[ PROCLAMATION NO. 186, March 30, 2017 ]
Pursuant to the powers vested in me under Republic Act (RA) No. 7916, otherwise known as the Special Economic Zone Act of 1995, as amended by RA No. 8748, and upon the recommendation of the Board of Directors of the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA), I, RODRIGO ROA DUTERTE, President of the Republic of the Philippines, do hereby designate, subject to the provisions of RA No. 7916, as amended, its Implementing Rules and Regulations, and Resolution No. 13- 774 (s. 2013), as amended by Resolution No. 16-139 (s. 2016) of the PEZA Board of Directors, several parcels of land located in Barangays Bundagul and Sta. Maria, Mabalacat City, Province of Pampanga for inclusion to the existing TIPCO Estates Corporation (TECO) Industrial Park - Special Economic Zone with an aggregate area of Two Hundred Eighty Thousand square meters (280,000 m 2), more or less, as defined by the following technical descriptions:
Lot1, Pcs-03-017522
A parcel of land covered by TCT No. 195586 [Lot 1 of the subdivision plan, Pcs-03-017522 being a portion of the consolidated Lots 124 and 125, Bsd-03-001660 (OLT) LRC Rec. No.], situated in the Barangay of Bundagui, Municipality of Mabalacat, Province of Pampanga, Island of Luzon.
Bounded on the NE., along line 1-2-3 by Lot 3 of the consolidation subdivision plan; on the SE., along line 3-4 by property of Pastor Cuyugan; on the SW., along lines 4-5-6 by property of Antonio Passion; on the NW., along line 6-7 by property of Dionisio Ramos and on the NE., along line 7-1 by Lot 2 of the consolidation subdivision plan.
Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan, being N. 60 deg. 26' E., 3,709.19 m. from BLLM No. 1, Mabalacat Cadastre;
thence | S. 42 | deg. 43' E., | 86.62 m. | to point 2; |
thence | S. 42 | deg. 42' E., | 250.00 m. | to point 3; |
thence | S. 53 | deg. 23' W., | 41.43 m. | to point4; |
thence | N. 42 | deg. 06' W., | 169.28 m. | to point 5; |
thence | N. 43 | deg. 01' W., | 329.19 m. | to point 6; |
thence | N. 10 | deg. 46' E., | 51.18 m. | to point 7; |
thence | S. 42 | deg. 43' E., | 196.70 m. | to the point of |
beginning; containing an area of Twenty Thousand Eight Hundred Five square meters (20,805 m 2), more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the grounds by P.S. cyl. cone. mons. 15 x 40 cms. Bearings true; date of original survey 28-29 August, 4-5 September 1913 and that of the consolidation and subdivision survey 10-25 September 2009 and was approved on 08 February 2010.
Lot 568-A, Psd-03-034050
A parcel of land covered by TCT No. 389662-R (Lot 568-A of the subdivision plan, Psd-03-034050 being a portion of the Lot 568 Cad. 93 Mabalacat Cad., LRC Rec. No.), situated in the Barangay of Bundagul, Municipality of Mabalacat, Province of Pampanga, Island of Luzon.
Bounded on the NE., along line 1-2 by Lot 570, Cad-93 Mabalacat Cadastre; on the SE., and SW., along line 2-3-4-5 by Road; on the NW., along line 5-6 by Lot 568-C and along line 6-1 by Lot 568-B both of the subdivision plan.
Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan, being S. 15 deg. 31' E., 691.48 m. from BBM No. 30, Mabalacat Cadastre;
thence | S. 42 | deg. 06' E., | 120.76 m. | to point 2; |
thence | S. 50 | deg. 55' W., | 107.91 m. | to point 3; |
thence | S. 52 | deg. 19' W., | 187.39 m. | to point 4; |
thence | N. 37 | deg. 43' W., | 120.77 m. | to point 5; |
thence | N. 51 | deg. 51' E., | 165.11 m. | to point 6; |
thence | N. 51 | deg. 52' E., | 120.93 m. | to the point of |
beginning; containing an area of Thirty Five Thousand Three Hundred Eight square meters (35,308 m 2), more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the grounds by P.S. cyl. cone. mons. 15 x 60 cms. Bearings true; date of original survey February-September 1916 and that of the subdivision survey 15 September 1989 and was approved on 04 October 1989.
Lot 568-B, Psd-03-034050
A parcel of land covered by TCT No. 389663-R (Lot 568-B of the subdivision plan, Psd-03-034050 being a portion of the Lot 568, Cad-93 Mabalacat Cad. LRC Rec. No.), situated in the Barangay of Bundagul, Municipality of Mabalacat, Province of Pampanga, Island of Luzon.
Bounded on the SE., along line 1-2 by Lot 568-A; on the SW., along line 2-3 by Lot 568-C both of the subdivision plan; on the NW., along line 3- 4 by Road and on the NE., along lines 4-5-1 by the Lot 570, Cad-93 Mabalacat Cadastre.
Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan, being S. 15 deg. 31' E., 691.48 m. from BBM No. 30., Mabalacat Cadastre;
thence | S. 51 | deg. 52' W., | 120.93 m. | to point 2; |
thence | N. 38 | deg. 30' W., | 282.90 m. | to point 3; |
thence | N. 12 | deg. 10' E., | 122.37 m. | to point 4; |
thence | S. 42 | deg. 45' E., | 313.63 m. | to point 5; |
thence | S. 42 | deg. 06' E., | 48.52 m. | to the point of |
beginning; containing an area of Thirty Five Thousand Three Hundred Six square meters (35,306 m 2), more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the grounds by P.S. cyl. cone, mons. 15 x 60 cms. Bearings true; date of original survey February- September 1916 and that of the subdivision survey 15 September 1989 and was approved on 04 October 1989.
Lot 568-C 5 Psd-03-034050
A parcel of land covered by TCT No. 389664-R (Lot 568-C of the subdivision plan, Psd-03-034050 being a portion of the Lot 568, Cad-93 Mabalacat Cad. LRC Rec. No.), situated in the Barangay of Bundagul, Municipality of Mabalacat, Province of Pampanga, Island of Luzon.
Bounded on the SW., and NW., along lines 1-2-3 by Road; on the NE., along line 3-4 by Lot 568-B and on the SE., along line 4-1 by Lot 568-A both of the subdivision plan.
Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan, being S. 02 deg. 43' W., 843.91 m. from BBM No. 30, Mabalacat Cad;
thence | N. 37 | deg. 43' W., | 148 33 m. | to point 2; |
thence | N. 12 | deg. 10' E., | 210 .77 m. | to point 3; |
thence | S. 38 | deg. 30' E., | 282 .90 m. | to point 4; |
thence | S. 51 | deg. 51' W., | 165 11 m. | to point of |
beginning; containing an area of Thirty Five Thousand Three Hundred Seven square meters (35,307 m 2), more of less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the grounds by P.S. cyl. cone. mons. 15 x 60 cms. Bearings true; date of original survey February-September 1916 and that of the subdivision survey 15 September 1989 and was approved on 04 October 1989.
Lot 193-C-2, Psd-03-034048
A parcel of land covered by TCT No. 389666-R (Lot 193-C-2, of the subdivision plan, Psd-03-034048 being a portion of the Lot 193-C, Psd- 03-020798 LRC Rec. No.) situated in the Barangay of Bundagul, Municipality of Mabalacat, Province of Pampanga, Island of Luzon.
Bounded on the SE., along line 9-1-2 by Lot 193-C-3; on the SW, along line 2-3 by Lot 193-C-1 both of the subdivision plan; on the NW., and NE., along line 3 to 9 by Road.
Beginning at a point "1" on plan, being N. 19 deg. 01'E., 544.76 m. from BBM No. 8, Malabacat Cadastre;
thence | S. 57 | deg. 31' W., | 183.10 m. | to point 2; |
thence | N. 30 | deg. 59' W., | 106.75 m. | to point 3; |
thence | N. 41 | deg. 03' E., | 56.92 m. | to point 4; |
thence | N. 62 | deg. 52' E., | 122.33 m. | to point 5; |
thence | N. 51 | deg. 40' E., | 62.96 m. | to point 6; |
thence | N. 37 | deg. 56' E., | 33.48 m. | to point 7; |
thence | N. 10 | deg. 07' E., | 111.41m. | to point 8; |
thence | S. 37 | deg. 11' E., | 211.75 m. | to point 9; |
thence | S. 57 | deg. 30' W., | 83.00 m. | to point of |
beginning; containing an area of Forty Six Thousand Four Hundred Nine square meters (46,409 m 2), more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the grounds by P.S. cyl. cone. mons. 15 x 60 cms. Bearings true; date of original survey February-September 1916 and that of the subdivision survey 04 September 1989 and was approved on 04 October 1989.
Lot 193-C-3-A, Psd-03-205864 Portion of Lot 193-C-3
A parcel of land covered by TCT No. 389667-R (Lot 193-C-3-A of the subdivision plan Psd-03-205864 being a portion of Lot 193-C-3, Psd-03- 034048 LRC Rec. No.), situated in the Barangay of Bundagul, Municipality of Mabalacat, Province of Pampanga, Island of Luzon.
Bounded on the SE., along line 1-2 by Lot 193-C-3-B of the subdivision plan; along line 2-3 by Lot 193-C-5, Psd-03-034048; on the SW., along line 3-4 by Lot C-4; along line 4-5 by Lot C-1; on the NW., along lines 5-6-7 by Lot 193-C-2; all of Psd-03-034048; on the NE, along line 7-1 by Road.
Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan, being N. 33 deg. 16' E., 673.91 m. from BBM No. 8, Mabalacat Cadastre;
thence | S. 45 | deg. 49' W., | 302.83 m. | to point 2; |
thence | S. 58 | deg. 02' W., | 77.92 m. | to point 3; |
thence | N. 30 | deg. 59' W., | 32.86 m. | to point 4; |
thence | N. 30 | deg. 59' W., | 90.30 m. | to point 5; |
thence | N. 57 | deg. 31' E., | 183.10 m. | to point 6; |
thence | N. 57 | deg. 30' E., | 183.00 m. | to point 7; |
thence | S. 37 | deg. 11' E., | 62.65 m. | to the point of |
beginning; containing an area of Thirty Six Thousand Eight Hundred Eighty Two square meters (36,882 m 2), more or less.ℒαwρhi৷ All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the grounds by P.S. cyl. cone. mons. 15 x40 cm.; Bearings, true; date of original survey February-September 1916 and that of the subdivision survey, 03 January 2014 and approved on 26 March 2014.
Lot 193-C-5-A, Psd-03-205863 Portion of Lot 193-C-5
A parcel of land covered by TCT No. 389669-R (Lot 193-C-5-A of the subdivision plan Psd-03-205863 being a portion of Lot 193-C-5, Psd -03-034048, LRC Rec. No.), situated in the Barangay of Bundagul, Municipality of Mabalacat, Province of Pampanga, Island of Luzon.
Bounded on the SW, along line 1-2 by Lot 193-C-4; on the NW., along line 2-3 by Lot 193-C-3, both of Psd-03-034048; on the SE., along line 3-1 by Lot 193-C-5-B of the subdivision plan.
Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan, being N. 17 deg. 48' E., 311.46 m. from BBM No. 8, Mabaiacat Cadastre;
thence N. 30 deg. 59' W., 17.00 m. to point 2; thence N. 58 deg. 02' E., 78.09 m. to point 3; thence S. 45 deg. 48' W., 80.20 m. to the point of
beginning; containing an area of Six Hundred Sixty Three square meters (663 m 2), more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by P.S. cyl. cone. mons. 15 x 40 cm.; Bearings, true; date of original survey, February-September 1916 and that of the subdivision survey, 03 January 2014 and was approved on 26 March 2014.
Lot1, Pcs-03-016583
A parcel of land covered by TCT No. 181497 (Lot 1 of the subdivision plan Pcs-03-016583 being a portion of the consolidated Lots 193-C-1, 193-C-4, 193-C-7, 193-C-9, Psd-03-034048 and 193-B-3, Psd-03- 034047, LRC Rec. No.), situated in the Barangays of Bundagul and Sta. Maria, Municipality of Mabalacat, Province of Pampanga, Island of Luzon.
Bounded on the SW., along line 1-2 by Lot 6 of the consolidation subdivision plan; on the NW., along line 2-3-4-5 by Road; on the NE., along line 5-6 by Lot 193-C-2; along line 6-7 by Lot 193-C-3 both of Psd- 03-034048 and on the SE., along lines 7-8-1 by Lot 2 of the consolidation subdivision plan.
Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan, being N. 45 deg. 18' W., 259.86 m. from BBM No. 8, Mabalacat Cad;
thence | N. 29 | deg. 04' W., | 98.27 m. | to point 2; |
thence | N. 36 | deg. 45' E., | 14.00 m. | to point 3; |
thence | N. 39 | deg. 15' E., | 157.78 m. | to point 4; |
thence | N. 41 | deg. 03' E., | 140.74 m. | to point 5; |
thence | S. 30 | deg. 59' E., | 106.75 m. | to point 6; |
thence | S. 30 | deg. 59' E., | 90.30 m. | to point 7; |
thence | S. 58 | deg. 24' W., | 200.00 m. | to point 8; |
thence | S. 58 | deg. 23' W., | 98.60 m. | to the point of |
beginning; containing an area of Forty Four Thousand Two Hundred Twenty Eight square meters (44,228 m 2), more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by P.S. cyl. cone. mons. 15 x 40 cms.; Bearings, true; date of original survey February-September 1916 and that of the consolidation and subdivision survey 20 August 2008 and was approved on 07 November 2008.
Lot-2-A, Psd-03-205865
A parcel of land covered by TCT No. 181498 (Lot 2-A of the subdivision plan Psd-03-205865 being a portion of Lot 2, Pcs-03-016583 LRC Rec. No.), situated in the Barangay of Bundagul, Municipality of Mabalacat, Province of Pampanga, Island of Luzon.
Bounded on the SE., along line 1-2 by Lot 2-B of the subdivision plan; on the SW., along line 2-3 by Lot 6; on the NW., along lines 3-4-5 by Lot 1, both of Pcs-03-016583; on the NE., along line 5-6 by Lot 193-C-3; along line 6-1 by Lot 193-C-5 both of Psd-03-034048.
Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan, being N. 57 deg. 27' E., 551.27 m. from BBM No. 8, Mabalacat Cad;
thence | S. 45 | deg. 49' W., | 310.77 m. | to point 2; |
thence | N. 29 | deg. 04' W., | 117.66 m. | to point 3; |
thence | N. 58 | deg. 23' E., | 98.60 m. | to point 4; |
thence | N. 58 | deg. 24' E., | 200.00 m. | to point 5; |
thence | S. 30 | deg. 59' E., | 32.86 m. | to point 6; |
thence | S. 30 | deg. 59' E., | 16.97 m. | to point of |
beginning; containing an area of Twenty Five Thousand Ninety Two square meters (25,092 m 2}, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by P.S. cyl. cone, mons. 15 x 40 cms.; Bearings, true; date of original survey, February- September 1916 and that of the subdivision survey, 03 January 2014 and was approved on 26 March 2014.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, i have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed hereto.
DONE, in the City of Manila, this 30th day of March in the year of our Lord, Two Thousand and Seventeen.
By the President:
Executive Secretary
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation