Upon recommendation of the Minister of Natural Resources and pursuant to the authority vested in me by law, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Republic of the Philippines, do hereby reclassify as agricultural land certain parcels of land of the public domain located in the twelve regions of the country containing a total area of 1,502,246 hectares, more or less, and declare the same as alienable and disposable for agricultural and resettlement purposes of the Kilusang Kabuhayan at Kaunlaran Land Resource Management Program of the Ministry of Human Settlements, subject to private rights, if any there be, and to final delimitations and survey, which portions are more particularly described as follows:



Open and denuded areas (Parcel 1B) covering the barangays of Loot Calagao, northern portion of barangays Saggat and Domolay, municipality of Bangued, covering also the municipality of Danglas, situated in Mt. Banti Goolong, in Ilocos Range at Long. 120º 33? 28? to Long, 120º 38? 51? and Lat. 17º 38? 27? to Lat. 17º 47? 48?, all in the province of Abra.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 5) covering the eastern portion of barangays of the eastern portion of Balut, Tayan, southern portion of barangay Capolitan, municipality of Itogon, traversing the Agno River at Long. 120º 35? 15? to Long 120º 45? 19? and Lat. 16º 13? 22? to Lat. 16º 18’23” all in the province of Benguet.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 1-A) near the provincial boundaries of Ilocos Norte and Abra, Ilocos Norte and Ilocos Sur, covering the barangay of Narusa, south eastern portion of barangay Andaroman, municipality of Bandoc, northern and western part of barangay Tibangran, the entire barangay of Alallutan, southeastern portion of barangay Palakapat, municipality of Nueva Era, west of Ilocos range at Long. 120º 30? 21? to Long. 120º 36? 05? and Lat. 17º 42? 10? to Lat. 17º 54? 37? all in the province of Ilocos Norte.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 2) covering the barangay of Bacnit, Nasuko, Namitpit, Madapoy, municipality of Quirino, barangay of Tangadan, eastern portion of Batangen, municipality of Sigay, barangays of Matocbo, Napayen, Nalidaoan, southern portion of Angayang, western portion of Comillas, Camay, Magsaysay, the entire barangays of Tacbo and Naiba, municipality of Cervantes, traversing the suagayan River, in Mount Monserat, at Long. 120º 37? 40? to Long. 120º 44? 11? and Lat. 16º 55? 20? to Lat. 17º 06? 56? all in the province of Ilocos Sur.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 3) in the municipalities of Sugpon, Santol, Bolaoan, San Gabriel, west, southwest of Amburayan River, at Long. 120º 25? 16? to Long. 120º 28? 31? and Lat. 16º 43? 27? to Lat. 16º 51? 11?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 4) covering the barangays of Amontoc, Bulala, Dagup, eastern portion of barangays Dugadog, and Obug, municipality of San Gabriel southern portion of barangay Cabaroan, municipality of San Juan, barangays Pacpaco, Alibangsay, northern portion of barangay Tinas, municipality of Bagulin, traversing the Naguilian River at Long. 120º 22? 26? to Long. 120º 32? 32? and Lat. 16º 18? 23? to Lat. 16º 36? 19? all in the province of La Union.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 10) in Mountain Province from the approximate boundary between Isabela and Mt. Province, Kalinga Apayao and Mt. Province going west, situated in the municipality of Paracelis, and Natonin, traversing the Malig River, excluding the alienable disposable lands inside at Long. 121º 21? 21? to Long. 121º 33? 55? and Lat. 17º 04? 19? to Lat. 17º 17? 26?; all within Mt. Province.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 6) in the municipalities of Sison, Pozzorubio, and Binalonan northeast of Arodagat River, at Long. 120º 32? 58? to Long. 120º 37? 47? and Lat. 16º 05? 57? to Lat. 16º 12? 34?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 7) in eastern portion of barangay Sta. Maria and western portion of barangay Valdez, northeastern portion of barangay Cacabogaoan, municipality of San Nicolas, eastern portion of barangay San Jose de Batodelon, San Macario, western portion of barangay Casalungan, municipality of Natividad, eastern portion of barangay Anan, northeastern portion of barangay San Roque, municipality of Umingan, at Long. 120º 47? 40? to Long. 120º 53? 49? and Lat. 15º 55? 20? to Lat. 16º 07? 38?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 8) in the municipalities of Mabini, Dasol, and Infanta covering the western portion of Mt. Mangatarem, the entire part of Mt. Maliang, Mt. Bayambang, southwest of Alaminos River, traversing the Balete and Basit Rivers in the northern part, excluding alienable or disposable lands situated inside at Long. 119º 54? 36? to Long. 12º 05? 55? and Lat. 15º 49? 44? to Lat. 16º 04? 36?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 9) in the municipalities of Bugallon, Aguilar and Mangaterm, east-northeast of Zambales Mountains at Long. 120º 07? 32? to Long. 120º 15? 20? and Lat. 15º 41? 53? to Lat. 15º 55? 41? all in the province of Pangasinan.



Open and denuded areas (Parcel 1) in the municipalities of Gattaran, Alcala covering the southern portion of barangay Dumman situated in the northeastern tributaries of Dumman River at Long. 121º 37? 30? to Long. 121º 40? 40? and Lat. 17º 57? 43? to Lat. 18º 00? 49?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 2) in the municipalities of Alcala and Sumulong covering the barangays of Tupang, Maun, Baculud, Alcala, Pagbangaconaoan, Malalaton, Afusing Norte, Afusing Central, Cabaruan, Cabaluran at Long. 121º 35? 45? to Long. 121º 39? 22? and Lat. 17º 47? 17? to Lat. 17º 57? 59?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 3) in the municipalities of Baggao, Amulung, Iguig, Peñablanca covering the western portion of jungle mountain and the barangays of Aggudan, Callao, Nanaranian, Dadan, at Long. 121º 25? 04? to Long. 121º 28? 49? and Lat. 17º 38? 00? to Lat. 17º 54? 00?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 4) in the Municipalities of Piat and Rizal covering the barangays of Apayao, Sombrena, Nanungaran, Liuan, Bulungcanag, Gaddangao, Dagayung, at Long. 121º 25? 04? to Long. 121º 28? 49? and Lat. 17º 48? 20? to Lat. 17º 51? 30?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 5) in the municipalities of Piat and Faire covering the barangays of Sta. Maria and Tubo, at Long. 121º 29? 44? to 121º 31? 43?, to Lat. 17º 48? 17? to 17º 50? 37?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 6) in the municipalities of Piat and Tuao covering the southwestern portion of barangay Calenac and the northeastern portion of barangay Nabbayugan, at Long. 121º 30? 45? to 121º 33? 29? to Lat. 17º 43? 30? and 17º 46? 32?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 7A) in the municipalities of Piat and Amulung and Enrile covering the barangays of Cordoba, Nangalasaoan, Iraga, Mallalaba, Naguillan, Lingu, Lanning, Maddapululg, Cataggaman, Viejo, Santol Callibabagan, eastern part of barangay Quezon and Barucbuc and the northeastern part of barangays Viernes Santo and Ambito at Long. 121º 35? 40? to Long. 121º 38? 45? and Lat. 17º 31? 17? to Lat. 17º 46? 45?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 8A) in the municipality of Rizal and Tuao near the boundary of Cagayan and Kalinga-Apayao covering the barangays of Singaga, Gaddangao, Dugayong. Gumareng lying along the southeastern banks of Matalag River at Long. 121º 17? 22? to 121º 25? 23? and Lat. 17º 42? 45? and Lat. 17º 51? 61? open and denuded areas (Parcel 9B) in the municipalities of Tuao, Enrile and Solano covering the barangay of Cancamalog, the western part of barangay Liuean, Santol, Calibabagun, Sanchez, at Long. 121º 30? 00? to Long 121º 33? 20? and Lat. 17º 34? 05? to Lat. 17º 42? 16?, all in the province of Cagayan.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 10) in the municipality of Potia near the boundary of Isabela and Ifugao in the west covering the western part of barangay Damag at Long. 121º 02? 56? to Long. 121º 33? 32 and Lat. 16º 55? 30? to 17º 05? 00?, all in the province of Ifugao.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 11) in the municipalities of Benito Soliven, San Mariano and San Guillermo covering the barangays of Nagbalayan, Aguinaldo and the west bank of Piracauan de Hagan River at Long. 121º 55? 33? to Long. 122º 00? 57? and Lat. 15º 41? 40? to Lat. 16º 54? 48?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 12) in the municipalities of San Guillermo Angadanan, and Echague covering the eastern part of barangays Censular, Tuboc, Salay, Bunnay, Pissay, Macalariat, Annatunan, Dugayong and the west bank of Sinalugan River at Long. 121º 44? 00? to Long. 121º 53? 00? and Lat. 16º 40? 32? to Lat. 16º 47? 30?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 13) in the municipalities of Echaque and Jones covering the eastern part of the Bacradan, Dalibubun, the northeastern part of barangay Managaratungut lying in the west bank upstream of Sinalugan River, at Long. 121º 44? 47? to Long. 121º 51? 49? and Lat. 16º 36? 15? to Lat. 16º 40? 27?, all in the province of Isabela.


Open and denuded areas in (Parcel 7B) in the municipality of Luiran near the boundary of Isabela and Kalinga-Apayao covering the barangay of Calibabagan and the southeastern part of barangay Santol at Long. 121º 36? 15? to Long. 121º 47? 29? and Lat. 17º 08? 54? to Lat. 17º 31? 17?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 8B) in the municipalities of Conner and Pinukpuk covering the barangay of Lal-layug and the eastern part of barangay Narakitan, lying in the upstream tributaries of Talatugu River at Long. 121º 17? 36? to Long. 121º 23? 46? and Lat. 17º 38? 17? to Lat. 17º 48? 16?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 9A) in the municipalities of Pinukpuk and Tabuk covering the western part of barangay Sanchez, eastern part of barangays Camaguan, Calaccad, Banatao, Tupack, Tabuk and Concamalog near the boundary of Cagayan and Kalinga-Apayao province at Long. 121º 15? 15? to 121º 35? 25? and Lat. 17º 14? 45? to 17º 39? 58?, all in the province of Kalinga-Apayao.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 16) in the municipalities of Diadi, Bagabag and Quezon covering the southeastern portion of the barangay of Santa Lucia, the barangay Bagabag, Dumayup, Bancarran lying in the banks of the tributaries of Magat River at Long. 121º 21? 50? and Lat. 16º 31? 00? to Lat. 16º 38? 12?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 17) in the municipality of Bagabag, covering the barangay of Murong lying in the west bank of the tributary of Magat River at Long. 121º 15? 30? to Long. 121º 17? 07? and Lat. 16º 33? 47? to Lat. 16º 37? 00?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 18) in the municipality of Bayombong, Kasibu and Dupax covering the barangays of Makati. San Miguel, Malason, Manga and Inquebenga lying in the tributaries of Magat River at Long. 121º 07? 50? to Long. 121º 18? 35? and Lat. 16º 10? 15? to Lat. 16º 21? 40?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 19) in the municipalities of Aritao and Dupax covering the barangays Tabueng and San Francisco lying in the banks of Marang River at Long. 121º 03? 30? to Long. 121º 07? 10? and Lat. 16º 13? 19? to Lat. 16º 17? 22?, all in the province of Nueva Vizcaya.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 14) in the municipality of Aglipay lying near the boundary of Quirino and Isabela, covering the northern bank of Addalom River and eastern part of barangay Malacain at Long. 121º 35? 53 to Long. 121º 38? 07? and Lat. 16º 28? 53? to Lat. 16º 31? 38?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 15) in the municipalities of Aglipay and Madella covering the southeastern part of the barangays Guinamuganna, Ulangan, the bank of the Cagayan River at Long. 121º 39? 22? to 121º 43? 36? and Lat. 16º 22? 51? to Lat. 16º 26? 55?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 20) in the municipality of Madella covering the southeast bank of Deduyon River at Long. 121º 22? 22? to 121º 23? 50? and Lat. 16º 12? 00? to 16º 13? 56?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 21) in the municipality of Madella lying near the boundary of Quirino and Nueva Vizcaya covering the barangays of Tauyan and the northern portion of Sugog, at Long. 121º 21? 36? to Long. 121º 24? 25? and Lat. 16º 05? 30? to Lat. 16º 09? 06?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 22) in the municipality of Maddela covering the northwestern part of barangay Anawang, and the southeastern part of old Gumiad, at Long. 121º 31? 15? and Lat. 16º 06? 16? to Lat. 16º 09? 18?; open and denuded areas (Pacel 23) in the municipality of Maddela covering the northwestern part of barangay Anawang, the southwestern part of Pugo, and the east and west bank of Casecnan River at Long. 121º 32? 00? to Long. 121º 32? 54? and Lat. 16º 05’38” to Lat. 16º 09? 00?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 24) in the municipality of Maddela covering the western part of barangay Lanchesia and the northwestern part of barangay Sinadipan at Long. 121º 31? 44? to Long. 121º 35? 43? and Lat. 16º 09? 56? to Lat. 16º 12? 44?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 24) in the municipality of Maddela covering the barangays of Alicad, Biao, Nalungtutan, Cabingaraw and the western part of Cabinangon and Guipang at Long. 121º 35? 34? to Long. 121º 40? 28? to Lat. 16º 06? 00? and 16º 13? 46? all in the province of Quirino.



Open and denuded areas (Parcel 12) covering the western portion of municipality of Orani, northwestern portion of Samal and Dinalupihan, situated in the northern of Mt. Santa Rosa, southwest of Mt. Sta. Rita, at Long. 120º 22? 00? to Long. 12º 26? 55? and Lat. 14º 45? 30? to Lat. 14º 49? 17?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 13) covering the eastern portion of the municipality of Bagac, southwestern portion of the municipality of Orion and southwestern portion of the municipality of Pilar, situated in the northwestern portion of Mariveles Mountain, also covering the Mt. Samat, traversing the Pantingan River, Pilar River, Orion River, Caponitan River, up to Pandan River at Long. 120º 27? 27? to Long. 120º 32? 33? and Lat. 14º 34? 28? to Lat. 14º 37? 30?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 14) in the southeastern portion of the municipality of Bagac, situated in the northwestern portion of Mariveles Mountain also covering the southeastern portion of barangay Wawa, and the northeastern portion of barangay Saysain both in the municipality of Bagac traversing the Tiis River in the north, and Saysain River in the south, at Long. 120º 24? 30? to Long. 120º 27? 20? and Lat. 14º 33? 46? to Lat. 14º 35? 55?, all in the province of Bataan.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 5) in barangays Limlingan, Mapangpang and Pajo, municipality of Talugtog, at Long. 120º 51? 45? to Long. 120º 53? 00? and Lat. 15º 46? 18? to Lat. 15º 47? 40?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 6) in barangays Patola, Nangabulan, southeastern portion of Mount Bangcay, municipality of Talugtog, at Long. 120º 45? 00? to Long. 120º 46? 00?, and Lat. 15º 46? 45? to Lat. 150º 47? 30?, all in the province of Nueva Ecija.


Open and denuded areas in western portion of Mabalacat, northeastern portion of Sapangbato, traversing Malago River, and Sapang Cauayan River extending up to the northwestern portion of Dau, at Long. 120º28? 33? to Long. 120º 35? 20 and Lat. 15º 09? 45? to Lat. 15º 15? 30?; all in the province of Pampanga.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 7A) in the western portion of the municipality of Lawy, eastern portion of Sta. Lucia, eastern portion of O’Donnel at Long. 120º 27? 15? to Long. 120º 33? 42? and Lat. 15º 14? 10? to Lat. 15º 24? 15?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 8A) in Mount Cahapatan, east of Dome peak, municipality of Sta. Lucia at Long. 120º 12? 30? and Lat. 15º 19? 03? to Lat. 15º 20? 50?, all in the province of Tarlac.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 8B) situated in the southern portion of Mt. Chanpatan, east of Mt. Lanitoc, traversing the Balintasang River, in the municipality of Botolan at Long. 120º 10? 30? to Long. 120º 14? 19? and Lat. 15º 16? 42? to Lat. 15º 20? 00?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 9) in the municipalities of Iba and Botolan, situated in the western portion of Mt. Patugo, portion of Mt. Banandilaan, northwestern portion of Mt. Bungle, western portion of Mt. Mangkinat, covering the barangays of San Juan, Taogtog-Paritan, Mambog-Buen, Sta. Barbara, Prensa and eastern portion of barangay San Agustin, traversing the Bancal River in the north, at Long. 120º 00? 30? to Long. 120º 07? 45? and Lat. 15º 17? 49? to Lat. 15º 24? 05?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 10) in the municipalities of Botolan and Cabangan, situated in the southeastern portion of Mt. Catongohan, western portion of Mt. Naparet, covering the big portion of mountain of Cunonoyo, also covering the barangays of Sta. Rita, San Rafael, Cadmang, in the municipality of Cabangan, at Long. 120º 07? 40? and Lat. 15º 10? 00? to Lat. 15º 15? 05?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 11) covering the northeastern portion of the municipality of San Felipe, and Southeastern portion of the municipality of Cabangan, situated in the southern portion of Binawawan mountain, the entire portion of Pamalingpingan mountain and Mt. Sta. Cruz, covering also the barangays of Sto. Niño, Longas, municipality of Cabangan, barangays of Maloma, Balintagac, Cargay municipality of San Felipe, at Long. 120º 04? 00? to Long. 120º 10? 00? and Lat. 15º 05? 39? to Lat. 15º 09? 23?” all in the province of Zambales.



Open and denuded areas (Parcel 1) in the southwestern portion of barangay Dinalongan, southwest of Mangalad River tributaries at Long. 121º 50? 15? too Long. 121º 52? 15? and Lat. 16º 06’45” to Lat. 16º 08? 15?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 2) in barangay Dipaculao, northwest of Debutunan point at Long. 121º 45? 30? to Long. 121º 47? 30?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 3) in the southwestern part of barangay Dipaculao, and in the northeastern part of barangay Maria Aurora, municipality of Baler at Long. 121º 28? 15? to Long. 121º 33? 28? and Lat. 15º 47? 10? to Lat. 15º 15? 16?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 4) in Sitio Dekildit, southern portion of Sitio Diabuyo, northern part of Sitio Kiapo Illio, all in barangay Calabuanan, municipality of Baler at Long. 121º 26? 09? to Long. 121º 29? 18? and Lat. 15º 42? 54? to Lat. 15º 45? 45? all in the Aurora sub-province.


Open and denuded area (Parcel 22) covering the barangays of Papatahan, Tiadao, municipalities of Paete and Kalayan, traversing Tandang River and Piapi River, at Long. 121º 31? 56? to Long. 121º 34? 26? and Lat. 14º 21? 42? to Lat. 14º 22? 58?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 23) in San Pablo City, west of Mt. Cristobal, other portion lies in the province of Quezon, municipality of Dolores, north of Lagras River, southern portion of Mt. Cristobal at Long. 121º 23? 39? to Long. 121º 26? 56? and Lat. 14º 02? 04? to Lat. 14º 05? 02?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 24A) in the municipalities of Mabitac and Jalajala province of Rizal and municipality of Pililla as well, covering the northern to southwestern portion of Mt. Sembrano at Long. 121º 22? 16? to Long. 121º 25? 24? and Lat. 14º 21? 56? to Lat. 14º 26? 14?, all in the province of Laguna.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 25) in the municipalities of Rosario and San Juan, covering the barangay of Alupay, Putingcahoy, northeastern portion of Mabunga, traversing the Bolbok River at Long. 121º 18? 30? to Long. 121º 24? 45? and Lat. 13º 47? 10? to Lat. 13º 50? 36?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 26) covering the southeastern portion of barangay Sampiro, western portion of barangay Quipot, municipality of San Juan, at Long. 121º 20? 20? to Long. 121º 24? 26? and Lat. 13º 14? 33? to Lat. 13º 47? 45?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 27) situated from the northern portion to the western portion of Mt. Lobo, covering the southern portion of barangays Nabato, Hebango, southeastern portion of barangay. Nagtalongtong, eastern portion of barangay Siwang, northeastern portion of barangay Soloc, east of Rosario River, municipalities of Lobo at Long. 121º 15? 41? to Long. 121º 22? 10? and Lat. 13º 37? 30? to Lat. 13º 41? 33?, all in the province of Batangas.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 28) in the municipalities of Sta. Cruz, Mogpog, Boac, and Torrijos, situated in the southern portion of Mt. Tapian, and major portions of Mt. San Antonio, covering the barangays of Tumagabo, Mahinhin, Masalocot, and southwestern portion of Polongparang at Long. 121º 55? 37? to Long. 122º 03? 26? and Lat. 13º 20? 28? to Lat. 13º 30? 33?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 29) in Mt. Gasan, and Mt. Catala, covering the barangays of Tabionan, northeastern portion of barangay Malbog, southwestern portion of barangay Danao, and Sinambahan municipalities of Boac and Gasan, at Long. 121º 52? 50? to Long. 121º 01? 27? and Lat. 13º 16? 13? to Lat 13º 24? 26?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 30) in Mt. Marlanga, covering the barangays of Lipata, Tiguion, Timbo eastern portion of barangay Payanas, municipalities of Torrijos and Buenavista, at Long. 121º 59? 13? to Long. 122º 03? 30? and Lat. 13º 11? 42? to Lat. 13º 16? 47?, all in the province of Marinduque.


Open and denuded areas in the southwestern portion of Mount Calavite, traversing Binuangan River in the municipality of Paluan, at Long. 120º 18? 28' E to Long. 120º 23? 03' E and Lat. 13º 25? 028' N to Lat. 13º 31’03 N; open and denuded areas in the municipality of Paluan, southeast of Lumotan Bay, and southwest of Bagalayag point, at Long. 120º 29? 00' E to Long. 120º 33? 00? and Lat. 13º 28? 00' N to Lat. 13º 31? 00' N; open and denuded areas in the municipality of Paluan, situated in the northeastern portion of Mt. Masombrero, west of Tuguilan River at Long. 120º 28? 00' E to Long. 120º 31? 45' E and Lat. 13º 19? 00' N; open and denuded areas in the municipality of Abra Dailog, situated in the northeastern portion of Mount Burburungan, traversing Camerong River in the northeast portion, at Long. 120º 44? 22' E to Long. 120º 51? 09' E and lat. 13º 23? 46' N to Lat. 13º 27? 11' N; open and denuded areas in the municipality of Abra Dailog, situated in the southern portion of Mount Burburungan north, of Tandrac Peak at Long. 120º 41? 35' E to Long. 120º 46? 40? and Lat. 13º 19? 00' N to Lat. 13º 23? 00' N; open and denuded areas covering some portions of the municipalities of Abra Dailog, Mamburao and Sta. Cruz situated from the western portion up to southeastern portion of Tandrac Peak traversing Pagbahan River in the south, at Long. 120º 38? 34' E to Long. 120º 47? 15' E and Lat. 13º 11? 55' N to Lat. 13º 19? 46' N; open and denuded areas in the municipality of Sta. Cruz, traversing Ramayan River at Long. 120º 45? 45' E to Long. 120º 53? 10' E and the municipality of Sablayan, situated in the northwestern portion of Mt. Baco, traversing Ibod River, covering also the eastern portion of barangay Balete, municipality of Sablayan at 120º 53? 50' E to Long. 121º 02? 35' E and Lat. 12º 48? 46' N to Lat. 12º 57’49' N; open and denuded areas in the municipality of San Jose, northeast of Hagdanan Peak at Long. 121º 09? 24' E to Long. 121º 13? 15' E and Lat. 12º 29? 44' N to Lat. 12º 35? 13' N, all in the province of Occidental Mindoro.


Open and denuded areas in the province of Mindoro Oriental, municipalities of San Teodoro and Baco, situated in the southwestern portion of Mount Halcon at Long. 120º 54? 00' E to Long. 120º 59? 15' E and Lat. 13º 11? 15' N to Lat. 13º 15? 13' N; open and denuded areas in the municipality of Puerto Galera from the approximate boundary of Mindoro Oriental and Occidental traversing Pagbahan River, west of Mount Halcon at Long. 120º 45? 30' E to Long. 120º 50? 25' E and Lat. 13º 14? 51' N to Lat. 13º 18? 00' N; open and denuded areas in the municipality of Bongabong traversing Tangon River in the north and Malitbog River to the south at Long. 12º 21? 32' E to Long. 121º 25? 06' E and Lat. 12º 43? 40' N to Lat. 12º 46? 05' N; open and denuded areas in the municipality of Mansalay, traversing Mansalay River in the south, Baroc River in the central part of Bongabong River in the south, covering the barangays of Tignoan, Quiapo, Waigan, Lasa Wasig, Panolong, Bamban, municipality of Mansalay at Long. 121º 20? 43' E to Long. 121º 24? 15' E and Lat. 12º 30? 45' N Long. 12º 41? 09' N; open and denuded areas in the municipalities of Mansalay and Bulalacao, covering the barangays of Camaya, Manila, Calatas, Maliaw, municipality of Bulalacao, west of Knob Peak, traversing Cawacat River, at Long. 121º 13? 30' E to Long. 121º 21’52” E and Lat. 12º 21’15” N to Lat. 12º 34? 56' N, all in the province of Oriental Mindoro.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 1) in the municipality of Roxas in the western portion of Danlig and southern portion of Calauag, at Long. 119º 27? 03' E to Long. 119º 35? 36' E and Lat. 10º 29’54” N to Lat 10º 35? 38' N; open and denuded areas (Parcel 2) in the southeastern portion of Pagdanan range and in the northeastern portion of Barbacan range municipality of Roxas at Long. 119º 20? 55? to Long. 119º 22? 32' E and Lat. 10º 23? 48' N to Lat. 10º 28? 22' N; open and denuded areas (Parcel 3) in the southeastern portion of flat range and in the northwestern portion of Barbacan range in the municipality of Roxas at Long. 119º 12? 18' E to Long. 119º 15? 52' E and Lat. 10º 19? 11' N to Lat. 10º 23? 13' N; open and denuded areas (Parcel 4) in the southwestern portion of Central range and in the southern part of Barton, municipality of Roxas, at Long. 119º 07? 10' E to Long. 119º 11? 24' E and Lat. 10º 15? 08' N to Lat. 10º 19? 49' N; open and denuded areas (Parcel 5) covering the northwestern portion of the barangay Malcampo, municipality of Roxas at Long. 119º 12? 41' E to Long. 119º 15’15” E and Lat. 10º 13? 50' N to Lat. 10º 15? 51' N; open and denuded areas (Parcel 6) in the southern part of Mt. Airey, eastern portion of Kababoan point, and in the northeastern part of Beaufort Range, covered by the municipality of Puerto Princesa a Long. 118º 40? 45' E to Long. 118º 47? 06' E and Lat. 9º 54? 48' N to Lat. 9º 58? 26' N; open and denuded areas (Parcel 7) from the eastern portion of Mt. Beaufort, up to northern portion of village range, located in the municipality of Puerto Princesa at Long. 118º 36? 35' E to Long. 118º 44? 39' E and Lat. 9º 40? 17' N to Lat. 9º 52? 45' N; open and denuded areas (Parcel 8) from the southern portion of triple top range up to the eastern portion of Mt. Aborlan covering the barangays of Tagbarungis, Inagawan, Kamuning, Isaub Bay and Sagpangan municipality of Aborlan at Long. 118º 32? 59' E to Long. 118º 41? 40' E and Lat. 9º 28? 58' N to Lat. 9º 36? 12' N; open and denuded areas (Parcel 9) covering the northeastern portion of municipality of Narra, west of Apoaporawan point, northwest of Panacan point, southeast of Victoria Peaks, at Long. 118º 22? 00' E to Long. 118º 28? 21' E and Lat. 9º 16? 51' N to Lat. 9º 23? 00' N; open and denuded areas (Parcel 10) in the municipality of Aboabo, covering from the western portion of Mt. Calategas, eastern portion of Mt. Buod Mainat, eastern portion of Mt. Aboabo, northwestern portion of Crawfor Hill, southeastern portion of Pyramid Hill extending up to upper portion of Karasanan River at Long. 177º 56? 52' E to Long. 118º 14? 34' E and Lat. 8º 59? 08' N to Lat. 9º 15? 36' N; open and denuded areas (Parcel 11) in barangay Pulot municipality of Aboabo from Pulot River to Karasanan River at Long. 117º 58? 51' E to Long. 118º 01’17” E and Lat. 8º 55? 55' N to Lat. 8º 57? 57' N; open and denuded areas (Parcel 12) in the municipality of Quezon, Sitio Tabon, southwestern portion of Sitio Pinitian, eastern portion of Sitio Marirong at the northwestern portion of Malanut Range, and northeast of Pulute range at Long. 117º 53? 34' E to Long. 117º 59? 47' E and Lat. 9º 09? 09' N to Lat. 9º 14? 22' N; open and denuded areas (Parcel 13) in western portion of Sitio Calumpang, municipality of Quezon, northeast of Calungan point, northwest of Pulute range at Long. 117º 47? 22' E to Long. 117º 48? 52' E and Lat. 9º 08? 14' N to Lat. 9º 10? 43' N; open and denuded areas (Parcel 14) in the municipality of Quezon covering the Sitios of Mantaya, Malambunga, southwestern portion Mantaya and Baja points, and southwestern portion of Banisi point, at Long. 117º 37? 08' E to Long. 117º 41? 53' E and Lat. 8º 59? 49' N to Lat. 9º 05? 36' N; open and denuded areas (Parcel 15) in the northern portion of barangay Mambalot, northeastern portion of barangay Barong-barong municipality of Brookes Point traversing the Mambalot River and Filatropia River, southwest of Mt. Gantung, at Long. 117º 52? 50' E to Long. 117º 56? 00' E and Lat. 8º 53? 00' N to Lat. 8º 56? 43' N; open and denuded areas (Parcel 16) in the municipality of Brookes Point, southeastern part of Mount Landargun, traversing the Tiga Plan River in the northern part, Lara River in the central part and Buligay River in the southern part at Long. 117º 45? 30? to Long. 117º 49? 34' E and Lat. 8º 46? 22' N to Lat. 8º 53? 19' N, all in the island of Palawan.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 1) in the southeastern portion of Mt. Binuang, northwest of Agos River, municipality of General Nakar at Long. 121º 35? 00? to Long. 121º 37? 11? and Lat. 14º 43? 47? to Lat. 14º 47? 10?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 2) in barangay Gatusan, traversing the Kanan River in the municipality of Infanta at Long. 121º 34? 28? to Long. 121º 36? 57? and Lat. 14º 41? 29? to Lat. 14º 43? 12?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 3) in the northwestern portion of barangay Sta. Lucia, southwestern portion of barangay Alitock, north of Sta. Lucia River in the municipalities of Mauban and Tayabas at Long. 121º 43? 41? to Long. 121º 45? 51? and Lat. 14º 05? 51? to Lat. 14º 07? 41?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 4) covering the eastern portion of Cacawit, municipality of Lucban, and covering the northeastern portion of barangay Ilasan-Ibaba, municipality of Tayabas, south of Balaybalay River at Long. 121º 27? 30? to Long. 121º 41? 30? and Lat. 14º 04? 47? to Lat. 14º 07? 45?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 5) covering the southeastern portion of barangay West Palale, northeastern portion of barangay Antipolo, northwestern portion of barangay Palsabangan, municipalities of Tayabas and Pagbilao, traversing the Palsabangan River and Talsam River at Long. 121º 41? 22? to Lat. 14º 02? 07?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 6) situated in the southeastern portion of Mt. Banahaw, covering the western portion of barangay Alitao, northwestern portion of barangay Bukal Norte, municipalities of Tayabas and Sariaya, traversing the Iyam River in the north at Long. 121º 30? 15? to Long. 121º 33? 24? and Lat. 13º 59? 46? to Lat. 14º 02? 47?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 7) covering the western portion of barangay San Rafael and barangay Lanao, eastern portion of barangays Kallagan and Yawe, municipality of Padre Burgos at Long. 121º 55? 08? to Long. 121º 57? 24? and Lat. 13º 45? 39? to Lat. 13º 55? 38?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 8A) covering the northern portion of barangay Villa Victoria municipality of Plaridel, southwest of Lamon Bay, at Long. 122º 04? 08? and Lat. 13º 53? 56? to Lat. 13º 55? 05? open and denuded areas (Parcel 8B) covering the northwestern part of barangay Sisirin, and southwestern part of barangay Sastre, municipality of Gumaca, at Long. 122º 05? 20? to Long. 122º 07? 01? and Lat. 13º 51? 00? to 13º 53? 08?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 9) covering the southwestern portion of barangay Rizalino and southwestern portion of barangay San Vicente, municipality of Gumaca at Long. 122º 08? 45? to Long. 122º 11? 53? and Lat. 13º 51? 17? to Lat. 13º 53? 21?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 10) covering the southeastern portion of barangay San Diego municipality of Gumaca, southwestern to southern portion of barangay Binahian, municipality of Lopez, eastern portion of barangays Gayagayaan, Tubigan-ilaya, Lahing, and Vista Hermosa, municipality of Macalelon, northeastern portion of barangay Bacong, municipality of General Luna, northeastern portion of barangay San Isidro, northern portion of barangay Dadican, municipality of Catanauan at Long. 122º 11? 26? to Long. 122º 11? 42? and Lat. 13º 37? 09? to Lat. 13º 51? 27?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 11) covering the eastern portion of barangay Sta. Rosa and southwestern portion of barangay San Roque, traversing the Calauag River in the municipality of Calauag, the other portions which lies on the east of Calauag municipality of Guinayangan, the other portions cover the northwestern part and southwestern part of barangay Jimbubulo, traversing the Calauag River, in the municipality of Guinayangan, the other portion covers the northeastern part of barangay Capuluan, municipality of Buenavista, southern part of barangay Jimbulo, municipality of Guinayangan southeast of Calauag River, at Long. 122º 22? 57? to Long. 122º 28? 58? and Lat. 13º 46? 02? to Lat. 13º 55? 38?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 12) in Barangay Bantayan, municipality of barangays Los Baños, Panagon, Abuyon, Buenavista, the entire portion of barangay Anunong and Cabungahan, municipality of San Narciso, eastern portion of Mt. Maclayao, eastern portion of barangays Matataja and Bongalonan municipality of Mulanay, traversing the Mataja River, eastern portion of barangays Molawin, Cauayanin, Lauan, northern portion of barangay Coling, municipality of San Francisco, southwestern portion of barangays Binay and Madanggay, municipality of San Narciso, southeastern portion of barangay Viga Cantidang, Bahay, Sabang, northwestern portion of barangay Tamnaw and Kayab, municipality of San Andres at Long. 122º 24’13” to Long. 122º 41? 27? and Lat. 13º 18’18” to Lat. 13º 43? 36?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 13) covering the eastern portion of barangay Coling northeastern portion of barangay Pagsangahan, municipality of San Francisco, northwestern portion of barangay Pandanan municipality of San Andres at Long. 122º 34? 40? to Long. 122º 40? 19? and Lat. 13º 13? 57? to Lat. 13º 19? 47?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 14) in Bondoc head, southeast of Pagsangahan, municipality of San Francisco at Long. 122º 34? 55? to Long. 122º 37? 14? and Lat. 13º 10? 38? to Lat. 13º 12? 27?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 15) in the municipality of Perez, from Gerardo point to barangay Villa Victoria at Long. 121º 46? 51? to Long. 122º 04? 31? at Lat. 14º 07? 09? to Lat. 14º 13? 28?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 16) in the municipality of Alabat from barangay San Miguel to barangay Villa Francia, at Long. 122º 06? 09? to Long. 122º 10? 32? and Lat. 14º 01? 52? to Lat. 14º 05? 55?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 17) covering the southern portion of barangay Anas where Negritoes camp is situated up to the northeastern part of barangay Bulaobulauan, municipality of Calauag at Long. 122º 13? 05? to Long. 122º 16? 39? and Lat. 14º 04? 53? to Lat. 14º 09? 04?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 18) covering the southeastern portion of barangay Basiad, large portion of barangay Santiago, the eastern and western part of Tabogon River, municipality of Calauag at Long. 122º 17? 43? to Long. 122º 21? 52? and Lat. 14º 03? 36? to Lat. 14º 08? 47?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 19) in the municipality of Tagkawayan covering some portions of barangay Pinagbalasianan, Manato, northeast of Vinas River, at Long. 122º 23? 37? to Long. 122º 27? 48? and Lat. 13º 58? 48? to Lat. 14º 00? 49?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 20) covering the eastern portion of barangay Malbog, situated in the southern portion of Mt. Tuba, southwest of Mt. Nalusbitan municipality of Tagkawayan at Long. 122º 26? 49? to Long. 122º 33? 20? and Lat. 13º 59? 26? to Lat. 14º 06? 03?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 21) in the southern portion of Mt. Nalusbitan, north of Kilbay River, at Long. 122º 35? 53? to Long. 122º 37? 03? and Lat. 14º 00? 25? to Lat. 14º 03? 17?, all in the province of Quezon.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 24-B) in the municipalities of Jala-Jala and Pililla covering the barangays of Bagumbong, Lubo, Palay-palay, Bayugo, Sipsipin, Quisao, Niogan, Malaya at Long. 121º 19? 26? to Long. 121º 20? 36? and Lat. 14º 19? 10? to Lat. 14º 26? 14?.



Open and denuded areas (Parcel 5) located in barangay Basicao, municipality of Pio Duran at Long. 123º 21? 02? to Long. 122º 24? 11?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 6) located near the provincial boundaries of Albay and Sorsogon, barangay Cagbacong, municipalities of Castilla, and Manito at Long. 123º 47? 53? to Long. 123º 51’10” and Lat. 12º 59? 07? to Lat. 13º 01? 38?, all in the province of Albay.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 1) located at Mount Nalusbitan of the provincial boundary of Camarines Norte and Quezon province within the municipality of Labo, Camarines Norte at Long. 122º 32? 28? to Long. 122º 43? 58? and Lat. 14º 05? 04? to 14º 12? 36? open and denuded areas (Parcel 2) located in the boundary of Camarines Norte and Sur covering the municipalities of Sipocot, and Imelda, Camarines Norte at Long. 122º 58? 00? to Long. 123º 02? 53? and Lat. 13º 50? 37? to Lat. 13º 58? 01?; all in the province of Camarines Norte.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 3) located in the coastal municipalities of Pasacao and Pamplona at Long. 122º 49? 41? to Long. 123º 02? 53? and Lat. 13º 31? 23? to Lat. 13º 38? 13?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 4) located in the coastal municipality of Balatan, at Long. 123º 11? 55? to Long. 123º 15? 00? and Lat. 13º 20? 04? to Lat. 13º 23? 28?, all in the province of Camarines Sur.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 7) in the municipalities of Virac and San Andres at Long. 124º 05? 45? to long. 124º 14? 31? and Lat. 13º 37? 46? to Lat. 13º 42? 53?, all in the province of Catanduanes.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 8) covering two separate areas covering barangay Bagacay and Cabugao, municipality of San Jacinto at Long. 123º 39? 44? to Long. 123º 40? 49? and Lat. 12º 29? 56? to Lat. 12º 30? 00?; the other portion is at Long. 123º 41? 14? to Long. 123º 42? 03? and Lat. 12º 31? 22? to Lat. 12º 32? 11?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 9) located in the coastal municipalities of Mandaon, Aroroy, Baleno, and Milagros at approximate Long. of 123º 13? 00? to Long. 123º 25? 49? and Lat. 12º 11? 14? to Lat. 12º 25? 41?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 10) located in Mount Mabalantak, barangay Mabalantak, municipality of Balud; at Long. 123º 17? 03? to 123º 22? 07? and Lat. 12º 05? 20? to 12º 09? 44?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 11) in Mount Mapanao in the vicinities of barangays Jangcan, Pacu and Guinvangan municipality of Balud, at Long. 12º 56? 44? to Lat. 12º 03? 50?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 12) located in barangays Mandali, Ubo and Omidep, municipality of Mobo, at Long. 123º 36? 02? to Long. 123º 38? 38? and Lat. 12º 15? 33? to Lat. 12º 19? 47?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 13) located at Mount Uac and Mount Ragulipat covering parts of barangays Payao, Mapalaras, and Manata, municipalities of Mobo and Uson, at Long. 123º 87? 07? to Long. 123º 43? 17? and Lat. 12º 08? 46? to Lat. 12º 16? 55?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 14) located in the coastal areas of barangay Labigan and Cabayugan, municipality of Cawayan, Masbate at Long. 123º 41? 31? to Long. 123º 44? 47? and Lat. 11º 59? 31? to Lat. 12º 03? 58?; two separate parcels of open and denuded areas (Parcel 15) located along the Quinon River, municipalities of Cawayan, at Long. 123º 44? 23? to Long. 123º 48? 01? and Lat. 11º 58? 09? to Lat. 12º 00? 58? and Long. 123º 48? 34? to Long. 123º 50? 34? and Lat. 11º 59? 23? to Lat. 12º 03? 34?, all in the province of Masbate.



Open and denuded areas (Parcel 1) in the municipalities of Malay and Buruanga and Libertad covering the barangays Parang, Malay, Tagaup lying in the northwestern part of Mt. Tinagtacan, at Long. 121º 53? 45' E to Long. 121º 58? 06' E and Lat. 11º 49? 03' N to Lat. 11º 53? 36' N; open and denuded areas (Parcel 2A) in the municipalities of Malinao, Makato, Tangalan covering the mountain ranges of Mt. Upao, Mt. Usigan, Mt. Balabac at Long. 122º 08? 30' E to Long. 122º 15? 35?, and Lat. 11º 31? 35' N to Lat. 11º 43? 15' N; open and denuded areas (Parcel 3) in the municipalities of Madalag, Libacao, covering the barangays of Dumalaylay and Medium at Long. 122º 12? 31? to Long. 122º 15? 00? and Lat. 11º 23? 45' N to Lat. 11º 30? 25' N; all in the province of Aklan; open and denuded areas (Parcel 2B) in the municipality of Nabas, Ibajay, Sebaste, and Pandan covering the barangays of Pragante, Bolbot, Batiangan, Nologan at Long. 122º 05? 58? to Long. 122º 10' E and Lat. 11º 39? 05? to Lat. 11º 47? 43?.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 4) in the municipalities of Libertad and Pandan covering the barangays of Ipil and Patira and the southeastern portion of Mt. Bubulon, at Long. 121º 59? 46? to Long. 122º 04? 00' E and Lat. 11º 45? 00' N; open and denuded areas (Parcel 5) in the municipality of Barbaza and Laua-an covering the barangays of Mayabay, Lamburanan, Lububayan, Binangbang, Badayan, Tigaaran, Intugasan, Magtasing at Long. 122º 03' E to Long. 122º 09? 30' E and Lat. 11º 10? 31' N to Lat. 11º 18? 00' N; open and denuded areas (Parcel 6) in the municipality of Lauan-an and Bugasong covering the northeastern portion of barangays Virginia, Pandanan, Paningayan, Mana, Buinbangan, Tagudtud, Anilayan at Long. 122º 06’13 “E to Long. 122º 09’05” E and Lat. 11º 04? 45? and Lat. 11º 10' N; open and denuded areas (Parcel 7) in the municipalities of San Remigion, Almodan, Valderama covering the barangays of General Fullon, Culabao, Pampanan, Cabacanan, Alegos, Nagbangi, Bagumbayan, Bugo, Bitar, Cuyapao, Sinondolan, Tabay, Bauang, including Igmaringding Ridge, southwestern portion of the slopes of Mt. Mutbod and Mt. Tunc and the northwestern portion of the slopes of Mt. Tiguran at Long. 122º 02? 17' E to Long. 122º 17? 15' E and Lat. 10º 49? 46' N to Lat. 11º 06? 15' N; all in the province of Antique.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 8) in the municipality of Pres. Roxas covering the southeastern portion of the slopes of Mt. Sinagsagan at Long. 122º 57? 21? to Long. 123º 02? 00? and Lat. 11º 22? 00? to Lat. 11º 23? 17?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 9A) in the municipalities of Dumarao, Cuartero, Ma-ayon covering the barangays of Matubang, Astorga, Advincula, Tina, Bacagay and western part of barangay Inocencio at Long. 122º 43? 30? to Long. 122º 54? 55? and Lat. 11º 14? 00? to Lat. 11º 20? 30' N all in the province of Capiz.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 9B) in the municipality of Lemery covering the barangay of Sepantono, northwestern part of Anabo and the eastern part of Inocencio, at Long. 122º 52? 45' E to Long. 122º 57? 15' E and Lat. 11º 14? 47' N to Lat. 11º 17? 45' N; open and denuded areas (Parcel 10) in the municipalities of San Rafael, San Enrique, Passi, Dumarao covering barangays Dalicana, Madarag, Gloria, Dawatan, Dacal Long. 122º 36? 36' E to Long. 122º 39? 14' E and Lat. 10º 41? 37' N to Lat. 11º 14? 00' N, all in the province of Iloilo.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 11) in the municipality of Buenavista covering the barangays of San Pedro, Dogsaan at Long. 122º 36? 36' E to Long. 122º 39? 14' E and Lat. 10º 41? 37' N to Lat. 10º 44? 15' N; open and denuded areas (Parcel 12) in the municipality of Jordan covering the barangays of Balcon Maravilla, Tinabuan at Long. 122º 30? 37' E to Long. 122º 33? 00' E and Lat. 10º 23? 30? to Lat. 10º 35? 55' N, all in the sub-province of Guimaras.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 13) in the municipalities of Silay, Enrique Magalona, Victorias, Manapla, Cadiz covering the barangays of San Jose, Baruhan, Hacienda Maria, Hacienda Cubay, Mangulo, San Juan, Magcorco at Long. 123º 08? 00? to Long. 123º 12? 00? and Lat. 10º 31? 25? to Lat. 10º 50? 45? all in the province of Negros Occidental.



Open and denuded areas (Parcel 6) in the municipalities of Talibon, Trinidad, Jetafe, Buenavista, San Miguel, Danao covering the barangays of Taytay, Maliao, Loandaguit, Cabawan, Estacahan, Santa Rosario, Nagawasan, Mahayag at Long. 124º 10? 08? to Long. 124º 18? 34? and Lat. 9º 55? 41? to Lat. 10º 06? 31?, all in the province of Bohol.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 5) in the municipalities of Tabuelan, Sogod, Catmon covering the barangays of Tagaytay, Nalunya, Togda, Damulog, Majon, Bagacay, Camlang, Biasang, Nani Huang, Balita, Macaas, Ilom, Napayas, Marmol, Bataguy, Matnog, and Tamunlao at Long. 123º 51? 43? to Long. 124º 01? 22? and Lat. 10º 34? 11? to Lat. 10º 49? 56? all in the province of Cebu.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 4) in the municipality of Siaton covering Mr. Talaptap, Mt. Guigaon, Mt. Malbug at Long. 122º 02? 03? to Long. 122º 02? 07? and Lat. 9º 14? 56? to Lat. 9º 07? 38?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 3) in the municipality of Bayawan, covering the barangays of Catumbahan, Batay, near the provincial boundary of Negros Oriental and Negros Occidental traversing the river of Payatban at Long. 122º 39? 10? to Long. 122º 48? 25? and Lat. 9º 16? 49? to Lat. 9º; open and denuded areas (Parcel 2) in the municipality of Jimalalud, Tayasan, Ayungon, Bindoy traversing the upstream part of Hilabangan River and its tributaries at Long. 122º 39? 10? to Long. 122º 48? 25? and Lat. 9º 16? 49? to Lat. 9º 40? 04?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 1) in the municipality of Valle Hermoso covering the barangay of Panabigan at Long. 123º 10? 08? to Long. 123º 17? 11? and Lat. 10º 21? 07? to Lat. 10º 25? 08?, all in the province of Negros Oriental.



Open and denuded areas (Parcel 25) in the municipality of Almeria lying in the southeastern portion of Mt. Panay at Long. 124º 22? 57? to Long. 124º 24? 27? and Lat. 11º 38? 46? to Lat. 11º 40? 08?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 26) in the Municipality of Naval covering the barangays of Talostosan lying in the southwestern portion of Mt. Giron at Long. 124º 26? 38? to Long. 124º 29? 47? and Lat. 11º 35? 04? to Lat. 11º 36? 59?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 27) in the municipalities of Culaba and Caibiran covering the barangays of Matinao and Manlabag, lying in the eastern portion of Mt. Giron at Long. 124º 31? 38? to Long. 124º 33? 58? and Lat. 11v 35? 48? to Lat. 11º 39? 02?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 28) in the municipalities of Naval, Biliran, and Cabucgayan covering the barangay of Talisay, Magbangon, Julita, Tugpo lying in the southwestern portion of the slopes of Mt. Lauan at Long. 124º 27? 11? to Long. 124º 35? 29? and Lat. 11º 30? 00? to Lat. 11º 33? 50?; open and denuded areas in the municipality of Calubian, Capoocan covering the barangays of Gayod, Otod, Bobao, Masaipi, Potot, San Isidro and Belen at Long. 124º 27? 53? to Long. 124º 33? 17? and Lat. 11º 18? 50? to Lat. 11º 26? 55?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 30) in the municipalities of Calubian, Tabango covering the barangays of Boghaon, Tabigui, Wugui lying in the western portion of the slope of Mt. Calbuod at Long. 124º 27? 03? to Long. 124º 28? 25? and Lat. 11º 15? 00? to Lat. 11º 18? 01?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 31) in the municipality of Calubian covering the southern portion of barangay Tabigui at Long. 124º 08? 42? to Long. 124º 30? 23? and Lat. 11º 15? 33? to Lat. 11º 17? 11?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 32) in the municipalities of the Calubian and Cananga covering the barangays of Cabulan, Vosanis, Tonoy at Long. 124º 29? 31? to Long. 124º 32? 00? and Lat. 11º 13? 01? to Lat. 11º 15? 00?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 34) west of Panao Lake covering barangays Tinago, Longon, Mahilaon and Binabuyan, Ormoc City at Long. 124º 39? 11? to 124º 41? 22? and Lat. 10º 59? 31? to 11º 05? 29?; open and denuded lands (Parcel 35) within Mount Cancajanag covering barangay Bouglayor and San Agustin with the municipalities of Pastrana and Dagmi, Leyte at Long. 124º 44? 31? to 124º 49? 15? and Lat. 11º 03? 17 to 11º 44? 31? to 124º 49? 15? and Lat. 11º 03? 17? to 11º 05? 29?; open and denuded lands (Parcels 36) in the southern portion of Mount Cancajanag covering barangays Kagangon, San Pedro and Matagpa, municipality of Burauen at Long. 124º 47? 36? to 124º 50? 13? and Lat. 10º 55? 49? to 10º 59? 12?; open and denuded lands (Parcel 28) within Mount Gumaalitan covering barangays Sta. Cruz and Kilktogan at Long. 124º 51? 43? to 124º 53? 42? and Lat. 10º 50? 20? to 10º 53? 05?; open and denuded lands (Parcel 33) covering portion of Mount Malbad, Mount Canayan and Mt. Naguang covering barangays Lifgong, Malilinao, Puyao and Kataguman, municipalities of Matag-ob, Villaba, Ormoc City, Media, Palompon and Isabel, at Long. 124º 25? 41? to 124º 31? 14? and Lat. 10º 59? 07? to 11º 10? 08?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 43A) in the municipality of Abuyog covering the barangays of Osmeña, San Roque and Balac at Long. 125º 04? 31? to Long. 125º 08? 22? and Lat. 10º 36? 26? to Lat. 10º 42? 28?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 42A) in the municipality of Mahaplag covering the barangay of Palahongan at Long. 124º 58? 34? to Long. 124º 45? 58? and Lat. 10º 31? 38? to Lat. 10º 33? 25?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 41) in the municipalities of Baybay and Inopacan lying in the northwestern part of Mount Sacripante at Long. 124º 46’14” to Long. 124º 50’20” and Lat. 10º 31? 38? to Lat. 10º 41? 14?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 40) in the municipalities of Mahaplag and Abuyog covering the barangays of Hilog, Pagsayan, Divisoria, Villa, Bayugan at Long. 124º 56? 14? to Long. 124º 58? 25? and Lat. 10º 37? 49? to Lat. 10º 41? 14?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 39) in the municipality of Albuera covering the northwestern part of Mt. Maganhan at Long. 124º 48? 09? to Long. 124º 52? 49? and Lat. 10º 39? 35? to Lat. 10º 45? 16?; all in the province of Leyte.


One and denuded areas (Parcel 42B) covering the northern portion of Mt. Pangonjon, southeastern portion of barangay Patolongon, traversing Layog river tributaries in the south in the municipality of Sogod, at Long. 124º 58? 34? to Long. 124º 46? 22? and Lat. 10º 31? 38? to Lat. 10º 27? 53?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 43B) in the municipality of Silago covering the eastern part of Mt. Hingatungan at Long. 125º 07? 27? to Long. 125º 09? 27? and Lat. 10º 35? 04? to Lat. 10º 35? 59?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 44) covering the southeastern part of barangay Pancho Villa, municipality of Silago at Long. 125º 03? 34? to Long. 125º 05? 29? and Lat. 10º 30? 58? to Lat. 10º 32? 44?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 45) in the municipality of Maasin and Matalom, covering the southeastern portion of barangays Gitnug, Bato, northeastern portion of barangay San Rafael at Long. 124º 48? 09? to Long. 124º 50? 37? and Lat. 10º 12? 28? to Lat. 10º 13? 58?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 46) in the municipality of Tomas Oppus covering the western portion of Mt. Canumay, northern portion of barangay Tigbawan, southeast of Mt. Lunas, traversing Bonbon River at Long. 124º 54? 27? to Long. 124º 57? 28? and Lat. 10º 11? 16? to Lat. 10º 16? 55?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 47) in the municipality of Malitbog, north of Amparo River, south of barangay Tigbawan at Long. 124º 54? 52? to Long. 124º 55? 55? and Lat. 10º 09? 35? to Lat. 10º 10? 25?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 48) in the municipality of San Francisco, at Panaon Island east of Mt. Slaob, and Mt. Marayag at Long. 125º 11? 22? to Long. 125º 14? 07? and Lat. 10º 02? 52? to Lat. 10º 07? 32? all in the province of Southern Leyte.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 7B) in the municipality of Jipapad covering the barangays of Usang and northern portion of barangay Concepcion at Long. 125º 09? 52? to Long. 125º 14? 15? and Lat. 12º 18? 25?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 19) in the Municipalities of Maslog, Oras and Arteche covering the barangays of Cagsalang, Pangongan, Del Pilar at Long. 125º 14? 15? to Long. 125º 19? 47? and Lat. 12º 02? 53? to Lat. 12º 10? 33?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 20) in the municipality of Oras covering the barangays of Lojang, Lamacoy, Anoganga, Pananangatan, lying the north and south bank of Dalores River at Long. 125º 22? 32? to Long. 125º 28? 17? and Lat. 12º 04? 97? to Lat. 12º 10? 00?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 21) in the municipalities of Borongan and Mayoolong covering the barangay of Bagacay and southern portion of the slopes of Nonito Apoy, lying in the north bank of Sunibao River at Long. 125º 20? 53? to Long. 125º 26? 06? and Lat. 11º 31? 03? to Lat. 11º 36? 10?; open and denuded areas in the municipalities of Balangcayan, Llorente, Gen. MacArthur covering the barangays of Cantango, Caracio, Concepcion and Borac at Long. 125º; open and denuded areas (Parcel 24) in the municipality of Salcedo covering the barangays of Opong and Canapdapan at Long. 125º 35? 12? to Long. 125º 38? 13? and Lat. 11º 06? 05? to Lat. 11º 10? 00? all in the province of Eastern Samar.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 1) in the municipality of San Jose covering the northern part of barangay Trujillo at Long. 125º 29? 23? to Long. 124º 31? 31? and Lat. 12º 33? 16? to Lat. 12º 27? 44?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 2) in the municipality of Catarman covering the northern part of barangay Sinagtunob at Long. 124º 34? 56? to Long. 124º 37? 32? and Lat. 12º 28? 17? to Lat. 12º 29? 31?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 3) in the municipalities of Mondragon and Catarman covering the barangay of Caghantic at Long. 124º 41? 06? to Long. 124º 43? 01? and Lat. 12º 27? 28? to Lat. 12º 29? 56?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 4) in the Municipality of San Roque covering the barangay of Balnasan, Giparayan, Gunualgan, Equito, lying in the banks of the upstream part of Pambuhan River at Long. 124º 53? 29 to Long. 124º 53? 29? and Lat. 12º 26? 38? to Lat. 12º 31? 14?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 5A) in the municipality of San Isidro near the boundary of Northern Samar lying in the banks of the upstream portion of Mano River at Long. 124º 26? 31? to Long. 124º 28? 43? and Lat. 12º 18? 50? to Lat. 12º 20? 20?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 6A) in the municipalities of Bohon and Catarman near the boundary of Southern Samary lying in the east and west bank of Himonini River covering the barangays of Bayo, Pilar, Caganibang, Ligo, Cabatuban, Pagsangan, Capadiangan at Long. 124º 32? 53? to Long. 124º 38? 22? and Lat. 12º 15? 41? to Lat. 12º 23? 46?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 7A) in the municipalities of Gamay, Catubig, Mapanas, lying near the boundary of Northern Samar covering the barangays of Bangon de Gamay and Cagamutan at Long. 125º 09? 27? to Long. 125º 14? 23? and Lat. 12º 19? 40? to Lat. 12º 24? 27?; open and denuded areas in the municipalities of Mapanas and Gamay covering the barangays of Anito and Cadajonan at Long. 125º 01? 55? to Long. 125º 13? 50? and Lat. 12º 23? 29? to Lat. 12º 27? 11?; all in province of Northern Samar.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 5B) in the municipality of Quendo near the boundary of Samar and northern Samar lying in the east and west bank of Himonini River covering the barangays of Bayo, Pilar, Caganibang, Ligo, Cabatuban at Long. 124º 26? 31? to Long. 124º 31? 38? and Lat. 12º 11? 55? to Lat. 12º 20? 04?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 6B) in the municipality of Quendo covering the barangay of Caybago, Cabicahon and Litid at Long. 124º 31? 53? to Long. 124º 38? 05? and Lat. 120º 12? 28? to Lat. 12º 17? 44?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 9) in the municipality of Quendo covering the barangays of Malaga, Pira, San Joaquin and Binalco at Long. 125º 23? 13? to Long. 124º 28? 58? and Lat. 12º 06? 59? to Lat. 12º 15? 41?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 10) in the municipality of Quendo, Calbayog City covering the barangay of Pinangalad lying at the southern part of the slopes of Mt. Adga at Long. 124º 39? 27? to Long. 124º 45? 33? and Lat. 12º 09? 35? to Lat. 12º 12? 28?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 11) in the municipalities of Gandara at Long. 124º 50? 29 to Long. 124º 45? 33? and Lat. 12º 02? 36? to Lat. 12º 06? 26?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 12) in the municipalities of Gandara and San Agustin covering the southeastern part of barangay Catundan at Long. 124º 58? 09? to Long. 125º 02? 44? and Lat. 11º 57? 36? to Lat. 12º 00? 41?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 14) in the municipalities of Jiabong and Motiong lying in the tributaries upstream Naghuc and Teonon River at Long. 125º 02? 53? to Long. 125º 07? 40? and Lat. 11º 48? 42? to Lat. 11º 58? 06?; open and denuded areas in the municipalities of Motiong and Wright covering the barangays of Lawaan, Casandig and Tirane, lying in the banks of the mainstream and upper tributaries of Cadacan River, at Long. 125º 02? 53? to Long. 125º 07? 40? and Lat. 11º 48? 42? to Lat. 11º 58? 06; open and denuded areas (Parcel 15) in the municipalities of Calbiga covering the eastern part of barangays Polangin and Pinayunan lying in the mainstream of Diga River at Long. 125º 06? 51? Long. 125º 10? 41? and Lat. 11º 39? 02?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 16) in the municipalities of Sta. Rita, Villareal covering the barangays of San Isidro, San Eduardo, Tulay, Taminamos, Manaca, Sta. Cruz, Bagoliban at Long. 125º 00? 00? to Long. 125º 09? 27? and Lat. 11º 21? 59? to Lat. 11º 25? 41?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 17) in the municipality of Sta. Rita covering the northern portion of barangay Sohotan lying in the banks of the western tributaries upstream of Basey River at Long. 125º 10? 58? to Long. 125º 09? 27? and Lat. 11º 22? 16? to Lat. 11º 25? 45?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 18) in the municipality of Basey covering the barangays of Sta. Cruz, La Paz, Bagoliban, Alegria, Mataog, Bolongan; Sta Elena, at Long. 125º 10? 58? to Long. 125º 13? 42? and Lat. 11º 10? 33? to Lat. 11º 18? 17?; all in the province of Samar.



Open and denuded areas (Parcel 21) in Basilan sub-province found at the municipalities of Lamitan, Isabela, Lantawan, Maluso and Sumipsip along the northern and western portions of Mt. Muhaji at Long. 121º 52? 48? to Long. 122º 05? 50? and Lat. 6º 31? 08? to Lat. 6º 41? 30?; all in the province of Basilan.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 2) in the municipality of Pinan covering the northern portion of barangay Milado and bounded at the east by Dipolog River and at the west by Polanco River at Long. 123º 25? 09? to Long. 123º 27? 16? and Lat. 8º 20? 50? to Lat. 8º 23? 02?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 1) in the municipalities of Pres. Roxas, Pinan, Manukan, Sergio Osmeña, Bayanihan and Katipunan covering the barangays of Mamara, Tamanan, Marupay and Seres at Long. 123º 04? 41? to Long. 123º 17? 16? and Lat. 8º 12? 30? to Lat. 8º 26? 19?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 3) in the municipalities of Manukan and Siayan covering barangay Malopoy and eastern portion of barangays Siasi and Malibot at Long. 123º 01? 55? to Long. 123º 04? 42? and Lat. 8º 17? 35? to Lat. 8º 23? 02? and Long. 123º 00? 54? to Long. 123º 02? 53? and Lat. 8º 16’05” to Lat 8º 18’53”; open and denuded areas (Parcel 5A) in the municipality of Sergio Osmeña covering the barangays of Batan, Disoyod, Dipola and Linay at Long. 123º 11? 21? to Long. 123º 17? 00? and Lat. 8º 12? 30? to Lat. 8º 15? 52?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 6) in the municipalities of Sinlangan and Salug covering the southern portions of barangay Talinga, Palandok and Caracal at Long. 122º 47? 53? to Long. 122º 56? 00? and Lat. 8º 01? 06? to Lat. 8º 06? 56?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 7) in the municipalities of Salug and Liloy covering the barangays of Molos, Mulus Camp and northern portion of Bacalan at Long. 122º 37? 11? to Long 122º 47? 53? and Lat. 7º 53? 16? to Lat. 8º 03? 19?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 8) in the municipalities of Labason covering Mt. Dausalan and the northern portion of Kalawit at Long. 122º 23? 15? to Long 122º 34? 34? and Lat. 7º 53? 27? to Lat. 7º 53? 27? to Lat. 8º 02? 19?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 9) in the municipality of Siocon covering barangays Basu, Mamod, Tumao and southern portion of Milidan at Long. 122º 08? 51? to Long. 122º 13? 03? and Lat. 7º 50? 25? to Lat. 7º 54? 03?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 10) in the municipality of Siocon covering some portion of barangay Duluguin at Long. 122º 05? 06? to Long. 122º 07? 08? and Lat. 7º 43? 26? to Lat. 7º 45? 55?; other portion at barangay Puerto Sta. Maria at Long. 122º 07? 55 to Long. 122º 09? 58? and Lat. 7º 44? 12? to Lat. 7º 46? 31?; at barangays Makuyana, Latabon, east of Lituban and Siay at Long. 122º 05? 56? to Long. 122º 13? 14? and Lat. 7º 34? 44? to Lat. 7º 47? 42? and at barangay Makugan at Long. 122º 10? 06? to Long. 122º 12? 48? and Lat. 7º 35? 15? to Lat 7º 37? 04?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 14) in the municipality of Sirauai, north of barangay Piakan and north Makugan at Long. 122º 06? 23? to Long. 122º 14? 30? and Lat. 7º 30? 23? to Lat 7º 35? 31? and at areas in between barangays Piakan and Anungan at Long. 122º 05? 06? to Long. 122º 13? 03? at Lat 7º 28? 24? to Lat 7º 31? 17? all in the province of Zamboanga del Norte.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 1B) in the municipality of Mahayag covering barangays Magobos and Mt. Dapiak at Long. 123º 22? 42? to Long. 123º 27? 38? and Lat. 8º 10? 15? to Lat. 8º 12? 30?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 5B) in the municipalities of Dumingag and Midsalip at barangay Talapan and east of Dipalo at Long. 123º 12? 04? to Long 123º 17? 18? and Lat. 8º 05? 42? to Lat. 8º 12? 30? and at barangay Tangoayan and southeast of Mahayag at Long. 123º 17? 00? to Long. 123º 23? 44? and Lat. 8º 01? 55? to Lat. 8º 05? 42?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 16) in the municipalities of Titay, Ipil and Tungawan covering barangays Tigbuaya, Maricol, Tigbalangao, Datutumasan, Upper Tupilac Dotto Bitong, Lacauman mountains, Surabay, Silingan, north of Mt. Palina and Mt. Silingan at Long. 122º 18? 50? to Long. 122º 32? 14? and Lat. 7º 49? 53?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 17) in the municipality of Alicia covering Mt. Logona, east of Mt. Kaladi and barangays Bacacao, Lotiman, Lambuyogan, Gapol, Kamayan, Bucayag, Tangcong, Timbang-Timbang, Buinangan, Mabuhay and Tobac at Long. 122º 50? 33? to Long. 122º 00? 54? and Lat. 7º 27? 37? to Lat. 7º 38? 40?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 18) in Zamboanga City covering the western portion of barangays Limumu up to barangay Daup at Long. 122º 05? 34? to Long. 122º 18? 25? to Lat. 7º 00? 51? to Lat. 7º 27? 32?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 19) in the municipality of Tungawan at Long. 122º 11? 51? to long 122º 13? 53? and Lat. 7º 22? 45? to Lat. 7º 24? 04?, all in the province of Zamboanga del Sur.



Open and denuded areas (Parcel 3) in the municipality of Nasipit covering the barangays of Magoon and Kinabliangon at Long. 125º 19? 40? to Long. 125º 21? 45? and Lat. 8º 54? 25? to Lat. 8º 57? 08?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 4A) in the municipalities of Butuan City and Las Nieves covering the area east of Agusan River at Long. 125º 35? 57? to Long. 125º 42? 30? and Lat. 8º 46? 10? to Lat. 8º 58? 30?.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 4B) in the municipality of  Bayugan covering the barangays of Manipis, Sibagat and Maygatasan at Long. 125º 35? 57? to Long. 125º 42? 30? and Lat. 8º 46? 10? to Lat. 8º 30? 41?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 5) in the municipalities of Esperanza and Prosperidad covering the northern portion of Mt. Lanumbaan at Long. 125º 46? 00? to Long 125º 50? 49? and Lat. 8º 37? 30? to Lat. 8º 39? 33? in the province of Agusan del Sur.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 9) in the municipalities of Baungon and Talakag covering portions of Mamala Creek and Tagiti River at Long. 124º 36? 05? to Long. 124º 41? 58? and Lat. 8º 14? 07? to Lat. 8º 19? 26?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 10) in the municipalities of Sumilao, Impasugong and Malaybalay covering the barangays of Pantalan, Licoan and Lupiagan north of Mt. Nanluyaw. Mt. Alanib and Mt. Kaatoan at Long. 124º 52? 34? to Long. 125º 00? 00? and Lat. 8º 09? 00? to Lat. 8º 16? 38?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 11) in the municipality of Maramag east of Maramag River at Long. 124º 55? 16? to Long. 125º 01? 05? and Lat. 7º 46? 18? to Lat. 7º 49? 34?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 12) in the municipality of Quezon covering the barangays of Kulaman, Bauyan and Salawagan west of Salawagan plain and Mt. Tangkulan at Long. 125º 10? 12? and Lat. 7º 43? 34? to Lat. 7º 48? 57?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 13) in the municipality of pangantocan, Don Carlos, and Kadingilan, southeast of Mt. Kidonging at Long. 124º 50? 24? to Long. 124º 54? 11? and Lat. 7º 38? 07? to Lat 7º 42? 28?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 14) in the municipality of Don Carlos and Kitaotao west of Kitaotao creek at Long. 124º 55? 26? to Long. 124º 57? 18? and Lat. 7º 38? 07? to Lat. 7º 41? 28?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 15) in the municipalities of Don Carlos, Quezon and Kitaotao east of Lake Pinamalay and west of Nanpon plaint at Long. 125º 01? 21? to Long. 125º 05? 00? and Lat. 7º 38? 11? to Lat. 7º 44? 19?; all in the province of Bukidnon.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 6) covering the municipality of Magsaysay covering the barangays of Artadi, Caramilio, Consuelo and Odiongan at Long. 125º 13? 02? to Long. 125º 14? 40? and Lat. 8º 52? 46? to Lat. 8º 58? 51?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 7) in the municipalities of Cagayan de Oro City, Maticao, Opol, El Salvador, and Naawan covering the central portion of the Mapoto mountain range, eastern part of Kitanglad mountain ranges, southern portion of Makawa hills at Long. 124º 20? 56? to Long. 124º 35? 00? and Lat. 8º 20? 31? to Lat. 8º 30? 41?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 8) in Cagayan de Oro City and municipality of Libona covering the barangays of New Baungon and Imdanag at Long. 124º 41? 45? to Long. 124º 45? 12? and Lat. 8º 19? 46? to Lat. 8º 26? 23?, all in the province of Misamis Oriental.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 1) in the municipalities of Surigao City, San Francisco, Sison, Malimono and Mainit covering the southwestern part of Mainit Lake up to the northern portion of Mt. Tendido at Long. 125º 25? 49? to Long. 125º 30? 04? and Lat. 9º 29? 07? to Lat. 9º 46? 50?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 2) in the municipalities of Placer, Tubod, and Alegria covering the barangays of Badas, Timawanan, Capayahan and Candi-is and the southwestern portion of Mt. Kabutuan at Long. 125º 36? 13? to Long. 125º 37? 54? and Lat. 9º 30? 33? to Lat. 9º 36? 16? all in the province of Surigao del Norte.



Open and denuded areas (Parcel 9) in the southwestern portion of barangay Tagpanio, west of Davao River, municipality of Kapalong, at Long. 125º 20? 16? to Long. 125º 21? 29? and Lat. 7º 43 34? to Lat. 7º 44? 56?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 10) in the municipality of Asuncion; one portion is situated northwest of Biga River, at Long. 125º 43? 07? to Long. 125º 44? 19? and Lat. 7º 58? 27? to Lat. 7º 59? 41?; the other portion is situated in the north of Biga River at Long. 125º 45? 49? to Long. 125º 47? 27? and Lat. 7º 58? 17? to Lat. 7º 59? 41?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 11) covering the barangay Buan, northern portion of barangay Macgum, municipality of New Corrella also covers the southern portion of barangay Tigasa, western portion of Kilagden and Camansa, northwestern portion of barangay Sagayan, the entire barangay of Madgao, southeastern portion of barangay Concepcion, municipality of Asuncion, traversing San River in the south, and Buan River in the east at Long. 125º 43? 31? to Long. 125º 49? 52? and Lat. 7º 38? 54? to Lat. 7º 46? 55?; open and denuded areas in the municipalities of Montevista and Nabunturan traversing Linda River in the south at Long. 125º 55? 08? to Long. 126º 00? 00? and Lat. 7º 25? 37? to Lat. 7º 42? 11?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 13) covering the northwestern portion of barangay Katologan, southwest of Mt. Bagumbun, at Long. 126º 09? 19? to Long. 126º 12? 34? and Lat. 7º 35? 53? to Lat. 7º 38? 46?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 14) covering the southwestern portion of barangay Sabaki, municipality of New Bataan, also, portions of the municipalities of Mako, Mawab, Mabini, traversing the Agusan River at Long. 126º 05? 25? to Long. 126º 08? 39? and Lat. 7º 22? 49? to Lat. 7º 28? 06?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 15A) in the municipality of Panabo, traversing Bunawan River, northeast of Davao River at Long. 125º 30? 00? to Long. 125º 33? 47? and Lat. 7º 14? 23? to Lat. 7º 19? 47?; all in the province of Davao del Norte.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 15B) in the municipality of Paquibato, southern portion of barangay Kananganan, traversing Bunawan River, north of Davao River at Long. 125º 27? 18? to Long. 125º 30? 00? and Lat. 7º 00? 33? to Lat. 7º 20? 29?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 16) covering barangay Lumot, western portion of barangay Tagluno, southwest of Apo range, eastern portion of Mount Talomo, traversing the Lipadas River at Long. 125º 21? 29? to Long. 125º 24? 11? and Lat. 7º 00? 41? to Lat. 7º 05? 45?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 17) covering some portions of the municipalities of Bansalan, Digos and Sta. Cruz, traversing Digos River, south, southwestern portion of Mt. Apo at Long. 125º 09? 35? to Long. 125º 25? 49? and Lat. 6º 47? 03? to Lat. 6º 58? 17?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 18) covering western portion of barangays New Argao, Lais, northeastern portion of barangay Talagutan, municipality of Malita, southeast of Malita River, traversing Lais River at Long 125º 31? 36? to Long. 125º 39? 28? and Lat. 6º 15? 16? to Lat. 6º 23? 29?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 19) covering the southern portion of barangay Talagutan, municipality of Malita, western portion of barangay Lawa, municipality of Don Marcelino at Long. 125º 38? 39? to Long. 125º 42? 10? and Lat. 6º 09? 35? to Lat. 6º 15? 25?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 20) covering the barangays of Lapuan, kalian, northwest of Kalian point, municipality of Don Marcelino at Long. 125º 40? 36? to Long. 125º 42? 18? and Lat. 6º 06? 25? to Lat. 6º 09? 11?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 21) covering the northeastern portion of barangay Maybio, north, northwestern portion of barangay Magulibas, municipality of Jose Abad Santos, traversing Malabuluan River, east, northeast of Mount Nara at Long 125º 34? 44? to Long. 125º 38? 14? and Lat. 5º 5? 25? to Lat 5º 57? 28?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 22) covering the southern portion of barangay Kalipagan, situated in the northwestern part of Dome peak, northeast of Hagdan Point of Long. 125º 17? 18? to Long. 125º 19? 19? and Lat. 5º 34? 31? to Lat. 5º 36’26”.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 28) covering the west northwest portion of barangay Pagpawan, north of Casauman River municipality of Caraga at Long. 126º 20? 57? to Long. 126º 23? 23? and Lat. 7º 15? 33? to Lat. 7º 16? 55?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 29) covering the northwestern part of barangay Anibongan, south of Casauman River, north of Quinanoan River, in the municipality of Manay, at Long. 126º 21? 21? to Long. 126º 22? 18? and Lat. 7º 11? 55? to Lat. 7º 13? 06?, all in the province of Davao Oriental.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 23) in the province of South Cotabato covering some portions of the municipalities of Koronadal and Tampakan, extending up to the portion of the province of Sultan Kudarat at Long. 124º 53? 14? to Long. 125º 02? 50? and Lat. 6º 25? 41? to Lat. 6º 33? 25?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 24) in the northern portion of Mt. Maitum, municipalities of Tampakan and Polomolok at Long. 125º 03? 39? to Long. 125º 07? 02? and Lat. 6º 22? 24? to Lat. 6º 26? 14?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 25) surrounding Lake Sebu, Lake Lahit, and Lake Sultan, southwest of Alah River, municipalities of T’boli and Surallah at Long. 124º 40? 41? to Long. 124º 45? 00? and Lat. 6º 12? 28? to Lat. 6º 19? 47?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 26) traversing Alah River, west of Sapali River in the municipalities of Surallah and T’boli, at Long. 124º 46? 21? to Long. 124º 47? 35? and Lat. 6º 13? 42? to Lat. 6º 17? 36?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 27) situated in the northeastern portion of Mt. Busa municipalities of T’boli and Kiamba at Long. 124º 46? 05? to Long. 124º 47? 50? and Lat. 6º 06? 10? to Lat. 6º 09? 44?; all in the province of South Cotabato.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 1) in western portion of barangay Buenavista north of Tandoy River, municipality of Tandag, at Long. 126º 06? 46? to Long. 125º 09? 19? and Lat. 9º 04? 19? to Lat. 9º 07? 05? open and denuded areas (Parcel 2) in the municipality of Tago and San Miguel northeast of Tago River, at Long. 126º 01? 46? to Long. 126º 08? 55? and Lat. 3º 55? 00? to Lat. 9º 59? 39?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 3) covering the western portion of barangays Saluagon and Bretona municipality of Lianga northwest of Linga Bay, at Long. 126º 08? 31? to Long. 126º 10? 57? and Lat. 8º 40? 08? to Lat. 8º 42? 53?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 4) in the municipality of Barobo, south of Lianga Bay, at Long. 126º 08? 55? to Long. 126º 18? 08? and Lat. 8º 30? 25? to Lat. 8º 32? 44?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 5) in the municipalities of Barobo, Tagbina, and Hinatuan, north of Hinatuan River traversing Tenago River, in the east at Long. 126º 09? 52? to Long 126º 22? 34? and Lat. 8º 25? 58? to Lat. 8º 30? 16?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 6) in the municipalities of Barobo and Tagbina southeast of Mt. Magdiwata at Long. 126º 03? 47? to Long. 126º 06? 21? and Lat. 8º 25? 58? to Lat. 8º 28? 34?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 7) covering the southeastern portion of barangay Butuan and western portion of barangay Sorigao, municipality of Tagbina at Long. 126º 07? 26? to Long. 126º 09? 44? and Lat. 8º 22? 24? to Lat. 8º 25? 24? to Lat. 8º 25? 00?; open and denuded areas (Parcel 8) covering the southern portion of barangay Soriano, municipality of Tagbina at Long. 126º 10? 08? to Long. 126º 11? 37? and Lat. 8º 21? 26? to Lat. 8º 23? 12?; all in the province of Surigao del Sur.



Open and denuded areas (Parcel 1) in the municipalities of Kapatagan and Sapad east of Dugdanan mountains at Long. 123º 41? 50' E to Long. 123º 46? 45' E and Lat. 7º 50? 00' N to Lat. 7º 52? 16' N; open and denuded areas (Parcel 3A) in the municipalities of Karomatan and Nunungan south to southwest of Mt. Iniaoan at Long. 123º 59? 27' E to Long. 124º 03' E and Lat. 7º 49? 30' N to Lat. 7º 52? 51' N all in the province of Lanao del Norte.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 2B) in the municipalities of Malabang and Pualas adjacent to Nunungan (Lanao del Norte) west of Maladi and Baras Rivers at Long. 123º 49’15” E to Long. 124º 02' E and Lat. 7º 39? 29' N to Lat. 7º 44? 36' N; open and denuded areas (Parcel 3B) in the municipality of Madamba adjacent to Nunungan (Lanao del Norte) east of Lake Danao and north of Lake Danao at Long. 124º 02? 30' E to Long. 124º 04? 17' E and Lat. 7º 50? 15' N to Lat. 7º 42? 30' N, all in the province of Lanao del Sur.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 4A) in the municipalities of Buldon and Parang covering the barangays of Tambak, Pantawanan, Catuba, Pinasangca, Pinantao, Cabayon, Ebcor Town, Sapad, and Talawaban at Long. 124º 09? 00' E to Long. 124º 26? 43' E and Lat. 7º 20? 00' N to Lat. 7º 33? 00' N; open and denuded areas (Parcel 5) in the municipalities of Upi and Dinig north of Matab River at Long. 124º 02? 40' E to Long. 124º 14? 25' E and Lat. 7º 00? 45' N to Lat. 7º 08? 30' N; open and denuded areas in the municipalities of Upi north to northeast of Mt. Binaca at Long. 124º 00? 50' E to Long. 124º 05? 00' E and Lat. 6º 55? 35' N to Lat. 7º 01? 17' N; open and denuded areas (Parcel 7) in the municipality of Upi traversed by Mateber and Grande Rivers at Long. 124º 04? 30' E to Long. 124º 07? 23' E and Lat. 5º 51? 16' N to Lat. 6º 55? 53' N; open and denuded areas (Parcel 8) in the municipality of Upi southwest of Mt. Blik at Long. 124º 08’E to Long. 124º 15? 45? and Lat. 6º 44? 00' N to Lat. 7º 00? 00' N all in the province of Maguindanao.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 4B) in the municipalities of Pigkawayan west of the Babon Range at Long. 124º 25? 46' E to Long. 124º 30? 14' E and Lat. 7º 17? 16' N to Lat. 7º 21? 47' N; open and denuded areas (Parcel 9) in the municipality of Alamada traversed by Makadasa River at Long. 124º 28? 53' E to Long. 124º 33? 15' E and Lat. 7º 25? 44' N to Lat. 7º 34? 16' N; open and denuded areas (Parcel 10) in the municipalities of Alamada and Carmen north of Bobon range and Kitabud mountains and traversed by Pidalan and Marikabag Rivers as Long. 124º 32? 45' E to Long. 124º 49? 10' E and to Lat. 7º 19? 39' N to Lat. 7º 37? 06' N, all in the province of North Cotabato.


Open and denuded areas (Parcel 11) in the municipality of Bagumbayan traversed by Maganoy River and its tributaries at Long. 124º 19? 43' E to Long. 124º 33? 00' E and Lat. 7º 20? 46' N to Lat. 6º 33? 20' N; open and denuded areas (Parcel 12) in the municipality of Columbio at the southwestern portion of Alip mountains at Long. 124º 58? 46' E to Long. 125º 06? 00' E and Lat. 6º 37? 00' N to Lat. 6º 41? 15' N.

containing a total area of 1,502,246 hectares, more or less, subject to future ground survey and delimitation, for specific conversion to agro-forestry uses consistent with the reforestation program of government and the KKK thrust of providing livelihood opportunities to a large segment of the rural poor under the management and administration of the Ministry of Human Settlements, in conformity with existing rules and regulations on public lands.⚖ - ℒαɯρhi৷

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have herewith set my hand and caused the Seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed.

Done in Metro Manila, Philippines, this 29th day of March in the year of Our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Three.

President of the Philippines

By the President:

Presidential Executive Assistant

The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation