[ Memorandum Order No. 416, February 13, 1997 ]


WHEREAS, cardiovascular diseases (CVD) affect a large segment of the Philippine population causing tremendous pain, sufferings and economic burdens on the victims, families and the nation as a whole;

WHEREAS, the Department of Health has formulated a comprehensive National Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Control Program (NCVDPCP) nationwide;

WHEREAS, the prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases has been proclaimed a priority program of government.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, FIDEL V. RAMOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order the Department of Health and the Department of Interior and Local Government to take the lead in coordinating the implementation of the National Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Control Program (NCVDPCP). In the coordination of action to implement the program nationwide, the following shall:

A. Department of Health

1. Provide direction in the nationwide implementation of the National Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Control Program (NCVDPCP);

2. Coordinate the activities of the program through the Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Advisory Council, technical working groups and task forces;

3. Develop and produce Information, Education, Communication (IEC) and other materials;

4. Solicit the participation and support of pertinent non-government organizations, professional associations and private individuals and health practitioners;

5. Conduct orientation and training for and in collaboration with the participating departments and agencies on the National Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Control Program (NCVDPCP) particularly on the strategies of prevention and control; and

6. Monitor the nationwide implementation of the program, evaluate its effectiveness, and submit periodic reports thereon to the Office of the President.

B. The Department of Interior and Local Government

Ensure the active participation of all local government units (LGUs) in the implementation of the said program and provide them the necessary administrative and funding support.

C. The Department of Education, Culture and Sports

1. Continue with the teaching of CVD prevention and control in schools in collaboration with the Philippine Heart Center (PHC) and promote the program in private schools;

2. Support/undertake orientation and training of teachers on the effective integration of CVD concepts in school curricula, and evaluate and monitor such integration;

3. Provide cardiovascular disease (CVD) services to students/pupils, teachers and non-teaching personnel;

4 Allocate funds through its regular budget for the cardiovascular disease (CVD) services and the succeeding printing of the teaching materials;

5. Conduct training of schools health and nutrition personnel on the identification and management of rheumatic fever/rheumatic heart disease/cardiovascular disease (RF-RHD-CVD) cases in schools.

D. The Department of Labor and Employment

1 Adopt and implement the industry-based strategy of the National Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Control Program (NCVDPCP);

2. Initiate programs promoting the orientation and training of company physicians, nurses, managers, and/or other appropriate personnel, in collaboration with the CVD training corps, in CVD prevention and control; and

3. Monitor the implementation of the program in industrial companies.

E. The Civil Service Commission

1 Adopt and implement the Industry-Based strategy of the National Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Control Program (NCVDPCP) to include government owned and controlled corporations; and

2 Monitor the implementation of the program in the public sector.

F. The Department of National Defense

1 Undertake orientation/training of Department of National Defense (DND) health personnel in collaboration with the cardiovascular disease (CVD) training corps; and

2 Monitor the implementation of the program in its area of responsibility.

G. The Philippine Information Agency

1 Advocate and disseminate information to the public on the promotion of cardiovascular health and healthful lifestyles through government media, as well as obtain support of the private media sectors for the purpose; and

2. Assist/collaborate with the Department of Health (DOH) in the development of information, education, communication (IEC) materials on cardiovascular disease (CVD).1aшphi1

The concerned agencies shall allocate funds through their own budgets for the implementation and administration of the program in their respective areas of responsibility.

This Memorandum Order shall take effect immediately.

DONE in the City of Manila, this 13th day of February in the year of Our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Seven.


By the President:

Executive Secretary

The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation