[ Memorandum Circular No. 1205, November 11, 1980 ]



TO : Minister Onofre D. Corpuz, MEC

Political Deputy Minister Felicita G. Bernandino, MI

Director Gregorio S. Cendaņa, NMPC and OIC, MPI

Regional Directors, MPI

Regional Communication Officers, NMPC

1. A Technical Working Group Meeting on Educational Broadcasting was organized in 1979 in Malaysia for developing guidelines for the production, use, and evaluation of educational radio/television programmes. It was envisaged that National Workshops should be held for the development of national capacities as the next step.

2. The first series will be held on 9-15 December 1930 at the Maharlika Broadcasting Complex, National Media Production Center, Bohol Avenue, Quezon City.

3. The Office of Nonformal Education, Ministry of Education and Culture, will host the workshop jointly with the National Media Production Center and Ministry of Public Information. The Workshop is sponsored by ACEID/UNESOCO.

4. The specific objectives of the workshop are:

a) To provide an opportunity to staff and institutions engaged in educational broadcasting, including those operating outside the educational system, to meet, to share experiences, and review problems, plans, growth points and gaps in the national efforts in the light of national policies, priorities and plans;

b) To synthesize experiences in the production, use and evaluation of educational broadcasting programmes, with particular reference to national efforts for the promotion of universalization of education;

c) To identify and document new techniques and approaches in use in the country (or under consideration) for the production, use and evaluation of educational radio/television programmes;

d) To select 5 to 10 radio broadcasts and 1 to 3 TV programmes from among those produced locally, review them as a cooperative exercise.

5. The participants in this workshop are the following:

Thirteen (13) regional/division nonformal education supervisors who are overall coordinators of the Lingap ng Pangulo sa Baranqay Progam, one from each region;

Seven (7) radio production staff of the National Media Production Center, one each from regions 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 12 and NCR;

Six (6) radio production staff of the Bureau of Broadcast, Ministry of Public Information, one each from regions 1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11.

6. The Political Deputy Minister and Incharge of Nonformal Education, Ministry of Education and Culture and the Director, National Media Production Center, concurrently Officer-in-Charqe, Ministry of Public & INformation, will be the overall consultants. Staff from MEC-NFE (Lingap) who have attended broadcasting trainings abroad shall be the facilitators.

7. Participants are required to prepare and bring with them at least 30 copies of their report on the Lingap Program and other existing educational radio/TV programs in the region emphasizing among other things the following:

Approaches and Techniques on




Problems and Solutions


8. An advance copy of the aforesaid report should be sent to the Lingap Operations Center, National Media Production Center, Bohol Avenue, Quezon City, not later than 24 November 1980.1aшphi1

9. Transportation expenses, allowance, per diems, one day before and one day after the workshop shall be charged against local funds, subject to the usual auditing and accounting regulations.

10. While in attendance in this workshop, every participant shall be given ?35.00 a day, chargeable against UNESCO fund.

11. Inclosed is the tentative program of activities. It is desired that this Memorandum Circular be immediately disseminated for the information and guidance of all concerned.

Presidential Executive Assistant

Manila, November 11, 1980

The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation