[ Act No. 795, July 03, 1903 ]
By authority of the United States, be it enacted by the Philippine Commission, that:
Transportation, Philippine Civil Service Board, nineteen hundred and three: For the actual and necessary traveling expenses of members and examiners of the Philippine Civil Service Board in arranging and conducting civil service examinations at points other than Iloilo and Cebu, fifteen dollars.
Transportation, Philippine Civil Service Board, nineteen hundred and three: For the actual and necessary traveling expenses of W. S. Washburn, Chairman, and John E. Enright and Everett E. Thompson, examiners, of the Philippine Civil Service Board in arranging and conducting civil service examinations at points other than Iloilo and Cebu, during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, fifty dollars.
In all, for the Philippine Civil Service Board, sixty-five dollars.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of the Insular Purchasing Agent, nineteen hundred and three: Three clerks, class nine; six assistant foremen, at three dollars per diem, whose employment was authorized by resolution of the Commission of May twenty-second, nineteen hundred and three, from that date; hire of such foremen, teamsters, drivers, stablemen, janitors, blacksmiths, saddlers, wheelwrights, and additional watchmen and laborers as may from time to time be necessary in the Transportation Department, coal and lumber yard, and for the handling of supplies; eleven thousand six hundred and seventy-six dollars and seventy-two cents.
Purchase of supplies. Bureau of the Insular Purchasing Agent nineteen hundred and two: For refunds to provinces and disbursing officers for overpayments on their accounts due to changes of currency ratio, thirty-four dollars and seventy-eight cents.
In all, for the Bureau of the Insular Purchasing Agent, eleven thousand seven hundred and eleven dollars and fifty cents.
Suppression and extermination of epidemic diseases and pests, Board of Health for the Philippine Islands, nineteen hundred and three: For the suppression and extermination of epidemic diseases and pests; purchase of vaccine virus and fees for diagnoses to be paid to the Bureau of Government Laboratories for deposit in the Insular Treasury under the head of "miscellaneous receipts"; reimbursement of funds expended for salaries and traveling expenses of veterinarians and inoculators under the provisions of Act Numbered Six hundred and seventy-seven: reimbursement for property clothing, infected rice, and so forth, destroyed to prevent the spread of epidemics; salaries and traveling expenses of vaccinators; installation and maintenance of the pail system at Mariquina, in the Mariquina Valley, the source of the water supply of the city of Manila, and other incidental expenses; thirty-five thousand dollars.
Suppression and extermination of epidemic diseases and pests, Board of Health for the Philippine Islands, nineteen hundred and two: For the suppression and extermination of epidemic diseases and pests: reimbursement of the Quartermaster's Department United States Army, for ranges, stovepipe, boilers, and cooking utensils, tools, tents, wheelbarrows, furniture, cots, and so forth, purchased during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, not to exceed twenty thousand dollars: salaries and traveling expenses of vaccinators: reimbursement for property, clothing, and so forth, destroyed to prevent the spread of epidemics: claims for services, traveling expenses, and subsistence of sanitary inspectors, practicantes, and nurses: rations for and transportation and urgent expenses of patients, and other incidental expenses for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, twenty-six thousand dollars.
Contingent expenses, Board of Health for the Philippine Islands, nineteen hundred and three: For contingent expenses, including per diems of five dollars to Captain Edward L. Munson, United States Army, while detailed as assistant to the Commissioner of Public Health: subscription to the Philadelphia Medical Journal from January first, nineteen hundred and one; allowance of one hundred dollars to Carl D. Benche hospital steward, United States Army, for services with the Board of Health as chief disinfector, from May twelfth, nineteen hundred and three, to June eleventh, nineteen hundred and three, in addition to his pay from the United States Army: allowance of one thousand five hundred dollars, local currency, to the Sisters of the Assumption in full payment of their claim for damages to the building known as the Santiago Hospital while occupied as a cholera hospital and other incidental expenses, one thousand three hundred and twenty-six dollars and fifty cents.
Contingent expenses, installation of the pail, system in the city of Manila, Board of Health for the Philippine Islands, nineteen hundred and three: For contingent expenses, including hire of bull carts; freight and insurance on pails and lighterage of same; garbage pump for night-soil barge: compensation of H. K. Struve for inspection of night-soil barge while under construction at Shanghai; construction of messroom on night-soil barge; cablegrams; payment of Insular Purchasing Agent's voucher numbered six hundred and seventy-two, month of February fiscal year nineteen hundred and two erroneously charged against appropriation for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three being in the sum of eight thousand three hundred and sixty-seven dollars and fifteen cents; advertising, and other incidental expenses, thirteen thousand one hundred and sixty-two dollars and sixty-five cents.
The funds appropriated in Act Numbered Five hundred and ninety-five under the head of Transportation, Board of Health for the Philippine Islands, nineteen hundred and two are hereby transferred to and made available under the head of "Contingent expenses, installation of the pail system in the city of Manila, Board of Health for the Philippine Islands, nineteen hundred and two"; this transfer and authority being hereby made retroactive and effective as of the date of the passage of Act Numbered Five hundred and ninety-five.
In all, for the Board of Health for the Philippine Islands, seventy-five thousand four hundred and eighty-nine dollars and fifteen cents.
Contingent expenses, Philippine Weather Bureau, nineteen hundred and two: For rent of station at Iloilo, from September first, nineteen hundred and one, to March, nineteen hundred and two, not to exceed four hundred and twenty dollars, local currency, two hundred and ten dollars.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Public Lands, nineteen hundred and three: For contingent expenses, including office supplies, furniture, drawing instruments, implements, and other incidental expenses, one hundred and fifteen dollars and thirty cents.
Salaries and wages. Bureau of Agriculture, nineteen hundred and three: Agricultural College and Experiment Station, Island of Negros: One clerk, class nine; one teamster, Class C; four hundred dollars.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Agriculture, nineteen hundred and three: For reimbursement to William H. Scholz, late disbursing officer, Bureau of Agriculture of amount paid by him as premium on his official bond, not to exceed forty-five dollars, pursuant to the terms of his contract of employment made in Washington District of Columbia.
In all, for the Bureau of Agriculture, four hundred and forty-five dollars.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Government Laboratories, nineteen hundred mid three: One entomologist, class eight; one photographer, Class A: one photographer's helper, Class J; and for compensation of Joseph J.1aшphi1 Eaton, a teacher in the Manila Trade School, while temporarily employed as microscopist and wood expert, at seventy-five dollars per month, the payment of which is hereby authorized, anything in existing laws prohibiting the payment of extra compensation to civil servants and employees to the contrary not withstanding; six hundred and eight dollars and thirty-three cents.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Government Laboratories: For the payment of unforeseen expenses in caring for imported cattle and incidental expenses in making the necessary arrangements for the purchase, immunization, and sale of the same, to be expended in the discretion of the Superintendent of Government Laboratories, and to be available both for the expenses incurred during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three and the first half of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, one thousand five hundred dollars: Provided, That this appropriation shall be a charge upon the fund of three million dollars, in money of the United States, voted by the Congress of the United States by Act approved the third day of March, nineteen hundred and three for the relief of distress in the Philippine Islands.
In all, for the Bureau of Government Laboratories, two thousand one hundred and eight dollars and thirty-three cents.
Salaries and wages, Philippine Civil Hospital, nineteen hundred and three: One clerk Class A; one clerk Class D; seventy-eight dollars and thirty-three cents.
The officer in charge of the Philippine Civil Hospital is hereby authorized to pay, out of any funds appropriated for said hospital under the head of "Salaries and wages, nineteen hundred and three," the increase in the salary of the house surgeon for the month of June, nineteen hundred and three, authorized in Act Numbered Seven hundred and seventy-three, and salary earned during the month of June, nineteen hundred and three, by the Assistant Attending Physician and Surgeon while on accumulated leave, said position having been abolished under the provisions of Act Numbered Seven hundred and seventy-three.
Transportation Philippine Civil Hospital, nineteen hundred and three: For the purchase of an ambulance and horses for the same one thousand two hundred and ten dollars.
Transportation, Philippine Civil Hospital, nineteen hundred and two: For the actual and necessary traveling expenses of officers and employees; transportation of supplies; and purchase of one native pony not to exceed one hundred and sixty-five dollars, local currency; one hundred and seventy-nine dollars and sixty-seven cents.
Contingent expenses, Philippine Civil Hospital, nineteen hundred and two: For contingent expenses, including hospital, commissary, and subsistence supplies; purchase and erection of one flag pole complete; purchase of account books; native pony; and other incidental expenses, during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, one thousand two hundred and sixty dollars and twenty-seven cents.
In all, for the Philippine Civil Hospital, two thousand seven hundred and twenty-eight dollars and twenty-seven cents.
Post-Office Service:
Salaries and wages. Post-office Service, nineteen hundred and three: For the compensation of postmasters appointed under the provisions of sections three and four of Act Numbered One hundred and eighty-one, three thousand dollars.
Contingent expenses. Post-Office Service, nineteen hundred and three: For contingent expenses, including mail equipment, supplies, furniture, and other incidental expenses, three thousand dollars.
In all, for the Bureau of Posts, six thousand dollars.
Construction and maintenance of telegraph, telephone, and cable lines, Signal Service, nineteen hundred and two: For purchases and services in connection with the construction and maintenance of telegraph, telephone, and cable lines in the Philippine Archipelago, including purchase and transportation of poles and hire of labor in erecting a telephone line between Candon and Cervantes, and for the hire of linemen, during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, two hundred and seventeen dollars and seventy-five cents.
Pay of Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and three: For deficiency pay of officers, enlisted men, and employees, thirteen thousand dollars.
Clothing, camp, and garrison equipage, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and three: For cloth, woolens, materials, and manufacture of clothing; equipage; purchase, repair, and preservation of arms, ammunition, and equipments, and for clothing allowance not drawn in kind by enlisted men on discharge, sixty thousand dollars.
Transportation, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and three: For transportation of officers and enlisted men and prisoners; animals, and supplies; for the purchase and hire of draft animals, harnesses, wagons, carts, and so forth; for forage for animals; blacksmiths' tools, forges, and shoeing of animals; purchase of horses and equipments for mounted service; veterinary attendance and supplies; subsistence of officers and enlisted men while on campaign or traveling under orders; twenty-two thousand two hundred dollars.
Contingent expenses, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and three: For contingent expenses, including stationery, furniture, office supplies, cablegrams, special messengers; post-office expenses; purchase of periodicals and professional books; medical treatment and medicines for officers and enlisted men; burial expenses of deceased officers and enlisted men; subsistence of prisoners, and other incidental expenses, sixteen thousand dollars.
Transportation, Philippines Constabulary, nineteen hundred and three: For rent of building at San Pedro Macati owned by Trinidad Buenaventura and occupied by native police from April first in June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, seventy-five dollars.
In all, for the Philippines Constabulary, one hundred and eleven thousand two hundred and seventy-five dollars.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Prisons, nineteen hundred and three: One engineer-machinist-electrician, class nine; one laundry foreman, at one thousand and fifty dollars per annum; two emergency guards, at nine hundred dollars per annum each, from May twentieth to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and three; eight emergency guards, at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each from May twentieth to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and three, nine hundred and sixty-five dollars and ninety-five cents.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Prisons, nineteen hundred and three: For contingent expenses, including subsistence of prisoners, and other incidental expenses, two hundred dollars.
In all, for the Bureau of Prisons, one thousand one hundred and sixty-five dollars and ninety-five cents.
Launches, Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation, nineteen hundred and three: For expenses in the maintenance of launches and steamers, including salaries and wages of officers, crews, and laborers; repairs and outfits; rations, coal, and oil, thirteen thousand dollars.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Engineering, nineteen hundred and three: One chief civil engineer, at three hundred dollars per month; and one assistant civil engineer, at two hundred dollars per month, from March first, nineteen hundred and three, employed under the provisions of Act Numbered Five hundred and eighty-six, two thousand dollars.
Any unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under the head of "Salaries and wages, Bureau of the Insular Treasurer nineteen hundred and three," is hereby made available for the payment of salaries of such additional examiners as may have been employed during the month of June, nineteen hundred and three, under authority contained in Act Numbered Seven hundred and eighty-three.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of the Insular Treasurer, nineteen hundred and two: For the payment of rebates due on unearned premiums of surety bonds transferred or canceled during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, the original papers of which are now at such remote distances as to make the transmission and return of properly executed vouchers by July first, nineteen hundred and three, impracticable, one hundred and ninety dollars.
In all, for the Bureau of the Insular Treasurer, one hundred and ninety dollars.
Any unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under the head of "Salaries and wages, Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and three," is hereby made available for the payment of salaries as follows: One Deputy Surveyor of Customs, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum, from April thirteenth, nineteen hundred And three, as provided in Act Numbered Seven hundred and thirty-seven; assistant admeasurer, class seven, Office of Surveyor of Customs, from October first, nineteen hundred and two to January first, nineteen hundred and three; ten guards, Class J, for the port of Cebu, from May fourteenth, nineteen hundred and three; allowance to John T. Patrick, late clerk, class ten, in lieu of thirty-five days' accrued leave of absence, not to exceed one hundred and twenty-two dollars and twenty-two cents; and for compensation of translator as provided in section thirty-one of Act Numbered Three hundred and sixty-seven.
Salaries and wages. Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and two: For the salaries of boatmen at the port of Silay for the month of May, nineteen hundred and two, fourteen dollars and ten cents.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and one: Salary of the inspector of customs at the port of Cuyo from June nineteenth to thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum, six dollars.
Revenue launches, Bureau of Customs and Immigration, nineteen hundred and three: For the maintenance and expenses of launches and revenue cutters, including supplies, coal, and repairs, three thousand dollars.
In all, for the Bureau of Customs and Immigration, three thousand and twenty dollars and ten cents.
Salaries and wages, Bureau of Internal Revenue, nineteen hundred and three: For salaries and wages, three hundred and seventy-eight dollars and thirty-three cents.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Internal Revenue, nineteen hundred and three: For contingent, expenses, including rents, office supplies, furniture, and other incidental expenses, one hundred and seventy dollars.
Refunds, Bureau of Internal Revenue, nineteen hundred and two: For refund of taxes collected contrary to law during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two to enable the collectors to refund to the pavers the amount erroneously collected, eighteen dollars and eighteen cents.
In all, for the liureau of Internal Revenue, five hundred and sixty-six dollars and fifty-one cents.
Any unexpended balance of funds heretofore appropriated under the head of "Salaries and wages, Bureau of Justice, nineteen hundred and three," is hereby made available for the payment of salaries as follows: Assistant Attorney-General, Philippines Constabulary at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum, from April first, nineteen hundred and three, as provided in Act Numbered Seven hundred and eleven; Assistant Solicitor-General, at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum, from April first, nineteen hundred and three, as provided in Act Numbered Six hundred and eighty-three; one employee, class eight, from May twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and three; and one employee, class nine, from June first, nineteen hundred and three, in the office of the Attorney-General.
Transportation, Bureau of Justice, nineteen hundred and three: For reimbursement to John T. McDonough, associate justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippine Islands, for the traveling expenses of himself and family from New York to Manila, four hundred and eighty-three dollars and ninety-six cents.
Contingent expenses, Bureau of Education, nineteen hundred and three: Rent of dormitory for girls attending the Manila Normal School, during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, two hundred and fifty dollars.
Public works, Bureau of Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings, nineteen hundred and three: For maintenance, repairs to, and construction of the following public buildings, not to exceed in costs the amounts set opposite the names of the respective buildings:
Bureau of Agriculture, Singalon Experiment Station, two hundred dollars.
Bureau of the Insular Treasurer, for deficiency incurred on account of delay experienced in the construction of a vault for the Insular Treasury and the depreciation of Mexican currency during the period of the delay, not to exceed fourteen dollars and forty-seven cents.
Civil Sanitarium. Baguio, Benguet, reimbursement to the Civil Governor of amounts, advanced from his contingent fund, for carying on the improvements at Baguio, including extensions to cottages, outbuildings, and so forth and for the purchase of supplies and material incident to such improvements, two thousand two hundred and thirty-five dollars: Provided, That any unexpended balance remaining on June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and three, shall be available for expenditure during the first half of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four.
In all for the Bureau of Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings, two thousand four hundred and forty-nine dollars and forty-seven cents.
Salaries and wages, custodian of the Santa Potenciana Building, nineteen hundred and three: One janitor, Class D; ten laborers, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; one hundred and eighty dollars.
Contingent expenses, custodian of the Santa Potenciana Building, nineteen hundred and three: For contingent expenses, including purchase of supplies, water, ice, electric installation and lighting, and other incidental expenses, three hundred dollars.
In all, for the Custodian of the Santa Potenciana Building, four hundred and eighty dollars.
Any unexpended balance of appropriations heretofore made for expenses in carrying on the construction of the Benguet wagon road is hereby made available for the payment of per diems of five dollars for Major L. W. V. Kennon, United States Army, engineer in charge of Benguet improvements, from June first, nineteen hundred and three, and per diems of one dollar and fifty cents to Lieutenant George J. Holden, United States Army, assistant, to the engineer in charge of Benguet improvements, from July third, nineteen hundred and three.
Contingent expenses, district commander, Poll oh, Mindanao, nineteen hundred and two: For supplies purchased from the Insular Purchasing Agent in excess of appropriations available for payment therefor, during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, seventeen dollars and fifty-three rents.
For salaries and wages and expenses in connection with the preliminary reconnaissance of a wagon road from Baguio to Naguilian, three hundred and fifty dollars.
For payment of the expenses of equipping and maintaining the launch assigned for the use of the provincial government of Mindoro in the administration of the affairs of said province, three thousand seven hundred and seventy dollars.
Public works, Chief Engineer, Division of the Philippines, nineteen hundred and three: For reimbursement of the funds appropriated in Act Numbered Four hundred and ninety for the construction of a wharf at Calbayog, Samar, in the amount expended from such funds for repairs to the launch Philadelphia, assigned to the engineer in charge of the construction of said wharf, which expenditure is hereby authorized and approved, not to exceed seven thousand five hundred dollars, local currency, three thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars.
The following sums, or so much thereof as may be found to be due on settlement of the respective claims by the Auditor, are hereby appropriated for the purposes specified:
Insular salary and expense fund, nineteen hundred and three: For the payment of salaries and traveling expenses of civil officers and employees properly chargeable to insular funds and not otherwise specifically provided for, including half salary and traveling expenses of employees from the United States to Manila, and for the payment to the estates of deceased employees of salaries due such employees for the leaves of absence to which they were entitled at the time of their deaths, in accordance with the provisions of Act Numbered Four hundred and forty-eight, and such other expenses of like character payment of which shall be directed by the Executive Office, twenty thousand dollars; but no salary shall be paid to any officer or employee for a period subsequent to his arrival in Manila from this appropriation, when the Bureau to which he may be assigned has a vacancy from the appropriation for which he may be properly paid, or the provincial office to which he may be assigned was vacant.
The transportation issued by the General Superintendent of Education or the Executive Secretary in accordance with resolutions of the Commission under dates of April eighth and May sixteenth, nineteen hundred and three, approving payment of return traveling-expenses of certain school-teachers, is hereby authorized and the cost thereof is made a proper charge against the insular salary and expense fund, nineteen hundred and three.
Insular salary and expense fund, nineteen hundred and two: For the payment of salaries and traveling expenses of civil officers and employees properly chargeable to insular funds and not otherwise specifically provided for, including half salary and traveling expenses of employees from the United States to Manila, and for the payment to the estates of deceased employees of salaries due such employees for the leaves of absence to which they were entitled at the time of their deaths, in accordance with the provisions of Act Numbered Four hundred and forty-eight, and such other expenses of like character payment of which shall be directed by the Executive Office, one thousand dollars; but no salary shall be paid to any officer or employee for a period subsequent to his arrival in Manila from this appropriation, when the Bureau to which he may be assigned has a vacancy from the appropriation for which he may be properly paid, or the provincial office to which he may be assigned is vacant.
Contingent expenses. Municipal Board, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and three: For contingent expenses, including expert testimony and report on condition of Manila Telephone Company's system, not to exceed two hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents; purchase of the unfinished building situated at the northwest corner of the intersection of Calzada de Vidal and Calle Concepcion, district, of Manila, the same to be strengthened and repaired out of the purchase money, together with all appurtenances and hereditaments thereunto belonging, at a price not to exceed fifty thousand dollars, local currency; payment to the Public Printer for printing and Ending furnished by the Insular Government to the city of Manila during the fiscal, year nineteen hundred and three under allotments provided for in Acts Numbered Four hundred and thirty, Four hundred and ninety, and Five hundred and ninety-five, not to exceed fifteen thousand six hundred dollars, and other incidental expenses, forty thousand six hundred dollars.
Public works, Department of Engineering and Public Works, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and three: The Municipal Board is hereby authorized to pay from funds now on hand a sum not exceeding one thousand three hundred and ninety-two dollars and fifty cents for extra work on the San Nicolas Fire Station due to change in the plans.
Contingent expenses, Department of Engineering and Public Works, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and three: For architect's services in examining and reporting upon the condition of the Cosmopolitan Hospital property, one hundred and five dollars.
Contingent expenses, Fire Department, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and two: For payment of claim for transportation furnished to the Chief of the Fire Department during the month of May, nineteen hundred and two, fifteen dollars and fifty cents.
Equipment, Fire Department, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and three: For the purchase of equipment for fire apparatus, fire engines, hose, horses, furniture, bedsteads, and bedding, for fire stations; repairs to and maintenance of apparatus, equipment, and furniture; purchase of repair wagon for lire and police alarm system, harness, labor, and material for extension of police alarm system; painting of poles, and purchase of general supplies, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-one dollars and ninety-three cents.
Salaries and wages. Law Department, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and three: For compensation to Marcelo Cordero, temporarily employed as assistant clerk of the municipal court for the period from February sixteenth to March seventeenth, nineteen hundred and three, inclusive, at one thousand dollars per annum, eighty-eight dollars and-eighty-nine cents.
Equipment, Department of Police, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and four: For equipment of police force, including purchase of police-alarm boxes and telephones, together with incidental supplies in connection therewith, and other incidental expenses, one thousand five hundred dollars.
Contingent expenses. Department of Police, city of Manila, nineteen hundred and three: For repairs to the launch Buckey O'Neill, not to exceed two thousand five hundred and thirty-four dollars and thirty cents, local currency, one thousand two hundred and sixty-seven dollars and thirty cents: Provided, That the Auditor shall approve the disbursement of this sum, the provisions of law requiring the advertisement for bids on contracts involving an expenditure of five hundred dollars or more to the contrary notwithstanding, in view of the circumstances in this case, which were that the work of repairs had been begun with in formation that the cost thereof would not reach five hundred dollars, but that the necessity for additional repairs costing more than five hundred dollars was shown when the launch was placed in dry dork and unknown defects were discovered when it would have involved a large additional expense to delay until bids could be invited in accordance with law.
In all, for the city of Manila, forty-five thousand five hundred and thirty-eight dollars and sixty-two cents.
Total of appropriations for all purposes, three hundred and eight thousand three hundred and ninety-seven dollars and forty-four cents, in money of the United States, or so much thereof as maybe necessary.
All moneys appropriated prior to the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four paid out of the Treasury after July first, nineteen hundred and three, shall be payable only in United States currency or Philippines currency, at the option of the Insular Treasurer: Provided, That exchange between Mexican currency and United Philippines currency may be had as provided in this section.
Enacted, July 3, 1903.