[ Proclamation No. 1894, September 24, 2009 ]
Pursuant to the powers vested in me under Republic Act No. 7916, otherwise known as the Special Economic Zone Act of 1995 as amended and upon recommendation of the Board of Directors of the Philippine Economic Zone Authority, I, GLORIA MACAPAGAL-ARROYO, President of the Philippines, do hereby create and designate as a special economic zone, subject to the provisions of Republic Act No. 7916, as amended, its Implementing Rules and Regulations, Resolution No. 08-676 dated 12 December 2008. of the Board of Directors of the Philippine Economic Zone Authority, an area located at Barangay Paciano Rizal, Calamba City, Province of Laguna, with an aggregate area of THIRTY THREE THOUSAND NINETY NINE (33,099) SQUARE METERS, more or less, as defined by the following technical description:
Lot 3-A
A parcel of land (Lot 3-A, of the subdivision plan, Psd-04-079408, being a portion of Lot 3 (LRC) Pcs-24213, L.R.C. Rec. No. , situated in the Barangay of Parian (now Paciano Rizal) Municipality of Calamba (now City of Calamba), Province of Laguna. Bounded on the IN., along line 1-2 by Lot 3-B of the subdivision plan; on the SE., along line 2-3 by Lot 1, Pcs-04-004384, and on the NW., along line 3-1 by Lot 536, Calamba Cadastre.
Beginning at a point marked “1” on plan, being S. 80 deg. 02W., 181.20 meters from BBM No. 27, cad. 154, Calamba Cadastre;
thence |
N. 85 deg. 22' E., |
50.84 m. to point 2; |
thence |
S. 66 deg. 30' W., |
63.66 m. to point 3; |
thence |
N. 19 deg. 55' E., |
22.63 m. to point of |
beginning, containing an area of FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY THREE (523) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on plan and are marked on the ground by P.S. cyl. conc. mons. 15×60 cm.; bearings true; date of original survey, June 1919 and that of the subdivision survey, January 1922 and was approved on December 11-13, 1994.
Lot 1-B
A parcel of land (Lot 1-B, of the subdivision plan, Psd-04-079407, being a portion of Lot 1, Pcs-04-004383, LRC Rec. No. ), situated in the Barangay of Parian and Barandal (now Paciano Rizal) Municipality of Calamba (now City of Calamba), Province of Laguna. Bounded on the NW., along lines 1-4 by Lot 3 (LRC) Pcs-24213; along lines 4-8 by Lot 1-A of the subdivision plan; along line 8-9 by Mayapa Creek; on the NE., along line 9-10 by Existing Road (10.00 m. wide); on the SE., and SW., along line 10-13 by Lot 2, Pcs-04-004383; on the NW., along line 13-14 by Lot 3; 63-E-l (LRC) Psd-286114; along line 14-1 by Lot 3563-F-1 (LRC) Psd-284980.
Beginning at a point marked “1” on plan, being S. 80 deg. 02W., 181.20 meters from BBM No. 27, cad. 154, Calamba Cadastre;
thence |
S. 19 deg. 55' W., |
22.63 m. to point 2; |
thence |
N. 66 deg. 30' E., |
63.66 m. to point 3; |
thence |
N. 09 deg. 39W., |
3.92 m. to point 4; |
thence |
N. 81 deg. 11' E., |
15.78 m. to point 5; |
thence |
N. 09 deg. 39W., |
11.33 m. to point 6; |
thence |
N. 22 deg. 23' E., |
22.17 m. to point 7; |
thence |
N. 71 deg. 34E., |
3.00 m. to point 8; |
thence |
S. 22 deg. 23E., |
21.94 m. to point 9; |
thence |
S. 09 deg. 39' E., |
164.64 m. to point 10; |
thence |
S. 35 deg. 50' W., |
4.00 m. to point 11; |
thence |
S. 81 deg. 19' W., |
216.60 m. to point 12; |
thence |
N. 08 deg. 29' W., |
139.71 m. to point 13; |
thence |
N. 64 deg. 55E., |
30.18 m. to point 14; |
thence |
N. 78 deg. 00E., |
118.25 m. to point of |
beginning, containing an area of THIRTY TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FORTY NINE (32,549) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on plan and are marked on the ground by P.S. Cyl. conc. mons. 15×60 cm.; bearings true; dated of original survey, April 1919-May 1920 and that of the subdivision survey, December 11-8-14, 1994 and was approved on August 2, 1995.
Lot 1-C
A parcel of land (Lot 1-C, of the subdivision plan, Psd-04-079407, being a portion of Lot 1, Pcs-04-004383, LRC Rec. No. ), situated in the Barangay of Parian and Barandal (now Paciano Rizal) Municipality of Calamba (now City of Calamba), Province of Laguna. Bounded on the NW., along line 1-2 by Mayapa; on the NE., along line 2-3 by Existing Road (10.00m. wide); on the SE., along line 3-4 y Lot 1-B; and on the SW., along line 4-1 by Lot 1-A, both of the subdivision plan.
Beginning at a point marked 1? on plan, being N. 81 deg. 30W., 127.99 meters from BBM No. 27, cad. 154, Calamba Cadastre;
thence |
N. 71 deg. 29' E., |
3.00 m. to point 2; |
thence |
S. 22 deg. 23' E., |
8.88 m. to point 3; |
thence |
S. 71 deg. 34' W., |
3.00 m. to point 4; |
thence |
N. 22 deg. 23' W., |
8.88 m. to point of |
beginning, containing an area of TWENTY SEVEN (27) SQUARE METERS.1aшphi1 All points referred to are indicated on plan and are marked on the ground by P.S. cyl. conc. mons. 15×60 cm.; bearings true; date of original survey, April 1919-May 1920 and that of the subdivision survey, December 11-8-14, 1994 and was approved on August 2, 1995.”
Done in the City of Manila, this 24th day of September, in the year of Our Lord, Two Thousand and Nine.