[ EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 257, July 05, 1957 ]
Pursuant to the powers vested in me by Republic Act Numbered Nine hundred and ninety-seven, as amended by Republic Act Numbered One thousand two hundred and forty-one, and upon the recommendation of the Government Survey and Reorganization Commission, the following Implementing Details of Reorganization Plan No. 77 which relate to the Forest Products Research Institute are hereby promulgated to govern the organization, powers, duties, and functions of said entity:
Section 1. The organization, functions, and operation of the Forest Products Research Institute, hereinafter referred to as the “Institute,” shall be in accordance with the provisions of Reorganization Plan No. 77, hereinafter referred to as the “Plan,” and these Implementing Details.
Section 2. The organization of the Institute, as graphically depicted in the following organization chart, shall consist of the Forest Products Research Board; the Office of the Director which shall consist of the Director and the Assistant Director; and five divisions, namely: Administrative Services Division, Industrial Investigations Division, Wood Technology Division, Chemical Investigations Division, and Wood Preservation Division, with their subordinate sections and Units.
Functions of the Forest Products Research Board
Section 3. The functions, powers, duties, and responsibilities of the Board shall consist of, but not be limited to, those specifically enumerated under section 13 of the Plan.
Functions of the Institute
Section 4. In addition to the functions, powers, duties, and responsibilities of the Institute as specifically enumerated under section 4 of the Plan, it shall have those functions which are transferred to it from the Forest Products Laboratory and Forest Products Research Section, Forest investigation Division of the Bureau of Forestry which can be interpreted to include, but not be limited to, the following:
a. study, compare, and determine the strength properties and characteristics of different species of wood for the purpose of determining their usefulness as raw materials;
b. develop new industries or improve old ones so that wood may carry its full share in the industrialization, of the country;
c. make wood products serve the users better through increased durability and suitability;
d. conduct studies to distinguish one wood from another and analyze their structural characteristics;
e. study the best methods of producing plywood and glued products and find the suitability of the different species for the manufacture of pulp, paper, wallboard, and similar products;
f. conduct natural and artificial seasoning of the different species of wood for industrial use;
g. study the uses of minor products of the forest, such as rattan, resin, extractives, and others with a view to develop or improve industries based on them;
h. study the durability and treatability of different Philippine woods and search for preservatives and methods of treatment that will protect them from fungus and insect pests; and
i. effectuate such other investigations as will make research a sustaining element in the general objectives of promoting the integration of forest industries.
Functions of the Office of the Director
Section 5. The functions, powers, duties, and responsibilities of the Director or the Assistant Director in the former’s absence or temporary inability to perform office functions, and upon proper designation, shall consist of, but not be limited to, those specifically provided under section 14 of the Plan. In addition, the Assistant Director shall advise and assist the Director in the development of policies, financial programs, and research programs, in conducting the business and research activities of the Institute, in attending meetings and conferences, and shall undertake such other responsibilities and functions as the Director may delegate.
Functions of the Administrative Services Division
Section 6. The Administrative Services Division shall, among others, provide housekeeping and auxiliary services needed by the various divisions and sections of the Institute, including personnel administration, budgets, internal audits, fiscal management and disbursement, procurement, installation, records and maintenance, organization and methods analysis, liaison and information services, reference and library services, and common office services. It shall also provide such secretarial, clerical, and other auxiliary services as may be needed by the Board, including keeping of minutes of Board meetings.
Section 7. The Administrative Services Division shall have five sections and Liaison Unit in Manila, with specific duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Personnel Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) initiate and maintain a personnel program consistent with existing civil service and other personnel laws, rules, and regulations, which includes training of personnel, analysis of positions and qualifications, setting standards for selective recruitment, appointments, transfers, and related work;
(2) process such papers as appointments, promotions, reinstatements, requests for leave of absence, personnel investigations and disciplinary actions, and other personnel transactions which need action by the Director;
(3) keep and maintain current personnel records and a plantilla of personnel for the Institute; and
(4) carry on a vigorous and continuous campaign to promote the safety and health of employees, avoid possible hazards in the operation of the apparatus and equipment and other activities of the Institute, and develop safety consciousness in employees.
b. The Budget and Finance Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) prepare, review, and consolidate budget estimates with justification data for budget requests, and submit the same to proper authorities;
(2) pass or availability of funds for purchasing equipment and supplies and for other expenditures, and prepare vouchers and checks covering payments therefor;
(3) control expenditures in accordance with budgetary allotments;
(4) handle receipt and disbursement activities, the preparation of payrolls and payment of salaries of employees, and report collections, deposits, and disbursements as required by accounting and auditing rules and regulations; and
(5) maintain adequate records of budget, financial, contractual, and business activities and obligations of the Institute.
c. The Engineer and Shops Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) perform plant construction, installation, repair and maintenance, or supervise the performance of the same by contractors;
(2) operate the Institute’s sawmills and shops and the mechanical and electrical equipment for general service, not assigned to some other division or section;
(3) make plans for plant layout and construction, and study the more efficient operation of plant machinery and equipment; and
(4) operate the Institute’s motor pool.
d. The General Services Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) procure, keep and maintain the Institute’s property, supplies, and equipment, and dispose of, under strict regulations, property that has become worn out obsolete, or useless;
(2) maintain adequate records of supplies and equipment received and issued to entities and officials of the Institute and keep current inventories of property, supplies, and equipment;
(3) handle purchase requisitions and make purchases for the entities and officials of the Institute;
(4) supervise use and maintenance of office equipment and property;
(5) keep and maintain records, reports, and documents not specifically assigned to other sections of the Division or other Divisions;
(6) maintain and manage the janitorial, messengerial, clerical, security, and other facilitating services;
(7) provide for the maintenance of buildings and grounds;
(8) develop and maintain currently a manual or manuals of rules, regulations, policies, and standard operating procedures of the Institute with instructions for their use with assistance from other sections and divisions; and
(9) receive, sort, distribute, dispatch, and record incoming and outgoing mail, correspondence, and other written communications.
e. The Publications and Information Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) prepare informational material for press release and publication purposes submitted by any of the divisions and units of the organization;
(2) facilitate the exchange of technical information on forestry and forest products between the Institute and the Bureau of Forestry, with industry and the general public;
(3) handle publication and public relations activities of the Institute;
(4) maintain liaison with entities of the government concerned with the dissemination of informational and educational materials to the public; and
(5) maintain and administer the technical reference library of the Institute.
f. The Manila Liaison Unit shall be located in the Bureau of Forestry and have the following functions, among others:
(1) serve as a government liaison and local industry contact office;
(2) attend to local procurement of supplies and equipment in accordance with delegated authority; and
(3) provide information to the public, as requested locally.
Section 9. The functions, powers duties, and responsibilities of the Industrial Investigations Division shall include, among others, investigations on the mechanical properties of wood, comparison of behavior of different species under various woodworking operations, recommendations as to uses for which different species are suited, and assistance to manufacturers in selecting suitable wood.
Section 10. The Industrial Investigations Division shall have two sections, with specific duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Mechanical Properties Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) investigate the mechanical properties of different species of wood, including tests on static bending, impact bending, toughness, compression, shear, hardness and other mechanical properties as needed;
(2) investigate the strength of nailed, bolted, and similar joints used in timber structures to compare their effectiveness and usefulness under different conditions; and
(3) investigate the strength of structural elements of timber such as posts, beams, trusses, laminated beams and arches, and similar members to determine their reliability and to assist in their efficient design.
b. The Quality, Evaluation, Machining, and Selection Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) compare and evaluate different species of wood with regard to their behavior and response during various processing operatios, such as sawing, nailing, planning, sanding, boring, painting, varnishing, and the like;
(2) recommend the uses for which the various species of wood are best suited, according to their specific gravity, individual strength properties, shrinkage, seasoning properties, durability and other characteristics, properties, and behavior;
(3) assist manufacturers and others in selecting the most suitable woods for various kinds of wood products; and
(4) assist in finding suitable uses for neglected species that are not now in profitable commercial use.
Functions of the Wood Technology Division
Section 11. The functions, powers, duties, and responsibilities of the Wood Technology Division shall include, among others, investigations on the microscopic structure of woods the relations between structure and properties, the manufacture of veneer, plywood, and laminated products, the gluing of wood, and the production of minor forest products.
Section 12. The Wood Technology Division shall have three sections, with specific duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Wood Structure Museum and Herbarium Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) investigate the microscopic anatomical structure of wood of different species in order to determine their distinguishing characteristics;
(2) investigate the relations between the microscopic and macroscopic structure of different species and their properties and usefulness;
(3) investigate the fiber length, diameter, and other related characteristics of wood fibers to provide information on theirsuitability for paper making and on palm fibers to provide information on their suitability for brush manufacture;
(4) maintain the wood collection of the Institute, to serve as basic reference material for the identification of unknown wood samples and the herbarium material collected for establishing the species identification of the trees used in the Institute testing program; and
(5)maintain a museum for the illustration and demonstration of forest products, processing methods, results of research and related material.
b. The Veneer, Plywood, and Gluing Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) investigate the suitability for veneer and plywood of species not now used for the purpose and develop the techniques for using them successfully;
(2) develop improvements in the methods used for manufacturing veneer and plywood and in the properties of the finished products from the species now in use; and
(3) study the gluing properties of different species of wood and develop the technique of using them successfully in the manufacture of laminated structural timbers and other glued products.
c. The Minor Forest Products Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) investigate the production and marketing of the minor, non-chemical products of the forest, such as fibers, barks, nuts, and other miscellaneous products, for the purpose of encouraging their production, improving their quality and increasing their marketability and usefulness; and
(2) stimulate the small scale manufacture of wood products from waste or other residues by means of inexpensive machinery or equipment.
Functions of the Chemical Investigations Division
Section 13. The functions, powers, duties, and responsibilities of the Chemical Investigations Division shall include, among others, the investigation of the pulping, wallboard, and paper-making properties of different wood species, the chemical analysis of different species, and the production and processing of minor chemical products.
Section 14. The Chemical Investigations Division shall have two sections, with specific duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Pulping and wallboard Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) investigate the pulping and paper-making properties and processing of the different species of wood and find out which species and mixtures can be used profitably for manufacturing paper of various commercial kinds; and
(2) study the manufacture of wallboards and hard-boards by different methods from the various species and develop the technique of producing acceptable grades and qualities from different species and mixtures.
b. The Chemical Composition Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) study the chemical composition and properties of different species of wood and look for characteristics and chemical differences that bear on wood suitability for various uses or may make them attractive as sources of tannins or other extractives of commercial value;
(2) make chemical studies of all kinds needed to improve chemical processing or properties or encourage the profitable and more efficient utilization of forest and mill wastes and by-products; and
(3) study minor chemical products, especially those that can be produced from waste woods, such as charcoal, extractives, and other chemical by-products and develop improvements in processing needed to make them commercially useful and profitable.
Functions of the Wood Preservation Division
Section 15. The functions of the Wood Preservation Division shall include, among others, the investigation of the seasoning and physical properties of different species, the study of the ability of different species to take preservative treatment, the study of the habits of wood-damaging fungi and insects and the search for methods for their control, investigation of the decay, insect, and fire resistance of different species, and investigations on the effectiveness of wood preservatives.
Section 16. The Wood Preservation Division shall have four sections, with specific duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Physical Properties and Seasoning Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) investigate and compare the physical properties of wood such as shrinkage, specific gravity, electrical properties, and moisture relations;
(2) study and compare the seasoning properties of different woods by air drying and kiln drying methods in order to classify them with regard to their ease of seasoning; and
(3) devise practical means or drying schedules for air drying or kiln drying; each important species with minimum loss or damage.
b. The Wood Preservative Treatment Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) investigate the treatability of different species in order to classify them with regard to their resistance to impregnation with wood preservatives;
(2) devise practical methods and treatments to overcome the resistance to penetration in the species that are difficult to impregnate;
(3) study and compare the natural resistance of different species to fungi and insects;
(4) compare through field tests the effectiveness of different preservatives and treatments in prolonging the life of wood exposed to deteriorating conditions; and
(5) compare the fire resistance of different species and devise means of increasing the resistance by means of impregnated chemicals or coating.
c. The Pathology Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) study the life habits of wood destroying and wood staining fungi, in order to avoid their depredations;
(2) study the blue staining of rattan and lumber and devise methods for its prevention; and
(3) make laboratory tests on the toxicity and effectiveness of wood preservatives and stain preventives.
d. The Entomology Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) investigate the life habits of insects that damage wood, in order to find ways to avoid their attacks;
(2) investigate the damage caused by log-boring insects in freshly cut logs and the effectiveness of methods and materials for preventing the damage; and
(3) devise methods for protecting wood products and wood structures from the attacks of boring insects such as termites (anay), powder-pest beetles (bokbok) and the like.
Section 17. From the total appropriations authorized for the period from July first, nineteen hundred and fifty-six to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fifty-seven, consisting of the following:
a. Under Republic Act Numbered 1600
(1) For the Forest Products Laboratory, Bureau of Forestry, General Fund |
P325,720.00 |
(2) For the Forest Products Research Section, Bureau of Forestry,General Fund |
22,320.00 |
(3) For the Administrative Division, Bureau of Forestry,General Fund |
4,200.00 |
(4) For the National Economic Council, CP 774 |
59,980.00 |
P412.220.00 |
the following sums, subject to adjustment by the Commissioner of the Budget based on the unexpended balance of the appropriations available as of the effective date of these Implementing Details, are reallocated for the operation of the Institute during the period from July first, nineteen hundred and fifty-six to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fifty-seven, except where otherwise provided.
(1) Forest. Products Research Institute
For the administration and execution of research on the utilization of forest products, including executive direction and administrative services and research: Provided, That out of this appropriation so much as may be necessary shall be made available, from the lump sum of ?7,892 for emergency laborers for the payment of per diems of the members of the Forest Products Research Board at ?25 each per meeting actually attended, but not to exceed 1any month; Provided, further, That only those members who are not government employees are entitled to per diems |
P412,220.00 |
(1) Executive Direction and Administrative Services |
P136,880.00 |
(2) Research |
275,340.00 |
412,220.00 |
412,220.00 |
The total current operating expenditures of ?412,220 authorized for the Institute in these Implementing Details shall be paid out of the following funds:
a. Counterpart Fund |
P59,980.00 |
b. General Fund |
352,240.00 |
The “General Provisions” of Republic Act Numbered Sixteen hundred, to which reference is hereby made, shall remain in full force and effect and is made a part of this Section on “Reallocation of .Appropriations,” except that Section 16, thereof, “Officials entitled to transportation allowance,” is modified to include therein the Director of Forest Products Research Institute; and section 17 thereof, “Bureaus and offices entitled to use, operate, and maintain government motor vehicles and launches,” is modified to include the Forest Products Research Institute.
Section 19. The following Staffing Pattern by project activity is provided for the Institute for the period from the effective date of these Implementing Details to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fifty-seven, subject to the provisions of Reorganization Plans Nos. 1-A, 2-A and 3-A, except that authority is hereby granted to the Director subject to approval of the Commissioner of the Budget, to make necessary salary adjustments resulting from final selection of personnel to fit the positions in the Staffing Pattern, in order that no incumbent receives a reduction in salary, and further to make necessary salary adjustments resulting from new appointments, promotions, or salary increases: Provided, That no such adjustment may result in a salary rate which exceeds the minimum of the applicable salary range as provided in Reorganization Plan No. 2-A: Provided, further, That new appointments, promotions, and salary increases presently pending which would exceed the maximum rate, of the appropriate salary range are cancelled until further notice: And provided, finally That nothing in the said Staffing Pattern shall be construed as depriving the Government Survey and Reorganization Commission, during its existence and the Commissioner of the Budget thereafter, of its power to make changes therein, to correct mistakes, discriminations, or other injustices that may, in its opinion, have been committed in the preparation thereof:
(1) Forest Products Research Institute
PROJECT 1: Executive Direction and Administrative Services
Class title |
Number |
Salary range |
Amount |
Director of Forest Products Research Institute |
1 |
(55) |
P6,000.00 |
Assistant Director, Forest Products Research Institute |
1 |
(52) |
5,100.00 |
Secretary |
1 |
(30) |
2,544.00 |
3 |
P13,644.00 |
Administrative Officer II (Division Chief) |
1 |
(45) |
P3,984.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,800.00 |
Personnel Section |
Personnel Officer I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(37) |
P3,120.00 |
Personnel Aid |
1 |
(25) |
1,980.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,560.00 |
3 |
P6,660.00 |
Budget and Finance Section |
Budget Officer I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(39) |
P3,960.00 |
Cashier I |
1 |
(32) |
2,808.00 |
Accounting Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,980.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,560.00 |
4 |
P10,308.00 |
Engineering and Shops Section |
Mechanical Plant Chief (Section Chief) |
1 |
(42) |
P3,720.00 |
Mechanical Plant Supervisor |
1 |
(31) |
2,280.00 |
Senior Mechanical Plant Operator |
1 |
(27) |
1,800.00 |
Mechanical Plant Operator II |
1 |
(23) |
1,800.00 |
Field Electrician |
1 |
(23) |
1,560.00 |
Heavy Equipment Operator |
1 |
(23) |
1,800.00 |
Carpenter |
4 |
(23) |
6,120.00 |
Class title |
Number |
Salary range |
Amount |
Mechanical Plant Operator I |
1 |
(21) |
1,560.00 |
Light Equipment Operator II |
1 |
(20) |
1,560.00 |
12 |
P22.200.00 |
General Services Section |
Administrative Assistant II (Section Chief) |
1 |
(37) |
P2,400.00 |
Storekeeper I |
1 |
(23) |
1,560.00 |
Security Guard |
4 |
(22) |
6,120.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
Groundsman-Gardener |
1 |
(14) |
1,440.00 |
Janitor |
3 |
(14) |
4,320.00 |
Laborer |
7 |
(14) |
10,080.00 |
18 |
P27,360.00 |
Publications and Information Section |
Information Editor II (Section Chief) |
1 |
(36) |
3,432.00 |
Senior Librarian |
1 |
(33) |
2,760.00 |
Microphotographer |
1 |
(30) |
2,040.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,560.00 |
4 |
P9,792.00 |
Manila Liaison Unit |
Forester III |
(39) |
P3,480.00 |
Assistant Buyer |
(26) |
2,040.00 |
Clerical Aide |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
3 |
P6,960.00 |
46 |
P89,064.00 |
49 |
P102,708.00 |
7,892.00 |
P110,600.00 |
Office of the Chief |
Supervising Forestry Research Scientist (Division Chief) |
1 |
(50) |
P4,200.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,980.00 |
2 |
P6.180.00 |
Mechanical Properties Section |
Senior Forestry Research Scientist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(47) |
P3,120.00 |
Junior Forestry Research Scientist |
3 |
(34) |
7,560.00 |
Computer I |
1 |
(25) |
1,800.00 |
Class title |
Number |
Salary range |
Amount |
Forestry Laboratory Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,560.00 |
Laborer |
2 |
(14) |
2,880.00 |
8 |
P16,920.00 |
Quality, Evaluation, Machining, and Selection Section |
Senior Forestry Research Scientist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(47) |
P3,120.00 |
Forestry Research Scientist |
1 |
(41) |
2,730.00 |
Junior Forestry Research Scientist |
1 |
(84). |
2,400.00 |
Forestry Laboratory Aide |
2 |
(18) |
3,000.00 |
5 |
P11,250.00 |
15 |
P34,350.00 |
Office of the Chief |
Supervising Forestry Research Scientist (Division Chief) |
1 |
(50) |
P4,800.00 |
Senior Forestry Research Scientist |
1 |
(47) |
4,800.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,560.00 |
3 |
P11,160.00 |
Wood Structure, Museum, and Herbarium Section |
Senior Forestry Research Scientist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(47) |
P4,800.00 |
Forester II |
1 |
(34) |
***2,200.00 |
Junior Forestry Research Scientist |
1 |
(34) |
1,800.00 |
Forestry Laboratory Technician |
1 |
(24) |
1,800.00 |
4 |
P10,600.00 |
Veneer, Plywood, and Gluing Section |
Senior Forestry Research Scientist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(47) |
P2.760.00 |
Junior Forestry Research Scientist |
2 |
(34) |
4,800.00 |
Forestry Laboratory Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,560.00 |
Laborer |
3 |
(14) |
4,320.00 |
7 |
P13,440.00 |
Minor Forest Products Section |
Senior Forestry Research Scientist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(47) |
P2,760.00 |
Forester II |
1 |
(34) |
2,400.00 |
2 |
P5,160.00 |
16 |
P40,360.00 |
Office of the Chief |
Chief Research Chemist I (Division Chief) |
1 |
(50) |
P4.800.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,560.00 |
2 |
P6,360.00 |
Pulping and Wallboard Section |
Senior Research Chemist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(48) |
P3,960.00 |
Research Chemist I |
1 |
(41) |
2,760.00 |
Analytical Chemist |
1 |
(34) |
2,400.00 |
Chemical Laboratory Technician |
1 |
(24) |
2,400.00 |
Chemical Laboratory Technician |
2 |
(24) |
*3,300.00 |
Chemical Laboratory Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,560.00 |
Laborer |
3 |
(14) |
4,320.00 |
10 |
P20,700.00 |
Chemical Composition Section |
Senior Research Chemist (Section Chief |
1 |
(48) |
P2,760.00 |
Research Chemist I |
1 |
(41) |
*2,530.00 |
Analytical Chemist |
1 |
(34) |
2,400.00 |
Analytical Chemist |
1 |
(34) |
2,400.00 |
Chemical Laboratory Technician |
1 |
(24) |
1,800.00 |
Chemical Laboratory Technician |
1 |
(24) |
*1,650.00 |
Chemical Laboratory Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,560.00 |
Laborer |
1 |
(14) |
1,440.00 |
8 |
P16,540.00 |
20 |
P43,600.00 |
Office of the Chief |
Supervising Forestry Research Scientist (Division Chief |
1 |
(50) |
P4.800.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
P1,560.00 |
2 |
P6.360.00 |
Physical Properties and Seasoning Section |
Senior Forestry Research Scientist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(47) |
*?3,630.00 |
Forestry Research Scientist |
1 |
(41) |
3,120.00 |
Junior Forestry Research Scientist |
1 |
(34) |
2,760.00 |
Junior Forestry Research Scientist |
1 |
(34) |
*2,530.00 |
Forestry Laboratory Technician |
(24) |
*1,650.00 |
Laborer |
3 |
(14) |
4,320.00 |
8 |
P18,010.00 |
Class title |
Number |
Salary range |
Amount |
Wood Preservative Treatment Section |
Senior Forestry Research Scientist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(47) |
*P3,630.00 |
Forestry Research- Scientist |
1 |
(41) |
3,120.00 |
Junior Forestry Research Scientist |
2 |
(34) |
5,520.00 |
Forestry Laboratory Technician |
1 |
(24) |
1,800.00 |
Laborer |
2 |
(14) |
2,880.00 |
7 |
P16,950.00 |
Pathology .Section |
Senior Forestry Research Scientist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(47) |
P4,800.00 |
Junior Forestry Research Scientist- |
1 |
(34) |
2,400.00 |
Junior Forestry Research Scientist |
1 |
(84) |
*2,530.00 |
Forestry Laboratory Technician |
1 |
(24) |
1,800.00 |
4 |
P11,530.00 |
Entomology Section |
Senior Forestry Research Scientist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(47) |
P2,400.00 |
Junior Forestry Research Scientist |
1 |
(34) |
**1,150.00 |
Forestry Laboratory Technician |
1 |
(24) |
**750.00 |
3 |
P4,300.00 |
24 |
P57,150.00 |
75 |
P175,460.00 |
124 |
P278,168.00 |
7,892.00 |
P286,060.00 |
Section 20. The personnel structure of the Institute for the period from the effective date of these Implementing Details to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fifty-seven, shall conform to the Staffing Pattern provided in these Implementing Details.
Section 21. Except where the law provides otherwise, all appointments to positions authorized in the Staffing Pattern shall be subject to the requirements of the civil service and other personnel laws, rules, and regulations: Provided, That all personnel in the present staff who meet such requirements shall be employed before consideration is given to the employment of other persons, subject to the approval of the Government Survey and Reorganization Commission and the President.
Section 22. Any delegation of authority required or authorized by these Implementing Details shall be in writing; shall indicate to which officer or class of officers or employees the delegation is made; shall define the extent to which each delegatee will be held responsible for results; and shall vest each delegatee with sufficient authority to enable him to discharge his assigned responsibility. Such delegations, where specifically provided by these Implementing Details, shall be within the limits of the provisions of these Implementing Details: Provided, That nothing in this Section shall be construed to prevent other delegations.
Section 23. If any provision of these Implementing Details should be held invalid, the other provisions shall not be affected thereby.
Section 24. The President of the University of the Philippines shall direct the orderly scheduling of transfers, changes, and other transitional actions required by the Plan and by these Implementing Details within sixty days from the effective date of the Implementing Details. In the interim, each entity shall continue to perform its existing functions until such time as the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources orders change or cessation and each officer and employee shall continue to perform his duties and to exercise his authority until such time as the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources orders otherwise.
Done in the City of Manila, this 5th day of July, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-seven, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the twelfth.1âшphi1
(Sgd.) CARLOS P. GARCIA President of the Philippines
By the President:
(Sgd.) FORTUNATO DE LEON Executive Secretary
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation