[ Proclamation No. 1727, February 13, 2009 ]
Pursuant to the powers vested in me under Republic Act No. 7916, otherwise known as the Special Economic Zone Act of 1995 as amended by Republic Act No. 8748 and upon recommendation of the Board of Directors of the Philippine Economic Zone Authority, I, GLORIA MACAPAGAL-ARROYO, President of the Philippines, do hereby create and designate, subject to the provisions of Republic Act No. 7916 as amended, its Implementing Rules and Regulations, Resolution No. 02-342 dated 10 October 2002 and Resolution No. 07-349 dated 30 July 2007 of the Board of Directors of the Philippine Economic Zone Authority, several parcels of land to be known as San Lazaro Tourism and Business Park as tourism economic zone with information technology component located at Felix Huertas Street, Sta. Cruz, Manila with an aggregated area of Seventy Four Thousand Two Hundred Forty Four (74,244) Square Meters, more less, as defined by the following technical description:
Lot 5-A
A parcel of land (Lot 5-A of the subd. plan, Psd-00-068337, being a portion of Lot 5, Psd-00-056938, LRC Record No. 4004), situated in the District of Sta. Cruz, City of Manila, Island of Luzon.
Bounded on the W., along line 1-2 by Lot 3 (Road), Psd-00-056938; on the NW., along line 2-3 by Block 23 & 22, Solocan Subdivision; on the E., along line 3-4 by Lot 4-G; along line 4-5 by Lot 5-B; and on the S., along lines 5 to 21-1 by Lot 5-1 (Road), both of the subd. plan.
Beginning at a point marked “1” on plan, being N. 33 deg. 04' W., 3669.07 m. from BLLM 1, Manila Cad.;
thence N. 01 deg. 27' E., 140.82 m. to point 2;
thence N. 82 deg. 18' E., 117.03 m. to point 3;
thence S. 01 deg. 26' W., 0.57 m. to point 4;
thence S. 01 deg. 26' W., 155.54 m. to point 5;
thence N. 28 deg. 54' W., 3.42 m. to point 6;
thence N. 37 deg. 04' W., 3.42 m. to point 7;
thence N. 45 deg. 15' W., 3.42 m. to point 8;
thence N. 53 deg. 23' W., 3.42 m. to point 9;
thence N. 61 deg. 36' W., 3.42 m. to point 10;
thence N. 69 deg. 48' W., 3.42 m. to point 11;
thence N. 77 deg. 55' W., 3.42 m. to point 12;
thence N. 86 deg. 07' W., 3.42 m. to point 13;
thence S. 85 deg. 42' W., 3.42 m. to point 14;
thence S. 77 deg. 33' W., 3.42 m. to point 15;
thence S. 69 deg. 23' W., 3.42 m. to point 16;
thence S. 61 deg. 12' W., 3.42 m. to point 17;
thence S. 53 deg. 02' W., 3.42 m. to point 18;
thence S. 44 deg. 52' W., 3.42 m. to point 19;
thence S. 36 deg. 41' W., 3.42 m. to point 20;
thence S. 26 deg. 33' W., 3.42 m. to point 21;
thence S. 89 deg. 48' W., 71.98 m. to point of
beginning; containing an area of Sixteen Thousand Seven Hundred Nineteen (16,719) square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on plan and marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons. 15 x 40 cms., except Point 2 by Old PS cyl. conc. mons. 15 x 60 cms.; bearings true; date of original survey, April 15, 1915 & Sept. 02, 1917 (Solocan Subdivision & Manila Cadastre); that of the subdivision: date of survey, May 13-15, 2005 and approved on July 21, 2005.
Lot 5-C
A parcel of land (Lot 5-C of the subd. plan, Psd-00-068337, being a portion of Lot 5, Psd-00-056938, LRC Record No. 4004), situated in the District of Sta. Cruz, City of Manila, Island of Luzon.1aшphi1
Bounded on the S., along line 1-2 by Lot 5-J (Road) of the subd. plan; on the SW., along line 2-3 by Block 9, Psu-10038; on the W., along line 3-4 by Lot 3 (Road), Psd-00-056938; on the N., along line 4-5 by Lot 5-1 (Road); and on the NE. & E., along lines 5 to 13-1 by Lot 5-D, both of the subd. plan.
Beginning at a point marked “1” on plan, being N. 33 deg. 03' W., 3496.87 m. from BLLM 1, Manila Cad.;
thence N. 88 deg. 33' W., 83.99 m. to point 2;
thence N. 05 deg. 49' W., 110.00 m. to point 3;
thence N. 01 deg. 27' E., 12.55 m. to point 4;
thence N. 89 deg. 48' E., 72.55 m. to point 5;
thence S. 28 deg. 56' E., 3.42 m. to point 6;
thence S. 37 deg. 06' E., 3.42 m. to point 7;
thence S. 45 deg. 15' E., 3.42 m. to point 8;
thence S. 53 deg. 24' E., 24.00 m. to point 9;
thence S. 61 deg. 33' E., 3.42 m. to point 10;
thence S. 69 deg. 42' E., 3.42 m. to point 11;
thence S. 77 deg. 51' E., 3.42 m. to point 12;
thence S. 86 deg. 00' E., 3.42 m. to point 13;
thence S. 00 deg. 12' E., 110.40 m. to point of
beginning; containing an area of Ten Thousand Eight Hundred Forty Nine (10,849) square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons. 15 x 40 cms. except Point 3 by Old PS cyl. conc. mons. 15 x 60 cms.; bearings true; date of original survey, April 15, 1915 & Sept. 02, 1917 (Solocan Subdivision & Manila Cadastre); that of the subdivision date of survey, May 13-15, 2005; and approved on July 21, 2005.
Lot 5-D
A parcel of land (Lot 5-D of the subd. plan, Psd-00-068337, being a portion of Lot 5, Psd-00-056938, LRC Record No. 4004), situated in the District of Sta. Cruz, City of Manila, Island of Luzon.
Bounded on the W. & SW., along lines 1 to 10 by Lot 5-C; on the N., along 10-11 by Lot 5-1 (Road); on the N. & E., along lines 11-13 by Lot 5-B; and on the S., along line 13-1 by Lot 5-J (Road), all of the subd. plan.
Beginning at a point marked “1” on plan, being N. 33 deg. 03' W., 3496.87 m. from BLLM 1, Manila Cad.;
thence N. 00 deg. 12' W., 110.40 m. to point 2;
thence N. 86 deg. 00' W., 00 m. to point 3;
thence N. 77 deg. 51' W., 3.42 m. to point 4;
thence N. 69 deg. 42' W., 3.42 m. to point 5;
thence N. 61 deg. 33' W., 3.42 m. to point 6;
thence N. 53 deg. 24' W., 3.42 m. to point 7;
thence N. 45 deg. 15' W., 3.42 m. to point 8;
thence N. 37 deg. 06' W., 3.42 m. to point 9;
thence N. 28 deg. 56' W., 3.42 m. to point 10;
thence N. 89 deg. 48' E., 43.07 m. to point 11;
thence N. 89 deg. 48' E., 58.48 m. to point 12;
thence S. 01 deg. 27' W., 126.65 m. to point 13;
thence N. 88 deg 33' W., 76.14 m. to point of
beginning; containing an area of Ten Thousand (10,000) square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on plan and marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons. 15 x 40 cms.; bearings true; date of original survey, April 15, 1915 & Sept. 02, 1917 (Solocan Subdivision & Manila Cadastre); that of the subdivision: date of survey, May 13-15, 2005; and approved on July 21, 2005.
Lot 5-E
A parcel of land (Lot 5-E of the subd. plan, PSD-00-068337, being a portion of Lot 5, Psd-00-056938, LRC Record No. 4004), situated in the District of Sta. Cruz, City of Manila, Island of Luzon.
Bounded on the W., along line 1-2 by Lot 5-J (Road); on the N., along line 2-3 by Lot 5-B; on the E., along line 3-15 by Lot 5-H, all of the subd. plan; along line 15-16 by Pista Street; and on the S., along line 16-1 by Lot 5-F of the subd. plan.
Beginning at a point marked “1” on the plan, being N. 32 deg. 46' W., 3294.40 m. from BLLM 1 Manila Cad.;
thence N. 01 deg. 27' E., 157.32 m. to point 2;
thence S. 88 deg. 33' E., 71.13 m. to point 3;
thence S. 05 deg. 45' E., 7.10 m. to point 4;
thence S. 06 deg. 24' E., 7.88 m. to point 5;
thence S. 06 deg. 04' E., 9.35 m. to point 6;
thence S. 05 deg. 58' E., 26.54 m. to point 7;
thence S. 06 deg. 37' E., 8.02 m. to point 8;
thence S. 05 deg. 47' E., 8.12 m. to point 9;
thence S. 05 deg. 59' E., 14.78 m. to point 10;
thence S. 06 deg. 04' E., 34.08 m. to point 11;
thence S. 01 deg. 43' W., 10.14 m. to point 12;
thence S. 87 deg. 28' E., 1.36 m. to point 13;
thence S. 06 deg. 05' E., 21.07 m. to point 14;
thence N. 89 deg. 54' W., 91.73 m. to point of
beginning; containing an area of Twelve Thousand Seven Hundred (12,700) square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on plan and marked on the ground by PS cyl. cons. Mons. 15 x 40 cms.; bearings true; date of original survey, April 15, 1915 & Sept. 2, 1917 (Solocan Subdivision & Manila Cadastre); that of the subdivision: date of survey, May 13-15, 2005 and approved on July 21, 2005.
Lot 5-F
A parcel of land (Lot 5-F of the subdivision plan, Psd-00-068337, being a portion of Lot 5, Psd-00-0056938, LRC Record No. 4004), situated in the District of Sta. Cruz, City of Manila, Island of Luzon.
Bounded on the N., along line 1-2 by Lot 5-E of the subd. plan; on the E., along line 2-3 by Pista Street; on the S., along line 3-4 by Consuelo Street; and on the W., along line 4-1 by Lot 5-J (Road) of the subd. plan.
Beginning at a point marked “1” on plan being N. 32 deg. 46' W., 3294.40 m. from BLLM 1, Manila Cad.;
thence N. 89 deg. 54' E., 9.73 m. to point 2;
thence S. 06 deg. 01' E., 74.30 m. to point 3;
thence S. 85 deg. 46' W., 101.86 m. to point 4;
thence N. 01 deg. 27' E., 81.31 m. to point of
beginning; containing an area of Seven Thousand Five Hundred Ten (7,510) square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons. 15 x 40 cms. except point 3 by Old PS cyl. conc. mons. 15 x 60 cms.; bearings true; date of original survey, April 15, 1915 & Sept. 2, 1917 (Solocan Subdivision & Manila Cadastre); that of the subdivision: date of survey, May 13-15, 2005 and approved on July 21, 2005.
Lot 5-G
A parcel of land (Lot 5-G of the subd. plan, Psd-00-068337, being a portion of Lot 5, Psd-00-056938, LRC Record No. 4004), situated in the District of Sta. Cruz, City of Manila, Island of Luzon.
Bounded on the NW., along line 1-2 by Block 23 & 22, Solocan Subdivision; on the NE., along lines 2 to 5 by Manila Railroad Co. on the E., along line 5-6 by Pista Street; on the S., along line 6-7 by Lot 5-H; on the W. & SW., along lines 7 to 58 by Lot 5-B and on the W., along line 58-1 by Lot 5-A, all of the subd. plan.
Beginning at a point marked “1” on plan, being N. 30 deg. 13' W., 3739.58 m. from BLLM 1, Manila Cad.;
thence N. 82 deg. 18' E., 91.16 m. to point 2;
thence S. 78 deg. 40' E., 10.38 m. to point 3;
thence S. 63 deg. 22' E., 30.47 m. to point 4;
thence S. 57 deg. 35' E., 19.21 m. to point 5;
thence S. 06 deg. 01' E., 293.44 m. to point 6;
thence N. 88 deg. 33' W., 0.28 m. to point 7;
thence N. 05 deg. 45' W., 1.13 m. to point 8;
thence N. 05 deg. 49' W., 4.77 m. to point 9;
thence N. 06 deg. 18' W., 13.27 m. to point 10;
thence N. 05 deg. 14' W., 13.05 m. to point 11;
thence N. 06 deg. 41' W., 8.41 m. to point 12;
thence N. 06 deg. 02' W., 3.57 m. to point 13;
thence N. 06 deg. 05' W., 15.13 m. to point 14;
thence N. 06 deg. 30' W., 14.29 m. to point 15;
thence N. 05 deg. 54' W., 7.89 m. to point 16;
thence N. 05 deg. 50' W., 8.82 m. to point 17;
thence N. 05 deg. 21' W., 4.19 m. to point 18;
thence N. 06 deg. 00' W., 8.76 m. to point 19;
thence N. 05 deg. 53' W., 25.99 m. to point 20;
thence N. 06 deg. 31' W., 14.53 m. to point 21;
thence N. 06 deg. 15' W., 10.10 m. to point 22;
thence N. 05 deg. 58' W., 27.79 m. to point 23;
thence N. 07 deg. 20' W., 19.01 m. to point 24;
thence N. 09 deg. 46' W., 14.51 m. to point 25;
thence N. 11 deg. 58' W., 9.37 m. to point 26;
thence N. 03 deg. 05' W., 8.45 m. to point 27;
thence N. 04 deg. 02' W., 8.42 m. to point 28;
thence N. 03 deg. 02' W., 9.73 m. to point 29;
thence N. 04 deg. 53' W., 11.66 m. to point 30;
thence S. 83 deg. 42' W., 2.89 m. to point 31;
thence N. 01 deg. 49' W., 1.99 m. to point 32;
thence N. 78 deg. 10' E., 2.16 m. to point 33;
thence N. 11 deg. 42' W., 6.56 m. to point 34;
thence N. 11 deg. 04' W., 8.40 m. to point 35;
thence N. 10 deg. 15' W., 12.24 m. to point 36;
thence N. 58 deg. 07' W., 5.36 m. to point 37;
thence N. 49 deg. 38' W., 5.24 m. to point 38;
thence N. 37 deg. 09' E., 1.53 m. to point 39;
thence N. 57 deg. 52' W., 5.59 m. to point 40;
thence N. 62 deg. 14' W., 2.73 m. to point 41;
thence N. 63 deg. 52' W., 4.83 m. to point 42;
thence N. 63 deg. 10' W., 5.83 m. to point 43;
thence N. 64 deg. 29' W., 15.22 m. to point 44;
thence N. 66 deg. 40' W., 2.69 m. to point 45;
thence N. 77 deg. 06' W., 8.21 m. to point 46;
thence N. 72 deg. 22' W., 2.54 m. to point 47;
thence S. 72 deg. 42' W., 8.83 m. to point 48;
thence S. 80 deg. 42' W., 8.49 m. to point 49;
thence N. 84 deg. 57' W., 11.20 m. to point 50;
thence S. 82 deg. 18' W., 6.48 m. to point 51;
thence S. 54 deg. 12' W., 0.35 m. to point 52;
thence S. 61 deg. 50' W., 3.86 m. to point 53;
thence S. 67 deg. 27' W., 4.49 m. to point 54;
thence S. 89 deg. 31' W., 13.33 m. to point 55;
thence S. 87 deg. 18' W., 11.30 m. to point 56;
thence S. 81 deg. 49' W., 14.37 m. to point 57;
thence S. 80 deg. 38' W., 8.13 m. to point 58;
thence N. 01 deg. 26' E., 0.57 m. to point of
beginning; containing an area of Five Hundred One (501) square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons. 15 x 40 cms.; except points 2 to 5 by Old PS cyl. conc. mons. 15 x 60 cms.; bearing true; date of original survey, April 15, 1915 & Sept. 2, 1917 (Solocan Subdivision & Manila Cadastre), that of the subdivision: date of survey, May 13-15, 2005 and approved on July 21, 2005.
Lot 5-H
A parcel of land (Lot 5-H of the subd. plan, Psd-00-068337, being a portion of Lot 5, Psd-00-056938, LRC Record No. 4004), situated in the District of Sta. Cruz, City of Manila, Island of Luzon.
Bounded on the NE., along line 1-2 by Pista Street; on the S., & W., along lines 2-14 by Lot 5-E; and on the N., along line 14-15 by Lot 5-G, both of the subd. plan.
Beginning at a point marked “1” on plan, being N. 30 deg. 16' W., 3387.56 m. from BLLM 1, Manila Cad.;
thence S. 06 deg. 01' E., 147.19 m. to point 2;
thence S. 89 deg. 51' W., 0.20 m. to point 3;
thence N. 06 deg. 05' W., 21.07 m. to point 4;
thence N. 87 deg. 28' W., 1.36 m. to point 5;
thence N. 01 deg. 43' E., 10.14 m. to point 6;
thence N. 06 deg. 04' W., 34.08 m. to point 7;
thence N. 05 deg. 59' W., 14.78 m. to point 8;
thence N. 05 deg. 47' W., 8.12 m. to point 9;
thence N. 06 deg. 37' W., 8.02 m. to point 10;
thence N. 05 deg. 58' W., 26.54 m. to point 11;
thence N. 06 deg. 04' W., 9.35 m. to point 12;
thence N. 06 deg. 24' W., 7.88 m. to point 13;
thence N. 05 deg. 45' W., 7.10 m. to point 14;
thence S. 88 deg. 33' E., 0.28 m. to point of
thence S. 89 deg. 48' W., 72.55 m. to point of
beginning; containing an area of Forty Two (42) square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons. 15 x 40 cms.; bearings true; date of original survey, April 15, 1915 & Sept. 02, 1917 (Solocan Subdivision & Manila Cadastre); that of the subdivision: date of survey, May 13-15, 2005; and approved on July 21, 2005.
Road Lot 5-I, Psd-00-068337
TCT No. 270090
A parcel of land (Lot 5-I (Road) of the subd. Plan, Psd-00-068337, being a portion of Lot 5, Psd-00-056938, LRC Record No. 4004), situated in the District of Sta. Cruz, City of Manila, Island of Luzon.
Bounded on the W., along line 1-2 by Lot 3 (Road) Psd-00-056938; on the N., NW., & NE., along lines 2 to 19 by Lot 5-A; on the E., along line 19-20 by Lot 5-B; and on the S., along line 20-21 by Lot 5-D; along line 21-1 by lot 5-C, all of the subdivision plan.
Beginning at a point marked “1” on plan, being N. 33 deg. 15' W., 3652.60 m. from BLLM 1, Manila Cad.;
thence N. 01 deg. 27' E., 20.01 m. to point 2;
thence N. 89 deg. 48' E., 7.98 m. to point 3;
thence N. 28 deg. 31' E., 3.42 m. to point 4;
thence N. 36 deg. 41' E., 3.42 m. to point 5;
thence N. 44 deg. 52' E., 3.42 m. to point 6;
thence N. 53 deg. 02' E., 3.42 m. to point 7;
thence N. 61 deg. 12' E., 3.42 m. to point 8;
thence N. 69 deg. 23' E., 3.42 m. to point 9;
thence N. 77 deg. 33' E., 3.42 m. to point 10;
thence N. 85 deg. 43' E., 3.42 m. to point 11;
thence S. 86 deg. 07' E., 3.42 m. to point 12;
thence S. 77 deg. 56' E., 3.42 m. to point 13;
thence S. 69 deg. 46' E., 3.42 m. to point 14;
thence S. 61 deg. 36' E., 3.42 m. to point 15;
thence S. 53 deg. 25' E., 3.42 m. to point 16;
thence S. 45 deg. 15' E., 3.42 m. to point 17;
thence S. 37 deg. 04' E., 3.42 m. to point 18;
thence S. 28 deg. 54' E., 3.42 m. to point 19;
thence S. 01 deg. 26' W., 20.01 m. to point 20;
thence S. 89 deg. 48' W., 43.07 m. to point 21;
thence S. 89 deg. 48' W., 72.55 m. to point of
Beginning; containing an area of Two Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Two square meters and Eighty square decimeters (2,752.80), more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons. 15 x 40 cms.; bearings true; date of original survey, April 15, 1915 & September 2, 1917 (Solocan Subdivision & Manila Cadastre); that of the subdivision: date of survey, May 13-15, 2005 and approved on July 21, 2005.
Road Lot 5-J, Psd-00-068337
A parcel of land (Lot 5-J (Road) of the subd. plan, Psd-00-068337, being a portion of Lot 5, Psd-00-056938, LRC Rec. No. 4004), situated in the District of Sta. Cruz, City of Manila, Island of Luzon.
Bounded on the W., along line 1-2 by Block 9, Psu-10038; on the N., along line 2-3 by Lot 5-C; along line 3-4 by Lot 5-D; along line 4-5 by Lot 5-B; on the E., along line 5-6 by Lot 5-E; along line 6-7 by Lot 5-F, all of the subd. plan; on the S., along line 7-8 by Consuelo Street; and on the W. & S., along lines 8-9-1 by Lot 4, Psu-00-056938.
Beginning at a point marked “1” on plan, being N. 34 deg. 19' W., 3529.16 m. from BLLM 1, Manila Cad.;
thence N. 05 deg. 49' W., 18.14 m. to point 2;
thence S. 88 deg. 33' E., 83.99 m. to point 3;
thence S. 88 deg. 33' E., 76.14 m. to point 4;
thence S. 88 deg. 33' E., 52.49 m. to point 5;
thence S. 01 deg. 27' W., 157.32 m. to point 6;
thence S. 01 deg. 27' W., 81.31 m. to point 7;
thence S. 85 deg. 46' W., 18.09 m. to point 8;
thence N. 01 deg. 27' E., 222.40 m. to point 9;
thence N. 88 deg. 33' W., 192.33 m. to point of
beginning; containing an area of Seven Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety Four (7,794) square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons. 15 x 60 cms.; except point 1, 8 and 9 by old PS cyl. cons. mons. 15 x 40 cms.; bearings true; date of original survey, April 15, 1915 & Sept. 2, 1917 (Solocan Subdivision & Manila Cadastre); that of the subdivision: date of survey, May 13-15, 2005 and approved on July 21, 2005.
Road Lot 1, Psd-00-056938
TCT No. 252034
A parcel of land (Lot 1 Road as shown on the subdivision plan Psd-00-056938, being a portion of Lot Hipodromo de Subdivision de Solocan, LRC Rec. No. 4004), situated in the District of Sta. Cruz, City of Manila, Island of Luzon.
Bounded on the W., along line 1-2 by Block 2267, San Lazaro Estate; on the NE., & E., along line 2-3-4 by Lot 2 (Road) of the subd. plan; and on the S., along line 4-1 by Tayuman St.
Beginning at a point marked “1” on plan, being N. 36 deg. 10' W., 3332.46 m. from BLLM No. 1, Manila Cad. 13;
thence N. 05 deg. 49' W., 52.85 m. to point 2;
thence S. 38 deg. 51' E., 13.93 m. to point 3;
thence S. 00 deg. 05' W., 41.36 m. to point 4;
thence S. 83 deg. 41' W., 3.34 m. to point of
beginning; containing an area of Two Hundred Sixty Nine (269) square meters more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons., 15 x 40 cm., except point 1 by Old PS cyl. conc. mons., 15 x 60 cm., Bearings true; date of original survey, April 15, 1915-September 2, 1917 that of the subdivision; date of survey, February 23, 2001, as surveyed by Engr. D. C. Ramos, Jr.; and approved on March 29, 2001
Road Lot 2, Psd-00-056938
TCT No. 252035
A parcel of land (Lot 2 Road as shown on the subdivision plan Psd-00-056938, being a portion of Lot Hipodrome de Subdivision de Solocan, LRC Rec. No. 4004), situated in the District of Sta. Cruz, City of Manila, Island of Luzon.
Bounded on the W., & SW., along lines 1-2-3 by Lot 1 of the subd. Plan; on W., and SW., along lines 1-2-3 by Lot 1 of the subd. plan; on the W., along line 3-4 by A.N. Lacson (Formerly Gov. Forbes); on the NE., along lines 4-5-6-7-8 by Lot 4 of the subd. plan; and on the SE., along line 8-1 by Tayuman St.
Beginning at a point marked “1” on plan, being N. 36 deg. 07' W., 3330.80 m. from BLLM No. 1, Manila Cad. 13;
thence N. 00 deg. 05' E., 41.36 m. to point 2;
thence N. 38 deg. 51' W., 13.93 m. to point 3;
thence N. 05 deg. 49' W., 33.19 m. to point 4;
thence S. 37 deg. 24' E., 38.52 m. to point 5;
thence S. 42 deg. 28' E., 21.34 m. to point 6;
thence S. 43 deg. 30' E., 21.95 m. to point 7;
thence S. 44 deg. 35' E., 23.36 m. to point 8;
thence S. 83 deg. 41' W., 57.62 m. to point of
beginning; containing an area of Two Thousand One Hundred Ninety Seven square meters and fifty (2,197.50) square decimeters more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons., 15 x 40 cm., bearings true; date of original survey April 15, 1915-September 2, 1917 that of the subdivision; date of survey, February 23, 2001 as surveyed by Engineer D.C. Ramos, Jr.; and approved on March 29, 2001.
Road Lot 3, Psd-00-056938
TCT No. 252036
A parcel of land (Lot 3 Road as shown on the subdivision plan Psd-00-056938, being a portion of Lot Hipodromo de Subdivision de Solocan, LRC Rec. No. 4004), situated in the District of Sta. Cruz, City of Manila, Island of Luzon.
Bounded on the W., along line 1-2 by Felix Huertas St.; on the N., along line 2-3 by Felix Huertas St.; and on the E., along line 3-1 by Lot 5 of the subdivision plan.
Beginning at a point marked “1” on plan, being N. 33 deg. 21' W., 3642.27 m. from BLLM No. 1, Manila Cad. 13;
thence N. 05 deg. 49' W., 171.26 m. to point 2;
thence N. 82 deg. 18' E., 21.94 m. to point 3;
thence S. 01 deg. 27' W., 173.38 m. to point of
beginning; containing an area of One Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy Three square meters and Sixty (1,873.60) square decimeters more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons., 15 x 40 cm., except point 2 by Old PS cyl. conc. mons., 15 x 60 cm., Bearings true; date of original survey, April 15, 1915-September 2, 1917 that of the subdivision; date of survey, February 23, 2001, as surveyed by Engr. D. C. Ramos, Jr.; and approved on March 29, 2001.
Lot 5-A, Psd-00-057142
TCT No. 252039
A parcel of land (Lot 5-A, Psd-00-057142, being a portion of Lot 5, Block 8, Psu-10038 (Rs-00-000962) LRC Rec. ), situated in the District of Sta. Cruz, City of Manila, Island of Luzon.
Bounded on the S., along 1-2 by Lot 6-A of the subdivision plan; on the W., along line 2-3 by Felix Huertas St., and on the NE., along line 3-4-1 by Lot 5-B of the subdivision plan.
Beginning at a point marked “1” on plan, being N. 35 deg. 27' W., 3454.85 m. from BLLM No. 1, Manila Cad. 13;
thence N. 87 deg. 53' W., 4.75 m. to point 2;
thence N. 01 deg. 27' E., 7.32 m. to point 3;
thence S. 15 deg. 25' E., 2.11 m. to point 4;
thence S. 36 deg. 05' E., 6.79 m. to point of
beginning; containing an area of Fifteen (15) square meters more or less. All points referred to are marked on the ground by G.I. spike on concrete walls; bearings true, date of original survey, April 15, 1915 and that of the subdivision survey, March 30, 2001 and approved on June 22, 2001.
Lot 6-A, Psd-00-057142
TCT No. 252041
A parcel of land (Lot 6-A, Psd-00-057142, being a portion of Lot 6, Block 8, Psu-10038 (Rs-00-000962) LRC Rec. ), situated in the District of Sta. Cruz, City of Manila, Island of Luzon.
Bounded on the NE., along 1-2 by Lot 6-B of the subdivision plan; on the S., along line 2-3 by A.H. Lacson Avenue (Formerly Governor Forbes); on the W., along line 3-4 by Felix Huertas St., and on the N., along line 4-1 by Lot 5-A of the subdivision plan.
Beginning at a point marked “1” on plan, being N. 35 deg. 27' W., 3454.85 m. from BLLM No. 1, Manila Cad.;
thence N. 36 deg. 01' E., 25.96 m. to point 2;
thence N. 88 deg. 04' W., 20.55 m. to point 3;
thence N. 01 deg. 27' E., 20.50 m. to point 4
thence S. 87 deg. 53' E., 4.75 m. to point of
beginning; containing an area of Two Hundred Fifty Nine square meters (259.20) and Twenty square decimeters, more or less. All points referred to are marked on the ground by G.I. spike on concrete walls; bearings true, date of original survey, April 15, 1915 and that of the subdivision survey, March 30, 2001 and approved on June 22, 2001.
Block 9, Psu-10038
TCT No. 51126
A parcel of land (Lot as shown on the resurvey plan Rs-00-000962, being a resurvey of Block 9, Psu-10038, LRC Rec. No. 8756), situated in the District of Sta. Cruz, City of Manila, Island of Luzon.
Bounded on the E., along line 1-2 by Hipodromo de Solocan Subdivision; on the S., along line 2-3 by Tayabas St. (Now Yuseco St.); and on the W., along line 3-1 by Felix Huertas St.
Beginning at a point marked “1” on plan, being N. 33 deg. 21' W., 3642.27 m. from BLLM No. 1, Manila Cad.;
thence S. 05 deg. 49' E., 110.24 m. to point 2;
thence N. 88 deg. 31' W., 13.94 m. to point 3;
thence N. 01 deg. 27' E., 109.35 m. to point of
beginning; containing an area of Seven Hundred Sixty Two square meters and Thirty (762.30) square decimeters more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by: Conc. nails on conc. wall bearings true; date of original survey, Psu-10038 that of the resurvey; date of survey, February 23, 2001 as surveyed by Engr. D.C. Ramos, Jr.; and approved on March 29, 2001 (Doc. No. 391; Page No. 79; Book No. CXX; Series of 2001 for Atty. Amado A. Caballero-Notary Public of Manila). Date of Instrument July 3, 2001; Date of Inscription July 3, 2001 at 3:00 pm.
Done in the City of Manila, this 13th day of February, in the year of our Lord, Two Thousand and Nine.