[ Executive Order No. 326, December 11, 1958 ]
Pursuant to the powers vested in me by Republic Act Numbered Nine hundred and ninety-seven, as amended by Republic Act Numbered One thousand two hundred and forty-one, and upon the recommendation of the Government Survey and Reorganization Commission, the following Implementing Details of Reorganization Plan No. 50, which relate to Social Welfare are hereby promulgated to govern the organization, powers, duties, and functions of the Social Welfare Administration.
Section 1. the organization, functions, and operations of the Social Welfare Administration, hereinafter referred to as the “Administration,” shall be in accordance with the provisions of Reorganization Plan No. 50, hereinafter referred to as the “Plan,” and these Implementing Details.
Section 2. the organization of the Administration, as graphically depicted in the following organization charts; shall consist of the Office of the Administrator, Office of the Assistant to the Administrator, Office of Administrative Services, Office of Child Welfare, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, and Office of Public Assistance, all hereinafter referred to as the “headquarters entities”; and Regional Offices with their corresponding provincial, municipal, and city offices, all hereinafter referred to as the “field offices”.
Section 3. the Social Welfare Administrator, hereinafter referred to as the “Administrator,” is authorized to make such changes in the organization, definition of functions, and distribution of work among entities in the Administration as may be necessary to reflect changes in legislation, conditions, needs, or workloads: Provided, That no such changes may be made during fiscal year 1957 without specific approval of the President: and provided, further, That any such changes must be in conformity with the general pattern of organization set forth in the Plan and in these Implementing Details.
Functions of the Social Welfare Administrator
Section 4. the functions, powers, duties, and responsibilities of the Administrator shall consist of those provided in pertinent provisions of the Revised Administrative Code and other pertinent laws, and those provided in the Plan and in these Implementing Details. the Administrator shall have the following functions, among others:
(a) recommend to and advise the President on matters relating to social welfare policies;
(b) direct and be responsible for the over-all operations of the Administration;
(c) promulgate rules and regulations necessary to carry out the objectives and functions of the Administration; and
(d) delegate authority for the performance of any function or set of functions to officers and employees of the Administration.
Functions of the Office of the Assistant to the Administrator
Section 5. the Office of the Assistant to the Administrator shall provide legal services, public information services, and staff training for headquarters entities, in accordance with section 3 of the Plan, and shall establish policies, standards, rules, and regulations for the guidance and compliance of field offices in these matters. This office shall have a Public Information Section, a Legal Services Section, and a Staff Training Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
(a) the Public Information Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) perform the functions enumerated in section 3(a) of ) the Plan; and
(2) report to the Administrator on international and interagency matters affecting programs of the Administration
(b) the Legal Services Section shall perform the functions enumerated in section 3 (b) of the Plan.
(c) the Staff Training section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) perform the functions enumerated in section 3(c) of the Plan; and
(2) develop a program to secure fellowships, scholarships, and grants for the staff.
Functions of the Office of Administrative Services
Section 6. the Office of Administrative Services shall be responsible for activities including, but not limited to those relating to the functions enumerated in section 5 of the Plan and for organization and methods of improvement. This Office shall provide these services to headquarters entities and shall establish policies, standards, rules, and regulations for the guidance and compliance of field offices in these matters.
Section 7. the Office of Administrative Services shall have a Budget and Finance Division, a Personnel and Records Division, a Statistical Division, a Property and General Services Division, and a Solicitation Permit Division.
Section 8. the Budget and Finance Division shall perform functions including, but not limited to, those enumerated in section 5(a) of the Plan. This Division shall have a Budget Section and a Fiscal Control Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
(a) the Budget Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) prepare budgets of the Administration;
(2) control expenditures of budgeted funds;
(3) coordinate the allotments of relief funds to provincial branches in accordance with provincial needs;
(4) review budget estimates of field offices;
(5) approve field requisitions for funds and supplies;
(6) prepare recommendations on budgetary policies and procedures; and
(7) provide policy guidance and consultative services to field personnel concerned.
(b) the Fiscal Control Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) keep custody of Administration funds;
(2) pay approved claims;
(3) prepare monthly reports of income and obligations;
(4) prepare recommendations on the establishment, maintenance, and review of fiscal controls;
(5) spot check signatures on relief rolls; and
(6) provide policy guidance and consultative services to field personnel concerned.
Section 9. the Personnel and Records Division shall perform functions including, but not limited to, those enumerated in section 5(b) of the Plan. This Division shall have a Personnel Section and a Records Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
(a) the Personnel Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) establish and manage, subject to civil service and other personnel rules and regulations, a personnel program which includes preparation of position descriptions and qualification standards for purposes of selective recruitment, appointment, and promotion;
(2) act on matters concerning attendance, leaves of absence, appointments, promotions, transfers, and efficiency records ;
(3) maintain a central file of personnel records for all employees of the Administration;
(4) maintain liaison with other agencies of government involved in personnel transactions and related matters; and
(5) provide policy guidance and consultative services to field personnel concerned.
(b) the Records Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) receive and distribute incoming and outgoing communications ;
(2) maintain central files of records and documents and develop and maintain controls for filed materials; and
(3) provide policy guidance and consultative services to field personnel concerned.
Section 10. the Statistical Division shall perform functions including, but not limited to, those enumerated in section 5(c) of the Plan, subject to the authority of the Office of the Statistical Coordination and Standards of the National Economic Council to allocate statistical activities and to prescribe methodology and standards among statistical entities. This Division shall have the following functions, among others:
(a) conduct statistical phases of surveys and research work undertaken by the Administration, including the collection and analysis of statistical data relative to its administrative and program operations, and prepare and publish statistical reports;
(b) Develop a program, in conjunction with organization and methods personnel, to Coordinate land control reports requested by the various entities of the Administration with a goal of limiting the number of the reports required of personnel by other than their immediate supervisors;
(c) maintain the Administrations library; and
(d) provide policy guidance and consultative services to field personnel concerned.
Section 11. the Property and General Services Division shall perform functions including, but not limited to, those enumerated in section 5(d) of the Plan, subject to applicable policies, rules, and standards established by the Department of General Services. This Division shall have a Procurement Section and a General Services Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
(a) the Procurement Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) procure, store, and ship administrative and relief materials, equipment, and supplies handled through the Headquarters Office; and
(2) provide policy guidance and consultative services to field personnel concerned.
(b) the General Services Section shall have the following functions, among others: (1) provide property maintenance janitorial, and other building services;
(1) provide property maintenance janitorial, nad other building services;
(2) manage the transportation facilities, including maintenance of vehicles;
(3) provide and coordinate messenger service;
(4) provide guarding services, including the prevention of theft, fire, accidents, unlawful entry, and similar hazards; and
(5) provide policy guidance and consultative services to field personnel concerned.
Section 12. the Solicitation Permit Division shall have the following functions, among others:
(a) perform the function enumerated in section 5(e) of the Plan;
(b) prepare rules and regulations covering the issuance of permits for solicitations and the review of expenditures for solicitations; and
(c) provide policy guidance and consultative services to field personnel concerned.
Functions of the Office of Child Welfare
Section 13. the Office of Child Welfare shall be responsible for functions including, but not limited to, those enumerated in section 10 of the Plan. This Office shall establish policies, standards, rules, and regulations for the guidance and compliance of field offices to which related operating functions are delegated, except as hereon otherwise provided.
Section 14. the Office of Child Welfare shall have a Division of Child Welfare Services and a Division of Institutions.
Section 15. the Division of Child Welfare shall be responsible for the development of programs relating to child aid and placement, counseling, and group care activities. This Division shall have a Probation and Parole Section, a Child Aid and Placement Section, and a Group Care Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
(a) the Probation and Parole Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) establish standards and develop programs for special case studies of juvenile delinquents in conjunction with policies established by proper courts of justice;
(2) cooperate with other welfare agencies in the promotion and development of welfare services through conferences, lectures, seminars, and related activities:
(3) study and formulate measures to provide effective supervision, guidance, and rehabilitation as necessary to Juvenile offenders on probation and parole and to children with behavior problems; and
(4) provide policy guidance and consultative services to field offices.
(b) the Child Aid and Placement Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) establish standards and develop programs for the care and rehabilitation of dependent, neglected, and destitute children outside of institutions, either in their own homes or in foster homes; and for the care and rehabilitation of unmarried mothers, including future care and disposition of their children; and
(2) provide policy guidance and consultative services to field offices in the conduct of social case studies in these areas.
(c) the Group Care Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) develop program for the establishment of community councils for providing guidance and protection to children and for the prevention and treatment of juvenile delinquency;
(2) review and evaluate accomplishments and make necessary program adjustments;
(3) develop plans for the organization of juvenile control units in local police departments and for the organization of junior police units;
(4) develop plans for coordination of public and private child welfare activities; and
(5) provide policy guidance and consultative services to field personnel concerned.
Section 16. the Division of Institutions shall be responsible for direction and supervision of the Administrations institutional programs. This Division shall have the following duties, responsibilities, and functions, among others:
(a) supervise Welfareville Institutions providing care, training, and rehabilitation of children;
(b) supervise the Welfare Home for Women and Girls, providing care, training, and rehabilitation of wayward females;
(c) determine community needs for the services of privately operated child care institutions and pass upon the eligibility and fitness of such institutions in the Manila area;
(d) provide standards for determining the eligibility and fitness of child welfare institutions for application by regional and unit offices;
(e) establish, maintain, and improve standards and conditions in institutions caring for children; and
(f) inspect licensed private child caring institutions to protect wards against practices detrimental to the moral and physical well-being of the children.
Section 17. the functions, duties, and responsibilities of the Welfareville Institutions are not affected by the Plan, except as provided in section 13 of the Plan.
Section 18. the functions, duties and responsibilities of the Welfare Home for Women and Girls are not affected by the Plan.
Functions of the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
Section 19. the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation shall be responsible for functions including, but not limited to, those enumerated in section 14 of the Plan. This Office shall establish policies, standards, rules, and regulations for the guidance and compliance of the field offices to which related social case studies and follow-up activities are delegated.
Section 20. the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation shall have a Division of Rehabilitation Standards, a Division of Rehabilitation Services, and a Plot Rehabilitation Training Center.
Section 21. the Division of Rehabilitation Standards shall have the following functions, among others:
(a) develop training programs for physically handicapped persons emphasizing vocational rehabilitation;
(b) provide technical guidance and advise to this Pilot Rehabilitation Training Center in carrying out the training program;
(c) review and evaluate operations of the rehabilitation program and make recommendations for adjustments as may be necessary;
(d) study and formulate measures for the improvement of the basic techniques involved in the rehabilitation process;
(e) correlate the rehabilitation program with the over-all program of the Administration; and
(f) maintain liaison with and draw advice and assistance from agencies, both public and private, concerned with the welfare of physically handicapped persons.
Section 22. the Division of Rehabilitation Services shall be responsible for the development of programs to provide rehabilitation services to the physically handicapped clients of the Administration. This Division shall have Services to the Non-Blind Section, Services to the Blind Section, an Advisement Services Section, and a Placement Services Section.
(a) the Services to the Non-Blind Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) initiate and develop a program to provide medical, economic and social services to the physically handicapped clients other than the blind;
(2) review and evaluate field operations in this area for necessary adjustments in the program; and
(3) provide policy guidance and consultative services to personnel concerned in the field offices.
(b) the Services to the Blind Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) initiate and develop a program to provide medical, economic, and social services to the physically handicapped clients who are blind;
(2 )review and evaluate field operations in this area for adjustments in the program as may be necessary; and
(3) provide policy guidance and consultative services to personnel concerned in the field offices.
(c) the Advisement Services Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) initiate and develop plans and programs for aptitude testing of physically handicapped clients, including counseling and advisement services, to assist them in their vocational adjustment problems;
(2) review and evaluate field operations in this area for necessary adjustments in plans and programs; and provide policy guidance and consultative services to personnel concerned in the field offices.
(d) the Placement Services Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) develop a program for placement of physically handicapped people;
(2) encourage and develop employment opportunities for the physically handicapped through public contacts and educational campaigns;
(3) maintain liaison with employers hiring rehabilitated physically handicapped persons for post-placement review; and
(4) provide policy guidance and consultative services in this area to personnel concerned.
Section 23. the Pilot Rehabilitation Training Center shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) administer the training program for the physically handicapped, including training in vocational pursuits and in social adjustment;
(2) administer a workshop for the physically handicapped with dual purpose of training and of production of goods for sale in private marketing outlets;
(3) certify and recommend trained physically handicapped for employment opportunities through the placement services; and
(4) conduct follow-up of the physically handicapped who have undergone training in the Center for their complete social adjustment.
Functions of the Office of Public Assistance
Section 24. the Office of Public Assistance shall be responsible for functions including, but not limited to, those enumerated in section 7 of the Plan. This Office shall establish policies, standards, rules, and regulations for the guidance and compliance of field offices to which related operating functions are delegated, except as herein otherwise provided.
Section 25. the Office of Public Assistance shall have a Division of Social Services, a Division of Assistance, and a Division of Field Services.
Section 26. the Division of Social Services shall be responsible for the development of programs relating to medical social services and self-help projects to reduce material assistance, and shall direct the screening of applicants for low-income public housing projects. This Division shall have a Medical Social Services Section, a Family Welfare Services Section, a Self-Help Project Section, and a Resettlement and Housing Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
(a) the Medical Social Services shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) set standards and initiate and develop programs for providing medical social services to clients;
(2) review and evaluate medical social work performed by field offices; and
(3) provide policy guidance and consultative services to field personnel concerned.
(b) the Family “Welfare Services Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) set standards and initiate and develop programs for providing social services to families in need of social and economic guidance and aid;
(2) review and evaluate such social services rendered by field offices; and
(3) provide policy guidance and consultative services to field personnel concerned.
(c) the Self-Help Project Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) develop and encourage self-help projects which will result in significant reduction of material assistance to the needy;
(2) develop working relationships on community development projects with other government entities at national and local levels;
(3) plan and direct a community kitchen demonstration program; and
(4) provide policy guidance and consultative services to field personnel concerned.
(d) the Resettlement and Housing Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) survey public and private slum and squatter areas in Manila and its suburbs and encourage squatters to move to government resettlement areas or elsewhere with the aid of government facilities and services;
(2) locate and recommend resettlement areas to families who have been ejected or who are facing ejection as a result of the Slum Clearance Program; and
(3) screen applicants for admission to low-income public housing projects and certify their eligibility to the Peoples Homesite and Housing Corporation in accordance with agreements and requests.
Section 27. the Division of Assistance shall be responsible for the development of program relating to the granting of material aid to people in need, and shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Home for the Aged and Infirm. This Division shall have a General Assistance Section and a Special Assistance Section with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
(a) the General Assistance Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) establish eligibility standards and assistance standards for people in need of material aid;
(2) initiate and develop programs and set operating goals in this area;
(3) review and evaluate field operations and adjust programs as necessary;
(4) set policies and standards governing the operation and maintenance of the Home for the Aged and Infirm; and
(5) provide policy guidance and consultative services to field personnel concerned.
(b) the Special Assistance Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) establish policies and standards for the guidance of field offices on the granting of material aid to victims of natural disasters dissident operations, and other special cases;
(2) participate in the above activities as needed and directed; and
(3) maintain liaison with the Philippine National Red Cross and similar relief agencies in the administration of emergency relief programs.
Section 28. the Division of Field Services shall be responsible for the direction, supervision, and coordination of activities of field offices of the Administration, and shall have the following functions, among others:
(a) exercise direct line authority over the field offices;
(b) take such steps as may be necessary to insure that field offices comply with and carry out program plans, policies, report requirements work schedules, and related matters prescribed by appropriate headquarters entities;
(c) analyze and evaluate field operations reports and statistics; advise the Administrator through the Chief of Public Assistance on field developments; and report to, and confer with, the various headquarters entities concerned with the development of the Administrations programs;
(d) maintain liaison contacts with headquarters administrative entities on matters affecting the operations of the field offices; and
(e) develop and maintain in current condition a manual of standards and procedures for the guidance and compliance of field offices, based upon policies and related instructions developed by the headquarters entities concerned.
Functions of Regional Offices
Section 29. Each regional office shall be responsible in its geographical area for welfare services and activities delegated to it and shall have the following functions, among others:
(a) administer, direct, and coordinate all welfare functions in the region, subject to direct authority from the Office of Public Assistance through the Division of Field Services;
(b) execute and implement policies, regulations, and work plans established by appropriate headquarters entities and render administrative decisions on these matters within the limits of delegated authority; and
(c) maintain cooperative and harmonious relationship with other entities and agencies, public and private, in the promotion of community development and welfare.
Section 30. There shall be eight regional offices for the Administration in conformance with the pattern set forth in Reorganization Plan No. 53-A and its Implementing Details.
Section 31. Each regional office shall have an Administrative Section, a Public Assistance Section, a Child Welfare Section, and a Vocational Rehabilitation Section.
Section 32. Subject to policy instructions, standards, rules, and regulations by appropriate headquarters entities and under administrative supervision, direction, and control of the Regional Director, the Administrative Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(a) prepare budget estimates;
(b) account for expenditures;
(c) collect and disburse funds;
(d) maintain equipment and other property;
(e) process requisitions for equipment and supplies and make corresponding purchases;
(f) maintain and operate a central service for transportation;
(g) handle personnel matters, including in-service training of field personnel;
(h) provide messenger and other genera utility service;
(i) gather und compile statistics as required by appropriate headquarters entities; and
(j) issue solicitation permits.
Section 32. Subject to policy instructions, standards, rules and regulations by appropriate headquarters entities and under administrative supervision, direction, and control of the Regional Director, the Public Assistance Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(a) provide general staff assistance to the Regional Director in the administration of public assistance programs;
(b) interpret public assistance programs into realistic operating schedules and plans for execution by provincial and city offices; and
(c) provide policy guidance and consultative services to operating personnel.
Section 34. Subject to policy instructions, standards, rules, and regulations by appropriate headquarters entities and under administrative supervision, direction, and control of the Regional Director, the Child Welfare Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(a) provide general staff assistance to the Regional Director in the administration of Child Welfare programs;
(b) interpret child welfare programs into realistic operating schedules and plans for execution by provincial and municipal offices;
(c) provide policy guidance and consultative services in this area to operating personnel; and
(d) maintain liaison with other entities in the field concerned with child welfare services.
Section 35. Subject to policy instructions, standards, rules and regulations by appropriate headquarters entities and under administrative supervision, direction, and control of the Regional Director, the Vocational Rehabilitation Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(a) provide general staff assistance to the Regional Director in the administration of vocational rehabilitation programs;
(b) interpret child welfare programs into realistic operating operating schedules and plans for execution by provincial and municipal offices;
(c) provide policy guidance and consultative services in this area to operating personnel; and
(d) maintain liaison with other entities in the field concerned with vocational rehabilitation services.
Provincial, Municipal, and City Offices
Section 36. the Provincial Offices shall be under the direct supervision of their respective Regional Offices. the Municipal and City Offices shall be under the supervision of their respective Provincial Offices and shall have the following functions, among others:
(a) conduct social case studies and related follow-up activities on the various phases of welfare services;
(b) give material assistance to eligible clients in accordance with established standards;
(c) provide care rehabilitation to dependent, neglected, and destitute children who cannot be accommodated in welfare institutions;
(d) provide medical social services to the physically handicapped and other eligible clients;
(e) assist and cooperate with law enforcement authorities in locating missing children;
(f) establish community councils for the protection of children and the prevention and treatment of juvenile delinquency;
(g) organize juvenile control units in local police departments;
(h) maintain liaison with prospective employers of trained physically handicapped clients;
(i) inspect licensed private child-caring institutions to check on compliance with standards;
(j) assist in gathering and compiling program statistics;
(k) provide guidance and counseling services to families to prevent social maladjustments; and
(l) assist the courts in the proper adjudication of juvenile delinquency cases through social cases studies.
Section 37. From the total appropriations authorized for the Administration for the period from July one, nineteen hundred and fifty-six to June thirty, nineteen hundred and fifty seven, consisting of the following:
(a) Under Republic Act Numbered 1600
(1) General Fund |
₱3,198,530.00 |
(2) Special Fund-Care and Maintenance of Neglected and Delinquent Children, Section 6, Act No. 3203 |
753,310.00 |
(3) Fiduciary Fund:
(a) Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Fund |
₱204,794.00 |
(b) Proceeds from Sales of Poultry Products of the Welfareville Institutions |
14,120.00 |
2.18,914.00 |
₱4,170,754.00 |
the following sums, subject to adjustment by the Commissioner of the Budget based on the unexpended balance of appropriations available as of the effective date of these Implementing Details, are reallocated for the operation of the Administration during the period from July one, nineteen hundred and fifty-six to June thirty, nineteen hundred and fifty-seven, except where otherwise provided:
A. Funds Transferred Out
The following sums are transferred from the Administration:
(a) to the Department of Health: for items of expenditures relating to the Social Welfare Administration Clinic which is transferred pursuant to section 9 of the Plan |
₱8,064.00 |
(1) General Fund |
₱8,064.00 |
(b) to the Department of Education: for items of expenditures relating to the school facilities at Welfareville Institutions which are transferred pursuant to section 13 of the plan |
78,228.00 |
(1) General Fund |
₱52.560.00 |
(2) Special Fund |
25,668.00 |
₱78.228.00 |
Total Funds Transferred Out |
₱86,292.00 |
B. Current Operating Expenditures
For general administration and staff services: Provided, That the amounts of ₱1.570 and ₱4,200 from the Special Fund and the Fiduciary Fund, respectively, shall be reimbursed to the Budget Commission for accounting services: and Provided, further, That the amount of ₱500.000 from the General Fund shall be available as contribution to the Welfareville Institutions for subsistence of neglected and delinquent children |
₱1,089,506.00 |
(1) General Administration and Staff Services |
₱1,089,506.00 |
For institutional care; for rehabilitation training of the physically handicapped; and for field welfare services, including assistance and rehabilitation of the indigent, aged and infirm, destitute families, orphaned ant; abandoned children, physically handicapped, and negative lepers: relief for victims of disasters and for persons affected by dissident actions; and promotion of the welfare of non-Christians Provided, That an amount not exceeding ₱20,000 shall be available for the acquisition of kitchen equipment and utensils for the Welfareville Institutions: Provided, further, That all positions authorized for “institutional care” shall be with subsistence and quarters: and Provided, Finally, That no part of this appropriation may be expended for hiring of casual labor or the financing of temporary or emergency positions |
₱2, 994,956.00 |
(1) Institutional Care |
₱916.401.00 |
(2) Rehabilitation Training of the Physically Handicapped |
122,100.00 |
(3) Field Welfare Services |
1,956,455.00 |
₱2,994,956.00 |
Total for current operating expenditures of the Social Welfare Administration |
₱4,084,462.00 |
C. Special Provision
The total current operating expenditures of ₱4,084,462.00 authorized for the Social Welfare Administration in these Implementing Details shall be paid out of the following funds:
(1) General Fund |
₱3,137,906.00 |
(2) Special Fund |
727,642.00 |
(3) Fiduciary Fund |
218,914.00 |
Total |
₱4,084,462.00 |
D. General Provisions
The “General Provisions” of Republic Act Numbered Sixteen hundred, to which reference is hereby made, shall remain in full force and effect and is made part of this section on “Reallocation of Appropriation.”
Section 38. the following Staffing Pattern by project activity is provided for the Administration for the period from the effective date of these Implementing Details to June thirty, nineteen hundred and fifty-seven, subject to the provisions of Reorganization Plans Nos. 1-A, 2-A and 3-A, except that authority is hereby granted to the Administrator subject to approval of the Commissioner of the Budget, to make necessary salary adjustments resulting from final selection of personnel to fit the positions in the Staffing Pattern, in order that no incumbent receives a reduction in salary, and further to make necessary salary adjustments resulting from new appointments, promotions, or salary increases: Provided, That no such adjustment may result in a salary rate which exceeds the minimum of the applicable salary range as provided in Reorganization Plan No. 2-A: Provided, further, That new appointments, promotions, and salary increases at present pending which would exceed the maximum rate of the appropriate salary range are cancelled until further notice: and provided, finally, That nothing in the said Staffing Pattern shall be construed as depriving the Government Survey and Reorganization Commission, during its existence and the Commissioner of the Budget thereafter, of its power to make changes therein, to correct mistakes, discriminations, or other injustices that may, in its opinion, have been committed in the preparation thereof: £A⩊phi£
(1) Social Welfare Administration
PROJECT 1: General Administration and Staff Services
Class Title |
Number |
Salary Range |
Amount |
Social Welfare Administrator |
1 |
Exempt |
₱12,000.00 |
Private Secretary |
1 |
(40) |
5,100.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,560.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
4 |
₱20.100.00 |
Head Social Worker II (Assistant to the Administrator) |
1 |
(46) |
₱5, 100.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
2 |
₱6.540.00 |
Public Information Section
Information Editor I (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(30) |
₱1,800.00 |
Information Writer |
1 |
(27) |
1,560.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,560.00 |
3 |
₱4,920.00 |
Legal Service Section
Legal Officer II (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(37) |
₱2.400.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
2 |
₱3.840.00 |
Staff Training Section
Social Work Training Supervisor (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(43) |
₱2,400.00 |
Training Officer |
1 |
(36) |
2,280.00 |
Social Work Instructor |
2 |
(32) |
4,560.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
5 |
₱10,680.00 |
Administrative Officer IV (Chief of Administrative Services) |
1 |
(50) |
₱5.400.00 |
Management Analyst II |
1 |
(39) |
5,100.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1, 440.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
3, 480.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1, 560.00 |
6 |
₱16, 980.00 |
Budget Officer II (Chief of Division) |
1 |
(42) |
₱2.940.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
2 |
₱4, 380.00 |
Budget Section
Budget Examiner II (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(36) |
₱1.800.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
3,000.00 |
3 |
₱4.800.00 |
Fiscal Control Section
Cashier II (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(35) |
₱2, 400.00 |
Cashier I |
1 |
(32) |
1,560.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
3, 000.00 |
4 |
₱6,960.00 |
Senior Statistician (Chief of Division) |
1 |
(41) |
₱2, 580.00 |
Statistician II |
1 |
(38) |
2, 400.00 |
Social Worker |
1 |
(28) |
1,440.00 |
Librarian |
1 |
(27) |
1, 560.00 |
Illustrator II |
1 |
(27) |
1, 560.00 |
Statistical Aide |
2 |
(25) |
3,000.00 |
Clerk I |
4 |
(23) |
6,360.00 |
11 |
₱18,900.00 |
Personnel Officer II (Chief of Division) |
1 |
(43) |
₱2.400.00 |
Personnel Section
Senior Personnel Aide (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(30) |
₱1, 800.00 |
Personnel Aide |
3 |
(25) |
4,560.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(12) |
1,440.00 |
5 |
₱7,800.00 |
Records Section
Records Officer I (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(30) |
₱2,160.00 |
Clerk I |
3 |
(23) |
5,040.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,560.00 |
5 |
₱8,760.00 |
Supervising Social Worker (Chief of Division) |
1 |
(36) |
₱2,160.00 |
Auditing Examiner I |
1 |
(34) |
1,800.00 |
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
2,160.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,560.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
5 |
₱9,120.00 |
Supply Officer III (Chief of Division) |
1 |
(43) |
₱4,200.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,560.00 |
2 |
₱5,760.00 |
Procurement Section
Supply Officer II (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(37) |
₱2,160.00 |
Storekeeper II (Warehouseman) |
2 |
(27) |
3,240.00 |
Assistant Buyer (Canvasser) |
1 |
(26) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I (Stock Clerk) |
5 |
(23) |
7,560.00 |
Store Aide (Checker) |
3 |
(18) |
4,320.00 |
Laborer |
5 |
(14) |
7,200.00 |
17 |
₱25,920.00 |
General Services Section
Security Officer I (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(32) |
₱2, 400.00 |
Building Maintenance Foreman II |
1 |
(29) |
1, 800.00 |
Senior Carpenter |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Printing Teacher |
1 |
(24-32) |
1,440.00 |
Senior Security Guard |
3 |
(24) |
4, 680.00 |
Automotive Mechanic II |
1 |
(24) |
1,800.00 |
Shop Electrician |
1 |
(24) |
1,440.00 |
Carpenter |
3 |
(23) |
432.00 |
Plumber |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Automotive Mechanic I |
1 |
(22) |
1, 440.00 |
Security Guard |
22 |
(22) |
31,680.00 |
Light Equipment Operator II |
5 |
(20) |
7,320.00 |
Typesetting Helper |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
Janitor |
5 |
(14) |
7,200.00 |
47 |
₱69,840.00 |
Social Welfare Supervisor (Chief of Office) |
1 |
(51) |
₱5,400.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,680.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
3 |
₱8,520.00 |
Head Social Worker II (Chief of Division) |
1 |
(46) |
₱5,400.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
3 |
₱8,280.00 |
Probation and Parole Section
Senior Social Worker (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(32) |
₱3.120.00 |
Social Worker (Probation Officer) |
6 |
(28) |
11,520.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
8 |
₱16.080.00 |
Child Aid and Placement Section
Senior Social Worker (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(32) |
₱2,940.00 |
Social Worker |
1 |
(28) |
1, 800.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,560.00 |
3 |
₱6,300.00 |
Group Care Section
Senior Social Worker (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(32) |
₱1,800.00 |
Social Worker |
1 |
(28) |
1,800.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,560.00 |
3 |
₱5,160.00 |
Head Social Worker II (Chief of Division) |
1 |
(46) |
₱4,200.00 |
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
1,800.00 |
Social Worker |
1 |
(28) |
1,560.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
5 |
₱10,440.00 |
Head Executive Assistant (Chief of Office) |
1 |
(55) |
₱6,000.00 |
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
1,560.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
3,000.00 |
5 |
₱12,000.00 |
Head Social Worker II (Chief of Division) |
1 |
(46) |
₱3,720.00 |
Social Worker |
1 |
(28) |
1,800.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,400.00 |
3 |
₱6,960.00 |
Medical Social Services Section
Senior Medical Social Worker (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(34 |
₱2,580.00 |
Medical Social Worker |
2 |
(32) |
4,800.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
4 |
₱8,820.00 |
Family Welfare Services Section
Senior Social Worker (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(32) |
₱2,160.00 |
Social Worker |
2 |
(28) |
3,720.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,800.00 |
4 |
₱7,680.00 |
Self-Help Project Section
Supervising Social Worker (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(36) |
₱2,940.00 |
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
2,280.00 |
Social Worker |
5 |
(28) |
9,240.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,560.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
10 |
₱18,900.00 |
Resettlement and Housing Section
Supervising Social Worker (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(36) |
₱2,400.00 |
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
2,280.00 |
Social Worker |
5 |
(28) |
7,920.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
9 |
₱15,480.00 |
Head Social Worker I (Chief of Division) |
1 |
(43) |
₱3,960.00 |
Social Worker |
1 |
(28) |
1,560.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,400.00 |
4 |
₱8,400.00 |
General Assistance Section
Supervising Social Worker (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(36) |
₱1,920.00 |
Social Worker |
2 |
(28) |
2,880.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,560.00 |
4 |
₱6,360.00 |
Special Assistance Section
Senior Social Worker (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(32) |
₱2,280.00 |
Social Worker |
1 |
(28) |
1,560.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
3 |
₱5,280.00 |
Class Title |
Number |
Salary Range |
Amount |
Head Social Worker III (Chief of Division) |
1 |
(49) |
₱5,400.00 |
Supervising Social Worker |
1 |
(36) |
2,400.00 |
Senior Social Worker |
2 |
(32) |
3,240.00 |
Social Worker |
1 |
(28) |
1,800.00 |
Clerk II |
2 |
(25) |
3,000.00 |
Clerical Aide |
2 |
(18) |
3,120.00 |
9 |
₱18,960.00 |
Social Welfare Supervisor (Chief of Office) |
1 |
(51) |
₱5,400.00 |
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
1,920.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
3 |
₱8,760.00 |
Head Social Worker I (Chief of Division) |
1 |
(43) |
₱1,920.00 |
Social Work Instructor |
1 |
(32) |
1,680.00 |
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
1,800.00 |
Social Worker |
1 |
(28) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23 |
1,440.00) |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
6 |
₱9,720.00 |
Head Social Worker I (Chief of Division) |
1 |
(43) |
₱3,120.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
2 |
₱4,560.00 |
Services to the Non-Blind Section |
Senior Social Worker (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(32) |
₱1,920.00 |
Social Worker |
1 |
(28) |
1,680.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
3 |
₱5,040.00 |
Services to the Blind Section |
Senior Social Worker (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(32) |
₱1,920.00 |
Social Worker |
1 |
(28) |
1,680.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,680.00 |
3 |
₱5,280.00 |
Advisement Services Section |
Guidance Councilor (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(24-32) |
₱1,920.00 |
Social Worker |
1 |
(28) |
1,680.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,680.00 |
3 |
₱5.280.00 |
Placement Services Section |
Senior Social Worker (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(32) |
₱2,760.00 |
Social Worker |
2 |
(28) |
3,600.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
3,000.00 |
5 |
₱9,360.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary |
229 |
₱439,320.00 |
Project 1: Institutional Cars
Head Social Worker I (Superintendent of Welfareville) |
1 |
(43) |
₱2,760.00 |
Administrative Assistant I |
1 |
(35) |
1,800.00 |
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
2 |
(23) |
2,880.00 |
6 |
₱10.320.00 |
Training School for Girls
Supervising Houseparent |
1 |
(33) |
₱1,440.00 |
Houseparent II |
8 |
(27) |
11,520.00 |
Institution Worker |
1 |
(14) |
1,440.00 |
10 |
₱14,400.00 |
Training School for Boys
Supervising Houseparent |
1 |
(33) |
₱1,560.00 |
Houseparent II |
24 |
(27) |
34,560.00 |
Institution Worker |
2 |
(14) |
2,880.00 |
27 |
₱39.000.00 |
Medical Service
Supervising Resident Physician |
1 |
(46) |
₱2,940.00 |
Resident Physician |
2 |
(42) |
4,800.00 |
Dentist |
2 |
(34) |
5,880.00 |
Supervising Nurse |
1 |
(34) |
2,280.00 |
Senior Nurse |
1 |
(34) |
2,280.00 |
Pharmacist |
1 |
(31) |
2,400.00 |
Nurse |
11 |
(28) |
18,480.00 |
Nursing Attendant |
13 |
(20) |
18,720.00 |
Institution Worker |
3 |
(14) |
4,320.00 |
35 |
₱61,500.00 |
Mess Service
Food Services Supervisor I |
1 |
(32) |
₱2,580.00 |
Assistant Food Services Supervisor I |
1 |
(27) |
2,580.00 |
Cook II |
2 |
(21 |
2,880.00) |
Kitchen Helper |
1 |
(14) |
1,440.00 |
Food Server |
3 |
(14) |
4,320.00 |
8 |
₱13,800.00 |
Nursery for Orphans and Destitute Children
Supervising Nurse Maid |
1 |
(27) |
₱1,440.00 |
Nurse Maid |
6 |
(17) |
8,640.00 |
Institution Worker |
2 |
(14) |
2,880.00 |
9 |
₱12,960.00 |
Home for Orphans and Destitute Children
Supervising Houseparent |
1 |
(33) |
₱1,560.00 |
Houseparent I |
6 |
(24) |
8,640.00 |
Nurse Maid |
5 |
(17) |
7,200.00 |
12 |
₱17,400.00 |
Home for Negative Children of Lepers
Supervising Houseparent |
1 |
(33) |
₱2,040.00 |
Houseparent I |
3 |
(24) |
4,320.00 |
Institution Worker |
2 |
(14) |
2,880.00 |
6 |
₱9,240.00 |
Welfare Home for Boys
Supervising Houseparent |
1 |
(33) |
₱1,440.00 |
Houseparent II |
6 |
(27) |
8,640.00 |
7 |
₱10,080.00 |
Child Guidance Clinic
Medical Specialist II |
1 |
(49) |
₱4,200.00 |
Medical Specialist I |
1 |
(46) |
1,800.00 |
Guidance Psychologist |
2 |
(34) |
3,360.00 |
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
₱2,280.00 |
Social Worker |
2 |
(28) |
3,360.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,560.00 |
8 |
₱16,560.00 |
Home for Mentally Defective Children
Supervising Houseparent |
1 |
(33) |
₱1,440.00 |
Houseparent I |
8 |
(24) |
11,520.00 |
Institution Worker |
3 |
(14) |
4,320.00 |
12 |
₱17,280.00 |
Nursery for Negative Children of Lepers
Supervising Nurse Maid |
1 |
(27) |
₱1,680.00 |
Nurse Maid |
7 |
(17) |
10,080.00 |
Institution Worker |
1 |
(14) |
1,440.00 |
9 |
₱13,200.00 |
Welfare Home for Women and Girls
Supervising Houseparent |
1 |
(33) |
₱3,120.00 |
Social Worker |
1 |
(28) |
1,920.00 |
Nurse |
1 |
(28) |
1,800.00 |
Houseparent I |
3 |
(24) |
5,280.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Cook II |
1 |
(21) |
2,580.00 |
Institution Worker |
2 |
(14) |
2,880.00 |
10 |
₱19,020.00 |
Home for the Aged and Infirm
Supervising Houseparent |
1 |
(33) |
₱1,800.00 |
Nurse |
3 |
(28) |
5,160.00 |
Cook II |
1 |
(21) |
1,440.00 |
Nursing Attendant |
9 |
(20) |
12,960.00 |
14 |
₱21,360.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary (Project 1) |
173 |
₱276,120.00 |
Project 2: Rehabilitation Training of the Physically Handicapped
Head Social Worker I (Superintendent) |
1 |
(43) |
₱2.400.00 |
Arts & Trades Instruction Supervisor II (for the workshop) |
1 |
(38-40) |
1,920.00 |
Guidance Psychologist |
2 |
(34) |
3,600.00 |
Guidance Sociologist |
2 |
(34) |
3,240.00 |
Medical Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
1,920.00 |
Social Worker (Rehabilitation Counselor) |
2 |
(28) |
3,360.00 |
Houseparent II (Matron) |
1 |
(27) |
1,920.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,680.00 |
Teacher of the Deaf and Blind |
2 |
(24-32) |
3,840.00 |
Commercial Teacher |
3 |
(24-32) |
4,800.00 |
Industrial Arts Teacher |
3 |
(24-32) |
4,800.00 |
General Agricultural Teacher |
2 |
(24-32) |
3,360.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
3,000.00 |
Light Equipment Operator II |
2 |
(20) |
2,880.00 |
Clerical Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,880.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary (Project 2) |
27 |
₱45,600.00 |
Project 3: Field Welfare Services
Office of the Regional Director
Head Social Worker I (Regional Director) |
1 |
(43) |
₱3,120.00 |
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
1,440.l00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
4 |
₱7,560.00 |
Administrative Services Section
Supervising Clerk I (Chief of Sec-Section) |
1 |
(30) |
₱1,560.00 |
Statistical Aide |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,560.00 |
Laborer |
1 |
(14) |
1,440.00 |
4 |
₱6,000.00 |
Public Assistance Section
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
₱1,440.00 |
Child Welfare Section
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
₱1,560.00 |
Vocational Rehabilitation Section
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
₱1.920.00 |
Provincial, City and Municipal Offices
Provincial Social Welfare Worker |
8 |
(39) |
₱14,940.00 |
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
1,560.00 |
Social Worker |
63 |
(28) |
93,600.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
8 |
(18) |
11,800.00 |
81 |
₱123,420.00 |
92 |
₱141,900.00 |
Office of the Regional Director
Head Social Worker I (Regional Director) |
1 |
(23) |
₱2,400.00 |
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
4 |
₱6,720.00 |
Administrative Services Section
Supervising Clerk I (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(30) |
₱1,560.00 |
Statistical Aide |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Laborer |
1 |
(14) |
1,440.00 |
4 |
₱5,880.00 |
Public Assistance Section
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
₱1.800.00 |
Child Welfare Section
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
₱1,560.00 |
Vocational Rehabilitation Section
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
₱1,440.00 |
Provincial, City and Municipal Offices
Provincial Social Welfare Worker |
4 |
(39) |
₱7,920.00 |
Social Worker |
19 |
(28) |
28,680.00 |
Clerical Aide |
4 |
(18) |
5,880.00 |
27 |
₱42,480.00 |
38 |
₱59,800.00 |
Office of the Regional Director
Head Social Worker I (Regional Director) |
1 |
(43) |
₱2,280.00 |
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
1,800.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,560.00 |
4 |
₱7,080.00 |
Administrative Services Section
Supervising Clerk I (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(30) |
₱1,440.00 |
Statistical Aide |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Laborer |
1 |
(14) |
1,440.00 |
4 |
₱5,760.00 |
Public Assistance Section Senior Social Worker
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
₱1,440.00 |
Child Welfare Section
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
₱1,440.00 |
Vocational Rehabilitation Section
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
₱1,560.00 |
Provincial, City and- Municipal Offices
Provincial Social Welfare Worker |
13 |
(39) |
₱24,840.00 |
Social Worker |
94 |
(28) |
142,860.00 |
Clerk I |
5 |
(23) |
7,200.00 |
Clerical Aide |
13 |
(18) |
18,840.00 |
130 |
₱220,260.00 |
Office of the Regional Director
Head Social Worker I (Regional Director) |
1 |
(43) |
₱2,280.00 |
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
1,560.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,560.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
4 |
₱6,840.00 |
Administrative Services Section
Supervising Clerk I (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(30) |
₱1,560.00 |
Statistical Aide |
1 |
(25) |
1,560.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Laborer |
1 |
(14) |
1,440.00 |
4 |
₱6,000.00 |
Public Assistance Section
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
₱1,440.00 |
Child Welfare Section
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
₱1,560.00 |
Vocational Rehabilitation Section
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
₱1,680.00 |
Provincial, City and Municipal Offices
Provincial Social Welfare Worker |
6 |
(39) |
₱11,160.00 |
Social Worker |
33 |
(28) |
49,080.00 |
Clerical Aide |
6 |
(18) |
8,640.00 |
45 |
₱68,880.00 |
56 |
₱86,400.00 |
Office of the Regional Director
Head Social Worker I (Regional Director) |
1 |
(43) |
₱2,580.00 |
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
4 |
₱6,900.00 |
Administrative Services Section
Supervising Clerk I (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(30) |
₱1,560.00 |
Statistical Aide |
1 |
(25) |
1,560.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Laborer |
1 |
(14) |
1,560.00 |
4 |
₱6,120.00 |
Public Assistance Section
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
₱1,440.00 |
Child Welfare Section
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
₱1,560.00 |
Vocational Rehabilitation Section
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
₱1,560.00 |
Provincial, City, and Municipal Offices
Provincial Social Welfare Worker |
6 |
(39) |
₱11,520.00 |
Social Worker |
40 |
(28) |
58,800.00 |
Clerical Aide |
6 |
(18) |
8,880.00 |
52 |
₱79,200.00 |
63 |
₱96,780.00 |
Office of the Regional Director
Head Social Worker I (Regional Director) |
1 |
(43) |
₱3,480.00 |
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
1,800.00 |
Clerk II 1 |
1 |
(25) |
1,560.00 |
Clerical Aide 1 |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
4 |
₱8,280.00 |
Administrative Services Section
Supervising Clerk I (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(30) |
₱1,560.00 |
Statistical Aide |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,560.00 |
Laborer |
1 |
(14) |
1,440.00 |
4 |
₱6,000.00 |
Public Assistance Section
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
₱1,440.00 |
Child Welfare Section
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
₱1,560.00 |
Vocational Rehabilitation Section
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
₱1,440.00 |
Provincial, City and Municipal Offices
Provincial Social Welfare Worker |
5 |
(39) |
₱10,980.00 |
Social Worker |
55 |
(28) |
82,080.00 |
Clerical Aide |
5 |
(18) |
7,320.00 |
65 |
₱100,380.00 |
76 |
₱119,100.00 |
Office of the Regional Director
Head Social Worker I (Regional Director) |
1 |
(43) |
₱3,120.00 |
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,560.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,560.00 |
4 |
₱7,680.00 |
Administrative Services Section
Supervising Clerk I (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(30) |
₱1,560.00 |
Statistical Aide |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Laborer |
1 |
(14) |
1,440.00 |
4 |
₱5,880.00 |
Public Assistance Section
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
₱1,440.00 |
Child Welfare Section
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
₱1,560.00 |
Vocational Rehabilitation Section
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
₱,.440.00 |
Provincial, City, and Municipal Offices
Provincial Social Welfare Worker |
5 |
(39) |
₱9,900.00 |
Social Worker |
25 |
(28) |
37,200.00 |
Clerical Aide |
5 |
(18) |
7,200.00 |
Office of the Regional Director
Head Social Worker I (Regional Director) |
1 |
(32) |
₱3,120.00 |
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
1,560.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,560.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,560.00 |
Administrative Services Section
Supervising-Clerk I (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(30) |
₱1,560.00 |
Statistical Aide |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Laborer |
1 |
(14) |
1,440.00 |
4 |
₱5,880.00 |
Public Assistance Section
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
₱1,560.00 |
Child Welfare Section
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
₱1,560.00 |
Vocational Rehabilitation Section
Senior Social Worker |
1 |
(32) |
₱1,560.00 |
Provincial, City, and Municipal Offices
Provincial Social Welfare Worker |
6 |
(39) |
₱13,020.00 |
Social Worker |
35 |
(28) |
58,040.00 |
Clerical Aide |
6 |
(18) |
8,640.00 |
47 |
₱74,700.00 |
Total-Region 8 |
58 |
₱93,060.00 |
Total-Region 3 |
570 |
₱889.680.00 |
Total-Region II |
770 |
₱1,211,400.00 |
999 |
₱1,650.720.00 |
Section 39. the personnel structure of the Administration for the period from the effective date of these Implementing Details to June thirty, nineteen hundred and fifty-seven, shall conform to the Staffing Pattern provided in these Implementing Details.
Section 40. Except where the law provides otherwise, all appointments to positions authorized in the Staffing Pattern shall be subject to the requirements of the civil service and other personnel laws, rules, and regulations: Provided, That all personnel in the present staff who meet such requirements shall be employed before consideration is given to the employment of other persons, subject to the approval of the Government Survey and Reorganization Commission and the President.1aшphi1
Section 41. Any delegation of authority required or authorized by these Implementing Details shall be in writing; shall indicate to which officer or class of officers or employees the delegation is made; shall define the extent to which each delegatee will be held responsible for results; and shall vest each delegatee with sufficient authority to enable him in discharge his assigned responsibility. Such delegations, where specifically provided by these Implementing Details, shall be within the limits of the provisions of these Implementing Details: Provided, That nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent other delegations.
Section 42. If any provisions of these Implementing Details should be held invalid, the other provisions shall not be affected thereby.
Section 43. the Administrator shall direct the orderly scheduling of transfers, changes, and other transitional actions required by the Plan and by these Implementing Details within sixty days from the effective date of the Implementing Details. in the interim, each entity shall continue to perform its existing functions until such time as the Administrator orders change or cessation and each officer and employee shall continue to perform his duties and to exercise his authority until such time as the Administrator orders otherwise.
Done in the City of Manila, this 11th day of December, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-eight, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the thirteenth.
(Sgd.) CARLOS P. GARCIA President of the Philippines
By the President:
(Sgd.) JUAN C. PAJO Executive Secretary
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation