[ MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. 10, November 08, 2022 ]


The Office of the President Performance Management Group (PMG), created through Memorandum Order No. 7, dated 08 November 2016, to oversee and manage the implementation of the Performance-Based Incentive System and Strategic Performance Management Systems in the Office of the President (OP) Proper, is hereby reconstituted as follows:

Designation Designee
Chair : Deputy Executive Secretary for Finance and Administration
Vice-Chair : Deputy Executive Secretary for Internal Audit
Members : Deputy Executive Secretary for General Administration
: Deputy Executive Secretary for Legal Affairs
: Chief-of-Staff, Office of the Executive Secretary
: Assistant Secretary designee from the Office of the Senior Deputy Executive Secretary
: President, Office of the President Career Executive Service Officers' Association, Inc.
: President, Office of the President Employees' Network

The reconstituted OP-PMG shall perform the following functions and responsibilities

1. Regularly review the OP organizational Performance Indicators Framework (OPIF);

2. Ensure that office performance targets and measures, as well as the budgets, are aligned with the OP-OPIF and related issuances on performance management;

3. Issue guidelines to office heads regarding their annual performance indicators and targets;

4. Recommend to the Executive Secretary the approval of the office performance commitments and ratings;

5. Act as final arbiter for performance management issues in OP;

6. Recommend potential top performers and provide inputs to the Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence Committee for the grant of awards and incentives;

7. Set policies, and ensure the implementation of the 4-stage SPMS Cycle for the 1st and 2nd levels;

8. Set policies and ensure the implementation of the appropriate PMS for 3rd level career and non-career officials;

9. Ensure and monitor the implementation of the Quality Management System in the OP; and

10. Undertake performance-related initiatives as directed by the Executive Secretary.

The Office of the Deputy Executive Secretary for Finance and Administration - Technical Service Office and the Human Resource Management Office shall jointly provide administrative, technical, and secretariat support services to the PMG. The PMG may likewise create technical working group/s as may be necessary.

Memorandum Order No. 7, dated 08 November 2016 is hereby repealed. All other issuances that are inconsistent with the provisions in this Order are hereby revoked, amended, or modified accordingly.

This Memorandum Order shall take effect immediately.1a⍵⍴h!1

By authority the President:

Executive Secretary

Manila, 08 November 2022

The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation