An Act Authorizing the President of the Philippines to Sell Certain Parcels of Land of the Private Domain of the National Government to the Boy Scouts of the Philippines
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippine Congress Assembled:
Section 1. The President of the Philippines is hereby authorized to sell to the Boy Scouts of the Philippines for the nominal price of one peso the following parcels of land owned by the National Government.
(1) Lot 4-A, Psd-27369
"A parcel of land (lot 4-A, of the subdivision plan Psd-27369, being a portion of lot 4, block 304 of the cadastral survey of the City of Manila, G.L.R.O. record No._ ), situated in the District of Ermita, City of Manila. Bounded on the N. and NW., by lot 4-B of the subdivision plan; on the NE., by Pasig River and lot 5, block 304, Manila Cadastre; on the E. and SE., by lot 5, block 304, Manila cadastre and Calle Concepcion; and on the W. by lot 3, block 304, Manila cadastre. Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan, being N. 9° 24′ W., 1, 048.31 m. from B.L.L.M. 47, Manila cadastre 13, thence N. 88° 24′ E., 26.24 m. to point 2; thence N. 48° 41′ E., 61.83 m. to point 3; thence S. 44° 10′ point 5; thence S. 46° 50′ E., 32.77 m. to point 6; thence S. 73° 25′ E., 6.55 m. to point 7; thence S. 63° 26′ E., 0.36 m. to point 8; thence S. 55° 04′ E., 1.42 m. to point 9; thence S. 36° 29′ W., 1.77 m. to point 10; thence N. 62° 51′ W., 0.44 m. to point 11; thence 42° 28′ W., 3.05 m. to point 12; thence S. 52° 10′ W., 12.58 m. to point 13; thence N. 42° 43′ W., 0.35 m. to point 14; thence S. 51° 56′ W., 4.04 m. to point 15; thence N. 43° 11′ W., 0.89 m. to point 16; thence S. 48° 36′ W., 1.0 m. to point 17; thence S. 45° 40′ E., 0.62 m. to point 18; thence S. 52° 18′ W., 23.28 m. to point 19; thence S. 41° 11′ E., 0.43 m. to point 20; thence S. 59° 40′ W., 14.55 m. to point 21; thence S. 55° 54′ W., 1.57 m. to point 22; thence S. 34° 20′ W., 0.99 m. to point 23; thence S. 17° 55′ W., 1.75 m. to point 24; thence S. 16° 24′ W., 18.96 m. to point 25; thence S. 1° 53′ E., 81.67 m. to point 26; thence S. 88° 17′ W., 7.32 m. to point 27; thence S. 5° 12′ W., 0.99 m. to point 28; thence S. 88° 54′ W., 10.86 m. to point 29; thence S. 1° 05′ E., 23.85 m. to point 30; thence S. 88° 36′ W., 38. 41 m. to point 31, thence N. 2° 21′ W., 78.52 m. to point 32; thence N. 7° 22′ W., 60.16 m. to point 33; thence N. 2° 19′ W., 21.62 m. to the point of beginning; containing an area of 11,721,80 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows; points 1 and 2, by P.L.S. cylindrical concrete monuments; points 6 and 7, by old spikes on walls; and the rest, by old corners; bearing true; declination, variable; date of the original survey, August 1919-March, 1920 and that of the subdivision survey, July 14 and 18, 1949."
(2) Lot 4-B, Psd-27369
"A parcel of land (lot 4-B of the subdivision plan Psd-27369, being a portion of lot 4, block 304 of the cadastral survey of the City of Manila, G.L.R.O. cadastral record No. --), situated in the District of Ermita City of Manila. Bounded on the W. and N. by lot 3, block 304, Manila cadastre; and on the SE. and S., by lot 4-A of the subdivision plan. Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan, being N. 9° 24′ W., 1.048.31 m. from B.L.L.M. 47, Manila cadastre 13, thence N. 2° 1′ W., 513 m. to point 2; thence N. 2° 30′ W., 33.52 m. to point 3; thence N. 87° 44′ E., 74.38 m. to point 4; thence S. 48° 41′ W., 61.83 m. to point 5; thence S. 88° 24′ W., 26.24 m. to the point of beginning; containing an area of 1,956.30 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicate on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: points 1 and 5, and P.L.S. cylindrical concrete monuments; and the rest, by old corners; bearing true, declination, variable; date of the original survey, August 1919-March, 1920, and that of the subdivision on survey, July 14 and 18, 1949."
(3) "Lot No. 76-B-2A, bsd-5179 (City of Baguio)
"A parcel of land (lot No. 76-B-2A of the subdivision plan Bsd-5179, being a portion of lot No. 76-B-2 described on plan Tsa-769, G.L.R.O. Record No. ---), situated in the Business Section "C," City of Baguio, Island of Luzon, Bounded N., by lot No. 76-B-2" of plan bsd-5179 and lot No. 76-A of plan Tsa-340; on the NE., by lot No. 76-" of plan Tsa-340 and Gov. Pack Road; on the SE., by Gov. Pack Road; on the S., by lot No. 1, Residence Section "A" (Civil Sanatorium); on the NW., by lot NO. 91 of Plan TS/38-A (proposed road). Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan, being N. 3° 07′ E., 565.10 m. more or less, from Triangulation Station Happy, Baguio Townsite, thence S. 9° 00′ E., 15.97 m. to point 2; thence N. 82° 01′ E., 13.73 m. to point 3; thence S. 2° 04′ E., 21.72 m. to point 4; thence S. 41° 30′ W., 33.34 m. to point 5 thence S. 58° 45′ W., 17.60 m. to point 6; thence 58° 17′ S., 9.45 m. to point 7; thence N. 26° 49′ W., 4.01 m. to point 8; thence 86° 03′ W., 21.75 m. to point 9; thence N. 72° 40′ W., 26.50 m. to point 10; thence N. 25° 39′ E., 9.50 m. to point 11; thence N. 81° 37′ E., 22.23 m. to point 12; thence N. 47° 59′ E., 30.37 m. to point 13; thence N. 33° 50′ E., 23.46 m. to point 14; thence N. 0° 34′ E., 8.84 m. to point 15; thence N. 74° 41′ E., 15.86 m. to point of beginning; containing an area of three thousand sixty-six (3,066) square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan; and on the ground, "1" is marked by B. L. concrete monument; and the rest by old B. L. concrete monuments; bearings true, declination 0° 32′ E., date of the original survey, November 25-27, 1935."
Section 2. The titles to the lands conveyed by this Act shall not be transferred by the said Boy Scouts of the Philippines to another person without previous authorization of the President of the Philippines.
Section 3. In case the Boy Scouts of the Philippines is dissolved or ceases for any reason to need lands, the said lands shall ipso facto revert to the National Government without compensation: Provided, That the improvements thereon may be sold at public auction and the proceeds thereof shall be used to liquidate the obligations incurred by the Boy Scouts of the Philippines in the construction of such improvements: Provided, further, That the purchaser of the improvements shall be allowed to lease the said parcels of lands from the Government at reasonable price.
Section 4. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.
Approved: June 20, 1959.
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