Today is Wednesday, March 26, 2025


Presidential Decree No. 1759
January 2, 1980
Penalizing Contractors and Subcontractors Who Violate any Material Provisions of Contracts Involving Public Works Projects of the Government, and Public Officials Who Allow Such Violations, and for Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1755
December 24, 1980
A Decree Amending Article 1146 of The Civil Code
Presidential Decree No. 1754
December 24, 1980
A Decree Prescribing A Condition For Amnesty
Presidential Decree No. 1753
December 14, 1980
Further Amending Presidential Decree No. 78 DatedDecember 8, 1972 As Amended By Presidential Decree No. 1149 DatedJune 2, 1977
Presidential Decree No. 1752
December 14, 1980
Amending The Act Creating The Home Development Mutual Fund
Presidential Decree No. 1751
December 14, 1980
Increasing The Statutory Daily Minimum Wage At All Levels By P4.00 After Integrating The Mandatory Emergency Living Allowances Under Presidential Decrees 525 and 1123 Into The Basic Pay of All Covered Workers
Presidential Decree No. 1750
December 12, 1980
Increasing The Capitalization of The Human Settlements Development Corporation
Presidential Decree No. 1749
December 10, 1980
Amending Presidential Decree No. 1515 Vesting The Jurisdiction and Control Over Watershed Reservations In The Ministry of Energy and For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1748
December 10, 1980
Amending The Charter of The Intramuros Administration
Presidential Decree No. 1747
December 4, 1980
Amending Section Eleven of Presidential Decree Numbered Seventeen Hundred Forty-Five
Presidential Decree No. 1746
November 28, 1980
Creating The Construction Industry Authority of The Philippines (CIAP)
Presidential Decree No. 1745
November 20, 1980
Providing For The Disposition of Cases Involving Simple Illegal Possession of Firearm, Ammunition, Or Explosive, The Surrender of Such Contraband Under Certain Guarantees and Conditions, and For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1744
November 11, 1980
Amending Article Three Hundred and Twenty of The Revised Penal Code Provisions On Arson
Presidential Decree No. 1743
November 11, 1980
Amending Presidential Decree No. 1110-A Penalizing Any Attempt On, Or Conspiracy Against, The Life of The Chief Executive of The Republic of The Philippines, Any Member of His Cabinet of Their Families
Presidential Decree No. 1742
November 11, 1980
Granting Certain Tax and Customs Benefits to The Project: Gintong Alay
Presidential Decree No. 1741
October 31, 1980
Governing The Computation of National Internal Revenue Allotments to Local Government Units
Presidential Decree No. 1740
September 17, 1980
Condoning Penalties For Certain Violations of The Income Tax Law Upon Voluntary Disclosure of Undeclared Income For Income Tax Purposes and Requiring Periodic Submission of Net Worth Statement
Presidential Decree No. 1739
September 17, 1980
Providing Fiscal Incentives By Amending Certain Provisions of The National Internal Revenue Code, and For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1738
September 17, 1980
Declaring The Banking Industry As Indispensable to The Growth of National Economy and For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1737-A
September 12, 1980
Amending Section 4 of Presidential Decree No. 576 Entitled "Abolishing The Media Advisory Council and The Bureau of Standards For Mass Media, and Authorizing The Organization of Regulatory Councils For Print Media and For Broadcast Media"
Presidential Decree No. 1737
September 12, 1980
(Repealed by PD 1875)
An Act Providing For The Preservation of Public Order and The Protection of Individual Rights and Liberties During Periods of Emergency and Exercise of Extraordinary Executive Powers
Presidential Decree No. 1736
September 12, 1980
Amending Presidential Decree Numbered Eight Hundred Eighty-Five, Otherwise Known As The Revised Anti-Subversion Law, As Amended
Presidential Decree No. 1735
September 12, 1980
Imposing Additional Penalties For Rebellion, Insurrection, Sedition and Subversion Committed Within Or Outside Philippine Territory
Presidential Decree No. 1734
October 23, 1980
Creating The Municipality of Lugus In The Province of Sulu
Presidential Decree No. 1733
October 21, 1980
Amending Presidential Decree No. 1467 Creating The "Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation" By Adding Penal Sanctions Therein
Presidential Decree No. 1732
October 8, 1980
Providing Immunity From Criminal Prosecution to Government Witnesses and For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1731
October 8, 1980
Providing For Rewards and Incentives to Government Witnesses and Informants and Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1730
October 7, 1980
Declaring The Syndicated Printing, Manufacture, Distribution, Possession Or Use of Fake Official Bureau of Land Transportation Forms, Documents, Plates and Stickers As Offenses Involving Economic Sabotage
Presidential Decree No. 1728
October 8, 1980
Amending Paragraph 4 of Presidential Decree No. 9 DatedOctober 2, 1972
Presidential Decree No. 1727-A
October 8, 1980
Prohibiting and Penalizing The Grant of Permits For The Holding of Public Rallies, Demonstrations, Assemblies and Similar Meetings to Persons Found Guilty of Rebellion, Sedition Or Subversion Who Have Not Been Granted Amnesty Therefor, and to Persons Charged With Any of Said Crimes.
Presidential Decree No. 1727
October 8, 1980
Declaring As Unlawful The Malicious Dissemination of False Information of The Willful Making of Any Threat Concerning Bombs, Explosives Or Any Similar Device Or Means of Destruction and Imposing Penalties Therefor
Presidential Decree No. 1726
September 26, 1980
Adopting An Integrated Compensation Scheme For Judicial and Legal Positions In The National Government
Presidential Decree No. 1725
September 26, 1980
Increasing The Number of Lawyers of The Citizens Legal Assistance Office, and For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1724
September 18, 1980
Amending The National Internal Revenue Code of 1977, As Amended, By Adding New Sections to Title Vii and Title Viii Thereof
Presidential Decree No. 1723
September 19, 1980
Fixing The Period of Time Within Which Unlicensed Or Loose Firearms Must Be Surrendered Without The Holder Incurring Criminal Liability and For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1722
September 16, 1980
Creating The National Coal Authority Defining Its Powers and Functions, Providing Funds Therefor, and For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1721
September 8, 1980
Amending Presidential Decree No. 1696 Awarding A Certain Area to Lepanto Consolidated Mining Company For Mining Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1720
September 8, 1980
Amending Presidential Decree No. 1251 Imposing A Fee On Operating Mining Companies to Be Known As "Mine Wastes and Tailing Fee" to Compensate For Damages to Private Land-Owners and For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1719
September 2, 1980
Amending Presidential Decree Numbered 1578 Granting Emergency Allowance For Certain Personnel of The National Museum and Providing Funds Therefor
Presidential Decree No. 1718
August 21, 1980
Providing For Incentives In The Pursuit of Economic Development Programs By Restricting The Use of Documents and Information Vital to The National Interest In Certain Proceedings and Processes
Presidential Decree No. 1717
August 21, 1980
Ordering The Rehabilitation of The Agrix Group of Companies and For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1716
August 21, 1980
Further Amending Presidential Decree No. 66 DatedNovember 20, 1972, Creating The Export Processing Zone Authority
Presidential Decree No. 1715
August 21, 1980
Amending Presidential Decree No. 618 Which Amended Republic Act No. 1789, Otherwise Known As The Reparations Law
Presidential Decree No. 1714
August 21, 1980
Amending Paragraph (1) of Section 6 of Republic Act No. 1828 As Amended By Republic Acts Nos. 2077 and 4167 and Presidential Decree No. 1001
Presidential Decree No. 1713
August 18, 1980
Providing For An Increase In The Minimum Daily Wage Rates and For Additional Mandatory Living Allowances
Presidential Decree No. 1712
August 17, 1980
Exempting All Gifts, Bequests, Donations And/Or Contributions to The Gintong Alay Educational and Fund Campaign From Certain Taxes and Providing Tax Allowance Therefor
Presidential Decree No. 1711
August 21, 1980
Further Amending Presidential Decree No. 760, As Amended By Further Encouraging The Chartering of Specialized Ocean-Going Vessels and By Extending The Effectivity of The Decree Until 1999
Presidential Decree No. 1710
August 13, 1980
Amending Presidential Decree No. 791, Entitled "Providing Exemption From The Payment of Customs and Tariff Duties, Special Import Tax and Compensating Tax Covering Importation of Sugar Mills, Machinery, Spare Parts and Equipment For A Limited Period"
Presidential Decree No. 1709
August 1, 1979
Levying A Surtax On Extraordinary Gains Realized By Oil Companies On Petroleum Products
Presidential Decree No. 1708
August 8, 1980
Amending Paragraph (I), Section 2 of Republic Act Numbered Sixty-Four Hundred and Twenty-Five, Otherwise Known As The "Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972", As Amended
Presidential Decree No. 1707
August 8, 1980
Amending Presidential Decree Numbered Nine Hundred Seventy-One and For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1706
August 8, 1980
Providing For Compulsory National Service For Filipino Citizens and Amending Certain Sections of Commonwealth Act Number One, As Amended, Otherwise Known As "The National Defense Act" For The Purpose
Presidential Decree No. 1705
August 1, 1980
Amending Certain Sections of The National Internal Revenue Code of 1977
Presidential Decree No. 1689
April 6, 1980
Increasing The Penalty For Certain Forms of Swindling Or Estafa
Presidential Decree No. 1688-A
April 3, 1980
Amending Section 2 (F) of Batas Pambansa Blg. 33
Presidential Decree No. 1688
April 3, 1980
Authorizing Banks to Invest In The Equity of Venture Capital Corporations Organized to Assist Small and Medium-Scale Enterprises
Presidential Decree No. 1687
March 24, 1980
Granting Monthly Gratuity and Other Privileges to An Awardee of The Medal of Valor
Presidential Decree No. 1686
March 19, 1980
Imposing a Tax on Every Motor Vehicle Equipped with Air Conditioner
Presidential Decree No. 1685
March 17, 1980
Amending Presidential Decree Numbered Thirteen Hundred Nine Authorizing The Central Bank of The Philippines to Engage In Special Borrowing and Lending Operations
Presidential Decree No. 1684
September 18, 1980
Amending The National Internal Revenue Code of 1977, As Amended, By Adding New Sections to Title VII and Title VIII Thereof
Presidential Decree No. 1683
March 14, 1980
Amending Certain Sections of Republic Act No. 6425, As Amended, Otherwise Known as The Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972 and For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1681
March 11, 1980
Amending Section 2 of Presidential Decree No. 1674 Entitled: "Providing A Mechanism For Price Regulation, Creating A Price Stabilization Council, Prescribing Its Powers and Responsibilities and For Other Purposes."
Presidential Decree No. 1680
March 10, 1980
Amending Presidential Decree No. 492, As Amended, Entitled "Creating The Metro Manila Transit Corporation, Appropriating The Funds Therefor and Other Purposes."
Presidential Decree No. 1679
xxx, 1980
Amending Certain Sections of Presidential Decree No. 1464, Otherwise Known As The Tariff and Customs Code of 1978
Presidential Decree No. 1678
February 20, 1980
Providing For A Provisional Mandatory Emergency Living Allowance of P2.00 A Day For Non-Agricultural Workers and P1.50 A Day For Agricultural Workers.
Presidential Decree No. 1677
February 19, 1980
Amending Certain Sections of Presidential Decree No. 463, Otherwise Known As "The Mineral Resources Development Decree of 1974", As Amended By Presidential Decree No. 1385.
Presidential Decree No. 1676
February 19, 1980
Amending The 1978 Election Code By Providing That The Investigation, Prosecution and Disposition of Cases Involving Violations of Election Laws Shall Be Given Preference and Priority.
Presidential Decree No. 1675
February 17, 1980
Amending Further Section 4 of Republic Act No. 6425, As Amended, Otherwise Known As The Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972
Presidential Decree No. 1673
February 8, 1980
To Revise Tariff Heading 76.04 of The Tariff and Customs Code of 1978 and to Modify The Rate of Duty On Imported Aluminum Foil Provided Under Presidential Decree No. 1628
Presidential Decree No. 1672
February 8, 1980
Increasing The Rates of Specific Tax On Petroleum Products By Further Amending Section 153 of The National Internal Revenue Code of 1977, As Amended
Presidential Decree No. 1671
January 28, 1980
Amending Section 192 (3) of The National Internal Revenue Code of 1977
Presidential Decree No. 1670
January 28, 1980
An Act Providing For The Expropriation of The Property Along The Estero De Sunog-Apog Formerly Consisting of Lots Nos. 55-A, 55-B and 55-C, Block 2918 of The Subdivision Plan Psd-11746, Covered By Tct Nos. 49286, 49287 and 49288, Respectively, of The Register of Deeds of Manila and For The Sale At Cost of The Lots Therein to The Bonafide Occupants and Other Squatter Families and to Upgrade The Same, and Authorizing The Appropriation of Funds For The Purpose
Presidential Decree No. 1668
January 26, 1980
Providing A New Section to Be Inserted Between Sections 6 and 7 to Be Known As "Section 6-A" of The 1978 Election Code and Amending Section 98 Thereof For The Purpose of Ensuring That The Participation of Voters Illegally Registered Shall Not Pervert The True Result of The Election
Presidential Decree No. 1667-A
January 26, 1980
Prohibiting Members of The Interim Batasang Pambansa From Changing Political Parties During Their Term of Office
Presidential Decree No. 1667
January 26, 1980
Amending Section 1 of Presidential Decree No. 1661, As Amended, Entitled: "Prohibiting Guest Candidacy and Providing Sanctions and Penalty Therefor"
Presidential Decree No. 1665
January 25, 1980
Creating Barangay Sangandaan In Quezon City
Presidential Decree No. 1664-A
January 21, 1980
Empowering The Members of The Batasang Pambansa and Members of The Sangguniang Pampook (Regional Assembly) to Administer Oaths of Office to Elective Public Officials
Presidential Decree No. 1664
January 20, 1980
Setting Additional Days For The Registration of Qualified Voters In The Voting Centers Before The Citizens' Election Committee and Extending The Last Day For The Registration Under The Continuing Systems With The Election Registrar
Presidential Decree No. 1663
January 1, 1980
Creating The Municipality of New Panamao, In The Province of Sulu
Presidential Decree No. 1662
January 10, 1980
Amending Paragraph (1) of Section 6-A of Republic Act No. 1828 As Amended By Republic Acts Nos. 2077 and 4167 and Presidential Decree No. 1001
Presidential Decree No. 1661-A
January 3, 1980
Amending Section One of Presidential Decree No. 1661, Entitled "Prohibiting Guest Candidacy and Providing Sanctions and Penalty Therefor"
Presidential Decree No. 1661
January 3, 1980
Prohibiting Guest Candidacy and Providing Sanctions and Penalty Therefor
Presidential Decree No. 1660
January 3, 1980
Providing Penalty For Violation of Section 31 of The 1978 Election Code
Presidential Decree No. 1656
January 1, 1980
Amending Presidential Decree No. 361 Re The Armed Forces of The Retirement and Separation Benefits System
Presidential Decree No. 1641
January 1, 1980
Further Amending Title Ii, Book Four of The Labor Code of The Philippines (PD 442, as amended)
Presidential Decree No. 1636
January 1, 1980
Further Amending Republic Act No. 1161 Otherwise Known As Social Security Law
Presidential Decree No. 1605
November 21, 1980
Declaring The Enclosed Coves and Waters Embraced By Puerto Galera Bay and Protected By Medio Island, An Ecologically Threatened Zone and Forbidding Therein The Construction of Marinas, Hotels, Restaurants Or Any Structures Along Its Coastline Draining Into The Endangered Zone and Causing Further Pollution; and Further Forbidding Unwarranted Ship Docking, Ship Repair Except In Duluruan, and Appointing A Special Committee to Study The Ecologically Endangered Zone's Rehabilitation and Preservation
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation, Inc.