M a n i l a
WHEREAS, the national government is aware of the continuing deterioration of the traffic situation in Metro Manila brought about by rapid urbanization, increasing population thru migration and concentration of socio-economic activities;
WHEREAS, the national government is cognizant of the fact that traffic problems in the area are at present being tackled, studied and resolved by a large number of national agencies/committees and local government authorities, each of which is charged with specific aspects of traffic administration;
WHEREAS, the national government fully, realizes the fact that despite the avowed cooperation and coordination by the various agencies in carrying out their respective tasks, the emerging situation has led to some conflicting directions and overlapping functions;
WHEREAS, the national leadership notes with deep concern the damaging impact of the problem to the inhabitants with the end result of impaired mobility and road safety within the area, not to mention the increased pollution, wasted efforts and resources and reduced productivity;
WHEREAS, the overall complex situation renders it imperative for the national leadership to create a central traffic authority that will oversee, unify and integrate the planning, management, implementation and administration or urban traffic activities on roads and in public places in Metro Manila.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Republic of Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution, do hereby order and decree:
Section 1. Creation of the Metro Manila Traffic Management Authority. There is hereby created a Metro Manila Traffic Management Authority, hereinafter referred to as the "Authority", which shall be under the supervision and control of the Governor of Metro Manila.
Section 2. Composition of the Authority. The Authority shall be composed of the Governor of Metro Manila, as Chairman; and as members, the Executive Secretary, MMC; the MMC Action Officers for Traffic, Finance, Transportation and Infrastructure and a representative each from the Department of Public Highways, the Department of Public Works, Transportation and Communications, the Constabulary Highway Patrol Group, the Board of Transportation, the Metropolitan Police Force.
An Executive Committee to be headed by an Executive Director, and to be composed of five members shall be appointed by the Governor, to act as the central management and executive board of the Authority. The Committee shall also act as the Secretariat of the Authority.
Section 3. Duties and Functions of the Authority. The main objective of the Authority is to integrate into one organization the functions of government agencies charged with traffic administration in order to effectivity carry out the following duties and functions:
(a) Traffic Policy and Planning. This duty comprises the coordinating function of the Authority. It involves translating goals into more specific objectives, standards and programs of work, which will have to be consistent with available resources and wider needs.
(b) Traffic Operations and Control. This duty comprises the regulation of behavior of vehicles while they are using the road and street system.
(c) Engineering and Maintenance. This duty comprises the design, specification, provision and maintenance of traffic control devices such as signals, signs, pavement markings, channelization and pedestrian crossing facilities.
(d) Research. This duty comprises monitoring the system, gathering and analyzing data, and applying the results towards the achievement of the objective of the Authority.
(e) Education/Information. This comprises the instruction and practical training of Staff, also the training of road-users, in which case it is linked with legislation and enforcement.
(f) Legislation. This comprises functional review and recommendations for enactments of any legislation and codes of behavior needed to achieve the objectives of the Authority.
(g) Enforcement. This comprises monitoring and compelling road-users to observe regulation and codes for people and vehicles using the traffic network.
(h) Implementation. This comprises the implementation of field activities such as traffic engineering construction or on-the-spot police activity which necessarily would have to be staffed by the Authority. Implementation would be delegated to the various agencies involved at the discretion of the Authority.
(i) Promulgate rules, regulations and guidelines to carry out the provisions of this Decree.
(j) Initial tasks of the Authority will be to:
i. prepare, recommend, implement and maintain and approved staffing structure;
ii. set objectives and standards of performance for the road network and associated traffic facilities;
iii. review and recommend on legislation for traffic operation and controls;
iv. prepare and implement an approved plan of action and works to achieve the required standards;
v. establish adequate arrangements for maintenance of traffic facilities;
vi. recommend any further actions to carry out the provisions of this Decree.
Section 4. Limitations of Duties.
(a) The duties of the Authority should be restricted to traffic activities in relation to all roads, streets and other public areas used by traffic.
(b) It should not encroach on the wider functions of local government, road engineering, transit operations, licensing and registration of vehicles, or general police activities.
Section 5. Technical and Administrative Staff to Assist the Authority. The Authority shall be assisted by the technical and administrative staff, which may be drawn from the member-agencies of the Authority. Initially and during the transition period, the on-going IBRD-assisted Metro Manila Traffic Engineering and Management Project Staff of the Department of Public Highways may be availed of for this purpose.
Section 6. Personnel of the Authority. The Authority shall determine the technical qualification, the number, appoint and fix the salaries of the personnel of the Authority in accordance with the Civil Service Law and Rules. Additional personnel may be hired on contract basis as the exigencies of the service may require.
Section 7. OCPC-Exempt. In view of the dearth of qualified staff and the highly technical nature of the work and duties involved, the salaries of the technical personnel of the Authority shall be exempt from the rules and regulations of the Office of Compensation and Positions Classification, and the same shall not apply to technical positions created under this Decree.
Section 8. Honoraria for Assisting Personnel. The Authority shall pay honoraria to any government personnel providing assistance to the Authority in carrying out its varied duties and functions under Sec. 3 hereof. The rate shall likewise be determined by the Authority.
Section 9. Appropriation. The Metro Manila Commission should include in its annual budget starting the calendar year 1979, the necessary appropriation to effectively carry out the provisions of this decree. Initially, however, for the calendar year 1978, part of the funds appropriated for the Traffic Engineering and Management Project of the Department of Public Highways may be utilized.
Section 10. Repealing Clause. All acts, presidential decrees, letters of instructions, executive orders, rules and regulations or parts thereof which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Decree are hereby repealed amended or modified accordingly.
Section 11. Effectivity. This Decree shall take effect immediately.
DONE in the City of Manila, this 21st day of December, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and seventy-seven.
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation