[ EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 152, January 21, 1994 ]


WHEREAS, a primary objective of the Government is to pursue a genuine and lasting peace based on the principles of a comprehensive peace process;

WHEREAS, one of the major components of a comprehensive peace process in the provision of programs for reconciliation, reintegration into the mainstream of society, and rehabilitation through community-based assistance programs to address, among other things, the socio-economic needs of former rebels, demobilized combatants, and civilian victims of the internal armed conflicts;

WHEREAS, there is a need to formulate and implement an economic component of national unification on the pursuit of a comprehensive peace process;

WHEREAS, the economic component of national unification shall be principled, fair to all concerned and shall translate economic programs into subsequent opportunities for socio-economic empowerment;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, FIDEL V. RAMOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order:

Section 1. The National Program for Unification and Development (NPUD). – The National Program for Unification and Development is hereby established to coordinate and integrate an economic component of national unification focusing on programs, projects and efforts addressing the socio- economic needs of the various beneficiaries;

Section 2. The National Program for Unification and Development Council. – The National Program for Unification and Development Council (NPUDC) is hereby created to coordinate, integrate and implement the National Program for Unification and Development, composed of the following:

a. The Secretary of the Interior and Local Government – Chairman

b. The Secretary of National Defense – Vice-Chairman

c. The Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process – Member

Section 3. Powers and Functions of the NPUDC Council. — The NPUD Council shall have the following powers and functions:

a. Formulate and implement policies, plans and component programs of the National Program for Unity and Development (NPUD);

b. Encourage participation of non-government organizations, people’s organizations and the private sector in NPUD;

c. Identify additional sources of technical and financial assistance for NPUD;

d. Monitor and evaluate the progress of NPUD.

Section 4. The Executive Director and the Secretariat. – There shall be a Secretariat at the national level to be headed by an Executive Director who shall also act as Secretary to the Council.

The Secretariat shall handle the administrative, operational and technical activities of the NPUD Council. Specifically, the Secretary shall prepare plan and programs for the consideration of the Council; supervise, direct and monitor for the Council the implementation of approved policies, plans and programs as well as undertake liaisoning and coordinating activities with the appropriate agencies of government.

Section 5. Program Implementation and Coordination at the Regional Level. – The National Program for Unification and Development Council is hereby authorized to establish in every region a Regional Program for Unification and Development Council (RPUDC). This regional council shall be composed of the Chairman of the Regional Development Council, the Chairman of the Regional Peace and Order Council, and a third member shall be chosen by both of them in consultation with the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process. Among themselves, they shall elect the Chairman of the Regional Program for Unification and Development Council.

Section 6. Program Implementation and Coordination at the Provincial City and Municipal Levels. – The National Program for Unification and Development Council shall further establish corresponding, councils at the provincial, city, and municipal levels to be composed by the Chairman of the Development Council and the Chairman of the Peace and Order Council who, in turn, shall together select one (1) representative from the private sector, in consultation with the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process, as the third member. Among themselves, they shall also elect a Chairman.

Section 7. Budgetary Support. – The National Program for Unification and Development shall be funded with an initial budget to be taken from the President’s Contingent Fund and the National Fund in the amount to be recommended by the National Program for the Unification Development Council and approved by the President. Appropriations for succeeding years shall be incorporated in budget proposal of the Office of the President.

Section 8. Transition Mechanisms. – Until such time that the Secretariat for the National Program for Unification and Development Council is fully organized and operational, the National Reconciliation and Development Council Secretariat created under Executive Order No. 103 (s. 1986) shall continue to provide staff support to the NPUD Council, in the implementation of the government’s unification and development efforts. It shall be under the direct control and supervision of the NPUD Council.

All assets, choses in action, equipment, facilities, funds, records and other properties, as well as the personnel of the NRDC Secretariat, are hereby transferred to the Secretariat of the National Program for Unification and Development Council.

Section 9. Repealing Clause. – All orders, rules and regulations and other issuances or parts thereof, which are inconsistent with this Executive Order, are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

Section 10. Effectivity. – This Executive Order shall take effect immediately.

DONE in the City of Manila, this 21st day of January, in the year of Our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Four.1a⍵⍴h!1

President of the Philippines

By the President:

Executive Secretary

The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation