Today is Sunday, March 23, 2025

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WHEREAS, the Government recognizes the crucial role of current and adequate knowledge of the country's physical resources and environment in determining national, regional strategies for development in international negotiations;

WHEREAS, global and national perspective on natural resources and environmental situation indicate a need to properly monitor the exploitation and development of the country's natural resources and changes in its physical environment;

WHEREAS, there are rapidly developing technologies for gathering, analyzing, and interpreting information relative to the inventory, assessment and monitoring of the country's natural resources and environment and the management thereof such that their proper utilization will enhance the capability to formulate effective plans for economic development; and

WHEREAS, recent developments and continuing scientific and technological research and development activities on natural resources information management have revealed the need to strengthen the system and capability to plan and implement the country's natural resources information programs by vesting the Natural Resources Management Center with supplementary responsibilities and powers.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution, do hereby revise Presidential Decree No. 1041, as follows:

Section 1. Declaration of Policy. It is hereby declared to be the policy of the Government (a) to utilize efficient and appropriate technologies in the inventory, assessment and monitoring of our natural resources; (b) to enhance the capability to plan for accelerated economic growth; and (c) to provide for the establishment and organization of the proper government agency to take charge and be responsible for the attainment of these general objectives.

Section 2. Reorganizing the Natural Resources Management Center. The Natural Resources Management Center, created under Presidential Decree No. 1041, hereinafter referred to as the NRMC, is hereby reorganized and constituted into a distinct agency which shall be attached to the Department of Natural Resources for policy and program coordination.

Section 3. Functions and Objectives. The functions and objectives of the Natural Resources Management Center are:

1. To formulate, develop and adopt a natural resources information acquisition and processing program that will provide data, information and studies required for the formulation of resource policies and plans for the development and conservation of the country's natural resources and the protection of the environment;

2. To conduct natural resources and environmental surveys and analysis using remote sensing and complementary technologies;

3. To conduct and undertake applied research in visual and computerized processing and interpretation of remote-sensed data, and in resource information handling and processing;

4. To establish and maintain natural resources data banks and information systems that will provide up-to-date inventory and assessment of the country's natural resources as well as the status of its administration, management and disposition by natural resources management and policy agencies, permitting in due course easy and quick access to appropriate data for planning:

5. To carry out research and investigation on specific resource and environmental issued, technology assessment and forecasting studies in natural resources;

6. To establish and operate training facilities and provide support and external services through conferences, workshops, seminars, short courses, and consultancy services;

7. To establish, operate and maintain facilities for natural resources data acquisition, reception, preprocessing, storage, analysis and dissemination to include but not limited to aircraft-borne remote sensors, computerized system for imagery interpretation, general purposes computers, photographic processing laboratories, computerized mapping and cartographic systems and associated peripherals, and if feasible ground receiving station for satellite remote sensed data;

8. To establish, operate and maintain information services including the distribution of imageries to survey organizations, microfilming and microfiche and other reproduction facilities, library services and referral systems; and

9. To promote ASEAN and international cooperation in the application of advanced technologies in regional resource surveys and assessment for the effective management thereof.

Section 4. Governing Committee. The governance and policy direction of the NRMC shall be exercised by a Governing Committee hereinafter referred to as the Committee, composed of nine (9) members, including the Chairman, as follows:

a.Secretary of Natural ResourcesChairman
b.Secretary of AgricultureMember
c.Secretary of National DefenseMember
d.Secretary of Energy Member
e.Secretary of Public Works, Transportation and CommunicationsMember
f.Director-General of the National Economic and Development AuthorityMember
g.Chairman of the National Science Development Board,Member
h.Presidential Assistant for Economic and Development AffairsMember
i.Director-General of NRMC Member

The members of the Committee shall be entitled to per diems and allowances in accordance with existing laws in the performance of their duties and in carrying out the business of the NRMC.

Section 5. Functions and Responsibilities of the Committee. The Committee shall have the following functions and responsibilities:

(a) To prepare and adopt such rules and regulations necessary for the effective discharge of its functions;

(b) To update and review periodically the policies and programs of the NRMC, including a five and ten year development program, and adopt a rational strategy for natural resources information management;

(c) To approve the staffing pattern and appoint the officers and staff of the NRMC, whose numbers, organizational structure and compensation shall be determined and approved by the Committee;

(d) To reorganize by creating, abolishing, dividing, consolidating or integrating divisions, units or stations, and to establish such inter-agency committees as may be necessary to accomplish its purposes;

(e) To discipline and remove officers and employees for cause;

(f) To determine and grant such allowances and other incentives for consultants, technical staff and any person that may be employed, hired, contracted, retained, engaged or involved by the NRMC in any of its projects, activities or undertakings;

(g) To engage the services of experts, consultants, and other personnel and entities, local or foreign, on contractual basis or other arrangements, for temporary services;

(h) To determine, assess and collect such service rates and charges for services rendered by the NRMC to its clientele;

(i) To accept turnover of assets, equipment, property, and human resources in case of dissolution of any institution or foundation undertaking endeavors similar to NRMC, and to operate such institution or foundation in the national interest;

(j) To accept donations, grants, gifts and loans from domestic and foreign sources to carry out the activities and purposes of NRMC;

(k) To confer or accept research and educational grants;

(l) To require or call upon any department, bureau, office, agency or instrumentality of the government for assistance as it may need, including the detail of officials and employees on full or part-time basis and to fix and provide for their allowances and other instruments;

(m) To delegate any or all of its powers to the Director-General except those powers which by provisions of law cannot be delegated; and

(n) To perform such other functions and duties appertaining to a governing body and as may be necessary to carry out the aims and purposes of this Decree.

Section 6. Director-General. The NRMC shall have a Director General to be appointed by the President of the Philippines who shall be the executive officer of the NRMC. He shall receive such salary and remunerations as may be determined by the Committee. He shall have the following powers and duties:

1. To prepare, for the approval of the Committee, the staffing pattern of the NRMC which shall include the determination of the number and quality of such officials and personnel as may be required for the proper discharge of the functions of the NRMC;

2. To have control and supervision over the personnel, staff, operations, and internal administration of the NRMC in accordance with existing laws and the rules and regulations promulgated by the Committee;

3. To recommend to the Committee such policies, measured, programs and projects which he deems necessary or desirable for the effective exercise and discharge of the powers and responsibilities of the NRMC;

4. To submit an annual report to the Committee on the operations, the status of the programs funded by and the financial condition of the NRMC, including a recommendation for its budget for the ensuing year; and

5. To exercise all the powers and functions of the Committee except the powers which be provisions of law cannot be delegated to the Director-General.

Section 7. Capital Investment Fund. There is hereby established a Capital Investments Fund of the NRMC to be derived from and supported by periodic appropriations and subsidies from the government or the National Treasury in such amount or amounts as will be deemed sufficient and necessary for capital outlays and investments in equipment and facilities, including payments for international commitments, related to NRMC's programs, projects and activities, as well as from contributions, donations, grants or loans from domestic and/or foreign sources, and such other income derived from NRMC operations. The government appropriations for the purpose shall be included in the General Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 1979 and every year thereafter. Income generated by the NRMC shall form part of said Fund and utilized for the same purpose.

Section 8. Exemption from taxes. Any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, any provision, contribution, bequest, subsidy or financial aid which may be made in favor of the NRMC shall be exempt from taxes of any kind and shall constitute allowable deductions in full from the income of the donors or givers for income tax purposes.

Section 9. Consultants, Research Fellows and Associates. Whenever necessary, the Center may engage the services of experts, consultants, and other personnel and entities, local or foreign, on contractual basis or other arrangements for temporary services to accomplish its purpose, or require and call upon the technical and professional services of any department, bureau, office, agency, or instrumentality of the government, including the detail of official and employees on full or part-time basis. Those so engaged may be issued appointments as consultants, research fellows and research associates. The Committee shall provide such fees, allowances, and incentives for consultants, technical staff and any person employed in any of NRMC's projects and activities and provide additional compensation and emolument for any government official or employees engaged as consultant, research fellow or research associate, any law to the contrary notwithstanding.

Section 10. Honoraria. The NRMC may pay honoraria to any government personnel providing assistance to the NRMC in carrying out its purposes and objectives under this Decree.

Section 11. Miscellaneous Provisions.

(a) Personnel occupying existing positions in the NRMC which are abolished by reason of its reorganization may be absorbed by the NRMC, as reconstituted, on the basis of merit and fitness.

(b) Personnel who may be separated or terminated by reason of the reorganization of NRMC shall be given gratuity pay based on the ratio of one month pay for every year of service in the Natural Resources Management Center.

Section 12. Separability Clause. Should any of the provisions in this Decree be declared unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of the other provisions contained herein.

Section 13. Repealing Clause. All laws, decrees, orders, rules and regulations or parts thereof inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

Section 14. Effectivity. This Decree shall take effect immediately.

DONE in the City of Manila, this 11th day of June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and seventy-eight.

The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation