Pursuant to the authority vested upon me by law, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale, settlement, exploration, development and exploitation and set aside and declare as military reservation Lots 140 and 141 situated in Baguio Townsite, City of Baguio, Island of Luzon, which tracts of land are more particularly described as follows:


“A parcel of land known as Lot No. 140, Residential Section D, situated on the City of Baguio, Island of Luzon, bounded on northeast, southwest, and northwest by Government property and road; on south by Baguio Park and Government property. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, N. 18 deg. 57' W. 736. 35 m from triangulation station, Noble.

thence N. 17 deg. 37' E. 156.68 m. to point 2

thence S. 72 deg. 53' E. 403.92 m. to point 3

thence N. 10 deg. 34' E. 72.74 m. to point 4

thence N. 6 deg. 03' W. 38.48 m. to point 5

thence N. 60 deg. 04' W. 86.55 m. to point 6

thence N. 71 deg. 19' W. 89.37 m. to point 7

thence N. 81 deg. 04' W. 29.83 m. to point 8

thence N. 28 deg. 07' W. 69.85 m. to point 9

thence N. 39 deg. 40' E. 62.46 m. to point 10

thence N. 28 deg. 05' E. 74.73 m. to point 11

thence N. 69 deg. 13' W. 94 m. to point 12

thence N. 55 deg. 54' W. 33.0 m. to point 13

thence N. 9 deg. 55' W. 45.03 m. to point 14

thence N. 29 deg. 27' W. 17.5 m. to point 15

thence N. 73 deg. 09' W. 8.32 m. to point 16

thence S. 55 deg. 59' W. 42.31 m. to point 17

thence S. 85 deg. 27' W. 13.6 m. to point 18

thence N. 82 deg. 50' W. 90.78 m. to point 19

thence S. 86 deg. 51' W. 76.99 m. to point 20

thence N. 68 deg. 12' W. 42.28 m. to point 21

thence N. 29 deg. 19' W. 25.39 m. to point 22

thence N. 73 deg. 22' W. 141.19 m. to point 23

thence N. 49 deg. W. 80.4 m. to point 24

thence S. 39 deg. 10’W. 135.98 m. to point 25

thence N. 49 deg. W. 80.4. m. to point 26

thence S. 39 deg. N. 65 deg. 20' E. 75.1 m. to point 27

thence S. 23 deg. 16' E. 38.74 m. to point 28

thence S. 38 deg. 33' W. 85.3 m. to point 29

thence S. 69 deg. 56' E. 67.58 m. to point 30

thence S. 22 deg. 42' E. 18.61 m. to point 31

thence S. 64 deg. 04' W. 49.55 m. to point 32

thence S. 64 deg. 32' W. 18.3 m. to point 33

thence N. 60 deg. 40. 55 m. to point 34

thence 40’W. 22.55 m. to point 34

thence N. 70 to point 35

thence S. 16 deg. 54' W. 19.85 m. to point 36

thence S. deg. 23' W. 44.34 m. to point 37

thence S. 59 deg. 48' W. 40.65 m. to point 38

thence S. 1 deg. 01' W. 52.91 m. to point 39

thence S. 56 deg. 06' W. 59.98 m. to point 40

thence S. 56 deg. 65' E. 90.34 m. to point 41

thence S. 45 deg. 20' E. 65.23 m. to point 42

thence S. 72 deg. 23' E. 408.12 m. to point 1 point of

beginning. Containing 290, 283 square meters, more or less. Point is a stone monument; points 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 19 and 23, concrete monuments; point 10, blazed pine tree; points 17 20, 24, 25, 26, 28, 37, 41, and 42, rocks in placed point 32, pine tree; points 12 to 17, inclusive, and 24 to 41, inclusive, on bank of stream.


“A parcel of land known as Lot No. 141, Residential Section D, Baguio Naval Reservation, described as follows: Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan P-4113, Industrial Department, Naval Section, Cavite; being N. 12 deg. 48' W. eight hundred sixty-seven and forty-two hundredths (867.42) meters from triangulation monument Noble,

thence 1-2 S. 72 deg. 53’E. 403.92 m;

thence 2-3 S. 17 deg. 37’W. 20.00 m;

thence 3-4 N. 72 deg. 53’W. 403.92 m;

thence 4-1 N. 17 deg. 37’E. 200.00 m;

point of beginning containing 8,078.4 square meters, or 2 acres, more or less; bearing true; declanation, 1 deg. 30’E.

The disposition, development and utilization of the above-described parcels shall be purely for military purposes and their ownership exclusively vested in the Armed Forces of the Philippines.⚖ - ℒαɯρhi৷

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed.

Done in the City of Manila, this 21st day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and eighty-three.

President of the Philippines

By the President:

Presidential Assistant for Legal Affairs

The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation