EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 564 August 28, 2006
WHEREAS, Executive Order (E.O.) 376 s. 1989 signed by former President Corazon C. Aquino, as amended by E.O. 93 s 1993 signed by President Fidel V. Ramos, established the Regional Project Monitoring and Evaluation System (RPMES) to expedite project implementation;
WHEREAS, E.O. 553 s. 2006 established an Infrastructure Monitoring Task Force headed by the Director-General of the Presidential Management Staff with assigned personnel from the National Economic and Development Authority, Department of Public Works and Highway, Department of Transportation and Communications, Department of Energy and the Export Development Council. The Task Force invited a representative from the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
WHEREAS, The President's State of the Nation Address (SONA) 2006 stressed the importance of infrastructure;
WHEREAS, after a diligent review of E.O. 376, 93 and 553, there is a need to rationalize the RPMES and the Infrastructure Monitoring Task Force;
WHEREAS, the Presidential Management staff (PMS) is not involved in project approval and implementation and can independently monitor and provide timely and pro-active information on needed actions to ensure accomplishment of the Medium Term Public Investment Program (MTIP) 2006-2010, especially the SONA commitments, within the purview of good governance and transparency;
NOW, THEREFORE, I GLORIA MACAPAGAL-ARROYO, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution, do hereby order the restructuring of the RPMES in the Infrastructure Monitoring Task Force Projects Performance Tracking System (Pro-Performance System) of the PMS.
Section 1. Goals and Objectives. The "Pro-Performance System" shall have as its goal to accelerate the delivery of the MTPIP 2006-2010, especially the SONA commitments. More specifically, the "Pro-Performance System" shall achieve the following objectives under the three-dimensional core elements and indicators (physical development performance and quality, financial performance, timeless):
a) To provide independent and up-to-date constructive information on the overall status projects implementation based on the three-dimensional core elements and indicators, and identify areas, issues and concerns that need solutions/interventions by Lead Implementing Agencies and/or Project Management Offices.
b) To reinforce public-private partnership and collaboration in monitoring said government projects.
c) To supplement current government monitoring efforts at all levels for more synergistic independent findings.
d) To ensure public awareness and participation through information campaigns and advocacy programs; likewise to provide government access to reliable information from the private sector for constructive decision-making.
Section 2. Scope and Coverage. The Pro-Performance System shall monitor the MTPIP 2006-2010, especially SONA commitments, major infrastructure projects, health and education programs and other projects that the President may identify. These projects may be funded from the national government, external fund sources, the government owned or controlled corporation, the government financial institutions, and/or the private sector through Build-Operate-Transfer or its variants.
Section 3. Organizational Structure. The Pro-Performance System shall be lodged with the PMS, which shall serve as the Secretariat of the Infrastructure Monitoring Task Force.
The Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry and a representative of the intelligence community shall be invited by the President to advice the Infrastructure Monitoring Task Force and the PMS.
Section 4. Funding. Funds needed shall be made available by the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) from 5% contingency fund or 1% of the total project cost of the monitored projects.
Section 5. Separability Clause. All orders, issuances, rules and regulations or parts thereof inconsistent with this E.O., including E.O. 376 s. 1989 and E.O. 93 s. 1993 are hereby revoked or modified accordingly.
Section 6. Effectivity. This E.O. shall take effect immediately.
28 August 2006
By the President:
Executive Secretary
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation