[ Executive Order No. 347, November 10, 1971 ]
Pursuant to the powers vested in me by Section Fifteen of Republic Act Number Six Thousand Three Hundred and Eighty-nine, and upon the recommendation of the Special Technical Committee created under Special Order Numbered Eleven, Series of Nineteen Hundred and Seventy-One, of the Land Reform Project Administration, and the Commission on Reorganization created pursuant to Republic Act Numbered Five Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty-five, as amended, the following are hereby promulgated to govern the organization and functions of the Department of Agrarian Reform:
Section 1. The organization and function of the Department of Agrarian Reform hereinafter referred to as the Department, shall be in accordance with the provisions of Republic Act No. 6389 and this Executive Order.
Section 2. The organization of the Department graphically depicted in the following organization chart, shall consist of the Office of the Secretary (or Department proper) composed of the immediate Office of the Secretary, the Planning Service, the Financial and Management Service, the Administrative Service and the Agrarian Reform Education Service; the Bureau of Agrarian Legal Assistance; the Bureau of Land Acquisition, Distribution and Development; the Bureau of Resettlement; the Bureau of Farm Management; and such number of Regional Offices as the exigencies of the Agrarian Reform Program may require.
Section 3. The Department proper, through the Office of the Secretary, shall have direct line supervision over the bureaus and regional offices. It shall have responsibility for overseeing field operations to insure the judicious and effective implementation of the agrarian reform programs as initially drawn up by the bureaus along their respective areas of expertise. It shall constantly draw from the bureaus such advice and assistance as may be necessary to successfully achieve the goals and objectives of the Agrarian reform program.
Section 4. The bureaus of the Department shall essentially staff in character and as such shall exercise functional supervision over the regional and other field offices. They shall be primarily involved in the development of plans and programs within their respective functional specialization and shall likewise develop related policies, guidelines and standards necessary in guiding the regional and field offices in the proper implementation of such plans and programs. Where necessary and as a means of assisting the Department proper in properly delineating the methods and plans of operation at the field level, they shall maintain dialogue and contact with the regional and other field offices for the purpose of updating established plans and programs and determining problems arising therefrom.
Section 5. The regional and other field offices shall constitute the operating arms of the Department with responsibility for directly implementing the plans and programs drawn up by the staff bureaus and assigned by the Department Secretary in accordance with duly adopted policies, standards and guidelines. They shall be organized as miniature counterparts of the Department in the region and shall be vested with sufficient authority to undertake departmental operations within their respective jurisdictions. In the exercise of such authority they shall be directly responsible to the Secretary and shall receive proper technical guidance from the staff bureaus.
Section 6. In conformity with the above set of functional relationships, the functions, powers, duties and responsibilities of the various units of the Department shall be as follows:
Section 7. The Office of the Secretary shall consist of the Secretary of Agrarian Reform, the Undersecretary of Agrarian Reform and the personnel in their immediate office. It shall be responsible for the adoption and promulgation of rules and regulations necessary to carry out departmental policies and objectives, and for exercising general supervision and control over the bureaus and offices of the Department.
Functions of the Secretary
Section 7.1. The functions of the Secretary shall be as follows:
1. Advise the President in the promulgation of executive orders, regulations and decrees relative to matters under the jurisdiction of the Department;
2. Establish the policies and standards for the operation of the Department pursuant to the Presidents program of government;
3. Promulgate rules and regulations necessary to carry out Department objectives, policies and functions;
4. Exercise supervision and control over all bureaus and offices under the Department;
5. Delegate authority for the performance of any function to officers and employees under his direction; and
6. Perform such other functions as may be provided by law or assigned by the President.
Functions of the Undersecretary
Section 7.2. The functions of the Undersecretary shall be as follows:
1. Advise and assist the Secretary in the formulation and implementation of Department objectives and policies;
2. Oversee all the operational activities of the Department for which he shall be responsible to the Secretary;
3. Coordinate the program and projects of the Department, and be responsible for its economical, efficient and effective administration;
4. Serve as deputy to the Secretary in all matters relating to the operations of the Department; and
5. Perform such other functions as may be provided by law or assigned by the Secretary.
Section 8. The Planning Service shall be responsible for providing the Department with economical, efficient, and effective services relating to planning, programming and project development. It shall have the following functions, among others:
1. Formulate long-range and annual plans and programs for the Department and for this purpose coordinate and provide support to the planning and programming of the bureaus and regional offices under the Department as well as review and integrate their proposals into a consistent set of objectives;
2. Formulate basic policies and guidelines for the preparation of the departmental budget, including those for the detailed allocation of funds for capital outlays, and coordinate with the Budget Division in the preparation of the Department Budget;
3. Formulate criteria for determining priorities for proposed projects; and accordingly select capital projects for funding and execution including appropriate financing schemes;
4. Undertake such re-programming as necessary in accordance with actual resources made available, including the determination of cut-backs and/or projects to be included from unprogrammed to programmed category;
5. Initiate and/or provide support for the development of projects by the various bureaus of the Department in accordance with approved priority areas, and where necessary, undertake major project development activities in coordination with the bureaus concerned;
6. Evaluate projects proposed by units of the Department according to technical and economic feasibility and prescribed standards;
7. Develop and effect in collaboration with the bureaus a system for the effective coordination, follow-up, review and evaluation of the progress of the implementation of approved projects and programs against set standards, objectives and schedules;
8. Conduct economic research and studies relative to agrarian reform for purposes of formulation of policy proposals and general economic guidelines;
9. Undertake continuing analysis of economic conditions and trends, including the periodic review of the situation and outlook of the agricultural economy relating to agrarian reform;
10. Compile, analyze and integrate statistical data, including operational statistics;
11. Develop projections, forecasts, and prepare economic reports and reviews;
12. Prepare the Annual Report and other periodic reports of the Department;
13. Maintain liaison with the central planning agency and other appropriate economic or planning bodies; and
14. Perform such other functions as may be assigned.
Section 9. The Financial and Management Service shall be responsible for providing the Department with staff advice and assistance on budgetary, financial and management improvement matters. It shall have the following divisions with respective duties and responsibilities, as follows:
Functions of the Budget Division
Section 9.1. The Budget Division shall have the following functions, among others:
a. Prepare the departmental budget and assist management in the presentation of the Departments budgetary estimates before administrative and legislative bodies;
b. Provide, subject to budgetary ceilings, fund estimates in support of the Departments operations, plans and programs;
c. Allocate, in coordination with the Planning Service, available funds to programs on the basis of approved guidelines and priorities;
d. Issue allotment advice to the Regional Offices in support of the fund requirement for the conduct of the operations of the regions under each program;
e. Undertake all operations relative to budget execution and control;
f. Develop and improve budgetary methods, procedures, and justifications;
g. Review performance reports to determine conformance with set standards;
h. Prepare financial reports for management guidance and as required by higher authorities; and
i. Perform such other functions as may be assigned.
Functions of the Accounting Division
Section 9.2. The Accounting Division shall have the following functions, among others:
a. Advise management on financial matters;
b. Prepare and submit financial reports to management and other government departments and agencies authorized to receive such reports;
c. Maintain basic and subsidiary accounting records and books of accounts to reflect accurately and currently financial information required by existing auditing rules and regulations and by management;
d. Certify to the availability of funds, obligate funds and issue Treasury Warrants to liquidate obligations;
e. Process requisitions, vouchers and reports of collections and disbursements;
f. Prepare billings to debtors of the Department;
g. Undertake cost accounting work through the classification, recording, allocation, summarization and reporting of current and prospective costs, including the determination of costs of operations by such units of work measurement as by departments, by functions, by periods of time, by projects and similar categories;
h. Provide standards and guidelines to the regional and field units of the Department; and
i. Perform such other functions as may be assigned.
Functions of the Management Division
Section 9.3. The Management Division shall have the following functions, among others:
a. Develop, plan and program objectives relative to management improvement in the Department;
b. Examine the administrative organizations of the Department and make recommendations for improvement;
c. Maintain and update the Departments organization and functional manuals;
d. Undertake regular management surveys or organizational structure, manpower and operations; study special problems as assigned; review existing methods, procedures and systems; and make recommendations for improvement;
e. Develop new and improved management systems; exercise staff supervision over the implementation of such improvements; and provide training in the use of the system;
f. Develop staffing standards and manpower requirements for the Department;
g. Assist in the evaluation of proposed projects for operational feasibility and develop operating procedures and schemes for the implementation of approved projects and programs;
h. Provide guidelines and technical assistance to the regional offices; and
i. Perform such other functions as may be assigned.
Section 10. The Administrative Service shall be responsible for providing the Department with economical, efficient and effective services relating personnel, legal assistance, information, records, supplies, equipment, collection, disbursements, security and custodial work.
There shall be in the immediate office of the Chief of the Administrative Service a Medical and Dental Clinic which shall be responsible for providing medical and dental services to the personnel of the Department pursuant to the provisions of Republic Act No. 1054.
The Service shall also have the following divisions with respective duties and responsibilities, as follows:
Functions of the Personnel Division
Section 10.1. The Personnel Division shall have the following functions, among others:
a. Advise management on personnel policy and administration;
b. Develop and administer a personnel program for the Department proper and the bureaus under it which shall include selection and placement, promotion, classification and pay, career and employment development, performance rating, employee relations and welfare services;
c. Develop policy standards and guidelines on personnel management for the implementation of the regional offices of the Department;
d. Take charge of the preparation, conduct and administration of civil service examinations of the Department;
e. Process and act on all matters concerning appointments, promotions, transfers, leaves of absence, attendance and other personnel transactions for the personnel of the central office and the regional offices as are applicable;
f. Maintain personnel records and statistics; and
g. Perform such other functions as may be assigned.
Functions of the Information Division
Section 10.2. The Information Division shall have the following functions, among others:
a. Develop programs to have the policies, plans and activities of the Department properly understood by the public;
b. Produce and disseminate media materials to implement the information program of the Department;
c. Service the needs of the Department and its bureaus in the production and publication of reports, information materials and literature;
d. Coordinate with the Public Information Office in the Office of the President; and
e. Perform such other functions as may be assigned.
Functions of the General Services Division
Section 10.3. The General Services Division shall have the following functions, among others:
a. Provide policy guidance on the maintenance and disposition of records and on the procurement and storage of supplies in accordance with government prescribed standards, including standards and guidelines to the Regional Offices;
b. File and maintain necessary records and establish a records disposition program for the department;
c. Prepare certified true copies of documents found in the records when officially requested or ordered;
d. Take charge of receiving, sorting and recording all incoming correspondence and recording and mailing of outgoing correspondence;
e. Provide transportation, communications, custodial and general utility services for the Department;
f. Procure, store and distribute supplies and equipment of the Department, and conduct periodic inventories of the same;
g. Provide messengerial and duplicating services;
h. Receive, collect and deposit cash and pay approved payrolls and vouchers; and
i. Perform such other functions as may be assigned.
Section 11. The Agrarian Reform Education Service shall be responsible for the development and coordination of the training programs for the Department. It shall have the following functions, among others:
1. Prepare and conduct training programs in the Department as necessary, including the evaluation thereof;
2. Provide policy guidance and develop plans and programs for effective and continuing educational activities through personnel training and clientele development;
3. Coordinate and evaluate the training programs and activities undertaken by the regional offices and other units of the Department;
4. Coordinate with educational institutions, public and private, in matters of personnel training and farmer education;
5. Take charge of the administration of grants-in-aid and technical assistance programs for agrarian reform education, both foreign or local, including the coordination of training and education projects funded from such aid or assistance; and
6. Perform such other functions as may be assigned.
Section 12. The Bureau of Agrarian Legal Assistance shall be responsible for the development of plans and programs on the extension of legal information to farmers, including share-tenants, agricultural lessees, owner-cultivators, agricultural farm workers and members of their immediate farm household; the extension of legal services to them; and the execution of leasehold contracts.
The Bureau shall likewise be responsible for providing advice and assistance to the Office of the Secretary and to the regional offices on matters pertaining to agrarian legal assistance, for coordinating with the Office of Agrarian Counsel and the Agricultural Tenancy Commission in the implementation of the Bureaus functions; and for other functions as may be provided by law.
The Bureau shall have the following divisions with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
Functions of the Judicial Cases Division
Section 12.1. The Judicial Cases Division which shall have the following functions, among others:
a. Evolve a program for servicing the judicial requirements of farmers and beneficiaries, including expropriation proceedings, pre-emption and redemption, and in all Civil and/or criminal cases arising from or connected with the results or effects of an agrarian dispute;
b. Prescribe guidelines for the effective institution of judicial proceedings on behalf of farmers and beneficiaries;
c. Prescribe measures for the expeditious land registration proceedings and petitions for approval of subdivisions surveys;
d. Take charge of all judicial cases affecting farmers and beneficiaries of agrarian reform elevated to courts of appellate jurisdiction;
e. Take charge of judicial cases in which the Department is a party in interest;
f. Conduct a continuing evaluation of the handling and management of judicial cases of the department; and
g. Perform such other functions as may be assigned from time to time.
Functions of the Claims and Conflicts Division
Section 12.2. The Claims and Conflicts Division which shall have the following functions, among others:
a. Evolve program for extending legal assistance to farmers and beneficiaries in quasi-judicial castes and in the effective adjudication of conflicts involving land boundaries or preference rights in landed estates and public land reservations of the Department among farmers and beneficiaries themselves or with other parties;
b. Provide guidelines for the expeditious investigation and hearing of conflicts of claims among farmers and beneficiaries;
c. Review recommendations on the adjudication of cases arising from conflicting claims of farmers and beneficiaries;
d. Provide and maintain a docket of cases on claims and conflicts and issue clearances in relation thereto;
e. Conduct continuing evaluation of the claims and conflicts adjudication program of the Department; and
g. Perform such other functions as may be assigned from time to time.
Function of the Legal Information and
Mediation Division
Section 12.3. The Legal Information and Mediation Division which shall have the following functions, among others:
a. Develop a legal information program to inform farmers and landowners under the agrarian reform program of their rights and obligations under the Agricultural Land Reform Code, including the holding of rallies, conferences and similar activities and the dissemination of publications;
b. Develop standards, guidelines and procedures for field legal officers in the extension of legal services relative to the fixing of rentals and settlement of differences arising from tenancy relationship, preparation of leasehold contracts and other pertinent documents, and the exercise of the right of expropriation, pre-emption and redemption;
c. Study and recommend the participation of local governments in the determination of solutions to legal problems that may arise in their respective jurisdictions;
d. Prepare legal information materials for publication and dissemination;
e. Conduct periodic evaluation of legal information and mediation program of the Department; and
f. Perform such other functions as may be assigned from time to time.
Section 13. The Bureau of Land Acquisition, Distribution and Development shall be responsible for the development of plans, programs, and policies relative to the acquisition of both public and private agricultural lands, their distribution and development, and all land surveys, including land capability and classification survey.
The Bureau shall likewise provide advice and assistance to the Office of the Secretary on matters pertaining to land acquisition, distribution and development of lands acquired by the Department and on land surveys, land capability and classification survey, consultative and advisory services to the regional offices of the Department; coordinate with the Land Bank, Bureau of Forestry, Bureau of Lands, Land Registration Commission and other agencies with related activities in the implementation of the bureaus functions, and perform such other functions as may be provided by law.
The Bureau shall have the following divisions with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
Functions of the Land Acquisition Division
Section 13.1. The Land Acquisition Division shall have the following functions, among others:
a. Provide guidelines and policies in the acquisition of private and public agricultural land, including measures to insure that all agricultural lands, either public and private, distributed by the government to the beneficiaries of the agrarian reform program shall be sold only by said beneficiaries to the government;
b. Develop the program for acquiring agricultural lands for the Department through negotiated purchase, expropriation, opening of public lands reserved for settlements and land reclamation;
c. Design socio-economic survey plans and prescribe guidelines and procedures in the conduct of such surveys in areas sought to be purchased, expropriated, opened for settlement or reclaimed, and in areas involved in petitions or applications for the exercise of the right of pre-emption and redemption;
d. Establish a mechanism within the Department by which all the data obtained from such surveys are submitted to the division for analysis and formulation of policies and recommendations;
e. Make recommendations regarding the acquisition of agricultural lands based on an order of priority; and
f. Maintain records of all lands acquired and proposed to be acquired by the Department.
Functions of the Land Distribution Division
Section 13.2. The Land Distribution Division which shall have the following functions, among others:
a. Provide general policies and guidelines in the distribution of all agricultural lands acquired by the Department;
b. Develop a land distribution program which shall set aside areas for economic family-size farms, large-scale farm operations, town sites, roads, parks, government centers, and other community facilities;
c. Prescribe guidelines and procedures for preliminary screening of farmer-applicants for economic family-size farm in landed estates, and for the purchase of public agricultural lands acquired by the Department;
d. Select farmer-applicants in accordance with a schedule of priorities in the allocation of large areas for large-scale farming and of economic family-size farms;
e. Prescribe guidelines and procedures for the preliminary processing of applications of beneficiaries for authority to sell, lease, transfer or mortgage lots awarded to them by the Department, and approve or disapprove such applications;
f. Provide policies and guidelines that will facilitate the issuance of titles to persons who have actually settled and cultivated disposable lands of the public domain; and
g, Install and maintain a system of records keeping of all lands allocated by the Department, including those sold or leased by the Department for and in behalf of the Land Bank.
Functions of the Land Surveys Division
Section 13.3. The Land Surveys Division which shall perform the following functions, among others:
a. Draw up plans and programs of land surveys and determine which land surveys projects can be done by administration or by contract;
b. Prepare estimates, specifications and schedules of public biddings for survey projects; prescribe standards and guidelines in evaluating bids and proposals; and recommend awards of contracts;
c. Develop and prescribe procedures and techniques on land surveys in accordance with standards established by the Bureau of Lands;
d. Evaluate and compute survey notes from survey teams and prepare survey plans for submittal to the Bureau of Lands or Land Registration Commission;
e. Provide technical assistance and supervision on the implementation of all survey projects including the assignment, when necessary, of field survey personnel to augment transit parties in the regions; and
f. Maintain records of all land surveys made either by administration or by contract.
Functions of the Land Capability and
Classification Survey Division
Section 13.4. The Land Capability and Classification Survey Division shall perform the following functions among, others:
a. Draw up plans and programs for complete aerial photogrammetry of the entire country, including photogrammetry research and training of personnel and provision of facilities for photogrammetry work;
b. Supervise and inspect aerial photography, stereo-compilation and photo-analysis;
c. Gather, compile and furnish necessary stereoscope analysis of aerial photographs for land use capability survey and classification, forest and mineral inventory, agricultural economics, land tax, mapping and other purposes, and furnish government agencies with aerial photograph dispositives;
d. Establish horizontal and vertical control and signalization of control stations and corners; lot sketching for provisional cadastre with the use of aerial photographs or to verify if executed by contractors;
e. Develop the plans and programs and provide guidelines, procedures and techniques for all soil surveys and classification;
f. Analyze and compile soil data and survey reports for the production of soil maps and for publication;
g. Specify areas of soil research; provide technical supervision to field personnel engaged in soil work; and classify soils according to types and capabilities;
h. Develop land use patterns for implementation by extension workers in agrarian reform areas; and
i. Produce and compile adequate maps necessary for proper planning and implementation of the agrarian reform program.
Section 14. The Bureau of Resettlement shall be responsible for the development of plans, programs, and policies for the resettlement of displaced farmers, landless families and urban workers in the settlement projects of the Department pursuant to Republic Act No. 6389; the management of settlements under the administration of the Department; and the census of proclaimed and unproclaimed settlements.
The Bureau shall likewise provide advice and assistance to the Office of the Secretary on resettlement; consultative and advisory services to the regional offices of the Department; coordinate with the Bureau of Forestry, Bureau of Lands, Agricultural Productivity Commission and other agencies with related activities in the implementation of the bureaus functions; and perform such other functions as may be provided by law.
The Bureau shall have the following divisions with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
Functions of the Census and Statistics Division
Section 14.1. The Census and Statistics Division shall have the following functions, among others:
a. Plan and prepare the program for the census of proclaimed and unproclaimed settlements, including those voluntarily initiated by farmers on public lands, forest lands, titled private and public lands, and settlements administered by the Department;
b. Design census survey plans and forms to be used; specify data to be gathered; and prescribe guidelines, procedures and techniques in census taking;
c. Devise a system of data retrieval to facilitate gathering, analysis and compilation of statistics obtained through census surveys; and
d. Assist the Planning Service and other bureaus of the Department in the collection of other data needed in the development of programs and the evaluation of project implementation.
Functions of the Settlers Affairs Division
Section 14.2. The Settlers Affairs Division shall have the following functions, among Others:
a. Plan and develop the program for resettlement of displaced farmers, landless families and urban workers in the settlement projects of the Department pursuant to Republic Act 6389 and provide the necessary guidelines and standards in the administration of settlements;
b. Formulate and prescribe guidelines, procedures and other requirements in the preliminary screening of settler-applicants;
c. Select settler-applicants for resettlement in accordance with an established order of priority and coordinate with the regional offices concerned with regard to the movement of settlers to settlement areas;
d. Provide guidelines and procedures in the allocation of home and farm lots in the settlements and recommend approval of awards;
e. Conduct a continuing study of problems in the settlements and landed estates acquired by the Department as a means of determining the types of assistance needed by the farmer-settlers, especially with regard to housing problems, welfare services, agricultural production, marketing of produce, peace and order, conflicting land claims and protection of the rights of farmer-settlers;
f. Develop a grants-in-aid program to accelerate the socio-economic development of settlements and landed estate communities through self-help among the farmer-settlers;
g. Provide policies and guidelines in the administration of the grants-in-aid program and in the provision of other forms of assistance;
h. Undertake evaluation of the assistance programs to determine their effectiveness in terms of their socio-economic effects on individual farmers and with the end in view of making the necessary adjustments in the assistance programs.
Functions of the Engineering Division
Section 14.3. The Engineering Division shall have the following functions, among others:
a. Develop the program on the construction of infrastructure facilities in the settlements and landed estates in close coordination with the Settlers Affairs Division to dovetail it to the grants-in-aid program;
b. Establish a schedule of priorities in the construction of houses, waterworks, irrigation system and other community facilities taking into account the immediate needs of the settlement communities;
c. Prepare the blueprints and other plans and render technical assistance to and supervise field personnel in the implementation of construction projects;
d. Determine assignment of field engineering personnel to construction projects in agrarian reform areas;
e. Provide guidelines in the maintenance of settlement facilities and in land clearing activities; and
f. Prepare specifications, estimates and schedules for public bidding of construction projects, and equipment; recommend awards and enforce terms of contracts.
Functions of the Special Projects Division
Section 14.4. The Special Projects Division shall have the following functions, among others:
a. Conduct feasibility studies on the establishment and operation of communal farms patterned after the moshav type of agricultural cooperatives and assist in the implementation of these projects;
b. Plan and develop joint special projects and coordinate with, and provide technical assistance to the private sector in the implementation of these projects; and
c. Develop a program of land consolidation in the settlements to improve land structure, methods of farming and increase productive areas.
Section 15. The Bureau of Farm Management shall be responsible for the development of plans, programs and policies for the diffusion of useful and practical information, knowledge and skills on agriculture, soil conservation, livestock, fisheries, forest conservation, public lands and natural resources laws, home economics and rural life to encourage their application.
It shall develop plans and programs to promote, stimulate and encourage the formation and growth of agricultural cooperatives and other associations, including study clubs, committees and farmers and homemakers associations through which social and economic conditions in the rural areas may be enhanced.
The plans and programs of the Bureau for agricultural extension and related activities shall be primarily oriented towards providing services to the farmers and beneficiaries directly affected by the agrarian reform program.
The Bureau shall provide advice and assistance to the Office of the Secretary and to the regional offices on matters pertaining to agricultural extension, coordinate and establish close working relationships to avoid duplication of activities with the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the Agricultural Productivity Commission and the Agricultural Credit Administration in the performance of its functions and perform such other functions as may be provided by law.
The Bureau shall have the following divisions with corresponding duties and responsibilities, as follows:
Functions of the Agricultural Development Division
Section 15.1. The Agricultural Development Division shall have the following functions, among others:
a. Develop a program for increased farm production among the farmers and beneficiaries directly affected by the agrarian reform program;
b. Formulate standards and guidelines for the establishment by farm management technologists of work programs in the implementation of supervised credit;
c. Prescribe effective measures for the improvement of crop production through the utilization of approved farm extension methods and practices;
d. Plan and program the establishment of nurseries and demonstration farms;
e. Work out arrangements whereby the Departments extension workers may avail of the services and facilities of the personnel and experiment stations of the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources and the Agricultural Productivity Commission;
f. Develop agricultural and allied information on improved farm practices for dissemination by field workers to farmers;
g. Take charge of the development of an effective farm planning and budgeting as basis for supervised credit assistance to farmers;
h. Evolve programs on agricultural engineering for the development of farms;
i. Conduct periodic evaluation of departmental programs on agricultural development; and
j. Perform such other functions as may be assigned from time to time.
Functions of the Home Management and
Rural Youth Development Division
Section 15.2. The Home Management and Rural Youth Development Division shall perform the following functions among others:
a. Formulate and prescribe guidelines and techniques for home management technologists in extending assistance to farm families, particularly on family planning, food and nutrition, home sanitation, clothing, child care, and adult education and in the organization of rural improvement clubs;
b. Undertake research on home industries which can be promoted in the rural homes and implemented by the women and the youth and on other socio-economic projects that will encourage their participation in community development work;
c. Provide the rural youth technologists with the standards, guidelines and techniques in the organization of rural youth clubs through which the youth people in the rural areas can be trained in community leadership;
d. Develop programs and guidelines for the conduct of campaign for better food and nutrition practices among the families;
e. Conduct periodic evaluation of departmental programs on home and youth development; and
f. Perform such other functions as may be assigned from time to time.
Functions of the Cooperatives Organization Division
Section 15.3. The Cooperatives Organization Division shall have the following functions, among others:
a. Evolve programs on agricultural cooperatives organization and development geared towards the growth of more independent, self-reliant and responsible farm families;
b. Develop programs for a comprehensive information drive on agricultural cooperative organization including multi-purpose cooperatives and other farmers associations;
c. Conduct research on cooperative development activities in progressive countries which can be adopted by the Department to accelerate the development of cooperatives in the country;
d. Provide the cooperative agents with guidelines, procedures and techniques in educating the farmers on cooperative principles and on the economic benefits they can derive from cooperative undertakings;
e. Conduct periodic evaluation of departmental programs on cooperative organization and development; and
f. Perform such other functions as may be assigned from time to time.
Section 16. The Department shall have Regional Offices in each of the ten (10) regional areas established under Section 50-I of the Land Reform Code, as amended, which shall be located in the regional centers specified therein. The Secretary of Agrarian Reform shall initially organize Regional Offices in the following regions:
Region No. 3 The Central Luzon Region
Region No. 4 The Southern Tagalog Region
Region No. 5 The Bicol Region
Region No. 7 The Central and Eastern Visayas Region, and
Region No. 9 The Central Mindanao Region.
The Secretary is authorized to organize regional offices in the other five regions as soon as funds are available and more extensive agrarian reform activities are activated in these regions. In the meantime, Region No. 1 (Ilocos Region) and Region No. 2 (Cagayan Valley Region) shall be serviced by the Regional Office; of Region No. 3 located at San Fernando, Pampanga; Region No. 6 (Western Visayas Region) by the Regional Office of Region No. 7 located at Cebu City; and Region No. 8 (Western Mindanao Region) and Region No. 10 (Eastern Mindanao Region) by the Regional Office of Region No. 9 located at Cagayan de Oro City.
Section 17. The Regional Office shall be responsible for the general supervision, direction and coordination of the operations and activities of the Department within the Region. It shall perform the following broad functions provided for by the Land Reform Code:
(1) Implement laws, policies, plans, programs, rules, and regulations of the Department in the regional area;
(2) Provide economical, efficient, and effective service to the people;
(3) Coordinate with regional offices of other departments, bureaus and agencies in the area;
(4) Coordinate with local government in the area;
(5) Perform such related functions as may be provided by other existing laws,
Section 18. The Regional Office shall have the following divisions with corresponding duties and responsibilities, as follows:
Functions of the Administrative Division
Section 18.1. The Administrative Division which shall have the following functions, among others:
a. Provide advice, develop and manage a personnel management program which shall include training of personnel, action on various personnel transactions, and dissemination of laws, rules and regulations on personnel;
b. Prepare, submit, execute and control the budget for the region;
c. Prepare and maintain books of accounts;
d. Pay salaries and wages and other approved vouchers;
e. Procure supplies, keep records, and provide security, janitorial, messenger and other general services; and
f. Perform such other administrative functions as may be directed by the Regional Director.
Functions of the Operations Division
Section 18.2. The Operations Division shall constitute the staff of the Regional Director in the formulation and evaluation of the execution of plans and programs on the substantive functions of the Department in the region. It shall have the following functions, among others:
a. Prepare and submit plans and programs for the region for approval and/or incorporation in a nation-wide program on the following substantive functions:
(1) Farm Extension Services,
(2) Home Management Services,
(3) Rural Youth Development,
(4) Cooperatives Development,
(5) Legal Services
(6) Land Affairs and Special Services,
(7) Financial Assistance and Credit Services, and
(8) Other related services.
b. Provide technical assistance to the District Offices, Agrarian Reform Teams and other field units in the implementation of approved plans and programs on agrarian reform substantive services;
c. Evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of plans and programs and recommend remedial measures;
d. Perform such operational activities as may be necessary or more economical and effective at the regional level, including supervising the proper implementation of contractual surveys; conducting land surveys by administration; and reviewing and acting on all matters investigated and elevated by the District Offices to the Regional Office; and
e. Perform other functions as may be directed by competent authority.
Section 19. The Secretary is authorized to organize such number of District Offices within a regional area as the exigencies of the Land Reform Program may require. The District Office, under the immediate supervision and direction of the appropriate regional office, shall be the organizational machinery of the Department in the district responsible for the expeditious implementation of substantive programs and projects on agrarian reforms.
The District Office shall consist of the District Office proper and the Agrarian Reform Teams which shall service, where appropriate, the agrarian settlements.
Functions of the District Office Proper
Section 19.1. The District Office proper shall be responsible for the general supervision, direction and coordination of the operations and activities of the Department including the agrarian reform teams operating within the district, and shall have the following functions, among others:
a. Set priorities, specific targets, schedules and deadlines for the execution of plans, programs and projects on the following substantive agrarian reform functions:
(1) Farm Extension Services,
(2) Home Management Services,
(3) Rural Youth Development Services,
(4) Legal Services,
(5) Land Affairs and Special Services,
(6) Financial Assistance and Supervised Credit Services, and
(7) Other related services,
b. Conduct planned and periodic performance audit surveys in collaboration with the regional office, to assess the effectiveness of agrarian reform program and projects in the district;
c. Conduct spot inspections as may be necessary to identify specific operational problems and recommend solutions to problems identified;
d. Perform such operational activities as may be necessary to be undertaken at the district level, including providing legal service to tenants, agricultural lessees, farm workers and agricultural owner-cultivators or members of their immediate farm household in cases arising from or are connected with agrarian disputes; handling of expropriation proceedings; registering cooperatives organized by Agrarian Reform Teams with the ACA district office; and reviewing and acting on all matters initially investigated and elevated by Agrarian Reform Teams, to the District Office.
e. Provide administrative services to the district office and agrarian reform team as may be practicable; and
f. Perform such other functions as may be directed by competent authority.
Functions of the Agrarian Reform Teams
Section 19.2. The Agrarian Reform Team, through its extension workers, legal officers and other specialists, shall provide direct assistance to farmers, lessee-tillers and the public on the various aspects of the agrarian reform program.
It shall have the following functions, among others:
a. Provide technical assistance on farm extension services, including scientific agricultural development, out of school farmers education; promotion, formation and growth of farmers association and other related services to improve the managerial skills of the farmers;
b. Provide technical assistance on home management services, including the promotion of home industries, child care and development, food and nutrition, out of school home management education and other related activities to improve the living conditions of the farm families;
c. Provide assistance on rural youth training and development, promotion and guidance of rural youth clubs and establishment of income generating projects;
d. Prepare, execute and evaluate plans and programs for the organization, operation and other aspects of cooperatives development;
e. Provide assistance on various legal services, including legal information and legal counselling, processing and documentation of applications for free patent and applications to purchase lots, preliminary investigations of conflicting claims on lot boundaries and appraisal of properties, mediation of differences or problems arising from tenancy relationship, execution and registration of lease contracts, initial investigation of administrative cases and other legal services;
f. Provide assistance on problems relating to land affairs and special services, including preliminary screening of settler-applicants and prospective allocatees; preliminary investigation of estates voluntarily offered for government acquisition, estates under petition for appropriation and estates under petition for pre-emption and redemption; initial studies on land consolidation schemes as basis for economic family-size farms; initial studies on land capability and classification to aid in the summary fixing of rentals; and determination of the suitability of prospective land settlements and other related services; and
g. Render assistance on the extension and re-payment of loans under a scheme of supervised credit and provide liaison services with different lending institutions.
Section 19.3. The Agrarian Reform Team shall perform the following additional functions in an area where it services an agrarian resettlement:
a. Prepare and execute approved area development programs to include the clearing of the settlement, building and maintenance of roads, school buildings, artesian wells and water works;
b. Provide medical services to the settlers;
c. Advance to the settlers subsistence, work animals, farm implements, seeds and other facilities;
d. Allocate farm and home lots to newly resettled families;
e. Maintain peace and order within the resettlement area;
f. Maintain coordinative and liaison relationships with other agencies of the national government;
g. Secure the support and active involvement of local governments on the programs and projects of the settlement; and
h. Pave the way for the absorption of the settlement by an existing local government or the creation of a new municipality.1aшphi1
Functions of the Consultative and Coordinating
Section 20. A Consultative and Coordinating Committee shall be created and attached to the Regional Office and District Office, respectively. The Committee shall include in its membership representatives of tiller-lessees, local governments in the area, civic and religious institutions and other segments of the community as the Secretary may deem appropriate.
Section 21. The Committee shall serve as a medium in securing the popular support and active involvement of local governments, tiller-lessees, civic and religious organizations and other segments of the community within a geographic region or district.
It shall have the following functions, among others:
1. Provide advisory, consultative and coordinating services in the initial preparation of plans, programs and projects covering the various aspects of the agrarian reform program such as the leasehold system, the acquisition, distribution and development of private and public agricultural lands, the development of cooperatives and small scale industries and the like, and other corollary operations activities that should be carried out through barrio, municipal, provincial and city governments;
2. Provide an organized forum for seeking public opinion, conducting public hearings and initiating studies to establish the basis for determining feasibility and fund requirements of agrarian reform projects; and
3. Offer individual or collective mediation facilities on agrarian disputes and other operation problems.
Section 22. There is hereby created an Agrarian Reform Coordinating Council composed of the Secretary of Agrarian Reform as Chairman and the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Secretary of Finance, Secretary of Justice, and Presidential Assistant for Community Development as members, which shall provide technical advice and assistance to the Department and foster interdepartmental coordination among agencies performing functions related to land reform.
Section 23. The personnel structure of the Department for the period from the date of this Executive Order No. the thirtieth of June, nineteen hundred and seventy-two, shall conform to the following Staffing Pattern herein provided:
No. |
Salary Range |
Amount |
A. Office of the Secretary |
Secretary of Agrarian Reform |
1 |
Exempt |
P24,000 |
Undersecretary of Agrarian Reform |
1 |
Exempt |
18,000 |
Head Executive Assistant |
1 |
61 |
11,904 |
Private Secretary II |
1 |
51 |
7,236 |
Senior Executive Assistant I (Confidential) |
2 |
48 |
P12,480 |
Private Secretary I |
1 |
47 |
5,928 |
Asst. Private Secretary |
1 |
37 |
3,612 |
Stenographer |
2 |
31 |
5,760 |
Clerk II |
1 |
31 |
2,880 |
B. Planning Service |
Agrarian Reform Service Chief* |
1 |
60 |
P11,328 |
Agrarian Reform Assistant Service Chief* |
1 |
57 |
9,756 |
Senior Agrarian Reform Program Officer* |
4 |
49 |
26,208 |
Statistician III |
1 |
43 |
4,860 |
Economic Researcher II |
1 |
42 |
4,632 |
Statistician II |
1 |
41 |
4,404 |
Stenographer |
1 |
31 |
2,880 |
Clerk II |
2 |
31 |
5,760 |
C. Financial and Management Service |
Agrarian Reform Service Chief* |
1 |
60 |
P11,328 |
Stenographer |
1 |
31 |
2,880 |
Clerk II |
2 |
31 |
5,760 |
1. Budget Division |
Department Budget Officer I |
1 |
55 |
P8,832 |
Budget Officer II |
2 |
49 |
P13,104 |
Budget Examiner III |
1 |
45 |
5,376 |
Budget Examiner II |
4 |
42 |
18,528 |
Budget Aide |
1 |
31 |
2,880 |
2. Accounting Division |
Dept. Chief Accountant I |
1 |
55 |
P8,832 |
Supervising Accountant |
2 |
48 |
12,480 |
Accountant III |
1 |
45 |
5,376 |
Accountant II |
3 |
43 |
14,580 |
Bookkeeper II |
2 |
39 |
7,968 |
Accounting Clerk II |
2 |
31 |
5,760 |
3. Management Division |
Supervising Management Analyst I |
1 |
53 |
P7,992 |
Senior Management Analyst |
2 |
49 |
13,104 |
Management Analyst II |
2 |
45 |
P10,752 |
Management Analyst I |
2 |
42 |
9,264 |
Clerk II |
1 |
31 |
2,880 |
D. Administrative Service |
Agrarian Reform Chief* |
1 |
60 |
P11,328 |
Stenographer |
1 |
31 |
2,880 |
Chief Legal Officer |
1 |
56 |
9,288 |
Legal Officer III |
1 |
46 |
5,640 |
Legal Officer I |
1 |
39 |
P3,984 |
Senior Stenographer |
1 |
33 |
2,952 |
Clerk II |
1 |
31 |
2,880 |
a. Medical and Dental Clinic |
Clinic Physician |
1 |
43 |
P4,860 |
Dentist I |
1 |
38 |
3,792 |
Nurse |
1 |
33 |
2,952 |
1. Personnel Division |
Personnel Officer III |
1 |
54 |
P8,400 |
Personnel Officer II |
2 |
49 |
13,104 |
Senior Personnel Aide |
4 |
36 |
13,728 |
Senior Personnel Aide |
1 |
36 |
3,432 |
Clerk II |
2 |
31 |
5,760 |
2. Information Division |
Chief Information Officer I |
1 |
53 |
P7,992 |
Supervising Information Officer II |
2 |
49 |
13,104 |
Radio-TV Program Script Writer |
1 |
42 |
4,632 |
Information Editor II |
2 |
41 |
8,808 |
Senior Librarian |
1 |
39 |
3,984 |
Radio Producer-Announcer II |
1 |
39 |
3,984 |
Information Editor I |
1 |
36 |
3,432 |
Artist-Illustrator I |
1 |
36 |
3,432 |
Photographer II |
1 |
35 |
3,264 |
Audio-Visual Equipment Operator |
1 |
31 |
P2,880 |
Clerk II |
2 |
31 |
5,760 |
3. General Services Division |
Administrative Officer III |
1 |
52 |
P7,608 |
Supply Officer III |
1 |
49 |
6,552 |
Administrative Officer I |
1 |
46 |
5,640 |
Records Officer IV |
1 |
45 |
5,376 |
Cashier II |
1 |
41 |
4,404 |
Principal Storekeeper |
1 |
40 |
4,188 |
Shipping Supervisor |
1 |
40 |
4,188 |
Cashier I |
1 |
38 |
P3,792 |
Buyer |
3 |
37 |
10,836 |
Telegraph Operator |
2 |
35 |
6,528 |
Radiophone Operator |
2 |
33 |
5,904 |
Varitype Machine Operator |
1 |
33 |
2,952 |
Storekeeper II |
1 |
32 |
2,880 |
Clerk II |
5 |
31 |
14,400 |
Automotive Mechanic II |
1 |
31 |
2,880 |
Duplicating Equipment Operator II |
2 |
31 |
5,760 |
Telephone Operator |
2 |
30 |
5,760 |
Mechanic I |
1 |
30 |
2,800 |
Driver |
5 |
30 |
14,400 |
Mechanic Helper |
1 |
27 |
2,880 |
Messenger |
4 |
27 |
11,520 |
Laborer |
3 |
26 |
8,640 |
Janitor |
3 |
26 |
8,640 |
E. Agrarian Reform Education Service |
Agrarian Reform Service Chief* |
1 |
60 |
P11,328 |
Agrarian Reform Training Specialist* |
1 |
49 |
6,552 |
Training Officer |
2 |
42 |
9,264 |
Stenographer |
1 |
31 |
2,880 |
* Proposed New Title
1. Office of the Director |
Director of Agrarian Reform* |
1 |
63 |
P13,152 |
Asst. Director of Agrarian Reform* |
1 |
60 |
11,328 |
Secretary |
1 |
37 |
3,612 |
Senior Stenographer |
1 |
33 |
2,952 |
2. Judicial Cases Division |
Trial Attorney IV |
1 |
56 |
P9,288 |
Trial Attorney III |
2 |
50 |
13,776 |
Trial Attorney II |
2 |
46 |
11,280 |
Stenographer |
2 |
31 |
5,760 |
3. Claims and Conflicts Division |
Chief Legal Officer |
1 |
56 |
P9,288 |
Senior Legal Officer |
2 |
50 |
13,776 |
Legal Officer III |
1 |
46 |
11,280 |
Clerk II |
1 |
31 |
2,880 |
Stenographer |
1 |
31 |
2,880 |
4. Legal Information and Mediation Division |
Chief Legal Officer |
1 |
56 |
P9,288 |
Senior Legal Officer |
2 |
50 |
13,776 |
Legal Officer III |
2 |
46 |
11,280 |
Stenographer |
1 |
31 |
P2,880 |
Clerk II |
1 |
31 |
2,880 |
* Proposed New Title
1. Office of the Director |
Director of Agrarian Reform* |
1 |
63 |
P13,152 |
Asst. Director of Agrarian Reform* |
1 |
60 |
11,328 |
Secretary |
1 |
37 |
3,612 |
Senior Stenographer |
1 |
33 |
2,952 |
2. Land Acquisition Division |
Chief Agrarian Reform Program Officer* |
1 |
54 |
P8,400 |
Senior Agrarian Reform Program Officer* |
2 |
49 |
13,104 |
Agrarian Reform Program Officer |
3 |
46 |
P16,920 |
Clerk II |
1 |
31 |
2,880 |
3. Land Distribution Division |
Chief Agrarian Reform Program Officer* |
1 |
54 |
P8,400 |
Senior Agrarian Reform Program Officer* |
2 |
49 |
13,104 |
Agrarian Reform Program Officer* |
3 |
46 |
16,920 |
Clerk II |
1 |
31 |
2,880 |
4. Land Surveys Division |
Supervising Geodetic Engineer II |
1 |
53 |
P7,992 |
Senior Geodetic Engineer |
2 |
47 |
11,856 |
Geodetic Engineer |
2 |
44 |
10,224 |
Senior Cartographer |
1 |
37 |
3,612 |
Cartographer II |
2 |
33 |
5,904 |
Computer II |
4 |
33 |
11,808 |
Clerk II |
1 |
31 |
2,880 |
Field Staff |
Junior Geodetic Engineer |
1 |
38 |
3,792 |
Surveyman |
2 |
31 |
5,760 |
Computer I |
2 |
31 |
5,760 |
Cartographer I |
1 |
31 |
2,880 |
Survey Aide II |
2 |
30 |
5,760 |
5. Land Capability and Classification Division |
Supervising Geodetic Engineer II |
1 |
53 |
P7,992 |
Senior Geodetic Engineer |
1 |
47 |
5,928 |
Senior Soil Technologist |
1 |
46 |
5,640 |
Supervising Cartographer |
1 |
45 |
5,376 |
Geodetic Engineer |
2 |
44 |
10,224 |
Soil Technologist II |
2 |
42 |
9,264 |
Photocopy Supervisor |
1 |
40 |
4,188 |
Cartographer II |
2 |
33 |
5,904 |
Computer II |
4 |
33 |
11,808 |
Clerk II |
1 |
31 |
2,880 |
Tracer |
1 |
30 |
2,880 |
* Proposed New Title
1. Office of the Director |
Director of Agrarian Reform* |
1 |
63 |
P13,152 |
Assistant Director of Agrarian Reform* |
1 |
60 |
11,328 |
Secretary |
1 |
37 |
3,612 |
Senior Stenographer |
1 |
33 |
2,952 |
2. Census and Statistics Division |
Supervising Statistician |
1 |
51 |
P7,236 |
Senior Statistician |
2 |
47 |
11,856 |
Statistician III |
3 |
43 |
P14,580 |
Statistician II |
3 |
41 |
13,212 |
Statistical Aide II |
2 |
32 |
5,760 |
3. Settlers Affairs Division |
Chief Agrarian Reform Program Officer* |
1 |
54 |
P8,400 |
Senior Agrarian Reform Program Officer* |
2 |
49 |
13,104 |
Medical Services Supervisor I |
1 |
47 |
5,928 |
Agrarian Reform Program Officer* |
3 |
46 |
16,920 |
Clerk II |
1 |
31 |
2,880 |
4. Engineering Division |
Supervising Civil Engineer II |
1 |
53 |
P7,992 |
Senior Civil Engineer |
1 |
47 |
5,928 |
Senior Mechanical Engineer |
1 |
47 |
5,928 |
Architect II |
1 |
42 |
4,632 |
Civil Engineering Draftsman |
1 |
35 |
3,264 |
Clerk II |
1 |
31 |
2,880 |
Field Service |
Civil Engineer |
3 |
44 |
P15,336 |
Electrical Engineer |
1 |
44 |
5,112 |
Agricultural Engineer |
1 |
44 |
5,112 |
5. Special Projects Division |
Chief Agrarian Reform Program Officer* |
1 |
54 |
P8,400 |
Senior Agrarian Reform Program Officer * |
3 |
49 |
19,656 |
Senior Agricultural Project Coordinator |
1 |
44 |
5,112 |
Agricultural Engineer |
1 |
44 |
5,112 |
Economist |
1 |
44 |
5,112 |
Clerk II |
1 |
31 |
2,880 |
* Proposed New Title
1. Office of the Director |
Director of Agrarian Reform* |
1 |
63 |
P13,152 |
Assistant Director of Agrarian Reform* |
1 |
60 |
11,328 |
Secretary |
1 |
37 |
3,612 |
Senior Stenographer |
1 |
33 |
2,952 |
2. Agricultural Development Division |
Chief Agrarian Reform Program Officer* |
1 |
54 |
P8,400 |
Senior Agrarian Reform Program Officer* |
2 |
49 |
13,104 |
Agrarian Reform Program Officer* |
4 |
46 |
22,560 |
Clerk II |
1 |
31 |
2,880 |
3. Home Management and Rural Youth Development Division |
Chief Agrarian Reform Program Officer* |
1 |
54 |
P8,400 |
Senior Agrarian Reform Program Officer* |
2 |
49 |
13,104 |
Agrarian Reform Program Officer* |
4 |
46 |
P2,560 |
Clerk II |
1 |
31 |
2,880 |
4. Cooperative Organization Division |
Chief Agrarian Reform Program Officer* |
1 |
54 |
P8,400 |
Senior Agrarian Reform Program Officer* |
2 |
49 |
13,104 |
Agrarian Reform Program Officer* |
2 |
46 |
11,280 |
Clerk II |
1 |
31 |
2,880 |
* Proposed New Class Title
1. Office of the Regional Director |
Agrarian Reform Regional Director* |
10 |
60 |
P113,280 |
Secretary |
5 |
37 |
18,060 |
Senior Stenographer |
5 |
33 |
14,760 |
2. Administrative Division |
Administrative Officer I |
5 |
46 |
P28,200 |
Personnel Officer II |
5 |
43 |
24,300 |
Budget Examiner III |
5 |
42 |
P23,160 |
Accountant II |
5 |
41 |
22,020 |
Statistician III |
5 |
41 |
22,020 |
Cashier I |
5 |
38 |
18,960 |
Supply Officer I |
5 |
37 |
18,060 |
Records Officer I |
5 |
36 |
17,160 |
Radiophone Operator |
10 |
33 |
29,520 |
Clerk II |
5 |
31 |
14,400 |
Clerk I |
5 |
30 |
14,400 |
Accounting Clerk I |
5 |
30 |
14,400 |
Driver |
10 |
30 |
28,800 |
Janitor |
5 |
26 |
14,400 |
3. Operations Division |
Regional Home Mgt. Technician |
5 |
45 |
P26,880 |
Regional Rural Youth Officer |
5 |
45 |
26,880 |
Regional Farm Mgt. Technician* |
5 |
45 |
26,880 |
Agricultural Cooperatives Specialist I* |
5 |
45 |
26,880 |
Settlers Affairs Officer* |
5 |
45 |
26,880 |
Trial Attorney II |
5 |
46 |
28,200 |
Legal Officer III |
5 |
46 |
28,200 |
Senior Land Acquisition-Allocation Officer |
5 |
44 |
25,560 |
Clerk II |
5 |
31 |
14,400 |
Field Survey Team |
Junior Geodetic Engineer |
5 |
38 |
P18,960 |
Cartographer I |
5 |
31 |
14,400 |
Computer I |
10 |
31 |
28,800 |
Surveyman |
10 |
31 |
28,800 |
Survey Aide II |
10 |
30 |
28,800 |
* Proposed New Class Title
Agrarian Reform District Officer* |
15 |
52 |
P114,120 |
Trial Attorney II |
15 |
46 |
84,600 |
Legal Officer II |
15 |
42 |
69,480 |
Land Acquisition-Allocation Officer* |
15 |
40 |
62,820 |
Administrative Assistant I |
15 |
40 |
62,820 |
Stenographer |
15 |
31 |
43,200 |
Clerk II |
15 |
31 |
43,200 |
Driver |
15 |
30 |
43,200 |
Janitor |
15 |
26 |
43,200 |
* Proposed New Class Title
Agrarian Reform Team Leader III |
10 |
50 |
P68,000 |
Agrarian Reform Team Leader II |
20 |
48 |
124,800 |
Sawmill Superintendent |
2 |
47 |
11,856 |
Agrarian reform Team Leader I |
64 |
46 |
P360,9600 |
Rural Health Physician |
8 |
45 |
43,008 |
Civil Engineer |
1 |
44 |
5,112 |
Legal Officer II |
92 |
42 |
426,144 |
Accountant I |
28 |
41 |
123,312 |
Mechanical Repair Shop Foreman |
2 |
41 |
8,808 |
Agricultural Extension Supervisor |
92 |
40 |
385,296 |
General Construction Foreman |
1 |
40 |
4,188.00 |
Agricultural Cooperatives Agent |
92 |
39 |
366,528 |
Cashier I |
28 |
38 |
106,276 |
Dentist I |
8 |
38 |
30,336 |
Junior Statistician |
92 |
35 |
250,288 |
Supervising Mechanic |
1 |
38 |
3,792 |
Logging-Sawmill Supervisor |
2 |
36 |
6,864 |
Public Health Nurse |
8 |
35 |
26,112 |
Farm Mgt. Technologist* |
712 |
34 |
2,212,896 |
Home Mgt. Technologist* |
176 |
34 |
547,008 |
Rural Youth Technologist* |
176 |
34 |
547,0080 |
Radiophone Operator |
28 |
33 |
82,656 |
Senior Clerk |
2 |
33 |
5,904 |
Senior Mechanic |
1 |
33 |
2,952 |
Highway Maintenance Foreman |
1 |
33 |
2,952 |
Clerk II |
121 |
31 |
P348,480 |
Land Inspector |
28 |
31 |
80,640 |
Heavy Equipment Operator |
11 |
31 |
31,680 |
Marine Engineman |
1 |
31 |
2,880 |
Machinist II |
1 |
31 |
2,880 |
Mechanic II |
7 |
31 |
20,160 |
Bldg. Maintenance Foreman I |
1 |
31 |
2,880 |
Sawyer Foreman |
2 |
31 |
5,760 |
Accounting Clerk II |
1 |
31 |
2,880 |
Midwife I |
44 |
30 |
126,720 |
Security Guard |
63 |
30 |
181,440 |
Bill Collector |
28 |
30 |
80,640 |
Storekeeper I |
12 |
30 |
34,560 |
Clerk I |
5 |
30 |
14,400 |
Driver |
49 |
30 |
141,120 |
Coxswain |
1 |
30 |
2,880 |
Mechanic I |
8 |
30 |
23,040 |
Logging Foreman |
2 |
30 |
5,760 |
Automotive Serviceman |
1 |
27 |
2,880 |
Laborer |
92 |
26 |
264,960 |
Central Office |
277 |
P1,442,184 |
Field Operations |
2,458 |
8,533,048 |
(Central Office) |
(13) |
(49,512) |
(Regional Offices) |
(185) |
(786,420) |
(District Offices) |
(135) |
(566,640) |
(Agrarian Reform Teams) |
(2,125) |
(7,130,476) |
GRAND TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
2,735 |
P9,975,232 |
Section 24. Except as otherwise provided by law, all appointments to the positions authorized under this Staffing Pattern shall be in accordance with the merit requirements of the Civil Service Law and rules and duly approved qualification standards for each position: Provided, that in the case of new position titles, qualification standards therefor shall be developed by the Department, subject to approval by the President upon recommendation of the Civil Service Commission.
Section 25. All personnel of the defunct National Land Reform Council and Land Authority and all organic personnel of the defunct Land Reform Project Administration who hold permanent appointments and whose performance ratings are at least satisfactory shall be given preference for appointment to these positions. Consideration for the employment of other persons shall be made only after these personnel shall have been considered.
Section 26. Should separations or demotions arise as a result of the establishment of this personnel structure, the provisions of the Civil Service Rule on Reduction in Force shall be strictly followed.
Section 27. No original appointments to positions, except confidential positions, in the Staffing Pattern shall be made until all present qualified employees in the abolished agencies shall have been absorbed to appropriate positions provided in the Staffing Pattern. The Secretary of Agrarian Reform shall furnish the Civil Service Commission a certified list of all employees separated as a result of the implementation of the organization of the Department together with a justification for their separation.
Section 28. The position titles used in the Staffing Pattern are tentative and shall be used only for purposes of initial appointments to positions provided therein. The position titles shall be subject to final determination and allocation to appropriate classes and salary ranges by WAPCO upon conduct of the usual audit of the duties and responsibilities assigned to the positions.
Section 29. All initial appointments to positions in the Staffing Pattern shall be at the authorized or actual salaries of the incumbents appointed to the positions, whichever is higher. In the reallocation of appropriations authorized to be made under Section 34 of this Executive Order, an adequate lump-sum amount shall be provided to take care of all cases where the actual salary of the appointee is more than the rate authorized.
Section 30. Salary increases as may result from appointments to positions in the Staffing Pattern shall be effective only after final determination and allocation of said positions by the WAPCO pursuant to Section 28 of this Executive Order.
Section 31. In the selection and initial appointment of personnel for positions in the Staffing Pattern, the Secretary shall be assisted by a Committee composed of a representative of the Department of Agrarian Reform, a representative of the Presidential Economic Staff, and a representative of the Civil Service Commission.
Section 32. The Secretary of Agrarian Reform is authorized to make the necessary changes in the Staffing Pattern with the approval of the Office of the President upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of the Budget, to correct deficiencies that in his opinion may have resulted from the preparation thereof: Provided, That any adjustment or adjustments made pursuant hereto shall not result in an increase in the total appropriations for personal services authorized for the Department: Provided, further, That such adjustments shall not result in an increase in the number of authorized positions herein prescribed; Provided, Finally, That such adjustments shall not be contrary to the constraints on the personnel structure provided for under Republic Act No. 6389.
Section 33. The total appropriations authorized from all funds for the Land Authority, including the National Land Reform Council and the Land Reform Project Administration under Republic Act Numbered Sixty-four hundred, (B- Office of the President, (5) Land Authority, pp. 105133) are made available, based on the unexpended balances thereof as of the effective date of this Executive Order, for the operations of the Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1972.
Section 34. The Commissioner of the Budget is authorized to reallocate the appropriations made available to the Department in accordance with the following budgetary structure herein prescribed for the Department:
Project 1 General Administration and Staff Services
Project 1 Extension Services
Project 2 Land Acquisition, Distribution and Development
Project 3 Resettlement and Rehabilitation
Project 4 Legal Services
Project 5 General Administration
Project 1 Land and Home Development and Improvement
Project 2 Direct Assistance
Project 3 Land Acquisition
Project 4 Sawmill Operations
Project 1 Extension Services
Project 1 Acquisition, Distribution and Development of Public and Private Lands.
Project 2 Land Capability Survey and Classification
Project 1 Resettlement and Rehabilitation
Project 1 Legal Services
Section 35. Unless otherwise contrary to Republic Act No. 6389 and this Executive Order, the Special Provisions applicable to the Land Authority under Republic Act 6400 shall remain in full force and effect with reference to the Department.
Section 36. Unless otherwise contrary to and/or affected or modified by Republic Act No. 6389 and this Executive Order, the lump-sum appropriations for specific purposes including capital outlays as well as the provisos and limiting clauses applicable to the appropriations herein made available to the Department under Section 14 hereof, shall remain in full force and effect with reference to the Department.
Section 37. The Secretary of Agrarian Reform is hereby authorized to organize the field operations of the Department in accordance with the provisions of this Executive Order, including determining the initial complement of the various regional offices and making the necessary subsequent adjustment in the assignment of field personnel and agrarian reform teams among the various regional offices as the exigency of the agrarian reform program may require.7!ᕼdMᗄ7
Section 38. The Secretary of Agrarian Reform shall delegate as much authority as is necessary and feasible to the regional offices of the Department: Provided, That such delegation shall be in writing; shall indicate to which officer or class of officers or employees the delegation is made; shall define the extent to which each delegatee will be held responsible for results; and shall best each delegatee with sufficient authority to enable him to discharge his assigned responsibility; Provided, further, That such delegation shall be effected within the fiscal period ending June 30, 1972.
Section 39. The Secretary shall direct the orderly scheduling of transfers, changes and other transitional actions required by Republic Act 6389 otherwise known as the Code of the Agrarian Reform of the Philippines and this Executive Order, including the final selection of personnel to fit the positions in the Staffing Pattern; provided that all such actions shall be completed within ninety days following the issuance of this Executive Order. In the interim, each entity shall continue to perform its existing functions until such time as the appropriate authority orders change or cessation and each officer and employee shall continue to perform his duties and to exercise his authority until such time as the Secretary orders otherwise but not beyond the termination of the transition period prescribed above.
Section 40. The Commissioner of the Budget shall effect the orderly reallocation of funds and other transitional actions relative thereto to enable the Department to be fully operational within sixty days following the issuance of this Executive Order. The Commissioner of the Budget shall likewise reflect in full all the provisions of Republic Act No. 6389 and this Executive Order or parts thereof in the Budget for the next succeeding fiscal year and thereafter except as may otherwise be more specifically provided.
Done in the City of Manila, this 10th day of November, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and seventy-one.
President of the Philippines
By the President:
Assistant Executive Secretary
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation