[ Proclamation No. 1875, July 25, 1979 ]
“A parcel of land, situated in the City of Baguio, Island of Luzon, bounded on the South, along lines 7-8 by property of Carl Gustav Hammes, on the west along line 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, by Lot 2-B (LRC) PSD- 9973 and (LRC) PSD-10 108, on the Northwest along line 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, by lot 7 and 8 of Braulio Bendaen, on the North along line 32, 33, by property of Forest Research Institute on the Northwest along line 34, 35, 36 by the Baguio Balatoc Road, and on the West along line 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, by property of Export Processing Zone Authority, Presidential Proclamation No. 1825. Beginning at the point marked “I” on the plan being N65-23 E, 1069.68 meters from triangulation station “Boyd” Baguio Townsite.
thence S42 deg. 23’W 193.17 m. to point 2
thence S10 deg. 23’W 78.33 m. to point 3
thence S22 deg. 12’W 21.55 m. to point 4
thence S42 deg. 43’W 27.77 m. to point 5
thence S63 deg. 03’W 177.96 m. to point 6
thence N14 deg. 30’W 51.70 m. to point 7
thence N28 deg. 59’W 135.40 m. to point 8
thence N46 deg. 40’E 41.64 m. to point 9
thence N55 deg. 00’E 30.55 m. to point 10
thence N55 deg. 00’E 30.92 m. to point 11
thence N30 deg. 07’W 24.62 m. to point 12
thence N5 deg. 19’E 23.76 m. to point 13
thence N5 deg. 58’W 20.67 m. to point 14
thence S41 deg. 06’E 22.91 m. to point 15
thence N41 deg. 06’W 22.78 m. to point 16
thence N35 deg. 25’E 46.03 m. to point 17
thence N40 deg. 46’W 22.00 m. to point 18
thence N40 deg. 46’W 48.84 m. to point 19
thence N40 deg. 46’W 48.04 m. to point 20
thence S37 deg. 04’W 34.20 m. to point 21
thence S37 deg. 04’W 20.00 m. to point 22
thence S37 deg. 04’W 20.00 m. to point 23
thence S37 deg. 04’W 20.00 m. to point 24
thence S37 deg. 04’W 20.00 m. to point 25
thence S37 deg. 04’W 52.71 m. to point 26
thence N76 deg. 02’W 16.08 m. to point 27
thence N25 deg. 40’W 20.00 m. to point 28
thence N4 deg. 30’E 73.31 m. to point 29
thence N11 deg. 02’W 55.80 m. to point 30
thence N13 deg. 24’W 105.49 m. to point 31
thence N25 deg. 04’W 28.63 m. to point 32
thence S77 deg. 41’E 207.67 m. to point 33
thence S5 deg. 04’E 20.87 m. to point 34
thence S36 deg. 43’E 107.93 m. to point 35
thence S58 deg. 05’E 112.64 m. to point 36
thence S37 deg. 54’E 67.22 m. to point of
“A parcel of land situated in the City of Baguio, Island of Luzon, bounded on the South along lines 5, 6 by Civil Aeronautics Administration, on the West along lines 6, 1, 2 by CAA and Baguio City Export Processing Zone, on the North along line 3, 4 by a deep ravine and Public land on the East along lines 4, 5 by Public land. Beginning at a point marked “I” on the plan being S88-12E, 1716.12 meters from triangulation station “Boyd” Baguio Townsite.
thence N 23 deg. 19’W 100.20 m. to point 2
thence S 60 deg. 56’W 179.89 m. to point 3
thence S 75 deg. 43’E 198.85 m. to point 4
thence Due South 67.80 m. to point 5
thence Due West 310.38 m. to point 6
thence Due North 112.24 m. to point
of beginning. Containing an area of THIRTY SIX THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED SEVENTY THREE AND 32/100 (36,773.32) SQUARE METERS, MORE OR LESS.”
“A parcel of land situated in the City of Baguio, Island of Luzon, bounded on the South along line 16A, 17A, 18A by public land, on the West along lines 19, 20, 21, 22, by a creek, on the North along lines 23, and 1 by P. M. A. Road and on the East along lines 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 by the existing Baguio Balatoc, Philex Mines Road. Beginning at a point marked “I” on the plan being 875-40E, 2189.37 meters from triangulation station “Boyd”.
thence S2 deg. 53’E 138.11 m. to point 2
thence Due South 65.58 m. to point 3
thence S17 deg. 46’E 59.65 m. to point 4
thence S50 deg. 26’E 39.54 m. to point 5
thence S57 deg. 49’E 68.23 m. to point 6
thence S15 deg. 09’E 80.61 m. to point 7
thence S0 deg. 56’E 62.55 m. to point 8
thence S29 deg. 40’E 120.88 m. to point 9
thence S71 deg. 14’E 56.64 m. to point 10
thence S36 deg. 29’E 42.57 m. to point 11
thence S24 deg. 47’W 115.97 m. to point 12
thence S0 deg. 42’W 89.10 m. to point 13
thence S17 deg. 23’E 76.12 m. to point 14
thence S86 deg. 34’E 73.54 m. to point 15
thence S30 deg. 18’E 29.91 m. to point 16
thence S27 deg. 16’W 232.94 m. to point 16A
thence S84 deg. 40’W 192.63 m. to point 17A
thence N67 deg. 05’W 255.47 m. to point 18A
thence N9 deg. 23’E 266.70 m. to point 19
thence N17 deg. 12’W 247.88 m. to point 20
thence N12 deg. 56’W 140.29 m. to point 21
thence N6 deg. 25’W 219.84 m. to point 22
thence N64 deg. 56’W 219.82 m. to point 23
thence N60 deg. 45’E 196.64 m. to point of
(Note: These data are approximate and are subject to future survey, verification and approval.)
The disposition, construction, development and/or alternation of any part of the areas defined above shall be subject to such plans, regulations and conditions to be formulated jointly by the Ministry of Human Settlements and Export Processing Zone Authority (EPZA). For this purpose, a Memorandum of Agreement shall be entered into between the Ministry of Human Settlements and Export Processing Zone Authority to constitute a joint body for the planning, development and administration of the areas concerned.1aшphi1
DONE in the City of Manila, this 25th day of July, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and seventy-nine.