An Act Appropriating the Sum of One Million One Hundred Eleven Thousand Seven Hundred Forty-Two Pesos for the Maintenance and Operation of Six Patrol Gunboats Medium Programmed for Delivery by the United States Government to the Philippine Government During the Year Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Four
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippine Congress Assembled:
Section 1. There is hereby appropriated out of any funds in the Philippine Treasury not otherwise appropriated an additional sum of one million one hundred eleven thousand seven hundred forty-two pesos for the Philippine Navy for the maintenance and operation of six patrol gunboats medium programmed for delivery by the United States Government to the Philippine Government during the year nineteen hundred fifty-four, as hereinafter specified:
Salaries and Wages |
1. Pay and allowances of officers and enlisted men; base pay, sea duty pay at ten per cent of base pay; rental and commutations of quarters, and commutations and/or subsistence allowance of officers andenlisted men; longevity pay for officers, additional pay for specialists under section eighty-nine of the National Defense Act, as amended; re-enlistment bonus, and clothing allowance of enlisted men: Provided, That the basic subsistence allowance shall be paid at the rate of one peso each per day and the additional subsistence shall be paid when on sea duty at the rate of two pesos daily for each officer, one peso for each enlisted man: Provided, further, That officer-patients and enlisted men-patients when confined in hospitals and dispensaries shall be paid their subsistence allowance at the rate of two pesos each per day; And, Provided, finally, That the Minimum Wage Law shall be implemented through the grant of salary differential to increase the total compensation of apprentice seamen the one thousand four hundred and forty pesos per annum, seamen second class to one thousand four hundred and seventy pesos per annum and seamen first class to one thousand five hundred pesos per annum |
₱469,568.00 |
Sundry Express |
2. Consumption of supplies and materials peculiar to naval operations, to include quartermaster, ordinance, engineering, medical, dental, signal, general stores, fuel, water, lubricants, grease and ship supplies: Provided, That Philippine Navy watercrafts shall be used only by military personnel and their immediate dependents, and by government officials and employees on official business: Provided, further, That all other persons including guests of such military personnel and their dependents using Philippine Navy watercraft shall pay for such use before the trip at the rate charged by commercial steamship lines: And Provided, finally, That the limitations herein provided shall not apply to the trips of any organization or agency to extend relief in cases of disasters or calamities |
₱540,174.00 |
3. For the drydocking and repairs of six patrol gunboats medium |
102,000.00 |
Total |
₱1,111,742.00 |
Section 2. Any portion of the appropriation herein appropriated remaining unexpended after June thirty, nine-hundred fifty five shall revert to the unappropriated surplus in the National Treasury, and the fund necessary to maintain and operate the aforementioned six patrol gunboats medium in succeeding fiscal years shall be included in the General Appropriation Acts for said fiscal years.
Section 3. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.1âшphi1
Approved: June 17, 1954.
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation