Today is Tuesday, March 18, 2025



[ Proclamation No. 1916, October 14, 2009 ]


Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, and by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, I, GLORIA MACAPAGAL ARROYO, President of the Republic of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from entry, sale, disposition or settlement, and declaring the same for institutional and other public purposes, for the use of Barangays Cembo, South Cembo, East Rembo, West Rembo, Pembo, Rizal, Pitogo, and Comembo, subject to private rights if there are any, all situated in the City of Makati, Island of Luzon and more particularly described as follows:

LOT 20, BLOCK 28, PSD-13-005060
(equivalent to Lot 37908, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Day Care Center)

A parcel of land (Lot 20, Block 28, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005060, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000398, situated in the Barangay of Cembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the NW., along line 1-2 by Road Lot 82, (Banaba Street), on the NE., along line 2-3 by Road Lot 81, (Narra Street), on the SE., along line 3-4 by Road Lot 80, and on the SW., along lines 4-5-1 by Lots 18 and 19, Block 28, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 78 deg. 53E., 2072.90 m. from BLLM # 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence

N. 66 deg. 06E., 17.94 m. to point 2;
S. 50 deg. 47E., 17.19 m. to point 3;
S. 49 deg. 59W., 18.87 m. to point 4;
N. 38 deg. 40W., 9.99 m. to point 5;
N. 48 deg. 43W., 12.02 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of THREE HUNDRED THIRTY THREE (333) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on July 20 to October 25, 1987, by Ramon R. Rio, private Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on June 9, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 37908, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping.

LOT 38297, MCAD. 571-D, Makati Cadastre
(Recreation Center)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 38297, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre, situated in the Barangay of Cembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the SW., along line 1-2 by Barangay of West Rembo, Case-27-MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre; on the SE., along lines 2 to 9 by J.P. Rizal Extension, and on the NE., along lines 9-10-11-12-1 (Pasig River).

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 83 deg. 33E., 2452.65 m. from BLLM # 1, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre, thence:

S. 14-31W., 70.40 m. to point 2;
N. 83-09W., 18.50 m. to point 3;
N. 67-12W., 63.00 m. to point 4;
N. 44-05W., 28.42 m. to point 5;
N. 35-59W., 44.50 m. to point 6;
N. 39-22W., 89.25 m. to point 7;
N. 41-55W., 18.30 m. to point 8;
N. 36-51W., 34.97 m. to point 9;
S. 50-41E., 66.35 m. to point 10;
S. 62-56E., 115.84 m. to point 11;
S. 34-59E., 10.45 m. to point 12;
S. 72-16E., 72.82 m. to point of

beginning. Containing an area of ELEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED NINETY (11,590) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey on February 8-18, 1994, by David M. Medina, private Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on July 14, 1995. Note: A strip of 10.00 meters wide along Pasig River is reserved as linear park.

LOT 24, BLOCK 15, PSD-13-005060
(equivalent to Lot 37524, Mcad 571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Recreation Center)

A parcel of land (Lot 24, Block 15, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005060, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000398, situated in the Barangay of Cembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the NE., along line 1-2 by Road Lot 68, (Acacia Street), on the SE., along lines 2-3-4 by Lots 23, on the SE., along lines 4-5-6 by Lots 19 & 20, along lines 6-7-8 by Lot 17, on the SW., along line 8-9 by Lot 21, along lines 9 to 11 by Lot 25, along line 11-12 by Lot 27, all of Block 15, along of Block 15, along line 12-13 by Road Lot 27, along line 13-14 by Lot 29, on the NW., along line 14-15 by Lot 31, and on the NW., along lines 15-16-17-1 by Lot 28, all of Block 15, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 78 deg. 01E., 1919.27 m. from BLLM # 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastre Mapping, thence

S. 51 deg. 31E., 7.97 m. to point 2;
S. 37 deg. 07W., 9.54 m. to point 3;
S. 54 deg. 51E., 7.73 m. to point 4;
S. 21 deg. 14W., 4.81 m. to point 5;
S. 33 deg. 57W., 7.34 m. to point 6;
S. 27 deg. 00W., 3.55 m. to point 7;
S. 16 deg. 37W., 2.80 m. to point 8;
N. 54 deg. 59W., 2.04 m. to point 9;
N. 35 deg. 12E., 1.16 m. to point 10;
N. 54 deg. 11W., 13.92 m. to point 11;
N. 54 deg. 36W., 5.09 m. to point 12;
N. 54 deg. 12W., 3.01 m. to point 13;
N. 57 deg. 49W., 6.21 m. to point 14;
N. 31 deg. 52E., 9.40 m. to point 15;
N. 50 deg. 21E., 8.20 m. to point 16;
S. 55 deg. 08E., 10.72 m. to point 17;
N. 34 deg. 24E., 9.77 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of FIVE HUNDRED SIXTY FIVE (565) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on July 20 to October 25, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on July 20 to October 25, 1987, by Ramon R. Rio, Private Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on June 9, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 37524, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 7, BLOCK 22, PSD-13-005060
(equivalent to Lot 37698, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Barangay Center and Multi-purpose Hall)

A parcel of land (Lot 7, Block 22, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005060, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000398, situated in the Barangay of Cembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the NE., along line 1-2 by Lot 9, Block 22, on the SE., along line 2-3 by Road Lot 113, on the SW., along line 3-4 by Road Lot 75, (Narra Street), on the NW., along line 4-5 by Road Lot 115, and on the NE., along line 5-1 by Lot 8, Block 22, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 77 deg. 27E., 2186.98 m. from BLLM # 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence

S. 80 deg. 02E., 13.00 m. to point 2;
S. 09 deg. 04W., 15.43 m. to point 3;
N. 69 deg. 28W., 21.98 m. to point 4;
N. 09 deg. 16E., 10.12 m. to point 5;
S. 88 deg. 36W., 8.58 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY THREE (283) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on July 20 to October 25, 1987, by Ramon R. Rio, private Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on June 9, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 37698, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 72-B, BLOCK 15, PSD-13-017040
(equivalent to Lot 37574, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Recreation Center)

A parcel of land (Lot 72-B, Block 15, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-017040, being a portion of Lot 72, Block 15, Psd-13-005060, situated in the Barangay of Cembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the NE., along lines 1 to 3 by Lots 71 and 70, Block 15, Psd-13-005060, on the SE, along lines 3 to 5 by Lot 72-A, of the subdivision plan, along line 5-6 by Lot 68, Block 15, Psd-13-005060, on the SW., along line 6-7 by Road Lot 21, (Caimito Street) and on the NW., along line 7-1 by Lot 34, Block 15, (Alley), all of Psd-13-005060.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 77 deg. 49E., 2186.98 m. from BLLM # 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence

S. 46 deg. 56E., 6.90 m. to point 2;
S. 48 deg. 58E., 6.20 m. to point 3;
S. 43 deg. 08W., 6.70 m. to point 4;
S. 40 deg. 03E., 3.00 m. to point 5;
S. 41 deg. 04W., 16.98 m. to point 6;
N. 39 deg. 03W., 20.86 m. to point 7;
N. 53 deg. 59E., 21.29 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of THREE HUNDRED NINETY ONE (391) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey on November to December 1909, that of the subdivision survey on January 26, 1991, by Ramon R. Rio, private Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on July 17, 1991. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 37574, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 37644-DDD, CSD-00-000631
(equivalent to Lot 39602, Mcad 571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Barangay Hall and Sports Complex)

A parcel of land (Lot 37644-DDD of the subdivision plan Csd-00-000631, being a portion of the Lot 13-B, Block 18, Psd-13-005060, situated in the Barangay of Cembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the SW., along lines 1 to 4 by Lots 12, Block 18, Psd-13-005060, on the NW., along line 4 to 9 to by Road Lot 74, Psd-13-005060, (Ipil-Ipil Street), on the NE., along lines 9 to 15 by Road Lot 75, Psd-13-005060, (Narra Street), on the SE., along line 15-16 by Lot 37644-RR, of the subdivision plan on the South, along line 16 to 25 by Lot 13-A, Psd-13-013187, (Kalayaan Avenue), on the SW., along line 25-1 by Lot 11, Block 18, Psd-13-005060.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 75 deg. 17E., 2092.18 m. from BLLM # 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence

N. 32 deg. 07E., 3.55 m. to point 2;
N. 55 deg. 29W., 1.55 m. to point 3;
N. 11 deg. 23W., 13.67 m. to point 4;
N. 54 deg. 38E., 36.05 m. to point 5;
N. 58 deg. 56E., 17.36 m. to point 6;
N. 63 deg. 10E., 8.82 m. to point 7;
N. 75 deg. 45E., 19.62 m. to point 8;
S. 78 deg. 10E., 4.34 m. to point 9;
S. 64 deg. 11E., 4.75 m. to point 10;
S. 59 deg. 38E., 4.39 m. to point 11;
S. 49 deg. 41E., 21.78 m. to point 12;
S. 74 deg. 25E., 14.10 m. to point 13;
S. 73 deg. 49E., 19.94 m. to point 14;
S. 60 deg. 36E., 5.74 m. to point 15;
S. 14 deg. 56W., 46.77 m. to point 16;
N. 78 deg. 21W., 12.95 m. to point 17;
N. 80 deg. 10W., 12.96 m. to point 18;
N. 82 deg. 53W., 13.01 m. to point 19;
N. 86 deg. 17W., 13.76 m. to point 20;
N. 89 deg. 57W., 13.76 m. to point 21;
S. 86 deg. 23W., 13.76 m. to point 22;
S. 82 deg. 43W., 13.76 m. to point 23;
S. 79 deg. 03W., 6.87 m. to point 24;
S. 85 deg. 23W., 8.81 m. to point 25;
N. 39 deg. 39W., 23.35 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of SEVEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED NINETY FOUR (7,194) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey on November-December 1909, that of the subdivision survey on April 25-28, 1998, by Pedro S. Manalo, private Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on December 9, 1998. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 39602, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 8, BLOCK 32, PSD-13-004842
(equivalent to Lot 34098, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Barangay Center and Multi-purpose Hall)

A parcel of land (Lot 8, Block 32, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-004842, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000397, situated in the Barangay of South Cembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the SE., along line 1-2 by Road Lot 31, (General Luna Street), on the SW., along line 2-3 by Lot 9, along lines 3 to 5 by Lot 17, along lines 5 to 8 by Lot 18, all of Block 32, on the 32, on the NW., along line 8-9 by Road Lot 30, (General Del Pilar Street), and on the NE., along line 9-10 by Lot 6, along line 10-1 by Lot 7, both of Block 32, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 63 deg. 08E., 2033.23 m. from BLLM # 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence

S. 27 deg. 10W., 31.55 m. to point 2;
N. 59 deg. 02W., 22.51 m. to point 3;
N. 25 deg. 48E., 0.67 m. to point 4;
N. 60 deg. 03W., 5.70 m. to point 5;
N. 60 deg. 02W., 6.33 m. to point 6;
N. 27 deg. 46E., 2.55 m. to point 7;
N. 60 deg. 49W., 7.92 m. to point 8;
N. 36 deg. 11E., 26.07 m. to point 9;
S. 61 deg. 54E., 16.98 m. to point 10;
S. 64 deg. 12E., 21.32 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of ONE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY THREE (1,183) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on June 8 to September 30, 1987, by Juanito C. Galang, private Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on November 27, 1987. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 34098, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 49, BLOCK 18, PSD-13-004842
(equivalent to Lot 33830, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Multi-purpose Hall and Health Center)

A parcel of land (Lot 49, Block 18, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-004842, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000397, situated in the Barangay of South Cembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the SE., along line 1-2 by Lot 50, (Alley), on the SW., along line 2 to 4 by Lot 31, along line 4-5 by Lot 28, on the NW., along line 5-6 by Lot 51, (Alley), all of Block 18, and along line 6-1 by Road Lot 61, (Col. Santos Street), all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 58 deg. 07E., 2245.50 m. from BLLM # 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence

S. 09 deg. 59W., 18.81 m. to point 2;
N. 81 deg. 43W., 9.16 m. to point 3;
N. 79 deg. 27W., 3.44 m. to point 4;
N. 80 deg. 16W., 5.85 m. to point 5;
N. 07 deg. 47E., 13.35 m. to point 6;
N. 83 deg. 09E., 19.80 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of THREE HUNDRED THREE (303) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on June 8 to September 30, 1987, by Juanito C. Galang, private Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on November 27, 1987. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 33830, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 10, BLOCK 111, PSD-13-004986
(equivalent to Lot 29995, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Barangay Center)

A parcel of land (Lot 10, Block 111, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-004986, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000405, situated in the Barangay of East Rembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the NE., along line 1-2 by Road Lot 97, (23rd Avenue), on the SE., along lines 2 to 5 by Lot 9, along line 5-6 by Lot 8, both of Block 111, on the SW., along line 6-7 by road Lot 99, (24th Avenue), and on the NW., along line 7-8 by Lot 11, along line 8-1 by Lot 12, both of Block 111, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 61 deg. 02E., 3641.99 m. from BLLM # 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence

N. 86 deg. 25E., 23.86 m. to point 2;
S. 41 deg. 06W., 6.54 m. to point 3;
S. 05 deg. 52W., 8.37 m. to point 4;
S. 10 deg. 14W., 2.70 m. to point 5;
S. 05 deg. 23W., 14.81 m. to point 6;
N. 85 deg. 22W., 15.08 m. to point 7;
N. 07 deg. 36E., 16.63 m. to point 8;
N. 07 deg. 41E., 10.30 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of FOUR HUNDRED NINETY EIGHT (498) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on June 10 to November 15, 1987, by Alfredo Muncada, Private Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on May 27, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 29995, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 7, BLOCK 27, PSD-13-004986
(equivalent to Lot 28984, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Barangay Center)

A parcel of land (Lot 7, Block 27, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-004986, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000405, situated in the Barangay of East Rembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the NW., along line 1-2 by Lot 8, Block 27, on the NE., along lines 2 to 4 by Road Lot 8, (5th Avenue), on the SE., along line 4-5 by Road Lot 14, and on the SW., along line 5-1 by Lot 6, block 27, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 70 deg. 47E., 3608.06 m. from BLLM # 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence

N. 36 deg. 09E., 43.52 m. to point 2;
S. 54 deg. 07E., 16.02 m. to point 3;
S. 07 deg. 15E., 2.14 m. to point 4;
S. 33 deg. 59W., 41.88 m. to point 5;
N. 54 deg. 25W., 19.07 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY TWO (792) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on June 10 to November 15, 1987, by Alfredo Muncada, Private Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on March 8, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 28984, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 1, BLOCK 94, PSD-13-004986
(equivalent to Lot 29783, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Recreation Center)

A parcel of land (Lot 1, Block 94, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-004986, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000405, situated in the Barangay of East Rembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the NE., along line 1-2 by Lot 2, Block 94, on the SE., along line 2-3 by Road Lot 93, on the SW., along line 3-4 by Road Lot 97, and on the NW., along line 4-1 by Lot 3, Block 94, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 60 deg. 56E., 3505.36 m. from BLLM # 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence

S. 75 deg. 47E., 17.02 m. to point 2;
S. 10 deg. 55W., 18.05 m. to point 3;
N. 75 deg. 03W., 16.74 m. to point 4;
N. 09 deg. 58E., 17.85 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of THREE HUNDRED TWO (302) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on June 10 to November 15, 1987, by Alfredo Muncada, Private Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on March 8, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 29783, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 6, BLOCK 27, PSD-13-004986
(equivalent to Lot 28983, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Barangay Center)

A parcel of land (Lot 6, Block 27, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-004986, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000405, situated in the Barangay of East Rembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the NE., along line 1-2 by Lot 7, Block 27, on the SE., along line 2-3 by Road Lot 14, on the SW., along line 3-4 by Lot 9, (Alley), and on the NW., along line 4-1 by Lot 8 both of Block 27, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 70 deg. 47E., 3608.06 m. from BLLM # 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence

S. 54 deg. 25E., 19.07 m. to point 2;
S. 33 deg. 07W., 17.79 m. to point 3;
N. 53 deg. 25W., 20.16 m. to point 4;
N. 36 deg. 39E., 17.42 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of THREE HUNDRED FORTY FIVE (345) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on June 10 to November 15, 1987, by Alfredo Muncada, Private Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on March 8, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 28983, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 8, BLOCK 97, PSD-13-004986
(equivalent to Lot 29821, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Barangay Center)

A parcel of land (Lot 8, Block 97, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-004986, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000405, situated in the Barangay of East Rembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the NE., along line 1-2 by Road Lot 114, (20th Avenue), on the SE., along line 2-3 by Lot 6, Block 97, portion of Circumference Road (C-5), on the SW., along line 3-4 by Lot 7, Block 97, and on the NW., along line 4-1 by Road Lot 74, (Mapayapa Avenue), all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 63 deg. 00E., 3392.44 m. from BLLM # 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence

S. 70 deg. 32E., 17.32 m. to point 2;
S. 18 deg. 26W., 6.10 m. to point 3;
N. 68 deg. 44W., 17.81 m. to point 4;
N. 23 deg. 20E., 5.55 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of ONE HUNDRED TWO (102) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on June 10 to November 15, 1987, by Alfredo Muncada, Private Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on May 27, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 29821, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 7, BLOCK 97, PSD-13-004986
(equivalent to Lot 29820, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Barangay Center)

A parcel of land (Lot 7, Block 97, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-004986, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000405, situated in the Barangay of East Rembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the SW., along line 1-2 by Lot 5, Block 97, on the NW., along line 2-3 by Road Lot 74, (Mapayapa Avenue), on the NE., along line 3-4 by Lot 8, Block 97, and on the SE., along line 4-1 by Lot 6, Block 97, portion of Circumferential Road (C-5), all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 62 deg. 49E., 3411.64 m. from BLLM # 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence

N. 74 deg. 23W., 17.38 m. to point 2;
N. 15 deg. 46E., 9.16 m. to point 3;
S. 68 deg. 44E., 17.81 m. to point 4;
S. 18 deg. 27W., 7.42 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of ONE HUNDRED FORTY SIX (146) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on June 10 to November 15, 1987, by Alfredo Muncada, Private Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on May 27, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 29820, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 1-B, BLOCK 48, PSD-13-013449
(equivalent to Lot 29201, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Barangay Center)

A parcel of land (Lot 1-B, Block 48, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-013449, situated in the Barangay of East Rembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the SE., along line 1 to 4 by Lot 1-A, of the subdivision plan (Radial Road Kalayaan Avenue, R-4), on the SW., along line 4-5 by Road Lot 27, (12th Avenue), Psd-13-004986, and on the NW., along line 5-1 by Lot 3-B, Block 48, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 67 deg. 46E., 3659.55 m. from BLLM # 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence

S. 58 deg. 53E., 0.86 m. to point 2;
S. 36 deg. 49E., 6.41 m. to point 3;
S. 14 deg. 46E., 2.17 m. to point 4;
N. 57 deg. 33W., 7.96 m. to point 5;
N. 25 deg. 02E., 3.75 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of NINETEEN (19) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey during 1909, that of the subdivision survey September 1989 to January 1990, by Edilberto B. Tato, Private Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on July 13, 1991. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 29201, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 5, BLOCK 97, PSD-13-004986
(equivalent to Lot 29818, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Barangay Center)

A parcel of land (Lot 5, Block 97, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-004986, situated in the Barangay of East Rembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the SE., along line 1-2 by Lot 3, Block 97, on the SW., along line 2-3 by Road Lot 118, on the NW., along line 3-4 by Road Lot 74, (Mapayapa Avenue), and on the NWNE., along line 4-1 by Lot 7, Block 97, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 62 deg. 49E., 3411.64 m. from BLLM # 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence

S. 20 deg. 43W., 16.20 m. to point 2;
N. 68 deg. 13W., 18.76 m. to point 3;
S. 26 deg. 29E., 14.38 m. to point 4;
N. 74 deg. 23E., 17.38 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY FOUR (274) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on June 10 to November 15, 1987, by Alfredo Muncada, Private Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on May 27, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 29818, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 4-B, PSD-13-013447
(equivalent to Lot 29168, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Recreation Center)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 4-B, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-013447, being a portion of Lot 4, Block 43, Psd-13-004986, situated in the Barangay of East Rembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the NE., along line 1-2 by Road Lot 23, Psd-13-004986, on the SE., along lines 2 to 5 by Lot 4-A of the subdivision plan being a portion of Circumferential Road, C-5, on the SW., along line 5-6 by Lot 3-B, of the subdivision plan, along line 6-7 by Lot 2, Block 43, and on the NW., along line 7-1 by Road Lot 24, both of Psd-13-004986.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 68 deg. 37E., 3454.33 m. from BLLM # 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence

S. 62 deg. 31E., 5.77 m. to point 2;
S. 13 deg. 35E., 5.35 m. to point 3;
S. 02 deg. 56E., 4.72 m. to point 4;
S. 19 deg. 08W., 3.25 m. to point 5;
N. 60 deg. 15E., 5.41 m. to point 6;
N. 60 deg. 14W., 6.49 m. to point 7;
N. 28 deg. 23E., 11.07 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of ONE HUNDRED NINE (109) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey during 1909, that of the subdivision survey September 1989 to January 1990, by Edilberto B. Tato, Private Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on December 2, 1991. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 29168, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 5, BLOCK 27, PSD-13-004986
(equivalent to Lot 28982, MCAD-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Barangay Center)

A parcel of land (Lot 28982, as shown on cadastral survey plan MCad-571-D, Makati Cad. LRC Record No. _______________), situated in the Barrio of East Rembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the SW., along line 1-2 by Lot 28977, on the NW., along line 2-3 by Lot 28985, on the NE., along line 3-4 by lot 30719 (alley), on the SE., along line 4-5 by Road Lot, and on the SW., along line 5-1 by Lot 28976 all of the cadastral survey plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 70 deg. 15E., 3604.68 m. from BLLM # 1-A, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre, thence

N. 55 deg. 17W., 5.55 m. to pt. 2;
N. 36 deg. 08E., 12.52 m. to pt. 3;
S. 56 deg. 03E., 20.19 m. to pt. 4;
S. 33 deg. 17W., 15.40 m. to pt. 5;
N. 45 deg. 38W., 15.56 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY NINE (279) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on June 10 to November 15, 1987, by Alfredo Muncada, Private Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on March 8, 1988.

LOT 8, BLOCK 54, PSD-13-00524
(equivalent to Lot 35618, MCAD-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Recreation Center)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 8, Block 54, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005241, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000409, situated in the Barangay of West Rembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the N.W., Along line 1-2 by Road Lot 62, on the N.E., along line 2-3 by (Alley 9), on the S.E., along line 3-4 by Lot 6, Block 54, and on the S.W., along line 4-1 by Road Lot 34, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 73 deg. 20E., 3006.49 m. from BLLM No. 1, Mcadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

N. 36 deg. 38E., 15.35 m. to point 2;
S. 53 deg. 41W., 8.00 m. to point 3;
S. 31 deg. 57W., 15.25 m. to point 4;
N. 54 deg. 36W., 9.25 m. to point of

beginning. Containing an area of ONE HUNDRED THIRTY TWO (132) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on October 16 to March 1988, by Dionisio D. Esteria, private Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on December 13, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 35618, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 5, BLOCK A, PSD-13-005241
(equivalent to Lot 34445 MCAD-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Recreation Center)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 5, Block A, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005241, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000409, situated in the Barangay of West Rembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the N.E., along line 1-2 by Road Lot 33, (J.P. Rizal Extension), on the S.E., along line 2-3 by Road Lot 1 on the S.W., along line 3-4 by Lot 19, (Alley), along lines 4 to 6 by Lot 16, (Canal), and on the N.W., along line 6-7 by Lot 3, along line 7-1 by Lot 4, all of Block A, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 79 deg. 56E., 2896.39 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

S. 62 deg. 59E., 32.81 m. to point 2;
S. 26 deg. 54W., 19.78 m. to point 3;
N. 58 deg. 09W., 11.54 m. to point 4;
N. 65 deg. 01W., 6.80 m. to point 5;
N. 63 deg. 27W., 13.96 m. to point 6;
N. 25 deg. 15E., 9.33 m. to point 7;
N. 25 deg. 13E., 9.84 m. to point of

beginning. Containing an area of SIX HUNDRED TWENTY TWO (622) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; Bearing Grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on June 2, 1987 to September 30, 1987, by Dionisio D. Esteria, Private Geodetic Engineer, and approved on July 22, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 34445, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 8, BLOCK 19, PSD-13-005241
(equivalent to Lot 34776, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Barangay Center)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 8, Block 19, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005241, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000409, situated in the Barangay of West Rembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the N.W., along line 1-2 by Lot 5, along lines 2 to 4 by Lot 4, on the N.E., along lines 4 to 9 by Lot 7, along lines 9 to 12 by Lot 9, all of Block 19, on the S.E., along line 12-13 by Road Lot 71, and on the S.W., along line 13-1 by Road Lot 80, all of subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 74 deg. 52E., 3389.43 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

N. 13 deg. 28E., 15.50 m. to point 2;
N. 13 deg. 22E., 8.22 m. to point 3;
N. 13 deg. 09E., 15.09 m. to point 4;
S. 72 deg. 12E., 7.75 m. to point 5;
N. 01 deg. 18E., 3.07 m. to point 6;
S. 75 deg. 37E., 6.93 m. to point 7;
S. 13 deg. 13W., 2.19 m. to point 8;
S. 78 deg. 27E., 4.30 m. to point 9;
S. 04 deg. 13W., 3.40 m. to point 10;
S. 78 deg. 09W., 0.83 m. to point 11;
S. 07 deg. 20W., 9.87 m. to point 12;
S. 12 deg. 18W., 28.60 m. to point 13;
N. 69 deg. 22W., 21.39 m. to point of

beginning. Containing an area of EIGHT HUNDRED FORTY (840) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; Bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on October 1987 to March 1988, by Dionisio D. Esteria, private Geodetic Engineer and was approved on August 11, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 34776, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 67, BLOCK 19, PSD-13-005241
(equivalent to Lot 34839 MCAD-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Recreation Center)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 67, Block 19, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005241, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000409, situated in the Barangay of West Rembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the N.W., along line 1-2 by Lot 66, on the N.E., along line 2-3 by Lot 88, (Road Lot), on the S.E., along line 3-4 by Road Lot 79, (Road Lot), and on the S.W., along line 4-1 by Road Lot 78, (Road Lot), all of Block 19, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 74 deg. 14E., 3379.54 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

N. 34 deg. 47E., 32.68 m. to point 2;
N. 69 deg. 21E., 38.81 m. to point 3;
S. 21 deg. 52E., 40.84 m. to point 4;
N. 58 deg. 06W., 46.83 m. to point of

beginning. Containing an area of ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY SIX (1,556) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; Bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on October 1987 to March 1988, by Dionisio D. Esteria, Private Geodetic Engineer and was approved on August 11, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 34839, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 1-B, BLOCK 75, PSD-007602-026856-D
(equivalent to Lot 36118-B MCAD-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Barangay Center)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 1-B, Block 75, of the subdivision plan Psd-007602-026856-D being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000409, situated in the Barangay of West Rembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the S.W., along lines 1 to 3 by Lot 1-A, Block 75, of the subdivision plan, along line 3-4 Road Lot 33, (J.P. Rizal Extension), on the N.W., along line 4-5 by Lot 2, Block 75, both of Psd-13-005241, on the N.E., along line 5-6 by Pasig River, and on the S.E., along line 6-1 by Lot 10-B, Block 75, of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 79 deg. 30E., 3026.87 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

N. 56 deg. 15W., 7.86 m. to point 2;
N. 61 deg. 46W., 4.38 m. to point 3;
N. 52 deg. 22E., 25.08 m. to point 4;
N. 37 deg. 13E., 28.25 m. to point 5;
S. 51 deg. 53E., 37.42 m. to point 6;
S. 37 deg. 35E., 26.69 m. to the point of

beginning. Containing an area of ONE THOUSAND FORTY (1,040) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; Bearing grid, date of the original survey during 1909 (Psu-2031), and that of the subdivision survey on November 19-28, 1991, by Romeo M. Francisco, Private Geodetic Engineer and was approved on December 15, 1983. Note: A strip of 10.00 meters wide along Pasig River is reserved as linear park.

LOT 9, BLOCK 75, PSD-13-005241
(equivalent to Lot 36124, MCAD-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Sports Complex)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 9, Block 75, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005241, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000409, situated in the Barangay of West Rembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the N.E., along lines 1 to 13 by Pasig River, on the S.E., along line 13-14 by Lot 8, Block 75, on the S.W., along lines 14 to 16 by Road Lot 33, (J.P. Rizal Extension), both of the subdivision plan, and on the N.W., along lines 16-17-1 by Fort Bonifacio Plaza, now case-28, MCadm-571-D, Makati Cadastre, Barangay Cembo.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 83 deg. 44E., 2452.12 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

S. 70 deg. 22E., 86.43 m. to point 2;
S. 79 deg. 50E., 30.12 m. to point 3;
S. 81 deg. 15E., 29.99 m. to point 4;
S. 81 deg. 07E., 30.10 m. to point 5;
S. 78 deg. 41E., 4.69 m. to point 6;
S. 77 deg. 49E., 7.96 m. to point 7;
S. 72 deg. 03W., 7.28 m. to point 8;
S. 71 deg. 24E., 76.61 m. to point 9;
S. 64 deg. 26E., 7.03 m. to point 10;
S. 71 deg. 24E., 9.54 m. to point 11;
S. 64 deg. 26E., 6.69 m. to point 12;
S. 62 deg. 03E., 60.80 m. to point 13;
S. 50 deg. 53E., 16.69 m. to point 14;
S. 29 deg. 42W., 60.80 m. to point 15;
N. 65 deg. 07W., 235.40 m. to point 16;
N. 82 deg. 40W., 201.25 m. to point 17;
N. 14 deg. 31E., 70.40 m. to point 18;
N. 14 deg. 31E., 8.80 m. to the point of

beginning. Containing an area of TWENTY EIGHT THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED SIXTY FOUR (28,264) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; Bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on plan October 1987 to March 1988, by Dionisio D. Esteria, Private Geodetic Engineer and was approved on January 13, 1989. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 36124, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastre. Note: A strip of 10.00 meters wide along Pasig River is reserved as linear park.

LOT 66, BLOCK 19, PSD-13-005241
(equivalent to Lot 34838, MCAD-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Public Utility Site)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 66, Block 19, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005241, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000409, situated in the Barangay of West Rembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the S.W., along lines 1-2 by Lot 78, (Road Lot), along lines 2 to 4 by Lot 65, both on Block 19, on the N.W., along line 4-5 by Lot 18, (A. Mabini Street), on the N.E., along line 5-6 by Lot 80, (Road Lot), and on the S.E., along line 6-1 by Lot 67, both of Block 19, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 74 deg. 14E., 3379.54 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

N. 56 deg. 47W., 3.71 m. to point 2;
N. 32 deg. 38E., 3.63 m. to point 3;
N. 58 deg. 55W., 15.72 m. to point 4;
N. 32 deg. 56E., 25.35 m. to point 5;
S. 68 deg. 21E., 20.89 m. to point 6;
S. 34 deg. 47W., 32.68 m. to the point of

beginning. Containing an area of FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY SIX (556) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; Bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on plan October 1987 to March 1988, by Dionisio D. Esteria, Private Geodetic Engineer and was approved on August 11, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 34838, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 1, CCS-00-00128
(equivalent to Lot 40139, MCAD-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Public Utility Site)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 40139, shown on cadastral survey plan, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre, being a portion of the consolidation subdivision of Lots 36120 and 36122, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre, LRC Record No. ______________), situated in the Barrio of West Rembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the SE., along line 1-2 by Lot 40140 of consolidation subdivision plan, on the SW., along lines 2-3 by J.P. Rizal Extension, and on the NW., and NE., along lines 3-4-1 by Lot 36123, all of cadastral survey plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 80 deg. 46E., 2907.46 m. from BLLM # 1-A, MCadm-571-D, Makati Cadastre, thence:

S. 32 deg. 52W., 22.72 m. to pt. 2;
N. 57 deg. 51W., 23.39 m. to pt. 3;
N. 30 deg. 33E., 22.04 m. to pt. 4;
S. 59 deg. 27E., 24.30 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of FIVE HUNDRED THIRTY THREE (533) SQ. METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey during 1907 (Psu-2031), that of the subdivision survey on August 30, 1999, by Ariel M. Olivar, Private Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on June 28, 2000.

LOT 1-C, BSD-13-000879
(equivalent to Lot 36128, MCAD-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Boy Scout of the Philippines)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 36128, as shown on cadastral survey plan MCad-571-D, Makati Cad.), situated in the Barrio of West Rembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the NE., along line 1-2 by Road Lot (J.P. Rizal Extension), on the SE., along line 2-3 by Lot 34442, along line 3-4 by Lot 34441, on the SW., along line 4-5 by Canal and on the NW., along line 5-1 by Lot 36127, all of cadastral survey plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 80 deg. 10E., 2867.42 m. from BLLM # 1-A, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

S. 57 deg. 51E., 10.86 m. to pt. 2;
S. 28 deg. 00W., 10.54 m. to pt. 3;
S. 28 deg. 03W., 9.63 m. to pt. 4;
N. 60 deg. 14W., 13.42 m. to pt. 5;
N. 35 deg. 09E., 20.71 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of TWO HUNDRED FORTY EIGHT (248) SQ. METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey, 1909 (Psu-2031) and that of the subdivision survey on October 5, 1990, by Florentina C. Valencia, Government Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on November 29, 1990.

LOT 3, CCS-00-000123
(equivalent to Lot 40141, MCAD-571-D, Makati Cadastre)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 40141, as shown on cadastral survey plan, MCad-571-D, Makati Cad. being a portion of the consolidation subdivision of Lots 36120 and 36122, Mcad-571-D, Makati Cadastre), situated in the Barrio of West Rembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the NE., along lines 1 to 3 by Lot 40142, of the consolidation subdivision plan, on the SE., along line 3-4 by Lot 36121, on the SW., along lines 4 to 8 by Road lot (J.P. Rizal Extension), and on the NW., along line 8-1 by Lot 40140, all of cadastral survey plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 80 deg. 51E., 2940.49 m. from BLLM # 1-A, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre, thence:

S. 45 deg. 27E., 26.74 m. to pt. 2;
S. 49 deg. 38E., 21.91 m. to pt. 3;
S. 37 deg. 25W., 23.84 m. to pt. 4;
N. 63 deg. 00W., 7.32 m. to pt. 5;
N. 63 deg. 00W., 16.19 m. to pt. 6;
N. 63 deg. 03W., 22.41 m. to pt. 7;
N. 63 deg. 00W., 0.49 m. to pt. 8;
N. 33 deg. 06E., 36.81 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of ONE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FIVE (1,405) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey during 1907 (Psu-2031), and that of the subdivision survey on August 30, 1999, by Ariel M. Olivar Private Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on June 28, 2000.

LOT 6, BLOCK 27, PSD-13-005204
(equivalent to Lot 22471, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Barangay Center)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 6, Block 27, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005204, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000410, situated in the Barangay of Pembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the N.E., along lines 1-2 by Lot 5, on the S.E., along line 2-3 by Lot 34, both on Block 27, on the S.W., along line 3-4 by Road Lot 26, (Santan Street), on the N.W., along line 4-5 by Lot 4, and on the N.E., along line 5-1 by Lot 3, both of Block 27, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 48 deg. 06E., 3982.23 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

S. 75 deg. 03E., 11.04 m. to point 2;
S. 15 deg. 15W., 14.75 m. to point 3;
N. 75 deg. 49W., 17.27 m. to point 4;
N. 15 deg. 08E., 14.59 m. to point 5;
S. 78 deg. 40E., 6.26 m. to the point of

beginning. Containing an area of TWO HUNDRED FIFTY SIX (256) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; Bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on plan June 19 to December 23, 1987, by David M. Medina, Private Geodetic Engineer and was approved on April 25, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 22471, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 13, BLOCK 165, PSD-13-005204
(equivalent to Lot 25554, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Recreation Area)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 13, Block 165, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005204, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000410, situated in the Barangay of Pembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the N.W., along line 1-2 by Lot 12, on the N.E., along line 2 to 4 by Lots 11 and 14, on the S.E., along line 4-5 by Lot 24, all of Block 165, and on the S.W., along line 5-1 by Road Lot 54, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 54 deg. 28E., 3509.83 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

N. 26 deg. 38E., 16.95 m. to point 2;
S. 67 deg. 23E., 1.30 m. to point 3;
S. 64 deg. 01E., 16.04 m. to point 4;
S. 27 deg. 38W., 16.25 m. to point 5;
N. 66 deg. 37W., 17.08 m. to the point of

beginning. Containing an area of TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY SIX (286) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; Bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on plan June 19 to December 23, 1987, by David M. Medina, Private Geodetic Engineer and was approved on July 18, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 25554, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 2, BLOCK 204, PSD-13-005204
(equivalent to Lot 26299, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Recreation Area)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 2, Block 204, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005204, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000410, situated in the Barangay of Pembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the N.W., along line 1-2 by Lot 268, (Cariaga Street), on the N.E., along line 2-3 by Road Lot 218 (Sampaguita Street), on the S.E., along line 3-4 by Road Lot 265, on the S.W., along line 4-1 by Lot 1, Block 204, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 45 deg. 43E., 3771.89 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

N. 75 deg. 33E., 8.29 m. to point 2;
S. 22 deg. 03E., 31.38 m. to point 3;
S. 71 deg. 35W., 13.74 m. to point 4;
N. 12 deg. 11W., 16.25 m. to point 5;
N. 66 deg. 37W., 32.08 m. to the point of

beginning. Containing an area of THREE HUNDRED FORTY EIGHT (348) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; Bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on plan June 19 to December 23, 1987, by David M. Medina, Private Geodetic Engineer and was approved on July 18, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 26299, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 2, BLOCK 10, PSD-13-005204
(equivalent to Lot 22245, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Barangay Center)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 2, Block 10, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005204, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000410, situated in the Barangay of Pembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the S.E., along line 1 to 3 by Lot 4, on the S.W., along line 3-4 by Road Lot 15 (Las Maria Street), on the N.W., along line 4-5 by Road Lot 44, (Cadena de Amor Street), and on the N.E., along line 5-1 by Lot 1, Block 10, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 49 deg. 25E., 3749.65 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

S. 22 deg. 59W., 6.09 m. to point 2;
S. 18 deg. 37W., 10.12 m. to point 3;
N. 68 deg. 29W., 2.95 m. to point 4;
N. 06 deg. 40E., 16.19 m. to point 5;
N. 73 deg. 09E., 6.76 m. to the point of

beginning. Containing an area of SEVENTY FIVE (75) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; Bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on plan June 19 to December 23, 1987, by David M. Medina, Private Geodetic Engineer and was approved on July 18, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 22245, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 1, BLOCK 173, PSD-13-005204
(equivalent to Lot 25719, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Recreation Center)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 1, Block 173, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005204, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000410, situated in the Barangay of Pembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the N.E., along line 1-2 by Lot 5, on the S.E., along line 2-3 by Lot 6 both of Block 173, on the S.W., along lines 3 to 5 by Road Lot 64, (Bougainville Street), on the N.W., along line 5-6 by Road Lot 61, and on the N.E., along line 6-1 by Lot 2, Block 173, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 52 deg. 31E., 3505.97 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

S. 74 deg. 53E., 1.04 m. to point 2;
S. 04 deg. 52W., 9.54 m. to point 3;
S. 89 deg. 38W., 15.94 m. to point 4;
N. 56 deg. 40E., 3.52 m. to point 5;
N. 14 deg. 28E., 13.05 m. to point 6;
S. 72 deg. 58E., 16.12 m. to the point of

beginning. Containing an area of TWO HUNDRED EIGHTEEN (218) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; Bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on plan June 19 to December 23, 1987, by David M. Medina, Private Geodetic Engineer and was approved on July 18, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 25719, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 1, BLOCK 34, PSD-13-005204
(equivalent to Lot 22573, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Recreation Center)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 1, Block 34, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005204, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000410, situated in the Barangay of Pembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the S.W., along line 1-2 by Lot 2, on Block 34, on the N.W., along line 2-3 by Road Lot 32, (Adela Street), on the N.E., along line 3-4 by Road Lot 30, (Umbel Street), on the S.E., along line 4-5 by Lot 3, and on the S.W., along line 5-1 by Lot 4, both of Block 34, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 47 deg. 21E., 4100.85 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

N. 74 deg. 27W., 18.21 m. to point 2;
N. 06 deg. 09E., 14.46 m. to point 3;
S. 76 deg. 32E., 34.81 m. to point 4;
S. 07 deg. 20W., 13.49 m. to point 5;
N. 75 deg. 25W., 16.24 m. to the point of

beginning. Containing an area of FOUR HUNDRED SIXTY EIGHT (468) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; Bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on plan June 19 to December 23, 1987, by David M. Medina, Private Geodetic Engineer and was approved on July 18, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 22573, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 23, BLOCK 254, PSD-13-005204
(equivalent to Lot 27079, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Recreation Center)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 23, Block 254, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005204, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000410, situated in the Barangay of Pembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the N.E., along line 1-2 by Lot 21, along line 2-3 by Lot 25, on the S.E., along line 3-4 by Lot 31, all of Block 254, on the S.W., along line 4 to 6 by Road Lot 290, and on the N.E., along line 6-1 by Lot 20, Block 254, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 43 deg. 32E., 3560.62 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

S. 83 deg. 10E., 9.33 m. to point 2;
S. 07 deg. 56E., 8.41 m. to point 3;
S. 80 deg. 03W., 22.35 m. to point 4;
N. 09 deg. 24W., 3.18 m. to point 5;
N. 02 deg. 44W., 12.18 m. to point 6;
S. 81 deg. 00W., 2.85 m. to the point of

beginning. Containing an area of TWO HUNDRED SIXTY (260) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; Bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on plan June 19 to December 23, 1987, by David M. Medina, Private Geodetic Engineer and was approved on July 18, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 27079, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 7, BLOCK 188, PSD-13-005204
(equivalent to Lot 25974, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Recreation Center)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 7, Block 188, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005204, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000410, situated in the Barangay of Pembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the S.E., along line 1-2 by Lot 8, Block 188, on the S.W., along line 2 to 4 by Road Lot 79, (Las Maria Street), on the N.W., along line 4-5 by Road Lot 78, (Tambuli Street) on the N.E., along line 5-6 by Road Lot 76, (Kampupot Street), and on the S.E., along line 6-1 by Lot 9, Block 188, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 48 deg. 24E., 3630.92 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

S. 14 deg. 54W., 13.14 m. to point 2;
N. 53 deg. 30E., 5.88 m. to point 3;
N. 76 deg. 05W., 14.89 m. to point 4;
N. 14 deg. 31E., 26.19 m. to point 5;
S. 76 deg. 12E., 21.47 m. to point 6;
S. 18 deg. 22W., 15.39 m. to the point of

beginning. Containing an area of FIVE HUNDRED FORTY NINE (549) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; Bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on plan June 19 to December 23, 1987, by David M. Medina, Private Geodetic Engineer and was approved on July 18, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 25974, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 1, BLOCK 21, PSD-13-005204
(equivalent to Lot 22390, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Barangay Center)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 1, Block 21, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005204, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000410, situated in the Barangay of Pembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the S.E., along line 1-2 by Lot 3, Block 21, on the S.W., along line 2-3 by Road Lot 8, (Dhalia Street), on the N.W., along line 3-4 by Road Lot 21, (Sampaguita Street) and on the N.E., along line 4-1 by Lot 2, Block 21, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 53 deg. 40E., 3895.14 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

S. 17 deg. 17W., 16.73 m. to point 2;
N. 70 deg. 25W., 21.83 m. to point 3;
N. 22 deg. 24E., 16.90 m. to point 4;
S. 69 deg. 57E., 26.19 m. to point 5;
S. 76 deg. 12E., 20.33 m. to the point of

beginning. Containing an area of THREE HUNDRED FIFTY FOUR (354) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; Bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on plan June 19 to December 23, 1987, by David M. Medina, Private Geodetic Engineer and was approved on April 25, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 22390, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

BLOCK 22, PSD-13-005204
(equivalent to Lot 22401, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Hospital Site)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Block 22, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005204, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000410, situated in the Barangay of Pembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the N.E., along line 1-2 by Road Lot 8, (Dhalia Street), on the S.E., along line 2-3 by Road Lot 22, on the S.W., along line 3-4 by Road Lot 23, (Gumamela Street) and on the N.W., along line 4-1 by Road Lot 21, (Sampaguita Street), and all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 53 deg. 15E., 3881.42 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

S. 70 deg. 32E., 65.46 m. to point 2;
S. 19 deg. 11W., 44.71 m. to point 3;
N. 79 deg. 23W., 68.57 m. to point 4;
N. 21 deg. 37E., 55.29 m. to the point of

beginning. Containing an area of THREE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED TWENTY FOUR (3,324) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; Bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on plan June 19 to December 23, 1987, by David M. Medina, Private Geodetic Engineer and was approved on April 25, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 22401, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 1, BLOCK 204, PSD-13-005204
(equivalent to Lot 26298, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Day Care Center)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 1, Block 204, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005204, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000410, situated in the Barangay of Pembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the N.E., along line 1-2 by Lot 2, Block 204, on the SE and SW., along lines 2 to 4 by Road Lot 265, on the SW., along line 4-5 by Road Lot 267, and on the NW., along line 5-1 by Road Lot 268, (Caraiga Street), all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 45 deg. 43E., 3771.89 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

S. 12 deg. 11E., 32.08 m. to point 2;
S. 78 deg. 51W., 14.95 m. to point 3;
N. 73 deg. 17W., 4.97 m. to point 4;
N. 07 deg. 12W., 31.95 m. to point 5;
N. 86 deg. 09E., 16.70 m. to the point of

beginning. Containing an area of FIVE HUNDRED NINETY THREE (593) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; Bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on plan June 19 to December 23, 1987, by David M. Medina, Private Geodetic Engineer and was approved on July 18, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 26298, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 1, BLOCK 226, PSD-13-005204
(equivalent to Lot 26630, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Recreation Center)

A parcel of land (Lot 1, Block 226, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005204, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000410, situated in the Barangay of Pembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the SW., along line 1-2 by Lot 6, Block 226, on the NW., along lines 2-3 by Road Lot 274, (Sampaloc Street), on the NE., along line 3-4 by Road Lot 255, (Cactus Street), and on the SE., along lines 4-5-1 by Lot 19, (Alley) Block 226, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 42 deg. 10E., 3706.25 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

N. 58 deg. 28W., 10.68 m. to point 2;
N. 28 deg. 34E., 30.47 m. to point 3;
S. 56 deg. 55E., 13.12 m. to point 4;
S. 31 deg. 22W., 13.00 m. to point 5;
S. 34 deg. 31W., 17.10 m. to the point of

beginning. Containing an area of THREE HUNDRED SIXTY SIX (366) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; Bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on plan June 19 to December 23, 1987, by David M. Medina, Private Geodetic Engineer and was approved on July 18, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 26630, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 12, BLOCK 211, PSD-13-005204
(equivalent to Lot 26442, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Barangay Center)

A parcel of land (Lot 12, Block 211, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005204, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000410, situated in the Barangay of Pembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the NW., along line 1-2 by Lot 10, along line 2-3 by Lot 18 (Alley) both of Block 211, on the NE., along line 3-4 by Road Lot 45, (Cadena De Amor Street), and on the SE., along line 4-5 by Lot 14, and on the SW., along line 4-5 by Lot 14, and on the SW., along line 5-1 by Lot 13, both of Block 211, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 46 deg. 31E., 3943.11 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

N. 10 deg. 03E., 2.69 m. to point 2;
N. 01 deg. 33E., 13.36 m. to point 3;
S. 74 deg. 58E., 8.37 m. to point 4;
S. 16 deg. 22W., 15.47 m. to point 5;
S. 77 deg. 36W., 4.66 m. to the point of

beginning. Containing an area of NINETY NINE (99) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; Bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on plan June 19 to December 23, 1987, by David M. Medina, Private Geodetic Engineer and was approved on July 18, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 26442, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 69, BLOCK 70, PSD-13-005204
(equivalent to Lot 23496, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Barangay Center)

A parcel of land (Lot 69, Block 70, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005204, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000410, situated in the Barangay of Rizal, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the SE., along line 1-2 by Lot 72, along line 2-3 by Lot 71, both of Block 70, on the SW., along line 3-4 by Road Lot 319, (Amarillio Street), and on the NW., along line 4-5 by Lot 68, and on the NE., along line 5-6 by Lot 67, along line 6-1 by Lot 70, all of Block 70, of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 43 deg. 33E., 4397.17 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

S. 29 deg. 10E., 1.97 m. to point 2;
S. 58 deg. 15W., 14.46 m. to point 3;
N. 33 deg. 12W., 18.61 m. to point 4;
N. 56 deg. 52E., 15.13 m. to point 5;
S. 31 deg. 08E., 3.60 m. to point 6;
S. 31 deg. 29E., 13.40 m. to the point of

beginning. Containing an area of TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY EIGHT (278) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; Bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on June 19 to December 23, 1987, by David M. Medina, Private Geodetic Engineer and was approved on July 18, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 23496, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 8, BLOCK 109, PSD-13-005204
(equivalent to Lot 24592, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Barangay Center)

A parcel of land (Lot 8, Block 109, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005204, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000410, situated in the Barangay of Rizal, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the NW., along line 1-2 by Lot 7, on the NE., along line 2-3 by Lot 10, both of Block 109, on the SE., along line 3-4 by Road Lot 329, (M.H. Del Pilar Street), and on the SW., along line 4-1 by Lot 6, Block 109, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 46 deg. 48E., 4541.96 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

N. 57 deg. 39E., 8.26 m. to point 2;
S. 39 deg. 32E., 9.06 m. to point 3;
S. 50 deg. 21W., 8.56 m. to point 4;
N. 37 deg. 30W., 10.12 m. to the point of

beginning. Containing an area of EIGHTY (80) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; Bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on June 19 to December 23, 1987, by David M. Medina, Private Geodetic Engineer and was approved on July 18, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 24592, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 15, BLOCK 159, PSD-13-005204
(equivalent to Lot 25410, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Recreation Center)

A parcel of land (Lot 15, Block 159, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005204, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000410, situated in the Barangay of Rizal, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the NW., along line 1-2 by Lot 14, Block 159, on the NE., along line 2-3 by Road Lot 139, (Water Lily Street), on the SE., along line 3-4 by Road Lot 137, (Adela Street), on the SW., along line 4-5 by Road Lot 138, (San Francisco Street), and on the NW., along line 5-1 by Lot 13, Block 159, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 43 deg. 58E., 4804.72 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

N. 59 deg. 40E., 11.13 m. to point 2;
S. 31 deg. 26E., 37.37 m. to point 3;
S. 76 deg. 20W., 19.97 m. to point 4;
N. 35 deg. 08W., 31.42 m. to point 5;
N. 57 deg. 47E., 9.90 m. to the point of

beginning. Containing an area of SIX HUNDRED EIGHTY SEVEN (687) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; Bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on June 19 to December 23, 1987, by David M. Medina, Private Geodetic Engineer and was approved on July 18, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 25410, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 1, BLOCK 92, PSD-13-005204
(equivalent to Lot 24183, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Recreation Center)

A parcel of land (Lot 1, Block 92, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005204, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000410, situated in the Barangay of Rizal, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the SE., along line 1-2 by Lot 3, Block 92, on the SW., along line 2-3 by Road Lot 124, (Magnolia Street), on the NW., along line 3-4 by Road Lot 106, (Floraville Street), on the NE., along line 4-5 by Road Lot 125, (Adela Street), and on the SE., along line 5-1 by Lot 2, Block 92, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 43 deg. 57E., 4501.07 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

S. 56 deg. 05W., 10.27 m. to point 2;
N. 33 deg. 16W., 29.55 m. to point 3;
N. 57 deg. 45E., 17.69 m. to point 4;
S. 33 deg. 28E., 28.53 m. to point 5;
S. 52 deg. 13W., 7.54 m. to the point of

beginning. Containing an area of FIVE HUNDRED EIGHTEEN (518) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; Bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on June 19 to December 23, 1987, by David M. Medina, Private Geodetic Engineer and was approved on July 18, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 24183, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 11, BLOCK 46, PSD-13-005204
(equivalent to Lot 22759, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Recreation Center)

A parcel of land (Lot 11, Block 46, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005204, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000410, situated in the Barangay of Rizal, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the SW., along line 1-2 by Lot 4, Block 45, on the NE., along line 2-3 by Road Lot 43, (Xyris Street), on the SE., along line 3-4 by Road Lot 90, (Mansanas Street), on the SW., along line 4-5 by Road Lot 88, (Atis Street), and on the SW., along line 5-1 by Lot 10, Block 45, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 45 deg. 42E., 4220.24 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

N. 00 deg. 45W., 12.91 m. to point 2;
S. 83 deg. 24E., 18.72 m. to point 3;
S. 01 deg. 01W., 31.89 m. to point 4;
N. 81 deg. 32W., 16.72 m. to point 5;
N. 04 deg. 03W., 18.71 m. to the point of

beginning. Containing an area of FIVE HUNDRED SIXTY THREE (563) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; Bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on June 19 to December 23, 1987, by David M. Medina, Private Geodetic Engineer and was approved on July 18, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 22759, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 32, BLOCK 68, PSD-13-005204
(equivalent to Lot 23357, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Recreation Center)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 32, Block 68, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005204, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-00410, situated in the Barangay of Rizal, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the NW., along line 1-2 by Lot 31, Block 68, on the NE., along line 2-*3 by Road Lot 318, (Begonia Street), on the SE., along line 3-4 by Lot 33, along line 4-5 by Lot 34, both of Block 68, on the SW., along line 5-6 by Road Lot 316, (Cattleya Street), and on the NW., along line 6-1 by Lot 30, Block 45, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 42 deg. 54E., 4254.19 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

N. 55-14E., 14.77 m. to point 2;
S. 36-54E., 13.31 m. to point 3;
S. 56-19W., 16.26 m. to point 4;
N. 54-03W., 19.93 m. to point 5;
N. 37-01W., 13.19 m. to point 6;
N. 54-38E., 21.44 m. to point of

beginning. Containing an area of FOUR HUNDRED SEVENTY FOUR (474) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; Bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on June 19 to December 23, 1987, by David M. Medina, Private Geodetic Engineer and was approved on July 18, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 22759, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 29 BLOCK 139, PSD-13-005204
(equivalent to Lot 25089, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Recreation Center)

A parcel of land (Lot 29, Block 139, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005204, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000410, situated in the Barangay of Rizal, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the NE., along lines 1 to 5 by Lots 31, 32, 34 and 36, on the NE and SE., along lines 4 to 6 by Lot 36, all of Block 139, on the SW., along line 6-7 by Road Lot 364, (A. Bonifacio Street), on the NW., along line 7-8 by Road Lot 365, (Mabini Street), and on the NE., along line 8-1 by Lot 27, Block 139, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 45 deg. 57E., 5000.47 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

S. 60 deg. 40E., 7.15 m. to point 2;
S. 60 deg. 25E., 7.05 m. to point 3;
S. 61 deg. 20E., 7.55 m. to point 4;
S. 51 deg. 38E., 4.00 m. to point 5;
S. 41 deg. 53W., 13.79 m. to point 6;
N. 46 deg. 14W., 34.00 m. to point 7;
N. 26 deg. 23E., 5.56 m. to point 8;
S. 60 deg. 41E., 10.52 m. to the point of

beginning. Containing an area of THREE HUNDRED FORTY FOUR (344) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; Bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on June 19 to December 23, 1987, by David M. Medina, Private Geodetic Engineer and was approved on July 18, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 25089, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 9, BLOCK 294, PSD-13-005204
(equivalent to Lot 27789, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Barangay Center)

A parcel of land (Lot 9, Block 294, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005204, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000410, situated in the Barangay of Rizal, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the SW., along line 1-2 by Lot 10, on the NW., along line 2-3 by Lot 7, both of Block 294, on the NE., along line 3-4 by Road Lot 164, (Tagak Street) and on the SE., along line 4-1 by Lot 11, Block 294, all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 36 deg. 59E., 4663.59 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

N. 77 deg. 59W., 10.08 m. to point 2;
N. 13 deg. 48E., 10.23 m. to point 3;
S. 75 deg. 57E., 10.09 m. to point 4;
S. 13 deg. 54W., 9.87 m. to the point of

beginning. Containing an area of ONE HUNDRED ONE (101) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; Bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on June 19 to December 23, 1987, by David M. Medina, Private Geodetic Engineer and was approved on July 18, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 27789, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 19, BLOCK 99, PSD-13-005204
(equivalent to Lot 24444, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Barangay Center)

A parcel of land (Lot 19, Block 99, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005204, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000410, situated in the Barangay of Rizal, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the SW., along line 1-2 by Lot 20, along line 2-3 by Lot 18, on the W., along line 3-4 by Lot 17, on the N.W., along line 4-5 by Lot 47, (Alley) and all Block 99, on the N.E., all of the subdivision plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 45 deg. 45E., 4610.68 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

N. 29 deg. 05W., 7.84 m. to point 2;
N. 31 deg. 23W., 11.75 m. to point 3;
N. 32 deg. 58W., 0.44 m. to point 4;
N. 62 deg. 19E., 33.31 m. to point 5;
S. 37 deg. 08E., 20.28 m. to point 6;
S. 62 deg. 19W., 35.65 m. to the point of

beginning. Containing an area of SIX HUNDRED EIGHTY EIGHT (688) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; Bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on June 19 to December 23, 1987, by David M. Medina, Private Geodetic Engineer and was approved on July 18, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 688, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 1, BLOCK 310, PSD-13-005204
(equivalent to Lot 27962, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre)

A parcel of land (Lot 1, Block 310, of the subdivision plan Psd-13-005204, being a portion of the land described on plan Swo-13-000410, situated in the Barangay of Rizal, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the SW., along line 1-2 by Road Lot 115, (Milk Weed Street) Psd-13-005204, on the N.W., along line 2-3 by Lot 1, along line 3-4 by Lot 2, both of Block 83, along line 4-5 by Road Lot 116, (Ivory Street) along line 5-6 by Lot 1, along line 6-7 by Lot 2, Both of Block 84, along line 7-8 by Road Lot 117, (Spring Beauty), along line 8-9 by Lot 15, on the N.E., along line 9-10 by Lot 16, along line 10-11 by Lot 17, along line 11-12 by Lot 18, along line 12-13 by Lot 19, along line 13-14 by Lot 20, along line 14-15 by Lot 21, along line 15-16 by Lot 22, along line 16-17 by Lot 23, along line 17-18 by Lot 24, along line 18-19 by Lot 25, along line 19-20 by Lot 25, along line 20-21 by Lot 27, along line 21-22 by Lot 28, along line 22-23 by Lot 30, all of Block 85, and on the S.E., along line 23-1 by Road Lot 143, all of PSD-13-005204.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 40 deg. 20E., 4625.33 m. from BLLM No. 1, MCadm. 571-D, Makati Cadastral Mapping, thence:

N. 37 deg. 16W., 120.33 m. to point 2;
N. 50 deg. 19E., 15.66 m. to point 3;
N. 52 deg. 17E., 12.77 m. to point 4;
N. 51 deg. 25E., 5.95 m. to point 5;
S. 51 deg. 03E., 13.82 m. to point 6;
N. 53 deg. 03E., 10.55 m. to point 7;
N. 55 deg. 30E., 4.93 m. to point 8;
N. 54 deg. 31E., 17.83 m. to point 9;
S. 37 deg. 16E., 4.00 m. to point 10;
S. 35 deg. 34E., 8.63 m. to point 11;
S. 40 deg. 15E., 9.41 m. to point 12;
S. 33 deg. 03E., 9.83 m. to point 13;
S. 36 deg. 38E., 9.43 m. to point 14;
S. 36 deg. 47E., 10.05 m. to point 15;
S. 37 deg. 34E., 8.91 m. to point 16;
S. 32 deg. 46E., 9.81 m. to point 17;
S. 35 deg. 57E., 10.15 m. to point 18;
S. 34 deg. 29E., 7.36 m. to point 19;
S. 30 deg. 35E., 10.45 m. to point 20;
S. 32 deg. 11E., 11.47 m. to point 21;
S. 29 deg. 15E., 11.15 m. to point 22;
S. 45 deg. 36E., 8.87 m. to point 23;
S. 58 deg. 56W., 77.42 m. to the point of
N. 37 deg. 16W., 120.33 m. to point 2;
N. 50 deg. 19E., 15.66 m. to point 3;
N. 52 deg. 17E., 12.77 m. to point 4;
N. 51 deg. 25E., 5.95 m. to point 5;

beginning. Containing an area of TEN THOUSAND (10,000) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS Cyl. Conc. Mons.; Bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on June 19 to December 23, 1987, by David M. Medina, Private Geodetic Engineer and was approved on July 18, 1988. Note: This lot is equivalent to Lot 27962, MCad. 571-D, Makati Cadastre.

LOT 17, BLOCK 13, PSD-13-000582
(equivalent to Lot 33131, MCAD-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Health Center)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 33131 as shown on cadastral survey plan, MCAD-571-D, Makati Cad.), situated in the Barrio of Pitogo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the SW., and NW., along lines 1 to 3 by Road lot (Surigao Street), on the NE., along line 3-4 by Road Lot, (Leyte Street), and on the SE., along line 4-1 by Lot 33130, all of cadastral survey plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 45 deg. 52E., 1703.71 m. from BLLM # 1-A, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre, thence:

N. 15 deg. 16W., 10.78 m. to pt. 2;
N. 75 deg. 38E., 9.86 m. to pt. 3;
S. 12 deg. 53E., 10.83 m. to pt. 4;
S. 75 deg. 54W., 9.40 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of ONE HUNDRED FOUR (104) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey on May 6 to August 31, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on January 16 to April 7, 1987, by Ernesto S. Erive, Government Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on December 9, 1987.

LOT 1, BLOCK 21-A, BSD-13-000613
(equivalent to Lot 32555, MCAD-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Basketball Court)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 32555, as shown on cadastral survey plan, MCAD-571-D, Makati Cad.), situated in the Barrio of Comembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.

Bounded on the NE., along lines 1 to 3 by Road lot (Kamagong Street), on the SE., along line 3-4 by Alley, on the SW., along line 4-5 by Lot 32556, (Alley), along line 5-6 by Road lot (Talisay Street), and on the NW., along line 6-1 by Road lot (Talisay Street), all of cadastral survey plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 57 deg. 12E., 4098.90 m. from BLLM # 1-A, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre, thence:

S. 65 deg. 29E., 27.42 m. to pt. 2;
S. 26 deg. 42E., 1.85 m. to pt. 3;
S. 11 deg. 47W., 56.58 m. to pt. 4;
N. 79 deg. 20W., 10.04 m. to pt. 5;
N. 05 deg. 43W., 64.76 m. to pt. 6;
N. 44 deg. 52E., 2.99 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED FOUR (1,204) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey on January 16 to April 17, 1987, that of the subdivision survey on October 13-15, 1987, by Ernesto S. Erive, Government Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on December 23, 1987.

LOT 5, BCS-13-000052
(equivalent to Lot 32838, MCAD-571-D, Makati Cadastre)
(Barangay Hall)

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 32838, as shown on cadastral survey plan, MCad-571-D, Makati Cad.), situated in the Barrio of Comembo, City of Makati, Metro Manila.1aшphi1

Bounded on the NW., along line 1-2 by Lot 32835, along line 2-3 by Lot 32836, along line 3-4 by Lot 32837, on the NE., along line 4-5 by Lot 32841, along lines 5 to 7 by Lot 32840, along line 7-8 by J.P. Rizal Avenue, Extension, and on the SE and SW., along lines 8-9-1 by Lot 32834, all of cadastral survey plan.

Beginning at a point marked ‘1 on plan, being S. 57 deg. 553E., 3869.14 m. from BLLM # 1-A, MCad-571-D, Makati Cadastre, thence:

N. 71 deg. 17E., 12.29 m. to pt. 2;
N. 71 deg. 17E., 12.29 m. to pt. 3;
N. 71 deg. 17E., 11.99 m. to pt. 4;
S. 15 deg. 23E., 3.93 m. to pt. 5;
S. 10 deg. 53E., 14.79 m. to pt. 6;
N. 78 deg. 26E., 17.55 m. to pt. 7;
S. 10 deg. 34E., 25.54 m. to pt. 8;
S. 76 deg. 29W., 48.83 m. to pt. 9;
N. 17 deg. 59W., 41.62 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED TWENTY TWO (1,922) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old PS cyl. conc. mons.; bearing grid, date of the original survey on 1907 (Psu-2031), and that of the consolidation subdivision survey on October 12, 1990, by Florentina C. Valencia, Government Geodetic Engineer, and was approved on December 3, 1990.”

The Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) is hereby authorized to issue Special Patent in favor of the City of Makati over the subject parcels of land.

The City Government of Makati shall reimburse the national government, through the DENR, the value of the lots which are being utilized as tenement (Lot 1, Block 310, Psd-13-005204) and the lots being occupied by Manila Water (Lot 66, Block 19, Psd-13-005241 and Lot 1, Ccs-00-000123), in accordance with the appraised value of the land as determined by DENR.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed hereto.

Done in the City of Manila, this 14th day of October, in the year of Our Lord, Two Thousand and Nine.


By the President:

Executive Secretary

The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation