(a) Bureau Director, seventeen thousand four hundred eighty pesos per annum;
(b) Chief of Offices (Field Health Operations, Administrative Services, Health Education and Personnel Training, Disease Intelligence Center and Food and Drugs Administration), sixteen thousand pesos per annum;
(c) Regional Health Director, fifteen thousand four hundred eighty pesos per annum;
(d) Chief of Medical Division, fifteen thousand pesos per annum;
(e) Chiefs of the Jose R. Reyes Memorial Hospital (NGH), National Mental Hospital, San Lazaro Hospital, National Orthopedic Hospital, Maternity and Children’s Hospital, the National Children’s Hospital, and other Chiefs of designated Medical Centers and the Tala Leprosarium, fifteen thousand pesos per annum;
(f) Chiefs of other national hospitals, fourteen thousand five hundred pesos per annum;
(g) Chief of Clinics, fourteen thousand pesos per annum;
(h) Medical Specialist III, Medical Adviser, Chief Malariologist and Field Research Malariologist, thirteen thousand five hundred pesos per annum;
(i) Medical Specialist II, Pharmacy Adviser, and Chief of Division (Non-Medical) Office of the Secretary, twelve thousand pesos per annum;
(j) Hospital Department Head, and Hospital Inspector, twelve thousand pesos per annum;
(k) Medical Specialist I, eleven thousand pesos per annum;
(l) Supervising Resident Physician, Senior Resident Physician and Senior Clinic Physician (Tuberculosis), nine thousand pesos per annum;
(m) Resident Physician, and Clinic Physician, seven thousand pesos per annum.
Those serving on part-time basis shall receive one-half of the corresponding salaries mentioned therein.
Approved: June 18, 1966.