[ REPUBLIC ACT NO. 1878, June 22, 1957 ]


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:

Section 1. There is hereby granted to the Santa Mesa Equipment Corporation, its successors or assigns, a temporary permit to construct, maintain and operate in the Philippines at such places as the said corporation may select, subject to the approval of the Secretary of Public Works and Communications, or any licensing authority, private fixed point-to-point, coastal, aeronautical, land based and land mobile radio stations for the reception and transmission of wireless messages on radiotelegraphy or radiotelephony, each station to be provided with radio transmitting apparatus and radio receiving apparatus.

Section 2. This temporary permit shall continue to be in force during the time that the Government has not established similar service at the places selected by the grantee, and is granted upon the express condition that the same shall be void unless the construction or installation of said stations be begun within two years from the date of approval of this Act and be completed within three years from said date.

Section 3. The grantee, its successors or assigns, shall engage in domestic business of telecommunications in the Philippines, it being understood that the purpose of this try permit is to secure to the grantee the right to construct, install, maintain, and operate private fixed point-to-point, coastal, aeronautical, land based and land mobile radio stations in such places within the Philippines as the interest of the grantee may justify.

Section 4. No fees shall be charged by the grantee as the radio stations that may be established by virtue of this Act shall engage in communications regarding the grantee's business only.

Section 5. The grantee, its successors or assigns, shall so construct and operate its radio stations as not to interfere with the operation of other radio stations maintained and operated in the Philippines.

Section 6. The grantee, its successors or assigns, shall hold the national, provincial, city and municipal governments of the Philippines harmless from all claims, accounts, demands, or actions arising out of accidents or injuries, whether to property or to persons, caused by the construction or operation of its radio stations.

Section 7. The grantee shall file a bond in the amount of fifty thousand pesos to guarantee full compliance and fulfillment of the conditions under which this temporary permit is granted.

Section 8. The grantee, its successors or assigns, shall be subject to the corporation laws of the Philippines now existing or which may hereafter be enacted.

Section 9. The grantee, its successors or assigns, is authorized to operate its private fixed point-to-point, coastal, aeronautical, land based and land mobile radio stations in the medium frequency, high frequency, and very high frequency that may be assigned to it by the Secretary of Public Works and Communications, or by any licensing authority.

Section 10. The grantee shall not lease, transfer, grant the usufruct of, sell or assign this temporary permit nor the rights or privileges acquired thereunder to any, person, firm, company, corporation or other commercial or legal entity, nor merge with any other person, firm, company or corporation organized for the same without the approval of the Congress of the Philippines first had. Any corporation to which this temporary permit may be sold, transferred, or assigned, shall be subject to the corporation laws of the Philippines now existing or hereafter enacted, and any person, firm, company, corporation or other commercial or legal entity to which this temporary permit is sold, transferred assigned shall be subject to all conditions, terms, restrictions and limitations of this temporary permit as fully and completely and to the same extent as if the temporary permit had been originally granted to the said person firm, company, corporation or other commercial or legal entity.

Section 11. A special right is hereby reserved to the
President of the Philippines in time of war, insurrection, public peril, emergency, calamity or disaster to cause the closing of the grantee's radio stations or to authorize the temporary use or possession thereof by any department of the Government, upon payment of just compensation.

Section 12. This temporary permit shall be subject to amendment, alteration, or repeal by the Congress of the Philippines when the public interest so requires, and shall not be interpreted as an exclusive grant of the privileges herein provided for.

Section 13. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.1a⍵⍴h!1

Approved, June 22, 1957.

The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation