[ Memorandum Circular No. 1040, January 31, 1978 ]
1. To enable the regional coordinating teams to work together on guidelines, strategies in the production, dissemination/delivery, and feedback/evaluation for more effective implementation of LOI No. 561, a live-in-seminar workshop for regional coordinating teams of Lingap Ng Pangulo Sa Barangay will be held on February 20 to 25, 1978, at the Hiyas Convention Center, Malolos, Bulacan.
2. After the seminar-workshop, the participants should be able to:
a. Identify their role as coordinating members of their regional team, accept that role, and be committed to it;
b. Understand the operational machinery for implementation of LOI No. 651;
c. Identify, from their individual experience with the program, the problems that should be overcome for the program’s effective implementations; and
d. Work out team solutions to these problems.
3. Each region shall solutions to these problems:
One representative from DEC;
One representative from DPI;
One representative from DILGOD;
One representative from KBP;
One representative from NMPC;
The Curriculum Writers/Field Coordinators of Lingap are participants and at the same time will compose the Secretariat.
4. All expenses incident to the attendance at the live-in seminar will be borne by the Office of the Undersecretary for Non-Formal Education and other agencies involved in Lingap subject to the usual auditing and accounting procedures.
5. Every participant is entitled to free transportation from his/her official station to the seminar site including per diems and expenses for board and lodging one day before and after the seminar.
It is requested that each region submit during the seminar a report on the following:
a. Lingap ng Pangulo Organizational Structure
b. Broadcast Format
c. Stations carrying Lingap
d. Sample scripts of radio spots and plugs.
7. Enclosed is the tentative program of activities. It is requested that this Memorandum-Circular be given immediate dissemination.1aшphi1