Today is Friday, March 14, 2025



[ Proclamation No. 1917, October 14, 2009 ]


Upon recommendation of the Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, and by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, I, GLORIA MACAPAGAL ARROYO, President of the Republic of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from, entry, sale, disposition or settlement and declaring the same for Institutional and Other Public purposes, for by use of various Barangays Cembo, South Cembo, East Rembo, West Rembo, Pembo, Rizal, Pitogo, and Comembo, subject to private rights, if there are any, all situated in the City of Makati, Island of Luzon and more particularly described as follows:

LOT 4, BLOCK 45, PSD-13-005060
(equivalent to Lot 38136, MCad-571-D)
(School Site)

A parcel of land (Lot 4, Block 45, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005060, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000398, situated in the Barangay of Cembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the SE., along lines 1 to 4 by Lots 3, 2 and 1, Block 45, along line 4-5 by Road Lot 68, (Acacia Street), on the Sw and NW., along lines 5 to 9 by Road Lot 63, and on the NE., along line 9-1 by Road Lot 60, (Camia Street), all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 80 deg. 53E., 1896.80, m. from BLLM # 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence

S. 15 deg. 51W., 12.44 m. to point 2;
S. 15 deg. 51W., 13.92 m. to point 3;
S. 15 deg. 51W., 26.40 m. to point 4;
S. 21 deg. 16W., 2.37 m. to point 5;
N. 73 deg. 24W., 67.74 m. to point 6;
N. 57 deg. 33W., 3.22 m. to point 7;
N. 36 deg. 58W., 3.34 m. to point 8;
N. 11 deg. 39E., 49.11 m. to point 9;
S. 75 deg. 52E., 77.34 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of FOUR THOUSAND TWENTY EIGHT (4,028) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on July 20 to October 25, 1987, by Ramon R. Rio, private Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on June 9, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 38136, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 34280-B, CSD-00-0000968
(equivalent to Lot 40237, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(School Site)

A PARCEL OF LAND (lot 34280-B, of the subdivision plan Csd-00-00968, being a portion of the subdivision of Lots 34280, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre (Lot 1, Block 49, Psd-13-004842), situated in the Barangay of South Cembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the SW., along lines 1 to 5 by 34280-A, of the subdivision plan, along line 5-6 by Road Lot 31, (General Luna Street), on the NE., along line 6-7 by Road Lot 35, on the SE., along lines 7 to 9 by Road Lot 42, (South Cembo Avenue), all of BSD-13-004842, along line 9-1 by Lot 34281, MCadm-571-D, Makati City Cadastre.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 62 deg. 11E., 2063.35 m. from BLLM # 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastre, thence:

N. 25-05E 16.82 m. to point 2;
N. 65-51W 5.43 m. to point 3;
N. 20-18E 0.78 m. to point 4;
N. 60-20W 14.25 m. to point 5;
N. 25-08E 51.22 m. to point 6;
S. 65-05E 35.86 m. to point 7;
S.28-10W 72.11 m. to point 8;
N. 58-56W 4.90 m. to point 9;
N. 58-56W 7.60 m. to the point of

beginning. Containing an area of TWO THOUSAND FORTY THREE (2,043) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, dated of the original survey on November to December 1909 (Psu-2031), that of the subdivision survey on November 25, 2000 by Ramon R. Rio, Private Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on August 3, 2001. Note: This is equivalent to Lot 40237, MCad. 571-D, Makati City.

LOT 1-A, PSD-007602-020010-D
(equivalent to Lot 28771, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(School Site)

A parcel of land (Lot 1-A, of the subdivision plan Psd-007602-020010-D, being a portion of Lot 1, Block 6, Psd-13-004986, situated in the Barangay of East Rembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the NW and NE., along line 1 to 3 by Lot 1-C, on the SE., along line 3-4 by Lot 1-B, both of the subdivision plan, and on the SW., along line 4-1 by Road Lot 50, (17th Avenue) Psd-13-004986.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 65 deg. 12E., 3697.27 m. from BLLM # 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

N. 28 deg. 44E., 17.41 m. to point 2;
S. 68 deg. 08E., 27.36 m. to point 3;
S. 22 deg. 15W., 16.35 m. to point 4;
N. 69 deg. 34W., 29.33 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of FOUR HUNDRED SEVENTY NINE (479) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey during Psu-2031 (1909), that of the subdivision survey on August 28, 1991, by Ramon R. Rio, Private Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on December 04, 1991. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 28771, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 1-C, PSD-007602-020010-D
(equivalent to Lot 28773, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(School Site)

A parcel of land (Lot 1-C, of the subdivision plan Psd-007602-020010-D, being a portion of Lot 1, Block 6, Psd-13-004986, situated in the Barangay of East Rembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the NE., along line 1-2 by Road Lot 49, (15th Avenue), on the SE., along line 2-3 by Road Lot 52, both of Psd-13-004986, on the SW., along line 3-4 by Road Lot 50, Psd-13-004986, along lines 4 to 6 by Lot 1-B, along lines 6 to 8 by Lot 1-A, both of the subdivision plan, along line 8-9 by Road Lot 50, (17th Avenue), and on the NW., along line 9-1 by Road Lot 56, (J.P. Rizal Extension), both of Psd-13-004986.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 66 deg. 05E., 3689.08 m. from BLLM # 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence

S. 68 deg. 53E., 69.14 m. to point 2;
S. 22 deg. 49W., 56.44 m. to point 3;
N. 69 deg. 34W., 23.90 m. to point 4;
N. 22 deg. 01E., 16.32 m. to point 5;
N. 68 deg. 08W., 9.20 m. to point 6;
N. 68 deg. 08W., 27.36 m. to point 7;
S. 28 deg. 44W., 17.41 m. to point 8;
N. 69 deg. 34W., 13.12 m. to point 9;
N. 29 deg. 13E., 57.87 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of THREE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY TWO (3,482) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey Psu-2031 (1909), that of the subdivision survey on August 28, 1991, by Ramon R. Rio, private Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on December 04, 1991. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 28773, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 1- B, PSD-007602-020010-D
(equivalent to Lot 28772, MCad- 571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(School Site)

A parcel of land (Lot 1-B, of the subdivision plan Psd-007602-020010-D, being a portion of Lot 1, Block 6, Psd-13-0049886, situated in the Barangay of East Rembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the NW., along line 1-2 by Lot 1-A, on the NE and SE., along lines 2-4 by Lot 1-C both of subdivision plan, and on the SW., along line 4-1 by Road Lot 50, (17th Avenue) Psd-13-004986.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 65 deg. 14E., 3726.52 m. from BLLM # 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence

N. 22 deg. 15E., 16.55 m. to point 2;
S. 68 deg. 08E., 9.20 m. to point 3;
S. 22 deg. 01W., 16.32 m. to point 4;
N. 69 deg. 34W., 9.27 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of ONE HUNDRED FIFTY TWO (152) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey during Psu-2031 (1909), that of the subdivision survey on August 28, 1991, by Ramon R. Rio, Private Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on December 04, 1991. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 28772, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 8, BLOCK 27, PSD-13-004986
(equivalent to Lot 28985, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(School Site)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 8, block 27, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-004986, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000405, situated in the Barangay East Rembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the S.E., ALONG LINE 1-2 BY Lot 6, along line 2-3 by Lot 9, (Alley), along line 3-4 by Lot 5, on the S.W., along line 4-5 by Lot 2, along 5-6 by Lot 3, along line 6-7 by Lot 4, all of Block 27, on the N.W., along lines 7 to 10 by Circumferential Road, (C5) on the N.E., along line 10-11 by Road Lot 8, (5th Avenue), and on the S.E., along line 11-1 by Lot 7, Block 27, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 70 deg 47E., 3608.06 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

S. 36 deg. 39W., 17.42 m. to point 2;
S. 36 deg. 13W., 5.42 m. to point 3;
S. 36 deg. 08W., 12.52 m. to point 4;
N. 53 deg. 53W., 17.61 m. to point 5;
N. 53 deg. 29W., 16.34 m. to point 6;
N. 53 deg. 48W., 17.09 m. to point 7;
N. 35 deg. 29W., 69.34 m. to point 8;
N. 60 deg. 27W., 6.08 m. to point 9;
S. 79 deg. 50E., 4.53 m. to point 10;
S. 56 deg. 15E., 45.46 m. to point 11;
S. 36 deg. 09W., 43.52 m. to the point of

Beginning. Containing an area of THREE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED NINETY FIVE (3, 995) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; gearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on June 10 to November 15, 1987, by Alfredo Mucada, Private Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on March 8, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 28985, MCad. 571-D Makati Cadastre.

LOT 7, BLOCK 76, PSD-13-005241
(equivalent to Lot 36160, MCAD-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(School Site)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 7, Block 76, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005241, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000409, situated in the Barangay West Rembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the S.E., along line 1-2 by Lot 5, Block 76, along line 2-3 by Road Lot 68, along line 3-4 by Lot 79, (Canal), on the S.W., along 4 to 8 by Road Lot 69, along line 8-9 by Lot 17, along lines 9 to 10 by Lot 35, (Canal), along 10-11 by Lot 5, along Lot 12-13 by Lot 2, along lines 13 to 15 by Lot 1, all of Block 81, along line 15-16 by Road Lot 71, along line 16-17 by Lot 2, along 17-18 by Lot 4, along line 18-19 by Lot 5, along line 19-20 by Lot 6, along line 20-21 by Lot 39 (R.R.W.) all of Block 82, on the N.W., along 21-22 by Fort Bonifacio Detention Cell, and on the N.E., along line 22-1 by Road Lot 33, (J.P. Rizal Extension), all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 81 deg. 31E., 2641.36 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCad 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

S. 19 deg. 15W., 170.09 m. to point 2;
S. 19 deg. 15W., 30.42 m. to point 3;
S. 19 deg. 15W., 37.10 m. to point 4;
S. 73 deg. 49W., 3.95 m. to point 5;
N. 77 deg. 51W., 60.27 m. to point 6;
N. 07 deg. 12E., 26.24 m. to point 7;
N. 83 deg. 13W., 4.99 m. to point 8;
N. 83 deg. 11W., 18.96 m. to point 9;
N. 83 deg. 14W., 0.59 m. to point 10;
N. 78 deg. 49W., 0.88 m. to point 11;
N. 08 deg. 04E., 2.85 m. to point 12;
N. 08 deg 25W., 14.83 m. to point 13;
N. 39 deg. 08W., 14.66 m. to point 14;
N. 25 deg. 02W., 2.51 m. to point 15;
N. 24 deg. 31W., 2.12 m. to point 16;
N. 24 deg. 26W., 7.35 m. to point 17;
N. 05 deg. 40E., 9.33 m. to point 18;
N. 07 deg. 31E., 10.24 m. to point 19;
N. 07 deg. 55E., 9.00 m. to point 20;
N. 07 deg. 55E., 22.52 m. to point 21;
N. 07 deg. 55E., 116.78 m. to point 22;
N. 81 deg. 50E., 157.92 m. to point of

beginning. Containing an area of TWENTY NINE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED SEVEN (29, 507) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17,1987, that of the subdivision survey on October 1987 to March 1988, by Dionisio D. Esteria, Private Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on December 15, 1988. Note: This Lot is equivalent to Lot 36160, Mcad-571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 5, BLOCK 76, PSD-13-005241
(equivalent to Lot 36159, MCAD-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(School Site)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 5, Block 76, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005241, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000409, situated in the Barangay of West Rembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the N.E., along line 1-2 by Road Lot 33, (J.P. Rizal Extension), on the S.E., along lines 2 to 4 by Lot 6, along line 4-5 by Lot 4, both of Block 76, along line 5-6 by Road Lot 30, along lines 6 to 8 by Lot 9, along line 8-9 by Lot 10, both of Block 76, on the S.W., along line 9-10 by Road Lot 68, along lines 10 to 12 by Lot 11, along line 12-13 by Lot 8, (Alley), both of Block 76, along line 13-14 by Road Lot 68, and on the N.W., along line 14-1 by Lot 7, Block 76, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 81 deg. 31E., 2641.36 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

S. 66 deg. 26E., 174.30 m. to point 2;
S. 28 deg. 52W., 32.07 m. to point 3;
S. 62 deg. 49E., 27.05 m. to point 4;
S. 30 deg. 08W., 80.53 m. to point 5;
S. 56 deg. 15W., 34.14 m. to point 6;
N. 63 deg. 17W., 27.33 m. to point 7;
S. 29 deg. 34W., 4.86 m. to point 8;
S. 28 deg. 21W., 10.02 m. to point 9;
N. 80 deg. 53W., 21.38 m. to point 10;
N. 12 deg. 45E., 4.08 m. to point 11;
N. 72 deg. 57W., 10.02 m. to point 12;
N. 73 deg. 34W., 21.38 m. to point 13;
N. 72 deg. 21W., 55.59 m. to point 14;
N. 19 deg. 15E., 170.09 m. to the point of

beginning. Containing an area of TWENTY EIGHT THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED SIXTY NINE (28, 369) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; Bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on October 1987 to March 1988, by Dionisio D. Esteria, Private Geodetic Engineer and was approved on December 15, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 36159, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 68, BLOCK 19, PSD-13-005241
(equivalent to Lot 34840, MCAD-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(School Site)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 68, Block 19, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005241, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000409, situated in the Barangay of West Rembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the S.E., along lines 1 to 13 by Lot 33, along lines 3-4 by Lot 34, along lines 4 to 8 by Lot 37, along line 8-9 by Lot 75 (Canal), along line 9-10 by Lot 78, (Road Lot) on the S.W., along lines 10 to 12 by Lot 78, (Road Lot), on the N.W., along lines 12 to 19 by Lot 79, (Road Lot), on the N.E., along line 19-20 by Lot 80, (Road Lot), along lines 20 to 23 by Lot 31, along line 23-24 by Lot 74, and on the S.E., by line 24-1 by Lot 32, all of Block 19, of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 74 deg. 38E., 3481.72 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

S. 14 deg. 38W., 10.21 m. to point 2;
S. 21 deg. 52W., 7.97 m. to point 3;
S. 22 deg. 55W., 4.93 m. to point 4;
N. 69 deg. 06W., 7.42 m. to point 5;
S. 74 deg. 41E., 3.29 m. to point 6;
S. 48 deg. 45W., 3.67 m. to point 7;
S. 22 deg. 48W., 11.23 m. to point 8;
S. 21 deg. 08W., 6.38 m. to point 9;
N. 66 deg. 46W., 9.94 m. to point 10;
N. 61 deg. 54W., 28.66 m. to point 11;
S. 64 deg. 26E., 16.69 m. to point 12;
N. 22 deg. 01E., 60.80 m. to point 13;
N. 25 deg. 19E., 5.31 m. to point 14;
N. 89 deg. 38E., 7.86 m. to point 15;
S. 76 deg. 41E., 4.69 m. to point 16;
N. 17 deg. 02E., 4.40 m. to point 17;
N. 30 deg. 31E., 3.69 m. to point 18;
N. 50 deg. 31E., 3.65 m. to point 19;
S. 69 deg. 21E., 27.25 m. to point 20;
S. 16 deg. 39W., 1.33 m. to point 21;
S. 10 deg. 11E., 0.79 m. to point 22;
S. 76 deg. 18E., 4.64 m. to point 23;
S. 14 deg. 19W., 3.88 m. to point 24;
S. 14 deg. 55W., 14.76 m. to the point of

beginning. Containing an area of TWO THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED EIGHTY ONE (2,781) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; Bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on plan October 1987 to March 1988, by Dionisio D. Esteria, Private Geodetic Engineer and was approved on August 11, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 34840, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 1, BLOCK 18, PSD-13-005204
(equivalent to Lot 22371, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(School Site)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 1, Block 18, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005204, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000410, situated in the Barangay of Pembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the S.E., along line 1-2 by Road Lot 9, on the S.W., along line 2-3 by Road Lot 12, (Jasmine Street), on the N.W., along line 3-4 by Road Lot 44, (Cadena de Amor Street), on the N.E., along line 4-5-1 by Road Lot 5, (Dhalia Street), all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 52 deg. 34E., 3731.61 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

S. 16 deg. 51W., 107.44 m. to point 2;
N. 71 deg. 54E., 83.02 m. to point 3;
N. 07 deg. 32E., 104.65 m. to point 4;
N. 56 deg. 20W., 2.10 m. to point 5;
S. 73 deg. 25W., 99.32 m. to the point of

beginning. Containing an area of NINE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY TWO (9,752) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; Bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on plan June 19 to December 23, 1987, by David M. Medina, Private Geodetic Engineer and was approved on April 25, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 22371, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 1, BLOCK 1, CCS-13-000134
(School Site)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 1, Block 1, of the consolidation subdivision plan Ccs-00-000134, being a portion of the consolidation of Lots 33448,33449 and 33450, Mcad-571-D (Lot 4-A, Bsd-13-000583, Lot 1, 2, and 3, Block 33, Bsd-13-000582), LRC Record No. ___________________), situated in the Barrio of Pitogo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the SE., along line 1-2 by Lot 2, of the subdivision plan, on the SW., along line 2-3 by Lot 4-B, Bsd-13-000583, along lines 3 to 5 by Road lot (Negros Street), on the NW., along lines 5 to 8 by Road Lot 36, (Cebu Street), all of Bsd-13-000582, on the NE., along lines 8 to 11 by Road Lot 36, (Luzon Street), along line 11-12 by Road Lot 37, (Luzon Street), along lines 12 to 14 by Lot 33451, along lines 14 to 16 by Lot 4, along lines 16-18 by Lot 3 of the subdivision plan, along lines 18 to 20 by Lot 10, and on the SE., along line 20-21 by Lot 13, along line 21-22 by Lot 14, along line 22-23 by Lot 15, along lines 23 to 25 by Lot 16, all of Block 33, Bsd-13-000582, along line 25-26 by Road Lot 1, along line 26-27 by Lot 5, along line 27-28 by Lot 4, along line 28-1 by Lot 3, all of Block 1, of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 50 deg. 23' E., 2027.31 m. from BLLM # 1, MCadm-571-D, Makati Cadastre, thence:

S. 34 deg. 25W., 9.50 m. to pt. 2;
N. 55 deg. 56W., 92.90 m. to pt. 3;
N. 49 deg. 07W., 35.35 m. to pt. 4;
N. 01 deg. 32W., 3.00 m. to pt. 5;
N. 46 deg. 17E., 57.79 m. to pt. 6;
N. 45 deg. 47E., 16.13 m. to pt. 7;
N. 56 deg. 59E., 10.26 m. to pt. 8;
S. 55 deg. 17E., 8.08 m. to pt. 9;
N. 27 deg. 45E., 3.24 m. to pt. 10;
S. 68 deg. 41E., 11.00 m. to pt. 11;
S. 65 deg. 18E., 24.10 m. to pt. 12;
S. 36 deg. 17W., 6.12 m. to pt. 13;
S. 52 deg. 22E., 12.29 m. to pt. 14;
S. 52 deg. 22E., 6.01 m. to pt. 15;
S. 51 deg. 10E., 3.22 m. to pt. 16;
S. 51 deg. 15E., 7.92 m. to pt. 17;
S. 51 deg. 13E., 18.95 m. to pt. 18;
S. 51 deg. 27E., 1.70 m. to pt. 19;
S. 51 deg. 11E., 12.08 m. to pt. 20;
S. 35 deg. 12W., 8.88 m. to pt. 21;
S. 35 deg. 22W., 8.24 m. to pt. 22;
S. 35 deg. 17W., 8.64 m. to pt. 23;
S. 35 deg. 24W., 14.43 m. to pt. 24;
S. 48 deg. 06E., 7.51. m. to pt. 25;
S. 34 deg. 25W., 6.97 m. to pt. 26;
S. 34 deg. 25W., 10.33 m. to pt. 27;
S. 34 deg. 25W., 9.50 m. to pt. 28;
S. 34 deg. 25W., 9.50 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of TEN THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED SEVENTY TWO (10,672) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey on November to December 1909 (Psu-2031), that of the consolidation subdivision survey on July 24, 2000, by Ariel M. Olivar, Private Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on September 12, 2000.

LOT 3, PCS-13-003142
(School Site-Pathwalk)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 3, of the consolidation subdivision plan Pcs-13-003142, being a portion of the consolidation subdivision plan of Lots 6 and 7, Block 33, Bsd-13-000582, LRC Record No. ___________________), situated in the Barrio of Pitogo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the NE., along line 1-2 by Lot 1 of subdivision plan, on the SE., along line 2-3 by Lot 10, on the SW., along lines 3 to 5 by Lot 3, on the NW., along line 5-6 by Lot 5, all of Block 33, Bsd-13-000582, and on the NE., along line 6-1 by Lot 2 of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 52 deg. 39E., 1979.18 m. from BLLM # 1, MCadm-571-D, Makati Cadastre, thence:

S. 51 deg. 15E., 21.99 m. to pt. 2;
S. 36 deg. 50W., 2.02 m. to pt. 3;
N. 51 deg. 15W., 18.95 m. to pt. 4;
N. 51 deg. 15W., 7.92 m. to pt. 5;
N. 48 deg. 02E., 2.03 m. to pt. 6;
S. 51 deg. 15E., 4.49 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of FIFTY THREE (53) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey on November to December 1909 (Psu-2031), that of the consolidation subdivision survey on October 10, 1990, by Ramon R. Rio, Private Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on January 7, 1991.

LOT 2, PCS-13-003142
(School Site – Pathwalk)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 2, of the consolidation subdivision plan Pcs-13-003142, being a portion of the consolidation subdivision plan of Lots 6 and 7, Block 33, Bsd-13-000582, LRC Record No. ____________________), situated in the Barrio of Pitogo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the SW., along line 1-2 by Lot 3, of consolidation subdivision plan, on the NW., along line 2-3 by Lot 5, Block 33, on the NE., along line 3-4 by Road Lot 89, both of Bsd-13-00582, and on the SE., along line 4-1 by Lot 1 of the consolidation subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 52 deg. 39E., 1979.18 m. from BLLM # 1, MCadm-571-D, Makati Cadastre, thence:

N. 51 deg. 15W., 4.49 m. to pt. 2;
N. 48 deg. 02E., 10.26 m. to pt. 3;
S. 67 deg. 39E., 1.87 m. to pt. 4;
S. 33 deg. 09W., 10.71 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of THIRTY THREE (33) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey on November to December 1909 (Psu-2031), that of the consolidation subdivision survey on October 10, 1990, by Ramon R. Rio, Private Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on January 7, 1991.

LOT 4, BLOCK 33, BSD-00-000582
(equivalent to Lot 33451, MCAD-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(School Site – Botanical Garden)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 33451, as shown on cadastral survey plan, MCad-571-D, Makati Cad. LRC Record No.____________________), situated in the Barrio of Pitogo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the SE., along line 1-2 by Lot 33452 of subdivision plan, on the SW and NW., along lines 2 to 4 by Lot 33450, and on the NE., along line 4-1 by Road Lot, (Luzon Street), all of cadastral survey plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 52 deg. 54E., 1967.74 m. from BLLM # 1-A, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre, thence:

S. 46 deg. 43W., 9.42 m. to pt. 2;
N. 52 deg. 22W., 12.29 m. to pt. 3;
N. 36 deg. 17E., 16.12 m. to pt. 4;
S. 65 deg. 17E., 14.28 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of ONE HUNDRED (100) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 7, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on May 6 to August 31, 1987, by Ernesto S. Erive, Government Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on October 12, 1987.

LOT 5, BLOCK 33, BSD-00-000582
(equivalent to Lot 33452, MCAD-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(School Site – Botanical Garden)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 33452, as shown on cadastral survey plan, MCad-571-D, Makati Cad. LRC Record No.___________________), situated in the Barrio of Pitogo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the NE., along line 1-2 by Road Lot, (Luzon Street) on the SE., along line 2-3 by Lot 33453, on the SW., along lines 3 to 5 of Lot 33450, and on the NW., along line 5-1 by Lot 33451, all of cadastral survey plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 52 deg. 54E., 1967.74 m. from BLLM # 1-A, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre, thence:

S. 67 deg. 38E., 10.33 m. to pt. 2;
S. 48 deg. 02W., 12.29 m. to pt. 3;
N. 51 deg. 10W., 3.22 m. to pt. 4;
N. 52 deg. 22W., 6.01 m. to pt. 5;
N. 46 deg. 43E., 9.42 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of ONE HUNDRED (100) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 7, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on May 6 to August 31, 1987, by Ernesto S. Erive, Government Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on October 12,1987.

LOT 2, BLOCK 5, BSD-13-000613
(equivalent to Lot 32195, MCAD-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(School Site)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 32195, as shown on cadastral survey plan, MCad-571-D, Makati Cad. LRC Record No. ____________________), situated in the Barrio of Comembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the SE., along lines 1 to 3 by Road lot (Anahaw Street), along lines 3 to 5 by Lot 32194, on the SW., along lines 5 to 7 by Road lot (2nd Street), on the NW., along lines 7 to 9 by Lot 32196, along line 9-10 by Lot 32197, along line 10-11 by Lot 32198 and on the NE., along lines 11 to 14 by Road lot (Pioneer Street), along lines 14-15-1 by Road lot (3rd Street), all of cadastral survey plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 59 deg. 45E., 4091.33 m. from BLLM # 1-A, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre, thence:

S. 32 deg. 19W., 2.99 m. to pt. 2;
S. 73 deg. 48W., 55.75 m. to pt. 3;
N. 11 deg. 30W., 18.50 m. to pt. 4;
S. 77 deg. 57W., 33.99 m. to pt. 5;
N. 10 deg. 36W., 60.00 m. to pt. 6;
N. 10 deg. 36W., 63.57 m. to pt. 7;
N. 62 deg. 22E., 12.53 m. to pt. 8;
N. 57 deg. 58E., 17.95 m. to pt. 9;
N. 57 deg. 58E., 4.03 m. to pt. 10;
N. 71 deg. 13E., 22.41 m. to pt. 11;
S. 77 deg. 45E., 3.82 m. to pt. 12;
S. 74 deg. 26E., 38.80 m. to pt. 13;
S. 48 deg. 55E., 2.59 m. to pt. 14;
S. 09 deg. 21E., 67.87 m. to pt. 15;
S. 09 deg. 21E., 60.00 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of THIRTEEN THOUSAND SIXTY (13,060) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 27, 1987, that of the subdivision survey, on September 22 to November 28, 1987 by Ernesto S. Erive Government Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on December 18, 1987.

LOT 4, BLOCK 25, BSD-13-000613
(equivalent to Lot 32623, MCAD-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(School Site)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 32623, as shown on cadastral survey plan, MCad-571-D, Makati Cad. LRC Record No. ____________________), situated in the Barrio of Comembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.1aшphi1

Bounded on the SW., along line 1-2 by Lot 32624, on the NW., along line 2-3 by Road lot (Balimbing Street), on the NE., along line 3-4 by Lot 32621, along line 4-5 by Lot 32622, on the SE., along line 5-6 by Lansones Street, and on the SW., along line 6-7 by Lot 32629, along lines 7 to 10 by Lot 32628, along line 10-11 by Lot 32627, along line 11-12 by Lot 32626, and along line 12-1 by Lot 32625, all of cadastral survey plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 53 deg. 51E., 4135.72 m. from BLLM # 1-A, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre, thence:

N. 31 deg. 20W., 11.83 m. to pt. 2;
N. 61 deg. 01E., 47.03 m. to pt. 3;
S. 52 deg. 23E., 22.48 m. to pt. 4;
S. 56 deg. 25E., 13.89 m. to pt. 5;
S. 32 deg. 54W., 63.54 m. to pt. 6;
N. 49 deg. 24W., 7.65 m. to pt. 7;
N. 52 deg. 59W., 7.74 m. to pt. 8;
N. 38 deg. 04E., 1.05 m. to pt. 9;
N. 39 deg. 39W., 2.81 m. to pt. 10;
N. 30 deg. 30W., 9.76 m. to pt. 11;
N. 28 deg. 06W., 10.00 m. to pt. 12;
N. 30 deg. 30W., 13.93 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of TWO THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED THIRTY EIGHT (2,738) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on October 13-15, 1987, by Ernesto S. Erive, Government Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on January 11, 1988.”

The Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) is hereby authorized to issue Special Patent in favor of the Republic of the Philippines – Department of Education (RP-DepEd) over the subject parcels of land.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed hereto.

Done in the City of Manila, this 14th day of October, in the year of Our Lord, Two Thousand and Nine.


By the President:

Executive Secretary

The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation