[ PROCLAMATION NO. 1705, January 13, 2009 ]
Pursuant to the powers vested in me under Republic Act No. 7916, otherwise known as the Special Economic Zone Act of 1995 as amended by Republic Act No. 8748 and upon recommendation of the Board of Directors of the Philippine Economic Zone Authority, I, GLORIA MACAPAGAL-ARROYO, President of the Philippines, do hereby create and designate, subject to the provisions of Republic Act No. 7916 as amended, its Implementing Rules and Regulations, Resolution No. 07-232 dated 16 May 2007 and Resolution No. 08-001 dated 09 January 2008 of the Board of Directors of the Philippine Economic Zone Authority, an area located at Barangay Mabacong, Batangas City, containing an aggregate area of ONE HUNDRED SIXTY FIVE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED EIGHTY NINE (165,589) SQUARE METERS, more or less, as defined by the following technical description:
Lot 1, Fli-041005-2-D
A parcel of land Lot 1 of the subdivision plan Fli-041005-2-D, situated in the Barangay of Mabacong; Municipality of Batangas City; Province of Batangas. Bounded on the E., along line 1-2 by Lot 16773-K; along line 2-3 by Lot 16773-M; (Barangay Road) along lines 3-4-5 by Lot 16773-H; along lines 5-6-7 by Lot 16773-G; along lines 7-8-9-10 by Lot 2 of the subdivision plan; along line 10-11 by Lot 16773-E; along line 11-12 by Lot 16773-C; along line 12-13 by Lot 16773-A; and on the S., W., and N., along lines 13-14-15-1 by Batangas Bay.
Beginning at a point marked “1” on plan being N. 7 deg. 06' W., 628.81 m. from BLLM No. 53, Cad-264, Batangas Cadastre.£A⩊phi£
thence |
S. |
1 |
deg. |
33? |
W., |
23.00 |
m. |
to point 2; |
thence |
S. |
1 |
deg. |
33? |
W., |
28.45 |
m. |
to point 3; |
thence |
S. |
1 |
deg. |
32? |
W., |
9.00 |
m. |
to point 4; |
thence |
S. |
9 |
deg. |
09? |
E., |
50.79 |
m. |
to point 5; |
thence |
S. |
3 |
deg. |
58? |
W., |
29.61 |
m. |
to point 6; |
thence |
S. |
18 |
deg. |
23? |
W., |
11.79 |
m. |
to point 7; |
thence |
S. |
89 |
deg. |
50? |
E., |
100.00 |
m. |
to point 8; |
thence |
S. |
20 |
deg. |
43? |
W., |
89.83 |
m. |
to point 9; |
thence |
N. |
89 |
deg. |
50? |
E., |
100.00 |
m. |
to point 10; |
thence |
S. |
24 |
deg. |
50? |
W., |
57.00 |
m. |
to point 11; |
thence |
S. |
21 |
deg. |
25? |
W., |
92.11 |
m. |
to point 12; |
thence |
S. |
21 |
deg. |
24? |
W., |
30.00 |
m. |
to point 13; |
thence |
S. |
89 |
deg. |
50? |
W., |
150.00 |
m. |
to point 14; |
thence |
N. |
13 |
deg. |
58? |
E., |
412.93 |
m. |
to point 15; |
thence |
N. |
89 |
deg. |
50? |
E., |
150.00 |
m. |
to point of; |
Beginning containing an area of FIFTY NINE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED NINETY SEVEN (59,597) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by old PS cyl., conc., mons., 15 x 60 cm.; bearing true: date survey July 23, 1991 and was approved on March 6, 1992.
Lot 16773-A, Sgs-04-000402
A parcel of land (Lot 16773-A as shown on plan, Sgs-04-000402, being a portion of Lot 16773, Cad-264, Batangas Cadastre, LRC Record No. ), situated in the Barrio of Mabacong, City of Batangas. Bounded on the NW., along line 1-2 by Batangas Bay; on the N., along line 2-3 by Lot 16773-C; on the NE., along line 3-4 by Lot 16773-M, (Barangay Road 6.00-8.00 m. wide), both of Sgs-04-000402; on the SW., along line 4-1 by Lot 16773, (Port.) Cad-264, Batangas Cadastre.
Beginning at a point marked “1” on plan, being N. 38 deg. 41' W., 283.47 m. from BLLM No. 53, Cad-264, Batangas Cadastre,
thence |
N. |
21 |
deg. |
25? |
E., |
30.00 |
m. |
to point 2; |
thence |
N. |
89 |
deg. |
50? |
E., |
32.31 |
m. |
to point 3; |
thence |
S. |
9 |
deg. |
38? |
E., |
43.28 |
m. |
to point 4; |
thence |
N. |
73 |
deg. |
50? |
W., |
52.59 |
m. |
to point of; |
beginning; containing an area of ONE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED SEVENTY FIVE (1,475) SQUARE METERS, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS are cyl. conc. mons. 15 x 40 cms.; bearings true; date of original survey, May 1930-November 1936 and that of the segregation survey, August 8-11 and September 9, 1989, and approved on Nov. 27, 1989. Note: Lot 16773-A is equivalent to Lot 20322, Cad-264, Batangas Cadastre.
Lot 16773-B, Sgs-04-000402
A parcel of land (Lot 16773-B as shown on plan, Sgs-04-000402, being a portion of Lot 16773, Cad-264, Batangas Cadastre, LRC Record No. ), situated in the Barrio of Mabacong, City of Batangas. Bounded on the SW., along line 1-2 by Lot 16773-M, (Barangay Road (6.00-8.00 m. wide); on the N., along line 2-3 by Lot 16773-D; on the SE., along line 3-4 by Lot 16773-J, all of Sgs-04-000402; along lines 4-5-6-7-1 by Dry Creek (2.00 m. wide) and beyond by Lot 16773, (Port.) Cad-264, Batangas Cadastre.
Beginning at a point marked “1” on plan, being N. 31 deg. 05' W., 240.27 m. from BLLM No. 53, Cad-264, Batangas Cadastre,
thence |
N. |
9 |
deg. |
48? |
W., |
42.01 |
m. |
to point 2; |
thence |
N. |
89 |
deg. |
50? |
E., |
127.14 |
m. |
to point 3; |
thence |
S. |
37 |
deg. |
27? |
W., |
15.56 |
m. |
to point 4; |
thence |
S. |
69 |
deg. |
12? |
W., |
38.39 |
m. |
to point 5; |
thence |
S. |
71 |
deg. |
55? |
W., |
35.61 |
m. |
to point 6; |
thence |
S. |
85 |
deg. |
07? |
W., |
19.41 |
m. |
to point 7; |
thence |
S. |
81 |
deg. |
50? |
W., |
21.61 |
m. |
to point of; |
beginning; containing an area of Three Thousand Five Hundred Thirty Five (3,535) square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS are cyl. conc. mons. 15 x 40 cms.; corners 5,6,7 by Stakes., bearings true; date of original survey, May 1930-November 1936 and that of the segregation survey, August 8-11 and September 9, 1989, and approved on Nov. 27, 1989. Note: Lot 16773-B is equivalent to Lot 20323, Cad-264, Batangas Cadastre.
Lot 16773-C, Sgs-04-000402
A parcel of land (Lot 16773-C as shown on plan, Sgs-04-000402, being a portion of Lot 16773, Cad-264, Batangas Cadastre, LRC Record No. ), situated in the Barrio of Mabacong, City of Batangas. Bounded on the SE., and NE., along lines 1-2-3-4 by Lot 16773-M, (Barangay Road 6.00-8.00 m. wide); on the S., along line 4-5 by Lot 16773-A, both of Sgs-04-000402; on the NW., along line 5-1 by Batangas Bay.
Beginning at a point marked “1” on plan, being N. 21 deg. 36' W., 360.24 m. from BLLM No. 53, Cad-264, Batangas Cadastre,
thence |
S. |
13 |
deg. |
58? |
W., |
26.82 |
m. |
to point 2; |
thence |
S. |
0 |
deg. |
37? |
E., |
31.34 |
m. |
to point 3; |
thence |
S. |
9 |
deg. |
38? |
E., |
28.69 |
m. |
to point 4; |
thence |
S. |
89 |
deg. |
50? |
W., |
32.31 |
m. |
to point 5; |
thence |
N. |
21 |
deg. |
25? |
E.., |
92.11 |
m. |
to point of; |
beginning; containing an area of ONE THOUSAND FIFTY FOUR (1,054) SQUARE METERS, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS are cyl. conc. mons. 15 x 40 cms; corner 1 by Stakes., bearings true; date of original survey, May 1930-November 1936 and that of the segregation survey, August 8-11 and September 8, 1989, and approved on November 27, 1989. Note: Lot 16773-C is equivalent to Lot 20324, Cad-264, Batangas Cadastre.
Lot 16773-D, Sgs-04-000402
A parcel of land (Lot 16773-D as shown on plan, Sgs-04-00402, being a portion of Lot 16773, cad-264, Batangas Cadastre, LRC Record No. ), situated in the Barrio of Mabacong, City of Batangas. Bounded on the NW., along line 1-2 by Lot 16773-1, Sgs-04-000402; on the SE., and NE., along lines 2-3-4 by Lot 16771, Cad-264, Batangas Cadastre; on the SE., along line 4-5 by Lot 16773-3; along line 5-6 by Lot 16773-B; on the SW., and NW., along lines 6-7-8-9-10 by Lot 16773-M, (Barangay Road 6.00-8.00 m. wide); on the NW., along line 10-1 by Lot 16773-1, all of Sgs-04-000402.
Beginning at a point marked “1” on plan, being N. 3 deg. 31' E., 358.76 m. from BLLM No. 53, Cad-264, Batangas Cadastre,
thence N. 83 deg. 23' E., 150.93 m. to point 2;
thence S. 18 deg. 16' W., 56.37 m. to point 3;
thence S. 7 deg. 11' E., 43.47 m. to point 4;
thence S. 79 deg. 42' W., 162.78 m. to point 5;
thence S. 89 deg. 50' W., 127.14 m. to point 6;
thence N. 9 deg. 43' W., 29.48 m. to point 7;
thence N. 1 deg. 03' W., 31.59 m. to point 8;
thence N. 15 deg. 44' E., 24.30 m. to point 9;
thence N. 41 deg. 54' E., 11.26 m. to point 10;
thence N. 83 deg. 23' E., 142.00 m. to point of
beginning; containing an area of TWENTY EIGHT THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED FORTY SIX (28,946) SQUARE METERS, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS are cyl. conc. mons. 15 x 40 cms; bearings true; date of original survey, May 1930-November 1936 and that of the segregation survey, August 8-11 and September 8, 1989 and approved on November 27, 1989. Note: Lot 16773-D is equivalent to Lot 20325, Cad-264, Batangas Cadastre.
Lot 16773-E, Sgs-04-000402
A parcel of land (Lot 16773-E as shown on plan, Sgs-04-00402, being a portion of Lot 16773, cad-264, Batangas Cadastre, LRC Record No. ), situated in the Barrio of Mabacong, City of Batangas. Bounded on the NW., along line 1-2 by Tayabas Bay; on the NW., along line 1-2 by Batangas Bay; on the NE., along line 2-3 by Lot 16773-F; on the SE., along line 3-1 by Lot 16773-M, (Barangay Road 6.00-8.00 m. wide), both of Sgs-04-000402.
Beginning at a point marked “1” on plan, being N. 21 deg. 36' W., 360.24 m. from BLLM No. 53, Cad-264, Batangas Cadastre,
thence N. 24 deg. 50' E., 57.00 m. to point 2;
thence S. 68 deg. 54' E., 17.00 m. to point 3;
thence S. 41 deg. 07' W., 60.53 m. to point of;
beginning; containing an area of FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY THREE (483) SQUARE METERS, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS are cyl. conc. mons. 15 x 40 cms. Corner 1 by old points; bearings true; date of original survey, May 1930-November 1936 and that of the segregation survey, August 8-11 and September 8, 1989 and approved on November 27, 1989. Note: Lot 16773-E is equivalent to Lot 20326, Cad-264, Batangas Cadastre.
Lot 16773-G, Sgs-04-000402
A parcel of land (Lot 16773-G as shown on plan, Sgs-04-000402, being a portion of Lot 16773, Cad-264, Batangas Cadastre, LRC Record No. ), situated in the Barrio of Mabacong, City of Batangas. Bounded on the SW., along line 1-2 by Lot 16773-F, Sgs-04-000402; on the NW., along lines 2-3-4 by Batangas Bay; on the N., along line 4-5 by Lot 16773-H; on the E., and SE., along lines 5-6-1 by Lot 16773-M, (Barangay Road 6.00-8.00 m. wide), both of Sgs-04-000402.
Beginning at a point marked “1” on plan, being N. 06 deg. 29' W., 465.14 m. from BLLM No. 53, Cad-264, Batangas Cadastre,
thence N. 70 deg. 43' W., 25.83 m. to point 2;
thence N. 18 deg. 23' E., 11.79 m. to point 3;
thence N. 3 deg. 58' E., 29.61 m. to point 4;
thence S. 87 deg. 47' E., 19.12. m. to point 5;
thence S. 3 deg. 42' E., 32.21 m. to point 6;
thence S. 8 deg. 57' W., 16.58 m. to point of;
beginning; containing an area of ONE THOUSAND (1,000) SQUARE METERS, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc. mons 15 x 40 cms; corner 3 by old points; bearings true; date of original survey, May 1930-November 1936 and that of the segregation survey, August 8-11 and September 9, 1989, and approved on November 27, 1989. Note Lot 16773-G is equivalent to Lot 20328, Cad-264, Batangas Cadastre.
Lot 16773-H, Sgs-04-000402
A parcel of land (Lot 16773-H as shown on plan, Sgs-04-000402 being a portion of Lot 16773, Cad-264, Batangas Cadastre, LRC Record No. ), situated in the Barrio of Mabacong, City of Batangas. Bounded on the W., along line 1-2 by Tayabas Bay; on the NE., along lines 2-3-4-5 by Lot 16773-M, (Barangay Road 6.00-8.00 m. wide); on the S., along line 5-6 by Lot 16773-G, both of Sgs-04-000402; on the SW., along line 6-1 by Batangas Bay.
Beginning at a point marked “1” on plan, being N. 08 deg. 01' W., 567.12 m. from BLLM No. 53, Cad-264, Batangas Cadastre,
thence N. 1 deg. 32' E., 9.00 m. to point 2;
thence S. 23 deg. 31' E., 42.06 m. to point 3;
thence S. 37 deg. 26' E., 15.78 m. to point 4;
thence S. 3 deg. 43' E., 8.80 m. to point 5;
thence N. 87 deg. 47' W., 9.12 m. to point 6;
thence N. 9 deg. 09' W., 50.79 m. to point of;
beginning; containing an area of SIX HUNDRED TWENTY SIX (626) SQUARE METERS, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS cyl., conc., mons. 15 x 40 cms, corner 1 by stakes; bearings true; date of original survey, May 1930-November 1936 and that of the segregation survey, August 8-11 and September 9, 1989 and approved on November 27, 1989. Note Lot 16773-H is equivalent to Lot 20329, Cad-264, Batangas Cadastre.
Lot 16773-I, Sgs-04-000402
A parcel of land (Lot 16773-I as shown on plan, Sgs-04-000402, being a portion of Lot 16773, Cad-264, Batangas, LRC Record No. ), situated in the Barrio of Mabacong, City of Batangas. Bounded on the NW., and SW., along lines 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 by Lot 16773-M, (Barangay Road 6.00-8.00 m. wide), Sgs-04-000402; on the NE., and NW., along lines 10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20 by Dry Creek (2.00 m. wide) and beyond by Lot 16773, (Port.) Cad-264, Batangas Cadastre; on the SE., along lines 20-21-22 by Lot 16771, Cad-264, batangas Cadastre; along lines 22-23-24 by Lot 16773-D; on the NW., along line 24-25 by Lot 16773-M, (Barangay Road 6.00-8.00 m. wide); on the NE., NW., and SW., along lines 25-26-27-1 by Lot 16773-L, all of Sgs-04-000402.
Beginning at a pt. marked “1” on plan, being N. 9 deg. 26' W., 405.70 m. from BLLM No. 53, Cad-264, Batangas Cadastre,
thence N. 41 deg. 56' E., 5.93 m. to point 2;
thence N. 16 deg. 02' E., 56.04 m. to point 3;
thence N. 7 deg. 03' E., 20.06 m. to point 4;
thence N. 2 deg. 23' W., 43.42 m. to point 5;
thence N. 39 deg. 29' W., 17.06 m. to point 6;
thence N. 22 deg. 43' W., 37.67 m. to point 7;
thence N. 12 deg. 08' W., 13.18 m. to point 8;
thence N. 3 deg. 18' E., 9.89 m. to point 9;
thence N. 34 deg. 41' E., 26.91 m. to point 10;
thence S. 68 deg. 29' E., 16.00 m. to point 11;
thence N. 72 deg. 18' E., 29.74 m. to point 12;
thence S. 86 deg. 54' E., 19.00 m. to point 13;
thence S. 70 deg. 11' E., 32.35 m. to point 14;
thence N. 78 deg. 03' E., 39.99 m. to point 15;
thence S. 68 deg. 39' E., 32.30 m. to point 16;
thence N. 80 deg. 33' E., 28.96 m. to point 17;
thence S. 56 deg. 16' E., 8.54 m. to point 18;
thence S. 86 deg. 59' E., 19.80 m. to point 19;
thence S. 60 deg. 57' E., 35.72 m. to point 20;
thence S. 19 deg. 10' W., 108.36 m. to point 21;
thence S. 18 deg. 16' W., 82.23 m. to point 22;
thence S.. 83 deg. 23' W., 150.93 m. to point 23;
thence S. 83 deg. 23' W., 142.06 m. to point 24;
thence N. 41 deg. 56' E., 53.61 m. to point 25;
thence S. 46 deg. 39' E., 11.76 m. to point 26;
thence N. 42 deg. 29' E., 25.01 m. to point 27;
thence N. 46 deg. 40' W., 12.00 m. to point of;
beginning; containing an area of SIXTY FOUR THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED (64,300) SQUARE METERS, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS cyl., conc., mons., 15 x 40 cms., corners 11 to 19 by Stakes; bearings true; date of original survey, May 1930-November 1936 and that of the subdivision survey, August 8-11 and September 9, 1989, and approved on November 27, 1989. Note Lot 16773-I is equivalent to Lot 20330, Cad-264, Batangas Cadastre.
Lot 16773-J, Sgs-04-000402
A parcel of land (Lot 16773-5 as shown on plan, Sgs-04-000402, being a portion of Lot 16773, Cad-264, Batangas Cadastre, LRC Record No. ), situated in the Barrio of Mabacong, City of Batangas Bounded on the NW., along line 1-2 by Lot 16773-D, Sgs-04-000402; on the NE., along lines 2-3-4 by Lot 16771, Cad-264, Batangas Cadastre; on the SE., and SW., along lines 4-5-6-7-8-9 by Dry Creek (2.00 m. wide) and beyond by Lot 16773, (Port.) Cad-264, Batangas Cadastre; on the NW., along line 9-1 by Lot 16773-B, Sgs-04-000402.
Beginning at a point marked “1” on plan, being N. 0 deg. 06' W., 249.68 m. from BLLM No. 53, Cad-264, Batangas Cadastre,
thence N. 79 deg. 42' E., 162.78 m. to point 2;
thence S. 9 deg. 06' E., 28.00 m. to point 3;
thence S. 9 deg. 06' E., 15.00 m. to point 4;
thence S. 85 deg. 41' W., 45.29 m. to point 5;
thence S. 83 deg. 51' E.., 24.36 m. to point 6;
thence N. 78 deg. 39' W., 32.93 m. to point 7;
thence N. 88 deg. 06' W., 16.62 m. to point 8;
thence S. 84 deg. 52' W., 58.37 m. to point 9;
thence N. 37 deg. 27 E., 15.56 m. to point of;
beginning; containing an area of FOUR THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED TWENTY TWO (4,422) SQUARE METERS, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS cyl., conc., mons., 15 x 40 cms., corners 5 to 8 by Stakes; bearings true; date of original survey, May 1930-November 1936 and that of the subdivision survey, August 8-11 and September 9, 1989 and approved on November 27, 1989. Note: Lot 16773-J is equivalent to Lot 20331 Cad. 264, Batangas Cadastre.
Lot 16773-K, Sgs-04-000402
A parcel of land (Lot 16773-K as shown on plan, Sgs-04-000402, being a portion of Lot 16773, Cad-264, Batangas Cadastre, LRC Record No. ), situated in the Barrio of Mabacong, City of Batangas. Bounded on the NE., along line 1-2 by Lot 16773-M, (Barangay Road 6.00-8.00 m. wide), Sgs-04-000402; on the W., along line 3-1 by Batangas Bay.
Beginning at a point marked “1” on plan, being N. 7 deg. 06' W., 626.81 m. from BLLM No. 53, Cad. 264, Batangas Cadastre,
thence S. 68 deg. 29' E., 14.00 m. to point 2;
thence S. 37 deg. 22' W., 22.47 m. to point 3;
thence N. 1 deg. 32' E., 23.00 m. to point of;
beginning; containing an area of ONE HUNDRED FIFTY ONE (151) SQUARE METERS, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground; bearings true; date of original survey, May 1930-November 1936 and that of the segregation survey, August 8-11 and September 9, 1989 and approved on November 27, 1989. Note Lot 16773-K is equivalent to Lot 20332, Cad-264, Batangas Cadastre.
Done in the City of Manila, this 13th day of January, in the year of our Lord, Two Thousand and Nine.