, 1904 | An Act Postponing the Date of Payment of the Loans of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars Each, Money of the United States, Made to the Provinces of Antique and Cavite, Under the Provisions of Act Numbered One Hundred and Thirty-Four, as Amended By Act Numbered Five Hundred and Ninety-Four, to December Thirty-First, Nineteen Hundred and Four. | |
Act No. 1060 February 24, 1904 | An Act Consolidating the Offices of Provincial Treasurer and Provincial Supervisor and Authorizing the Provincial Governor to Perform the Duties of the Provincial Secretary of the Province of Masbate. | |
Act No. 1059 February 24, 1904 | An Act Appropriating the Sum of Two Hundred Thousand Pesos Philippine Currency, for the Purchase of Supplies for the Insular Purchasing Agent, and for Other Purposes. | |
Act No. 1058 February 24, 1904 | An Act for the Relief of George C. Taulbee, Second Lieutenant, Philippines Constabulary. | |
Act No. 1057 February 20, 1904 | An Act Amending Act Numbered Nine Hundred and Nineteen, Entitled "An Act Providing for a Loan of Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars, United States Currency, to the Province of Nueva Ecija for the Construction of Buildings for a School of Secondary Instruction and Dormitories At San Isidro." | |
Act No. 1056 February 20, 1904 | An Act Providing for a Court Vacation and Leave of Absence of the Judges of the Courts of Land Registration and of Customs Appeals. | |
Act No. 1055 February 20, 1904 | An Act Regulating Accountability for All Receipts Which May Be Derived From Concessions Granted in Connection With the Philippine Exhibit At the Louisiana Purchase Exposition At Saint Louis, Missouri, and Creating the Office of Cashier for the Philippine Exhibit, and for Other Purposes. | |
Act No. 1054 February 20, 1904 | An Act to Amend Section Eleven of Act Numbered Six Hundred and Nineteen, Entitled "An Act to Promote Good Order and Discipline in the Philippines Constabulary," So as to Provide That Where the Accused Has Been Convicted By Summary Court Three Times Within a Year He May Be Sentenced to Be Dishonorably Discharged and to Forfeit All Pay and Allowances Due or to Become Due, in Addition to Any Other Penalty Provided By Law. | |
Act No. 1053 February 20, 1904 | An Act Extending the Time for the Payment of the Land Tax in the Province of Capiz for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Three Until April Fifteenth, Nineteen Hundred and Four, and Providing for the Refund of Penalties Already Paid. | |
Act No. 1052 February 20, 1904 | An Act to Provide for a Second Revision of the Assessments Upon Real Estate in the Province of Batangas. | |
Act No. 1051 February 18, 1904 | An Act to Amend the Municipal Code By Disqualifying Persons Convicted of Certain Offenses From Voting At Municipal Elections or Holding Municipal Offices. | |
Act No. 1050 February 12, 1904 | An Act to Authorize the Issue of Three Million Dollars of Certificates of Indebtedness Under and By Authority of Section Six of the Act of Congress Entitled "An Act to Establish a Standard of Value and to Provide for a Coinage System in the Philippine Islands," Approved March Second, Nineteen Hundred and Three, in Addition to the Six Millions of Dollars of Certificates of the Same Character Already Authorized By Acts Numbered Six Hundred and Ninety-Six and Seven Hundred and Ninety-Two, and Appropriating the Sum of Three Million and Thirty Thousand Dollars, in Gold Coin of the United States, From the Gold-Standard Fund for the Purpose of Paying the Principal and the Last Quarterly Interest of the First Series of Certificates of Indebtedness Issued Pursuant to the Provisions of Said Act Numbered Six Hundred and Ninety-Six. | |
Act No. 1049 February 11, 1904 | An Act Making Appropriations for Sundry Expenses of the Insular Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June Thirtieth, Nineteen Hundred and Four, and Other Designated Periods. | |
Act No. 1048 February 06, 1904 | An Act Making Appropriations for Sundry Expenses of the Municipal Government of the City of Manila for the Fiscal Year Ending June Thirtieth, Nineteen Hundred and Four, and Other Designated Periods. | |
Act No. 1047 February 04, 1904 | An Act Appropriating the Sum of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars, in Money of the United States, for Continuing the Improvement of the Port of Manila. | |
Act No. 1046 February 03, 1904 | An Act Appropriating the Sum of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars, in Money of the United States, From the Fund of Three Million Dollars Appropriated By the Congress of the United States for the Relief of Distress in the Philippine Islands, for Expenditure Under the Direction of the Civil Governor Upon S of the Philippine Commission. | |
Act No. 1045 January 27, 1904 | An Act for the Purpose of Providing Revenue and of Maintaining the Parity of the Philippine Currency in Accordance With the Provisions of Sections One and Six of the Act of Congress Approved March Second, Nineteen Hundred and Three, By Providing for the Purchase of Mexican Dollars as Bullion, By Imposing a Tax Upon Written Contracts Payable in Certain Kinds of Currencies, and By Requiring the Payment of a License Tax By All Persons, Firms, or Corporations Conducting Their Current Business, Either Wholly or in Part, in Said Currencies, and for Other Purposes. | |
Act No. 1044 January 26, 1904 | An Act to Provide for Submission to the Civil Governor of Annual Reports By All Provincial Governors, and Repealing Such Portions of Act Numbered Eighty-Three, the Provincial Government Act, and Its Amendments, and of Acts and Amendments Thereof Providing for the Establishment of Civil Government for the Provinces of Benguet, Lepanto-Bontoc, Nueva Vizcaya, Mindoro, and Paragua as Are Inconsistent With the Provisions of This Act. | |
Act No. 1043 January 26, 1904 | An Act Amending the Provincial Government Act By Authorizing the Civil Governor to Postpone the Election for Governor in Any Province Under Certain Circumstances. | |
Act No. 1042 January 14, 1904 | An Act for the Purpose of Maintaining the Parity of the Philippine Currency in Accordance With the Provisions of Sections One and Six of the Act of Congress Approved March Second, Nineteen Hundred and Three, By Prohibiting the Importation Into the Philippine Islands of Certain Kinds of Coins. | |
Act No. 1041 January 12, 1904 | An Act Amending Act Numbered Two Hundred and Ninety, Entitled "An Act Providing An Inexpensive Method of Administration Upon the Estates of Civil Employees of the Philippine Government Who Are Citizens of the United States, and Who Die in the Service of the Insular Government, Leaving Small Estates Upon Which No Regular Administration Is Deemed Advisable," and Providing a Method of Paying Small Amounts Due Estates of Deceased Native Employees Without the Expense of Administration. | |
Act No. 1040 January 12, 1904 | An Act Regulating the Hours of Labor, Leaves of Absence, and Transportation of Officers and Employees in the Philippine Civil Service, and Repealing Act Numbered Eighty, and All Acts Amendatory Thereof. | |
Act No. 1039 January 12, 1904 | An Act Dedicating Certain Portions of the Public Lands and Buildings in the Municipality of Cavite, Province of Cavite, to the Use of the Navy Department of the United States Government as a Naval Station, and Granting Certain Other Portions Thereof to the Said Province and Certain Other Portions Thereof to the Said Municipality. | |
Act No. 1038 January 12, 1904 | An Act Amending Act Numbered Nine Hundred and Thirty-Two, as Amended, So as to Locate the Seat of Municipal Government of the Municipality of Malolos, of the Province of Bulacan, in the Former Municipality of Barasoain. | |
Act No. 1037 January 09, 1904 | An Act Authorizing Merchants and Others in the Philippine Islands to Export Food Products Which Have Paid Duty, for a Limited Period, and in Lieu Thereof to Import Like Food Products, for a Limited Period, Without Payment of Customs Duty. | |
Act No. 1036 January 07, 1904 | An Act Providing for a Loan of Twenty Thousand Pesos, Philippine Currency, to the Province of La Laguna. | |
Act No. 1035 January 06, 1904 | An Act Amending Section Fifteen of Act Numbered Seven Hundred and Two, and Section One of Act Numbered Nine Hundred and Eighty-Nine, By Extending the Time for Completing the Registration of Chinese in the Philippine Islands. Whereas It Was Impossible to Complete the Registration of All Chinese Persons in the Philippine Islands Within the Eight Months Ending December Twenty-Ninth, Nineteen Hundred and Three, as Provided in Acts Numbered Seven Hundred and Two and Nine Hundred and Eighty-Nine, Therefore. | |
Act No. 1034 January 06, 1904 | An Act Providing for the Issue of Bonds of the Government of the Philippine Islands to the Amount of Seven Million Two Hundred and Thirty-Seven Thousand Dollars, Gold Coin of the United States of the Present Standard Value, for the Purpose of Acquiring Funds for the Payment of the Purchase Price of Certain Large Tracts of Land in the Philippine Islands, Commonly Known as the Friar Lands, Pursuant to the Provisions of Sections Sixty-Three, Sixty-Four, and Sixty-Five of the Act of Congress, Entitled "An Act Temporarily to Provide for the Administration of the Affairs of Civil Government in the Philippine Islands, and for Other Purposes." Approved July First, Nineteen Hundred and Two. | |
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation, Inc. | ||