Seventeenth Congress
Third Regular Session
Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-third day of July, two thousand eighteen.
An Act Authorizing Higher Education Curriculum Development and Graduate Training in Advanced Energy and Green Building Technologies, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippine Congress assembled:
Section 1. Short Title. -This Act shall be known as the "Advanced Energy and Green Building Technologies Curriculum Act".
Section 2. Declaration of Policy. -It is hereby declared the policy of the State to give priority to education, science and technology, and other similar fields, as well as to support the country’s educational institutions in their efforts at initiating and implementing curriculum development activities that will lead to socioeconomic progress and technological advancement.
Towards this end, the State shall endeavor to provide assistance to higher education institutions (HEIs) in preparing the next wave of design and construction professionals, as well as the existing pool of architects, engineers, landscape engineers, landscape architects, and planners all over the country, to become adept in the incorporation of advanced energy and green building technologies in the design and construction of green or high performance buildings.
Section 3. Definition, of Terms. -As used in this Act:
(a) Advanced energy refers to the technologies and services, both emerging and established, which are delivering an energy system for the 21st century, and which are recognized as being secure, clean and affordable;
(b) Green building refers to a building which, in its design, construction or operation, reduces or eliminates the negative impact on the climate and natural environment of a particular area and the country in general and can create positive impact. Green buildings preserve precious natural resources and improve the quality of life;
(c) Green building technology refers to the technology or the application of processes which are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building’s life cycle: from planning to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation and demolition. This requires close cooperation of the contractors, architects, engineers and the clients at all project stages.1âшphi1 The green building practice expands and complements the classical building design concerns of utility, economy, durability and comfort; and
(d) High performance building refers to a form of green building with a singular focus on its energy performance and which integrates and optimizes all major high-performance building attributes, including energy efficiency, durability, life-cycle performance, and occupant productivity.
Section 4. Features of a Green Building or High-Performance Building. -A green building or high-performance building shall have the following features:
(a) Uses all forms of renewable energy, such as solar energy;
(b) Efficiently uses energy, water and other resources;
(c) Provides good indoor or environmental air quality;
(d) Uses materials which are sustainable, ethical and nontoxic;
(e) Adopts pollution and waste reduction measures, and promotes reuse and recycling of materials;
(f) Employs a design that adapts to a changing environment; and
(g) Considers environment-friendly design, construction and operation.
Section 5. Advanced. Energy and Green Building Technologies Curriculum Development. -The Commission on Higher Education (CHED), in consultation with the Department of Energy (DOE) and CHED-recognized higher education institutions (HEIs), shall develop a curriculum on advanced energy and green building technologies at the undergraduate and graduate levels which shall focus on design resilience, natural resource conservation, and sustainable design and building practices, among others, to prepare students for future careers in advanced energy and green building technologies to enable future engineers, architects and urban planners to incorporate advanced energy and green building technologies in the design of high-performance buildings.
Section 6. Graduate Training in Energy Research and Development. -The CHED, in consultation with the DOE, is hereby mandated to develop graduate education curriculum related to advanced energy technology research, development, demonstration, and commercial application activities pertaining to energy research and development.
Section 7. Role of the DOE in Curriculum Development for High Performance Building Design. -The DOE shall assist the CHED in curriculum development activities in advanced energy and green building technologies for the purpose of improving undergraduate and graduate interdisciplinary studies involving the design and construction of high-performance buildings, including the development of higher education curricula in engineering, architecture, fine arts, and other related courses, laboratory activities, training programs and practicums, and design projects.
For this purpose, the DOE shall contribute funds to the curriculum development activities of the CHED, especially in the conduct of research, development, demonstration, and commercial application activities endorsed by the DOE in relation to high-performance buildings.
In awarding grants with respect to which the DOE has contributed funds under this section, the CUED shall give priority to applications from the following:
(a) HEIs whose departments, programs, centers, or schools of engineering are considered strong or prominent in engineering and architecture education, including city, regional, or urban planning; and
(b) HEIs whose departments, programs, centers, or schools of engineering have partnered with other departments, programs, centers, or schools of engineering which are considered strong or prominent in engineering and architecture education, including city, regional, or urban planning.
Section 8. Project Grants.— The Chairperson of the CUED shall consult with the Secretary of the DOE when preparing solicitations and awarding grants for projects described in this Act.
Section 9. Appropriations.— The amount necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act shall be charged against the current year’s appropriations of the CHED and the DOE. Thereafter, the amount necessary for the continued implementation of this Act shall be included in the annual General Appropriations Act.
Section 10. Implementing Rules and Regulations.— Within ninety (90) days from the effectivity of this Act, the CHED shall, in consultation with the DOE and concerned stakeholders, promulgate the implementing rules and regulations necessary to ensure the efficient and effective implementation of this Act.
Section 11. Separability Clause.— If any provision, or part hereof, is held invalid or unconstitutional, the remainder of this Act or the provisions not otherwise affected shall remain valid.
Section 12. Repealing Clause.— Any law, presidential decree or issuance, executive order, letter of instruction, administrative order, or regulations contrary to or inconsistent with the provisions of this Act is hereby repealed, modified, or amended accordingly.
Section 13. Effectivity.— This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation.
President of the Senate
Speaker of the House of Representatives
This Act which originated in the House of Representatives was passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate of the Philippines on February 4, 2019 and June 3, 2019, respectively.
Secretary of the Senate
Acting Secretary General
House of Representatives
President of the Philippines
Approved: August 22, 2019.
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation