Today is Wednesday, March 26, 2025





By virtue of the powers vested in me by Republic Act Numbered Fifty-one, I, MANUEL ROXAS., President of the Philippines, do hereby order —

Section 1. Section seventy-four of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:

“Section 74. Departmental organization — All executive functions of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines shall be directly under the Executive Department, subject to the supervision and control of the President of the Philippines in matters of general policy. The Departments are established for the proper distribution of the work of the Executive, for the performance of the functions expressly assigned to them by law, and in order that each branch of the administration may have a chief responsible for its direction and policy. Each Department Secretary shall assume the burden of, and responsibility for, all activities of the Government under his control and supervision

“For administrative purposes, the President of the Philippines shall be considered the Department Head of the Executive Office, the Budget Commission, the Institute of Science, the Bureau of Civil Service, the Civil Service Board of Appeals, the National Commission on Educational, Scientific and Cultural Matters, the National Research Council, the National Economic Council, the Government Quarters Committee, the Board on Pensions for Veterans, the Council of National Defense, the Philippines Heraldry Committee, and of all other offices and branches of the service not assigned by law to any Department.”

Section 2. Section seventy-five of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:

“Section 75. Executive Departments — There shall be eleven executive departments, to wit: the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Department of the Interior, the Department of Finance, the Department of Justice, the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the Department of Public Works and Communications, the Department of Education, the Department of Labor, the Department of National Defense, the Department of Health, and the Department of Commerce and Industry, which shall be under the direct control of the respective Secretaries of Departments, exercising their functions subject to the general supervision and control of the President of the Philippines.”

Section 3. Section seventy-six of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:

“Section 76. Secretaries of Departments — The Department of Foreign Affairs shall perform its functions under the executive authority of the Secretary of Foreign Affairs; the Department of the Interior shall perform its functions under the executive authority of the Secretary of the Interior; the Department of Finance shall perform its functions under the executive authority of the Secretary of Finance; the Department of Justice shall perform its functions under the executive authority of the Secretary of Justice; the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources shall perform its functions under the executive authority of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources; the Department of Public Works and Communications shall perform its functions under the executive authority of the Secretary of Public Works and Communications; the Department of Education shall perform its functions under the executive authority of the Secretary of Education; the Department of Labor shall perform its functions under the executive authority of the Secretary of Labor; the Department of National Defense shall perform its functions under the executive authority of the Secretary of National Defense; the Department of Health shall perform its functions under the executive authority of the Secretary of Health; and the Department of Commerce and Industry shall perform its functions under the executive authority of the Secretary of Commerce and Industry.”

Section 4. Section seventy-seven of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:

“Section 77. Appointment of Secretaries — The Secretaries of Departments shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines, with the consent of the Commission on Appointments of the Congress, at the beginning of his term of office, and shall hold office, unless sooner removed, until the expiration of his term of office, or until their successors shall have been appointed and qualified.”

Section 5. Section seventy-eight of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:

“Section 78. Qualifications of Secretaries — All Secretaries shall have the following qualifications: Be a citizen of the Philippines and have resided in the Philippines continuously during the three years next preceding his appointment and be not less than thirty years of age.”

Section 6. The name “Shipping Commission,” as used in Executive Order Numbered Thirty-one, dated November twenty-eight, nineteen hundred and forty-six, as amended, is hereby changed to “Shipping Administration.”


Section 7. Section three of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four hundred and two, known as the Salary Law, is hereby amended to read as follows:

“Section 3. Schedule of grades and corresponding rates of compensation — With the exception of the special groups in section five hereof, the positions to which this Act applies are classified into the following grades with their rates of annual compensation:

Chiefs of Divisions, Chiefs of Sections, Supervisory Positions,
and Positions of Equivalent Rank

Grade Rate of Compensation Grade Rate of Compensation
1₱6,000.00 9₱3,480.00
2 5,400.00 10 3,300.00
3 5,100.00 11 3,120.00
4 4,800.00 12 2,940.00
5 4,500.00 13 2,760.00
6 4,200.00 14 2,580.00
7 3,960.00 15 2,400.00
8 3,720.00
Subordinate Clerical or Equivalent Positions
A ₱2,280.00 J ₱1,200.00
B 2,160.00 K 1,080.00
C 2,040.00 L 960.00
D 1,920.00 M 900.00
E 1,800.00 N 840.00
F 1,680.00 O 780.00
G 1,560.00 P 720.00
H 1,440.00 Q 660.00
I 1,320.00 R 600.00

“(a) Grades 1, 2, and 3 shall include all classes of positions the duties of which are, under administrative direction and with very wide latitude for the exercise of independent judgment, to serve as heads of very large or very important divisions or other units of organization of similar import, engaged in work involving technical training and extended experience on the part of the incumbents; or to supervise the design and installation of complex and important accounting, office, or institutional system, methods, procedures; or to plan, organize and conduct investigations in original research or in development work in professional, scientific, or technical fields; or to perform the most important, difficult, and responsible work along highly specialized professional, scientific, or technical lines requiring training, extended experience, and demonstrated attainments of an exceptionally high order

“(b) Grades 4, 5, 6, and 7 shall include all classes of positions the duties of which are, under administrative direction and with wide latitude for the exercise of independent judgment, to serve as heads of large or important divisions or other units of organization of similar import, engaged in work involving technical training and extended experience on the part of the incumbents; or to plan, organize, and conduct investigations in original research or in development work in a professional, scientific, or technical field; or to perform the most important, difficult, and responsible work along specialized professional, scientific, or technical lines, requiring training, extended experience, and demonstrated attainments of a high order

“(c) Grades 8, 9, 10, and 11 shall include all classes of positions the duties of which are, under administrative direction and with considerable latitude for the exercise of independent judgment, to serve as heads of divisions of very large or very important sections or other units of organization of similar import, engaged in work involving technical training and considerable experience on the part of the incumbents; or to perform exceptionally difficult, important, and responsible work along professional, scientific, and technical lines, requiring training and extended experience and demonstrated attainments or along very highly specialized clerical lines requiring extended training and mastery in stenography, translation, or other kindred subjects

“(d) Grades 12, 13, 14, and 15 shall include all classes of positions the duties of which are, under direction and with considerable latitude for the exercise of independent judgment, to serve as heads of sections, or other units of organization of similar import, engaged in work involving technical training and considerable experience on the part of the incumbents; to perform very difficult, important, and responsible work along professional, scientific, or technical lines, requiring training, considerable experience, and demonstrated executive ability, or along highly specialized clerical work, requiring training, extended experience and proficiency in stenography, translation, and kindred subjects

“(e) Grades A to D shall include all classes of positions the duties of which are, under direction and with considerable latitude for the exercise of independent judgment, to engage in difficult specialized work; or to perform difficult, important, and responsible work along professional, scientific, technical or specialized clerical lines, requiring training, considerable experience, and demonstrated capacity for sound independent work, and an intimate knowledge of a special subject matter, and/or superior skill in crafts or arts

“(f) Grades E to H shall include all classes of positions the duties of which are, under direct supervision and with substantial latitude for the exercise of independent judgment, to engage in varied and difficult work; or to perform moderately difficult, important, and responsible work along professional, scientific, technical or specialized clerical lines, requiring training and moderate experience, or a lower training but considerable experience, thorough knowledge of a special subject matter, and/or unusual skill in crafts or arts

“(g) Grades I to L shall include all classes of positions the duties of which are, under general supervision and with some latitude for the exercise of independent judgment, to engage in difficult routine work; or to perform responsible work along professional, scientific, or technical lines, or along clerical lines, requiring training and moderate experience, or lower training but considerable experience, and a good knowledge of a special subject matter, or skill in arts, crafts, or trades

“(h) Grades M to P shall include all classes of positions the duties of which are, under immediate or general supervision and with some latitude for the exercise of independent judgment, to perform responsible work along technical or clerical lines, requiring training and moderate experience, and a broad knowledge of a special subject matter; or simple elementary work requiring scientific or professional training with little or no experience; or subordinate professional or scientific work requiring training and experience; or important, difficult, and responsible subordinate vigilance work; or skill in crafts or manual labor

“(i) Grades Q to R shall include all classes of positions the duties of which are, under immediate or general supervision and with limited latitude for the exercise of independent judgment, to perform simple but responsible work along technical, clerical, messengerial, or subordinate vigilance lines; or simple and elementary subordinate professional or scientific work or crafts; and all classes of positions the duties of which are, under immediate supervision, to perform the simplest routine clerical, messengerial, or custodial tasks or unskilled manual labor, including apprenticeship in subordinate professional or scientific work or crafts.”

Section 8. Section four of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four hundred and two is hereby amended to read as follows:

“Section 4. Services established by this Act — The following services are established:

“I. Administrative Service

“II. Professional and Scientific Service

“III. Educational Service

“IV. Navigation Service

“V. Vigilance Service

“VI. Subprofessional Service

“VII. Craft and Labor Service

“The Administrative Service shall include all groups comprehending positions the duties of which are in general to perform administrative, fiscal, or clerical work, or any other work commonly associated with office, business or fiscal administration

“The Professional and Scientific Service shall include all groups comprehending positions the duties of which are to perform routine, advisory, administrative, or research work which is based upon the established principles of a profession or science, and which requires professional or scientific training equivalent to that represented by graduation from a college or university of recognized standing

“The Educational Service shall include all groups comprehending positions the duties of which in general are to give or to supervise regular and systematic instruction designed to develop the mental, physical, aesthetic or vocational powers, including manual skill

“The Navigation Service shall include all groups comprehending positions the duties of which are to perform work related to the operation, maintenance, and administration of airships, vessels and other floating craft which are not a part of the equipment of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, including the operation, maintenance, and administration of property designed to aid navigation

“The Vigilance Service shall include all groups comprehending positions the duties of which are to perform or supervise police or fire-protection work, the guarding of persons or property under the custody of the Government, the preservation of law and order, and the protection of life and property

“The Subprofessional Service shall include all groups comprehending positions the duties of which are to perform work which is incident, subordinate, or preparatory to the work of employees holding positions in the professional and scientific service, requiring or involving professional and scientific service, requiring or involving professional, scientific, or technical training or any degree inferior to that represented by graduation from a college or university of recognized standing

“The Craft and Labor Service shall include all groups comprehending positions the duties of which are to perform or supervise domestic, manual, or mechanical work involved in the execution of public works; the manufacture and handling of supplies and equipment; the repair of equipment; the operation of mechanical equipment; the transportation of personnel and property; the caring for the needs of the sick and of persons in the care and custody of the Government, and/or of persons in its employ who are entitled to maintenance; or to perform or supervise work of similar character.”


Section 9. The Salary Board created in section nine of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four hundred and two is hereby abolished, and its powers, functions, duties, and records are hereby transferred to the Budget Commission. The terms “Salary Board” and “Board” used in the other parts of said Act shall be understood to mean the “Budget Commission” and “Commission,” respectively

Section 10. Paragraph (a) of section ten of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four hundred and two is hereby amended to read as follows:

“(a) To establish within the services the necessary groups with their corresponding grades, designating (1) the titles of the classes, (2) the duties and responsibilities involved in each class, illustrated where necessary by examples of typical tasks, and (3) the minimum qualifications required for the satisfactory performance of such duties and tasks, in conformity with the specifications outlined in sections three and four herein: Provided, however, That the Commission may lower or waive the experiential requirement for any particular group or groups in the service below Grade P and graduate the experiential requirement accordingly for the high grades within the same group if, in the opinion of the said Commission, such action is for the best interest of the public service.”

Section 11. Section fourteen of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four hundred and two is hereby amended to read as follows:

“Section 14. Limitation of salary rates — Except as otherwise provided in this Act, no appointments to positions subject to the provisions of this Act shall be made except at rates of compensation in conformity to the rates prescribed herein. An appointee to any position shall be entitled to receive the salary appropriated for the position after serving at least six months in every intermediate grade, if any, between that position and the position from which he has been promoted, unless he has previously received the same or higher salary in any position under the same or any other branch of the government service or he has been in continuous service for more than one year prior to the proposed promotion, in which case every year of such service counting from the date of his original appointment, during which he has not had one-rate promotion, shall be equivalent to six months’ service in every intermediate grade between his old and new positions and entitle him to the corresponding salary increase not exceeding the rate provided for the new position: Provided, That original appointments shall be made at salaries not exceeding the entrance rates for the civil service eligibility of the employees concerned: Provided, further, That notwithstanding the provisions of this Act, no employee shall be appointed at a salary higher than the maximum allowed for his civil service eligibility: And, provided, finally, That an appointment to any position in grades seven to one shall not take effect until the fitness of the appointee to hold the higher position by reason of his character, experience, training and other personal qualifications shall have been passed upon and approved by the President upon recommendation of the Cabinet.”

Section 12. All positions now provided by law in the different departments, bureaus, and offices shall, upon approval of this Order, be deemed allocated to the grades to which they would correspond by reason of the rates of salaries now authorized therefor in accordance with the schedule provided in section seven hereof


Section 13. Should the savings made available under section 162 (5) of this Executive Order be insufficient to pay all employees the automatic salary increases authorized therein, priorities shall be given to the employees occupying positions of the lowest grades: Provided, That when payments of the automatic salary increases shall be made to employees of any grade, the same shall be made to all employees of that grade. No payment of the automatic salary increases shall be made to employees of the next higher grade if all employees within that grade cannot be provided for from the residual funds still available. Automatic salary increases unpaid by reason of insufficiency of funds shall not be cumulative

Automatic salary increases shall not affect the basic salary attached to the positions

The provisions of section 162 (5) of this Executive Order referring to automatic salary increases shall not be applicable to employees occupying positions the salaries of which are fixed by law, as in the case of enlisted men of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Philippine Constabulary

Employees paid from funds other than those appropriated in Republic Act Numbered One hundred fifty-six may be paid automatic salary increases in accordance with the provisions of said Act and this Executive Order when authorized in the special budget allotting the corresponding funds


Section 14. When a position, which is subject to the provisions of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four hundred and two, as herein amended, is abolished by the retirement of the incumbent thereof under Act Numbered Twenty-five hundred eighty-nine, as amended, the same may be filled, when recreated by authority of the President, at a salary equal to two-thirds of the salary authorized by law for the said position: Provided, That when such two-thirds is not of the rates authorized in this Order, the same shall be adjusted to the next higher or lower rate, whichever is the nearer, unless otherwise provided in subsequent general appropriation acts

Section 15. Sections eleven and twelve of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four hundred and two are hereby repealed


Section 16. There is hereby created in every Department, bureau or office, in every corporation owned or controlled by the government, and in every agency or instrumentality of the Government a Council of Personnel Administration to be composed of the chiefs of divisions or primary units in the said offices and two representatives of the subordinate personnel who shall be elected from among the employees whose basic salary does not exceed two thousand four hundred pesos per annum each. The chairman of the Council shall be elected by its members from among themselves

Section 17. The Council is hereby authorized to examine the records of efficiency and fitness of all employees in its respective office with a view to making appropriate recommendations, in accordance with the Civil Service Law and Rules, concerning officials and employees who may be found inefficient, inept, incompetent or otherwise unfit for further efficient service

Section 18. It shall be the duty of the Council to bring to the attention of the administrative authorities concerned matters of general interest or benefit to the public service; to recommend such measures as will promote the well-being and improve the morale or efficiency of the personnel in the service; and to perform such other allied duties as may be assigned to it from time to time by the Department Head, director or chief of the bureau or office, or managing head of the corporation concerned



Section 19. The Bureau of Science is hereby renamed “Institute of Science” and placed under the executive supervision of the President of the Philippines. The Institute of Science shall be governed by a Board of Regents which is hereby created, consisting of a Chairman and eight members who shall all be appointed by the President of the Philippines with the consent of the Commission on Appointments of the Congress for a term of three years: Provided, That the members first appointed shall hold office as follows: the Chairman and four members for two years and four for three years, the term of office of each member to be specified in his appointment by the President. All vacancies, except through expiration of the term, shall be filled for the unexpired term only. There shall be a Director of Science to carry out the resolutions of the Board of Regents. He shall be appointed by the President with the consent of the Commission on Appointments of the Congress

Section 20. The Institute of Science shall have such powers, functions, and activities as are now by law vested in the Bureau of Science including particularly the following:

(a) The conduct of regional researches and investigation in the basic science of industry;

(b) The conduct of researches, investigations, and experiments of a technical nature to find new uses for raw materials and their by-products;

(c) The conduct of researches, investigations, and experiments bearing on industry, on industrial plant scale, whether under government auspices or under the auspices of corporations owned or controlled by the Government or private enterprises, on a basis of cooperation approved by the Board of Regents;

(d) The testing or verifying under local conditions of the results of researches, investigations, and experiments obtained elsewhere that may have application to Philippine industries and their problems;

(e) The conduct of research and experimentation regarding the possibility of aircraft construction and the use of Philippine materials in such construction, as provided under subsection (b), section six, of Commonwealth Act Numbered One hundred sixty-eight, which function shall be transferred from the Civil Aeronautics Administration to the Institute of Science; and

(f) The conduct of such researches and experiments including those that are of fundamental nature incidental but indispensable thereto, as will benefit industry and, in other ways, increase, promote and improve industrial production

Section 21. The Board of Regents shall exercise the following specific powers:

(a) To guide and control the Director of Science in the administration of all the funds appropriated for the maintenance and operation of the Institute of Science, or received in the manner indicated in sections twenty-three and twenty-five hereof;

(b) To decide on the program of industrial research and to act on the budget of the Institute submitted by the Director of Science; and

(c) To promulgate rules and regulations for the establishment of fellowships in accordance with the provisions of the subsequent sections hereof

Section 22. The several bureaus and offices of the Executive Branch of the Government, the University of the Philippines, and the corporations owned or controlled by the Government may assign to the Institute of Science such personnel as the Director of Science and the head of the corresponding department or organization may agree upon, either to pursue a separate research or experiment in relation to industries not being undertaken by the Institute of Science, or to assist in the conduct of a research or experiment on a fellowship basis

Section 23. The bureaus, offices, agencies or instrumentalities of the Government, including corporations owned or controlled by the Government, private individuals, corporations, and enterprises may grant subsidy or contribution to the Institute of Science for the conduct of whatever research, study, or investigation they may desire the Institute of Science to undertake but such research, study, or investigation shall be carried on under the direction and supervision of the said Institute

Section 24. The personnel, equipment, and other facilities of the Institute of Science shall be available to researchers that may be detailed to the said Institute under fellowship conditions, as provided in this Executive Order and approved by the Board of Regents

Section 25. The Board of Regents is authorized to receive for the Institute of Science subsidies, endowments, bequests, and donations and use the same for such purposes as the donors may specify. In the absence of the express wishes of the donors, all such contributions shall form part of the fund of the Institute and shall be available for such expenditure as may be authorized by the Board of Regents


Section 26. The “National Research Council of the Philippine Islands” created and established under Act Numbered Four thousand one hundred twenty, shall hereafter be known as the “National Research Council of the Philippines.”


Section 27. The Executive Office shall have a chief who shall be known as Executive Secretary. His assistants shall be known as Assistant Executive Secretaries. The Executive Secretary shall have the rank of a Secretary of Department and shall exercise such powers, functions, and duties as may be assigned to him by the President from time to time, and such others as may be imposed upon him by law


Section 28. The Bureau of the Census and Statistics, the Shipping Administration, the Bureau of Printing, the National Museum, the Institute of Nutrition, the Social Welfare Commission, and the National Urban Planning Commission, together with their respective powers, functions, activities, personnel, records, supplies, equipment, properties, and unexpended balances of funds or appropriations are hereby placed under the immediate supervision and control of the Executive Secretary. The Radio Broadcasting Board shall continue to be under his supervision and control. The Bureau of Printing shall continue to be operated on a revolving fund basis


Section 29. The Gallery of Art and History Division of the National Library is hereby merged with the Natural History Museum Division of the Department of Agriculture and Commerce. These combined units shall have the category of a Bureau to be designated “National Museum,” and shall be placed under the immediate supervision and control of the Executive Secretary. The National Museum shall have a chief who shall be known as Director of National Museum and whose salary, until otherwise fixed by law, shall be seven thousand two hundred pesos per annum


Section 30. There is hereby created, in the Executive Office, an Institute of Nutrition which shall serve as a clearing-house of data and information concerning nutrition; shall advise, guide, and give suggestions towards a coordination of all experimental work, objectives, and results of nutritional experiments being undertaken by the different units of the Government and by all private organizations; shall foster and encourage harmonious cooperation among the said units, private institutions and other organizations engaged in various activities in order to promote a national nutrition program; and shall seek close adherence to, and correlated execution of, the said program after its approval by the President. This Institute shall be composed of a Chairman and ten members, who shall all be appointed by the President of the Philippines with the consent of the Commission on Appointments of the Congress for a term of four years: Provided, That the members first appointed shall hold office as follows: the Chairman and three members for two years, three members for three years, and four for four years, the term of office of each member to be specified in his appointment by the President. All vacancies, except through expiration of the term, shall be filled for the unexpired term only. There shall be a Director of Nutrition who shall be appointed by the President, with the consent of the Commission on Appointments of the Congress

The Institute of Nutrition is authorized to receive subsidies, endowments, bequests, and donations and use the same for such purposes as the donors may specify. In the absence of the express wishes of the donors, all such contributions shall form part of the fund of the Institute and shall be available for such expenditures as may duly be authorized by the said Institute


Section 31. The Bureau of Public Welfare is hereby abolished and in lieu thereof, the Social Welfare Commission is created under the executive supervision of the Executive Secretary. This Commission shall have a chief who shall be known as Commissioner of Social Welfare to be appointed by the President, with the consent of the Commission on Appointments of the Congress, and whose salary, until otherwise fixed by law, shall be seven thousand two hundred pesos per annum

Section 32. All the personnel, records, documents, supplies, equipment, properties, and the unexpended balances of funds or appropriations pertaining to the Bureau of Public Welfare are hereby transferred to the Social Welfare Commission

Section 33. The Social Welfare Commission shall have such powers, functions, and activities as are now by law vested in the Bureau of Public Welfare, including, particularly, the proper enforcement of the laws and regulations relative to relief and other social services, and the administration of all charitable and relief agencies, including institutions for the care of the aged and/or infirm and of dependent, defective and/or delinquent children supported, whether wholly or partly by the Government or any of its branches or instrumentalities: Provided, That during the time that the Philippine Relief and Trade Rehabilitation Administration undertakes relief functions which are in conflict with the functions of the Social Welfare Commission specified in this section, the President of the Philippines may delimit and coordinate the jurisdiction and activities of the Philippine Relief and Trade Rehabilitation Administration and the Social Welfare Commission in connection therewith


Section 34. Section eighty-six of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:

“Section 86. Bureaus and offices under the Department of the Interior — The Department of the Interior shall have executive supervision over the administration of provinces, municipalities, chartered cities and other local political subdivisions, except the financial affairs and financial agencies thereof, the Philippine Constabulary, the Board of Review for Moving Pictures, the Racing Commission, and the Boxing and Wrestling Commission.”


Section 35.. Twelve thousand officers and men of the present Military Police Command, Armed Forces of the Philippines, are hereby withdrawn therefrom and transferred to the Department of the Interior and constituted into a national police force to be known and designated as the Philippine Constabulary: Provided, however, That the President of the Philippines may, to meet emergency conditions, have the normal strength of the Constabulary temporarily increased by attaching thereto the necessary number of units from the Armed Forces through temporary detail. Such number of civilian personnel as the appropriations herein transferred will permit are likewise transferred to the Philippine Constabulary

Section 36. The Philippine Constabulary herein organized shall be deemed to be a Bureau and the Chief of Constabulary shall have all the powers generally conferred upon directors of bureaus particularly by Sections five hundred fifty to five hundred fifty-seven, inclusive, of the Revised Administrative Code. He shall have power also to prescribe the insignia, arms, equipment, and uniform of the members of the Philippine Constabulary: Provided, That such uniform shall be different from those of the other armed forces of the Philippines or of the local police forces, and no person not a member of the Philippine Constabulary is authorized to wear the same or another closely similar to it

Section 37.. There shall be one Chief of Constabulary who shall have the rank of Brigadier General, one Deputy Chief who shall have the rank of Colonel, and such number of Assistant Chiefs, whose ranks shall not be lower than Lieutenant-Colonel, as the President may authorize from time to time within the limits of available appropriations. The Chief and the Deputy Chief of Constabulary shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines with the consent of the Commission on Appointments of the Congress

Section 38. All police duties, functions, authority, and responsibility, except those of military character, of the Military Police Command, Armed Forces of the Philippines, shall hereafter be exercised and assumed by the Philippine Constabulary, which shall be charged with the enforcement of law and order. The provisions of Sections eight hundred thirty-two, eight hundred thirty-three, eight hundred thirty-four, eight hundred thirty-five, eight hundred thirty-six, eight hundred thirty-seven, eight hundred thirty-eight, eight hundred thirty-nine, eight hundred forty, and eight hundred forty-eight of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended, which are hereby declared in full force and effect, shall govern the members of the Philippine Constabulary in the exercise of their authority and duties as peace officers and in their relations with provincial and municipal law enforcement agencies and officials. During any period of emergency any element of the Armed Forces of the Philippines may, upon direction of the President, be employed to assist the Philippine Constabulary, and the military element thus employed shall be temporarily under the control or command of the appropriate Constabulary commander senior in relative rank unless the President directs otherwise. If the emergency so warrants, the President may direct that all Constabulary and local police elements operating in the affected region may be attached to the Armed Forces of the Philippines and placed under the operational control of the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces or such subordinate commander as the Chief of Staff may designate. In all cases where elements of the Armed Forces and the Constabulary operate in conjunction with or under the control of the other, routine matters of administration and supply will remain the responsibility of their respective commanders

Section 39. Commissioned and enlisted personnel detailed from the Armed Forces of the Philippines or transferred therefrom to the Philippine Constabulary shall be deemed to have the same status, including ranks, rights, privileges, and obligations as officers and enlisted men of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. The Philippine Constabulary shall form part of the Reserve Force, and all service performed by any officer or enlisted man in the Philippine Constabulary shall be counted, for all legal purposes, as military service rendered. No person called to the service of the Philippine Constabulary shall, by virtue thereof solely, suffer a reduction in pay or deprivation of any additional benefit or privilege earned by him as a member of the Armed Forces of the Philippines

Section 40. For a period of one year after the effective date of this Order and with the authority of the President of the Philippines, any officer or enlisted man of the Armed Forces of the Philippines may, with his consent, be assigned to serve in the Philippine Constabulary or vice versa. To meet emergency conditions, the President is authorized to detail temporarily any personnel of the Armed Forces for duty with the Constabulary or vice versa

Section 41. When the present strength of the Philippine Constabulary shall have been reduced to twelve thousand, no enlistment except when approved by the Secretary of the Interior for specially qualified key personnel will be permitted, unless the President determines that a larger strength than twelve thousand officers and men should be organized. Vacancies in the positions for enlisted personnel occurring from time to time may be filled by the Philippine Constabulary by direct enlistment, each enlistment to last for a period not more than three years, and the soldiers so enlisted shall be considered as members of the Reserve Force of the Armed Forces of the Philippines

Section 42. By authority of the President of the Philippines, officers of the Philippine Constabulary temporarily detailed to the Armed Forces or vice versa with their consent may be temporarily promoted to grades authorized for the respective positions they may hold under such detail. All requirements for permanent promotions excepting those pertaining to position vacancies shall be the same as in the Armed Forces. For position vacancy requirements the Constabulary will have its own promotion roster

Section 43. The Articles of War governing the Armed Forces of the Philippines are hereby made applicable to the Philippine Constabulary. Other laws, rules and regulations regarding appointments and commissions, enlistment, pay and allowances, rank or grade, promotions, retirements, resignation and discharge of members of the Armed Forces shall, as far as practicable, be applicable to members of the Constabulary: Provided, however, That the President may, if appropriations are available and in appropriate cases, authorize additional pay and allowances to members of the Constabulary. The provisions of the Constabulary Law, Chapter thirty-five, Book Two, of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended, and other laws, executive orders, rules and regulations which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Order or with any of  the laws made applicable to the Constabulary are hereby declared applicable to the officers and enlisted men of the Philippine Constabulary

Section 44. Real estate, including buildings and installations appurtenant thereto, formerly owned by the old Philippine Constabulary and still in the possession of the Government; leases over private property heretofore held by the Military Police Command, Armed Forces of the Philippines; facilities and equipment heretofore used by the Military Police Command in ballistics, fingerprinting and other activities peculiar only to criminal investigations and apprehension; and all record, files and correspondence heretofore kept by the Military Police Command are hereby transferred outright to the Constabulary. Armament, military supplies, and equipment sufficient for the use of twenty thousand officers and enlisted men belonging to the Armed Forces of the Philippines heretofore in the possession of the Military Police Command shall be turned over to the Philippine Constabulary on a loan or reimbursable basis. Future transfers to the Constabulary of armament, supplies and equipment belonging to the Armed Forces and surplus to their immediate needs shall be on a loan or reimbursable basis, upon mutual agreement subject to the approval of the President

Section 45. Enlisted personnel transferred from the Military Police Command who are unqualified for Constabulary duty and not desired by the Armed Forces may be separated from the service without prejudice. Separation of officers unqualified for Constabulary duty who are not desired by the Armed Forces shall be in accordance with procedures established for similar personnel of the Armed Forces

Section 46. The Armed Forces of the Philippines will furnish logistical support whenever practicable so as to eliminate duplication of installations and expense. Air or water transportation beyond the capabilities of the Philippine Constabulary shall be furnished by the Philippine Air Force or the Philippine Naval Patrol. Vehicle and armament repairs beyond the capabilities of the Constabulary shall be furnished by Armed Forces installations. Communication facilities and installations operated by the Armed Forces shall be utilized by the Constabulary whenever the communications system of the latter is inadequate, and vice versa. All logistical support rendered shall be reimbursable to the extent of actual cost


Section 47. The name “Board on Races” as used in Executive Order Numbered Three hundred twenty, dated January twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred forty-one, as amended, is hereby changed to “Racing Commission.”


Section 48. Section eighty-one of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:

“Section 81 Bureaus and offices under the Department of Finance. — The Department of Finance shall have executive supervision over the Bureau of Customs, the Bureau of Internal Revenue, the Bureau of the Treasury, the Bureau of Banking, the Procurement Office, the Manila Harbor Board, and the Tobacco Board. It shall also have general supervision over the financial affairs and financial agencies of provincial, municipal, and city governments, banks, banking transactions, coinage, currency, and, except as otherwise specially provided, over all funds the investment of which may be authorized by law.”


Section 49. The special division attached to the Office of the Secretary of Finance, which is known as the Division of Purchase and Supply, is hereby changed to and shall hereafter be known as the Procurement Office


Section 50. Upon recommendation of the Secretary of National Defense, the President may authorize the Armed Forces of the Philippines to make direct purchases without the intervention of the Procurement Office, under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, of specific materials, supplies and equipment of military character



Section 51. The designation of the position of “Insular Collector of Customs” is changed to “Commissioner of Customs,” and its salary is fixed at nine thousand pesos per annum until otherwise provided by law

Collector of Customs for the Port of Manila

Section 52. The position of “Deputy Insular Collector of Customs” is changed to “Collector of Customs for the Port of Manila” which position shall have a compensation of seven thousand two hundred pesos per annum. The Port of Manila is hereby placed for administrative purposes under the immediate supervision of the Collector of Customs for the Port of Manila


Section 53. There is hereby organized a “Customs Patrol Service” through the consolidation of the Secret Service Division and the Harbor Police Division, including the positions and personnel paid by the entity operating the arrastre service, to take direct charge of the enforcement of the laws and regulations within the customs premises and the port area

Section 54. The positions in the Customs Patrol Service are hereby declared primarily confidential and appointments thereto will be subject only to the discretion of the Secretary of Finance


Section 55. The Lighthouse Service and the Revenue Cutter Service of the Bureau of Customs, including the appropriations, personnel, records, properties and equipment pertaining thereto are transferred to the Philippine Naval Patrol

The Commander of the Philippine Naval Patrol shall furnish the Commissioner of Customs or the Collector of Customs in ports of entry such vessels as may be necessary in connection with the performance of the duties of the Bureau of Customs


Section 56. Any laws or orders to the contrary notwithstanding, the authority of the Collector of Internal Revenue under section three hundred and nine of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four hundred sixty-six, otherwise known as the National Internal Revenue Code, to compromise internal revenue cases or to refund taxes, shall be exercised only after taking into consideration the recommendation of a committee to be composed of the head of the Law Division, as chairman, and the heads of the Income Tax Division, the Inspection Division, the Miscellaneous Tax Division, and the auditor for the Bureau of Internal Revenue, as members: Provided, That when the amount of the original assessment is in excess of twenty thousand pesos, the action of the Collector shall not become effective unless the same is approved by the Secretary of Finance: Provided, further, That warrants for the refund of taxes shall be countersigned by an official superior to the auditor for the Bureau of Internal Revenue

For the purposes of sections three hundred forty-seven and three hundred forty-nine of the National Internal Revenue Code, the auditor for the Bureau of Internal Revenue shall be considered an officer of the said Bureau while performing duties as a member of the committee created in the next preceding paragraph

Section 57. All violations of internal revenue laws, rules and regulations discovered and all persons apprehended for such violations shall be reported immediately by field men to the provincial or city revenue agent in the provinces and cities other than the City of Manila and to the Collector of Internal Revenue in the City for action. No final settlement of civil liability arising from such violations of internal laws, rules and regulations shall be made unless the corresponding tax and the corresponding penalties due are first paid

Section 58. No officer or employee of the Bureau of Internal Revenue shall accept employment from any taxpayer nor accept a taxpayer as client in any matter related in any way to any tax. Violation of this rule shall be sufficient ground for the summary dismissal from the service of the officer or employee concerned. No officer or employee in any tax-collecting agency shall accept any outside occupation for gain without the prior approval of the President upon recommendation of the Secretary of Finance

Section 59. No provincial revenue agent shall be stationed longer than three years in any one province, and no agent, examiner or other field men of the Bureau of Internal Revenue shall be assigned to any province for more than two years. In Manila and other cities or places where large numbers of business establishments are located, the territory shall be divided into districts and the necessary number of field men shall be assigned to each district. No field man shall be assigned to a district for more than six months. Each field man shall keep a diary of his activities and shall submit the same to the Collector of Internal Revenue, the diary to show the following:

(a) Place of assignment,

(b) Nature of inspection work undertaken,

(c) Names and addresses of persons, stores or firms inspected during the day,

(d) Time of inspection,

(e) Findings, and

(f) Action taken

Section 60. All records of the Bureau of Internal Revenue shall be under the charge and custody of the Records Section of the Administrative Division

Section 61. The Law Division of the Bureau of Internal Revenue, subject to the control and supervision of the Collector, shall pass upon all legal matters involved in internal revenue cases and shall take charge of the interpretation and application of internal revenue laws


Section 62. The first paragraph of section eighty-three of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:

“Section 83. Bureaus and offices under the Department of Justice — The Department of Justice shall have executive supervision over the Office of the Solicitor General, the Courts of First Instance and the Inferior Courts, the Public Service Commission, the Bureau of Prisons, the General Land Registration Office, the Court of Industrial Relations, the National Bureau of Investigation, the Bureau of Immigration, the Board of Pardons and Parole, the People’s Court, the Office of Special Prosecutors, the Tenancy Law Enforcement Division, the Deportation Board, the Code Commission, and the Office of the Government Corporate Counsel. It shall also have the general supervision and control of the provincial sheriffs and all law officers of the Government other than provincial and city fiscals or attorneys and other prosecuting officers.”


Section 63. The Bureau of Investigation created in Republic Act Numbered One hundred fifty-seven is hereby renamed National Bureau of Investigation

Section 64. Section one hundred eighty-six of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:

“Section 186. Officers in function of sheriff — In the City of Manila, the Clerk of Court of First Instance of said City shall exercise the functions of sheriff. In each of the several provinces of the Philippines the duties and functions of provincial sheriff shall hereafter be exercised by a Clerk of Court of First Instance, who is hereby designated ex officio provincial sheriff, in addition to his regular duties: Provided, That in provinces where there are at present separate individual provincial sheriffs, this arrangement shall not be effective until after the position of sheriff becomes vacant.”


Section 65. The Anti-Usury Board, created by Act Numbered Four thousand one hundred nine, as amended, is hereby abolished, and its powers, functions, duties, personnel, equipment, records and appropriations are transferred to the National Bureau of Investigation


Section 66. The present Bureau of Justice shall hereafter be known and referred to as the Office of the Solicitor General

Section 67. The first paragraph of section one thousand six hundred fifty-nine of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:

“Section 1659. The Office of the Solicitor General shall have one Chief to be known as the Solicitor General whose salary shall be twelve thousand pesos per annum and shall have the rank of an Undersecretary of a Department. He shall be assisted by one First Assistant Solicitor General whose salary shall be nine thousand pesos per annum. When the Solicitor General is unable to perform his duties or in case of a vacancy in the office, the First Assistant Solicitor General shall temporarily perform the functions of said officer, or, in his absence, the Secretary of Justice may designate the acting chief of the office. There shall also be four Assistant Solicitors General and such number of solicitors as may from time to time be available under current appropriation and as the conditions of the service shall require.”

Section 68. Section one thousand six hundred sixty of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:

“Section 1660. Function of Office of the Solicitor General — The Office of the Solicitor General constitutes the law office of the Government of the Philippines and by it shall be performed duties requiring the services of a law officer

“The Office of the Solicitor General shall have general supervision and control over provincial and city fiscals and attorneys and over other prosecuting officers throughout the Philippines, shall prepare rules for their guidance, and may require reports from them concerning the public business in the courts of their respective provinces or concerning other matters relating to the administration of justice therein.”


Section 69. The Bureau of Immigration, together with its personnel, powers, functions, activities, records, documents, equipment and unexpended balances of appropriations, is hereby transferred from the Department of Labor to the Department of Justice

Salvage Warehouse and Industrial Division Revolving Funds Merged

Section 70. The Salvage Warehouse Revolving Fund and the Bureau of Prisons — Industrial Division Revolving Fund are hereby consolidated


Sectio 71.n. The “Board of Indeterminate Sentence” created in Act Numbered Four thousand one hundred and three, as amended by Act Numbered Four thousand two hundred and twenty-five, and the “Board of Pardons” created in Executive Order Numbered Eighty-three, dated January eleventh, nineteen hundred and thirty-seven, are hereby abolished and there is created in their stead a “Board of Pardons and Parole.” Any reference to the abolished boards in any act, executive order, rule or regulation shall be deemed a reference to the “Board of Pardons and Parole.”

Section 72. Sections four and five of Act Numbered Four thousand one hundred and three are hereby amended to read as follows:

“Section 4. The Board of Pardons and Parole is authorized to adopt such rules and regulations as may be necessary for carrying out its functions and duties. The Board is empowered to call upon any bureau, office, branch, subdivision, agency, or instrumentality of the Government for such assistance as it may need in connection with the performance of its functions. A majority of all the members shall constitute a quorum and a majority vote shall be necessary to arrive at a decision. Any dissent from the majority opinion shall be reduced to writing and filed with the records of the proceedings. Each member of the Board, including the Chairman and the Executive Officer, shall be entitled to receive as compensation ten pesos for each meeting actually attended by him, notwithstanding the provisions of section two hundred and fifty-nine of the Revised Administrative Code, and in addition thereto, reimbursement of actual and necessary traveling expenses incurred in the performance of duties.”

“Section 5. It shall be the duty of the Board of Pardons and Parole to look into the physical, mental and moral record of the prisoners who shall be eligible to parole and to determine the proper time of release of such prisoners. Whenever any prisoner shall have served the minimum penalty imposed on him, and it shall appear to the Board, from the reports of the prisoner’s work and conduct and the study and investigation made by the Board itself, that such prisoner is fitted by his training for release, that there is a reasonable probability that such prisoner will live and remain at liberty without violating the law, and that such release will not be incompatible with the welfare of society, said Board of Pardons and Parole may, in its discretion, and in accordance with the rules and regulations adopted hereunder, authorize the release of such prisoner on parole, upon such terms and conditions as are herein prescribed and as may be prescribed by the Board. The said Board of Pardons and Parole shall also examine the records and status of prisoners who shall have been convicted of any offense other than those named in section two hereof, for more than one year by final judgment prior to the date on which this Act shall take effect, and shall make recommendations in all such cases to the President of the Philippines with regard to the parole of such prisoners as they shall deem qualified for parole as herein provided, after they shall have served a period of imprisonment not less than the minimum period for which they might have been sentenced under this Act for the same offense

“It shall also be the duty of the Board of Pardons and Parole to examine or cause to be examined the prison records and history of prisoners confined in any prison or penal colony in the Philippines who are not entitled to parole under the provisions of this Act and to recommend the pardon of any of said prisoners whenever it is satisfied that such prisoner has so reformed that upon being pardoned, he will not become a menace to society or become a public charge. In passing upon the wisdom and advisability of recommending the granting of pardon, the Board shall take into consideration the crime committed, the probabilities of the prisoner’s again violating the law, his conduct while in prison, and all other matters that in any way bear upon the effect which the pardon of the prisoner may have upon society.”


Section 73. The present Department of Agriculture and Commerce shall hereafter be known as Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Section 74. Section eighty-four of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:

“Section 84. Bureaus and offices under the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources — The Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources shall have executive supervision over the Bureau of Plant Industry, the Bureau of Animal Industry, the Bureau of Forestry, the Bureau of Lands, the Bureau of Mines, the Bureau of Fisheries, the Fiber Inspection Service, matters pertaining to colonies and plantations of public lands, and matters concerning hunting, fisheries, sponges, and other sea-products, including the issuance of licenses therefor.”


Section 75. The Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources shall assume and exercise, with respect to the Veterinary Examining Board, the Board of Examiners for Mining Engineers, and the Board of Examiners for Surveyors, such prerogatives, functions, and authority as are conferred upon Department Heads by the provisions of Section ten of Act Numbered Four thousand seven, otherwise known as the Reorganization Law of 1932


Section 76. Section eighty-five of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:

“Section 85. Bureaus and offices under the Department of Public Works and Communications. — The Department of Public Works and Communications shall have executive supervision over the Bureau of Public Works, the Bureau of Posts, the Bureau of Telecommunications, the Government Marine Railway and Repair Shops, the Motor Vehicles Office, the Irrigation Council, and the Flood Control Commission.”


Section 77. There is created in the Bureau of Posts a division to be known as the “Stamp and Philatelic Division.” The Bureau of Posts shall exercise and undertake, through this Division, the following powers, functions, and activities:

(a) To prepare appropriate designs for postage stamps so as to portray and serve the best interest of the Philippines — its history, great men, heroes, memorable events, places of historical and scenic importance, flora and fauna, and agriculture and industries;

(b) To determine and designate dates to be commemorated on postage stamps of the Philippines;

(c) To encourage and promote stamp collecting and better philately by cooperating with organized stamp clubs;

(d) To disseminate and propagate through the radio and press the educational and recreational value of philately in the public schools and other institutions and to the general public;

(e) To build a philatelic library;

(f) To publish Philippine philatelic literature;

(g) To determine when and by what method a stamp will be withdrawn from sale or condemned; and

(h) To undertake all other activities pertaining to philately, national or international


Section 78. There is hereby created a Bureau of Telecommunications. It shall have one chief to be known as Director of Telecommunications who shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines with the consent of the Commission on Appointments of the Congress. Until otherwise provided by law, the salary of the Director of Telecommunications shall be fixed at seven thousand two hundred pesos per annum

Section 79. The Bureau of Telecommunications shall exercise the following powers and duties:

(a) To operate and maintain existing wire-telegraph and radio-telegraph offices, stations, and facilities, and those to be established to restore the pre-war telecommunication service under the Bureau of Posts, as well as such additional offices or stations as may hereafter be established to provide telecommunication service in places requiring such service;

(b) To investigate, consolidate, negotiate for, operate and maintain wire-telephone or radio telephone communication service throughout the Philippines by utilizing such existing facilities in cities, towns, and provinces as may be found feasible and under such terms and conditions or arrangements with the present owners or operators thereof as may be agreed upon to the satisfaction of all concerned;

(c) To prescribe, subject to approval by the Department Head, equitable rates of charges for messages handled by the system and/or for timecalls and other services that may be rendered by said system;

(d) To establish and maintain coastal stations to serve ships at sea or aircrafts and, when public interest so requires, to engage in the international telecommunication service in agreement with other countries desiring to establish such service with the Republic of the Philippines; and

(e) To abide by all existing rules or regulations prescribed by the International Telecommunication Convention relative to the accounting, disposition and exchange of messages handled in the international service, and those that may hereafter be promulgated by said Convention and adhered to by the Government of the Republic of the Philippines

Section 80. All provisions of laws and contracts relating to radio and telegraph stations and cables the enforcement of which has heretofore been vested in the Director of Posts shall hereafter be enforced by the Director of Telecommunications

Section 81. All the personnel, powers, functions, activities, appropriations, properties, equipment, supplies, records and documents pertaining to or intended for the electrical communication service under the Bureau of Posts shall be transferred to the Bureau of Telecommunications


Section 82. The Division of Motor Vehicles shall hereafter be known as the Motor Vehicles Office. It shall have one chief to be known as Chief of the Motor Vehicles Office whose compensation, until otherwise provided by law shall be seven thousand two hundred pesos per annum. The Chief of the Motor Vehicles Office shall be in charge of the administration of the Motor Vehicles Law. Wherever the words “Director of Public Works” and “Bureau of Public Works” are used in said law, the same shall be substituted by the words “Chief of the Motor Vehicles Office” and “Motor Vehicles Office,” respectively



Section 83. The Department of Instruction shall hereafter be known as the Department of Education; the Bureau of Education as the Bureau of Public Schools; the Office of Private Education as the Bureau of Private Schools; and the National Library as the Bureau of Public Libraries

Section 84. Section eighty-two of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:

“Section 82. Bureaus and offices under the Department of Education — The Department of Education shall have executive supervision over the Bureau of Public Schools, the Bureau of Private Schools, the Bureau of Public Libraries, the Board on Textbooks, the Institute of National Language, and the Philippines Historical Committee.”


Section 85. The Office of the National Physical Director shall hereafter function as a unit directly attached to the Office of the Secretary of Education and shall be renamed the Division of Physical Education


Section 86. The Office of Adult Education is hereby converted into the Division of Adult Education. The said Division, together with its functions, powers, duties, personnel, records, equipment, property and unexpended balances of appropriations, is transferred to the Bureau of Public Schools


Section 87. The Board on Documents created by Commonwealth Act Numbered fifty-four is hereby abolished, and its powers, functions and duties shall be assumed and exercised by the Director of Public Libraries


Section 88. The National Council of Education created and allocated under the Department of Public Instruction by Executive Order Numbered Nineteen, dated February nineteenth, nineteen hundred and thirty-six, is hereby abolished, and its records, property, equipment, and unexpended balances of appropriations, and personnel except the Chairman, the members, and the executive secretary, are transferred to the National Commission on Educational, Scientific and Cultural Matters created under Republic Act Numbered One hundred seventy-six


Section 89. Section four of Act Numbered Four thousand one hundred twenty-one, as amended by Commonwealth Act Numbered One hundred thirty-nine, is hereby further amended to read as follows:

“Section 4. Bureaus and offices under the Department of Labor — The Department of Labor shall have executive supervision over the Bureau of Labor, the Labor Placement Office, the Safety Inspection Service, and all bureaus, divisions and offices hereafter created concerning labor alone or labor in its relation with capital, and also the proper enforcement of all laws relative to labor and capital in the Philippines and over all other matters related to the welfare of the Filipino laborers in this country and abroad.”


Section 90. Section two of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four hundred thirty is hereby amended to read as follows:

“Section 2. Bureaus and offices under the Department of National Defense — The Department of National Defense shall be charged with the duty of supervising the national defense program of the country, and for this purpose, it shall have executive supervision over the Armed Forces of the Philippines, the Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the Philippine Veterans Board. This Department shall function under the executive control of the Secretary of National Defense who may be assisted by an Undersecretary.”


Section 91. (a) There shall be established in the Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey a commissioned corps of officer distributed in the grades of captain, commander, lieutenant commander, lieutenant, lieutenant (junior grade), and ensign: Provided, That the number of officers in the grades of captain and commander shall not exceed five per centum and eight per centum, respectively, of the total authorized number of commissioned officers on the active list, except that the number of commanders may be increased by the number of vacancies in the captain grade

(b) Officers of the corps shall be citizens of the Philippines and shall rank with and after officers of corresponding grades in the Armed Forces of the Philippines with the same length of service in grade, as follows: captain with colonel, commander with lieutenant colonel, lieutenant commander with major, lieutenant with captain, lieutenant (junior grade) with first lieutenant, and ensign with second lieutenant

(c) Whenever a final fraction occurs in computing the authorized number of officers of any grade, the nearest whole number shall be regarded as the authorized number: Provided, That no officers shall be reduced in grade or pay or separated from the active list as the result of any computations made to determine the authorized number of officers in the various grades

Section 92. (a) The President is authorized to appoint the commissioned officers of the Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey: Provided, That, except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, all original appointments shall be made in the grade of ensign from among cadets who have qualified in accordance with this section: And provided, further, That all appointments and promotions to the rank of captain or commander shall be made with the consent of the Commission on Appointments of the Congress

(b) Upon the effective date of this Order, the President is authorized to appoint to commissioned grades authorized in section 91 (a), (b), and (c) hereof qualified persons then serving in the Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey as field or administrative officers, without reference to the requirements specified in paragraph (a) of this section and Section 94 (b) hereof

(c) The Director and the Assistant Director of the Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey shall have the ranks of captain and commander, respectively, and shall be appointed by the President, with the consent of the Commission on Appointments of the Congress from the list of commissioned officers of the Bureau not below the rank of lieutenant commander and lieutenant, respectively: Provided, That persons serving as Director and Assistant Director appointed by the President with the consent of the Commission on Appointments of the Congress upon the approval of this Order shall have the ranks of captain and commander, respectively

Section 93. (a) Cadets shall be appointed by the Secretary of National Defense, upon recommendation of the Director of the Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey, from a list of eligibles established under such regulations as the Secretary of National Defense may prescribe. The number of cadets shall not exceed six, except that the number of cadets may be increased by the number of vacancies in the ensign grade. Persons to be eligible for appointment as cadets shall be citizens of the Philippines and shall have a bachelor’s degree in civil, mechanical, geodetic or electrical engineering from a college or university of recognized standing

(b) Cadets shall be promoted to ensign under such regulations as the Secretary of National Defense may prescribe as vacancies occur in the commissioned force, after not less than six months of continuous and satisfactory service as cadet

Section 94. (a) Commissioned officers of the Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey shall be promoted within the limitations imposed under Section 91 hereof, according to a system to be approved by the Secretary of National Defense, and shall receive the same pay and allowances as are now or may hereafter be authorized for officers of corresponding grades in the Armed Forces of the Philippines: Provided, That for officers commissioned in accordance with Section 92 (b) hereof, longevity pay shall be based on the total of all Coast and Geodetic Survey service completed on the date of commission

(b) Promotions to all grades shall be made by the President: Provided, That no person shall be appointed ensign or shall be promoted from ensign to lieutenant (junior grade), or from lieutenant (junior grade) to lieutenant until after passing a satisfactory mental and physical examination conducted in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of National Defense

Section 95. All laws now in effect or which hereafter may enacted relating to retirement, separation, leaves of absence, medical treatment, commissary, and all other privileges for officers of the Armed Forces of the Philippines shall apply to commissioned officers of the Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey


Section 96. The Armed Forces of the Philippines will consist of the Regular Force and the Reserve Force divided in major commands as hereinafter provided


Section 97. The President of the Philippines is Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. He exercises command through the Secretary of National Defense who directly represents him


Section 98. The Chief of Staff executes the President’s command functions in relation to strategy, tactics, and operations. He is the immediate adviser of the Secretary of National Defense, and is responsible for the planning, development, and execution of the national defense program as prescribed by the Secretary of National Defense. He has command of all elements of the Armed Forces, and in the discharge of this responsibility, the Headquarters National Defense Forces shall function as a Field Headquarters in addition to its role as an administrative headquarters. He is authorized to prescribe the functions, duties, and powers of the various Staffs, Services, installations, and other units of the Armed Forces, and to issue from time to time such detailed instructions regarding personnel, funds, records, property, routing of correspondence, and such other matters as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Order. Orders, regulations, directives, and instructions are published in the name of the Chief of Staff, by order of the Secretary of National Defense


Section 99. There shall be a Deputy Chief of Staff to assist the Chief of Staff and to perform his functions during his absence. The Deputy Chief of Staff shall also exercise general supervision over the General and Special Staffs and the Administrative and Technical Services


Section 100. The General Council shall consist of the members of the General Staff and the Commanders of the Major Commands. The Council shall review and comment on any studies and plans which may be referred to it by the Chief of Staff. The Council or any of its individual members may initiate recommendations and suggestions to the Chief of Staff on any matter pertaining to the Armed Forces, especially on matters of long-range planning. The group functions are entirely advisory


Section 101. The National Defense General Staff shall be composed of the Chief of Staff, the Deputy Chief of Staff, the Assistant Chiefs of Staff from the General Staff Divisions, the Secretary to the National Defense General Staff, and such other officers of grades not below that of first lieutenant as may be detailed thereto from time to time by the Chief of Staff with the approval of the President of the Philippines. All officers in the Headquarters National Defense Forces with the rank of not lower than first lieutenant serving in or with the General Staff or performing duties that are of General Staff nature are designated as members of the General Staff Corps. Assignment to, or relief from, the National Defense General Staff shall be accomplished under such rules and regulations as the Chief of Staff may prescribe with the approval of the Secretary of National Defense


Section 102. The National Defense General Staff shall be organized into five Divisions, each under the direction of an Assistant Chief of Staff, as follows:

(a) Plans and Operations Division (OPD);

(b) Personnel and Administration Division (G-1);

(c) Intelligence Division (G-2);

(d) Organization and Training Division (G-3); and

(e) Service, Supply and Procurement Division (G-4)

Section 103. The heads of the Divisions of the National Defense General Staff, acting as assistants to the Chief of Staff, will plan and coordinate the development and operations of the Armed Forces in accordance with the following principles:

(a) They plan, direct, coordinate, and supervise. They assist the Chief of Staff in getting assigned missions or duties done by the subordinate commands and agencies, but they are not in the chain of command

(b) By direct contact with operating agencies, they insure that orders, directives, instructions, and plans are carried out faithfully

(c) Decentralization to the fullest possible degree should be observed

(d) Unnecessary duplication and overlapping of activities should be avoided

(e) Personnel of the General Staff shall be representative of the Air, Naval, and Ground Forces

(f) Only officers in the General Staff Corps Eligibility List may be assigned to the National Defense General Staff, but if not enough officers are available to fill the necessary General Staff positions, officers from other branches may be assigned. However, such assignment alone does not confer eligibility to the General Staff Corps Eligibility List nor the privilege of wearing the General Staff Corps insignia


Section 104. The following constitute the Administrative Staffs and Services under the Chief of Staff:

(a) Adjutant General’s Service;

(b) Judge Advocate General’s Service;

(c) Educational and Recreational Service; and

(d) Chaplain Service


Section 105. The following constitute the Technical Staffs and Services under the Chief of Staff:

(a) Corps of Engineers;

(b) Ordnance Service;

(c) Quartermaster Service;

(d) Signal Corps;

(e) Medical Service; and

(f) Finance Service


Section 106. The following constitute the National Defense Special Staff Divisions under the Chief of Staff:

(a) Office of the Inspector General;

(b) Research and Development Division;

(c) Public and Legislative Relations Division;

(d) Budget Division; and

(e) Historical Division

Each unit headed by a Chief of Division shall have such assistants as the Chief of Staff may direct. The Chiefs of Administrative Staffs and Services, Technical Staffs and Services, and of Special Staff Divisions shall be responsible for the efficient performance of the duties pertaining to their divisions and for the proper execution of all instructions and orders prescribed by the Chief of Staff


Section 107. The Regular Force shall be divided into Major Commands and such other permanent installations, separate commands or task forces as may be created by authority of the President. There are hereby created the following Major Commands:

(a) Philippine Ground Force;

(b) Philippine Air Force; and

(c) Philippine Naval Patrol


The Philippine Ground Force is charged with the mission of providing for the land defense of the Philippines and with such other missions as the President may direct. It shall be responsible for the determination of its requirements and provisions and for those of its units and attached services with respect to their personnel, materiel, and facilities; and for the preparation of plans for the development, organization, equipment, tactical operations, supply and maintenance thereof, including replacements

It is also charged with the training and instruction of all trainees, the training of ground force reserve units, and such other missions as the President may direct


Section 108. The Commanders of the Major Commands and of the Military Areas, the Superintendent of the Philippine Military Academy, and the heads of the National Defense General Staff Divisions, the National Defense Special Staffs, and the Administrative and Technical Staffs and Services shall hold their positions for a period not exceeding three years, unless retained by authority of the Commander-in-Chief. By authority of the President, they may be temporarily promoted to grades authorized for their respective positions without vacating their permanent commissioned grades


Section 109. The ten military districts are abolished and four Military Areas are hereby established as separate subordinate commands under the Chief of Staff which are designated as:

I. First Military Area;

II. Second Military Area;

III. Third Military Area; and

IV. Fourth Military Area

The President shall, from time to time, determine the territorial extent of each Military Area. He may abolish a Military Area or create additional ones whenever he deems it necessary. Each Military Area shall be under a commander and such assistants as the Chief of Staff may direct. The commander shall be responsible for the efficient performance of the duties and the execution of all instructions and orders that may be issued by the Chief of Staff from time to time


Section 110. The present Philippine Army Air Force is hereby converted into the Philippine Air Force and raised to the category of a Major Command. All the powers, functions, duties, appropriations, personnel, records, armament, weapons, equipment, supplies, clothing, buildings, real estate and the appurtenances thereto, and other properties assigned or allocated to the Philippine Army Air Force are hereby transferred to the Philippine Air Force

Section 111. The Philippine Air Force is charged with the primary mission of providing for the air defense of the Philippines. It shall be responsible, under policies prescribed by the Chief of Staff, for the determination of requirements and the provisions for the facilities and the preparation of necessary plans for the development, organization, equipment, training, tactical operations, supply and maintenance thereof, including replacements


Section 112. The Philippine Air Force shall have a Commander with such rank as shall be determined by the President of the Philippines. He is charged with the administration, control, and operation of the Air Force under the Chief of Staff

Section 113. Officers and enlisted men of the Philippine Air Force shall continue to be paid under existing laws and orders until otherwise provided for by law


Section 114. The former Offshore Patrol is hereby converted into the Philippine Naval Patrol and raised to the category of a Major Command. All the powers, functions, duties, appropriations, personnel, records, armament, weapons, equipment, supplies, clothing, buildings, real estate and the appurtenances thereto, and other properties assigned or allocated to the former Offshore Patrol are hereby transferred to the Philippine Naval Patrol

Section 115. The Philippine Naval Patrol is charged with the mission of carrying out sea patrol operations and defense action in Philippine waters, and the instruction and training of naval trainees and reserve units. Whenever properly authorized, it shall attend to, or render assistance in, the enforcement of laws and regulations pertaining to customs revenue, navigation, immigration, fishing, quarantine, and the neutrality of the Philippines. It shall be responsible for the determination, under policies prescribed by the Chief of Staff, of requirements and the provisions for its units with respect to personnel, materiel, facilities; and for the preparation of necessary plans for the development, organization, equipment, training, tactical operations, supply and maintenance thereof, including replacements


Section 116. The Philippine Naval Patrol shall have a Commander with such rank as shall be determined by the President of the Philippines. He is charged with the administration, control, and operation of the Philippine Naval Patrol under the Chief of Staff


Section 117. The Philippine Nautical School under the Department of National Defense is hereby transferred to the Philippine Naval Patrol, together with its personnel, appropriations, properties, equipment, and records

The revenue cutter service and the lighthouse service which have been transferred from the Bureau of Customs to the Philippine Naval Patrol, and the Philippine Nautical School shall be maintained as separate and distinct entities from the Naval Patrol proper and they shall retain their own personnel


Section 118. Authorized commissioned and enlisted grades for personnel of the Philippine Naval Patrol, with their equivalent in the Ground Force and Air Force, shall be as follows:


Naval Patrol Grade Ground Force Equivalent Grade
Commodore .................................................... Brigadier General
Captain ........................................................... Colonel
Commander ................................................... Lt.-Colonel
Lt.-Commander .............................................. Major
Lieutenant (Senior Grade) ............................. Captain
Lieutenant (Junior Grade) .............................. 1st Lieutenant
Ensign ............................................................ 2nd Lieutenant
Chief Petty Officer ......................................... Master Sergeant
Petty Officer 1st Class .................................. Technical Sergeant
Petty Officer 2nd Class .................................. Staff Sergeant
Petty Officer 3rd Class .................................. Sergeant
Seaman 1st Class or Fireman 1st Class ...... Corporal
Seaman 2nd Class or Fireman 2nd Class ... Private First Class
Apprentice Seaman ...................................... Private


Section 119. The pay and allowances of officers and enlisted men of the Philippine Naval Patrol shall be the same as those prescribed for the corresponding ranks and grades in the Armed Forces, plus an additional amount equivalent to ten per cent of the base pay of officers and enlisted men while assigned on sea duty. Additional ration allowances may be provided for officers and men of the Philippine Naval Patrol assigned on sea duty in accordance with its annual appropriations


Section 120. The Headquarters Army of the Philippines and the Central General Staff are hereby re-designated the Headquarters National Defense Forces and the National Defense General Staff, respectively


Section 121. The Philippine Air Force and the Philippine Naval Patrol shall each keep a roster of its officers and men separate from that of the rest of the Armed Forces


Section 122. With the approval of the President of the Philippines, the Chief of Staff is authorized to prescribe the uniforms and insignia of the officers and enlisted men of all the Armed Forces of the Philippines


Section 123. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, the President of the Philippines may, in the interest of economy, efficiency, and simplicity abolish or modify existing major commands, staff divisions and sections, services, military areas, installations, task forces, and other units, establish new ones


Section 124. The provision of General Order Numbered Six, dated June twenty-first, nineteen hundred and thirty-nine, entitled “Composition of the Central General Staff of the Philippine Army,” and of Executive Order Numbered One hundred, dated March fifteenth, nineteen hundred and forty-six, on the Peace and Order Functions of the Military Police Command, and of all other laws, orders or regulations inconsistent with any of the provisions of this Executive Order are hereby repealed or modified accordingly


Section 125. The second paragraph of Executive Order Numbered Three hundred seventeen, dated January seventh, nineteen hundred and forty-one, is hereby amended to read as follows:

“The Department of Health shall be charged with the protection of the health of the people, the maintenance of sanitary conditions, and the proper enforcement of the laws and regulations relative to health, sanitation, food, drugs and narcotics, slum housing, garbage and other waste disposal, and for these purposes, it shall exercise executive supervision over the Bureau of Health; the Bureau of Quarantine; the Bureau of Hospitals; the Board of Medical Examiners; the Board of Pharmaceutical Examiners; the Board of Dental Examiners; the Board of Optical Examiners; the Board of Examiners for Nurses; the National Advisory Health Council; the Alabang Vaccine and Serum Laboratories; the health departments of chartered cities; the national, provincial, city and municipal hospitals, dispensaries and clinics except the Philippine General Hospital; the public markets and slaughter-houses; hotels, restaurants, and other food establishments; and health resorts and similar establishments.”


Section 126. The Alabang Vaccine and Serum Laboratories together with its functions, duties, personnel, records, documents, equipment, supplies and other property, and the Alabang Laboratories Revolving Fund are hereby transferred to the Office of the Secretary of Health. The Secretary of Health, the Commissioner of the Budget and the President of the University of the Philippines shall determine the personnel who should be transferred to the Office of the Secretary of Health in case they render services both to the University of the Philippines and the Alabang Vaccine and Serum Laboratories

Section 127. Samples of biological products manufactured in the Alabang Vaccine and Serum Laboratories shall be submitted at least once a month to the Institute of Science for analysis to determine their purity and efficacy. Copies of the report showing the results of the analysis shall be furnished the Office of the President. Rules and regulations for the securing and submission of samples of biological products for analysis shall be issued jointly by the Department of Health and the Institute of Science


Section 128. Section nine hundred thirty-eight of the Revised Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows:

“Section 938. Functions of the Bureau of Health — The Bureau of Health is charged with the protection of the health of the people of the Philippines and the maintenance of sanitary conditions therein. Its general powers and duties shall extend to and comprehend, among other things:

“(a) The detection and detention of persons suffering from dangerous communicable diseases and the making of provision for their isolation until they shall cease to be source of infection;

“(b) The control over the sanitation of schoolhouses and school premises and over prisons, penal settlements, jails, and other places for the detention of arrested persons, convicts, or offenders of any sort;

“(c) The control and supervision of school medical service in private schools, colleges, and universities;

“(d) The effectuation and maintenance of internal quarantine in times of epidemic or threatened spread of any dangerous communicable diseases;

“(e) The inspection and investigation of the sanitary condition of coastwise passenger vessels;

“(f) The sanitary disposal of the dead and the control over the sanitation of cemeteries;

“(g) The effectuation, at regular intervals or from time to time as conditions may require, of systematic vaccination and inoculations of the people of the country by the use of virus, vaccines, sera, or other prophylactics;

“(h) The dissemination of hygienic information among the people and especially the inculcation of knowledge as to the proper care of infants and the methods of preventing and controlling dangerous communicable diseases;

“(i) The making, from time to time, of adequate inspections of all health organizations or offices primarily concerned with the prevention of diseases, taking account of their equipment and facilities and the character of their work; and

“(j) The making of an epidemiological study and/or investigation of preventable diseases, especially those of an epidemic or communicable character; and the collection of statistical data or other information relative to the sources of mortality in the Philippines and the effects of localities, employments, conditions, habits, foods, beverages, and medicines on the health of the people; and the chemical composition and medical properties of the minero-medicinal waters of the Philippines.”


Section 129. There is hereby created a Bureau of Hospitals under the executive supervision and control of the Department of Health. The Bureau of Hospitals shall have one chief to be known as Director of Hospitals whose salary shall be seven thousand two hundred pesos per annum. The general powers and duties of the Bureau of Hospitals shall extend to and comprehend, among other things:

(a) The conduct and management of Government hospitals (except the Philippine General Hospital), leprosaria, and sanatoria;

(b) The control and supervision of all hospitals for dangerous communicable diseases;

(c) The control and supervision of maternity, mental, orthopedic, tuberculosis, and other special hospitals;

(d) The control and supervision of skin disease clinics, venereal disease clinics, and other medical units;

(e) The control and supervision of puericulture centers, charity clinics, and dispensaries; and

(f) The supervision of private hospitals


Section 130. The Division of Hospitals under the Bureau of Health is hereby abolished and all its powers, functions, activities, personnel, documents, records, equipment, property, and appropriations are transferred to the Bureau of Hospitals


Section 131. The powers, functions, activities, personnel, records, equipment, property, and appropriations of the Division of Child and Maternal Health under the Bureau of Health are hereby transferred to the Bureau of Hospitals


Section 132. The Indigent Children’s Hospital under the Bureau of Public Welfare, together with its personnel, records, equipment, property, powers, functions, activities, and appropriations are transferred to the Bureau of Hospitals


Section 133. There is created the Department of Commerce and Industry which shall have charge of the regulation, control, promotion, and development of the commerce and industry of the country

Section 134. The Department of Commerce and Industry shall have executive supervision over the Bureau of Commerce, excluding its function of supervising the organization and operation of provincial trading corporations; the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Weather Bureau, the Patent Office, the Civil Aeronautics Board, the Civil Aeronautics Administration, the Radio Control Division, the Manila Trading Center and Exchange, the Sugar Quota Office, the Radio Control Board, including the power of supervision and control over the establishment and operation of all radio stations (receiving, transmitting, or broadcasting) other than the Government radio station and those maintained by the Bureau of Posts. The Secretary of Commerce and Industry shall assume and exercise with respect to the Board of Examiners for Aeronautical Engineers such prerogatives, functions, and authority as are conferred upon Department Heads by the provisions of section ten of Act Numbered Four thousand seven, otherwise known as the Reorganization Law of 1932

Section 135. All the personnel, powers, functions, activities, equipment, materials, records, and unexpended balances of funds or appropriations pertaining to the bureaus, offices, and services placed under the executive supervision of the Department of Commerce and Industry are hereby transferred thereto


Section 136. The following definitions shall control in the application and construction of this Order and other laws in so far as they apply to the Civil Aeronautics Board and the Civil Aeronautics Administration, unless the context otherwise requires:

(a) “Administrator” means the Administrator of the Civil Aeronautics Administration

(b) “Aeronautics” means the art or science of aerial flight, or the science that treats of the operation of aircraft

(c) “Air commerce” shall be taken to mean and include the transportation, in whole or in part, by aircraft of persons, property, or mail; the navigation of aircraft in furtherance of a business; or the navigation of aircraft from one place to another in the conduct of a business

(d) “Air transportation” means carriage of persons, property, or mail, in whole or in part by aircraft

(e) “Domestic air transportation” and “foreign air transportation” respectively mean the carriage by aircraft of persons, property, or mail for hire, (1) between places within the limits of the territory of the Republic of the Philippines and (2) between a place in any part of the territory of the Philippines and any place outside thereof, whether such carriage is wholly by aircraft or partly by aircraft and partly by other means of transportation

(f) “Aircraft” means any contrivance now known or hereafter invented, used, or designed for navigation of, or flight in, the air

(g) “Aircraft engine” means a device used, or intended to be used, for propulsion of aircraft and includes all parts, appurtenances, and accessories thereof other than propellers

(h) “Airman” means (1) any individual, such as the person in command, the pilot, mechanic, or any member of the crew, who engages or assists in the navigation or operation of aircraft while under way; (2) any individual who is directly in charge of or actually performs the inspection, maintenance, overhauling or repair of aircraft, aircraft engines, propellers, or appliances; and (3) any individual who serves in the capacity of aircraft dispatcher or air-traffic control operator

(i) “Air navigation facility” shall include any airdrome, emergency landing field, light or other signal structure, radio directional finding facility, radio or other electrical communication facility, and any other structure or facility used as an aid to air navigation

(j) “Airdrome” means an airport or a defined area, either on land or on water, including any building or installations thereon, normally used for the take-off and landing or alighting of aircraft, and which provides facilities for shelter, supply and repair of aircraft, or a place used regularly for receiving or discharging aircraft passengers or cargo

(k) “Emergency landing field” means any locality, either on water or on land, which is adapted for taking-off and landing of aircraft located along an airway, and is intermediate to airports connected by the airways, but which is not equipped with facilities for shelter, supply, and repair of aircraft and is not used regularly for the receipt or discharge of passengers or cargo by air

(l) “Airworthiness” means that condition in which an aircraft, its engines, propellers, and other components and accessories are of proper design and construction, and are safe for air navigation purposes, such design and construction being consistent with accepted engineering practice and in accordance with aerodynamic laws and aircraft science

(m) “Airway” is a designated path in an air route identified by an area of specified width on the surface of the earth

(n) “Appliances” means instruments, equipment, apparatus, parts, appurtenances, or accessories of whatever description which are used or are capable of being, or intended to be, used in the navigation, operation, or control of aircraft in flight (including parachutes and communication equipment and any other mechanism installed in or attached to aircraft during flight), and which are not a part or parts of aircraft, aircraft engines or propellers

(o) The term “citizens of the Philippines” includes (a) those enumerated in Section one, Article six of the Constitution of the Philippines; (b) a partnership of which all the members are citizens as defined in the Constitution; (c) a corporation or association created or organized under the laws of the Philippines, of which the directing head and two-thirds or more of the members of the Board of Directors and other managing officers thereof, are citizens of the Philippines, and in which sixty-six and two-thirds per centum of the voting interest is owned or controlled by persons who are citizens of the Philippines

(p) “Person” means and includes individuals, partnerships, joint enterprises, associations and/or corporations

(q) “Foreign air carrier” means any person, not a citizen of the Philippines, who undertakes, whether directly or indirectly, or by lease or any other arrangements, to engage in foreign air transportation

(r) “Mail” means Philippine mail and foreign-transit mail

(s) “Navigation of aircraft” or “navigate aircraft” includes the piloting of aircraft

(t) “Operation of aircraft” or “operate aircraft” means the use of aircraft for the purpose of air navigation and includes the navigation of aircraft. Any person who causes or authorizes the operation of aircraft, whether with or without the right of legal control (in the capacity of waiver, lessee, or otherwise) of aircraft, shall be deemed to be engaged in the operation of aircraft within the meaning of this Order

(u) “Propeller” includes all parts, appurtenances, and accessories thereof


Section 137. In the exercise and performance of its powers and duties under this Executive Order, the Civil Aeronautics Board and the Civil Aeronautics Administration shall endeavor to attain, among others, the following objectives:

(a) The development and utilization of the air potential of the Philippines;

(b) The encouragement and development of an air transportation system properly adapted to the present and future needs of foreign and domestic commerce of the Philippines, of the postal service, and of the national defense;

(c) The regulation and control of air transportation in such manner as to insure the highest degree of safety, the fostering of sound economic condition and the coordination of air transportation;

(d) The promotion of adequate, economical, and efficient service by air carriers at reasonable charges, without unjust discriminations, undue preferences or advantages, or unfair or destructive competitive practices;

(e) Competition to the extent necessary to insure the sound development of an air transportation system properly adapted to the needs of the foreign and domestic commerce of the Philippines, of the postal service, and of the national defense;

(f) The encouragement and development of civil aeronautics


Section 138. There is hereby created a Civil Aeronautics Board which shall be composed of the Secretary of Commerce and Industry, as Chairman, the Administrator of the Civil Aeronautics Administration, the Commander of the Philippine Air Force, and two other persons, as members, to be appointed by the President. They shall hold office at the pleasure of the President and shall be entitled to a per diem for each meeting actually attended at such amount as may be fixed by the President. During the absence or incapacity of the Secretary of Commerce, the Administrator shall act as Chairman. No member of the Board shall have any pecuniary interest or shall own any stock or bond in any civil aeronautics enterprise

Section 139. The Chairman and at least two members of the Board shall constitute a quorum to transact business. A majority vote of the members constituting a quorum shall be necessary for a valid and enforceable decision or order of the Board

Section 140. No person shall engage in air commerce nor shall any person be licensed as an airman unless he is a citizen of the Philippines: Provided, however, That the Civil Aeronautics Board may, for a period not exceeding ten years, authorize the grant of an air commerce permit or issue licenses for airmen to aliens whose country grants the same right and privilege to Filipino citizens, all laws to the contrary notwithstanding

Section 141. The Board shall have the following powers and duties:

(a) To promulgate rules and regulations governing the issuance, denial, amendment, suspension, or revocation of any permit or certificate authorizing a foreign air carrier to engage in air transportation between the Philippines and foreign countries

(b) To promulgate rules and regulations particularly relating to the economic aspects of air transportation, including the following specific powers and duties:

(1) To issue, deny, transfer, amend, alter, modify, cancel, suspend, or revoke any permit or the terms, conditions, and limitations contained therein, authorizing a person who is a citizen of the Philippines to engage in air commerce within or between the Philippines and another country;

(2) To require the submission of periodic and special reports by any person engaged in air commerce in such manner and form as the Board may prescribe; to require any person engaged in air commerce to file with the Board a true copy of each and every contract, agreement, understanding, or arrangement pertaining to air commerce transactions, between such person and any other person engaged in air commerce; to prescribe the forms of any and all accounts, records, and memoranda to be kept by persons engaged in air commerce including the accounts, records, and memoranda of the movements of the traffic, as well as the receipts and expenditures of money; and to transmit a report describing the shares of stock or other interest held by such persons engaged in air commerce with any person engaged in air commerce in any phase of aeronautics, and the holding of the stock in, and control of, other persons engaged in any phase of aeronautics;

(3) To inquire into the management of the business of any person in air commerce and, to the extent reasonably necessary for such inquiry, to obtain from such person engaged in air commerce, and from any person controlling or controlled by, or under common control with, such person engaged in air commerce, full and complete reports and other information;

(4) To approve or disapprove consolidation, merger, purchase, lease, operating contract or acquisition of control between persons engaged in air commerce; and

(5) To investigate, upon complaint or upon its own initiative, whether or not any individual or person engaged in air commerce is violating any of the provision of this Order, or the rules and regulations issued thereunder, and to take such action, consistent with the provisions of this Executive Order, as may be necessary to prevent further violation of such provision, rules and regulations

(c) To review, revise, reverse, modify, or affirm on appeal any administrative decision or order of the Administrator on matters pertaining to the —

(1) Grounding of airmen and aircraft;

(2) Revocation or suspension of any certificate or the denial by the Administrator to issue any certificate

(d) To perform such acts, conduct such investigations, issue and amend such orders, and make and amend such general or special rules, regulations, and procedures, as it shall deem necessary in the exercise and performance of its powers and duties under this Executive Order

Section 142. The Board shall submit an annual report to the President which shall contain such information and data collected by the Board which may be of value in the determination of questions connected with the development of civil aeronautics, together with such recommendation for additional legislation relating thereto as the Board may deem necessary


Section 143. There is hereby created the Civil Aeronautics Administration under the administrative supervision and control of the Department of Commerce and Industry. The Administration shall have one chief and one assistant chief to be designated Administrator and Deputy Administrator, respectively. The Administrator and the Deputy Administrator shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines, with the consent of the Commission on Appointments of the Congress. Until otherwise provided by law, the Administrator and the Deputy Administrator shall receive an annual compensation of seven thousand two hundred pesos and six thousand pesos per annum, respectively. The Administrator shall be the administrative head of the Civil Aeronautics Administration and shall have charge of the administration of all laws relating to civil aeronautics in the Philippines. He shall submit to the Secretary of Commerce and Industry a report in writing of the activities and transactions of his Office, annually or oftener as may be required. During the absence of the Administrator, the Deputy Administrator shall act as, and perform the duties of, the Administrator, in addition to his own duties


Section 144. No person shall be appointed Deputy Administrator unless he be a citizen of the Philippines and possesses at least one of the following qualifications:

(a) He must meet the qualifications and requirements prescribed for a pilot to hold an airline transport license or its equivalent;

(b) He must meet the qualifications of a command pilot of the Philippine Air Force; or

(c) He must have at least ten years’ experience in aeronautical engineering or in the operational phase of civil aviation or its equivalent


Section 145. Subject to the general control and supervision of the Secretary of Commerce and Industry, the Civil Aeronautics Administration is empowered:

(a) To promote safety of flight in air commerce by prescribing and revising from time to time:

(1) Minimum standards governing the design, materials, workmanship, construction, and performance of aircraft, aircraft engines, propellers, and appliances;

(2) Rules and regulations and minimum standards governing:

(aa) the inspection, servicing, and overhauling of aircraft, aircraft engines, propellers, and appliances;

(bb) the equipment and facilities for such inspection, servicing, and overhauling;

(cc) the periods for, and the manner in, which inspection, servicing, and overhauling shall be made including provision for examinations and reports by properly qualified private persons whose examinations or reports the Administrator may accept in lieu of those made by its officers and employees

(3) Rules and regulations governing the reserve supply of aircraft, aircraft engines, propellers, appliances, and aircraft fuel and oil, required in the interest of safety, including the reserve supply of aircraft fuel and oil which shall be carried in flight;

(4) Rules and regulations governing the maximum hours or periods of service of airmen and other employees of air carriers;

(5) Such rules and regulations, or minimum standards, governing other practices, methods, and procedures, as the Administrator may find necessary; and

(6) Air traffic rules governing the flight, navigation, protection, and identification of aircraft, including rules as to safe altitudes of flight, the prevention of collisions between aircrafts, and between aircraft and land or water vehicles;

(b) To promulgate rules and regulations governing the minimum standards, examination, and rating of:

(1) Airmen;

(2) Airworthiness of aircraft;

(3) Air navigation facilities for use by aircraft;

(4) Civilian schools giving instruction in flying or in the repair, alteration, maintenance, and overhauling of aircraft, aircraft engines, propellers, and appliances, as to the adequacy of the course of instruction, the suitability and airworthiness of the equipment and the competency of the instructors;

(5) Repair stations or shops for the repair, alteration, maintenance, and overhauling of aircraft, aircraft engines, propellers, or appliances, as to the adequacy and suitability of the equipment, facilities and materials for, and methods of, repair, alteration, maintenance, and overhauling of aircraft, aircraft engines, propellers, and appliances, and the competency of those engaged in the work of giving any instruction therein; and

(6) Such other air agencies as may be necessary in the interest of the public;

and to issue the corresponding certificates, specifying and prescribing such terms, conditions and limitations as are necessary for public interest and safety: Provided, That any order suspending, cancelling, or revoking any such certificate, or denying the issuance of any certificate, by the Administrator may be appealed to the Civil Aeronautics Board whose decision shall be final

(c) To promulgate rules and regulations governing the registration and recording of aircrafts;

(d) To collect and disseminate information relative to civil aeronautics; to study the possibilities of the development of air commerce and the aeronautical industry; to exchange with foreign governments, through appropriate governmental channels, information pertaining to civil aeronautics; to make arrangements and provide direct correspondence, transmittal and communication of matters relating to the technical and operational phase of aeronautics with the International Civil Aviation Organization and other international aeronautical agencies;

(e) Within the limits of available appropriation, to plan, acquire, design, construct, operate, improve, and manage all necessary airdromes, airways, and air navigation facilities;

(f) To impose and fix, as authorized in Republic Act Numbered One hundred twenty-five, and subject to the approval of the Civil Aeronautics Board, such reasonable charges and fees for the use of government air navigation facilities, and for services rendered by it in the rating of any air navigation facility;

(g) To promulgate rules and regulations governing notification and report of accidents in civil air navigation in the Philippines; to investigate such accidents involving aircraft including the facts, conditions, and attending circumstances relating to each accident and the probable cause thereof, and to submit a report to the Civil Aeronautics Board and such recommendation as will tend to prevent similar accidents in the future: Provided, That, when any accident has resulted in serious or fatal injury, it shall be the duty of the Civil Aeronautics Board to make public such report: Provided, further, That any such statement or any report of such investigation or hearing or any part thereof shall not be admitted as evidence or used for any purpose in any civil suit or action growing out of any matter referred to in any such statement, investigation, hearing or report thereof

Section 146. The provisions of Chapter Five, Sections seven and eight of Commonwealth Act Numbered One hundred sixty-eight, as amended, and the provisions of Chapter Four of Commonwealth Act Numbered One hundred forty-six are herein incorporated: Provided, That charging a fare lower than the minimum rate fixed by competent authority shall be a cause for the revocation or suspension of any permit to engage in air commerce: Provided, further, That violation of any of the provisions of this Executive Order for which no penalty is imposed shall be a cause for the revocation or suspension of any permit to engage in air commerce or any certificate issued under this Order

Section 147. In enforcing the provisions of this Order, the Civil Aeronautics Board, or the Administrator, or any officer of the said Board, or the Civil Aeronautics Administration, designated by it or by the Administrator in writing for such purpose is authorized and empowered to hold public hearings at such places and time as is convenient and practicable, and for the purpose of such hearings, such officer is hereby authorized to administer oaths, examine witnesses, require the preservation of evidence, and issue subpoena for the attendance and examination of witnesses, or the production of books, papers, documents, exhibits or other evidence, or the taking of depositions before any designated individual competent to administer oaths


Section 148. (a) The conditions and requirements of this Order and the rules and regulations issued thereunder shall not apply to aircraft and airmen of the armed forces of the Philippines and of the United States of America

(b) Foreign aircraft and airmen serving in connection therewith may, except with respect to the observance by such airmen of the air traffic rules, be exempted from the provisions of Section 140 of this Order to the extent, and upon such terms and conditions, as may be prescribed by the Civil Aeronautics Board and/or the Civil Aeronautics Administration as being in the interest of the public


Section 149. The Civil Aeronautics Commission created in Administrative Order Numbered Seven, dated July thirtieth, nineteen hundred and forty-six, as amended by Administrative Order Numbered Twenty-eight, dated March fifth, nineteen hundred and forty-seven, is hereby abolished and its functions and duties are transferred to the Civil Aeronautics Board herein created. The functions of the Bureau of Aeronautics as provided for in Commonwealth Act Numbered One hundred sixty-eight, as amended, except the functions provided in subsection (b), section six of the said Act, the functions provided in section thirteen of Commonwealth Act Numbered One hundred forty-six pertaining to the power of the Public Service Commission to fix the maximum passenger and freight rates that may be charged by airlines, the functions provided in Republic Act Numbered One hundred twenty-five are hereby transferred to and consolidated in the Civil Aeronautics Administration and/or Civil Aeronautics Board


Section 150. The Bureau of Aeronautics is hereby abolished and all its personnel, records, property, equipment, funds, and appropriations are hereby transferred to the Civil Aeronautics Administration


Section 151. The Radio Control Division now under the Department of National Defense, together with all its personnel, powers, functions, activities, records, equipment, and unexpended balances of funds or appropriations, is hereby transferred to the Department of Commerce and Industry


Section 152. The Radio Board and the Radio Permit Committee, at present under the Office of the President, and the Radio Broadcasting Committee under the Department of National Defense are hereby abolished and all their personnel, functions, powers, activities, and unexpended balances of funds or appropriations are transferred to, and shall be assumed by, a board to be known as the Radio Control Board under the executive supervision of the Department of Commerce and Industry. The Radio Control Board shall be composed of the Undersecretary of Commerce and Industry, as Chairman, and the Press Secretary of the Office of the President, the Collector of Internal Revenue, the Director of Public Schools, and the Director of Posts, as members. The President may appoint additional members if the needs of the service require. The Chief of the Radio Control Division of the Department of Commerce and Industry shall be the Secretary of the Radio Control Board


Section 153. The Philippine Sugar Administration under the Office of the President is hereby renamed “Sugar Quota Office” and transferred to the Department of Commerce and Industry together with its personnel, records, documents, supplies, equipment and appropriations. The Sugar Quota Office shall have a chief to be known as Sugar Quota Administrator whose salary, until otherwise fixed by law, shall be seven thousand two hundred pesos per annum

Section 154. The Sugar Quota Office shall assume the functions, powers, and duties heretofore exercised by the Philippine Sugar Administration


Section 155. There is hereby created in the Bureau of Commerce a Division of Standards which shall have charge of inspection, classification, grading, standardization and licensing for export of copra and other agricultural products, as well as industrial, mineral, fish and all other exportable products of the Philippines, subject to such rules and regulations as the Secretary of Commerce and Industry may promulgate with the approval of the President


Section 156. The Director of Commerce, through the Division of Standards, shall initiate the fixing and, upon approval of the President, the establishment of the grade, quality, and other standards for all agricultural, forest, mineral, fish, and industrial products of the Philippines (except sugar, abaca and other fibers, and tobacco) for which no standard has as yet been fixed by law, executive order, rules or regulations. The Institute of Science and other branches of the Government having the facilities for the purpose shall render the necessary assistance for the establishment of said standards. Chemical analyses, physical and biological tests necessary for the examination or standardization of products under the provisions of this Order shall be undertaken in the laboratories of the Institute of Science, except when there are other facilities available elsewhere


Section 157. No product of the Philippines for which a standard has been prescribed in accordance with this Order, unless it is only in small quantity or is not for sale but for private consumption, shall be exported until it shall have been inspected by the Director of Commerce or his duly authorized representative and found to conform to the standards set for export. It shall be the duty and responsibility of all collectors of customs to enforce the prohibition on the exportation of any Philippine product herein imposed



Section 158. The Philippine General Hospital is hereby transferred from the Office of the President to the University of the Philippines, together with its personnel, powers, functions, duties, records, equipment, supplies and unexpended balances of appropriations. The appropriations for the Philippine General Hospital shall continue to be itemized in the annual general appropriation acts


Section 159. From the total authorized appropriation of P226,356,306 consisting of —

1. General Appropriations, Republic Act No. 156 ₱225,644,306.00
2. For the creation of a Board to have charge of the selection and approval of textbooks to be used by the colleges and schools of the Government, Republic Act No. 139 10,000.00
3. For the creation of the Bureau of Investigation, Republic Act No. 157 500,000.00
4. For the creation of a Patent Office, Republic Act No. 165 75,000.00
5. For the creation of a National Commission on Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Matters, Republic Act No. 176
6. For the creation of the Bureau of Fisheries, Republic Act No. 177 25,000.00
7. For the creation of the Board of Electrical Engineering Examiners, Republic Act No. 184 2,000.00

the following sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are reallotted for the operation of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines during the period from July first, nineteen hundred and forty-seven, to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and forty-eight except where otherwise specifically provided:

(Not Reorganized)



1. The President of the Senate ₱16,000.00
2. Twenty-three Senators at ₱7,200 165,600.00
3. One Secretary of the Senate, with the rank of Undersecretary of Department 9,000.00
4. One sergeant-at-arms 6,000.00
5. One private secretary to the President 7,200.00
6. One secretary to the President 7,200.00
7. One assistant private secretary to the President 5,100.00
8. One assistant secretary to the President 3,720.00
9. One clerk 3,120.00
10. One record clerk 2,400.00
11. Three special agents at P2,400 7,200.00
12. One special agent 1,920.00
13. One stenographer 3,120.00
14. One stenographer (Spanish) 3,120.00
15. Two chauffeurs at P1,560 3,120.00
16. One messenger 960.00
17. One secretary to the President Pro-Tempore 4,200.00
18. Two stenographers at P2,940 5,880.00
19. One clerk-stenographer 1,920.00
20. Two clerks at P1,320 2,640.00
21. One messenger 960.00
23. One stenographer 2,400.00
24. One clerk 1,920.00
25. One messenger 960.00
26. One secretary 3,600.00
27. One stenographer 1,800.00
28. One clerk 960.00
29. One technical assistant 5,100.00
30. One secretary of the Committee 3,720.00
31. One stenographer 2,400.00
32. One clerk 1,560.00
33. One messenger 960.00
34. One secretary of the Committee 3,720.00
35. One stenographer 1,560.00
36. One clerk 1,440.00
37. One messenger 960.00
38. One secretary of the Committee 3,720.00
39. One stenographer 2,400.00
40. One secretary of the Commission 5,100.00
41. One assistant secretary of the Commission 3,720.00
42. One clerk-stenographer 2,940.00
43. One clerk 1,200.00
44. One laborer-messenger 960.00
45. One Secretary 3,720.00
46. One stenographer (English) 3,600.00
47. One stenographer (Spanish) 3,600.00
48. One clerk 1,200.00
49. Six secretaries to the Senate members of the
Electoral Tribunal at P1,800
50. One laborer-messenger 840.00
51. One technical adviser 7,200.00
52. One technical assistant 4,800.00
53. One technical assistant 4,200.00
54. One attorney 3,000.00
55. One attorney 2,400.00
56. One stenographer 1,920.00
57. One clerk 1,320.00
58. One messenger 960.00
59. One chief 6,000.00
60. Three assistants at P3,600 10,800.00
61. One stenographer 1,800.00
62. One clerk 1,200.00
63. One messenger 960.00
Office of the Assistant Secretary and Chief Clerk
64. One assistant secretary and chief clerk 7,200.00
65. One senior clerk 3,960.00
66. One copy editor and translator (English) 4,800.00
67. One translator (Spanish) 3,480.00
68. One stenographer 1,920.00
69. One personnel clerk 2,580.00
70. One clerk 1,560.00
71. One clerk 1,440.00
72. One clerk 1,200.00
73. One messenger 960.00
74. One chief of division 5,400.00
75. One senior clerk 2,940.00
76. One clerk 1,920.00
77. One clerk 1,680.00
78. One clerk 1,440.00
79. One clerk 1,200.00
80. One clerk-roneo operator 1,200.00
81. One assistant roneo operator 1,200.00
82. One messenger 960.00
83. One chief of division 5,400.00
84. One assistant chief 4,800.00
85. Three debate stenographers (Spanish) at P4,200 12,600.00
86. Three debate stenographers at P4,200 12,600.00
87. One debate stenographer (English) 3,720.00
88. One debate stenographer (English) 3,300.00
89. Three assistant debate stenographers (English) at P3,600 10,800.00
90. Three assistant debate stenographers (Spanish) at P3,600 10,800.00
91. Two assistant debate stenographers (English) at P2,760 5,520.00
92. One stenographer 2,400.00
93. One copy editor (Spanish) 3,720.00
94. One copy editor (Spanish) 3,480.00
95. Two copy editors (English) at P3,480 6,960.00
96. One proofreader 2,040.00
97. One clerk 2,040.00
98. One clerk 1,320.00
99. One laborer-messenger 960.00
100. One chief of section 3,120.00
101. Three secretaries of Committees at P2,400 7,200.00
102. One stenographer 2,400.00
103. One stenographer 2,280.00
104. One stenographer 2,160.00
105. Four stenographers at P1,920 7,680.00
106. Two stenographers at P1,680 3,360.00
107. One clerk 1,920.00
108. One clerk 1,800.00
109. One clerk 1,320.00
110. One clerk 1,080.00
111. One messenger 960.00
112. One chief of division 5,400.00
113. One minutes clerk 3,120.00
114. One clerk 2,040.00
115. One stenographer 1,920.00
116. One clerk 1,440.00
117. One messenger 960.00
118. One chief of division 3,480.00
119. One senior clerk 2,580.00
120. One typist 1,080.00
121. Three typists at P960 2,880.00
122. One messenger 960.00
123. One mailing clerk 1,560.00
124. One clerk 1,080.00
125. Two cyclist messengers at P960 1,920.00
126. Two messengers at P960 1,920.00
127. One chief of division 5,400.00
128. One cashier 4,500.00
129. One clerk 2,760.00
130. Two clerks at P1,920 3,840.00
131. Two clerks at P1,680 3,360.00
132. Two clerks at P1,440 2,880.00
133. One clerk 1,200.00
134. One messenger 960.00
135. One property clerk 3,120.00
136. One clerk 1,920.00
137. One clerk 1,560.00
138. One clerk 1,200.00
139. One laborer-messenger 960.00
140. One chief accountant 6,000.00
141. One accountant 4,200.00
142. One clerk 3,120.00
143. One clerk-bookkeeper 2,940.00
144. One clerk 1,560.00
145. Two clerks at P1,320 2,640.00
146. Two clerks at P1,200 2,400.00
147. One messenger 960.00
148. One legislative counsel 7,200.00
149 One (technical assistant) legal adviser 6,000.00
150. One chief researcher 4,500.00
151. One researcher 2,760.00
152. One researcher 2,580.00
153. One copy editor 3,480.00
154. One attorney 3,300.00
155. One clerk-stenographer 2,400.00
156. One stenographer 1,920.00
157. Two clerks at P1,320 2,640.00
158. One messenger 960.00
Clipping and Information Section
159. One chief of section 2,940.00
160. One clipping clerk 2,040.00
161. One index clerk 1,920.00
162. One clerk-typist 960.00
163. One messenger 960.00
164. One assistant sergeant-at-arms 2,400.00
165. Two assistant sergeants-at-arms at P1,680 3,360.00
166. One assistant sergeant-at-arms 1,560.00
167. One assistant sergeant-at-arms 1,440.00
168. Two legislative policemen at P960 1,920.00
169. One caretaker, with free quarters, water and light while required to live in the building 1,440.00
170. Two chauffeurs at P1,560 3,120.00
171. One head watchman 1,200.00
172. Six watchmen at P960 5,760.00
173. Three watchmen at P900 2,700.00
174. Five laborer-messengers at P960 4,800.00
175. Six laborers at P960 5,760.00
176. Three laborers at P900 2,700.00
177 One skilled laborer 1,200.00
178. Three telephone operators at P1,560 4,680.00
179 One telephone maintenance and repair man 1,560.00
180. One electrician 1,560.00
181. For private secretaries of Senators at the rate of P3,000 72,000.00
182. Supplementary force that may be employed at any time in the discretion of the President of the Senate, including additional compensation for per diems to the Military and Police attaches of the President of the Senate 71,120.00
Total for salaries and wages
1. Traveling expenses of Senators ₱9,000.00
2. Traveling expenses and per diems of personnel, including those of the committees and members of the Senate when on journeys of investigation by order of the same, and also the transportation and other traveling expenses of the President of the Senate and of the subordinate personnel accompanying him in his travel of inspection and investigation in the provinces, certified by him as official 7,680.00
3. Freight, express and delivery service 3,200.00
4. Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 10,000.00
5. Illumination and power service 6,500.00
6. Consumption of supplies and materials, including the uniforms for pages, guards, legislative policemen and chauffeurs 60,000.00
7. Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 20,000.00
8. Maintenance and repair of equipment 31,080.00
9. Other services, including expenses incurred by the Senate for subsistence of Senators and employees during the sine die, or working overtime 33,200.00
10. For the expenses of the Senate in connection with receptions and entertainments by direction of the President of the Senate 20,000.00
11. Compensation to families of deceased Senators, Act No. 3799 14,400.00
Total for sundry expenses
1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment, including the purchase of motor vehicle ₱50,000.00
Total for furniture and equipment
1. For traveling and other expenses of Committees of the Senate when authorized by resolution of the latter to undertake studies in and outside of the Philippines ₱150,000.00
2. For other services, including transportation and additional secretarial services for the members of the Senate, or expenses incurred by direction of the President of the Senate 150,000.00
3. For the alteration, repair and maintenance of the offices of the Senators in the City Hall, including the purchase, installation and maintenance of one elevator 50,000.00
Total for special purposes
Total for salaries and wages ₱888,960.00
Total for sundry expenses 215,060.00
Total for furniture and equipment 50,000.00
Total for special purposes 350,000.00
Total amount available for the Senate


1. Any unexpended balance of the funds appropriated for the Senate may be used to cover a deficit in any item of the appropriation for the said Senate, including prior years’ expenses

2. The appropriations in items 4, 6, 7 and 9, under “Sundry Expenses,” and that for “Furniture and Equipment” may be expended, respectively, for postage on correspondence and telegram fees for Senators, including freight, express and delivery service; for supplies and materials; for printing and binding reports, documents and publications; for subscriptions to newspapers; and for equipment for their use which shall be considered expended upon issue thereof to them, the total amount not to exceed one thousand pesos (P1,000) per annum for each Senator

3. Any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding, the President of the Senate is authorized to suspend or otherwise stop the expenditure of any amount appropriated for the Senate for any purpose, or any portion thereof, whenever in his judgment the public interest so requires, and thereupon the funds affected by such action shall become available for any other expenditures authorized in this Order for the Senate as the President of the Senate may determine

4. Any member of the Senate may assign his salary for a period not exceeding one year at a time to any banking or loan institution doing business in the Philippines, including the compensation to his family in the event of death, and upon his assignment being duly registered with the chief of the accounting division of the Senate, such officer shall issue treasury warrants from time to time as the salary or death compensation falls due directly in favor of the creditor banking or loan institution




1. The Speaker of the House of Representatives ₱16,000.00
2. Ninety-seven Members of the House of Representatives at P7,200 698,400.00
3. One Secretary of the House of Representatives, with the rank of Undersecretary of Department 9,000.00
4. One sergeant-at-arms of the House of Representatives 6,000.00
5. One secretary to the Speaker 7,200.00
6. One assistant secretary 4,800.00
7. One private secretary 4,800.00
8. One legal adviser 7,200.00
9. One technical assistant 7,200.00
10. One technical assistant 5,100.00
11. Two stenographers at ₱3,480 6,960.00
12. Four special agents at ₱2,400 9,600.00
13. One clerk 1,920.00
14. Three clerks at ₱1,440 4,320.00
15. Two messengers at ₱720 1,440.00
16. Two chauffeurs at ₱1,440 2,880.00
(Speaker’s Office)
17. One chief 6,000.00
18. One assistant press relations officer 4,800.00
19. Two assistant press relations officers at ₱3,720 7,440.00
20. One special press relations officer 2,400.00
21. Two special press relations officers at ₱1,800. 3,600.00
22. One secretary to the Speaker Pro-Tempore 3,720.00
23. One stenographer 1,800.00
24. One clerk 1,200.00
25. One clerk 840.00
26. One messenger 720.00
27. One secretary to the Majority Floor Leader 3,720.00
28. One assistant secretary to the Floor Leader 2,400.00
29. One stenographer 1,200.00
30. One clerk 900.00
31. One messenger 720.00
32. One secretary to the Minority Floor Leader 3,600.00
33. One stenographer 1,800.00
34. One clerk 960.00
35. One secretary to the Electoral Tribunal 3,720.00
36. Six secretaries to the House members of the Electoral Tribunal at ₱1,800 10,800.00
37. One docket clerk 1,200.00
38. One clerk 840.00
39. One bailiff 1,200.00
40. One messenger 720.00
41. One technical assistant 4,200.00
42. One secretary to the Committee on Appropriations 3,720.00
43. One stenographer 2,760.00
44. One stenographer 2,400.00
45. Two clerks at P960 1,920.00
46. One messenger 720.00
47. One secretary to the Committee on Accounts 3,720.00
48. One stenographer 960.00
49. One clerk 840.00
50. One messenger 720.00
51. One technical assistant 6,000.00
52. One stenographer 2,940.00
53. Two special clerks at ₱2,760 5,520.00
54 One clerk 1,320.00
55. One clerk 1,200.00
56. One messenger 840.00
57. One messenger 720.00
58. One assistant sergeant-at-arms 2,400.00
59. One assistant sergeant-at-arms 1,800.00
60. One assistant sergeant-at-arms 1,680.00
61. Three assistant sergeants-at-arms at ₱1,440 4,320.00
62. One assistant sergeant-at-arms 1,200.00
63. Nine guards at ₱840 7,560.00
64. Seven pages at ₱720 5,040.00
65. One legislative counsel and chief of division 7,200.00
66. One assistant 6,000.00
67. One assistant 4,800.00
68. Two assistants at ₱3,960 7,920.00
69. One assistant 3,120.00
70. One chief legislative researcher and bill drafter 5,400.00
71. One legislative researcher and bill drafter 3,960.00
72. Thirteen legislative researchers and bill drafters at ₱2,400 31,200.00
73. One law clerk and proofreader 1,800.00
74. One legislative clerk 1,200.00
75. One librarian 2,400.00
76. One cataloguer 1,800.00
77. One assistant librarian and cataloguer 1,200.00
78. One assistant librarian 900.00
79. One stenographer 2,400.00
80. One stenographer 1,440.00
81. One stenographer 1,200.00
82. One chief clipping clerk 2,400.00
83. One clipping clerk 1,680.00
84. One clipping clerk 1,440.00
85. One clerk 1,440.00
86. One clerk 1,200.00
87. Three clerks at ₱1,080 3,240.00
88. Seven clerks at ₱900 6,300.00
89. One messenger 720.00
90. One assistant secretary and chief clerk 7,200.00
91. One stenographer 2,040.00
92. Two clerks at ₱1,440 2,880.00
93. One messenger 720.00
94. One chief of section 1,800.00
95. One clerk 960.00
96. One clerk 900.00
97. Seven mounted messengers at ₱720 5,040.00
98. One chief accountant 6,000.00
99. One assistant chief accountant 3,120.00
100. Two clerk-bookkeepers at ₱2,400 4,800.00
101. One clerk 2,040.00
102. One clerk 1,920.00
103. Five clerks at ₱1,200 6,000.00
104. One clerk-messenger 720.00
105. One chief of division 6,000.00
106. One assistant chief of division 4,200.00
107. Two debate stenographers at ₱3,720 7,440.00
108. Three debate stenographers at ₱3,480 10,440.00
109. Two debate stenographers at ₱3,120 6,240.00
110. Six debate stenographers at ₱2,940 17,640.00
111. Three assistant debate stenographers at ₱2,760 8,280.00
112. One messenger 720.00
Publication Section
113. One corrector and translator 5,100.00
114. One corrector and translator 4,200.00
115. One corrector and translator 3,720.00
116. One corrector and translator 3,120.00
117. One corrector and translator 2,400.00
118. One special clerk 2,760.00
119. One proofreader 2,400.00
120. One clerk 2,400.00
121. Two clerks at ₱1,440 2,880.00
122. One clerk 1,200.00
123. One messenger 720.00
124. One chief of division 6,000.00
125. One assistant chief of division 4,200.00
126. One proofreader 2,400.00
127. One proofreader 1,920.00
128. One clerk 1,800.00
129. Two clerks at ₱1,560 3,120.00
130. Three clerks at ₱1,320 3,960.00
131. Two clerks at ₱1,080 2,160.00
132. Two clerks at ₱960 1,920.00
133. Four roneo operators at ₱840 3,360.00
134. One messenger 720.00
135. One chief of division 4,800.00
136. One assistant chief of division 3,720.00
137. Two translators at ₱2,760 5,520.00
138. One translator 2,400.00
139. One clerk-translator 2,040.00
140. Two clerks at ₱960 1,920.00
141. Two clerks at ₱840 1,680.00
142. One clerk-messenger 720.00
143. One chief of division 4,800.00
144. One assistant chief of division 2,940.00
145. One clerk 1,800.00
146. Three clerks at ₱1,320 3,960.00
147. Three clerks at ₱960 2,880.00
148. One messenger 720.00
149. One chief of division 4,800.00
150. One assistant chief of division 2,580.00
151. One clerk 1,800.00
152. Two clerks at ₱1,680 3,360.00
153. One clerk 1,440.00
154. Four clerks at ₱1,200 4,800.00
155. One storekeeper 900.00
156. One messenger 720.00
157. One chief of division 4,500.00
158. One assistant chief of division 3,120.00
159. One committee secretary 3,120.00
160. Eight stenographers at ₱2,400 19,200.00
161. Eleven stenographers at ₱1,800 19,800.00
162. One clerk 960.00
163. One messenger 720.00
164. One chief of division 5,100.00
165. One assistant 3,960.00
166. One assistant 3,120.00
167. Two clerks at ₱1,920 3,840.00
168. One clerk 1,680.00
169. One clerk 1,080.00
170. Four clerks at ₱960 3,840.00
171. Two messengers at ₱720 1,440.00
172. One custodian of the building, with free furnished quarters, water and light while required to stay in the Legislative Building 1,800.00
173. Three telephone operators at ₱1,440 4,320.00
174. One telephone repairman 1,440.00
175. One mechanic 1,200.00
176. One carpenter 1,200.00
177. Three chauffeurs at ₱1,440 4,320.00
178. Seven watchmen at ₱720 5,040.00
179 Three porters at ₱720 2,160.00
180. One laborer-messenger 840.00
181. Thirty-one laborers at ₱720 22,320.00
182. For secretarial and clerical service to the Members of the House of Representatives at the rate of P3,000 per annum for each Member, the Member to fix and determine the number and compensation for the force required for such service, and whether part or full time, in Manila or outside: PROVIDED, That no member of said secretarial and clerical force shall be paid per diem and traveling expenses when leaving Manila or rendering service outside of the city 294,000.00
183. For other services, including transportation and additional secretarial services for the Members of the House of Representatives, or expenses incurred by direction of the Speaker 600,000.00
184. For supplementary force 50,000.00
Total for salaries and wages
1. Traveling expenses of Members, including the cost of transportation of their privately-owned automobiles which are to be used in connection with their attendance at the sessions ₱120,000.00
2. Traveling expenses of personnel, including those of the Constitutional Commissions, Committees and Members of the House of Representatives, when on authorized official travel, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding 8,000.00
3. Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 34,850.00
4. Illumination and power service 16,000.00
5. Consumption of supplies and materials, including the uniforms for pages, guards and chauffeurs 71,250.00
6. Printing and binding reports, documents, decisions of the Electoral Tribunal and publications 34,500.00
7. Maintenance and repair of equipment 3,000.00
8. For the expenses of the House of Representatives or by the Speaker thereof in connection with official receptions and entertainments 20,000.00
9. Compensation to families of deceased Members of the House of Representatives, Act No. 3799 14,400.00
10. Other services 25,000.00
11. For the purchase of reference books, periodicals, etc 50,000.00
Total for sundry expenses
1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment, including the purchase of motor vehicles ₱190,000.00
Total for furniture and equipment
1. For traveling and other expenses of the Committees of the House of Representatives when authorized by the Speaker or by Resolution of the House to undertake studies in and outside of the Philippines ₱111,060.00
2. For the maintenance, alteration, repair and reconstruction of the building now being used by the House of Representatives 450,000.00
Total for special purposes
Total for salaries and wages ₱2,319,960.00
Total for sundry expenses 397,000.00
Total for furniture and equipment 190,000.00
Total for special purposes 561,060.00
Total amount available for the House of Representatives


1. Any unexpended balance of the funds appropriated for the House of Representatives may be used to cover a deficit in any item of the appropriation for the said House and losses of the equipment through accident, fire or other calamity, including prior year’s expenses and losses

2. Any Member of the House of Representatives may assign his salary for a period not exceeding one year at a time to any banking or loan institution doing business in the Philippines, including the compensation to his family in the event of death, and upon his assignment being duly registered with the chief of the accounting division of the House of Representatives, such officer shall issue treasury warrants from time to time as the salary or death compensation falls due directly in favor of the creditor banking or loan institution

3. The Secretary of the House of Representatives shall receive the compensation herein fixed, the provisions of existing law notwithstanding

4. The appropriations in items 3, 5, 6 and 10, under “Sundry Expenses,” and that for “Furniture and Equipment” may be expended, respectively, for postage on correspondence and telegram fees of the Members, including freight expenses and delivery service; for supplies and materials; for printing and binding reports, documents and publications; for subscription to periodicals; and for equipment including radio sets for their use which shall be considered expended upon issue thereof to them, the total amount not to exceed one thousand pesos (P1,000) per annum for each Member

5. The Speaker of the House of Representatives is hereby authorized, within the limits of the appropriations authorized in this Order for the House of Representatives, to transfer items of appropriations, to abolish or consolidate items or positions, and to create new items or positions, as may be necessary to effect simplification, economy and efficiency in the service

1. The President of the Philippines ₱30,000.00
2. One Private Secretary to the President 9,000.00
3. One Legislative Secretary 8,400.00
4. One Press Secretary 8,400.00
5. One assistant private secretary 6,000.00
6. One assistant private secretary 5,100.00
7. One physician 3,600.00
8. Three assistants at ₱3,960 11,880.00
9. Two clerks at ₱2,760 5,520.00
10. One cable clerk 2,400.00
11. Two clerks at ₱1,920 3,840.00
12. One clerk 600.00
13. Additional compensation of ₱10 per diem to the aides-de-camp of the President, section 62 of the Administrative Code 10,980.00
14. Additional compensation of ₱10 per diem to the aide-de-camp of the President acting as Provost Officer and Commandant, Malacañan Guard, section 62 of the Administrative Code 3,660.00
15. One watchman 960.00
16. One chief and property custodian 5,400.00
17. One caretaker, Mansion House 3,720.00
18. Oils assistant and caretaker 2,760.00
19. One assistant 2,760.00
20. One assistant 1,920.00
21. One steward 1,800.00
22. One clerk 1,080.00
23. One cook 1,440.00
24. One seamstress 600.00
25. Two servants at ₱660 1,320.00
26. Two helpers at ₱600 1,200.00
27. Two laundresses at ₱600 1,200.00
28. Three janitors at ₱600 1,800.00
29. Miscellaneous and emergency employees and laborers 13,000.00

30. Less — savings to be made (5,510.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Executive Secretary, with the rank of Secretary of Department ₱12,000.00
2. Two Assistant Executive Secretaries at ₱9,000 18,000.00
3. One private secretary 5,100.00
4. One administrative assistant 7,200.00
5. One assistant 5,100.00
6. One assistant 4,800.00
7. One assistant 4,500.00
8. One assistant 4,200.00
9. One assistant 3,960.00
10. One assistant 3,720.00
11. One stenographer 2,400.00
12. Three clerks at ₱2,940 8,820.00
13. One clerk 2,760.00
14. One clerk 1,440.00
15. One clerk 960.00
16. One clerk 660.00
17. One clerk 600.00
18. Two telephone operators at ₱1,200 2,400.00
19. One telephone operator 960.00
20. Five messengers at ₱600 3,000.00
Malacañan Clinic
21. One medical officer in-charge 4,200.00
22. One dentist 1,800.00
23. One chief nurse 1,560.00
24. Three staff nurses at ₱1,200 3,600.00
25. Two clinic attendants at ₱840 1,680.00
26. One clerk-messenger 720.00
27. One helper-janitor 720.00
28. Laundry allowance for four nurses in items 23 and 24 at P8 each per month 384.00
29. One financial assistant 7,200.00
30. One assistant 4,800.00
31. One assistant 4,200.00
32. One assistant 3,960.00
33. One property custodian 3,480.00
34. One disbursing and collecting officer 3,300.00
35. One clerk 2,400.00
36. One clerk 1,920.00
37. Two clerks at ₱1,800 3,600.00
38. One clerk 1,560.00
39. One clerk 1,080.00
40. One clerk 960.00
41. Three messengers at ₱600 1,800.00
42. One assistant 4,800.00
43. Two inspectors at ₱2,940 5,880.00
44. One inspector 2,760.00
45. Two inspectors at ₱1,800 3,600.00
46. One clerk 1,800.00
47. One clerk 720.00
48. One clerk 600.00
49. One accounting officer 4,800.00
50. One bookkeeper 1,920.00
51. One clerk 1,440.00
52. One clerk 1,320.00
53. One clerk 900.00
54. One clerk 840.00
55. Two clerks at ₱780 1,560.00
56. One clerk 600.00
57. One law officer 7,200.00
58. One assistant 4,500.00
59. One assistant 4,200.00
60. One assistant 4,200.00
61. One assistant 3,120.00
62. One clerk 1,920.00
63. One clerk 1,560.00
64. One stenographer 1,440.00
65. One clerk 960.00
66. One clerk 720.00
67. One technical assistant and chief of division 7,200.00
68. One assistant 4,500.00
69. One assistant 4,200.00
70. One assistant 3,720.00
71. One assistant 3,120.00
72. Two assistants at ₱3,120 6,240.00
73. One stenographer 1,080.00
74. One clerk 2,160.00
75. One clerk 1,560.00
76. One clerk 1,080.00
77. One clerk 1,080.00
78. One clerk 780.00
79. Three clerks at ₱600 1,800.00
80. One assistant 3,300.00
81. One clerk 1,560.00
82. One clerk 960.00
83. One clerk 600.00
84. One protocol officer 6,000.00
85. One assistant 2,940.00
86. One clerk 2,940.00
87. One clerk 900.00
88. One superintendent (by detail)
89. One clerk 600.00
90. One head janitor-gardener 1,200.00
91. One janitor 780.00
92. Three janitors at ₱600 1,800.00
93. Two laborers at ₱600 1,200.00
94. One chief of division 5,100.00
95. One assistant 2,760.00
96. One clerk 2,040.00
97. One clerk 1,800.00
98. One clerk 1,560.00
99. One clerk 1,560.00
100. One clerk 1,440.00
101. Two clerks at ₱1,320 2,640.00
102. Two clerks at ₱1,200 2,400.00
103. One clerk 1,080.00
104. One clerk 960.00
105. One clerk 900.00
106. One clerk 840.00
107. Two clerks at ₱840 1,680.00
108. Four clerks at ₱720 2,880.00
109. One clerk 660.00
110. Eight clerks at ₱600 800.00
111. One driver-messenger 1,080.04
112. Two messengers at ₱600 1,200.00
113. Miscellaneous and emergency employees and laborers 56,420.00

114. Less — savings to be made (20,740.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Director ₱7,200.00
2. One Assistant Director 6,000.00
Records and General Service Section
3. One chief of section 2,400.00
4. One stenographer 1,560.00
5. One draftsman 840.00
6. One clerk 720.00
7. One clerk 660.00
8. Eight clerks at ₱600 4,800.00
Tabulation Section
9. One chief of section 1,440.00
10. One clerk 720.00
11. Nine clerks at ₱600 5,400.00
Accounting Section
12. One accounting officer 3,960.00
13. One clerk 1,080.00
14. One clerk 720.00
15. One clerk 600.00
Property and Disbursement Section
16. One disbursing and collecting officer and property custodian 2,400.00
17. One statistician 1,440.00
18. Two clerks at ₱900 1,800.00
19. Four clerks at ₱600 2,400.00
20. One messenger 600.00
21. Three watchmen at ₱600 1,800.00
22. Three laborers at ₱600 1,800.00
23. One helper 600.00
24. One chief of division 3,120.00
25. Two statisticians at ₱1,800 3,600.00
26. Two clerks at ₱900 1,800.00
27. One clerk 780.00
28. Two clerks at ₱720 1,440.00
29. Three clerks at ₱600 1,800.00
30. One chief of division 3,120.00
31. One crop forecaster 2,400.00
32. One statistician 1,920.00
33. One statistician 1,800.00
34. One clerk 1,200.00
35. Two clerks at ₱900 1,800.00
36. One clerk 660.00
37. Four clerks at ₱600 2,400.00
38. One chief of division 4,800.00
39. Two statisticians at ₱1,800 3,600.00
40. Fifteen clerks at ₱600 9,000.00
41. One chief of division 3,960.00
42. One statistician 2,400.00
43. One statistician 1,440.00
44. One clerk 900.00
45. One clerk 780.00
46. One clerk 660.00
47. Six clerks at ₱600 3,600.00
48. One typist 600.00
49. One chief of division 3,720.00
50. One statistician 1,320.00
51. One statistician 1,200.00
52. One clerk 1,080.00
53. One clerk 900.00
54. One clerk 840.00
55. One clerk 780.00
56. Two clerks at ₱720 1,440.00
57. Six clerks at ₱600 3,600.00

58. Less — savings to be made (6,620.00)
Total .......................................
For salaries and wages of the personnel of the Bureau of Printing employed throughout the year:
1. One Director ₱7,200.00
2. One Assistant Director 6,000.00
3. One superintendent of work and chief of division 5,100.00
4. One receiver of work and supervisor 4,800.00
5. One assistant 3,120.00
6. One layout and work order supervisor 2,580.00
7. Three computers and estimators at ₱2,160 6,480.00
8. One computer and proofreader 2,040.00
9. One work order writer and estimator 1,920.00
10. One work order writer and computer 1,560.00
11. One tracer and work order writer 1,440.00
12. One helper 1,080.00
13. One helper 960.00
14. One helper 840.00
15. One helper 660.00
16. One chief of division 4,800.00
17. One assistant 3,120.00
18. One supervisor of job and tabular work 2,760.00
19. Two typesetters at ₱2,580 5,160.00
20. Three typesetters at ₱2,280 6,840.00
21. Seven typesetters at ₱2,040 14,280.00
22. Ten typesetters at ₱1,920 19,200.00
23. Five typesetters at ₱1,800 9,000.00
24. Seventeen typesetters at ₱1,680 28,560.00
25. Nine typesetters at ₱1,560 14,040.00
26. Eight typesetters at ₱1,440 11,520.00
27. One typesetter 1,320.00
28. Fourteen typesetters at ₱1,200 16,800.00
29. Eight typesetters at ₱1,080 8,640.00
30. Eight typesetters at ₱960 7,680.00
31. Three typesetters at ₱900 2,700.00
32. One typesetter 840.00
33. One typesetter 720.00
34. One typesetter 660.00
Proof Section
35. One supervising copy editor and chief of section 3,480.00
36. One copy editor and Official Gazette supervisor 3,120.00
37. One press-proof reviser 2,400.00
38. One copy editor and proofreader 2,400.00
39. One proofreader 1,200.00
40. Two proofreaders at ₱1,080 2,160.00
41. One chief of division 4,800.00
42. One assistant 3,120.00
43. One pressman 2,760.00
44. Two pressmen at ₱2,400 4,800.00
45. Four pressmen at ₱2,160 8,640.00
46. Five pressmen at ₱2,040 10,200.00
47. Seven pressmen at ₱1,920 13,440.00
48. One pressman 1,800.00
49. Three pressmen at ₱1,680 5,040.00
50. One pressman 1,440.00
51. Four pressmen at ₱1,320 5,280.00
52. Fourteen pressmen at ₱1,200 16,800.00
53. Five pressmen at ₱1,080 5,400.00
54. One pressman 960.00
55. Five pressmen at ₱960 4,800.00
56. Two pressmen at ₱900 1,800.00
57. Four pressmen at ₱840 3,360.00
58. Eleven pressmen at ₱720 7,920.00
59. Nine pressmen at ₱660 5,940.00
60. One helper 660.00
61. One chief of division 4,800.00
62. One assistant 3,120.00
63. One binder 2,400.00
64. Two binders at ₱2,160 4,320.00
65. Three binders at ₱2,040 6,120.00
66. Four binders at ₱1,920 7,680.00
67. Three binders at ₱1,800 5,400.00
68. Seven binders at ₱1,680 11,760.00
69. Ten binders at ₱1,440 14,400.00
70. Seven binders at ₱1,320 9,240.00
71. Nine binders at ₱1,200 10,800.00
72. Nine binders at ₱1,080 9,720.00
73. Eighteen binders at ₱960 17,280.00
74. Four binders at ₱900 3,600.00
75. One binder 840.00
76. Four binders at ₱780 3,120.00
77. Thirteen binders at ₱720 9,360.00
78. Forty-three binders at ₱660 28,380.00
79. One chief of division 4,800.00
80. One assistant 3,120.00
81. One designer and illustrator 2,280.00
82. Two photo-engravers at ₱2,280 4,560.00
83. One photo-engraver 2,160.00
84. One photo-engraver 2,040.00
85. Four photo-engravers at ₱1,920 7,680.00
86. One photo-engraver 1,440.00
87. Three photo-engravers at ₱1,080 3,240.00
88. One photo-engraver 960.00
89. Two photo-engravers at ₱900 1,800.00
90. One photo-engraver 840.00
91. One photo-engraver 780.00
92. One chief of division 4,800.00
93. One assistant 3,120.00
94. Two electrotypers at ₱2,160 4,320.00
95. One electrotyper 2,040.00
96. Two electrotypers at ₱1,920 3,840.00
97. One electrotyper. 1,440.00
98. One electrotyper 1,200.00
99. Five electrotypers at ₱960 4,800.00
100. One electrotyper 900.00
101. One electrotyper 600.00
102. Two helpers at ₱960 1,920.00
103. One helper 900.00
104. Three helpers at ₱780 2,340.00
105. Three helpers at ₱720 2,160.00
106. Five helpers at ₱660 3,300.00
107. One driver 1,200.00
108. One chief of division 4,800.00
109. One assistant 3,120.00
110. One machinist 2,040.00
111. One mechanic 1,920.00
112. One mechanic 1,680.00
113. One mechanic 720.00
114. Two electricians at ₱1,920 3,840.00
115. One electrician 1,680.00
116. Two electricians at ₱1,320 2,640.00
117. One helper 1,080.00
118. One chief of division 4,800.00
119. One disbursing and collecting officer 2,580.00
120. One clerk 2,400.00
121. One clerk 1,800.00
122. One clerk 1,680.00
123. One clerk 1,440.00
124. One clerk 1,320.00
125. Two clerks at ₱1,200 2,400.00
126. Two clerks at ₱960 1,920.00
127. Three clerks at ₱720 2,160.00
128. One helper 660.00
Stores Section
129. One clerk 2,400.00
130. Two binders at ₱1,440 2,880.00
131. One clerk 1,200.00
132. Two clerks at ₱960 1,920.00
133. One clerk 660.00
134. One helper 1,320.00
135. Two helpers at ₱1,080 2,160.00
136. Two helpers at ₱960 1,920.00
137. Three helpers at ₱900 2,700.00
138. One helper 840.00
139. One helper 780.00
140. Two helpers at ₱720 1,440.00
141. Nine helpers at ₱660 5,940.00
Building and Transportation Section
142. One overseer 2,160.00
143. Two watchmen at ₱1,080 2,160.00
144. One carpenter 780.00
145. Two helpers at ₱1,080 2,160.00
146. Four helpers at ₱960 3,840.00
147. One helper 840.00
148. Seven helpers at ₱780 5,460.00
149. Three helpers at ₱720 2,160.00
150. One janitor 720.00
151. Two janitors at ₱660 1,320.00
152. One accounting officer 4,500.00
153. One clerk 2,040.00
154. One clerk 1,440.00
155. One clerk 1,200.00
156. One clerk 1,080.00
157. One clerk 960.00
158. One clerk 840.00
Total amount available for the personnel of the
Bureau of Printing employed throughout the year

Amount to be paid out of the Bureau
of Printing Revolving Fund, Commonwealth Act No. 38

1. For per diems of the Chairman and eight members of the Board of Regents at the rate of ₱25 for every session actually attended ₱12,000.00
2. One Director 7,200.00
3. One chief of division 3,960.00
4. One assistant chief of division 2,760.00
5. One disbursing and collecting officer 1,920.00
Property Section
6. One property officer 2,400.00
7. One clerk 1,800.00
8. One clerk 900.00
9. One clerk 780.00
10. Two clerks at ₱600 1,200.00
Accounting Section
11. Accounting officer (by detail)
12. One accountant 1,800.00
13. One clerk 1,080.00
14. One clerk 600.00
Records Section
15. One chief of section 1,920.00
16. One photographer 2,400.00
17. One clerk 1,200.00
18. One clerk 720.00
19. One clerk 600.00
Personnel and General Service Section
20. One personnel clerk 1,920.00
21. One clerk 1,440.00
22. One clerk 780.00
23. One clerk 660.00
24. One clerk 600.00
25. One janitor 660.00
26. One janitor-watchman 660.00
27. Three watchmen at ₱660 1,980.00
28. One plumber 600.00
29. One laborer 600.00
30. Eleven laborers at ₱600 6,600.00
31. One chief of division 6,000.00
32. One scientist 3,720.00
33. Two scientists at ₱2,940 5,880.00
34. One assistant scientist 2,280.00
35. One assistant scientist 2,040.00
36. One junior scientist 1,800.00
37. Two junior scientists at ₱1,560 3,120.00
38. One junior scientist 1,440.00
39. One junior scientist 1,200.00
40. Two scientific aides at ₱1,200 2,400.00
40. Two scientific aides at ₱1,200 2,400.00
41. Three scientific aides at ₱900 2,700.00
42. One scientific aide 780.00
43. Four scientific aides at ₱720 2,880.00
44. One preparator 660.00
45. Three helpers at ₱600 1,800.00
46. Four laborers at ₱600 2,400.00
47. One chief of division 6,000.00
48. One scientist 4,200.00
49. One scientist 2,940.00
50. One assistant scientist 2,280.00
51. One scientific aide 1,200.00
52. One scientific aide 1,080.00
53. One scientific aide 900.00
54. Five scientific aides at ₱720 3,600.00
55. Three laborers at ₱600 1,800.00
56. One chief of division 5,100.00
57. One scientist 4,200.00
58. One assistant scientist 2,400.00
59. One junior scientist 1,800.00
60. One scientific aide 1,200.00
61. One scientific aide 900.00
62. One scientific aide 840.00
63. One scientific aide 720.00
64. One helper 600.00
65. Two laborers at ₱600 1,200.00
66. One chief of division 5,400.00
67. One scientist 4,200.00
68. One junior scientist 1,800.00
69. One junior scientist 1,200.00
70. Two scientific aides at ₱900 1,800.00
71. Two scientific aides at ₱720 1,440.00
72. One laborer 600.00
73. One chief of division 6,000.00
74. One engineer 4,200.00
75. One assistant engineer 2,400.00
76. One engineering assistant 1,560.00
77. One engineering aide 1,200.00
73. One engineering aide 1,080.00
79. One engineering aide 960.00
80. One draftsman 1,080.00
81. One electrician 720.00
82. One mechanic 660.00
83 One mechanic 600.00
84. One oiler 660.00
85. Two oilers at ₱600 1,200.00
86. Three firemen at ₱600 1,800.00
87. One plumber 600.00
88. One foreman 900.00
89. One carpenter 720.00
90. One carpenter 660.00
91. Two carpenters at ₱600 1,200.00
92. Two laborers at ₱600 1,200.00
93. One chief of division 5,100.00
94. One scientist 3,120.00
95. One Junior scientist 1,560.00
96. One scientific aide 1,080.00
97. Two scientific aides at ₱840 1,680.00
98. One chief of division 4,800.00
99. One assistant librarian 2,400.00
100. One assistant librarian 1,920.00
101. Two assistant librarians at ₱1,680 3,360.00
102. Two assistant librarians at ₱1,080 2,160.00
103. One junior librarian 840.00
104. One junior librarian 780.00
105. One junior librarian 720.00
106. One clerk 900.00
107. Two clerks at ₱600 1,200.00
108. One library helper 720.00
109. Two helpers at ₱660 1,320.00
110. Six helpers at ₱600 3,600.00
111. Ten laborers at ₱600 6,000.00
112. For temporary and emergency employees 4,790.00
113. For scientific research to be expended upon recommendation of the Board of Regents of the Institute of Science and approved by the President 100,000.00

114. Less — savings to be made (13,020.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Director ₱7,200.00
2. One scientist 5,400.00
3. One scientist 5,400.00
4. Two scientists at ₱5,400 10,800.00
5. One assistant scientist 3,720.00
6. One assistant scientist 3,300.00
7. One assistant scientist 3,120.00
8. One assistant scientist 2,760.00
9. One junior scientist 1,920.00
10. One junior scientist 1,800.00
11. One junior scientist 1,800.00
12. One junior scientist 1,560.00
13. One scientific aide 1,080.00
14. One scientific aide 1,080.00
15. One scientific aide 900.00
16. One scientific illustrator 720.00
17. One scientific illustrator 660.00
18. One scientific illustrator 600.00
19. One scientific illustrator 600.00
20. One scientific illustrator 600.00
21. One laboratory helper 660.00
22. One laboratory helper 600.00
23. One laboratory helper 600.00
24. Two laboratory helpers at ₱600 1,200.00
25. One laboratory helper 600.00
26. One laboratory helper 600.00
27. One museum helper 600.00
28. One museum helper 600.00
29. One clerk 1,440.00
30. One clerk 840.00

31. Less — savings to be made (4,020.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Commissioner of Social Welfare ₱7,200.00
2. One clerk-stenographer 1,200.00
3. One helper 600.00
4. One chief of division 5,100.00
5. One disbursing and collecting officer and property custodian 2,940.00
      Excess of actual salary 300.00
6. One chief of records section 1,560.00
7. One clerk 1,320.00
8. One clerk 1,200.00
9. One clerk 720.00
10. One clerk 660.00
11. One clerk 600.00
12. Two messengers at ₱600 1,200.00
13. Three helpers at ₱600 1,800.00
14. One guard 600.00
15. Two janitors at ₱600 1,200.00
Accounting Section
16. One accounting officer 3,960.00
17. One accountant 2,280.00
18. One clerk 900.00
19. One clerk 840.00
20. Two clerks at ₱720 1,440.00
21. One clerk 660.00
22. Three clerks at ₱600 1,800.00
23. One chief of division 4,800.00
24. One social worker 1,800.00
25. Two social workers at ₱1,320 2,640.00
26. Two social workers at ₱1,080 2,160.00
27. One chief of section 2,940.00
28. One probation officer 2,040.00
29. Two probation officers at ₱1,440 2,880.00
30. One probation officer 1,200.00
31. One probation officer 1,080.00
32. One probation officer 900.00
33. One medical officer 1,440.00
34. Two nurses at ₱780 1,560.00
35. Two helpers at ₱600 1,200.00
Section of Institutions
(All with subsistence and quarters)
36. One medical officer 2,400.00
37. One medical officer 1,440.00
38. One chief nurse 1,320.00
39. Two nurses at ₱960 1,920.00
40. Two nurses at ₱900 1,800.00
41. Three nurses at ₱840 2,520.00
42. Two nurses at ₱780 1,560.00
43. Four nurses at ₱720 2,880.00
44. One supervisor 1,560.00
45. One psychologist 900.00
46. Two teachers at ₱720 1,440.00
47. Eight teachers at ₱600 4,800.00
48. Three teachers at ₱540 1,620.00
49. Two teachers at ₱480 960.00
50. One teacher (part time) 480.00
51. One dietitian 1,440.00
52. One dietitian 1,200.00
53. One matron 1,080.00
54. One matron 960.00
55. One matron 600.00
56. One social worker 1,200.00
57. One social worker 960.00
58. One social worker 900.00
59. Three clerks at ₱480 1,440.00
60. Three clerks at ₱360 1,080.00
61. One artist 1,800.00
62. One telephone operator 360.00
63. One driver 480.00
64. One driver 360.00
65. Four cottage managers at ₱480 1,920.00
66. One cottage manager 420.00
67. Thirteen cottage managers at ₱360 4,680.00
68. Seventeen caretakers at ₱360 6,120.00
69. Four guards at ₱360 1,440.00
70. One cook 480.00
71. One cook 420.00
72. Fifteen helpers at ₱360 5,400.00
73. Twenty-one hospital attendants at ₱360 7,560.00
74. One medical officer 2,940.00
75. One superintendent 2,940.00
76. One medical officer (part time) 1,320.00
77. One medical officer 1,560.00
78. One nurse-supervisor 1,440.00
79. One nurse 1,200.00
80. One social worker 960.00
81. One social worker 840.00
82. One clerk 600.00
83. For laundry allowance not to exceed P8 per month each which may be commuted when authorized by the Department Head, and for subsistence and quarters similarly commutable in the case of employees whose positions have been allowed such commutation prior to 1938: PROVIDED, That commutation for quarters shall be allowed only while government quarters are not available for the purpose 600.00

84. Less — savings to be made (7,920.00)
Total .......................................
1. For per diems of the Chairman and members of the National Urban Planning Commission at the rate of ₱20 per meeting actually attended ₱4,800.00
2. One assistant to the Director on Urban Planning 7,200.00
3. One assistant to the Director on National Planning 5,100.00
4. One assistant to the Director on Regional Planning 5,100.00
5. One zoning administrator 6,000.00
6. One planner 5,100.00
7. One assistant planner 3,960.00
8. Three assistant planners at ₱3,960 11,880.00
9. One modeler 3,120.00
10. Two assistant planners at ₱3,120 6,240.00
11. One junior planner 2,400.00
12. Two junior planners at ₱3,120 6,240.00
13. One publicity officer and report writer 3,120.00
14. One assistant engineer 2,400.00
15. One secretary to the Commission 3,120.00
16. One chief clerk 3,120.00
17. One chief enumerator 1,920.00
18. Three enumerators at ₱960 2,880.00
19. One chief draftsman 2,400.00
20. Three draftsmen at ₱1,800 5,400.00
21. Twelve draftsmen at ₱1,440 17,280.00
22. One draftsman 1,200.00
23. One draftsman 960.00
24. One clerk-stenographer 2,400.00
25. One clerk-stenographer 1,440.00
26. One stenographer 1,440.00
27. One record clerk and librarian 1,440.00
28. One personnel clerk 1,440.00
29. One clerk-typist 960.00
30. One plan filer 960.00
31. One blueprinter and mimeographer 720.00
32. One janitor 720.00
33. One messenger-janitor 720.00
34. One messenger 600.00
35. For expenses of local planning boards for the cities of Cebu, Davao, Bacolod and other cities 25,000.00

36. Less — savings to be made (10,580.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Commissioner of the Budget ₱12,000.00
2. One Deputy Commissioner of the Budget 9,000.00
3. One administrative officer and secretary of the Budget Commission (ex-officio chief of the Administrative Division) 6,000.00
4. One chief administration researcher 5,400.00
5. Two administration researchers at ₱5,100 10,200.00
6. One administration researcher 4,800.00
7. Two special assistants at ₱5,100 10,200.00
8. One private secretary 2,940.00
9. One special agent 1,800.00
10. One stenographer 1,440.00
11. Chief of division, item 3
12. One assistant 4,800.00
13. One assistant 4,500.00
14. One assistant 3,960.00
15. One cashier and property officer 2,040.00
16. One clerk 2,400.00
17. One clerk 1,920.00
18. One clerk 1,440.00
19. One clerk 1,320.00
20. One clerk 1,200.00
21. One clerk 1,080.00
22. One clerk 960.00
23. One clerk 600.00
24. Two stenographers at ₱960 1,920.00
25. One janitor 660.00
26. Two laborer-messengers at ₱600 1,200.00
27. Two janitors at ₱600 1,200.00
28. Two laborers at ₱600 1,200.00
Records Section
29. One clerk 1,800.00
30. One clerk 1,440.00
31. One clerk 1,200.00
32. Two clerks at ₱1,080 2,160.00
33. One clerk 840.00
34. Two clerks at ₱720 1,440.00
35. One chief of division 5,400.00
36. One assistant 5,100.00
37. One examiner 3,120.00
38. One examiner 2,760.00
39. Two examiners at ₱2,400 4,800.00
40. One clerk 2,160.00
41. Two clerks at ₱2,040 4,080.00
42. Two clerks at ₱1,920 3,840.00
43. Two clerks at ₱1,800 3,600.00
44. One clerk 1,680.00
45. One clerk 1,560.00
46. One clerk 1,200.00
47. One chief of division 5,400.00
48. One inspector 4,800.00
49. Two inspectors at ₱4,500 9,000.00
50. One inspector 4,200.00
51. Five inspectors at ₱3,960 19,800.00
52. One examiner 3,480.00
53. One examiner 3,300.00
54. Two examiners at ₱2,400 4,800.00
55. Three clerks at ₱1,920 5,760.00
56. One clerk 1,560.00
57. One stenographer 1,440.00
58. One clerk 1,440.00
59. One clerk 1,080.00
60. Two clerks at ₱960 1,920.00
61. One clerk 840.00
62. One clerk 720.00
63. One clerk 600.00
64. One chief of division 6,000.00
65. Two assistants at ₱5,100 10,200.00
Expense Control Service
66. One inspector 4,500.00
67. Two inspectors at ₱4,500 9,000.00
68. One inspector 3,960.00
69 Two inspectors at ₱3,960 7,920.00
70. One examiner 3,300.00
71. Two examiners at ₱3,120 6,240.00
72. One clerk 1,560.00
73. One clerk 1,200.00
74. One clerk 1,080.00
75. One stenographer 960.00
Accounting Supervisory Service
76. Three supervising accounting officers at ₱5,100 15,300.00
77. One supervising accounting officer 4,800.00
78. One clerk 1,200.00
79. One clerk 720.00
Fiscal Records
80. One supervising accounting officer 4,800.00
81. One examiner 2,400.00
82. One clerk 960.00
83. One clerk 600.00
Accounting Section
84. One accountant 2,400.00
85. One clerk 1,560.00
86. One clerk 960.00
87. One clerk 600.00

88. Less — savings to be made (14,620.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Commissioner of Civil Service ₱9,000.00
2. One Deputy Commissioner of Civil Service 7,200.00
3. One chief of division 5,100.00
4. One assistant chief of division and disbursing and collecting officer 4,200.00
5. One clerk 2,400.00
6. Three clerks at ₱2,040 6,120.00
7. One clerk 1,920.00
8. One clerk 1,680.00
9. Two clerks at ₱1,560 3,120.00
10. Two clerks at ₱1,440 2,880.00
11. One clerk 1,320.00
12. One clerk 1,080.00
13. Three clerks at ₱960 2,880.00
14. One clerk 840.00
15. Six clerks at ₱720 4,320.00
16. Ten clerks at ₱600 6,000.00
17. Two messengers at ₱600 1,200.00
18. One janitor 720.00
19. Two watchmen at ₱600 1,200.00
20. Two helpers at ₱600 1,200.00
Accounting Section
21. Accounting officer (by detail)
22. One accountant 2,400.00
23. One clerk 960.00
24. One chief examiner 5,100.00
25. One assistant chief examiner 4,200.00
26. One confidential examiner 3,300.00
27. One confidential examiner 3,120.00
28. One field examiner 3,300.00
29. One supervising examiner 3,300.00
30. One supervising examiner 3,120.00
31. One supervising examiner 2,580.00
32. One researcher 2,940.00
33. One examiner 2,580.00
34. One examiner 2,400.00
35. One examiner 1,800.00
36. One examiner 1,680.00
37. Two examiners at ₱1,560 3,120.00
38. Seven examiners at ₱1,440 10,080.00
39. Two junior examiners at ₱1,440 2,880.00
40. One junior examiner 1,200.00
41. Four junior examiners at ₱1,080 4,320.00
42. One junior examiner 900.00
43. Three junior examiners at ₱840 2,520.00
44. Special examiners 1,800.00
45. One record clerk 1,560.00
46. One clerk 900.00
47. One clerk-stenographer 840.00
48. One clerk 780.00
49. Seventeen clerks at ₱720 12,240.00
50. Two messengers at ₱600 1,200.00
51. One helper 600.00
52. One chief of division 5,100.00
53. One assistant chief of division 4,200.00
54. One service examiner 3,480.00
55. Four attorneys at ₱3,300 13,200.00
56. Four attorneys at ₱3,120 12,480.00
57. One attorney 2,400.00
58. Three attorneys at ₱1,920 5,760.00
59. One stenographer 2,040.00
60. One stenographer 1,800.00
61. One clerk-stenographer 1,680.00
62. Three clerk-stenographers at ₱1,560 4,680.00
63. Three clerk-stenographers at ₱960 2,880.00
64. One clerk-stenographer 840.00
65. One clerk 1,680.00
66. Three clerks at ₱1,440 4,320.00
67. One clerk 1,200.00
68. One clerk 1,080.00
69. Three clerks at ₱960 2,880.00
70. Four clerks at ₱720 2,880.00
71. One messenger-clerk 600.00
72. One helper 600.00
73. One chief of division 6,000.00
74. One assistant chief of division 4,200.00
75. One assistant 3,120.00
76. Three examiners at ₱2,400 7,200.00
77. One examiner 2,280.00
78. Two examiners at ₱1,920 3,840.00
79. Four clerks at ₱1,440 5,760.00
80. One clerk-stenographer 1,440.00
81. One clerk 1,200.00
82. Seven clerks at ₱960 6,720.00
83. One clerk 780.00
84. Eleven clerks at ₱720 7,920.00
85. Five clerks at ₱600 3,000.00
86. One janitor 600.00

87. Less — savings to be made (19,370.00)
Total .......................................
Total for salaries and wages ============
1. Traveling expenses of personnel P 68,850.00
2. Freight, express and delivery service 2,490.00
3. Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 53,130.00
4. Illumination and power service 28,270.00
5. Rental of buildings and grounds 27,710.00
6. Consumption of supplies and materials 267,256.00
7. Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 36,100.00
8. Contributions and gratuities 1,350.00
9. Traveling expenses of persons not government employees 800.00
10. Maintenance and repair of equipment 13,720.00
11. Other services, including rental of electric tabulating equipment not to exceed ₱7,650, and subscriptions to periodicals 59,260.00
Total for sundry expenses
1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment 39,300.00
Total for furniture and equipment
1. For traveling expenses of the President or personnel of his office on official trips outside of the Philippines ₱100,000.00
2. For a fund to be expended in the discretion of the President 100,000.00
3. For cultural publicity, including participation of the Republic of the Philippines in expositions and fairs 60,000.00
4. For salaries and other expenses of expert and technical personnel whom the President may employ by contract or otherwise, including the employment of personnel who may be assigned to duty as representatives of the Republic of the Philippines abroad to handle negotiations or maintain business dealings with, or be members of, American or international financial, judicial, administrative, relief and rehabilitation bodies or organizations 800,000.00
5. For salaries and allowances, transportation and other expenses of pensionados in the United States 60,000.00
6. For the payment of the claim of American attorneys for services rendered to the former Office of the President of the Commonwealth of the Philippines and the Office of the Resident Commissioner of the Philippines to the United States 150,000.00
7. For the operation and maintenance of the National Economic Council, including expenses in connection with economic planning as may be authorized by the President 200,000.00
8. For expenses of the Civil Service Board of Appeals 1,495.00

(a) One clerk-secretary ₱1,200.00
Total for salary
(b) Traveling expenses of personnel ₱50.00
(c) Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 50.00
(d) Consumption of supplies and materials 95.00
(e) Traveling expenses of persons not government employees 50.00
(f) Other services 50.00
Total for sundry expenses

9. For pension for Doña Aurora Aragon de Quezon, Commonwealth Act No. 693 12,000.00
10. For the payment of pensions to veterans of past Philippine revolutions or wars in accordance with the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 605, including the operating expenses of the Board on Pensions or Veterans 300,000.00

(a) Per diems of two members of the Board at ₱10 each per meeting ₱1,080.00
(b) One secretary and executive officer 5,100.00
(c) One agent 1,920.00
(d) Two special agents at ₱960 1,920.00
(e) One clerk 1,320.00
(f) One stenographer 1,440.00
(g) One messenger 720.00
(h) One chief clerk 3,120.00
(i) One clerk 2,400.00
(j) One stenographer 1,440.00
(k) One classifier 1,440.00
(l) One disbursing and collecting officer and property custodian 1,440.00
(m) One clerk 1,440.00
(n) Two clerks at ₱960 1,920.00
(o) One clerk 720.00
(p) One janitor 720.00
(q) One helper 720.00
(r) One helper 600.00
Total for salaries and wages
(s) Traveling expenses of personnel ₱2,000.00
(t) Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 2,000.00
(u) Illumination and power service 400.00
(v) Consumption of supplies and materials 3,700.00
(w) Maintenance and repair of equipment 300.00
(x) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 300.00
(y) Other services 200.00
Total for sundry expenses
(z) For the purchase of furniture and equipment ₱1,500.00
Total for furniture and equipment
(a-1) Payment of pensions to veterans of past Philippine revolutions or wars ₱260,140.00
Total for special expense

11. For expenses of investigating committees or commissions as the President may authorize 100,000.00
12. For the necessary expenses of the Boards of Examiners 76,115.00
To be paid out of the receipts of the Boards (74,115.00)

(a) Fees for the chairmen and members of the Boards of Medical, Pharmaceutical, Dental, Optical and Nurse Examiners; Boards of Marine Examiners; Board of Examiners for Surveyors; Boards of Examiners for Engineers and Architects; Veterinary Examining Board; and Board of Accountancy, at P5 per board chairman or member for each candidate examined or registered without examination; P3 for each candidate for certified plant mechanic or master electrician; P2 for each candidate in preliminary or final physician examination; and P2 for each candidate for midwife: PROVIDED, That, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding, only the examination fees collected by the said boards shall be available for the payment of fees to the members thereof: PROVIDED, FURTHER, That in case of deficit in this item, the same may be covered by paying the chairmen and members thereof from the unexpended balance of the fees collected by the boards ₱52,820.00
(b) One secretary 4,200.00
(c) One assistant secretary 2,940.00
(d) One stenographer 1,920.00
(e) One clerk 1,440.00
(f) Two clerks at ₱1,080 2,160.00
(g) One clerk 780.00
(h) Two clerks at ₱720 1,440.00
(i) Three clerks at ₱600 1,800.00
(j) One messenger 600.00
Total for salaries and wages
(k) Traveling expenses of personnel ₱2,100.00
(l) Freight, express and delivery service 40.00
(m) Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 310.00
(n) Consumption of supplies and materials 1,765.00
(o) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications and for press release of notices 610.00
(p) Maintenance and repair of equipment 50.00
(q) Other services 140.00
Total for sundry expenses
(r) For the purchase of furniture and equipment ₱1,000.00
Total for furniture and equipment

13. For the organization and maintenance of a Bureau of Information at Washington, D.C 300,000.00
14. For the purchase of museum specimens, famous Filipino paintings, sculptures and other objects of history 3,563.00
15. For the care, maintenance, instruction, reformation and custody of neglected and delinquent children in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 3203, as amended 192,905.00
To be paid out of the receipts under section 6 of Act No. 3203, as amended, any provisions of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding (192,905.00)

(All with subsistence and quarters)
(a) One chief, Welfareville Institution ₱5,100.00
(b) One chief clerk 2,040.00
(c) One property clerk 1,440.00
(d) One clerk 960.00
(e) One clerk 900.00
(f) One clerk 720.00
(g) Two clerks at ₱480 960.00
(h) One medical supervisor 2,940.00
(i) One medical officer 2,400.00
(j) One supervising dentist 3,480.00
(k) One dentist 1,200.00
(l) One nurse-supervisor 1,320.00
(m) One nurse 1,080.00
(n) One nurse 960.00
(o) Two nurses at ₱900 1,800.00
(p) One psychiatrist (part time) 1,440.00
(q) One psychologist 1,320.00
(r) One pharmacist 1,200.00
(s) One supervising field agent 1,920.00
(t) One social worker 1,680.00
(u) One social worker 1,440.00
(v) One recreation and physical director 1,560.00
(w) One teacher 1,080.00
(x) Four teachers at ₱960 3,840.00
(y) Two teachers at ₱720 1,440.00
(z) One teacher 660.00
(a-1) One trade instructor 1,560.00
(b-1) One trade instructor 1,200.00
(c-1) One trade instructor 1,080.00
(d-1) One supervisor of buildings and grounds 1,320.00
(e-1) One foreman 1,080.00
(f-1) One mechanic 900.00
(g-1) One matron 960.00
(h-1) One cottage supervisor 900.00
(i-1) Five caretakers of children at ₱660 3,300.00
(j-1) One caretaker of children 600.00
(k-1) One caretaker of children 540.00
(l-1) Thirteen caretakers of children at ₱480 6,240.00
(m-1) Twelve caretakers of children at ₱420 5,040.00
(n-1) Ten caretakers of children at ₱360 3,600.00
(o-1) One guard 540.00
(p-1) Two guards at ₱480 960.00
(q-1) One guard 420.00
(r-1) Seven guards at ₱360 2,520.00
(s-1) One telephone operator 360.00
(t-1) Five helpers at ₱360 1,800.00
(u-1) For temporary and emergency employees and laborers 1,000.00
(v-1) One clerk 720.00

(w-1) Less — savings to be made (4,130.00)
Total for salaries and wages
(x-1) Traveling expenses of personnel ₱1,400.00
(y-1) Freight, express and delivery service 100.00
(z-1) Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 1,800.00
(a-2) Illumination and power service 3,000.00
(b-2) Consumption of supplies and materials, including the expenses for the annual Christmas festival in Welfareville not to exceed ₱1,000 99,845.00
(c-2) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 90.00
(d-2) Contributions and gratuities 1,400.00
(e-2) Traveling expenses of persons not government employees 600.00
(f-2) Maintenance and repair of equipment 700.00
(g-2) Other services 4,000.00

(h-2) Less — savings to be made (4,130.00)
Total for sundry expenses
(i-2) For the purchase of furniture and equipment ₱1,710.00
Total for furniture and equipment
(j-2) Construction, maintenance, alteration and repair of buildings, parks and roads in Welfareville ₱5,000.00
Total for special expenses

16. For relief and rehabilitation of indigent widows, orphans, invalids and other indigent war victims who are not entitled to the benefits provided by existing laws, and for immediate relief to indigent widows and orphans of members of the USAFFE, volunteer guards and members of “bolo” battalions of duly recognized guerrillas and of unrecognized guerrillas killed by the Japanese for guerrilla activities until the United States Veterans’ Administration should begin payment of their claims or allowances in which case they shall refund the amount of relief they may have received from the proceeds of their claims against the United States Veterans’ Administration: PROVIDED, That not more than ₱100,000 hereof shall be used for salaries and wages of new or additional social workers and other employees: AND PROVIDED, FURTHER, That the disposition of this appropriation shall be in accordance with rules and regulations approved by the President 700,000.00
17. For the purchase of printing machinery and equipment to replace those destroyed during the war 250,000.00
18. For the operation and maintenance of an Institute of Nutrition 30,000.00
19. For the expenses of the National Commission on Educational, Scientific and Cultural Matters 130,410.00

Salaries and Wages
(a) Per diems of members of the Commission who are not government officials at P20 per meeting actually attended ₱5,000.00
(b) One Chairman 12,000.00
(c) One Executive Officer 7,200.00
(d) One technical assistant 5,100.00
(e) One chief clerk and property officer 3,120.00
(f) One stenographer 1,680.00
(g) One action clerk 1,800.00
(h) One stenographer 1,440.00
(i) One stenographer 1,320.00
(j) One laborer-messenger 720.00
Total for salaries and wages
(k) Traveling expenses of personnel ₱3,000.00
(l) Freight, express and delivery service 3,000.00
(m) Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 1,500.00
(n) Illumination and power service 1,000.00
(o) Consumption of supplies and materials 3,000.00
(p) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 2,500.00
(q) Other services 900.00
(r) Contribution to the Government Service Insurance System 1,700.00
Total for sundry expenses
(s) For the purchase of furniture and equipment ₱10,000.00
Total for furniture and equipment
Special Expenses
(t) For contingent and other miscellaneous expenses ₱64,430.00
Total for special expenses
Total for special and general purposes ₱3,299,468.00

Total for salaries and wages ₱1,832,214.00
Total for sundry expenses 558,936.00
Total for furniture and equipment 39,300.00
Total for special and general purposes 3,299,468.00
Less — savings to be made (100,430.00)
Total amount available for the Office of the President


1. Any deficit in the appropriations for the Office of the President of the Philippines may be covered from any unexpended balance of any other appropriation provided in this Order for the Executive Departments, but the total amount to be used for covering such deficits during the year shall not exceed ₱500,000

2. The President is hereby authorized to grant furnished or unfurnished quarters in kind in any government or rented building under the jurisdiction of the Office of the President to the superintendent of the Malacañan buildings and grounds and to any employee of the Malacañan Household whom he may require to live in said building for the better performance of his duties. Likewise, the Executive Secretary is hereby authorized to grant, free of charge, quarters in kind in government-owned buildings to clerks and other employees assigned to dormitory duty, hospitals, training schools and other similar institutions in isolated places operated by the Social Welfare Commission

1. The Vice-President of the Philippines ₱15,000.00
2. One secretary to the Vice-President 8,400.00
3. One technical assistant 7,200.00
4. One private secretary 6,000.00
5. One assistant private secretary 3,720.00
6. One clerk 2,400.00
7. One clerk 1,800.00
8. One messenger 720.00

9. Less — savings to be made (4,560.00)
Total amount available for the Office of the Vice-President
1. One Secretary of Department ₱12,000.00
2. One aide and press officer 7,200.00
3. One private secretary 5,100.00
4. One confidential secretary 1,800.00
5. One assistant 3,960.00
6. One assistant 3,720.00
7. One stenographer 2,400.00
8. One agent 2,400.00
9. One agent and driver 1,800.00
10. One messenger 720.00
11. One Undersecretary of Department 9,000.00
12. One researcher 4,200.00
13. One stenographer 3,120.00
14. One stenographer 1,920.00
15. Secretary of the Board (by detail)
16 One stenographer 1,920.00
17. One chief of division 6,000.00
18. One assistant 3,960.00
19. One assistant 3,120.00
20. One stenographer 1,920.00
21. One counselor 8,400.00
22. One stenographer 1,920.00
23. One chief of division 6,000.00
24. One assistant 5,100.00
25. One drafting and research officer 4,500.00
26. One assistant 4,200.00
27. One assistant 3,120.00
28. Two stenographers at ₱1,920 3,840.00
29. One chief of division 6,000.00
30. One assistant 5,100.00
31. One drafting and research officer 4,500.00
32. One assistant 3,120.00
33. One stenographer 1,920.00
34. One chief of division 6,000.00
35. One assistant 5,100.00
36. One drafting and research officer 4,500.00
37. One assistant 3,120.00
38. One stenographer 1,920.00
39. One chief of division 6,000.00
40. One assistant 4,800.00
41. One chief of section 4,200.00
42. One assistant 4,200.00
43. One assistant 3,120.00
44. One stenographer 1,920.00
45. One chief of division 6,000.00
46. One assistant 5,100.00
47. One assistant 4,200.00
48. Two assistants at ₱3,960 7,920.00
49. Two assistants at ₱3,120 6,240.00
50. One stenographer 1,920.00
51. One clerk 1,440.00
52. One chief of division 6,000.00
53. One assistant 5,100.00
54. Three assistants at ₱3,960 11,880.00
55. Four assistants at ₱3,120 12,480.00
56. One stenographer 2,400.00
57. Two stenographers at ₱1,920 3,840.00
58. One counselor (attorney) 8,400.00
59. Two attorneys at P6,000 12,000.00
60. One attorney 5,100.00
61. One attorney 4,200.00
62. Three attorneys at ₱3,960 11,880.00
63. One drafting and research officer 4,500.00
64. One librarian 2,400.00
65. One assistant 2,400.00
66. Two stenographers at ₱1,920 3,840.00
67. One stenographer 1,440.00
68. One counselor 8,400.00
69. One stenographer 1,920.00
70. One chief of division 6,000.00
71. One assistant 5,100.00
72. Three assistants at ₱3,960 11,880.00
73. One assistant 3,120.00
74. One assistant 2,400.00
75. Two stenographers at ₱1,920 3,840.00
76. One clerk 1,920.00
77. One clerk 1,440.00
78. Three clerks at ₱960 2,880.00
79. One chief of division 6,000.00
80. One assistant 3,120.00
81. One stenographer 1,920.00
82. One clerk 1,440.00
83. One chief of division 5,100.00
84. One assistant 5,100.00
85. One assistant 4,200.00
86. Two assistants at ₱3,960 7,920.00
87. One assistant (chief of cash section) 3,960.00
88. One assistant 3,120.00
89. One property officer 1,920.00
90. One stenographer 2,400.00
91. Three stenographers at ₱1,920 5,760.00
92. One clerk 1,920.00
93. Two clerks at ₱960 1,920.00
94. One multilith operator 1,440.00
95. Seven helpers at ₱720 5,040.00
96. Two watchmen at ₱960 1,920.00
97. One gardener 720.00
98. Three janitors at ₱720 2,160.00
99. Chief of division (by detail)
100. One cryptographic expert 4,200.00
101. One chief of records 3,960.00
102. One assistant (codes) 3,120.00
103. One clerk 2,400.00
104. Two clerks at ₱1,440 2,880.00
105. One clerk 720.00
106. One briefer-filer 1,440.00
107. Two messengers at ₱720 1,440.00
108. Four helpers at ₱720 2,880.00
109. One chief of division 4,800.00
110. One examiner 3,120.00
111. One statistician 3,120.00
112. One stenographer 1,920.00
113. One clerk 1,920.00
114. One clerk 1,440.00
115. One clerk 720.00
Accounting Section
116. Accounting officer (by detail)
117. One accountant 1,920.00
118. One clerk 960.00

119. Less — savings to be made (5,660.00)
Total for salaries and wages
1. Traveling expenses of personnel ₱20,000.00
2. Freight, express and delivery service 10,000.00
3. Postal, telegraph, telephone, radio and cable service 50,000.00
4. Illumination and power service 4,000.00
5. Consumption of supplies and materials 25,000.00
6. Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 10,000.00
7. Maintenance and repair of equipment 5,000.00
8. Traveling expenses of persons not government employees 3,000.00
9. Other services, including subscriptions to periodicals, publications, annuals and yearbooks and for entertainment and other expenses, particularly in connection with reception and other state functions in honor of Philippine diplomatic, consular and other ranking officials and for receiving the official calls of representatives of foreign states accredited to the Philippines 50,000.00
Total for sundry expenses
1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment ₱60,000.00
Total for furniture and equipment
1. For salaries and other expenses of advisers and consultants in foreign service ₱30,000.00
2. For cultural publicity and information service, including necessary expenses in connection with participation in fairs, exhibits and expositions and the editing, printing and publication of bulletins 30,000.00
3. For reimbursement to the government of any state for expenses incurred in representation of the interests of the Republic of the Philippines in any country where the Philippines has not opened its corresponding diplomatic or consular establishments 50,000.00
4. Contributions to, or membership dues in, the United Nations and its various subsidiary organizations, as well as other foreign services and international organizations, including prior year’s expenses 500,000.00
5. For all necessary expenses in connection with extradition and repatriation cases, including relief and financial aid to indigent Philippine citizens in foreign countries 20,000.00
6. For a fund to be expended by the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, including representation and other expenses in connection with the quartering, accommodation and entertainment of foreign delegations, dignitaries and diplomatic representatives 25,000.00
7. For per diems of members of the Board of Foreign Affairs Service Personnel, Examinations and Review who are not government employees, as created in section 20 of Executive Order No. 18, at rates to be fixed by the President 4,800.00
8. For the operation and maintenance of the Foreign Service of the Republic of the Philippines 4,446,300.00

The Ambassador
(1) The Ambassador, Class I post ₱24,000.00
Diplomatic Staff
(2) One foreign affairs officer, Class I 10,000.00
(3) Two foreign affairs officers, Class II, at ₱7,500 15,000.00
(4) Two foreign affairs officers, Class II, at ₱7,000 14,000.00
(5) Two foreign affairs officers, Class III, at ₱6,000 12,000.00
(6) One foreign affairs officer, Class III 5,500.00
(7) One foreign affairs officer, Class IV 4,500.00
Attaches and Advisers
(8) One military attache (by detail)
(9) Two assistant military attaches (by detail)
(10) One commercial attache, with rank of foreign affairs officer, Class II 7,500.00
(11) One assistant commercial attache, with rank of foreign affairs officer, Class III 5,500.00
(12) One financial attache, with rank of foreign affairs officer, Class II 7,500.00
(13) One agricultural attache, with rank of foreign affairs officer, Class II, (by detail)
(14) One public relations attache, with rank of foreign affairs officer, Class II, (by detail)
Technical and Clerical Personnel
(15) Four technical assistants at ₱11,000 44,000.00
(16) One technical assistant 9,600.00
(17) One cashier and disbursing agent 9,600.00
(18) One chief of records 9,600.00
(19) One administrative assistant 7,200.00
(20) One assistant accountant 7,200.00
(21) One librarian 7,200.00
(22) One property clerk 7,200.00
(23) One clerk-stenographer 7,200.00
(24) One social secretary 6,400.00
(25) One bookkeeper 6,400.00
(26) One clerk-stenographer 6,400.00
(27) One code and communications clerk 6,000.00
(28) One press relations assistant 6,600.00
(29) One press relations assistant 6,000.00
(30) Two assistants at ₱6,000 12,000.00
(31) Three clerk-stenographers at ₱6,000 18,000.00
(32) Two clerk-stenographers at ₱5,400 10,800.00
(33) One accounts clerk 6,000.00
(34) One accounts clerk 5,400.00
(35) Two accounts clerks at ₱4,800 9,600.00
(36) Five clerk-stenographers at ₱4,800 24,000.00
(37) Three stenographers at ₱4,800 14,400.00
(38) One mail clerk 4,800.00
(39) Two clerks at ₱4,800 9,600.00
Miscellaneous and Emergency Employees
(40) One clerk-chauffeur 5,400.00
(41) One clerk-stenographer 4,200.00
(42) One telephone operator 4,200.00
(43) One receptionist-typist 4,200.00
(44) One clerk 3,600.00
(45) One file clerk 3,600.00
(46) Two typists at ₱3,600 7,200.00
(47) One caretaker 3,840.00
(48) One messenger 3,840.00
(49) One messenger 3,600.00
(50) One messenger 3,360.00
(51) One chauffeur 3,600.00
(52) For other miscellaneous and necessary employees 8,000.00
Total for the Philippine Embassy in Washington, D.C
The Permanent Representative
(1) The permanent Philippine representative to the United Nations, with the rank of ambassador, Class I post ₱24,000.00
Attaches and Advisers
(2) One military attache (by detail)
(3) One assistant military attache (by detail)
(4) One executive secretary, with rank of foreign affairs officer, Class II 8,000.00
(5) One technical assistant, with rank of foreign affairs officer, Class II 7,500.00
(6) One law officer, with rank of foreign affairs officer, Class II 7,500.00
(7) One administrative assistant, with rank of foreign affairs officer, Class II 6,500.00
Technical and Clerical Personnel
Office in New York
(8) One technical assistant 12,000.00
(9) Two technical assistants at ₱7,200 14,400.00
(10) One technical assistant (Code) 7,200.00
(11) One administrative assistant 9,600.00
(12) One assistant 8,400.00
(13) One public relations assistant 8,400.00
(14) One private secretary 8,400.00
(15) One secretary 6,000.00
(16) Two secretaries (stenographers) at ₱5,100 10,200.00
(17) One secretary (accounts clerk) 5,100.00
(18) One clerk 6,000.00
(19) One clerk 4,800.00
Office In Washington
(Far Eastern Commission)
(20) One secretary and records assistant 7,200.00
(21) One administrative clerk 6,000.00
(22) One clerk-stenographer 4,800.00
Miscellaneous and Emergency Employees
(23) Two temporary stenographers at ₱4,800 9,600.00
(24) One caretaker-messenger 4,200.00
(25) One receptionist, switchboard operator and mail clerk 3,600.00
(26) One chauffeur 3,600.00
(27) For other miscellaneous employees, including those employed by the week 9,000.00
Total for the Office of the Permanent
Philippine Representative to the United Nations

Consular Staff
(1) One foreign affairs officer, Class I ₱10,000.00
(2) One foreign affairs officer, Class II 7,500.00
(3) Two foreign affairs officers, Class IV, at ₱4,500 9,000.00
Technical and Clerical Personnel
(4) One trade assistant 9,600.00
(5) One executive assistant 8,400.00
(6) One private secretary 7,200.00
(7) One assistant secretary 4,320.00
(8) Two technical assistants at ₱6,000 12,000.00
(9) One assistant (Code) 5,100.00
(10) One cashier, property and disbursing officer 6,000.00
(11) Two clerks at P4,800 9,600.00
(12) One stenographer 3,600.00
(13) One bookkeeper 3,600.00
(14) Two clerk-messengers at ₱3,600 7,200.00
Miscellaneous and Emergency Employees
(15) One chauffeur 4,200.00
(16) For the employment of temporary employees, including janitors, caretakers, firemen, carpenters, gardeners, watchmen and such emergency employees as may be necessary for periods not in excess of six months 7,800.00
Total for the New York Consulate General
(With Vice Consulate in Los Angeles)
Consular Staff
(1) One foreign affairs officer, Class I ₱10,000.00
(2) One foreign affairs officer, Class II 7,500.00
(3) One foreign affairs officer, Class III 5,500.00
(4) Two foreign affairs officers, Class III, at ₱5,000 10,000.00
(5) One foreign affairs officer, Class IV 4,500.00
Technical and Clerical Personnel
(6) One executive assistant 8,400.00
(7) One private secretary and press assistant 7,200.00
(8) Three technical assistants at ₱7,200 21,600.00
(9) One administrative assistant 7,200.00
(10) One cashier, property and disbursing officer 6,000.00
(11) One senior assistant 5,400.00
(12) One assistant (Code) 5,100.00
(13) Oe assistant (special collecting officer) 5,100.00
(14) One trade assistant 5,100.00
(15) Two assistants at ₱4,800 9,600.00
(16) Two stenographers at ₱4,800 9,600.00
(17) One clerk-stenographer 4,800.00
(18) One clerk-stenographer 4,200.00
(19) One clerk 3,840.00
(20) Three clerks at ₱3,600 10,800.00
Miscellaneous and Emergency Employees
(21) One clerk 3,600.00
(22) One clerk-messenger 3,600.00
(23) One chauffeur 3,600.00
(24) For janitor-messenger and other miscellaneous employees to be employed for limited periods 9,200.00
Total for the San Francisco Consulate General
Consular Staff
(1) One foreign affairs officer, Class I ₱10,000.00
(2) One foreign affairs officer, Class II 7,500.00
(3) One foreign affairs officer, Class III 5,500.00
(4) One foreign affairs officer, Class IV 4,500.00
Technical and Clerical Personnel
(5) One executive officer 9,600.00
(6) One technical assistant 7,200.00
(7) One secretary and general assistant 6,000.00
(8) One public relations assistant 5,100.00
(9) One cashier and property officer 5,100.00
(10) One assistant (Code) 5,100.00
(11) One social welfare assistant 4,800.00
(12) One cultural service assistant 4,800.00
(13) Two stenographers at ₱4,800 9,600.00
(14) Two clerk-stenographers at ₱4,800 9,600.00
(15) One clerk 3,600.00
(16) One clerk-typist 3,600.00
(17) One file clerk 3,600.00
Miscellaneous and Emergency Employees
(18) One clerk-utility man 3,600.00
(19) For janitor, messenger, chauffeur and other miscellaneous employees 8,400.00
Total for the Honolulu Consulate General
Consular Staff
(1) One foreign affairs officer, Class II ₱7,500.00
(2) One foreign affairs officer, Class IV 4,500.00
Technical and Clerical Personnel
(3) One executive assistant 8,400.00
(4) One technical assistant 7,200.00
(5) One technical assistant (finger print expert) 5,100.00
(6) One cashier and property officer 5,100.00
(7) One interpreter 3,600.00
(8) Three clerk-stenographers at ₱3,480 10,440.00
(9) One Chinese writer 3,120.00
(10) One assistant 3,120.00
Miscellaneous and Emergency Employees
(11) One skilled laborer 2,760.00
(12) For the employment of chauffeur, messenger, janitor and other miscellaneous employees 9,240.00
Total for the Amoy Consulate
Consular Staff
(1) One foreign affairs officer, Class II ₱7,000.00
(2) One foreign affairs officer, Class III 4,500.00
Technical and Clerical Personnel
(3) One clerk-stenographer 3,480.00
(4) Other technical and clerical personnel 26,520.00
Miscellaneous and Emergency Employees
(5) For the employment of miscellaneous and emergency employees 10,000.00
Total for the Hongkong Consulate
(1) For other diplomatic and consular establishments ₱886,500.00
Total for other Diplomatic and Consular Establishments
(1) For supplementary salaries of foreign affairs officers, attaches and advisers for services rendered outside the Philippines at annual rates equivalent to fifty per centum of their basic annual salaries ₱220,000.00

Less — savings to be made (181,180.00)
Total for salaries and wages
1. For sundry expenses for the operation and maintenance of foreign service establishments —
Diplomatic Posts
(a) Washington Embassy ₱59,500.00
(b) United Nations 50,000.00
(c) Other diplomatic posts 196,800.00
Total for diplomatic posts
(d) New York 31,000.00
(e) San Francisco 30,600.00
(f) Honolulu 25,600.00
(g) Amoy 20,000.00
(h) Hongkong 20,000.00
(i) Other consulates 80,000.00
Total for consulates
2. For living quarters allowances or for rentals of suitable quarters of Ambassadors, the permanent representative to the United Nations, ministers, charge d’affaires, foreign affairs officers, advisers and attaches while serving abroad at such rates to be determined by the Secretary of Foreign Affairs: PROVIDED, That commutation thereof may be allowed for an amount equivalent to three months counting from the date of arrival at the post of the officer concerned: PROVIDED, FURTHER, That of this appropriation ₱170,000 shall be set aside for diplomatic and consular establishments already in operation 304,000.00
3. For post allowances of ambassadors, the permanent Philippine representative to the United Nations, ministers, charge d’affaires, foreign affairs officers, advisers and attaches while serving abroad at such rates to be determined by the Secretary of Foreign Affairs: PROVIDED, That of this appropriation ₱110,000 shall be set aside for diplomatic and consular establishments already in operation 192,000.00
4. For representation expenses of ambassadors, ministers, permanent representatives and principal officers or heads of foreign service establishments, including minister counselors: PROVIDED, That of this appropriation ₱90,000 shall be set aside for diplomatic and consular establishments already in operation 158,800.00
5. For allowances, transportation and other expenses of trainees in foreign service, including not to exceed ₱10,000 for the operation and maintenance of the Institute of Foreign Affairs of which no part shall be paid as salaries, fees, allowances and other emoluments to any officer or employee of the Government 200,000.00
6. For per diems, transportation, sundry and all other expenses, including clothing allowances and shipment of effects, of ambassadors, the permanent Philippine representative to the United Nations, ministers, foreign affairs officers, attaches, advisers and other foreign service personnel and employees whenever assigned to extended tours of duty or directed to proceed or transfer from one post to another; and for per diems, travel and other sundry expenses, including clothing allowances and representation expenses, of representatives or delegates in connection with the participation of the Philippines in international organizations, conventions and conferences: PROVIDED, That of this appropriation ₱400,000 shall be set aside for diplomatic and consular establishments already in operation 550,000.00
7. For emergencies arising in the foreign service and in the prosecution of such confidential missions and activities as may be directed by the Secretary of Foreign Affairs 50,000.00
Total for Sundry and Other Expenses
1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment, including the acquisition of real property and the purchase of automobiles, any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding ₱400,000.00
Total for Furniture and Equipment
Total for salaries and wages ₱2,078,000.00
Total for sundry and other expenses 1,968,300.00
Total for furniture and equipment 400,000.00
Total .......................................

Less — savings to be made (444,630.00)
Total for special purposes
Total for salaries and wages ₱462,820.00
Total for sundry expenses 177,000.00
Total for furniture and equipment 60,000.00
Total for special purposes 4,661,470.00
Less — savings to be made (5,660.00)
Total amount available for the Department of Foreign Affairs


1. The Secretary of Foreign Affairs is hereby authorized to grant furnished or unfurnished quarters in any government or rented buildings in foreign countries under the jurisdiction of the Department of Foreign Affairs to the watchmen, caretakers and other officers or employees whom he may require to live in said buildings in foreign countries for the better performance of their duties

2. Any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, all officials, officers and employees whose salaries are payable from any appropriation for the operation and maintenance of the Foreign Service of the Republic of the Philippines shall be considered as personnel-at-large and are subject to assignment anywhere as may be directed by the Secretary of Foreign Affairs. Whenever any one thereof is assigned for duty to any permanent diplomatic mission or consular establishment, he and the members of his family, including dependent children below twenty-one years of age, shall be entitled at government expense to transportation, per diems and other necessary expenses incident to the travel for the purpose of assuming his duties at the place of assignment under such regulations as the Secretary of Foreign Affairs may prescribe: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That in no case shall the privilege be extended to members of families of officials, officers and employees who are not citizens of the Republic of the Philippines

3. Any provisions of law to the contrary notwithstanding, the appropriations herein authorized for the operation and maintenance of the Foreign Service of the Republic of the Philippines, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby authorized to cover expenditures in connection with the operation and maintenance of automobiles and other vehicles for the official use of foreign affairs officers whenever on duty in any foreign service establishment

4. The Secretary of Foreign Affairs is hereby authorized to transfer, detail and assign foreign affairs officers without augmentation or decrease of salaries, in accordance with the provisions of Executive Order No. 18, dated September 16, 1946

1. One Secretary of Department ₱12,000.00
2. One Undersecretary of Department 9,000.00
3. One administrative officer (ex-officio chief of the Administrative Division) 6,000.00
4. Four delegates at ₱6,000 24,000.00
5. One private secretary 5,100.00
6. One assistant private secretary 2,400.00
7. One clerk 2,160.00
8. One agent 1,800.00
9. One agent 1,080.00
10. One agent 720.00
11. One agent 600.00
12. One driver 660.00
13. Four messengers at ₱600 2,400.00
14. Chief of division, item 3
15. Three assistants at ₱4,800 14,400.00
16. One assistant 3,720.00
17. One assistant 2,940.00
18. One clerk 2,940.00
19. One clerk 2,400.00
20. One clerk 2,280.00
21. Two clerks at ₱2,040 4,080.00
22. One clerk 1,920.00
23. Two clerks at ₱1,560 3,120.00
24. Two agents at ₱1,080 2,160.00
25. One clerk 960.00
26. Two clerks at ₱900 1,800.00
27. One clerk 780.00
28. One clerk 720.00
29. Five clerks at ₱600 3,000.00
30. Three messengers at ₱600 1,800.00
31. One agent (Sulu) 900.00
32. One agent (Lanao) 600.00
33. One superintendent of non-Christians 1,200.00
34. One superintendent of non-Christians 900.00
35. Three superintendents of non-Christians at ₱600 1,800.00
Accounting Section
36. One accounting officer 3,120.00
37. One accountant 1,800.00
38. One clerk 1,320.00
39. One clerk 780.00
Cash, Property and Service Section
40. One chief of section 2,940.00
41. One clerk 1,560.00
42. Two clerks at ₱1,080 2,160.00
43. One clerk 780.00
44. Three clerks at ₱600 1,800.00
45. One messenger 600.00
46. One laborer 600.00
Custodian Force
47. One janitor 720.00
48. One watchman 660.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
49. One watchman 600.00
50. Eight helpers at ₱600 4,800.00
Records Section
51. One chief of section 2,940.00
52. One clerk 1,680.00
53. One clerk 1,320.00
54. One clerk 1,200.00
55. Two clerks at ₱1,080 2,160.00
56. One clerk 780.00
57. Two clerks at ₱720 1,440.00
58. One clerk 660.00
59. Six clerks at ₱600 3,600.00
60. Two messengers at ₱600 1,200.00
61. One helper 600.00
62. One chief of division 4,800.00
63. One investigator 4,800.00
      Excess of actual salary 600.00
64. One assistant 4,200.00
65. One assistant 3,720.00
66. One attorney 3,120.00
67. Two clerks at ₱1,800 3,600.00
68. One clerk 1,680.00
69. One clerk 1,440.00
70. One clerk 780.00
71. Three clerks at ₱600 1,800.00
72. Two messengers at ₱600 1,200.00
73. One chief of division 5,100.00
74. One investigator 3,960.00
75. One assistant 3,480.00
76. One assistant 3,120.00
77. Two clerks at ₱1,560 3,120.00
78. One clerk-stenographer 1,320.00
79. One clerk 1,320.00
80. One clerk 1,080.00
81. One clerk 660.00
82. One clerk 600.00
83. Two messengers at ₱600 1,200.00
84. One helper 600.00
85. One chief of division 5,100.00
86. One inspector 4,500.00
87. One attorney 2,400.00
88. One clerk 720.00
89. One clerk 660.00
90. Two clerks at ₱600 1,200.00
91. One messenger 600.00
92. One secretary and executive officer 3,720.00
93. One assistant secretary 1,080.00
94. One clerk 720.00

95. Less — savings to be made (14,090.00)
Total for salaries and wages
1. Traveling expenses of personnel ₱15,000.00
2. Freight, express and delivery service 300.00
3. Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable radio service 9,000.00
4. Illumination and power service 2,400.00
5. Rental of buildings and grounds 4,500.00
6. Consumption of supplies and materials 6,650.00
7. Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 625.00
8. Traveling expenses of persons not government employees 100.00
9. Maintenance and repair of equipment 1,200.00
10. Other services 3,000.00
Total for sundry expenses
1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment ₱8,565.00
Total for furniture and equipment
1. For furthering the agricultural, industrial and social development of the non-Christian inhabitants of the Philippines and their progress in civilization, including intermigration expenses, and for special scholarships for non-Christians: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That one-half of this appropriation must be expended for scholarships of non-Christians: AND PROVIDED, FURTHER, That of the amount to be set aside for special scholarships for non-Christians, an amount not exceeding ₱50,000 may be used as a contribution of the Department of the Interior to a Scholarship Endowment Trust Fund that the Philippine Association of University Women may create for the exclusive benefit of non-Christian girls 200,000.00
2. For carrying out activities in the restoration and maintenance of peace and order, and other contingent expenses as may be authorized by the Secretary of the Interior with the approval of the President 492,000.00

(a) Four special agents at P6,000 ₱24,000.00
(b) One special agent 4,800.00
(c) One special agent 4,200.00
(d) Three special agents at ₱3,480 10,440.00
(e) Two special agents at ₱2,760 5,520.00
(f) Eight special agents at ₱2,400 19,200.00
(g) Fifteen special agents at ₱1,800 27,000.00
(h) Thirty special agents at ₱1,200 36,000.00
(i) Sixty special agents at ₱600 36,000.00
(j) For the payment of bonuses to the personnel in accordance with the rates prescribed in section 159, Contingent Funds, item 2, page 513 hereof 25,040.00
Total for salaries and wages
(k) Traveling expenses of personnel ₱60,000.00
(l) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service 5,000.00
(m) Other services 20,000.00
(n) Contingent expenses of the Secretary 10,000.00
(o) Consumption of supplies and materials including cost of subsistence of guerrillas and evacuees, etc., including ₱3,000 reserved to reimburse the Municipality of Baler, Quezon of certain expenses incurred by the Mayor thereof in connection with the measures he took to prepare the municipality against the assault of some lawless elements 167,000.00
(p) Reimbursement of expenses incurred by persons effecting surrender of firearms 27,800.00
Total for sundry expenses
(q) Purchase of furniture and equipment ₱10,000.00
Total for furniture and equipment
3. For payment of gratuity to the widow and/or children of deceased officer or member of any police force in accordance with the provisions of Republic Act No. 30 500,000.00
4. To regulate the prices of admission to theaters, cinematographs, horse races, jai-alai and other places of amusement, Republic Act No. 68 20,000.00
Total for special purposes
Purpose I. — PERSONNEL
1. Base pay ₱3,768,090.00
2. Longevity pay of officers 100,000.00
3. Rental and commutation of quarters for officers 900,000.00
4. Base pay 9,653,060.00
5. Additional re-enlistment pay already earned by enlisted men 100,000.00
6. Additional pay for technicians, section 89 of the National Defense Act (Commonwealth Act No. 1), as amended 230,000.00
7. Re-enlistment bonus 250,000.00
8. Clothing allowance of enlisted men 900,000.00
Commanding General
Office of the Chief of Staff
9. One stenographer 1,200.00
Office of the Adjutant General
10. One clerk in-charge 1,800.00
11. One clerk 1,080.00
12. Two clerks at ₱900 1,800.00
13. Two clerks at ₱720 1,440.00
14. Nineteen clerks at ₱600 11,400.00
15. One mimeograph operator 600.00
G-1 Personnel
16. One chief clerk 3,300.00
17. One clerk 2,400.00
18. Three clerks at ₱900 2,700.00
19. One stenographer 780.00
20. Five clerks at ₱600 3,000.00
21. One messenger 600.00
Accounting Division
22. One accounting officer 4,800.00
23. One accountant 3,720.00
24. One bookkeeper 2,400.00
25. One clerk 1,800.00
26. One clerk 1,680.00
27. Two clerks at ₱1,200 2,400.00
28. One clerk 1,080.00
29. One clerk 960.00
30. Two clerks at ₱840 1,680.00
31. One clerk 720.00
Auditing Service
32. For auditing service personnel 20,000.00
G-2 Intelligence
33. One agent in-charge 4,500.00
34. One agent 2,280.00
35. One agent 2,040.00
36. One agent 1,920.00
37. One agent 1,800.00
38. One agent 1,560.00
39. Four agents at ₱1,440 5,760.00
40. Four agents at ₱1,200 4,800.00
41. Five agents at ₱1,080 5,400.00
42. Three agents at ₱960 2,880.00
43. Three agents at ₱900 2,700.00
44. Four agents at ₱840 3,360.00
45. Two agents at ₱720 1,440.00
46. One agent 660.00
47. Twenty-one agents at ₱600 12,600.00
48. One clerk 1,440.00
49. One stenographer 780.00
50. Two clerks at ₱720 1,440.00
51. Twenty-five clerks at ₱600 15,000.00
G-3 Operations, Organization and Training
52. One stenographer 900.00
53. Four clerks at ₱600 2,400.00
G-4 Supply, Transportation and Finance
54. One clerk 2,280.00
55. One clerk 900.00
56. One clerk 840.00
57. One clerk 720.00
58. One clerk 660.00
59. Ten clerks at P600 6,000.00
60. One machinist 960.00
61. Two messengers at P600 1,200.00
Supply Service Group
62. One storekeeper 1,800.00
63. One clerk 720.00
64. Fourteen clerks at P600 8,400.00
Finance Section
65. One clerk 2,940.00
66. One clerk 1,200.00
67. One clerk 660.00
68. Seven clerks at P600 4,200.00
69. Two typists at P600 1,200.00
Ordnance Section
70. Two typists at P600 1,200.00
Engineer Section
71. One clerk 1,320.00
72. One clerk 660.00
73. One clerk 1,800.00
74. One clerk 1,320.00
75. One clerk 1,200.00
76. Three clerks at P960 2,880.00
77. Three clerks at P720 2,160.00
78. Two clerks at P660 1,320.00
79. Twenty-nine clerks at P600 17,400.00
80. Two helpers at P660 1,320.00
81. Six helpers at P600 3,600.00
82. One clerk 720.00
83. One clerk 600.00
Office of the Inspector General
84. One stenographer 720.00
85. One clerk 720.00
86. One clerk 600.00
Judge Advocate General’s Office
87. One clerk 660.00
88. One clerk 600.00
89. One clerk 1,560.00
90. Six clerks at P600 3,600.00
91. One stenographer 600.00
Headquarters Commandant
92. One mechanic 1,200.00
93. One mechanic 1,080.00
94. One mechanic 900.00
95. One mechanic 840.00
96. One mechanic 660.00
97. Two carpenters at P600 1,200.00
98. Thirty-two helpers at P600 19,200.00
99. Ten janitors at P600 6,000.00
100. Emergency employees, skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers 14,160.00
101. Gratuity to officers who may retire under Section 22 (g) of the National Defense Act (Commonwealth Act No. 1), as amended 250,000.00
102. Extra premiums on policies of officers and enlisted men, Section 24, Commonwealth Act No. 186 120,000.00

103. Less — savings to be made from items 9 to 100 (52,000.00)
Total for Purpose I. — Personnel
104. Subsistence of able-bodied enlisted men at P1 each per day and of officers and enlisted men patients confined in hospitals of the Armed Forces of the Philippines at P2 each per day P4,719,990.00
105. Commutation of subsistence allowance for officers at P1 each per day 500,000.00
106. Hospitalization 14,000.00
107. Maintenance, operation and rentals of posts, stations, hospitals and buildings 280,000.00
108. Instruction of officers 14,000.00
109. Military libraries 5,000.00
110. Recreations of the Philippine Constabulary 5,000.00
Total for Purpose II. — Maintenance of Personnel
Purpose III. — Transportation
111. Transportation of Philippine Constabulary personnel and dependents of officers transferred from one station to another, including per diems of officers of the Armed Forces of the Philippines on detail with the Philippine Constabulary P900,000.00
112. Transportation and packing of supplies, equipment and armament 62,000.00
113. Supplies for upkeep and operation of motor vehicles 522,000.00
Total for Purpose III. — Transportation
114. Quartermaster equipment, including furniture for officers’ quarters, maintenance and repair, semi-expendable and consumable supplies and materials as may be considered by the Philippine Constabulary authorities as equipment under this item P81,000.00
115. Ammunition of all calibers and types 300,000.00
116. Engineer equipment 9,000.00
117. Medical, dental and veterinary equipment 4,500.00
118. Equipment for ordnance establishments 4,500.00
119. Signal corps equipment 9,000.00
120. Maintenance and repair of equipment 33,000.00
121. Quartermaster supplies 3,000,000.00
122. Medical supplies 44,000.00
123. Ordnance supplies 21,000.00
124. Signal supplies 17,500.00
125. Engineer supplies 206,000.00
Total for Purpose IV. — Armament, Equipment and Supplies
126. For intelligence and counter-intelligence work, miscellaneous, incidental and contingent expenses of the Philippine Constabulary P45,800.00
Total for Purpose V. — Miscellaneous Expenses
Purpose I. — Personnel P16,494,630.00
Purpose II. — Maintenance of Personnel 5,537,990.00
Purpose III. — Transportation 1,484,000.00
Purpose IV. — Armament, Equipment and Supplies 3,729,500.00
Purpose V. — Miscellaneous Expenses 45,800.00

Less — savings to be made (409,920.00)
Total amount available for the Philippine Constabulary

Special Provisions

127. The President shall have authority to transfer, at quarterly intervals during the fiscal year 1948, from Purpose I or II of the Philippine Constabulary to other Purposes as titled in this Order, such portions of unexpended balances of the appropriations authorized thereunder as may be necessary in order to assure balanced development of the Philippine Constabulary during that year, any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding

128. The President shall have authority to transfer and expend not to exceed fifty per centum of the amount appropriated for any item in any purpose of the appropriations for the Philippine Constabulary to any other item or items in the same or any other purpose

129. Officers and enlisted men of the Philippine Constabulary who may be transferred by competent authority from one station to another shall be allowed to have transported at government expense personally-owned possessions, household effects and baggage not to exceed such allowance as may be fixed by the President for the several grades

130. Expenses of the Philippine Constabulary for unforeseen contingencies which cannot be paid for lack of appropriation in other purposes may be paid for from Purpose V

131. The Secretary of the Interior is authorized with the approval of the President of the Philippines to use any savings in the appropriations authorized in this Order for the Philippine Constabulary for the payment of claims under section 699 of the Revised Administrative Code and section 91-a of the National Defense Act, whichever is applicable, to the heir or heirs of deceased officers and enlisted men of the former Philippine Constabulary, and of deceased trainees or reservists in active service or enlisted reserves, who died as a result of the war or in connection with their guerrilla activities during enemy occupation or while in active duty with the former Philippine Army and/or USAFFE

132. Officers and enlisted men of the Philippine Constabulary detailed on duty with the Surplus Property Commission shall not during such detail receive pay, allowances, subsistence or other emoluments from the Philippine Constabulary but from the Surplus Property Commission: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That the savings thus realized shall not be available for expenditure for any purpose

133. Officers, enlisted men and other personnel of the Philippine Constabulary who may not have received the three months advance pay (bonus) at the outbreak of the war and who have not received said advance pay under the provisions of Commonwealth Act Numbered Six hundred and Twenty-six, shall be paid the same from the savings in the appropriations for the Philippine Army for the fiscal year 1947 or from the savings in the appropriations for the Philippine Constabulary for the fiscal year 1948

Total for salaries and wages P228,430.00
Total for sundry expenses 42,775.00
Total for furniture and equipment 8,565.00
Total for special purposes 1,212,000.00
Less — savings to be made (14,090.00)

Total for the Philippine Constabulary 26,882,000.00
Total amount available for the Department of the Interior
1. — Salaries and Wages
2. One Undersecretary of Department 9,000.00
3. One private secretary 5,100.00
4. One assistant 6,000.00
5. One assistant 4,500.00
6. One assistant private secretary 2,400.00
7. One stenographer 1,440.00
8. One chief of division 5,100.00
9. One assistant 4,200.00
10. One clerk 2,940.00
11. One clerk 2,400.00
12. One clerk 2,280.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
13. One disbursing and collecting officer and property custodian 2,400.00
14. One clerk 1,440.00
15. One clerk 1,320.00
16. Two clerks at P1,200 2,400.00
17. One clerk 780.00
18. One clerk 720.00
19. One janitor 600.00
Accounting Section
20. Accounting officer (by detail)
21. One accountant 1,800.00
22. One clerk 1,080.00
23. One chief of division 6,000.00
24. One assistant 4,500.00
25. Two supervising treasurers at P5,400 10,800.00
26. One agent 3,960.00
27. One clerk 2,760.00
28. One clerk 1,320.00
29. One stenographer 960.00
30. One helper 600.00
Assessment and Taxation Section
31. One chief of section 3,720.00
32. One law clerk 2,400.00
33. One clerk 1,440.00
34. One clerk 960.00
35. One clerk 720.00
36. One clerk 600.00
Financial Section
37. One chief of section 2,940.00
38. One clerk 2,940.00
39. One clerk 2,280.00
40. One clerk 1,320.00
      Excess of actual salary 360.00
41. One clerk 1,080.00
42. One clerk 960.00
43. One clerk 720.00
44. One clerk 600.00
Personnel Section
45. One chief of section 3,120.00
46. One law clerk 2,400.00
47. One clerk 2,280.00
48. One clerk 1,800.00
49. One administrative officer 5,100.00
50. One assistant 4,200.00
51. One clerk 2,940.00
52. One stenographer 1,920.00
53. One law clerk 2,400.00
54. One clerk 1,800.00
55. One clerk 1,800.00
56. One clerk 1,440.00
57. One clerk 900.00
58. One clerk-stenographer 720.00
59. Two janitors at P600 1,200.00
60.One helper 600.00
Records Section
61. One chief of section 2,400.00
62. One clerk 1,200.00
63. Two clerks at P900 1,800.00
64. One clerk 720.00
65. One clerk 660.00
66. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
67. One clerk-filer 600.00
68. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
69. Five investigators at P1,680 8,400.00
70. Five treasury agents at P1,560 7,800.00
71. Twenty-seven treasury agents at P1,440 38,880.00
72. For supplementary force 9,400.00

73. Less — savings to be made (11,570.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Commissioner of Customs P9,000.00
2. One assistant 5,100.00
3. One agent 3,720.00
4. One assistant 3,480.00
5. One assistant 2,280.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
6. One appraiser 2,400.00
7. Two clerks at P1,800 3,600.00
8. One stenographer 1,680.00
9. One clerk 1,320.00
10. Two clerks at P1,200 2,400.00
11. One assessor 1,080.00
12. One clerk 780.00
13. One clerk 660.00
14. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
15. One messenger 600.00
16. Per diems of two members of the Board of Marine Inquiry at P20 each for not less than seven hours of actual service 4,160.00
17. One chief division 5,100.00
18. One assistant 2,760.00
19. One clerk 2,280.00
20. One clerk 1,200.00
21. One clerk 960.00
22. Three clerks at P900 2,700.00
23. Two clerks at P780 1,560.00
24. One clerk 660.00
25. One stenographer 600.00
26. Ten clerks at P600 6,000.00
27. Five messengers at P600 3,000.00
Property Section
28. One property custodian 1,920.00
29. One clerk 1,800.00
30. One clerk 1,320.00
31. One clerk 900.00
32. One clerk 600.00
33. One helper 660.00
34. Five helpers at P600 3,000.00
35. One accounting officer 5,100.00
36. One accountant 2,400.00
37. One bookkeeper 1,800.00
38. Two clerks at P1,200 2,400.00
39. Two clerks at P900 1,800.00
40. One clerk 840.00
41. Three clerks at P720 2,160.00
42. One stenographer 720.00
43. One clerk 660.00
44. Two clerks at P660 1,320.00
45. Five clerks at P600 3,000.00
46. One clerk 600.00
47. One laborer 600.00
48. One laborer-messenger 600.00
49. One chief of division 5,100.00
50. One assistant 4,500.00
51. One naval architect 4,500.00
52. Seven inspectors of hulls and boilers at P4,200 29,400.00
53. One electrical engineer 3,480.00
54. One ship draftsman 1,800.00
55. One clerk 2,280.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
56. One clerk 660.00
57. One messenger 600.00
58. One chief patrol officer 5,100.00
59. One assistant chief patrol officer 4,500.00
60. One assistant 3,960.00
61. One law clerk 2,400.00
62. One record clerk 1,800.00
63. One clerk-stenographer 1,800.00
64. Two clerk-typists at P960 1,920.00
65. One laborer-messenger 600.00
Secret Service Unit
66. One chief agent 3,960.00
      Excess of actual salary 1,140.00
67. One assistant 3,720.00
68. One supervising agent 3,720.00
69. One supervising agent 2,760.00
70. Three supervising agents at P2,440 7,200.00
71. Four supervising agents at P2,040 8,160.00
72. One supervising agent 1,800.00
73. One supervising agent 1,680.00
74. One supervising agent 1,200.00
75. One agent 2,400.00
76. One agent 1,320.00
77. Sixty-nine agents at P1,200 82,800.00
Harbor Police Unit
78. One chief of harbor police 3,960.00
      Excess of actual salary 1,440.00
79. Three lieutenants of police at P2,280 6,840.00
80. One first sergeant of police 1,800.00
81. Six sergeants of police at P1,680 10,080.00
82. Twelve corporals of police at P1,440 17,280.00
83. Twenty-two police privates, first class, at P1,320 29,040.00
84. Twenty-one police privates, second class, at P1,200 25,200.00
Arrastre Service Personnel
85. One captain of police 3,120.00
86. One captain of police 3,120.00
      Excess of actual salary 600.00
87. Three sergeants of police at P1,680 5,040.00
88. Six corporals of police at P1,440 8,640.00
89. Twenty-five police private, first class, at P1,320 33,000.00
90. Fifty police privates, second class, at P1,200 60,000.00
91. Twenty-two police privates, second class, at P1,200 26,400.00
92. One collector of customs 7,200.00
93. One stenographer 1,200.00
94. One clerk 600.00
95. One messenger 600.00
96. One assistant 2,400.00
97. One disbursing and collecting officer 1,800.00
98. One teller 1,800.00
99. One clerk 1,800.00
100. One clerk 1,560.00
101. One clerk 1,200.00
102. One clerk 960.00
103. One clerk 900.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
104. One clerk 900.00
105. One clerk 780.00
106. One clerk 720.00
107. One clerk 660.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
108. Two clerks at P660 1,320.00
109. Five clerks at P600 3,000.00
110. One messenger 600.00
111. One chief of division 5,100.00
112. One assistant 4,200.00
113. One appraiser 3,480.00
114. Two appraisers at P2,940 5,880.00
115. One appraiser 2,760.00
116. Three appraisers at P2,400 7,200.00
117. One appraisser 2,280.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
118. Four appraisers at P2,040 8,160.00
119. Nine examiners at P1,800 16,200.00
120. One examiner 1,680.00
121. One examiner 1,560.00
122. One examiner 1,440.00
123. One examiner 1,320.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
124. Six examiners at P1,320 7,920.00
125. Fifty-seven examiners at P1,200 68,400.00
126. One inspector 1,680.00
127. One stenographer 1,080.00
128. Four clerks at P660 2,640.00
129. Ten clerks at P600 6,000.00
130. Five messengers at P600 3,000.00
131. Eight weighers at P600 4,800.00
132. Nineteen helpers at P600 11,400.00
133. One chief of division 3,960.00
134. One assessor 1,800.00
135. One assessor 1,560.00
136. Two assessors at P1,440 2,880.00
137. One assessor 1,200.00
138. Three assessors at P1,080 3,240.00
139. Two assessors at P960 1,920.00
140. Three assessors at P900 2,700.00
141. One clerk 1,560.00
142. One clerk 900.00
143. One clerk 720.00
144. One clerk 660.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
145. Three clerks at P660 1,980.00
146. Nineteen clerks at P600 11,400.00
147. Two messengers at P600 1,200.00
148. One chief of division 4,500.00
149. One assistant 2,400.00
150. Three clerks at P1,800 5,400.00
151. Three clerks at P1,320 3,960.00
152. Two clerks at P1,200 2,400.00
153. Four clerks at P1,080 4,320.00
154. One clerk 900.00
155. Two clerks at P840 1,680.00
156. Six clerks at P660 3,960.00
157. Six clerks at P600 3,600.00
158. Three messengers at P600 1,800.00
159. One chief of division 3,960.00
160. One clerk 1,200.00
161. One clerk 660.00
162. Six clerks at P600 3,600.00
163. One messenger 600.00
Office of the Surveyor of the Port
164. One surveyor of the port 5,400.00
165. Two admeasurers of vessels at P3,960 7,920.00
166. One customs medical inspector 3,480.00
167. One warehouse inspector 1,800.00
168. One assistant warehouse inspector 1,320.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
169. Two sanitary inspectors at P600 1,200.00
170. One chief of semaphore station, with quarters 1,320.00
171. One assistant chief of semaphore station, with quarters 900.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
172. One clerk 1,560.00
173. Six clerks at P720 4,320.00
174. One clerk 660.00
175. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
176. Twenty-two agents at P600 13,200.00
177. One storekeeper 660.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
178. Four guards at P600 2,400.00
179. Three messengers at P480, with quarters 1,440.00
180. One helper 600.00
181. One janitor 660.00
182. Fourteen janitors at P600 8,400.00
Customs Launch Service
183. One launch foreman 2,940.00
184. One assistant launch foreman 1,200.00
185. One carpenter 900.00
186. One patron 1,800.00
187. One patron 1,320.00
188. One patron 1,080.00
189. One patron 960.00
190. Two patrons at P900 1,800.00
191. One patron 600.00
192. Two launch engineers at P1,320 2,640.00
193. One launch engineer 1,080.00
194. One launch engineer 900.00
195. One launch engineer 660.00
196. One machinist 900.00
197. Two machinists at P780 1,560.00
198. One machinist 660.00
199. One machinist 480.00
200. Three quartermasters at P420 1,260.00
201. Two quartermasters at P360 720.00
202. One oiler 420.00
203. One fireman 420.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
204. Twenty seamen at P360 7,200.00
Piers and Inspectors Section
205. One deputy surveyor of customs 3,720.00
206. One deputy surveyor of customs 2,760.00
207. Two wharfingers at P2,280 4,560.00
      Excess of actual salary at P120 240.00
208. Two wharfingers at P1,800 3,600.00
209. One boarding officer 1,800.00
210. One boarding officer 1,320.00
211. Four inspectors at P1,320 5,280.00
212. Two inspectors at P1,200 2,400.00
213. Four inspectors at P1,080 4,320.00
214. One inspector 960.00
215. Two inspectors at P900 1,800.00
      Excess of actual salary at P60 120.00
216. Two inspectors at P900 1,800.00
217. Eleven inspectors at P840 9,240.00
218. Ten inspectors at P720 7,200.00
219. One clerk 1,320.00
220. One clerk 660.00
221. One clerk 600.00
222. Four guards at P660 2,640.00
      Excess of actual salary at P60 240.00
223. Two guards at P660 1,320.00
224. Ninety-six guards at P600 57,600.00
225. Nine gatekeepers at P600 5,400.00
226. Thirteen helpers at P600 7,800.00
227. Skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers paid by the hour 5,090.00
228. One collector of customs 6,000.00
229. One deputy collector of customs 3,960.00
230. One surveyor of the port 1,800.00
231. One chief of section 1,320.00
232. Two appraisers at P2,040 4,080.00
233. Five examiners at P1,200 6,000.00
234. One assessor 1,200.00
235. One assessor 900.00
236. One stenographer 1,320.00
237. Two clerks at P1,200 2,400.00
238. One clerk 1,080.00
239. One clerk 780.00
240. Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
241. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
242. One wharfinger 1,800.00
243. One wharfinger 1,200.00
244. Five inspectors at P840 4,200.00
245. Twenty-three guards at P600 13,800.00
246. Three gatekeepers at P600 1,800.00
247. Three porters at P600 1,800.00
248. Skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers paid by the hour 2,760.00
Launch Service
249. One patron 960.00
250. One machinist 960.00
251. One quartermaster 480.00
252. One fireman 420.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
253. Two seamen at P360 720.00
254. One collector of customs 6,000.00
255. One deputy collector of customs 3,960.00
256. One surveyor of the port 1,800.00
257. One chief of section 1,560.00
258. One appraiser 2,940.00
259. Two examiners at P1,200 2,400.00
260. One stenographer 1,320.00
261. One clerk 1,320.00
262. Three clerks at P1,080 3,240.00
263. One clerk 780.00
264. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
265. One wharfinger 1,800.00
266. One wharfinger 1,320.00
      Excess of actual salary 180.00
267. One boarding officer 1,320.00
268. One storekeeper 1,080.00
269. One storekeeper 660.00
270. One inspector 840.00
271. Two inspectors at P720 1,440.00
272. Twenty-three guards at P600 13,800.00
273. Two gatekeepers at P600 1,200.00
274. Two lookouts at P600 1,200.00
275. One porter 600.00
276. Two messengers at P600 1,200.00
277. Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
278. Skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers paid by the hour 1,000.00
Launch Service
279. One patron 900.00
280. One machinist 900.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
281. One machinist 480.00
282. One quartermaster 540.00
283. Two seamen at P360 720.00
284. One collector of customs 4,800.00
285. One appraiser 2,040.00
286. Two clerks at P1,080 2,160.00
287. One clerk 960.00
288. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
289. One inspector 600.00
290. One guard 600.00
291. One porter 600.00
292. Skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers paid by the hour 1,160.00
Launch Service
293. Two patrons at P720 1,440.00
294. Two patrons at P600 1,200.00
295. Two machinists at P840 1,680.00
296. One machinist 660.00
297. Six seamen at P360 2,160.00
298. One collector of customs 4,800.00
299. One appraiser 2,040.00
300. Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
301. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
302. One wharfinger 660.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
303. Six guards at P600 3,600.00
304. One messenger 600.00
305. Skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers paid by the hour 900.00
306. One collector of customs 4,800.00
307. One appraiser 2,040.00
308. One clerk 660.00
309. Four guards at P600 2,400.00
310. One messenger 600.00
311. Skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers paid by the hour 700.00
312. One collector of customs 4,800.00
313. One appraiser 2,040.00
314. Two examiners at P1,200 2,400.00
315. One clerk 1,200.00
316. One clerk 720.00
317. One clerk 660.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
318. One wharfinger 660.00
319. One inspector 900.00
320. One inspector 840.00
321. Six guards at P600 3,600.00
322. One porter 600.00
Launch Service
323. One patron 720.00
324. One machinist 660.00
325. One seaman 360.00
326. One collector of customs 4,200.00
327. One appraiser 2,040.00
328. One clerk 780.00
329. One clerk 600.00
330. One messenger 600.00
331. Four guards at P600 2,400.00
Launch Service
332. One patron 900.00
333. One machinist 900.00
334. Two seamen at P360 720.00
335. One collector of customs 4,500.00
336. One clerk 780.00
337. One guard 600.00
338. One collector of customs 5,100.00
339. One appraiser 2,040.00
340. One examiner 1,200.00
341. One clerk 1,440.00
342. One clerk 720.00
343. One clerk 600.00
344. One wharfinger 840.00
345. One inspector 840.00
346. Seven guards at P600 4,200.00
347. One messenger 600.00
348. One janitor 600.00
349. Skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers paid by the hour 1,200.00
350. For supplementary force 75,000.00
351. Subsistence of officers and other members of the crew of launches, boats and motorboats, at daily rates to be fixed by the Secretary of Finance, but not to exceed P2 for each patron, launch engineer and assistant engineer or machinist, and P1.50 for each of the other members of the crew 47,397.00
352. Subsistence of patron, machinist, seaman and seaman-diver 8,577.50
353. Uniform allowance to crew of launches and motorboats 2,835.00
354. Uniform allowance for patron, machinist, seaman and seaman-diver 950.00
355. Uniform allowance to members of the Harbor Police Unit 6,630.00

356. Less — savings to be made (102,922.50)
357. Less — amount to be paid by the entity operating the arrastre service, Port of Manila, for the salaries of the arrastre service personnel and for its share of P2,500 in item 355 (116,620.00
Total .......................................
1. One Collector of Internal Revenue P7,200.00
2. Additional salary for the Collector of Internal Revenue, subject to the approval of the President, section 5 (a) (4) of Commonwealth Act No. 402 1,800.00
3. One Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue 6,000.00
4. One special agent 4,500.00
5. One special agent 4,200.00
6. One assistant 3,480.00
7. One stenographer 1,560.00
8. One clerk 1,080.00
9. One chief of division 5,100.00
10. One assistant 3,960.00
11. One stenographer 2,280.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
12. One mechanic 1,200.00
13. One head janitor, with free quarters while required to live in the Bureau of Internal Revenue building 840.00
14. One watchman 720.00
15. Two watchmen at P600 1,200.00
16. Two janitors at P600 1,200.00
17. Six helpers at P600 3,600.00
Cash Section
18. One disbursing and collecting officer 3,120.00
19. One assistant cashier 2,040.00
20. One teller 1,800.00
21. One clerk 1,320.00
22. Two clerks at P1,080 2,160.00
23. One clerk 840.00
24. One clerk 660.00
25. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
26. Twenty-six helpers at P600 15,600.00
General Service Section
27. One chief of section 2,040.00
28. One clerk 1,080.00
29. One clerk 900.00
30. One clerk 720.00
31. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
Property Section
32. One property custodian 2,040.00
33. One clerk 1,080.00
34. Three clerks at P660 1,980.00
35. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
36. One mimeograph operator 600.00
37. One helper 660.00
38. Eleven helpers at P600 6,600.00
Records Section
39. One chief of section 2,400.00
40. One clerk 1,800.00
41. One clerk 1,560.00
42. One clerk 1,200.00
43. One clerk 1,080.00
44. One clerk 960.00
45. One clerk 900.00
46. Three clerks at P840 2,520.00
47. Three clerks at P720 2,160.00
48. Four clerks at P660 2,640.00
49. Twenty-six clerks at P600 15,600.00
50. Four messengers at P600 2,400.00
51. Four helpers at P600 2,400.00
52. One chief of division 5,400.00
53. One assistant 4,500.00
54. One attorney 3,120.00
55. One attorney 2,580.00
56. Four attorneys at P2,400 9,600.00
57. One attorney 2,280.00
58. Two law clerks at P3,120 6,240.00
59. Two law clerks at P2,760 5,520.00
60. One law clerk 2,040.00
61. Four law clerks at P1,800 7,200.00
62. One law clerk 1,560.00
63. Three law clerks at P1,440 4,320.00
64. One stenographer 1,680.00
65. One stenographer 1,560.00
66. One stenographer 1,440.00
67. Four stenographers at P1,200 4,800.00
68. One stenographer 900.00
69. One stenographer 840.00
70. Three stenographers at P720 2,160.00
71. One clerk 2,280.00
      Excess of actual salary 300.00
72. Two clerks at P2,040 4,080.00
73. One clerk 1,320.00
74. One clerk 1,080.00
75. One clerk 960.00
76. Two clerks at P840 1,680.00
77. One clerk 780.00
78. Seven clerks at P720 5,040.00
79. Three clerks at P660 1,980.00
80. Seven clerks at P600 4,200.00
81. One messenger 600.00
82. One accounting officer and chief of division 5,100.00
83. One assistant 3,960.00
Expense Accounts Section
84. One accountant 3,960.00
85. One clerk 1,560.00
86. One clerk 1,320.00
87. One clerk 1,080.00
88. Two clerks at P840 1,680.00
89. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
90. One laborer 600.00
General Section
91. One chief of section 2,040.00
92. Two clerks at P1,080 2,160.00
93. Two clerks at P900 1,800.00
94. One clerk 720.00
95. One clerk 660.00
96. One messenger 600.00
Forestry Section
97. One chief of section 2,280.00
98. One clerk 960.00
99. Two clerks at P900 1,800.00
100. One clerk 840.00
101. Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
102. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
Alcohol Section
103. One chief of section 2,040.00
104. One clerk 1,080.00
105. One clerk 720.00
106. One clerk 600.00
Tobacco Section
107. One chief of section 1,680.00
108. One clerk 1,320.00
109. Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
Correspondence Section
110. One chief of section 2,040.00
111. Two clerks at P1,200 2,400.00
112. One clerk 1,080.00
113. One clerk 900.00
114. One clerk 600.00
Checking of Reports Section
115. One chief of section 1,560.00
116. One clerk 1,080.00
117. One clerk 900.00
      Excess of actual salary 180.00
118. One clerk 900.00
119. One clerk 780.00
120. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
Revenue Accounts Section
121. One chief of section 1,800.00
122. One clerk 960.00
123. One clerk 900.00
124. Three clerks at P720 2,160.00
125. One clerk 600.00
Filing Section
126. One clerk 1,440.00
127. One clerk 840.00
128. One clerk 660.00
129. Twenty-four clerks at P600 14,400.00
130. One helper 600.00
131. One chief of division 6,000.00
132. Three supervising examiners at P5,100 15,300.00
133. Four supervising examiners at P4,500 18,000.00
134. Four examiners at P4,500 18,000.00
135. Eight examiners at P3,720 29,760.00
136. Six examiners at P3,120 18,720.00
137. Twelve examiners at P2,400 28,800.00
138. Twenty-five provincial examiners at P1,800 45,000.00
139. Twenty-five provincial examiners at P1,680 42,000.00
140. Two stenographers at P2,400 4,800.00
141. Two stenographers at P1,800 3,600.00
Index and Assessment Section
142. One chief of section 1,800.00
143. One clerk 780.00
144. Four clerks at P720 2,880.00
145. Three clerks at P660 1,980.00
146. Twelve clerks at P600 7,200.00
Audits and Liquidating Section
147. One chief of section 1,800.00
148. One clerk 1,080.00
149. One clerk 960.00
150. Three clerks at P720 2,160.00
151. One clerk 660.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
152. Two clerks at P660 1,320.00
153. Ten clerks at P600 6,000.00
154. One examiner 3,720.00
155. One examiner 3,480.00
156. One examiner 2,940.00
      Excess of actual salary 1,060.00
157. One examiner 2,940.00
158. One examiner 2,940.00
159. One examiner 2,580.00
160. Three examiners at P2,400 7,200.00
161. One examiner 2,280.00
      Excess of actual salary 300.00
162. Five examiners at P2,280 11,400.00
163. One examiner 2,160.00
164. Eight examiners at P2,040 16,320.00
165. One examiner 1,800.00
      Excess of actual salary 480.00
166. Eleven examiners at P1,800 19,800.00
167. Two examiners at P1,680 3,360.00
168. Seventy-one examiners at P1,680 119,280.00
Assistant Examiners
169. Forty-eight assistant examiners at P1,440 69,120.00
Examiners of Accounts in Foreign Languages
170. One examiner 1,800.00
      Excess of actual salary 240.00
171. Seven examiners at P1,680 11,760.00
172. One chief of division 5,400.00
173. One assistant 4,500.00
174. Five supervising agents at P4,200 21,000.00
Supervising Agents
175. Two supervising agents at P4,200 8,400.00
176. One city revenue agent 3,960.00
177. One supervisor of tobacco factories 3,720.00
      Excess of actual salary 180.00
178. One supervisor of distilleries 3,720.00
Provincial Revenue Agents
179. Two provincial revenue agents at P3,960 7,920.00
180. Four provincial revenue agents at P3,480 13,920.00
181. Two provincial revenue agents at P3,300 6,600.00
182. Four provincial revenue agents at P3,120 12,480.00
183. Three provincial revenue agents at P2,940 8,820.00
184. One provincial revenue agent 2,760.00
185. Eight provincial revenue agents at P2,580 20,640.00
186. Four provincial revenue agents at P2,400 9,600.00
187. Six agents at P2,940 17,640.00
188. Four agents at P2,580 10,320.00
189. Seven agents at P2,400 16,800.00
190. One agent 2,160.00
191. Eleven agents at P2,040 22,440.00
192. One agent 1,920.00
193. Four agents at P1,800 7,200.00
194. Seven agents at P1,680 11,760.00
195. Three agents at P1,560 4,680.00
196. Thirty agents at P1,440 43,200.00
Assistant Agents
197. Eighteen assistant agents at P1,800 32,400.00
198. One assistant agent 1,680.00
199. Ten assistant agents at P1,560 15,600.00
200. One assistant agent 1,440.00
201. Five assistant agents at P1,320 6,600.00
202. Sixty-four assistant agents at P1,200 76,800.00
203. Two assistant agents at P960 1,920.00
Drug Inspectors
204. One inspector 1,800.00
205. Three inspectors at P1,440 4,320.00
206. One drug inspector 1,080.00
207. Two drug inspectors at P960 1,920.00
Forest Products Inspectors
208. Three inspector at P1,080 3,240.00
Examiners of Accounts in Foreign Languages
209 One examiner 1,800.00
210. Five examiners at P1,680 8,400.00
Clerical Force
211. One stenographer 840.00
212. One clerk 1,080.00
213. One clerk 900.00
214. One clerk 780.00
215. Nine clerks at P720 6,480.00
216. Three clerks at P660 1,980.00
217. Forty-six clerks at P600 27,600.00
218. Two storekeepers at P900 1,800.00
219. One storekeeper 840.00
220. Two storekeepers at P780 1,560.00
221. Seven storekeepers at P720 5,040.00
222. Four storekeeper at P660 2,640.00
223. One hundred eighty-six storekeepers at P600 111,600.00
224. Thirty helpers at P600 18,000.00
225. One chief of division 4,500.00
226. One agent 2,580.00
227. One agent 2,160.00
228. One agent 1,680.00
229. One examiner (accounts in foreign languages 2,280.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
230. One clerk 600.00
231. One investigator 2,400.00
232. One investigator 2,040.00
233. Three investigators at P1,680 5,040.00
234. Six investigators at P1,440 8,640.00
Treasury Agents
235. Five treasury agents at P1,680 8,400.00
236. Seventeen treasury agents at P1,440 24,480.00
237. Seventy-six treasury agents at P1,200 91,200.00
238. One chief of division 5,100.00
239. One assistant 3,960.00
Estate, Inheritance and Gift Tax Section
240. One chief of section 3,120.00
241. One clerk 900.00
242. Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
243. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
244. One senior examiner 3,120.00
245. One senior examiner 2,040.00
246. One examiner 2,040.00
247. Two examiner at P1,800 3,600.00
248. Twelve examiners at P1,680 20,160.00
249. One helper 600.00
Mining and Amusement Tax Section
250. One chief of section 2,760.00
251. One assistant agent 1,680.00
252. One assistant agent 1,080.00
253. Four assistant agents at P960 3,840.00
254. One clerk 780.00
255. Five clerks at P600 3,000.00
256. One messenger 600.00

257. Less — savings to be made (104,240.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Treasurer of the Philippines P7,200.00
2. Additional salary for the Treasurer of the Philippines, subject to the approval of the President, section 5 (a) (4) of Commonwealth Act No. 402 1,200.00
3. One Assistant Treasurer of the Philippines 6,000.00
4. One cashier and chief of division 6,000.00
5. One assistant 4,200.00
6. One examiner 2,040.00
7. Two examiners at P1,440 2,880.00
Teller’s Group
8. One teller 3,300.00
9. Two tellers at P2,400 4,800.00
10. One teller 1,920.00
11. Three tellers at P1,200 3,600.00
12. One teller 1,080.00
Treasury Warrants and Bookkeeping Section
13. One chief of section 1,320.00
14. One clerk 1,200.00
15. Two clerks at P960 1,920.00
16. Three clerks at P900 2,700.00
17. Four clerks at P660 2,640.00
18. One clerk 600.00
19. One clerk 600.00
20. One chief of division 5,100.00
21. One assistant 3,960.00
22. One examiner 1,920.00
23. One examiner 1,560.00
24. One examiner 1,440.00
Personnel and Correspondence Section
25. One clerk 1,200.00
26. Three clerks at P900 2,700.00
27. Three clerks at P660 1,980.00
28. One clerk 600.00
29. Four messengers at P600 2,400.00
Disbursing and Property Section
30. One cashier 1,800.00
31. One property custodian 1,800.00
32. One clerk 660.00
33. Two janitors at P600 1,200.00
34. One janitor 600.00
Public Debt Section
35. One clerk 2,040.00
36. One clerk 1,440.00
37. One clerk 1,320.00
38. One clerk 1,200.00
39. One clerk 900.00
Treasury Guards Section
40. Two guards at P1,920 3,840.00
41. Four guards at P900 3,600.00
42. Two guards at P840 1,680.00
43. Two guards at P780 1,560.00
44. Seven guards at P600 4,200.00
45. Uniforms and shoes for guards 400.00
46. One accounting officer 3,120.00
47. One clerk 780.00
48. One clerk 720.00
49. One clerk 660.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
50. One clerk 600.00

51. Less — savings to be made (6,065.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Bank Commissioner P7,200.00
2. One Assistant Bank Commissioner 6,000.00
3. One stenographer 1,320.00
4. One chief of division and second deputy insurance commissioner 5,100.00
5. One assistant 3,960.00
6. One actuary-examiner (part time) 3,960.00
7. One stenographer 720.00
Insurance Section
8. Two examiners at P2,580 5,160.00
9. Two examiners at P2,400 4,800.00
10. One examiner 2,040.00
11. Two examiners at P1,560 3,120.00
12. Two examiners at P1,440 2,880.00
Benevolent Societies and Charitable
Trusts Section
13. One chief of section 2,580.00
14. Two examiners at P2,040 4,080.00
15. Two examiners at P1,800 3,600.00
16. One examiner 1,560.00
17. One examiner 1,440.00
18. One clerk 660.00
19. One chief examiner 5,100.00
20. One examiner 3,480.00
21. One examiner 3,300.00
22. Four examiners at P2,940 11,760.00
23. Three examiners at P2,580 7,740.00
24. Two examiners at P2,400 4,800.00
25. One stenographer 1,320.00
26. One stenographer 840.00
27. One chief of division 2,400.00
28. One clerk 1,320.00
29. One record and property clerk 1,200.00
30. One stenographer 600.00
31. One clerk 600.00
32. One clerk-messenger 600.00
33. One messenger 600.00
34. One janitor 600.00
Accounting Section
35. Accounting officer (by detail)
36. One accountant 1,800.00

37. Less — savings to be made (5,915.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Purchasing Agent P7,200.00
2. One chief buyer 5,100.00
3. One assistant chief buyer 3,480.00
4. One buyer 2,940.00
5. Two buyers at P2,400 4,800.00
6. Two buyers at P1,800 3,600.00
7. Three buyers at P1,560 4,680.00
8. Three buyers at 1,440 4,320.00
9. One buyer 1,080.00
10. One buyer 840.00
11. One assistant buyer 840.00
12. Two assistant buyers at P720 1,440.00
13. One clerk 1,920.00
14. One stenographer 960.00
15. One clerk 660.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
16. One clerk 660.00
17. Ten clerks at P600 6,000.00
18. One messenger 600.00
19. One roneo operator 600.00
20. One janitor 600.00
21. One chief of division 4,200.00
22. One clerk 1,800.00
23. One clerk 1,440.00
24. One clerk 1,200.00
25. One personnel clerk 1,080.00
26. One property custodian 1,200.00
27. One cashier 1,080.00
28. One clerk 1,080.00
29. Two clerks at P840 1,680.00
30. Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
31. Three clerks at P660 1,980.00
32. Eighteen clerks at P600 10,800.00
33. Four messengers at P600 2,400.00
34. Eight helpers at P600 4,800.00
35. One chief watchman 960.00
      Excess of actual salary 1,920.00
36. One watchman 780.00
37. One janitor 600.00
Accounting Section
38. One accounting officer 3,120.00
39. One clerk-bookkeeper 1,560.00
40. One clerk 780.00
41. One clerk 660.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
42. Five clerks at P600 3,000.00
43. One chief of division 4,200.00
      Excess of actual salary 800.00
44. One clerk 2,280.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
45. One clerk 1,560.00
46. One clerk 1,320.00
47. One shipping clerk 1,320.00
48. One clerk 660.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
49. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
50. One foreman 840.00
51. One foreman 660.00
52. Two checkers at P600 1,200.00
53. Nine helpers at P600 5,400.00
54. Three watchmen at P600 1,800.00
55. One carpenter 600.00
56. Two janitors at P600 1,200.00
57. For laborers at rates not exceeding
P5 per day each, who may be employed from time to time 10,720.00

58. Less — savings to be made (7,600.00)
Total .......................................
Total for salaries and wages ============
1. Traveling expenses of personnel P169,430.00
2. Freight, express and delivery service 9,660.00
3. Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 31,500.00
4. Illumination and power service 12,725.00
5. Rental of buildings and grounds 34,600.00
6. Consumption of supplies and materials 326,805.00
7. Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 5,515.00
8. Traveling expenses of persons not government employees 1,200.00
9. Maintenance and repair of equipment 70,000.00
10. Other services 11,165.00
Total for sundry expenses
1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment P66,760.00
Total for furniture and equipment
1. For expenses in connection with secret service P48,420.00
2. Aid to specially organized provinces 27,000.00

(a) Province of Batanes P12,000.00
(b) Province of Palawan 15,000.00
Total .......................................

3. Aid to provinces with non-Christian inhabitants, to be distributed by the Secretary of Finance 270,000.00
4. For supplementary personnel to be employed in connection with the enforcement of the new Assessment Law, Commonwealth Act No. 470 12,000.00

(a) Two inspectors at P3,120 P6,240.00
(b) One clerk 1,440.00
(c) Two clerks at P1,440 2,880.00
(d) Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
Total .......................................

5. For aid to provinces, cities, municipalities and municipal districts to help them meet their operation expenses for essential ordinary services, to be allotted by the Secretary of Finance with the approval of the President. Any balance of this aid remaining unexpended on June 30, 1948, shall revert to the General Fund of the National Government 5,000,000.00
6. For the landing, transportation and handling of immigrants’ baggage from ships to the Customs Office, including salaries and wages, purchase of equipment and other expenses, the charges to be fixed by the Commissioner of Customs with the approval of the Secretary of Finance: PROVIDED, That any deficit in the appropriation provided herein for other expenses may, with the approval of the President, be covered from the receipts from the handling of immigrants’ baggage 3,080.00
To be paid out of the receipts from the handling of immigrants’ baggage (3,080.00)

Salaries and Wages
(a) One foreman P900.00
(b) One foreman 660.00
Other Expenses
(c) Other expenses 1,520.00
Total .......................................

7. For salaries and wages of the personnel employed throughout the year in connection with the operation of the arrastre service at the Port of Manila, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding 13,980.00
To be paid out of the receipts of
the said arrastre service

(a) One superintendent P6,000.00
(b) One electrical and mechanical inspector 3,480.00
(c) One stenographer 1,200.00
(d) One clerk 1,200.00
(e) One mechanic 840.00
(f) One mechanic 660.00
(g) One messenger 600.00
Total .......................................

8. For salaries and wages of thepersonnel of the Fidelity Fund employed throughout the year, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding 2,820.00
To be paid out of the Fidelity Fund,
section 325 of Act No. 2711

(a) One clerk P1,560.00
(b) One clerk 660.00
(c) One clerk 600.00
Total .......................................

9. For salaries and wages of the personnel of the Exchange Standard Fund, Act No. 4199, employed throughout the year, any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding 18,120.00
To be paid out of the Exchange
Standard Fund, Act No. 4199

(Philippine Mint)
(a) One superintendent P4,800.00
(b) One cashier 3,720.00
(c) One clerk 600.00
(Money Counters’ Group)
(d) One money counter 1,800.00
(e) Four money counters at P1,200 4,800.00
(f) One money counter 1,200.00
(g) One clerk 1,200.00
Total .......................................

10. For expenses of the Tobacco Board in carrying out the provisions of Act No. 2613, as amended by Act No. 3179, the provisions of any existing law to the contrary notwithstanding 76,020.00
To be paid out of the Tobacco Inspection Fund,
Act No. 2613

Project No. 1
(Bureau of Internal Revenue)
(a) One supervisor P4,200.00
(b) One inspector 3,720.00
(c) One agent 2,940.00
(d) One inspector 2,580.00
(e) One inspector 1,800.00
(f) Two inspectors at P1,680 3,360.00
(g) Four inspectors at P1,320 5,280.00
(h) Three inspectors at P1,200 3,600.00
(i) Two inspectors at P1,080 2,160.00
(j) One inspector 960.00
(k) Two inspectors at P900 1,800.00
(l) Two inspectors at P840 1,680.00
(m) Two inspectors at P780 1,560.00
(n) One inspector 660.00
(o) One clerk 1,200.00
(p) Two clerks at P960 1,920.00
(q) One clerk 600.00
(r) Nine tobacco graders at P600 5,400.00
(s) One janitor 600.00
(t) One helper 600.00
Project No. 2
(Bureau of Plant Industry)
(u) One agronomist 4,800.00
(v) One agronomist 3,480.00
(w) One agronomist 2,400.00
(x) One agronomist 2,040.00
(y) One agronomist 1,920.00
(z) One agronomist 1,800.00
(a-1) Four agronomists at P1,320 5,280.00
(b-1) One agronomist 1,080.00
(c-1) Four agronomy aides at P720 2,880.00
(d-1) One agronomy aide 600.00
(e-1) Two technicians at P660 1,320.00
(f-1) One stenographer 600.00
(g-1) Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
Total .......................................

11. For salaries of the personnel in charge of the administrative service and the collection of the fees accruing to the National Radio Broadcasting Fund, employed throughout the year, and the expenses of the auditing-accounting service, the provisions of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding 39,000.00
To be paid out of the National Radio
Broadcasting Fund

Salaries and Wages
(a) One clerk P1,800.00
(b) One clerk 1,680.00
(c) One mechanic 720.00
(d) Nine inspectors at P720 6,480.00
(e) One helper 600.00
(f) Per diems of members of the Committee and its secretary 1,920.00
Accounting Service
(g) One clerk 780.00
(Radio Registration Service)
(h) One supervisor 4,200.00
      Excess of actual salary 600.00
(i) One teller 1,320.00
(j) One teller 600.00
(k) One clerk 1,200.00
(l) One clerk 840.00
(m) Two clerks at P660 1,320.00
(n) One clerk 600.00
(o) Five clerks at P600 3,000.00
(p) One clerk 600.00
(q) Three typists at P600 1,800.00
(r) One mechanic 600.00
(s) One messenger 600.00
(t) One janitor 600.00
(Radio Set Inspection)
(u) Three inspectors at P960 2,880.00
(v) Two inspectors at P840 1,680.00
(w) One inspector 720.00
(x) One inspector 660.00
(y) Two inspectors at P600 1,200.00
Total .......................................

Total for special purposes
Total for salaries and wages P3,341,807.00
Total for sundry expenses 672,600.00
Total for furniture and equipment 66,760.00
Total for special purposes 5,357,420.00
Less — savings to be made (238,312.00)
Total amount available for the Department of Finance
1. One Secretary of Department P12,000.00
2. One Undersecretary of Department 9,000.00
3. One attorney 6,000.00
4. One judicial officer 5,100.00
5. One private secretary 5,100.00
6. Two stenographers at P1,800 3,600.00
7. One stenographer 1,560.00
8. Two janitor-messengers at P600 1,200.00
9. One chief of division 5,400.00
10. One assistant chief of division 4,800.00
11. One attorney 3,960.00
12. Two attorneys at P3,480 6,960.00
13. Two attorneys at P3,120 6,240.00
14. Three attorneys at P2,400 7,200.00
15. One law clerk 1,800.00
16. One stenographer 1,800.00
17. One stenographer 1,560.00
18. One stenographer 1,080.00
19. One clerk 1,200.00
20. One library assistant 720.00
21. One library helper 600.00
22. One clerk-typist 900.00
23. Two clerk-typists at P720 1,440.00
24. One clerk-typist 600.00
25. One mimeographer 600.00
26. One messenger 600.00
27. One administrative officer 5,100.00
28. One senior clerk 3,120.00
29. One clerk 2,280.00
      Excess of actual salary 420.00
30. Two stenographers at P1,200 2,400.00
31. Two clerks at P1,200 2,400.00
32. One clerk 960.00
33. One clerk 900.00
34. One clerk 840.00
35. One clerk-stenographer 600.00
36. One messenger 600.00
Accounting Section
37. Accounting officer (by detail)
38. One clerk 1,200.00
39. One clerk 900.00
40. Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
41. One clerk 660.00
42. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
43. One laborer 600.00
44. One chief of division 4,500.00
45. One senior clerk 2,280.00
46. One cashier and disbursing officer 2,040.00
47. One property officer 1,800.00
48. One statistician 1,800.00
49. One clerk-statistician 1,440.00
50. One clerk-statistician 1,200.00
51. One stenographer 1,200.00
52. One stock-clerk 720.00
53. One typist 600.00
54. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
55. One helper-mechanic 600.00
56. One laborer-carpenter 600.00
57. One messenger 600.00
58. One chief of division 1,920.00
59. Two clerk-statisticians at P1,200 2,400.00
60. One clerk 900.00
61. One briefer 660.00
62. Seven clerks at P600 4,200.00
63. Two clerk-typists at P600 1,200.00
64. Three typists at P600 1,800.00
65. One janitor-messenger 600.00
Janitor Service
66. One janitor, with quarters 600.00
67. Three janitors at P600 1,800.00
68. Two janitor-watchmen at P600 1,200.00

69. Less — savings to be made (10,150.00)
Total .......................................
1. For compensation of the members of the Board on Pardons and Parole, including the Chairman and the executive officer, six in all, at P10 each per meeting P6,000.00
2. One executive officer 5,100.00
3. One assistant executive officer and chief of division 3,120.00
4. One record and property clerk 1,200.00
5. One stenographer 960.00
6. Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
7. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
8. One janitor-messenger 600.00
9. One laborer 600.00
10. One supervising parole officer 2,400.00
11. One assistant supervising parole officer 1,920.00
12. Six parole officers at P1,680 10,080.00
13. Two parole officers at P1,320 2,640.00
14. One parole officer 1,200.00
15. Two clerk-stenographers at P720 1,440.00
16. One clerk-typist 600.00
17. One supervising parole officer 2,400.00
18. One assistant supervising parole officer 1,920.00
19. Two parole inspectors at P1,440 2,880.00
20. Two parole officers at P1,440 2,880.00
21. One clerk-stenographer 720.00
22. One clerk 720.00
23. Two secret service agents at P720 1,440.00
24. One janitor-messenger 600.00
25. One psychiatrist 2,760.00
26. One psychologist 1,920.00

27. Less — savings to be made (3,720.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Solicitor General P12,000.00
2. One First Assistant Solicitor General 9,000.00
3. Three Assistant Solicitors General at P6,000 18,000.00
4. One private secretary 3,600.00
5. Four solicitors at P5,400 21,600.00
6. Four solicitors at P4,500 18,000.00
7. Five solicitors at P3,600 18,000.00
8. Five solicitors at P3,120 15,600.00
9. Six solicitors at P2,400 14,400.00
10. One Assistant Solicitor General 6,000.00
11. One clerk 1,800.00
12. Two stenographers at P1,200 2,400.00
13. One chief of division 3,960.00
14. One senior clerk 2,400.00
15. One cashier and disbursing officer 2,040.00
16. One law clerk and librarian 1,920.00
17. Two stenographers at P1,800 3,600.00
18. One stenographer 1,560.00
19. One property clerk 1,440.00
20. One assistant librarian 960.00
21. One clerk 960.00
22. One clerk 600.00
23. One clerk-stenographer 720.00
24. One library-helper 600.00
25. One head janitor, with quarters 600.00
26. One janitor-messenger 600.00
27. One janitor 600.00
28. One janitor-watchman 600.00
Stenographers Section
29. Two stenographers at P2,400 4,800.00
30. One stenographer 2,040.00
31. Two stenographers at P1,800 3,600.00
32. Two stenographers at P1,560 3,120.00
33. Two stenographers at P1,320 2,640.00
34. Two stenographers at P1,200 2,400.00
35. Two stenographers at P1,080 2,160.00
Records Section
36. One record clerk 1,200.00
37. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
38. One mailing clerk 600.00
39. One typist 600.00
40. One clerk-filer 600.00
41. One janitor-messenger 600.00
Accounting Section
42. Accounting officer (by detail)
43. One accountant 2,400.00
44. One clerk 780.00
45. Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
46. One chief of division 2,400.00
47. One clerk 1,440.00
48. Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
49. One calendar clerk 720.00
50. One clerk 600.00
51. Two clerk-typists at P600 1,200.00
52. One typist 600.00
53. One clerk-filer 600.00
54. Two janitor-messengers at P600 1,200.00

55. Less — savings to be made (9,820.00)
Total .......................................
(3) Courts of First Instance
1. One judge P10,000.00
2. One stenographer 1,800.00
3. One interpreter 1,080.00
4. One clerk of court 2,400.00
5. One deputy clerk of court 1,320.00
6. One docket clerk 840.00
7. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
8. One provincial sheriff 1,800.00
9. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
10. One deputy clerk of court 660.00
11. One deputy sheriff 840.00
12. One judge 10,000.00
13. One stenographer 1,800.00
14. One interpreter 900.00
15. One clerk of court 1,560.00
16. One deputy clerk of court 840.00
17. One docket clerk 840.00
18. One clerk 600.00
19. One provincial sheriff 1,560.00
20. Two deputy sheriffs at P840 1,680.00
Nueva Vizcaya
21. One judge 10,000.00
22. One clerk of court 1,560.00
23. One deputy clerk of court 720.00
24. One clerk 600.00
25. One provincial sheriff 1,200.00
26. One deputy sheriff 840.00
Ilocos Norte
27. One judge 10,000.00
28. One stenographer 1,800.00
29. One interpreter 900.00
30. One clerk of court 2,400.00
31. One deputy clerk of court 1,320.00
32. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
33. One provincial sheriff 1,800.00
34. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
Ilocos Sur
35. One judge 10,000.00
36. One stenographer 2,940.00
37. One interpreter 1,680.00
38. One clerk of court 2,280.00
39. One deputy clerk of court 1,320.00
40. One docket clerk 660.00
41. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
42. One provincial sheriff 1,800.00
43. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
44. One clerk of court 1,560.00
45. One deputy clerk of court 600.00
46. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
47. Two deputy sheriffs at P840 1,680.00
La Union
48. One judge 10,000.00
49. One stenographer 1,800.00
50. One interpreter 1,200.00
51. One clerk of court 2,040.00
52. One deputy clerk of court 1,080.00
53. One docket clerk 660.00
54. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
55. One provincial sheriff 1,800.00
56. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
Mountain Province (Benguet)
57. One judge 10,000.00
58. One clerk of court, with quarters 1,800.00
59. One deputy clerk of court 720.00
60. One docket clerk 600.00
61. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
62. One provincial sheriff, with quarters 1,800.00
63. Two deputy sheriffs at P840 1,680.00
Mountain Province (Bontoc)
64. One deputy clerk of court 720.00
65. One deputy sheriff 840.00
66. Three judges at P10,000 30,000.00
67. One stenographer 2,400.00
68. Two stenographers at P1,800 3,600.00
69. One interpreter 1,560.00
70. Two interpreters at P1,200 2,400.00
71. One clerk of court 3,720.00
72. One deputy clerk of court 2,040.00
73. One deputy clerk of court 1,800.00
74. One docket clerk 1,320.00
75. Two docket clerks at P1,200 2,400.00
76. One clerk 1,080.00
77. One clerk 720.00
78. Eleven clerks at P600 6,600.00
79. One provincial sheriff 2,280.00
80. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
81. One clerk 600.00
82. One clerk of court 1,320.00
83. One deputy clerk of court 720.00
84. One docket clerk 600.00
85. One clerk 600.00
86. One provincial sheriff 1,200.00
87. Two deputy sheriffs at P840 1,680.00
88. One judge 10,000.00
89. One stenographer 1,920.00
90. One interpreter 1,200.00
91. One clerk of court 2,280.00
92. One deputy clerk of court 900.00
93. One docket clerk 840.00
94. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
95. One provincial sheriff 2,280.00
96. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
Nueva Ecija
97. Two judges at P10,000 20,000.00
98. One stenographer 2,940.00
      Excess of actual salary 260.00
99. One stenographer 2,400.00
100. One stenographer 1,800.00
101. One interpreter 1,680.00
102. One interpreter 1,440.00
103. One clerk of court 3,720.00
104. One deputy clerk of court 1,680.00
105. One deputy clerk of court 1,320.00
106. Two docket clerks at P900 1,800.00
107. One docket clerk 840.00
108. Six clerks at P600 3,600.00
109. One janitor-messenger 600.00
110. One provincial sheriff 2,400.00
111. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
112. One clerk 600.00
113. Two judges at 110,000 20,000.00
114. Two stenographers at P1,800 3,600.00
115. One interpreter 1,200.00
116. One clerk of court 3,300.00
117. One deputy clerk of court 1,320.00
118. One deputy clerk of court 1,080.00
119. One docket clerk 900.00
120. Two docket clerks at P840 1,680.00
121. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
122. One messenger 600.00
123. One janitor-messenger 600.00
124. One provincial sheriff 2,400.00
125. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
126. One clerk 600.00
127. One clerk of court 1,320.00
128. One deputy clerk of court 660.00
129. One docket clerk 660.00
130. One clerk 600.00
131. One provincial sheriff 1,200.00
132. Two deputy sheriffs at P840 1,680.00
133. Two judges at P10,000 20,000.00
134. One stenographer 2,040.00
135. One interpreter 1,440.00
136. One clerk of court 3,300.00
137. One deputy clerk of court 1,800.00
138. One deputy clerk of court 1,680.00
139. Three docket clerks at P900 2,700.00
140. Five clerks at P600 3,000.00
141. One clerk-messenger 600.00
142. One provincial sheriff 2,280.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
143. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
144. One clerk 600.00
145. Two judges at P10,000 20,000.00
146. One stenographer 2,280.00
147. One interpreter 1,800.00
148. One clerk of court 2,940.00
149. One deputy clerk of court 1,560.00
150. One deputy clerk of court 960.00
151. One docket clerk 960.00
152. Six clerks at P600 3,600.00
153. One clerk-messenger 600.00
154. One provincial sheriff 1,560.00
155. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
156. One clerk of court 1,200.00
157. One deputy clerk of court 660.00
158. One docket clerk 600.00
159. One provincial sheriff 1,200.00
160. One deputy sheriff 840.00
161. One deputy clerk of court 720.00
162. Nine judges at P10,000 90,000.00
163. One stenographer 2,940.00
      Excess of actual salary 300.00
164. One stenographer 2,940.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
165. Six stenographers at P2,940 17,640.00
166. Two stenographers at P2,400 4,800.00
167. One stenographer 2,280.00
168. Two interpreters at P2,940 5,880.00
169. One interpreter 2,760.00
170. One interpreter 2,280.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
171. Three interpreters at P2,280 6,840.00
172. One clerk of court 5,100.00
173. One assistant clerk of court, ex-officio chief, probate division, and administrative officer 4,200.00
174. Seven deputy clerks of court at P2,040 14,280.00
175. Two deputy clerks of court at P1,800 3,600.00
176. One inspector 1,800.00
177. One cashier and disbursing officer 1,800.00
178. Two clerks at P1,800 3,600.00
179. One clerk 1,320.00
180. One clerk 1,200.00
181. One docket clerk 960.00
182. Two docket clerks at P900 1,800.00
183. One docket clerk 840.00
184. One docket clerk 600.00
185. Two clerks at P960 1,920.00
186. One clerk 900.00
187. Four clerks at P840 3,360.00
188. One clerk 660.00
189. Ten clerks at P600 6,000.00
190. Two typists at P600 1,200.00
191. Two clerk-messengers at P600 1,200.00
192. Six messengers at P600 3,600.00
193. Two judges at P10,000 20,000.00
194. One stenographer 2,400.00
195. One stenographer 2,280.00
196. One interpreter 2,040.00
197. One interpreter 1,440.00
198. One clerk of court 3,480.00
199. One deputy clerk of court 1,680.00
200. One deputy clerk of court 1,080.00
201. One docket clerk 840.00
202. One docket clerk 660.00
203. One clerk 660.00
204. Six clerks at P600 3,600.00
205. One clerk-typist 600.00
206. Three bailiffs at P600 1,800.00
207. One provincial sheriff 2,280.00
208. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
209. One clerk 600.00
210. Two judges at P10,000 20,000.00
211. One stenographer 1,800.00
212. One interpreter 1,680.00
213. One clerk of court 3,120.00
214. One deputy clerk of court 1,800.00
215. One deputy clerk of court 1,680.00
216. One docket clerk 900.00
217. One docket clerk 840.00
218. One docket clerk 660.00
219. Five clerks at P600 3,000.00
220. One clerk-messenger 600.00
221. One provincial sheriff 1,800.00
222. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
223. One clerk 600.00
224. One judge 10,000.00
225. One stenographer 1,800.00
226. One interpreter 1,320.00
227. One clerk of court 3,120.00
      Excess of actual salary 80.00
228. One deputy clerk of court 1,680.00
229. Two docket clerks at P840 1,680.00
230. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
231. One messenger 600.00
232. One provincial sheriff 2,280.00
233. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
234. One clerk 600.00
235. One judge 10,000.00
236. One clerk of court 1,320.00
237. One deputy clerk of court 660.00
238. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
239. One provincial sheriff 1,200.00
240. Two deputy sheriffs at P840 1,680.00
241. One deputy clerk of court 960.00
242. One clerk 660.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
243. One clerk 600.00
244. One provincial sheriff 1,200.00
245. One deputy sheriff 840.00
246. One clerk of court 1,440.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
247. One deputy clerk of court 660.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
248. One clerk 600.00
249. One provincial sheriff 1,200.00
250. Two deputy sheriffs at P840 1,680.00
251. Two judges at P10,000 20,000.00
252. One stenographer 2,400.00
253. Two stenographers at P2,280 4,560.00
254. One interpreter 2,940.00
255. One interpreter 1,440.00
256. One clerk of court 3,720.00
257. Two deputy clerks of court at P1,800 3,600.00
258. One docket clerk 900.00
259. One docket clerk 840.00
260. One clerk 900.00
261. Nine clerks at P600 5,400.00
262. One provincial sheriff 2,280.00
263. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
264. One clerk 600.00
Camarines Sur
265. Two judges at P10,000 20,000.00
266. One stenographer 2,400.00
267. One interpreter 1,200.00
268. One clerk of court 3,120.00
269. One deputy clerk of court 1,320.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
270. One deputy clerk of court 1,320.00
271. One docket clerk 960.00
272. One docket clerk 840.00
273. One docket clerk 720.00
274. One docket clerk 660.00
275. Five clerks at P600 3,000.00
276. One clerk-messenger 600.00
277. One messenger 600.00
278. One provincial sheriff 1,560.00
279. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
280. One clerk 600.00
Camarines Norte
281. One judge 10,000.00
282. One clerk of court 1,560.00
283. One deputy clerk of court 840.00
284. One docket clerk 720.00
285. One clerk 600.00
286. One provincial sheriff 1,200.00
287. One deputy sheriff 840.00
288. One judge 10,000.00
289. One stenographer 2,040.00
290. One interpreter 960.00
291. One clerk of court 3,120.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
292. One deputy clerk of court 1,680.00
293. One docket clerk 900.00
294. One assistant docket clerk 840.00
295. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
296. One provincial sheriff 1,800.00
297. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
298. One clerk 600.00
299. One deputy clerk of court 960.00
300. One clerk 600.00
301. One deputy sheriff 840.00
302. One judge 10,000.00
303. One stenographer 2,040.00
304. One clerk of court 1,800.00
305. One deputy clerk of court 1,080.00
306. One docket clerk 660.00
307. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
308. One provincial sheriff 1,560.00
309. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
310. One clerk of court 1,560.00
311. One deputy clerk of court 720.00
312. One clerk 600.00
313. One provincial sheriff 1,200.00
314. One deputy sheriff 840.00
315. One judge 10,000.00
316. One stenographer 1,800.00
317. One interpreter 900.00
318. One clerk of court 2,280.00
319. One deputy clerk of court 1,680.00
320. One docket clerk 840.00
321. One assistant docket clerk 720.00
322. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
323. One provincial sheriff 1,800.00
324. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
325. Three judges at P10,000 30,000.00
326. One stenographer 2,940.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
327. Two stenographers at P2,280 4,560.00
328. One interpreter 2,040.00
329. One interpreter 1,680.00
330. One interpreter 1,320.00
331. One clerk of court 3,720.00
332. Two deputy clerks of court at P1,800 3,600.00
333. One deputy clerk of court 1,080.00
334. One docket clerk 1,080.00
335. One docket clerk 900.00
336. One docket clerk 840.00
337. One docket clerk 720.00
338. Six clerks at P600 3,600.00
339. One messenger 600.00
340. One provincial sheriff 2,280.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
341. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
342. One clerk 600.00
343. One clerk of court 1,800.00
344. One deputy clerk of court 840.00
345. One docket clerk 720.00
346. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
347. One provincial sheriff 1,560.00
348. Two deputy sheriffs at P840 1,680.00
Occidental Negros
349. Two judges at P10,000 20,000.00
350. Two stenographers at P1,800 3,600.00
351. One interpreter 1,080.00
352. One interpreter 900.00
353. One clerk of court 3,120.00
354. Two deputy clerks of court at P1,320 2,640.00
355. Three docket clerks at P840 2,520.00
356. Five clerks at P600 3,000.00
357. One provincial sheriff 2,280.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
358. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
359. One clerk 600.00
Oriental Negros and Siquijor
360. One judge 10,000.00
361. One stenographer 1,560.00
362. One interpreter 1,200.00
363. One clerk of court 2,400.00
364. One deputy clerk of court 1,320.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
365. One docket clerk 840.00
366. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
367. One bailiff 600.00
368. One provincial sheriff 1,800.00
369. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
Samar (Catbalogan)
370. One judge 10,000.00
371. One stenographer 1,800.00
372. One interpreter 1,080.00
373. One clerk of court 2,940.00
374. One deputy clerk of court 1,800.00
375. One docket clerk 840.00
376. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
377. One provincial sheriff 1,800.00
378. Two deputy sheriffs at P840 1,680.00
Samar (Borongan)
379. One judge 10,000.00
380. One stenographer 1,320.00
381. One interpreter 1,200.00
382. One deputy clerk of court 1,200.00
383. One docket clerk 600.00
384. One deputy sheriff 840.00
Leyte (Tacloban)
385. One judge 10,000.00
386. One stenographer 1,800.00
387. One interpreter 1,320.00
388. One clerk of court 3,120.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
389. One deputy clerk of court 1,680.00
390. One docket clerk 840.00
391. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
392. One provincial sheriff 1,800.00
393. Two deputy sheriffs at P840 1,680.00
394. One clerk 600.00
Leyte (Maasin)
395. One judge 10,000.00
396. One stenographer 1,800.00
397. One interpreter 960.00
398. One clerk of court 2,400.00
399. One deputy clerk of court 840.00
400. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
401. One deputy sheriff 840.00
402. Three judges at P10,000 30,000.00
403. One stenographer 2,940.00
      Excess of actual salary 260.00
404. One stenographer 2,400.00
405. One stenographer 2,040.00
406. One interpreter 1,800.00
407. One interpreter 1,560.00
408. One interpreter 1,200.00
409. One clerk of court 3,720.00
410. Two deputy clerks of court at P2,040 4,080.00
411. One clerk 900.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
412. One clerk 900.00
413. Two clerks at P660 1,320.00
      Excess of actual salary at P60 120.00
414. One clerk 660.00
415. Eight clerks at P600 4,800.00
416. Three bailiffs at P600 1,800.00
417. One provincial sheriff 2,280.00
418. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
419. One clerk 600.00
420. One judge 10,000.00
421. One stenographer 1,200.00
422. One interpreter 840.00
423. One clerk of court 2,400.00
424. One deputy clerk of court 1,320.00
425. One docket clerk 900.00
426. One clerk 600.00
427. One messenger 600.00
428. One provincial sheriff 1,800.00
429. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
430. One judge 10,000.00
431. One stenographer 1,200.00
432. One interpreter 840.00
433. One clerk of court 1,800.00
434. One deputy clerk of court 840.00
435. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
436. One provincial sheriff 1,560.00
437. Two deputy sheriffs at P840 1,680.00
438. One clerk of court 1,200.00
439. One docket clerk 600.00
440. One provincial sheriff 1,200.00
441. One deputy sheriff 840.00
Oriental Misamis
442. One judge 10,000.00
443. One stenographer 1,800.00
444. One interpreter 1,200.00
445. One clerk of court 1,800.00
446. One deputy clerk of court 1,320.00
447. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
448. One provincial sheriff 1,320.00
449. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
Occidental Misamis
350. One clerk of court 2,040.00
351. One deputy clerk of court 1,080.00
352. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
453. One provincial sheriff 1,200.00
454. Two deputy sheriffs at P840 1,680.00
455. One clerk of court 1,440.00
456. One deputy clerk of court 660.00
457. One docket clerk 600.00
458. One provincial sheriff 1,200.00
459. One deputy sheriff 840.00
460. One deputy clerk of court 660.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
461. One clerk 600.00
462. One provincial sheriff 1,200.00
463. One deputy sheriff 840.00
464. One judge 10,000.00
465. One stenographer 1,800.00
466. One interpreter 1,680.00
467. One clerk of court 2,400.00
468. One deputy clerk of court 1,320.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
469. One docket clerk 900.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
470. One docket clerk 840.00
471. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
472. One provincial sheriff 1,560.00
473. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
Zamboanga (Dipolog)
474. One deputy clerk of court 720.00
475. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
476. One deputy clerk of court 720.00
477. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
478. One provincial sheriff 1,320.00
479. Two deputy sheriffs at P840 1,680.00
480. One judge 10,000.00
481. One stenographer 1,320.00
482. One interpreter 1,200.00
483. One clerk of court 1,920.00
484. One deputy clerk of court 840.00
485. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
486. One provincial sheriff 1,800.00
487. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
488. One judge 10,000.00
489. One clerk of court 1,440.00
490. One deputy clerk of court 960.00
491. One docket clerk 660.00
492. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
493. One clerk-messenger 600.00
494. One provincial sheriff 1,200.00
495. Two deputy sheriffs at P840 1,680.00
496. Eighteen judges-at-large at P9,000 162,000.00
497. Fifteen cadastral judges at P8,400 126,000.00
498. Two stenographers at P2,400 4,800.00
499. Five stenographers at P2,280 11,400.00
500. Six stenographers at P2,040 12,240.00
501. One stenographer 1,920.00
502. Thirty-nine stenographers at P1,800 70,200.00
503. Two stenographers at P1,560 3,120.00
504. Nine stenographers at P1,440 12,960.00
505. Twelve stenographers at P1,320 15,840.00
506. Eleven stenographers at P1,200 13,200.00
507. One clerk-stenographer 960.00
508. For additional court stenographers 50,000.00
509. Nine interpreters at P1,200 10,800.00
510. Ten interpreters at P1,080 10,800.00
511. Thirteen interpreters at P960 12,480.00
512. Two interpreters at P900 1,800.00
513. Four interpreters at P840 3,360.00

514. Less — savings to be made (159,788.00)
Total .......................................
1. Salaries of justices of the peace and auxiliary justices of the peace P1,197,140.00
2. Less — savings to be made (97,710.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Public Service Commissioner P11,000.00
2. One Associate Commissioner 9,000.00
3. One attorney 5,100.00
4. Four assistant attorneys at P3,120 12,480.00
5. One secretary 4,200.00
Records Section
6. One deputy secretary and chief of records 2,400.00
7. One clerk 1,320.00
      Excess of actual salary 240.00
8. One clerk 660.00
9. Eight clerks at P600 4,800.00
10. Two messengers at P600 1,200.00
11. One janitor-watchman, with quarters 600.00
12. Five laborers at P600 3,000.00
Stenographers Section
13. One chief stenographer 2,400.00
14. One stenographer 2,280.00
15. One stenographer 1,800.00
16. Two stenographers at P1,320 2,640.00
17. One stenographer 1,200.00
18. One clerk-stenographer 960.00
19. One clerk-stenographer 900.00
20. One clerk-stenographer 780.00
Docket Section
21. One docket clerk 900.00
22. One docket clerk 840.00
Accounting Section
23. Accounting officer (by detail)
24. One accountant 1,800.00
25. One clerk 600.00
26. One engineer 6,000.00
27. One assistant engineer 2,400.00
28. One inspector-statistician 1,800.00
Inspectors and Agents Section
29. One supervising agent 1,800.00
30. One supervising agent 1,560.00
31. One inspector 1,800.00
32. One inspector 1,560.00
33. Twelve agents at P720 8,640.00
34. One engineer 4,200.00
35. One assistant engineer 1,920.00
36. One assistant to the Commissioner 4,200.00
37. One property clerk and examiner 2,400.00
38. One cashier and disbursing officer 1,800.00
39. One clerk 660.00
40. One clerk 600.00

41. Less — savings to be made (5,920.00)
Total .......................................
(All with quarters in kind and prisoners’ service)
1. One Director, with furnished quarters P7,200.00
2. One Assistant Director, with furnished quarters 6,000.00
3. One chief clerk and executive officer 3,960.00
4. One stenographer 900.00
5. One clerk 1,440.00
6. One law clerk 1,080.00
7. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
8. One messenger 600.00
Personnel Section
9. One chief of section 1,920.00
10. One clerk 1,080.00
11. One clerk 660.00
12. One clerk 600.00
Documents Section
13. One chief of section 1,680.00
14. One clerk 1,320.00
Identification Section
15. One identification officer and chief of section 1,800.00
16. One assistant identification officer 1,200.00
17. One identification clerk 900.00
18. One photographer 720.00
Classification Section
19. One clerk 780.00
20. Two clerks at P660 1,320.00
Records Section
21. One chief of section 1,560.00
22. One clerk 1,080.00
23. One clerk 780.00
24. One clerk 660.00
Accounting Section
25. Accounting officer (by detail)
26. One clerk 1,320.00
27. One clerk 960.00
28. One clerk 720.00
29. One chief of division 2,400.00
30. One clerk 600.00
Property Section
31. One property officer and chief of section 2,280.00
32. One clerk 900.00
33. One clerk 840.00
34. Two clerks at P660 1,320.00
35. One clerk 600.00
Commissary Section
36. One commissary officer 900.00
37. One clerk 600.00
Cash Section
38. One cashier and disbursing officer 1,800.00
39. One trust fund officer 1,200.00
40. One inspector of prison hospitals, with subsistence and laundry 3,960.00
41. One superintendent, with furnished quarters 3,960.00
42. One assistant superintendent 2,580.00
43. One senior inspector 2,580.00
44. One inspector 2,280.00
45. Two inspectors at P1,800 3,600.00
46. Two junior inspectors at P1,320 2,640.00
47. Three junior inspectors at P1,200 3,600.00
48. Six junior inspectors at P960 5,760.00
49. Sixteen first-class guards at P900 14,400.00
50. Eighteen second-class guards at P720 12,960.00
51. Three second-class guards at P660 1,980.00
52. One hundred forty-six third-class guards at P600 87,600.00
53. One mess officer 1,200.00
54. One assistant mess officer 720.00
Educational Section
55. One principal teacher 1,200.00
56. Two chaplains at P1,200 2,400.00
57. One band leader 900.00
Medical Section
58. Two medical officers at P2,400, with subsistence and laundry 4,800.00
59. One radiologist, with subsistence and laundry 2,400.00
60. One pharmacist, with subsistence and laundry 1,800.00
61. One pharmacy clerk, with subsistence and laundry 660.00
62. One dentist, with subsistence and laundry 1,920.00
63. One dentist-at-large, with subsistence and laundry 1,200.00
64. Eight internes, without compensation but with subsistence
65. One chief nurse, with subsistence and laundry 1,800.00
66. One surgical and operating nurse, with subsistence and laundry 960.00
67. Five nurses at P720, with subsistence and laundry 3,600.00
68. Three nurses at P480, with subsistence and laundry 1,440.00
69. One nurse-dietitian, with subsistence and laundry 720.00
70. One junior bacteriologist, with subsistence and laundry 900.00
71. One sanitary inspector, with subsistence and laundry 480.00
Utilities Section
72. One building construction superintendent 2,280.00
73. One chief mechanic 2,280.00
74. One foreman 1,320.00
75. Two chauffeurs at P660 1,320.00
76. Five chauffeurs at P600 3,000.00
77. One superintendent, with furnished quarters 2,940.00
78. One assistant superintendent, with furnished quarters 1,200.00
79. One junior inspector 1,200.00
80. Four third-class guards at P600 2,400.00
81. Five foremen at P600 3,000.00
82. Six wardresses at P600 3,600.00
83. One superintendent, with furnished quarters 3,960.00
84. One assistant superintendent, with furnished quarters 3,300.00
85. One chief clerk and cashier 1,800.00
86. One medical officer, with subsistence and laundry 2,040.00
87. One dentist 1,200.00
88. One nurse, with subsistence and laundry 1,200.00
89. One pharmacist 900.00
90. One property clerk 960.00
91. Two chaplains at P1,200 2,400.00
92. One band leader 840.00
93. One ranch foreman 1,320.00
94. One general overseer 1,320.00
95. One farming instructor 1,320.00
96. One foreman, mechanical engineer 1,200.00
97. One agricultural foreman 1,080.00
98. One foreman, building construction 900.00
99. One road and bridge foreman 900.00
100. One agricultural foreman 720.00
101. One supply and equipment foreman 600.00
102. One cattle foreman 600.00
103. One fisher foreman 600.00
104. One superintendent, with furnished quarters 4,200.00
105. One assistant superintendent, with furnished quarters 3,480.00
106. One mechanic 2,400.00
107. One medical officer, with subsistence and laundry 1,920.00
108. One property clerk 1,440.00
109. One pharmacist 900.00
110. One nurse, with subsistence and laundry 720.00
111. One copra foreman 720.00
112. One first sergeant 720.00
113. One provost sergeant 600.00
114. Three duty sergeants at P600 1,800.00
115. Six corporals at P600 3,600.00
116. Sixty-nine privates at P600 41,400.00
117. Re-enlistment pay for San Ramon guards 1,140.00
118. One superintendent, with furnished quarters 4,200.00
119. One assistant superintendent, with furnished quarters 3,120.00
120. One chief clerk and cashier 1,800.00
121. One property clerk 1,080.00
122. One medical officer, with subsistence and laundry 1,920.00
123. Two internes, without compensation but with subsistence
124. One nurse, with subsistence and laundry 1,080.00
125. One pharmacist 960.00
126. One general overseer 1,560.00
127. One foreman, mechanical engineer 2,040.00
128. One ranger 1,560.00
129. One farming instructor 1,200.00
130. One farming instructor 1,080.00
131. Two farming instructors at P900 1,800.00
132. One foreman, hog farm 900.00
133. One foreman, building construction 840.00
134. One foreman-machinist 780.00
135. One foreman 840.00
136. One foreman 780.00
137. One foreman 780.00
      Excess of actual salary 10.00
138. Three foremen at P660 1,980.00
139. Five guards at P600 3,000.00
140. For subsistence of employees who are entitled thereto under the provisions of paragraph (11)-(c), General Provisions, Section 7 of Commonwealth Act No. 246, and quarters and laundry: PROVIDED, That the allowances for subsistence, quarters and laundry may be commuted when authorized by the Head of Department and in the case of employees who have, heretofore, been allowed such commutation, and commutation for quarters shall be allowed only while government quarters are not available for the purpose, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding 13,482.00

141. Less — savings to be made (23,710.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Chief of the Office P7,200.00
2. One chief of division 4,800.00
General Service Section
3. One inspector 2,940.00
4. One clerk 2,160.00
5. One clerk-stenographer 1,800.00
6. One clerk 1,440.00
7. Two clerks at P1,200 2,400.00
8. One clerk 1,080.00
9. One clerk 600.00
10. One messenger 600.00
11. One janitor-messenger 600.00
Personnel Section
12. One chief of section 2,160.00
13. One clerk 900.00
14. One clerk 720.00
15. One clerk 660.00
16. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
17. One janitor-messenger 600.00
Records Section
18. One chief of section 1,800.00
19. One clerk 960.00
20. One clerk 660.00
21. One clerk 600.00
22. One janitor-messenger 600.00
Cash Section
23. One cashier and disbursing officer 1,680.00
24. One clerk 600.00
Accounting Section
25. Accounting officer (by detail)
26. One clerk 1,800.00
27. Two clerks at P840 1,680.00
28. One clerk 660.00
29. Five clerks P600 3,000.00
Typewriting and Checking Section
30. One chief of section 1,080.00
31. Nine typists at P720 6,480.00
32. Five typists at P600 3,000.00
33. One clerk 720.00
34. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
35. One janitor-messenger 600.00
36. One register of deeds 1,800.00
37. One clerk 600.00
38. One register of deeds 1,800.00
39. One clerk 600.00
40. One register of deeds 2,400.00
41. One clerk 900.00
42. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
43. One janitor-messenger 600.00
44. One register of deeds 1,800.00
45. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
46. One janitor-messenger 600.00
Baguio and Benguet
47. One register of deeds, with quarters 2,400.00
48. One clerk 720.00
49. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
50. One janitor-messenger 600.00
51. One register of deeds 2,400.00
52. One clerk 720.00
53. One clerk 600.00
54. One janitor-messenger 600.00
55. One clerk 600.00
56. One register of deeds 2,400.00
57. One clerk 840.00
58. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
59. One janitor-messenger 600.00
60. One register of deeds 1,800.00
61. One clerk 600.00
62. One janitor-messenger 600.00
63. One clerk 600.00
64. One register of deeds 3,000.00
65. One clerk 960.00
66. Two clerks at P660 1,320.00
67. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
68. One janitor-messenger 600.00
69. One register of deeds 1,800.00
70. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
Camarines Norte
71. One register of deeds 1,800.00
72. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
Camarines Sur
73. One register of deeds 2,400.00
74. One clerk 720.00
75. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
76. One janitor-messenger 600.00
77. One register of deeds 2,400.00
78. One clerk 720.00
79. One clerk 660.00
80. One clerk 600.00
81. One janitor-messenger 600.00
82. One clerk 720.00
(City and Province)
83. One register of deeds 2,400.00
84. One clerk 840.00
85. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
86. One janitor-messenger 600.00
(City and Province)
87. One register of deeds 3,600.00
88. One clerk 1,200.00
89. One clerk 1,080.00
90. One clerk 900.00
91. One clerk 720.00
92. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
93. One janitor-messenger 600.00
94. One register of deeds 2,400.00
95. One clerk 660.00
96. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
(City and Province)
97. One register of deeds 2,400.00
98. One clerk 840.00
99. One clerk 660.00
100. One clerk 600.00
101. One janitor-messenger 600.00
Ilocos Norte
102. One register of deeds 2,400.00
103. One clerk 720.00
104. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
105. One janitor-messenger 600.00
Ilocos Sur
106. One register of deeds 2,400.00
107. One clerk 720.00
108. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
109. One janitor-messenger 600.00
110. One register of deeds 3,600.00
111. One clerk 1,440.00
112. One clerk 960.00
113. One clerk 720.00
114. Six clerks at P600 3,600.00
115. Two janitor-messengers at P600 1,200.00
116. One register of deeds 2,400.00
117. Three clerks P600 1,800.00
118. One janitor-messenger 600.00
119. One register of deeds 3,000.00
120. One clerk 1,440.00
121. One clerk 720.00
122. One clerk 660.00
123. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
124. One janitor-messenger 600.00
125. One register of deeds 1,800.00
126. One clerk 600.00
La Union
127. One register of deeds 2,400.00
128. One clerk 660.00
129. One clerk 600.00
130. One janitor-messenger 600.00
131. One register of deeds 2,400.00
132. One clerk 960.00
133. One clerk 600.00
134. One janitor-messenger 600.00
135. One register of deeds 5,400.00
136. One deputy register of deeds 3,120.00
137. One clerk 1,800.00
138. One clerk 1,680.00
139. One clerk 1,560.00
140. One clerk 1,440.00
141. Three clerks at P1,320 3,960.00
142. Two clerks P1,080 2,160.00
143. One clerk 900.00
144. One clerk 840.00
145. Three clerks at P780 2,340.00
146. One clerk 720.00
147. One clerk 660.00
148. Five clerks at P600 3,000.00
149. One typist 600.00
150. One clerk-messenger 600.00
151. One messenger 600.00
152. One vault-keeper 600.00
153. One janitor-porter 600.00
154. Two laborers at P600 1,200.00
155. One clerk 600.00
156. One register of deeds 1,800.00
157. One clerk 600.00
158. One register of deeds 1,800.00
159. One clerk 840.00
160. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
Misamis Occidental
161. One register of deeds 1,800.00
162. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
Misamis Oriental
163. One register of deeds 1,800.00
164. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
Mountain Province
165. One clerk 660.00
Negros Occidental and Bacolod City
166. One register of deeds 3,600.00
167. One deputy register of deeds 1,800.00
168. One clerk 1,440.00
169. One clerk 840.00
170. Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
171. One clerk 660.00
172. Eight clerks at P600 4,800.00
173. One janitor-messenger 600.00
174. One janitor 600.00
Negros Oriental
175. One register of deeds 2,400.00
176. One clerk 720.00
177. One clerk 600.00
178. One janitor-messenger 600.00
Nueva Ecija
179. One register of deeds 3,600.00
180. One clerk 960.00
181. One clerk 660.00
182. Seven clerks at P600 4,200.00
183. One janitor-messenger 600.00
Nueva Vizcaya
184. One register of deeds 2,400.00
185. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
186. One janitor-messenger 600.00
187. One clerk 600.00
188. One register of deeds 3,000.00
189. One clerk 900.00
190. One clerk 660.00
191. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
192. One janitor-messenger 600.00
193. One register of deeds 3,600.00
194. One clerk 960.00
195. Six clerks at P600 3,600.00
196. One typist 600.00
197. One janitor-messenger 600.00
Quezon City
198. One register of deeds 2,400.00
199. One clerk 1,440.00
200. One clerk 720.00
201. One clerk-messenger 600.00
Quezon Province
202. One register of deeds 3,000.00
203. One clerk 1,200.00
204. One clerk 720.00
205. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
206. One typist 600.00
207. One janitor-messenger 600.00
208. One register of deeds 3,600.00
209. One clerk 1,320.00
210. One clerk 900.00
211. One clerk 840.00
212. One clerk 660.00
213. Six clerks at P600 3,600.00
214. One typist 600.00
215. One janitor-messenger 600.00
216. One register of deeds (ex-officio provincial fiscal) 1,800.00
217. One clerk 600.00
218. One register of deeds 1,800.00
219. One clerk 720.00
220. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
San Pablo City
221. One clerk 720.00
222. One register of deeds 1,800.00
223. One clerk 600.00
224. One janitor-messenger 600.00
225. One clerk 600.00
226. One register of deeds 1,800.00
227. One clerk 720.00
228. One clerk 600.00
Tagaytay City
229. One clerk 600.00
230. One register of deeds 3,000.00
231. One clerk 900.00
232. Two clerks at P660 1,320.00
233. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
234. One janitor-messenger 600.00
235. One register of deeds 1,800.00
236. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
237. One janitor-messenger 600.00
238. One register of deeds 2,400.00
239. One clerk 1,080.00
240. One clerk 720.00
241. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
242. One janitor-messenger 600.00
Zamboanga City
243. One register of deeds 1,800.00
244. Eight deputy clerks of court at P1,440 11,520.00
245. Three deputy clerks of court at P1,200 3,600.00
246. One deputy clerk of court 1,080.00
247. Two clerks at P900 1,800.00
      Excess of actual salary at P60 120.00
248. Two clerks at P900 1,800.00
249. One clerk 780.00
250. Three clerks at P720 2,160.00
251. Two clerks at P660 1,320.00
      Excess of actual salary at P60 120.00
252. Two clerks at P660 1,320.00
253. Eight clerks at P600 4,800.00
254. Six messengers at P600 3,600.00
255. One chief of division 4,800.00
256. One computer 1,440.00
257. One janitor-messenger 600.00
Plan Examination Section
258. One surveyor and chief of section 3,120.00
259. One surveyor 2,940.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
260. One assistant surveyor 1,560.00
261. One assistant surveyor 1,440.00
Drafting Section
262. One chief of section 1,800.00
263. One computer 840.00
264. Five draftsmen at P720 3,600.00
265. Five draftsmen at P600 3,000.00
266. One janitor-messenger 600.00
Subdivision Plan Section
267. One chief of section 1,560.00
268. One clerk 1,080.00
269. Two clerks at P900 1,800.00
270. One clerk 660.00
271. One computer 900.00
272. One blueprinter 600.00
Publication Section
273. One chief of section 1,320.00
274. One clerk 900.00
275. One clerk 780.00
276. Three clerks at P660 1,980.00
277. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
278. One mimeograph operator 600.00
Ordinary Decree Section
279. One chief of section 1,440.00
280. One clerk 1,200.00
281. One clerk 780.00
Cadastral Decree Section
282. One clerk 1,800.00
283. One clerk 1,440.00
284. One clerk 1,080.00
285. Two clerks at P900 1,800.00
286. One clerk 780.00
287. One clerk 660.00
288. Eight clerks at P600 4,800.00
289. One typist 600.00
290. One messenger 600.00
291. One chief of division 3,960.00
292. One clerk 2,400.00
293. One clerk-stenographer 1,800.00
294. Two clerks at P1,440 2,880.00
295. One clerk 960.00
296. One clerk 780.00
297. One messenger 600.00
298. One chief of division 2,400.00
Documents Section
299. One chief of section 1,080.00
300. One clerk 780.00
301. Three clerks at P720 2,160.00
302. One clerk 660.00
303. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
304. One clerk-typist 600.00
305. One laborer-stitcher 600.00
Vault Section
306. Four vault-keepers at P600 2,400.00
Miscellaneous Section
307. One chief of section 900.00
308. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
309. One chief of division 2,400.00
310. One clerk 1,200.00
311. One clerk 780.00
312. One clerk 600.00
313. One head janitor 660.00
314. Four janitors at P600 2,400.00
315. Two night watchmen at P600 1,200.00

316. Less — savings to be made (34,420.00)
Total .......................................
1. One presiding Judge P11,000.00
2. Two associate Judges at P10,000 20,000.00
3. One chief of division 6,000.00
4. One assistant 3,480.00
5. Two attorneys at P3,120 6,240.00
6. Three attorneys at P2,760 8,280.00
7. Two attorneys at P2,580 5,160.00
8. One attorney 2,400.00
9. One clerk of court 4,200.00
10. One clerk-stenographer 1,200.00
11. One clerk 1,080.00
12. One clerk-messenger 600.00
13. One night watchman 600.00
Administrative Section
14. One chief of section 2,760.00
15. Two deputy clerks of court at P1,920 3,840.00
16. Three deputy clerks of court at P1,800 5,400.00
17. Two interpreters at P1,800 3,600.00
18. One interpreter 1,560.00
19. One interpreter 1,440.00
20. One clerk 840.00
21. One clerk 780.00
22. One docket clerk 660.00
23. One typist 660.00
24. One typist 600.00
25. Five bailiffs at P600 3,000.00
26. One clerk-messenger 600.00
Finance Section
27. One chief of section 2,400.00
28. One collecting and disbursing officer and property custodian 1,920.00
29. One stock clerk 720.00
30. One index clerk 600.00
31. One typist 600.00
32. One janitor and caretaker of the building 600.00
33. Two clerk-messengers at P600 1,200.00
34. Three janitor-messengers at P600 1,800.00
35. One janitor-messenger 600.00
Accounting Section
36. Accounting officer (by detail)
37. One clerk 960.00
38. One clerk 600.00
Stenographers’ Section
39. One court reporter and chief of section 3,120.00
40. One stenographer (bilingual) 2,940.00
41. Two stenographers at P2,400 4,800.00
42. Two stenographers (bilingual) at P2,280 4,560.00
43. Three stenographers at P1,800 5,400.00
44. One stenographer 1,800.00
45. One chief examiner 5,100.00
46. One examiner 3,120.00
47. One examiner 2,160.00
48. Two assistant examiners at P1,320 2,640.00
49. One statistical clerk 1,200.00
50. One statistical clerk 600.00
51. One clerk 840.00
52. One typist 600.00

53. Less — savings to be made (10,510.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Director P7,200.00
2. One assistant to the Director (executive officer and chief of the Investigation Division) 5,100.00
3. One assistant to the Director (evaluation officer and chief of the Administrative Division) 5,100.00
4. One secretary-stenographer (bilingual) 2,760.00
5. One stenographer 1,920.00
6. Chief of division by detail
7. Five district agents at P4,800 24,000.00
8. One district agent at-large 4,800.00
9. Fifty special agents at P3,720 186,000.00
10. Twenty-five field agents at P3,120 78,000.00
11. Twenty-five field agents at P2,400 60,000.00
12. One technical criminal expert (custodian of evidence) 3,720.00
13. One assistant 1,440.00
14. Three jailers at P1,200, with quarters 3,600.00
15. Evaluation officer and chief of division by detail
16. One assistant chief of division 3,720.00
Statistics and Records Section
17. One statistician and chief of section 3,120.00
18. One clerk-statistician 2,400.00
19. One senior record clerk 1,920.00
20. One assistant record clerk 1,800.00
21. Two clerk-statisticians at P1,200 2,400.00
22. One librarian 1,200.00
23. One clerk 960.00
24. Two clerk-filers at P720 1,440.00
Stenographers’ and Typists’ Pool
25. Two stenographers at P2,280 4,560.00
26. Three stenographers at P1,560 4,680.00
27. Ten stenographers at P1,440 14,400.00
28. Four clerk-stenographers at P1,200 4,800.00
29. Three clerk-typists at P960 2,880.00
30. One mimeograph operator 960.00
Craft, Janitorial and Vigilance Section
31. One mechanic and technician 2,400.00
32. Two chauffeurs at P1,200 2,400.00
33. Four janitor-messengers at P720 2,880.00
34. Three watchmen at P720 2,160.00
Cash and Property Section
35. One cashier and disbursing officer 2,400.00
36. One property clerk 1,440.00
37. Two clerk-typists at P780 1,560.00
Photographers’ Pool
38. One photographer in-charge 3,120.00
39. One special photographer 1,800.00
40. Three photographers at P1,200 3,600.00
Accounting Section
41. One accounting officer 2,760.00
42. One clerk-bookkeeper 1,440.00
43. Two clerks at P960 1,920.00
44. One medico-legal expert and chief of division 4,800.00
45. One medico-legal expert 4,200.00
46. Two medico-legal officers at P3,960 7,920.00
47. One medico-legal officer 3,120.00
48. One medico-legal officer 2,400.00
49. One lady nurse 1,440.00
50. Two laboratory technicians at P960 1,920.00
51. Three morgue attendants at P960 2,880.00
52. One clerk-typist 900.00
53. One chemist and chief of division 4,800.00
54. One forensic chemist 3,720.00
55. One chemist-toxicologist 3,720.00
56. Two chemists at P2,400 4,800.00
57. One laboratory assistant 960.00
58. One clerk-typist 900.00
59. One chief of division 4,800.00
60. One fingerprint expert and assistant chief of division 3,720.00
61. Five senior fingerprint technicians at P1,920 9,600.00
62. One senior fingerprint technician 1,800.00
63. One fingerprint operator and in-charge of kardex 1,440.00
64. Four fingerprint operators at P1,200 4,800.00
65. Six assistant fingerprint operators at P960 5,760.00
66. One clerk-typist 960.00
67. One expert and chief of division 4,800.00
68. One document examiner 3,720.00
69. One assistant document examiner 2,400.00
70. One ballistician 3,720.00
71. One assistant ballistician 2,400.00
72. One armory officer 1,920.00
73. One armory assistant 1,200.00
74. One clerk-typist 900.00
75. One chief of division 6,000.00
76. One assistant 3,960.00
Administrative Section
77. One clerk 1,560.00
78. One docket clerk 960.00
79. One stenographer 660.00
80. One stenographer 600.00
81. One clerk 780.00
82. One clerk 720.00
83. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
84. One typist 600.00
85. One messenger 600.00
Legal Section
86. One attorney 1,680.00
87. One attorney 1,320.00
88. One clerk 720.00
89. One messenger 600.00
Enforcement Section
90. One agent 2,760.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
91. One agent 1,680.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
92. One agent 1,440.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
93. Three agents at P960 2,880.00
      Excess of actual salary at P60 180.00
94. Four agents at P840 3,360.00
95. One agent 720.00
96. One agent 600.00
97. One clerk 600.00
98. One helper 600.00

99. Less — savings to be made (2,050.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Commissioner of Immigration P10,000.00
2. One Deputy Commissioner 9,000.00
3. One Deputy Commissioner 8,400.00
4. Three secretaries at P1,440 4,320.00
5. Five chairmen at P3,720 18,600.00
6. Five members at P2,760 13,800.00
7. Five member-secretaries at P2,400 12,000.00
8. Five interpreters at P1,080 5,400.00
9. One administrative officer and secretary of the Commission 5,100.00
10. One assistant 3,960.00
11. One attorney 3,120.00
12. One attorney 2,580.00
13. Two assistants at P2,400 4,800.00
14. One law clerk 1,920.00
15. One law clerk 1,560.00
16. One clerk 1,440.00
17. One clerk 1,200.00
18. One clerk 900.00
19. Two stenographers at P1,200 2,400.00
20. Two stenographers at P960 1,920.00
21. One messenger 600.00
22. Three janitors at P600 1,800.00
23. One helper 600.00
Accounting Section
24. Accounting officer (by detail)
25. One accountant 1,200.00
26. One clerk 780.00
Cash and Property Section
27. One disbursing and collecting officer and property custodian 1,800.00
28. One clerk 1,200.00
Records Section
29. One chief of section 3,120.00
30. One clerk 2,400.00
31. Two clerks at P1,200 2,400.00
32. Three clerks at P1,080 3,240.00
33. Four clerks at P960 3,840.00
34. Two clerks at P840 1,680.00
35. One clerk 720.00
36. Six clerks at P600 3,600.00
37. One messenger 600.00
38. Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
Bond Section
39. One chief of section 2,400.00
40. One clerk 1,440.00
41. Three clerks at P1,080 3,240.00
42. One clerk 960.00
43. One clerk 840.00
44. One clerk 780.00
Cebu Immigration Station
45. One immigrant inspector 2,940.00
46. One messenger 600.00
Davao Immigration Station
47. One immigrant inspector 2,940.00
48. One messenger 600.00
Iloilo Immigration Station
49. One immigrant inspector 2,580.00
50. One messenger 600.00
Zamboanga Immigration Station
51. One immigrant inspector 2,580.00
52. One messenger 600.00
Aparri Immigration Station
53. One immigrant inspector 2,400.00
54. One clerk 960.00
55. One helper 600.00
Vigan Immigration Station
56. One immigrant inspector 2,400.00
57. One clerk 960.00
58. One helper 600.00
Legaspi Immigration Station
59. One immigrant inspector 2,400.00
60. One clerk 960.00
61. One helper 600.00
Tacloban Immigration Station
62. One immigrant inspector 2,400.00
63. One clerk 960.00
64. One helper 600.00
Puerto Princesa Immigration Station
65. One immigrant inspector 2,400.00
66. One clerk 960.00
67. One helper 600.00
Cotabato Immigration Station
68. One immigrant inspector 2,400.00
69. One clerk 960.00
70. One helper 600.00
Jolo Immigration Station
71. One immigrant inspector 2,400.00
72. One clerk 960.00
73. One helper 600.00
Mobile Unit
74. Two confidential agents at P1,920 3,840.00
75. Two confidential agents at P1,440 2,880.00
76. Three fingerprint operators at P1,200 3,600.00
77. One interpreter 960.00
78. One supervisor 5,100.00
79. One assistant 3,960.00
80. One clerk 960.00
Boarding, Investigation and Deportation Service
81. One chief of section 3,720.00
82. One immigrant inspector 2,760.00
83. Five immigrant inspectors at P2,400 12,000.00
84. Five immigrant inspectors at P1,920 9,600.00
85. Five immigrant inspectors at P1,440 7,200.00
86. Five immigrant inspectors at P1,200 6,000.00
Certificate and Registration Service
87. One chief of section 3,720.00
88. One immigrant inspector 2,400.00
89. Five immigrant inspectors at P1,200 6,000.00
90. One interpreter 1,080.00
91. One clerk 1,200.00
92. Four clerks at P960 3,840.00
93. One clerk 720.00
Detention Service
94. One overseer 2,400.00
95. One immigrant inspector 1,440.00
96. One clerk 960.00
97. One clerk 840.00
98. One interpreter 960.00
99. One wardress 840.00
100. One wardress 720.00
101. Five guards at P720 3,600.00
102. Five guards at P600 3,000.00
103. Two watchmen at P720 1,440.00
104. Five janitors at P600 3,000.00
105. Three helpers at P600 1,800.00
Medical Service
106. One medical officer 3,960.00
107. One medical officer 2,400.00
108. One medical officer 1,920.00
109. Two nurses at P960 1,920.00
Fingerprint Section
110. One identification officer 1,920.00
111. One fingerprint technician 1,440.00
112. Two fingerprint operators at P960 1,920.00
113. Two fingerprint operators at P840 1,680.00
114. Five fingerprint operators at P720 3,600.00
115. One photographer 840.00

116. Less — savings to be made (17,230.00)
Total .......................................
Total for salaries and wages ============
1. Traveling expenses of personnel P260,125.00
2. Freight, express and delivery service 16,942.00
3. Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 41,007.00
4. Illumination and power service 21,142.00
5. Rental of buildings and grounds 63,815.00
6. Consumption of supplies and materials: PROVIDED, That out of this appropriation the sum of P200,000 shall be allotted to the Bureau of Prisons over and above the allotment received by the said Bureau for this purpose during the fiscal year 1946 781,802.00
7. Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 21,759.00
8. Contributions and gratuities 18,630.00
9. Traveling expenses of persons not government employees 52,044.00
10. Maintenance and repair of equipment 12,381.00
11. Other services 16,640.00
Total for sundry expenses
1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment 79,300.00
Total for furniture and equipment
1. For sundry expenses in connection with secret service and other contingencies P10,000.00

(a) Confidential expenses in the discretion of the Director of the National Bureau of Investigation P2,500.00
(b) Gratuities and traveling expenses of informants 7,500.00
Total .......................................

2. For the promotion and development of agriculture and industry in penal colonies, and for encouraging and promoting vocational training among the colonists, Act No. 4012, any provision of this Order or of any other existing law to the contrary notwithstanding 51,520.00

(All with quarters in kind and prisoners’ service)

(a) Two industrial supervisors at P1,200 2,400.00
(b) One farming instructor 1,200.00
(c) Five industrial foremen at P780 3,900.00
(d) One horticulturist 780.00
(e) One foreman, piggery 780.00
(f) One foreman, animal husbandry 780.00
(g) Two industrial foremen at P720 1,440.00
(h) One agriculturist-foreman 660.00
(i) One industrial foreman 660.00

(j) Less — savings to be made (740.00)
Total for salaries and wages
(k) Traveling expenses of personnel P300.00
(l) Freight, express and delivery service 100.00
(m) Consumption of supplies and materials 27,550.00
(n) Cash contributions and gratuities 5,500.00
(o) Other services 100.00

(p) Less — savings to be made (740.00)
Total for sundry expenses
(q) For the purchase of furniture and equipment P1,850.00
Total for furniture and equipment
(r) For the construction of chicken laying houses, hog pens and other structures P5,000.00
Total for special expenses

3. For expenses of law enforcement in cases of agrarian conflicts in accordance with the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 413 92,000.00

(a) One chief attorney P6,000.00
(b) One supervising attorney 4,200.00
(c) One assistant supervising attorney 3,720.00
(d) One chief clerk 3,720.00
(e) One attorney 3,480.00
(f) The attorneys at P2,940 8,820.00
(g) Ten attorneys at P2,400 24,000.00
(h) Nine attorneys at P1,800 16,200.00
(i) One agent 1,800.00
(j) Five agents at P1,200 6,000.00
(k) One agent 900.00
(l) One property custodian 1,200.00
(m) Two stenographers at P1,200 2,400.00
(n) One docket clerk 1,200.00
(o) Four clerk-stenographers at P720 2,880.00
(p) One clerk 600.00
(q) One messenger 600.00
(r) Two janitors at P600 1,200.00

(s) Less — savings to be made (5,380.00)
Total for salaries and wages
(t) Traveling expenses of personnel P6,300.00
(u) Freight, express and delivery service 250.00
(v) Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 860.00
(w) Rental of buildings and grounds 1,800.00
(x) Consumption of supplies and materials 1,710.00
(y) Traveling expenses of persons not government employees 580.00
(z) Other services 1,630.00

(a-1) Less savings to be made (5,380.00)
Total for sundry expenses
(b-1) For the purchase of furniture and equipment P710.00
Total for furniture and equipment

4. For the operating expenses, including salaries and wages, sundry expenses, and furniture and equipment, of the People’s Court in carrying out the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 682: PROVIDED, That no part of this appropriation shall be available for creating new positions nor for increasing the compensations authorized for existing positions 466,260.00

(a) Fifteen judges at P10,000 P150,000.00
(b) Fifteen stenographers-at-large at P2,940 44,100.00
(c) One clerk of court 6,000.00
(d) One assistant clerk of court and chief clerk 4,500.00
(e) One stenographer 2,400.00
(f) Ten stenographers-at-large at P2,400 24,000.00
(g) Two interpreters at-large at P1,800 3,600.00
(h) One senior clerk 2,400.00
(i) One legal researcher 2,400.00
(j) One personnel clerk 1,440.00
(k) One record clerk 1,440.00
(l) One docket clerk 1,320.00
(m) Four special guards at P900 3,600.00
(n) Two janitor-messengers at P720 1,440.00
Accounting Section
(o) One accounting officer 3,120.00
(p) One clerk 1,440.00
(q) One clerk 960.00
(r) One clerk 720.00
(s) One chief of division 4,500.00
(t) One assistant chief of division and ex-officio cashier and disbursing officer 2,400.00
(u) One property clerk 1,800.00
(v) One clerk 1,440.00
(w) Two clerks at P1,200 2,400.00
(x) One clerk 960.00
(y) One head janitor and watchman, with free quarters, light and water service 960.00
(z) Two laborers at P720 1,440.00
(a-1) One deputy clerk of court 3,120.00
(b-1) One interpreter 2,400.00
(c-1) One clerk 1,440.00
(d-1) One docket clerk 1,320.00
(e-1) One clerk 1,200.00
(f-1) One clerk 960.00
(g-1) One bailiff 900.00
(h-1) Two janitor messengers at P720 1,440.00
(i-1) One deputy clerk of court 3,120.00
(j-1) One interpreter 2,400.00
(k-1) One clerk 1,440.00
(l-1) One docket clerk 1,320.00
(m-1) One clerk 1,200.00
(n-1) One clerk 960.00
(o-1) One bailiff 900.00
(p-1) Two janitor-messengers at P720 1,440.00
(q-1) One deputy clerk of court 3,120.00
(r-1) One interpreter 2,400.00
(s-1) One clerk 1,440.00
(t-1) One docket clerk 1,320.00
(u-1) One clerk 1,200.00
(v-1) One clerk 960.00
(w-1) One bailiff 900.00
(x-1) Two janitor-messengers at P720 1,440.00
(y-1) One deputy clerk of court 3,120.00
(z-1) One interpreter 2,400.00
(a-2) One clerk 1,440.00
(b-2) One docket clerk 1,320.00
(c-2) One clerk 1,200.00
(d-2) One clerk 960.00
(e-2) One bailiff 900.00
(f-2) Two janitor-messengers at P720 1,440.00
(g-2) One deputy clerk of court 3,120.00
(h-2) One interpreter 2,400.00
(i-2) One clerk 1,440.00
(j-2) One docket clerk 1,320.00
(k-2) One clerk 1,200.00
(l-2) One clerk 960.00
(m-2) One bailiff 900.00
(n-2) Two janitor-messengers at P720 1,440.00
(o-2) One chief of division 3,300.00
(p-2) One assistant 2,400.00
(q-2) Two assistants at P1,440 2,880.00
(r-2) Twenty service deputies at P900 18,000.00
Total for salaries and wages
(s-2) Traveling expenses of personnel P40,000.00
(t-2) Freight, express and delivery service 1,000.00
(u-2) Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 1,500.00
(v-2) Illumination and power service 1,000.00
(w-2) Consumption of supplies and materials 33,250.00
(x-2) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 2,000.00
(y-2) Maintenance and repair of equipment 5,000.00
(z-2) Other services 1,000.00
Total for sundry expenses
(a-3) For the purchase of furniture and equipment P14,250.00
Total for furniture and equipment
(b-3) For the employment of such number of laborers from time to time as the need for them arises P1,000.00
(c-3) For subsistence of detained persons and other contingencies 5,000.00
Total for special expenses

5. For the operating expenses, including salaries and wages, sundry expenses, and furniture and equipment, of the Office of Special Prosecutors in carrying out the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 682: PROVIDED, That no part of this appropriation shall be available for creating new positions nor for increasing the compensations authorized for existing positions 660,310.00
(a) The Solicitor General (Head of Office).
(b) Twenty-four special prosecutors at P7,200 P172,800.00
(c) One chief of division 3,960.00
(d) One assistant 3,720.00
(e) Five legal researcher-attorneys at P2,400 12,000.00
(f) Four legal researchers at P2,400 9,600.00
(g) Two stenographers at P1,800 3,600.00
(h) Two janitor-messengers at P720 1,440.00
(i) One chief of division 3,720.00
(j) One assistant 3,120.00
(k) Seventy-one agents at P2,400 170,400.00
(l) One stenographer 1,800.00
(m) One janitor 720.00
(n) One chief of division 3,120.00
(o) One assistant 2,400.00
(p) Two clerks at P1,800 3,600.00
(q) One cashier and disbursing officer 2,400.00
(r) One personnel clerk 1,440.00
(s) Three clerks at P1,440 4,320.00
(t) Three clerk-typists at P1,440 4,320.00
(u) Four guards at P960 3,840.00
(v) Four janitor-messengers at P720 2,880.00
Records and Docket Section
(w) One chief of section 2,400.00
(z) One docket clerk 1,440.00
(y) One clerk-typist 1,440.00
(z) One clerk-filer 1,320.00
Stenographers Section
(a-1) One chief of section 2,400.00
(b-1) Three stenographers at P2,400 7,200.00
(c-1) Seventeen stenographers at P1,800 30,600.00
Transportation Section
(d-1) One clerk-in-charge of transportation 1,440.00
(e-1) Two chauffeur-mechanics at P1,800 3,600.00
(f-1) Three chauffeurs at P1,200 3,600.00
Total for salaries and wages
(g-1) Traveling expenses of personnel P100,000.00
(h-1) Freight, express and delivery service 1,000.00
(i-1) Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 1,500.00
(j-1) Illumination and power service 1,000.00
(k-1) Consumption of supplies and materials 28,500.00
(l-1) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 1,500.00
(m-1) Traveling expenses of persons not government employees 25,000.00
(n-1) Maintenance and repair of equipment 10,000.00
(o-1) Other services 1,500.00
Total for sundry expenses
(p-1) For the purchase of furniture and equipment P14,250.00
Total for furniture and equipment
(q-1) For the employment of such number of laborers from time to time as the need for them arises P420.00
(r-1) For contingent discretionary expenses to be spent at the discretion of the Solicitor General as head of the Office of Special Prosecutors 5,000.00
Total for special expenses

6. For the organization and operation of liaison offices between the United States Army, Navy or other agencies or instrumentalities of the Government of the United States established in the Philippines and the Government of the Philippines to help veterans, widows and orphans of Filipino citizens who served in the Armed Forces of the United States, and Filipino citizens who suffered losses and/or damages not exceeding P2,000 on account of war operations, in the enforcement of their claims by reason of such services and/or losses or damages, and for the training of personnel for the purpose 183,360.00
(a) One executive officer P6,000.00
(b) One assistant and attorney 3,960.00
(c) One stenographer 1,440.00
(d) One messenger 600.00
(e) Two attorneys at P3,120 6,240.00
(f) Four attorneys at P2,400 9,600.00
(g) One stenographer 1,440.00
(h) One messenger 600.00
Claims Section
(i) One chief of section 3,480.00
(j) Five attorneys at P3,120 15,600.00
(k) Nine attorneys at P2,400 21,600.00
(l) Twenty attorneys at P1,800 36,000.00
(m) Four stenographers at P1,440 5,760.00
(n) Ten typists at P600 6,000.00
(o) Two messengers at P600 1,200.00
Administrative and Records Section
(p) One chief of section 3,120.00
(q) One clerk 1,920.00
(r) One clerk 1,440.00
(s) One disbursing and collecting and property officer 1,800.00
(t) Two clerks at P960 1,920.00
(u) Three typists at P600 1,800.00
(v) Four janitors at P600 2,400.00
Accounting Section
(w) One clerk 1,440.00
Total for salaries and wages
(x) Traveling expenses of personnel P25,000.00
(y) Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 5,000.00
(z) Illumination and power service 500.00
(a-1) Rental of buildings and grounds 4,800.00
(b-1) Consumption of supplies and materials 7,000.00
(c-1) Maintenance and repair of equipment 200.00
(d-1) Other services 500.00
Total for sundry expenses
(e-1) For the purchase of furniture and equipment P5,000.00
Total for furniture and equipment

7. For publication expenses of notices of the Courts of First Instance in connection with the reconstruction of judicial records during the war, pursuant to Act No. 3110 5,000.00
8. For the operating expenses of the Code Commission created under Executive Order No. 48, dated March 20, 1947 60,000.00

Salaries and Wages
(a) One Chairman P12,000.00
(b) Two members at P10,000 (full time) 20,000.00
(c) Two members at P5,000 (part time) 10,000.00
(d) One secretary to the Commission and administrative officer 5,100.00
(e) Two stenographers at P2,400 4,800.00
(f) Two typists at P1,200 2,400.00
(g) One messenger 720.00
(h) One janitor 600.00
Total for salaries and wages
(i) Traveling expenses of personnel P500.00
(j) Postal, telephone, telegraph, cable and radio service 100.00
(k) Consumption of supplies and materials 2,400.00
(l) Other services 500.00
Total for sundry expenses
Furniture and Equipment
(m) For the purchase of furniture and equipment P880.00
Total for furniture and equipment

9. For allowances, transportation and other expenses of employees of the Bureau of Investigation to be sent as pensionados to the United States 10,000.00
10. For salaries and wages of temporary and emergency employees who may be needed for the registration of aliens 49,820.00

(a) One supervisor P5,100.00
Manila Registration Station
(b) One assistant 3,960.00
(c) One registration clerk 2,400.00
(d) One registration clerk 1,920.00
(e) One identification officer 2,400.00
(f) One confidential agent 1,440.00
(g) Two fingerprint technicians at P1,440 2,880.00
(h) One stenographer 1,440.00
(i) One interpreter 960.00
(j) Two fingerprint operators at P960 1,920.00
(k) Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
(l) One driver 960.00
(m) Three watchmen at P600 1,800.00
(n) Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
Mobile Unit
(o) Two registration clerks at P1,440 2,880.00
(p) Three fingerprint operators at P960 2,880.00
(q) One confidential agent 1,800.00
(r) One confidential agent 1,440.00
(s) Three agents at P960 2,880.00
(t) Six clerks at P960 5,760.00
(u) Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
(v) Two helpers at P600 1,200.00

(w) Less — savings to be made (830.00)
Total for salaries and wages
For the purchase of furniture and equipment P550.00
Total for furniture and equipment

11. For the salaries and other expenses of supplementary personnel for the fixing and enforcement of schedules of rates and for supervision and regulation of the operation of motor vehicles and other services which have been granted certificate of public convenience or certificate of public convenience and necessity by the Public Service Commission under Commonwealth Act No. 146 65,505.00
To be paid out of the receipts under subsections D and E
of section 40 of Commonwealth Act No. 146

(a) One chief, inspection section P3,120.00
(b) One assistant chief, transportation division 3,120.00
(c) One assistant chief, industrial division 3,120.00
(d) One accountant 3,120.00
(e) Two district inspectors at P2,400 4,800.00
(f) One examiner 2,400.00
(g) One stenographer 2,940.00
(h) One stenographer 2,280.00
(i) One stenographer 1,920.00
(j) One record clerk 1,440.00
(k) Forty agents at P720 28,800.00
(l) One clerk 720.00
(m) One clerk 660.00

(n) Less — savings to be made (900.00)
Total for salaries and wages
(o) Traveling expenses of personnel P6,500.00
(p) Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 160.00
(q) Consumption of supplies and materials 1,015.00

(r) Less — savings to be made (900.00)
Total for sundry expenses
(s) For the purchase of furniture and equipment P1,190.00
Total for furniture and equipment

12. For salaries and wages of the personnel of the Standardizing Meter Laboratory pursuant to the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 349, employed throughout the year 9,620.00
To be paid out of the Standardizing Meter Laboratory Revolving Fund (9,620.00)

(a) One electrical engineer P3,960.00
(b) One mechanical or electrical engineer 3,120.00
(c) Four meter testers at P720 2,880.00
(d) One clerk 720.00
(e) One clerk 600.00

(f) Less — savings to be made (1,660.00)
Total for salaries and wages

13. For salaries and wages of the personnel of the Bureau of Prisons — Industrial Division and the Salvage Warehouse employed throughout the year, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding 34,820.00
To be paid out of the Bureau of Prisons —
Industrial Division and Salvage
Warehouse Revolving Fund

(All with quarters in kind and prisoners’ service)
(a) One manager of industrial division P5,100.00
Cost Section
(b) One chief of section 1,920.00
(c) One clerk 900.00
(d) Two clerks at P660 1,320.00
Sales Section
(e) One chief of section 1,320.00
(f) One clerk 840.00
(g) One chauffeur 720.00
Purchase and Supply Section
(h) One chief of section 1,080.00
(i) One clerk 780.00
Machine and Vehicle Repair Shop — Section A
(j) One shop supervisor 1,800.00
(k) One automobile mechanic 1,320.00
Hardwood Furniture Shop — Section B
(l) One shop supervisor 2,400.00
(m) One foreman 840.00
Maintenance and Repair Shop — Section C
(n) One shop supervisor 1,800.00
Rattan and Bamboo Furniture Shop — Section D
(o) One shop supervisor 1,800.00
Tailor Shop — Section F
(p) One shop supervisor 1,440.00
Laundry Shop — Section G
(q) One shop supervisor 1,440.00
Salvage Warehouse
(r) One inspector 2,400.00
(s) One inspector 1,200.00
(t) One mechanic 1,920.00
Accounting Section
(u) One accountant 2,400.00
(v) One clerk 1,320.00
(w) One clerk 720.00
(x) One clerk 600.00

(y) Less — savings to he made (2,560.00)
Total for salaries and wages

Total for special purposes P1,588,270.00
Total for salaries and wages P5,232,624.00
Total for sundry expenses 1,306,287.00
Total for furniture and equipment 79,300.00
Total for special purposes 1,588,270.00
Less — savings to be made (386,990.00)
Total amount available for the Department of Justice

1. With the approval of the Secretary of Justice, any unexpended balance of any appropriation of the Department of Justice may be used to cover a deficit in the appropriation for postage stamps for mailing notices of land registration cases and for publication of such notices in the Official Gazette.

2. When a province or chartered city, by reason of financial stress, is forced to declare a general reduction of the salaries of its officials and employees, the difference between the salary authorized by law for the provincial or city fiscal and the amount made available therefor by virtue of said reduction may, with the approval of the President of the Philippines, be paid from the savings of the appropriations for the Department of Justice herein provided, any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding.

3. When the position of provincial sheriff is, or becomes, vacant in any province, the clerk of court shall automatically become ex officio provincial sheriff without additional compensation.

I. — Salaries and Wages
1. One Secretary of Department P12,000.00
2. One Undersecretary of Department 9,000.00
3. One agricultural assistant 5,100.00
4. One private secretary 5,100.00
5. One assistant private secretary 2,400.00
6. One administrative officer 6,000.00
7. One assistant 3,960.00
8. One personnel clerk 2,280.00
9. One disbursing and collecting officer 1,560.00
10. One property custodian 1,440.00
11. One clerk 2,760.00
12. One clerk 2,400.00
13. One clerk 2,040.00
14. One clerk 1,800.00
15. One clerk 1,560.00
16. One clerk 1,080.00
17. One clerk 960.00
18. One clerk 900.00
19. One clerk 900.00
20. One clerk 900.00
21. Two clerks at P840 1,680.00
22. Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
23. One clerk 720.00
24. One clerk 660.00
25. One clerk 660.00
26. One clerk 600.00
27. One stenographer 720.00
28. One helper 600.00
29. Three helpers at P600 1,800.00
30. Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
32. One helper 600.00
33. One head janitor 1,200.00
34. One janitor 600.00
35. One skilled laborer at P5.50 per day for 300 days 1,650.00
36. Three skilled laborers at P5 per day for 300 days 4,500.00
37. Seven semi-skilled laborers at P3 per day for 300 days 6,300.00
Accounting Section
38. Accounting officer (by detail).
39. One accountant 2,400.00
40. One clerk 960.00
41. One helper 600.00
42. One chief of division 5,100.00
43. One investigator 5,100.00
44. One assistant 3,960.00
45. One attorney 2,940.00
46. One attorney 2,040.00
47. One clerk 1,800.00
48. One clerk 840.00
49. One chief of division 5,100.00
50. One technical assistant 3,720.00
51. One assistant 2,400.00
52. One stenographer 1,200.00
53. One chief of division 4,200.00
54. One assistant chief of division 3,480.00
Editorial Section
55. One associate editor 2,940.00
56. One associate editor 2,760.00
57. One associate editor 2,280.00
58. One assistant editor 2,040.00
59. One junior editor 960.00
60. One junior editor 660.00
61. One clerk 900.00
Subscription and Mailing Section
62. One clerk 1,080.00
63. One clerk 600.00
64. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
65. One janitor 600.00
Photographic and Illustrating Section
66. One chief of section 780.00
67. One photographer 780.00
68. One photographer 600.00
69. One clerk 600.00
70. One artist 900.00
71. One artist 600.00
72. One artist 600.00
73. One helper 600.00
Duplicating Section
74. One duplicator 660.00
75. One multigraph operator 600.00
76. Three multigraph operators at P600 1,800.00
Bindery Section
77. One binder 1,320.00
78. One binder 600.00
79. One binder 600.00
80. Two binders at P600 1,200.00
81. One chief of division 6,000.00
82. One soil chemist 3,720.00
83. One soil physicist 3,120.00
84. Two junior soil technologists at P1,560 3,120.00
85. One junior soil biologist 1,440.00
86. One soil technician 960.00
87. One soil technician 780.00
88. One soil technician 720.00
89. Two farm mechanics at P960 1,920.00

90. Less — savings to be made (8,530.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Director P7,200.00
2. One chief of division 4,200.00
3. One assistant chief of division 2,760.00
General Service Section
4. One clerk 1,800.00
5. One clerk 840.00
6. One clerk 720.00
7. One clerk 660.00
8. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
9. Two skilled laborers at P600 1,200.00
10. Two laborers at P600 1,200.00
Records Section
11. One chief of section 2,400.00
12. One clerk 960.00
13. One clerk 840.00
14. Two clerks at P660 1,320.00
15. One clerk 600.00
16. Four messengers at P600 2,400.00
17. One skilled laborer 720.00
18. One skilled laborer 660.00
19. One laborer 600.00
Property Section
20. One chief of section 1,920.00
21. One clerk 960.00
22. One clerk 720.00
23. Six laborers at P600 3,600.00
Cashier’s Office
24. One disbursing and collecting officer 1,920.00
25. One clerk 600.00
Agricultural Reference Section
26. One associate agronomist 3,720.00
27. One junior agronomist 1,200.00
28. One clerk 840.00
29. One clerk 660.00
30. One skilled laborer 900.00
Accounting Section
31. One accounting officer 3,960.00
32. One accountant-bookkeeper 1,920.00
33. Two clerks at P840 1,680.00
34. One clerk 720.00
35. One skilled laborer 720.00
36. One chief of division 5,100.00
Agronomy Research Section
37. One chief of section 3,960.00
38. One junior agronomist 1,800.00
39. One junior agronomist 1,440.00
40. Two junior agronomists at P1,320 2,640.00
41. Three junior agronomists at P1,080 3,240.00
42. One assistant in agronomy 900.00
43. Two assistants in agronomy at P720 1,440.00
44. One clerk 720.00
45. Three laborers at P600 1,800.00
Horticulture Research Section
46. One chief of section 2,940.00
47. One assistant agronomist 1,920.00
48. Three junior agronomists at P1,800 5,400.00
49. Two junior agronomists at P1,560 3,120.00
50. Three junior agronomists at P1,080 3,240.00
51. One junior agronomist 960.00
52. Three laborers at P600 1,800.00
Plant Breeding and Introduction Section
53. One assistant agronomist 2,280.00
54. One assistant agronomist 2,160.00
55. One assistant in agronomy 720.00
56. One laborer 600.00
57. One chief of division 5,100.00
58. One assistant chief of division 4,200.00
59. One junior agronomist 1,320.00
60. Two junior agronomists at P1,200 2,400.00
61. One clerk 600.00
62. One laborer 600.00
Farmers’ Conferences and Agricultural Fairs Section
63. One assistant agronomist 2,400.00
64. One junior agronomist 1,320.00
Field Service Section
65. One associate agronomist 3,720.00
66. Four junior agronomists at P1,200 4,800.00
67. One junior agronomist 1,080.00
Rural Improvement Section
68. One assistant agronomist 2,280.00
69. Three junior agronomists at P1,800 5,400.00
70. Two junior agronomists at P1,440 2,880.00
71. One junior agronomist 1,200.00
72. Five laborers at P600 3,000.00
73. One chief of division 6,000.00
74. One assistant chief of division 4,500.00
Plant Pathology Section
75. One chief of section 3,120.00
76. One associate plant pathologist 3,720.00
77. One assistant plant pathologist 2,940.00
78. One assistant plant pathologist 2,760.00
      Excess of actual salary 40.00
79. One assistant plant pathologist 2,280.00
80. One junior plant pathologist 1,800.00
81. One junior agronomist 1,680.00
82. One junior agronomist 1,080.00
83. One scientific research assistant 1,080.00
84. One scientific research assistant 960.00
85. One scientific research assistant 780.00
86. Four laborers at P600 2,400.00
Entomology Section
87. One junior agronomist 1,800.00
88. One junior agronomist 1,680.00
89. One junior agronomist 1,320.00
90. Three junior agronomists at P1,200 3,600.00
91. One junior agronomist 1,080.00
92. One assistant in agronomy 900.00
93. Two junior plant sanitation inspectors at P1,080 2,160.00
94. One junior plant sanitation inspector 720.00
95. One junior plant sanitation inspector 600.00
96. Five laborers at P600 3,000.00
Plant Quarantine Section
97. One chief of section 2,280.00
98. One junior agronomist 1,680.00
99. One junior agronomist 1,320.00
100. One junior plant sanitation inspector 1,080.00
101. One junior plant sanitation inspector 600.00
102. Two laborers at P600 1,200.00
Cebu Plant Quarantine Office
103. One junior plant sanitation inspector 660.00
104. One laborer 600.00
Iloilo Plant Quarantine Office
105. One junior agronomist 1,200.00
Zamboanga Plant Quarantine Office
106. One junior agronomist 1,320.00
Davao Plant Quarantine Office
107. One assistant in agronomy 900.00
Farm Management and Seed Production Division
108. One chief of division 5,100.00
109. One assistant agronomist 2,940.00
110. One junior agronomist 1,440.00
111. One junior agronomist 1,080.00
112. Three laborers at P600 1,800.00
Seed and Plant Distribution Section
113. One junior agronomist 1,320.00
114. One junior agronomist 960.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
115. One laborer 600.00
Experiment and Propagation Stations and Seed Farms
116. One associate agronomist 3,720.00
117. Two assistant agronomists at P2,940 5,880.00
118. One assistant agronomist 2,280.00
119. One assistant agronomist 2,040.00
120. One assistant agronomist 1,920.00
121. One junior agronomist 1,680.00
122. Three junior agronomists at P1,320 3,960.00
123. Two junior agronomists at P1,080 2,160.00
124. One assistant in agronomy 840.00
125. Two assistants in agronomy at P780 1,560.00
126. One assistant in agronomy 600.00
127. One clerk 660.00
128. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
129. Three foremen at P600 1,800.00
130. One watchman 600.00
131. Seventy laborers at P600 42,000.00
Agricultural Engineering Section
132. One assistant agronomist 2,400.00
133. One junior agronomist 1,200.00
134. One junior draftsman 660.00
135. One skilled laborer 780.00
136. Two skilled laborers at P720 1,440.00
137. One skilled laborer 660.00
138. One skilled laborer 600.00
139. Twelve laborers at P600 7,200.00
140. One chief of division 5,100.00
141. One supervising home economics agent 2,400.00
142. One laboratory helper 600.00
Food Preparation and Preservation Section
143. One home economics agent 1,200.00
144. Three home economics agents at P900 2,700.00
145. One home economics agent 720.00
146. Two home economics agents at P660 1,320.00
147. Two home economics agents at P600 1,200.00
148. One demonstrator 1,320.00
149. One demonstrator 660.00
150. Two demonstrators at P600 1,200.00
151. Three laboratory helpers at P600 1,800.00
152. One clerk 660.00
153. One laborer 600.00
Home Extension Section
154. One home economics agent 1,200.00
155. One home economics agent 900.00
156. One home economics agent 840.00
157. Two home economics agents at P720 1,440.00
158. One home economics agent 600.00
Food Technology Section
159. One junior food technologist 1,440.00
160. One home economics agent 1,080.00
161. One home economics agent 720.00
162. One assistant in agronomy 660.00
163. Two laboratory helpers at P600 1,200.00
164. For emergency laborers needed at the various experiment and propagation stations at rates ranging from P1.50 to P5 each per day 9,800.00
165. Less — saving to be made (20,610.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Director P7,200.00
2. One clerk 1,200.00
3. One chief of division 5,100.00
4. One assistant chief of division 3,960.00
5. One cashier and disbursing officer 1,800.00
6. One copy editor 1,440.00
7. One clerk 1,080.00
8. One clerk 720.00
Personnel and General Service Section
9. One chief of section 1,800.00
10. One clerk 840.00
11. One foreman 720.00
12. Four watchmen at P600 2,400.00
13. One laborer 600.00
14. One janitor 660.00
Property Section
15. One chief of section 2,400.00
16. One clerk 1,440.00
17. Four clerks at P660 2,640.00
18. One foreman 840.00
19. One blacksmith 900.00
      Excess of actual salary 360.00
20. Two skilled laborers at P660 1,320.00
21. One skilled laborer 600.00
22. Two laborer-carpenters at P600 1,200.00
Records Section
23. One chief of section 1,800.00
24. One clerk 1,320.00
25. One clerk 660.00
26. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
27. One illustrator 600.00
28. One skilled laborer 660.00
Accounting Section
29. One accounting officer 3,960.00
30. One accountant-bookkeeper 1,920.00
31. One clerk 1,200.00
32. One clerk 960.00
33. One clerk 900.00
34. One chief of division 6,000.00
35. One assistant chief of division 4,200.00
36. One veterinarian 4,200.00
37. One clerk 840.00
38. Eight livestock inspectors at P720 5,760.00
39. Thirty-three livestock inspectors at P600 19,800.00
Animal Quarantine Section
40. One supervising veterinarian 4,200.00
41. Three veterinarians at P2,940 8,820.00
42. One veterinarian 2,760.00
43. Three veterinarians at P2,400 7,200.00
44. One veterinarian 2,280.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
45. One assistant veterinarian 2,280.00
46. One assistant veterinarian 2,160.00
47. Two assistant veterinarians at P2,040 4,080.00
48. One assistant veterinarian 1,920.00
49. Six assistant veterinarians at P1,800 10,800.00
50. One assistant veterinarian 1,560.00
51. Two assistant veterinarians at P1,320 2,640.00
52. One livestock inspector 1,200.00
53. One livestock inspector 900.00
      Excess of actual salary 180.00
54. Four livestock inspectors at P900 3,600.00
55. Two livestock inspectors at P840 1,680.00
56. Four livestock inspectors at P780 3,120.00
57. Three livestock inspectors at P720 2,160.00
58. One livestock inspector 660.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
59. Five livestock inspectors at P660 3,300.00
60. Three livestock inspectors at P600 1,800.00
Meat and Dairy Farm Inspection Section
61. One veterinarian 2,940.00
62. One assistant veterinarian 2,040.00
63. Two assistant veterinarians at P1,440 2,880.00
64. One assistant zootechnist 1,440.00
65. One chief of division 6,000.00
66. One assistant chief of division 4,500.00
67. One veterinarian 5,100.00
68. One pathologist 3,120.00
69. One clerk 1,320.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
70. One laborer 600.00
Biological Products Section
71. One chief of section 2,400.00
72. One livestock inspector 900.00
73. One foreman 780.00
74. One machinist 600.00
75. One laboratory technician 960.00
76. One laboratory technician 720.00
77. One skilled laborer 720.00
78. One laborer 660.00
79. Five laborers at P600 3,000.00
80. Two grooms at P600 1,200.00
Bacterial Diseases Section
81. One chief of section 1,920.00
82. One machinist 660.00
83. Two grooms at P660 1,320.00
84. Three laborers at P600 1,800.00
Virus Diseases Section
85. One chief of section 2,400.00
86. One chemist 2,280.00
87. One chemist 1,920.00
88. One livestock inspector 720.00
89. Two livestock inspectors at P660 1,320.00
90. One machinist 1,080.00
91. One laboratory helper 720.00
92. Two laboratory helpers at P600 1,200.00
93. Two laborers at P600 1,200.00
Parasitic Diseases Section
94. One veterinary entomologist 2,280.00
95. One assistant veterinarian 1,560.00
96. One livestock inspector 660.00
97. One laboratory helper 600.00
98 One laborer 600.00
99. One chief of division 5,100.00
100. One assistant chief of division 4,200.00
101. One supervising zootechnist 2,940.00
102. One clerk 960.00
103. One illustrator 600.00
104. One foreman 840.00
Large and Small Animals Section
105. One clerk 660.00
Poultry Section
106. One veterinarian 2,580.00
107. One clerk 720.00
Animal Nutrition Section
108. One superintendent 1,920.00
109. Two livestock inspectors at P600 1,200.00
110. One saddler 660.00
111. One laborer 780.00
112. One laborer 600.00
Stock Farms and Breeding Stations
Alabang Stock Farm
113. One superintendent 2,400.00
114. One zootechnist 2,280.00
115. One livestock extension officer 1,560.00
116. One foreman 900.00
      Excess of actual salary 420.00
117. One foreman 780.00
118. One tractor operator 720.00
119. Two semi-skilled laborers at P660 1,320.00
      Excess of actual wage at P60 120.00
120. Nine laborers at P600 5,400.00
Bongabon Stock Farm
121. One superintendent 2,400.00
122. One tractor operator 600.00
123. One laborer 600.00
Malaybalay Stock Farm
124. One superintendent 2,280.00
125. One foreman 660.00
126. One tractor operator 600.00
Cebu Breeding Station
127. One zootechnist 1,440.00
128. Two laborers at P600 1,200.00
Laguna Breeding Station
129. One superintendent 1,800.00
Sorsogon Breeding Station
130. One superintendent 1,440.00
Tarlac Breeding Station
131. One superintendent 1,920.00
Ubay Stock Farm
132. Two laborers at P600 1,200.00
Abra Breeding Station
133. One groom 600.00
Batangas Breeding Station
134. One groom 600.00
Ilocos Norte Breeding Station
135. One groom 600.00
Ilocos Sur Breeding Station
136. One laborer 600.00
La Carlota Breeding Station
137. Three laborers at P600 1,800.00
La Union Breeding Station
138. One zootechnist 960.00
139. One chief of division 5,100.00
140. One assistant chief of division 4,200.00
Meat Section
141. One chief of section 2,400.00
142. One assistant veterinarian 1,440.00
143. One skilled laborer 660.00
144. One laborer 600.00
Milk Section
145. One chief of section 1,560.00
146. One chief of division 5,100.00
147. One assistant chief of division 4,200.00
148. One livestock extension officer 1,680.00
149. Two livestock extension officers at P1,440 2,880.00
150. One livestock inspector 720.00
151. One clerk 840.00

152. Less — savings to be made (20,760.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Director P7,200.00
2. One senior forester and chief of division 5,100.00
3. One assistant chief of division 4,200.00
4. One disbursing and collecting officer 1,800.00
5. One clerk 1,200.00
6. One clerk 960.00
7. Two clerks at P900 1,800.00
8. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
9. One helper 600.00
Public Relations Station
10. One assistant forester 2,940.00
11. One assistant forester 2,760.00
12. One ranger 1,200.00
13. One ranger 960.00
14. One ranger 900.00
15. One scientific aide 900.00
General Service Section
16. One chief of section 1,800.00
17. One clerk 840.00
18. One clerk 660.00
19. One clerk 600.00
20. One janitor 600.00
21. Two watchmen at P600 1,200.00
22. Nine helpers at P600 5,400.00
Records Section
23. One chief of section 1,560.00
24. One clerk 900.00
25. One clerk 840.00
26. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
27. Six messengers at P600 3,600.00
28. One helper 720.00
29. Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
Property Section
30. One property custodian 1,560.00
31. One clerk 900.00
32. One clerk 720.00
33. One clerk 660.00
34. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
35. Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
Legal Section
36. One junior forester 2,280.00
37. One ranger 1,320.00
38. One clerk 840.00
Stenographers and Typists Section
39. One clerk 1,200.00
40. One clerk 840.00
41. Three clerks at P720 2,160.00
42. One clerk 660.00
43. Twenty clerks at P600 12,000.00
Accounting Section
44. One accounting officer 4,200.00
45. One accountant 2,400.00
46. One clerk 1,800.00
47. One clerk 1,200.00
48. One clerk 1,080.00
49. One clerk 960.00
50. One clerk 720.00
51. One helper 600.00
52. One senior forester and chief of division 5,100.00
53. One silviculturist and assistant chief of division 5,100.00
54. One wood technologist 4,500.00
55. One senior forester 4,200.00
56. One forester 3,300.00
57. One forester 3,120.00
58. Four rangers at P1,200 4,800.00
59. Two rangers at P960 1,920.00
60. One senior forest guard 900.00
61. One forest guard 600.00
62. One clerk 840.00
63. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
Silvics and Silviculture Section
64. One silviculturist 3,300.00
65. One assistant logging engineer 1,800.00
66. One supervising ranger 2,040.00
67. One senior ranger 1,800.00
68. One ranger 1,080.00
69. One senior forest guard 900.00
70. One forest guard 660.00
71. Five nurserymen at P600 3,000.00
Forest Products Section
72. One assistant forester 2,940.00
73. One senior ranger 1,800.00
74. One ranger 1,200.00
75. One ranger 1,080.00
76. Two rangers at P900 1,800.00
77. One senior forest guard 900.00
78. One forest guard 660.00
79. Two forest guards at P600 1,200.00
80. One mechanic 660.00
81. One carpenter 600.00
82. One helper 840.00
83. Ten helpers at P600 6,000.00
Forest Protection Section
84. One forest entomologist 3,720.00
85. One forest pathologist 3,480.00
86. One senior ranger 1,800.00
87. One ranger 900.00
88. One senior forest guard 900.00
89. Six forest guards at P600 3,600.00
90. Four helpers at P600 2,400.00
91. One senior forester and chief of division 5,400.00
92. One senior forester and assistant chief of division 4,500.00
93. One forester 3,480.00
94. One clerk 900.00
Working Plans Section
95. One senior forester 3,960.00
96. One ranger 960.00
97. Two rangers at P900 1,800.00
98. Two forest guards at P600 1,200.00
Special Uses Section
99. One ranger 1,320.00
100. One ranger 900.00
101. One clerk 840.00
Forest Claims and Registration Section
102. Four rangers at P1,080 4,320.00
103. One forest guard 600.00
104. One clerk 840.00
105. One clerk 600.00
Game and Wildlife Section
106. One ranger 960.00
107. One game aide 660.00
108. One senior forester and chief of division 5,100.00
109. One senior forester and assistant chief of division 4,500.00
Forest Reconnaissance and Land Classification Section
110. One assistant logging engineer 1,800.00
111. Two rangers at P1,080 2,160.00
112. Four rangers at P900 3,600.00
113. Two forest guards at P600 1,200.00
114. One clerk 600.00
Forest Surveys and Maps Section
115. One senior ranger 1,800.00
116. One ranger 900.00
117. One topographical draftsman 1,680.00
118. Three topographical draftsmen at P1,200 3,600.00
119. One topographical draftsman 960.00
120. Two topographical draftsmen at P900 1,800.00
121. One topographical draftsman 840.00
122. One topographical draftsman 720.00
123. Eighteen topographical draftsmen at P600 10,800.00
124. Three blueprinters at P600 1,800.00
125. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
Forest Improvement Section
126. One junior forester 2,280.00
127. Two rangers at P960 1,920.00
128. One forest guard 600.00
Forest Statistics Section
129. One senior ranger 1,440.00
130. One clerk 600.00
Afforestation and Reforestation Section
131. One ranger 960.00
132. One ranger 900.00
133. One forest guard 600.00
Cooperative Planting Section
134. One ranger 960.00
135. Two forest guards at P600 1,200.00
136. One clerk 600.00
137. Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
138. One senior forester and chief of division 6,000.00
139. One senior forester and assistant chief of division 4,500.00
License Section
140. One assistant forester 2,940.00
141. Two senior rangers at P1,800 3,600.00
142. One ranger 1,080.00
143. Eight rangers at P900 7,200.00
144. Four forest guards at P600 2,400.00
145. Two clerks at P960 1,920.00
146. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
Special Use Permits Section
147. One ranger 1,080.00
148. Three rangers at P900 2,700.00
149. One forest guard 600.00
150. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
151. One senior forester and chief of division 5,100.00
152. One senior forester and assistant chief of division 4,200.00
153. One clerk 2,400.00
154. One clerk 1,800.00
Lumber Grading and Inspection Section
155. One senior forester and chief lumber inspector 4,200.00
156. Three foresters and lumber inspectors at P3,120 9,360.00
Sawmills and Scaling Section
157. One assistant forester 2,940.00
158. Three senior rangers at P1,800 5,400.00
159. Six rangers at P900 5,400.00
160. Two senior forest guards at P900 1,800.00
161. Three forest guards at P600 1,800.00
162. One forester 3,300.00
163. Eight foresters at P3,120 24,960.00
164. Two assistant foresters at P2,940 5,880.00
165. Thirteen assistant foresters at P2,400 31,200.00
166. Ten assistant foresters and check scalers at P2,400 24,000.00
167. Six junior foresters at P2,280 13,680.00
168. Fifteen junior foresters at P1,920 28,800.00
169. One senior ranger 1,800.00
170. Seven senior ranger-scalers at P1,800 12,600.00
171. Ten senior ranger-scalers at P1,680 16,800.00
172. Ten senior ranger-scalers at P1,560 15,600.00
173. Fifteen ranger-scalers at P1,440 21,600.00
174. Eleven rangers at P1,320 14,520.00
175. Twenty ranger-scalers at P1,320 26,400.00
176. Twenty-five ranger-scalers at P1,200 30,000.00
177. Fifteen rangers at P1,200 18,000.00
178. Ten rangers at P1,080 10,800.00
179. Twenty-five rangers at P960 24,000.00
180. Two hundred thirty-nine rangers at P900 215,100.00
181. Fifteen senior forest guards at P900 13,500.00
182. Five senior forest guards at P840 4,200.00
183. Twenty-five forest guards at P720 18,000.00
184. Four forest guards at P660 2,640.00
185. Ninety forest guards at P600 54,000.00
186. One clerk 840.00
187. Three clerks at P660 1,980.00
188. Ten clerks at P600 6,000.00
189. Seven computers at P600 4,200.00
190. One nurseryman 600.00
191. Forty-seven helpers at P600 28,200.00
192. Two hundred fifty firewardens at P12 per season each 3,000.00
193. Emergency helpers 310.00

194. Less — savings to be made (55,860.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Director P7,200.00
2. One administrative officer 6,000.00
3. One division inspector 5,100.00
4. Four division inspectors at P4,200 16,800.00
5. One supervisor 3,960.00
6. One clerk 1,920.00
7. One clerk 600.00
8. One chief of division 5,100.00
9. One assistant chief of division 4,200.00
10. One clerk 1,800.00
      Excess of actual salary 240.00
11. One helper 600.00
General Service Section
12. One clerk 2,400.00
13. One clerk 1,680.00
14. One clerk 1,440.00
15. One clerk 1,320.00
16. One clerk 1,200.00
17. One clerk 1,080.00
18. One clerk 900.00
19. Seven clerks at P600 4,200.00
20. Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
21. Three watchmen at P660 1,980.00
22. One watchman 600.00
23. Nine janitors at P600 5,400.00
Cash and Collection Section
24. One disbursing and collecting officer 2,400.00
25. One clerk 1,920.00
26. One clerk 1,200.00
27. One clerk 960.00
28. One clerk 900.00
      Excess of actual salary 180.00
29. One clerk 900.00
30. One clerk 720.00
31. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
32. One messenger 600.00
Property Section
33. One property custodian 2,400.00
34. One clerk 1,920.00
35. One clerk 1,800.00
36. One clerk 720.00
37. One clerk 660.00
38. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
39. One messenger 600.00
40. One carpenter 900.00
      Excess of actual wage 300.00
41. One carpenter 660.00
      Excess of actual wage 180.00
42. One carpenter 660.00
      Excess of actual wage 120.00
43. One helper 600.00
      Excess of actual wage 120.00
44. Five helpers at P600 3,000.00
45. One chief of division 5,100.00
46. One assistant chief of division 3,960.00
47. One helper 600.00
Section of Public Land Records
48. One chief of section 3,480.00
49. One clerk 2,400.00
50. One clerk 1,680.00
51. Four clerks at P1,200 4,800.00
52 Two clerks at P900 1,800.00
53. Two clerks at P840 1,680.00
54. Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
55. Two clerks at P660 1,320.00
56. Nine clerks at P600 5,400.00
57. Thirteen helpers at P600 7,800.00
Section of Survey Records
58. One clerk 2,400.00
59. One clerk 1,800.00
60. One clerk 1,200.00
61. One clerk 900.00
62. One clerk 720.00
63. One clerk 660.00
64. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
65. Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
General Records Section
66. One clerk 2,160.00
67. One clerk 1,440.00
68. One clerk 1,200.00
69. One clerk 1,080.00
70. One clerk 720.00
71. One clerk 660.00
72. Five clerks at P600 3,000.00
73. Three helpers at P600 1,800.00
74. One accounting officer 4,800.00
75. One clerk 2,400.00
76. One clerk 1,680.00
77. One clerk 1,320.00
78. One clerk 1,200.00
79. Three clerks at P720 2,160.00
80. One helper 600.00
81. One chief of division 6,000.00
82. One assistant chief of division 4,200.00
83. One special investigator 3,120.00
84. One public lands inspector 1,800.00
85. One assistant public lands inspector 1,440.00
86. One clerk 1,200.00
87. One clerk 660.00
88. One helper 600.00
Sales and Leases Section
89. One chief of section 3,120.00
90. One assistant public lands inspector 1,920.00
91. One assistant public lands inspector 1,320.00
92. Six assistant public lands inspectors at P1,200 7,200.00
93. One assistant public lands inspector 900.00
94. One clerk 1,800.00
95. One clerk 1,200.00
96. One clerk 720.00
97. One clerk 660.00
98. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
99. One helper 600.00
Homesteads and Free Patents Section
100. One chief of section 3,120.00
101. One public lands inspector 1,920.00
102. One assistant public lands inspector 1,560.00
103. Three assistant public lands inspectors at P1,320 3,960.00
104. Five assistant public lands inspectors at P1,200 6,000.00
105. One junior public lands inspector 600.00
106. One clerk 900.00
107. One clerk 720.00
Miscellaneous Disposition Section
108. One chief of section 2,400.00
109. One public lands inspector 1,920.00
110. Two assistant public lands inspectors at P1,200 2,400.00
111. Eleven junior public lands inspectors at P600 6,600.00
112. One clerk 1,320.00
113. One clerk 900.00
114. One clerk 840.00
115. One clerk 720.00
116. Five clerks at P600 3,000.00
117. One helper 600.00
118. One attorney and chief of division 6,000.00
119. Two attorneys at P4,800 9,600.00
120. One attorney 4,500.00
121. One attorney 3,720.00
122. One attorney 2,400.00
123. One helper 600.00
Land Registration Section
124. One chief of section 3,720.00
125. One attorney 3,120.00
126. Two attorneys at P2,400 4,800.00
127. One attorney 1,800.00
128. Two attorneys at P1,200 2,400.00
129. One clerk 1,200.00
130. One clerk 1,080.00
131. One clerk 900.00
132. Two clerks at P840 1,680.00
133. One clerk 720.00
134. One clerk 660.00
Claims and Conflicts Section
135. One chief of section 3,720.00
136. One attorney 2,760.00
137. One attorney 2,400.00
138. One attorney 2,280.00
139. One attorney 2,040.00
140. Six attorneys at P1,200 7,200.00
141. One clerk 1,200.00
142. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
143. One chief of division 6,000.00
144. One assistant 4,500.00
145. One surveyor 3,960.00
146. One surveyor 3,480.00
147. One surveyor 2,940.00
148. One clerk 840.00
149. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
150. One helper 600.00
Computing Section
151. One chief of section 3,720.00
152. One clerk 2,280.00
153. One geodetic engineer 1,680.00
154. Five assistant computers at P1,440 7,200.00
155. One assistant computer 1,320.00
156. Three assistant computers at P1,200 3,600.00
157. Three junior computers at P900 2,700.00
158. Four junior computers at P840 3,360.00
159. Five junior computers at P720 3,600.00
160. Fifty-eight junior computers at P600 34,800.00
Drafting Section
161. One chief of section 3,720.00
162. One assistant surveyor 1,560.00
163. One topographical draftsman 2,940.00
164. One topographical draftsman 2,280.00
165. One topographical draftsman 1,800.00
166. Eight assistant topographical draftsmen at P1,440 11,520.00
167. Two assistant topographical draftsmen at P1,320 2,640.00
168. Four assistant topographical draftsmen at P1,200 4,800.00
169 One assistant topographical draftsman 1,080.00
170. One assistant topographical draftsman 960.00
171. Seven junior topographical draftsmen at P900 6,300.00
172. Three junior topographical draftsmen at P840 2,520.00
173. Three junior topographical draftsmen at P720 2,160.00
174. Thirty-five junior topographical draftsmen at P600 21,000.00
175. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
176. One helper 600.00
Survey Coordination and Costs Section
177. One chief of section 2,940.00
178. One clerk 2,400.00
179. Two clerks at P1,800 3,600.00
180. One clerk 1,440.00
181. One clerk 1,200.00
182. One clerk 960.00
183. One clerk 900.00
184. Two clerks at P840 1,680.00
185. Three clerks at P720 2,160.00
186. Twenty-two clerks at P600 13,200.00
187. Five helpers at P600 3,000.00
188. Two blueprinters at P600 1,200.00
Surveying School
189. One surveyor and instructor 3,720.00
190. One surveyor and instructor 2,940.00
191. One surveyor and instructor 1,800.00
192. One assistant surveyor 1,320.00
193. Eight apprentice surveyors at P420 3,360.00
194. Thirty apprentice surveyors at P300 9,000.00
195. Twenty district land officers at P3,120 62,400.00
196. Ten provincial land officers at P2,400 24,000.00
197. One surveyor 2,940.00
198. Four surveyors at P2,760 11,040.00
199. One surveyor 2,400.00
200. One surveyor 2,040.00
201. Six assistant surveyors at P1,800 10,800.00
202. Four assistant surveyors at P1,680 6,720.00
203. Twenty assistant surveyors at P1,320 26,400.00
204. Thirty assistant surveyors at P1,200 36,000.00
205. Nine junior surveyors at P840 7,560.00
206. One junior surveyor 600.00
207. Six public lands inspectors at P1,800 10,800.00
208. One assistant public lands inspector 1,320.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
209. Twenty-five assistant public lands inspectors at P1,200 30,00.00
210. One junior public lands inspector 900.00
211. Twenty-four junior public lands inspectors at P660 15,840.00
212. Sixteen junior public lands inspectors at P600 9,600.00
213. One assistant computer 1,200.00
214. One junior computer 900.00
215. One junior computer 840.00
216. One junior computer 660.00
      Excess of actual salary 180.00
217. One junior computer 660.00
218. Sixty junior computers at P600 36,000.00
219. One junior topographical draftsman 960.00
220. One junior topographical draftsman 840.00
221. Twenty-two junior topographical draftsmen at P600 13,200.00
222. Twenty-one clerks at P600 12,600.00
223. One surveyman 900.00
224. One surveyman 780.00
225. One surveyman 720.00
226. Fourteen surveymen at P600 8,400.00
227. Fifty-one chainmen at P600 30,600.00
228. One foreman 600.00
229. Thirty-four rodmen at P600 20,400.00
230. One helper 660.00
      Excess of actual wage 60.00
231. Sixty-four helpers at P600 38,400.00

232. Less — savings to be made (73,480.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Director P7,200.00
2. Additional salary for the Director, subject to the approval of the President, section 5 (a) – (4), Commonwealth Act No. 402 1,800.00
3. One chief of division 6,000.00
4. Two senior geologists at P5,100 10,200.00
5. One geologist 4,800.00
6. One geologist 4,200.00
7. One geologist 4,200.00
8. Two geologists at P3,960 7,920.00
9. Three assistant geologists at P3,120 9,360.00
10. Two assistant geologists at P2,580 5,160.00
11. Three junior geologists at P1,920 5,760.00
12. Two geologic aides at P1,440 2,880.00
13. One geologic aide 1,200.00
14. One junior topographical draftsman 1,440.00
15. One junior topographical draftsman 960.00
16. Two typists at P840 1,680.00
17. One helper 660.00
18. One helper 600.00
19. One chief of division 6,000.00
20. One chief attorney 4,200.00
21. One mineral land inspector 4,200.00
22. Two mining attorneys at P3,120 6,240.00
23. One mining attorney 2,400.00
24. One mining attorney 2,280.00
25. Two clerks at P1,800 3,600.00
26. One clerk 1,680.00
27. One stenographer 1,440.00
28. One stenographer 1,200.00
29. Two stenographers at P1,080 2,160.00
30. One clerk 600.00
Mineral Lands and Topographic Survey Division
31. One chief of division 5,100.00
32. One mineral land surveyor 1,800.00
33. One junior surveyor 960.00
34. One clerk 1,200.00
Verification and Computation Section
35. One mineral land surveyor 2,580.00
36. One junior surveyor 960.00
37. One junior computer 720.00
38. One clerk 660.00
39. One clerk 600.00
Topographic Drafting and Mapping Section
40. One assistant topographical draftsman 1,440.00
41. One junior topographical draftsman 960.00
42. One junior topographical draftsman 720.00
43. One junior topographical draftsman 600.00
44. One clerk 600.00
Field Service
45. One mineral land surveyor 3,120.00
46. Three mineral land surveyors at P2,760 8,280.00
47. One assistant mineral land surveyor 1,800.00
48. Two assistant mineral land surveyors at P1,200 2,400.00
49. One clerk 600.00
50. One junior topographical draftsman 720.00
51. One junior topographical draftsman 600.00
52. For temporary and emergency employees, including skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers 20,000.00
53. One chief of division 6,000.00
54. One clerk 960.00
Mining Section
55. One senior mining engineer 5,100.00
56. One mining engineer 4,500.00
57. One mining engineer 3,300.00
58. One assistant mining engineer 2,940.00
59. One assistant mining engineer 2,400.00
60. One junior mining engineer 1,800.00
Metallurgical Section
61. One metallurgist 4,500.00
62. One metallurgist 2,940.00
63. One assistant metallurgist 1,800.00
61. One assayer 1,320.00
65. One helper 720.00
66. One helper 660.00
67. One helper 600.00
68. One chief of division 3,960.00
69. One senior clerk 2,400.00
70. One disbursing and collecting officer 1,920.00
Accounting Section
71. Accounting officer (by detail).
72. One accountant 1,920.00
73. One clerk 960.00
74. One clerk 720.00
Property Section
75. One property custodian 1,920.00
76. One clerk 720.00
Records Section
77. One chief of section 1,920.00
78. One clerk 960.00
79. One clerk 840.00
80. One clerk 780.00
81. One clerk 720.00
General Service Section
82. One chief of section 1,920.00
83. One clerk 840.00
84. Two janitors at P600 1,200.00

85. Less — savings to be made (15,490.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Director P7,200.00
2. One chief of division 5,100.00
3. One assistant 3,120.00
4. One cashier and disbursing officer 1,800.00
5. One property clerk 1,800.00
6. One record clerk 1,800.00
7. One clerk 840.00
8. One clerk 600.00
9. One clerk 600.00
10. One clerk 600.00
11. One clerk 600.00
12. One helper 660.00
13. Eight helpers at P600 4,800.00
14. One helper 600.00
15. One watchman 600.00
Accounting Section
16. One accountant 1,800.00
17. One clerk 720.00
18. One chief of division 6,000.00
19. One fishery technologist 2,940.00
20. One fishery technologist 2,280.00
21. Two scientific aides at P1,200 2,400.00
22. One chief of division 5,100.00
23. One ichthyologist 2,760.00
24. One ichthyologist 2,280.00
25. One assistant ichthyologist 1,800.00
26. Chief of division (by detail).
27. Zoologist (by detail).
28. One ichthyologist 2,400.00
29. One junior preparator 600.00
30. One laboratory helper 600.00
31. One laboratory helper 600.00
32. One chief of division 5,100.00
33. One fishery inspector 2,400.00
34. One supervising fish warden 2,400.00
35. Five fish wardens at P1,200 6,000.00
36. Three fish wardens at P900 2,700.00
37. One fish warden 840.00
38. Ten fish wardens at P660 6,600.00

39. Less — savings to be made (4,300.00)
Total ....................................... P84,740.00
Total for salaries and wages ============
1. Traveling expenses of personnel P266,000.00
2. Freight, express and delivery service 16,610.00
3. Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 54,000.00
4. Illumination and power service 18,400.00
5. Rental of buildings and grounds 42,180.00
6. Consumption of supplies and materials 164,500.00
7. Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 45,000.00
8. Traveling expenses of persons not government employees 400.00
9. Maintenance and repair of equipment 6,300.00
10. Other services 15,690.00
Total for sundry expenses
1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment P20,620.00
Total for furniture and equipment
1. For the purchase of seeds and other planting materials, as well as the cost of their propagation and distribution to increase agricultural production P500,000.00
2. For the continuation of the soil survey of the Philippines in accordance with the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 418 120,000.00
3. For the operation and maintenance of the Philippine School of Fisheries, including the acquisition of one training ship 400,000.00
4. For the experimentation and production of fertilizers 50,000.00
5. For the intensification of the campaign for the control and eradication of agricultural pests and diseases, including the purchase of insecticides, fungicides, etc. 260,450.00

(a) One entomologist P3,120.00
(b) One assistant agronomist 2,940.00
(c) One assistant agronomist 2,760.00
(d) Two assistant agronomists at P2,400 4,800.00
(e) Two assistant entomologists at P2,400 4,800.00
(f) One junior agronomist 1,320.00
(g) Two junior agronomists at P1,200 2,400.00
(h) Two junior agronomists at P1,080 2,160.00
(i) Two junior agronomists at P960 1,920.00
(j) One assistant in agronomy 900.00
(k) Four assistants in agronomy at P720 2,880.00
(l) Five assistants in agronomy at P660 3,300.00
(m) Thirty-one assistants in agronomy at P600 18,600.00
(n) One foreman at P4.80 a day for 300 days 1,440.00
(o) Five foremen at P3 a day each for 300 days 4,500.00
(p) Three foremen at P2.40 a day each for 300 days 2,160.00
(q) Six foremen at P2 a day each for 300 days 3,600.00
(r) One mechanic 840.00
(s) Six foremen at P600 3,600.00
(t) One stenographer 960.00
(u) One clerk 600.00
(v) One laborer 600.00
(w) For emergency laborers at rates not exceeding P5 each per day including bonus 4,560.00
Total for salaries and wages
(x) Traveling expenses of personnel P55,000.00
(y) Freight, express and delivery service 4,000.00
(z) Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 1,000.00
(a-1) Consumption of supplies and materials 28,870.00
(b-1) Maintenance and repair of equipment 400.00
Total for sundry expenses P89,270.00
(c-1) For the purchase of furniture and equipment P20,000.00
Total for furniture and equipment
(d-1) Insular aid to provinces P76,420.00
Total for special expenses

6. For the establishment, improvement, development, maintenance and operation of agricultural experiment and demonstration stations under the provisions of section 1754 of the Administrative Code 286,230.00

(a) One senior agricultural engineer P6,000.00
(b) One agricultural engineer 3,720.00
(c) Two assistant agricultural engineers at P1,920 3,840.00
(d) One mechanic 1,800.00
Central Experiment Station
(e) One senior agronomist 6,000.00
(f) One senior horticulturist 6,000.00
(g) One senior plant breeder 5,100.00
(h) Two agronomists at P4,800 9,600.00
(i) One agronomist 3,120.00
(j) Two assistant’ agronomists at P2,400 4,800.00
(k) One assistant agronomist 1,920.00
(l) One food technologist 2,400.00
(m) One food technologist 1,920.00
(n) One plant pathologist 1,920.00
(o) One agent 1,200.00
(p) One agent 960.00
(q) One entomologist 960.00
(r) One horticulturist 960.00
(s) One assistant in agronomy 900.00
(t) Two clerks at P960 1,920.00
(u) Two typists at P600 1,200.00
(v) One watchman 960.00
(w) One driver 720.00
(x) One helper 720.00
(y) Three helpers at P600 1,800.00
Maligaya Rice Experiment Station
(z) One superintendent 2,400.00
(a-1) One foreman 960.00
La Granja Sugar Cane Experiment Station
(b-1) One superintendent 3,120.00
(c-1) One assistant agronomist 1,200.00
(d-1) One junior plant pathologist 960.00
(e-1) One junior entomologist 960.00
(f-1) One disbursing and collecting officer and property custodian 720.00
(g-1) One foreman 960.00
(h-1) Two guards at P720 1,440.00
Mindanao Experiment Station
(i-1) One superintendent 1,920.00
(j-1) One junior horticulturist 1,200.00
(k-1) One disbursing and collecting officer and property custodian 720.00
(l-1) One guard 720.00
(m-1) For temporary and emergency skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled helpers employed from time to time at the different experiment and propagation stations at rates ranging from P1.50 to P5 a day 36,360.00
Total for salaries and wages
(n-1) Traveling expenses of personnel P6,160.00
(o-1) Freight, express and delivery service 3,340.00
(p-1) Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 1,120.00
(q-1) Illumination and power service 1,200.00
(r-1) Consumption of supplies and materials 24,800.00
(s-1) Maintenance and repair of equipment 1,680.00
(t-1) Other services 26,500.00
Total for sundry expenses
(u-1) For the purchase of farm machinery, implements and laboratory and office equipment P50,500.00
(v-1) For the purchase of work animals and other farm implements 6,750.00
Total for furniture and equipment
(w-1) For the construction and repair of buildings, canals, roads, irrigation system, drainage and other improvements and for the purchase and survey of land P40,100.00
Total for special expenses

7. For the purchase and production of breeding animals in connection with the campaign for increased meat production 500,000.00
8. For restocking of breeding stations and stock farms 300,000.00
9. For the operation and maintenance of the Sisiman Quarantine Station and Slaughterhouse 37,200.00

(a) One superintendent P4,800.00
(b) One veterinarian 2,400.00
(c) One inspector 960.00
(d) One inspector 720.00
(e) One disbursing and collecting officer 960.00
(f) One clerk 720.00
(g) One mechanic 720.00
(h) Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
(i) Six laborers at P600 3,600.00
(j) Two watchmen at P600 1,200.00
(k) Emergency laborers to be employed from time to time 920.00
Total for salaries and wages
(l) Traveling expenses of personnel P1,000.00
(m) Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 200.00
(n) Illumination and power service 1,000.00
(o) Consumption of supplies and materials 2,000.00
(p) Other services 1,000.00
Total for sundry expenses
(q) For the purchase of furniture and equipment P13,800.00
Total for furniture and equipment

10. For the eradication and control of hog cholera and other dangerous and communicable diseases of swine and fowls, including payment for animals and birds and supplies and materials utilized for purposes of experimentation, breeding or vaccination; for veterinary research experiments in animal husbandry and in the utilization of animal products, including the purchase of scientific and other equipment needed in the researches, experiments and in the control of diseases of swine and fowls, as well as for sundry expenses, and for the construction, repair and maintenance of sheds, barns, hog pens, runs, chicken houses and segregation crates; and for contributions and gratuities, including the manufacture and purchase of anti-sera, vaccine, viruses, and other biological products for the control of epizootics; purchase of animals, supplies, materials, equipment, working apparels in the laboratory, and all incidental expenses required in their propagation or manufacture; the improvement of the plant and buildings in which the epizootics are manufactured, as well as the grounds adjacent thereto; the repair, alteration and maintenance of the corrals and sheds for vaccine, serum and experimental animals; the payment of membership dues in, or contributions to, scientific organizations; and the distribution of young animals for propagation, to be allotted by the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources 36,560.00
(a) One pathologist P2,400.00
(b) One chemist 1,440.00
(c) One machinist 1,440.00
Total for salaries and wages

(d) Consumption of supplies and materials P7,200.00
(e) Maintenance and repair of equipment 600.00
Total for sundry expenses
(f) For the purchase of furniture and equipment P5,000.00
Total for furniture and equipment
(g) For the purchase of breeding and experimental animals and poultry P18,480.00
Total for special expenses

11. For the eradication and control of anthrax, rinderpest, foot-and-mouth and other animal diseases, Acts Nos. 3119, 3166 and 3825 and Commonwealth Act No. 134, including payment for animals utilized for purposes of experimentation, breeding or vaccination 58,360.00

(a) Four veterinarians at P1,440 P5,760.00
(b) Five veterinarians at P1,320 6,600.00
(c) One livestock inspector 1,200.00
(d) Nine livestock inspectors at P900 8,100.00
(e) Three livestock inspectors at P660 1,980.00
(f) Twenty-one livestock inspectors at P600 12,600.00
(g) One technician 600.00
(h) Two helpers at P600 1,200.00

(i) Less — savings to be made (1,880.00)
Total for salaries and wages
(j) Traveling expenses of personnel P6,000.00
(k) Freight, express and delivery service 380.00
(l) Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 1,650.00
(m) Rental of buildings and grounds 240.00
(n) Consumption of supplies and materials 7,660.00
(o) Maintenance and repair of equipment 2,870.00
(p) Other services 300.00
Total for sundry expenses
(q) For the purchase of furniture and equipment P3,100.00
Total for furniture and equipment

12. For expenses of the Bureau of Forestry to continue the reforestation and afforestation of watersheds, denuded areas and cogon or open lands within forest reserves, communal forests, national parks and timber lands, sand dunes and such other areas already certified as public forest lands, in accordance with the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 304 200,000.00
13. For expenses of the Bureau of Forestry to continue the classification and survey of agricultural lands of the public domain, specially those lying along the national highways, in accordance with Commonwealth Acts Nos. 627 and 630 100,000.00
14. For expenses of the Bureau of Lands to continue the classification, survey and subdivision of agricultural lands of the public domain, specially those lying along the national highways, in accordance with Commonwealth Acts Nos. 627 and 630 750,000.00
15. For expenses in connection with the conservation of the fishery resources and for the promotion and development of the fishing industry, Act No 4003, as amended by Commonwealth Acts Nos. 115, 297 and 471 62,060.00
To be paid out of the receipts under Act No. 4003 (62,060.00)

(a) One zoologist P4,500.00
(b) One zoologist 4,200.00
(c) One fishery technologist 3,120.00
(d) Seven assistant fishery technologists at P1,080 7,560.00
(e) One fishery inspector 2,040.00
(f) One assistant fishery inspector 1,560.00
(g) One assistant ichthyologist 1,200.00
(h) One agent 1,080.00
(i) One illustrator 1,080.00
(j) Eight fish wardens at P600 4,800.00
(k) Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
(l) Eighteen helpers at P600 10,800.00
(m) Two watchmen at P600 1,200.00

(n) Less — savings to be made (2,020.00)
Total for salaries and wages
(o) Traveling expenses of personnel P2,600.00
(p) Freight, express and delivery service 650.00
(q) Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 540.00
(r) Illumination and power service 100.00
(s) Consumption of supplies and materials 4,750.00
(t) Maintenance and repair of equipment 500.00
(u) Other expenses for the promotion of fishery industry to include construction and maintenance of fishponds and fish propagation, rescue and conservation projects, including wages of laborers and sundry expenses 10,000.00
Total for sundry expenses

16. For the maintenance, operation and improvement of National Parks, Act No. 3915 14,790.00
To be paid out of the receipts under Act No. 3915 (14,790.00)

(a) Eight forest guards at P600 P4,800.00
(b) Emergency laborers at not exceeding P2 per day each 4,500.00

(c) Less — savings to be made (410.00)
Total for salaries and wages
(d) Traveling expenses of personnel P2,000.00
(e) Consumption of supplies and materials 1,140.00
Total for sundry expenses
(f) Construction, maintenance and repair of roads, trails and buildings P2,760.00
Total for special expenses

17. For the protection, conservation and propagation of game birds, mammals and other useful animals, Act No. 2590, as amended by Commonwealth Act No. 491 23,590.00
To be paid out of the receipts
under Commonwealth Act No. 491

(a) One game supervisor P1,800.00
(b) Three game wardens at P1,440 4,320.00
(c) Seven game wardens at P960 6,720.00
(d) Two game wardens at P720 1,440.00
(e) Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
(f) One driver 600.00

(g) Less — savings to be made (840.00)
Total for salaries and wages
(h) Traveling expenses of personnel P3,350.00
(i) Freight, express and delivery service 100.00
(j) Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 150.00
(k) Consumption of supplies and materials 380.00
(l) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 90.00
(m) Rental of buildings and grounds 150.00
(n) Other services 80.00
Total for sundry expenses
(o) For the purchase of furniture and equipment P2,850.00
Total for furniture and equipment

18. For the verification of surveys submitted by private land surveyors to the Bureau of Lands, Act No. 3950, payable from the receipts, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding 14,000.00
To be paid out of the receipts under Act No. 3950 (14,000.00)

(a) Ten junior computers at P720 P7,200.00
(b) Ten junior topographical draftsmen at P720 7,200.00

(c) Less — savings to be made (400.00)


19. For salaries and wages of the personnel of the Seed Farms employed throughout the year for carrying out the provisions of Act No. 3443, as amended 74,220.00
To be paid out of the Seed Farms Fund, Act No. 3443 (74,220.00)

(a) One superintendent P3,720.00
(b) One assistant agronomist 2,160.00
(c) Two junior agronomists at P1,320 2,640.00
(d) One junior agronomist 1,080.00
(e) One assistant in agronomy 720.00
(f) One clerk 720.00
(g) Two foremen at P660 1,320.00
(h) One driver 600.00
(i) Three helpers at P720 2,160.00
(j) Six helpers at P600 3,600.00
(k) Four watchmen at P600 2,400.00
(l) For temporary and emergency skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers at rates ranging from P1.50 to P5 per day each 57,920.00

(m) Less — savings to be made (4,820.00)
Total .......................................

20. For the personnel of the Stock Farms, Breeding Stations, Slaughterhouses and Animal Products Fund, Act No. 2758, as amended by Act No. 3632 and Commonwealth Act No. 86, employed throughout the year 25,950.00
To be paid out of the Stock Farms,
Breeding Stations, Slaughterhouses and
Animal Products Fund, Act No. 2758, as amended

Central Office
(a) One clerk P900.00
(b) One laborer 600.00
Accounting Section
(c) Two clerks at P660 1,320.00
Alabang Stock Farm
(d) One helper 600.00
Boñgabon Stock Farm
(e) One foreman 660.00
      Excess of actual wage 60.00
(f) One clerk 600.00
(g) One groom 600.00
(h) One cowboy 600.00
(i) One helper 600.00
Dumarao Stock Farm
(j) One superintendent 1,200.00
(k) Two cowboys at P600 1,200.00
(l) Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
Malaybalay Stock Farm
(m) One foreman 600.00
(n) Two grooms at P600 1,200.00
(o) Four cowboys at P600 2,400.00
Ubay Stock Farm
(p) Seven cowboys at P600 4,200.00
(q) Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
Cebu Breeding Station
(r) One helper 600.00
Ilocos Norte Breeding Station
(s) One groom 600.00
Ilocos Sur Breeding Station
(t) One helper 600.00
(u) One driver 600.00
Laguna Breeding Station
(v) One groom 600.00
La Union Breeding Station
(w) One groom 600.00
(x) One cowboy 600.00
Marinduque Breeding Station
(y) One helper 600.00
Nueva Vizcaya Breeding Station
(z) One helper 600.00
Pangasinan Breeding Station
(a-1) One cowboy 600.00
Sorsogon Breeding Station
(b-1) One helper 600.00
Tarlac Breeding Station
(c-1) One groom 600.00

(d-1) Less — savings to be made (990.00)
Total .......................................

21. For the personnel of the Philippine Livestock Promotion Fund for carrying out the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 118, employed throughout the year 91,100.00
To be paid out of the Philippine Livestock
Promotion Fund, Commonwealth Act No. 118

Animal Husbandry
(a) One zootechnist P2,940.00
(b) One veterinarian 2,280.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
(c) One assistant veterinarian 1,200.00
(d) Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
(e) One zootechnist 2,280.00
(Large and Small Animals)
(f) One clerk 600.00
(g) Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
(Alabang Stock Farm)
(h) Four helpers at P600 2,400.00
(Boñgabon Stock Farm)
(i) One zootechnist 1,320.00
(Dumarao Stock Farm)
(j) One superintendent 2,280.00
(Abra Breeding Station)
(k) One superintendent 1,800.00
(Batangas Breeding Station)
(l) One superintendent 1,800.00
(Cebu Breeding Station)
(m) One superintendent 1,800.00
(Ilocos Norte Breeding Station)
(n) One superintendent 1,560.00
(Ilocos Sur Breeding Station)
(o) One superintendent 1,440.00
(La Union Breeding Station)
(p) One superintendent 1,200.00
(Marinduque Breeding Station)
(q) One superintendent 2,280.00
(Nueva Vizcaya Breeding Station)
(r) One superintendent 1,440.00
(Pangasinan Breeding Station)
(s) One superintendent 1,800.00
(Sta. Barbara Breeding Station)
(t) One superintendent 1,440.00
Animal Disease Control
(u) One zootechnist 2,400.00
(v) Four zootechnists at P1,800 7,200.00
(w) One assistant zootechnist 900.00
(x) One veterinarian 1,320.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
(y) One livestock inspector 960.00
(z) One livestock inspector 900.00
Veterinary Research
(a-1) One veterinarian 1,800.00
(b-1) One assistant veterinarian 1,200.00
(c-1) One veterinary helminthologist 1,800.00
(d-1) One veterinary parasitologist 1,800.00
Livestock Extension
(e-1) One veterinarian 2,280.00
(f-1) One veterinarian 1,920.00
(g-1) One veterinarian 1,800.00
(h-1) One veterinarian 1,440.00
(i-1) One zootechnist 1,800.00
(j-1) One zootechnist 1,440.00
(k-1) Three zootechnists at P1,320 3,960.00
(l-1) Five livestock extension officers at P1,200 6,000.00
(m-1) One clerk 660.00
(n-1) One clerk 900.00
(o-1) One clerk 840.00
(p-1) Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
(q-1) One clerk 660.00
(r-1) One clerk 600.00
(s-1) One draftsman 660.00
(t-1) Temporary and emergency laborers 14,000.00
Accounting Section
(u-1) One clerk 720.00

(v-1) Less — savings to be made (4,800.00)
Total .......................................

22. For salaries and wages and other expenses in connection with the cultivation, development, maintenance and operation of cinchona plantations in public forest lands 131,780.00
To be paid out of the Cinchona Plantation Revolving Fund (131,780.00)

(a) One forester P3,120.00
(b) One chemist (in charge of totaquina plant) 3,120.00
(c) One chemist 1,800.00
(d) One assistant forester 2,400.00
(e) One agronomist 1,800.00
(f) One forest pathologist 1,800.00
(g) One forest entomologist 1,800.00
(h) Four senior rangers at P1,440 5,760.00
(i) Two rangers at P960 1,920.00
(j) One medical officer 2,400.00
(k) One nurse 960.00
(l) One disbursing and collecting officer 1,440.00
(m) One property custodian 720.00
(n) One stenographer 720.00
(o) One clerk 600.00
(p) One foreman 720.00
(q) One mechanic 960.00
(r) Two technicians at P720 1,440.00
(s) Two drivers at P600 1,200.00
(t) Eight nurserymen at P600 4,800.00
(u) Two watchmen at P600 1,200.00
(v) For semi-skilled and emergency laborers at the rate of not more than P3 per day each 44,050.00

(w) Less — savings to be made (4,430.00)
Total for salaries and wages
(x) Traveling expenses of personnel P5,500.00
(y) Freight, express and delivery service 4,500.00
(z) Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 1,000.00
(a-1) Illumination and power service 500.00
(b-1) Rental of buildings and grounds 500.00
(c-1) Consumption of supplies and materials 10,980.00
(d-1) Maintenance and repair of equipment 3,000.00
(e-1) Other services 1,000.00
Total for sundry expenses
(f-1) For the purchase of furniture and equipment P9,500.00
Total for furniture and equipment
(g-1) For the construction, repair and maintenance of nursery sheds and houses, roads, trails, etc., including labor P15,000.00
Total for special expenses

23. For salaries and wages of the personnel employed throughout the year in connection with cadastral surveys under Act No. 3077 460,270.00
To be paid out of the Cadastral Survey Fund (460,270.00)

(a) Four surveyors at P2,400 P9,600.00
(b) Three surveyors at P1,800 5,400.00
(c) Three assistant surveyors at P1,680 5,040.00
(d) Seven assistant surveyors at P1,320 9,240.00
(e) Six assistant surveyors at P1,200 7,200.00
(f) Ten junior surveyors at P960 9,600.00
(g) Five assistant computers at P1,200 6,000.00
(h) Two junior computers at P900 1,800.00
(i) Ten junior computers at P720 7,200.00
(j) Fifty-four junior computers at P600 32,400.00
(k) One assistant topographical draftsman 1,320.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
(l) Ten junior topographical draftsmen at P720 7,200.00
(m) Thirty-eight junior topographical draftsmen at P600 22,800.00
(n) Ten clerks at P600 6,000.00
(o) Two keepers at P600 1,200.00
(p) One watchman 600.00
(q) Five janitors at P600 3,000.00
(r) One carpenter 600.00
(s) One blueprinter 600.00
(t) Forty-six linemen at P600 27,600.00
(u) Twenty-four sketchmen at P600 14,400.00
(v) Twenty-four surveymen at P600 14,400.00
(w) One hundred ten chainmen at P600 66,000.00
(x) One hundred six rodmen at P600 63,600.00
(y) Two hundred forty-nine helpers at P600 149,400.00
Accounting Section
(z) One accountant 3,120.00
(a-1) One clerk 2,040.00
(b-1) One clerk 840.00
(c-1) Three clerks at P720 2,160.00

(d-1) Less — savings to be made (25,610.00)
Total for salaries and wages
(e-1) For reimbursement to the General Auditing Office for the expenses of the auditing service P5,400.00
Total for special expenses

24. For the administration of the Friar Lands Estates 642,360.00
To be paid out of the funds of the Friar Lands Estates (642,360.00)

(a) One agent P1,800.00
(b) Three agents at P1,320 3,960.00
(c) One agent 1,200.00
(d) Three agents at P900 2,700.00
(e) One agent 840.00
(f) Five agents at P600 3,000.00
(g) One clerk 900.00
(h) Fourteen clerks at P600 8,400.00
(i) Eleven foremen at P600 6,600.00
(j) Forty-two watertenders at P600 25,200.00
(k) Nineteen helpers at P600 11,400.00
(l) Three guards, part time at P180 540.00
(m) Seven guards, part time, at P120 840.00
Accounting Section
(n) One clerk 1,200.00

(o) Less — savings to be made (5,000.00)
Total for salaries and wages
(p) Traveling expenses of personnel P7,490.00
(q) Freight, express and delivery service 500.00
(r) Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 500.00
(s) Illumination and power service 500.00
(t) Rental of buildings and grounds 780.00
(u) Consumption of supplies and materials 10,000.00
(v) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 500.00
(w) Maintenance and repair of equipment 500.00
(x) Maintenance and repair of buildings 1,000.00
(y) Other services 1,000.00
Total for sundry expenses
(z) For the purchase of furniture and equipment P1,490.00
Total for furniture and equipment
(a-1) Resurvey and reclassification of the friar lands:
(1) Nineteen helpers at P600 P11,400.00
(2) Traveling expenses of personnel 200.00
(3) Consumption of supplies and materials 20.00
(4) Other services 100.00

(b-1) Construction, maintenance, alteration and repair of irrigation systems within the friar lands estates:
Lolomboy Estate
(1) Mahabangparang dam, canals, etc., Sta. Maria P2,000.00
(2) San Gabriel dam, canals, etc., Sta. Maria 2,000.00
(3) Excavation of canals, Sta. Rosa section, Marilao 1,000.00
(4) Mulawin dams, canals, etc., Marilao 2,000.00
(5) Excavation of canals, Bundukan section, Bocaue 800.00
Sta. Maria de Pandi Estate
(6) Masuso dams, canals, etc., Bigaa 2,000.00
(7) Masagana dam, canals, etc., Bigaa 2,000.00
(8) Kupang dam, canals, etc., Bigaa 2,000.00
(9) Matinik dam, canals, etc., Bigaa 1,500.00
(10) Marungko dam, canals, etc., Angat 3,000.00
Imus Estate
(11) Langkaan dam, canals, etc., Dasmariñas 7,000.00
(12) Embarcadero dam, tunnels, etc., Dasmariñas 5,000.00
(13) Excavation of Hasaan and Kasundit canals, Dasmariñas 3,500.00
(14) Boyang dam, canals, etc., Imus 3,500.00
(15) Anabu dam, gates and main canals, Imus 35,000.00
(16) Baluktot reservoir, Dasmariñas 3,500.00
(17) Molino tunnels, gates, etc., Bacoor 3,500.00
(18) Ligas dam, canals, etc., Bacoor 2,500.00
(19) Excavation of canals, Mambog section, Bacoor 1,500.00
Naic Estate
(20) Laja dam, tunnels, etc., Naic 10,000.00
(21) Laja siphon, canals, etc., Naic 3,500.00
(22) Construction of headgates, drops, etc., Naic 7,000.00
(23) Construction of retaining walls and weirs, etc., Naic 3,500.00
(24) Sahing dam, canals, etc., Naic 10,000.00
San Francisco de Malabon Estate
(25) Plucena weir, tunnels and canals, General Trias 15,000.00
(26) Sampalukan weirs, canals, etc., General Trias 7,500.00
(27) Construction of headgates, Navarro section, General Trias 3,500.00
(28) Bankud dam, canals, etc., General Trias 15,000.00
Sta. Cruz de Malabon Estate
(29) Gugo dam, canals, etc., Tanza 18,000.00
(30) Construction of retaining walls and bull-cart crossings, Balite section, Tanza 9,000.00
(31) Matanda dam, gates, etc., Tanza 7,000.00
(32) Balagbag dam, tunnels, etc., Tanza 6,000.00
Isabela Estate
(33) Makañao dam, canals, etc., Cauayan 10,000.00
(34) Malacopa canals, etc., Aurora 10,000.00
Biñan Estate
(35) Tubigan retaining walls, canals, etc., Biñan 7,000.00
(36) Construction of weirs and turnouts, Biñan 7,000.00
(37) Excavation of canals, Bukal section, Biñan 2,000.00
Calamba Estate
(38) Construction of weirs and turnouts, Calamba 3,500.00
(39) Batino tunnels, canals, etc., Calamba 3,500.00
Sta. Rosa Estate
(40) Construction of weirs, canals, etc., Sta. Rosa 7,500.00
(41) Diezmo dam, canals, etc., Sta. Rosa 7,500.00
San Jose Estate
(42) For the repair of tunnel No. 3 and canals 15,000.00
(43) For the repair of tunnel No. 4 and canals 18,000.00
Muntinlupa Estate
(44) For the construction of retaining walls, etc., Muntinlupa 2,000.00

(c-1) Construction, maintenance and repair of roads and bridges within the friar lands estates:
(1) Kanumay-Lawangbato-Big-nay-road, Polo P10,000.00
(2) Bunsuran-Kupang road, Bigaa 7,000.00
(3) Tabingbakod-San Gabriel road, Sta. Maria 5,000.00
(4) Lolomboy-Duhat road, Bocaue 3,500.00
(5) Burol road, Dasmariñas 10,000.00
(6) Salawag-Paliparan road, Dasmariñas 15,000.00
(7) Dasmariñas-Biluso road, Dasmariñas 25,000.00
(8) Palubluban-Aliang road, General Trias 15,000.00
(9) Naic-Sahing road, Naic 11,000.00
(10) Bubuyan-Balayungan, road, Naic 22,000.00
(11) Quintana-Bitangan road, Tanza 14,000.00
(12) Tres Cruces road, Tanza 1,000.00
(13) Abono-Guindaruhan road, Minglanilla 7,000.00
(14) Pook-Mohon road, Talisay 2,000.00
(15) Bulakao-Buad road, Talisay 5,000.00
(16) Bolinao-Dalig road, Aurora 18,000.00
(17) Bolinao-Bagong Tanza road, Aurora 10,000.00
(18) Mababanga-Tandul road, Cauayan 15,000.00
(19) Tubigan-Sorosoro road, Biñan 10,000.00
(20) Sta. Rosa-Sinalhan road, Sta. Rosa 5,000.00
(21) Sta. Rosa-Makabling road, Sta. Rosa 5,000.00
(22) San Pedro-Sandulayan road, San Jose 18,000.00
(23) San Pedro-Adela road, San Jose 18,000.00

Total for special expenses

Total for special purposes
1. One Manager P6,000.00
2. One chief clerk 3,960.00
3. One assistant chief clerk 2,940.00
4. One cashier and disbursing officer 1,920.00
5. One clerk 1,800.00
6. One clerk 1,440.00
7. One clerk 1,320.00
8. One clerk 1,200.00
9. One clerk 1,080.00
10. Two clerks at P900 1,800.00
11. Two clerks at P840 1,680.00
12. Two clerks at P660 1,320.00
13. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
14. One messenger 600.00
15. One messenger 600.00
Accounting Section
16. One accounting officer 2,760.00
17. One clerk-bookkeeper 1,800.00
18. One chief inspector 5,100.00
19. One assistant chief inspector 4,200.00
20. One senior fiber inspector 3,960.00
21. Two senior fiber inspectors at P3,720 7,440.00
      Excess of actual salary at P280 560.00
22. One senior fiber inspector 3,720.00
23. One senior fiber inspector 3,720.00
24. One senior fiber inspector 3,300.00
25. One senior fiber inspector 3,120.00
26. Two fiber inspectors at P2,940 5,880.00
27. Three fiber inspectors at P2,400 7,200.00
28. Three assistant fiber inspectors at P2,160 6,480.00
29. One assistant fiber inspector 2,040.00
30. Four assistant fiber inspectors at P1,920 7,680.00
31. One assistant fiber inspector 1,800.00
32. One assistant fiber inspector 1,560.00
33. Two assistant fiber inspectors at P1,440 2,880.00
34. Nine fiber assistants at P1,320 11,880.00
35. Five fiber assistants at P1,200 6,000.00
36. Six fiber assistants at P900 5,400.00
37. Three fiber assistants at P840 2,520.00
38. Eight fiber assistants at P720 5,760.00
39. One agent 1,920.00
40. Skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers 3,000.00

41. Less — savings to be made (1,290.00)
Total for salaries and wages
42. Traveling expenses of personnel P12,000.00
43. Freight, express and delivery service 200.00
44. Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 2,000.00
45. Illumination and power service 200.00
46. Rental of buildings and grounds 9,600.00
47. Consumption of supplies and materials 3,800.00
48. Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 500.00
49. Maintenance and repair of equipment 400.00
50. Other services 700.00
Total for sundry expenses
51. For the purchase of furniture and equipment P1,900.00
Total for furniture and equipment
52. For expenses of the Fiber Inspection Service in the intensification of the fiber improvement campaign P50,000.00
Total for special purpose
Total for salaries and wages P139,250.00
Total for sundry expenses 29,400.00
Total for furniture and equipment 1,900.00
Total for special purpose 50,000.00
Total amount available for the Fiber Inspection Service
Amount to be paid from the Fiber
Inspection Service Fund
Total for salaries and wages P3,005,030.00
Total for sundry expenses 629,080.00
Total for furniture and equipment 20,620.00
Total for special purposes 3,598,800.00
Less — savings to be made (201,930.00)

Total for —
Fiber Inspection Service 220,550.00
Amount to be paid from the Fiber Inspection Service Fund (220,550.00)
Total amount available for the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources

VI. — Special Provisions

1. Subject to the approval of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the sum appropriated for the intensification of the campaign for the control and eradication of agricultural pests and diseases may likewise be expended by the Director of Plant Industry, if deemed necessary, to carry out the purposes of section 23 of Act No. 2472: PROVIDED, That in the employment of locust scouts preference shall be given to graduates of agricultural high schools and colleges.

2. The itemization in this Order of appropriations for salaries and wages, sundry expenses, furniture and equipment, and special purpose of the Fiber Inspection Service shall not be construed as impairing the authority of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources to use, with the approval of the President, the unexpended balance of the Fiber Inspection Service Fund to carry out the provisions of section 1796-B (b) of the Administrative Code, as amended by Commonwealth Act No. 603.

I. — Salaries and Wages
1. One Secretary of Department P12,000.00
2. One Undersecretary of Department 9,000.00
3. One consulting engineer 5,100.00
4. One private secretary 5,100.00
5. One civil engineer 4,200.00
6. One agent 2,400.00
7. One assistant private secretary 2,400.00
8. One stenographer 840.00
9. One clerk 600.00
10. One janitor 600.00
11. One administrative officer 5,100.00
12. One assistant 4,200.00
13. One attorney 2,400.00
14. Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
15. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
16. One messenger 660.00
Accounting Section
17. Accounting officer (by detail).
18. One clerk 960.00
19. One laborer 600.00
Records Section
20. One clerk 1,200.00
21. One clerk 900.00
22. One clerk 840.00
23. Three clerks at P720 2,160.00
24. One action clerk, cashier and property clerk 1,440.00
25. One clerk 1,320.00
26. One chauffeur 960.00

27. Less — savings to be made (3,360.00)
Total .......................................
(2) Bureau of Public Works
1. One Director P7,200.00
2. Additional salary for the Director, subject to the approval of the President, section 5(a)-(4) of Commonwealth Act No. 402 1,800.00
3. One chief constructing engineer 6,000.00
4. One chief of division 5,100.00
5. One assistant 4,200.00
6. One attorney 4,200.00
7. One attorney 3,960.00
8. One civil engineer 3,960.00
9. One clerk 2,400.00
10. One clerk 2,400.00
11. One clerk 1,920.00
12. Two clerks at P1,800 3,600.00
13. Two clerks at P1,440 2,880.00
14. Two clerks at P1,320 2,640.00
15. Five clerks at P1,200 6,000.00
16. One clerk 1,080.00
17. Five clerks at P960 4,800.00
18. Four clerks at P900 3,600.00
19. Seven clerks at P840 5,880.00
20. Nine clerks at P720 6,480.00
21. Five clerks at P660 3,300.00
22. Fifteen clerks at P600 9,000.00
23. One blueprinter 1,200.00
24. One blueprinter 1,080.00
25. One blueprinter 660.00
26. One draftsman 1,200.00
27. One draftsman 780.00
28. One bookbinder 840.00
29. One watchman 1,080.00
30. One watchman 960.00
31. One watchman 840.00
32. One watchman 720.00
33. Two watchmen at P600 1,200.00
34. Two messengers at P600 1,200.00
35. One janitor 660.00
36. Four janitors at P600 2,400.00
37. One chief highway engineer 6,000.00
38. One highway engineer 6,000.00
39. One chief bridge engineer 6,000.00
40. Three supervising engineers at P6,000 18,000.00
41. One supervising designing engineer 6,000.00
42. One designing engineer 5,100.00
43. One designing engineer 4,500.00
44. One district engineer 6,000.00
45. One district engineer, with quarters, Baguio 5,100.00
46. Six district engineers at P5,100 30,600.00
47. Eight district engineers at P4,800 38,400.00
48. Eight district engineers at P4,500 36,000.00
49. Nine district engineers at P4,200 37,800.00
50. Nine district engineers at P3,720 33,480.00
51. Ten district engineers at P3,300 33,000.00
52. One civil engineer 3,720.00
53. One civil engineer 3,300.00
54. One civil engineer 3,120.00
55. One assistant civil engineer 2,400.00
56. One locating engineer 3,300.00
57. One chief electrician 3,120.00
58. Two draftsmen at P1,800 3,600.00
59. One draftsman 1,320.00
60. One draftsman 1,080.00
61. One draftsman 960.00
62. One disbursing and collecting officer, with quarters, Baguio 1,800.00
63. One clerk 1,800.00
64. One clerk, with quarters, Baguio 1,800.00
65. One clerk 1,560.00
66. One clerk, with quarters, Baguio 1,320.00
67. One clerk 960.00
68. One clerk, with quarters, Baguio 900.00
69. Three clerks, with quarters, Baguio, at P720 2,160.00
70. Two clerks, with quarters, Baguio, at P600 1,200.00
71. One consulting architect 6,000.00
      Excess of actual salary 3,000.00
72. One architect 5,100.00
73. One architect 4,200.00
74. One chief structural engineer 6,000.00
75. One designing engineer 5,100.00
76. One civil engineer 3,120.00
77. One civil engineer 2,940.00
78. One architectural draftsman 3,120.00
79. Three architectural draftsmen at P2,280 6,840.00
80. One architectural draftsman 2,040.00
81. One architectural draftsman 1,800.00
82. One architectural draftsman 1,680.00
83. One architectural draftsman 1,320.00
84. Four architectural draftsmen at P1,200 4,800.00
85. Two architectural draftsmen at P1,080 2,160.00
86. One topographical draftsman 960.00
87. One topographical draftsman 900.00
Mechanical and Electrical Division
88. One chief mechanical-electrical engineer 6,000.00
89 One mechanical-electrical engineer 4,500.00
90. One mechanical-electrical engineer 4,500.00
91. One mechanical-electrical engineer 3,960.00
92. One mechanical-electrical engineer 3,300.00
93. One mechanical-electrical engineer 2,400.00
94. One electrical engineer 3,300.00
95. One draftsman 900.00
96. One draftsman 840.00
97. One chief portworks engineer 6,000.00
98. One portworks engineer 6,000.00
99. One designing engineer 6,000.00
100. One assistant civil engineer 2,400.00
101. One draftsman 1,440.00
102. One draftsman 1,320.00
103. One draftsman 900.00
Division of Irrigation
104. One chief irrigation engineer 6,000.00
105. One designing engineer 5,100.00
106. Two designing engineers at P4,500 9,000.00
107. One chief surveyor 4,500.00
108. One civil engineer 3,960.00
109. One civil engineer 3,120.00
110. One civil engineer 2,940.00
111. One draftsman 1,800.00
112. One draftsman 1,320.00
113. One hydrographer 1,560.00
114. One topographical draftsman 900.00
115. One supervisor, part time 1,200.00
116. One water rights inspector 1,800.00
117. One topographical draftsman 900.00
      Excess of actual salary 300.00
118. One topographical draftsman 1,200.00
119. One disbursing officer and collector, part time 360.00
120. One gaugekeeper, part time 72.00
121. Thirteen gaugekeepers at P120, part time 1,560.00
122. Thirteen gaugekeepers at P108, part time 1,404.00
123. Fourteen gaugekeepers at P96, part time 1,344.00
124. One accounting officer 5,100.00
125. One assistant 3,960.00
126. Three clerks at P1,440 4,320.00
127. Two clerks at P1,200 2,400.00
128. One clerk 1,080.00
129. One clerk 840.00
130. One clerk 780.00
131. Three clerks at P720 2,160.00
132. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
133. One messenger 720.00
134. One helper 720.00
Property and Disbursement Section
135. One property custodian, with quarters 3,720.00
136. One disbursing and collecting officer 3,120.00
137. One paymaster 2,760.00
138. One clerk 1,800.00
139. One clerk 960.00
140. One clerk 660.00

141. Less — savings to be made (47,072.00)
142. Less — amount covering salaries of district engineers payable from Engineering Funds of the different provinces (209,280.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Director P7,200.00
2. One superintendent 5,100.00
3. One senior clerk 3,960.00
4. One senior clerk 3,720.00
5. Two messengers at P600 1,200.00
6. One janitor 600.00
General Service Section
7. One clerk 1,680.00
8. One clerk 1,320.00
9. One clerk 660.00
10. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
Appointment Section
11. One chief of section 1,800.00
12. One clerk 1,200.00
13. One clerk 1,080.00
14. One clerk 960.00
15. One clerk 660.00
16. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
Leave and Insurance Section
17. One clerk in-charge 1,440.00
18. One clerk 840.00
19. One clerk 720.00
20. One clerk 660.00
21. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
22. One messenger 600.00
General Records
23. One clerk in-charge 1,440.00
24. One clerk-typist 600.00
Filing and Issuing Section
25. One clerk 1,080.00
26. One clerk 720.00
27. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
28. Three laborer-filers at P600 1,800.00
29. One messenger 600.00
Receiving and Mailing Section
30. One clerk in-charge 1,440.00
31. One clerk 720.00
32. Five clerks at P600 3,000.00
33. Two messengers at P600 1,200.00
Mimeographing Section
34. One clerk in-charge 1,560.00
35. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
Building Custodian Force
36. One custodian 1,920.00
37. One janitor 600.00
38. One watchman 600.00
39. One laborer-messenger 600.00
40. Seven helpers at P600 4,200.00
Provincial Personnel Section
41. One chief of section 2,760.00
42. One clerk 1,440.00
43. Two clerks at P840 1,680.00
44. One clerk 720.00
45. Three postmasters or operators at P3,120 9,360.00
46. Two postmasters or operators at P2,760 5,520.00
      Excess of actual salary at P120 240.00
47. Two postmasters or operators at P2,400 4,800.00
48. Two postmasters or operators at P2,280 4,560.00
49. One postmaster or operator 2,160.00
50. Six postmasters or operators at P2,040 12,240.00
51. Thirteen postmasters or operators at P1,920 24,960.00
52. Five postmasters or operators at P1,800 9,000.00
53. Nineteen postmasters or operators at P1,680 31,920.00
54. Thirty-seven postmasters or operators at P1,560 57,720.00
55. Forty-three postmasters or operators at P1,440 61,920.00
56. Sixteen postmasters or operators at P1,320 21,120.00
57. Seventy-six postmasters or operators at P1,200 91,200.00
58. Thirty postmasters or operators at P1,080 32,400.00
59. Seventy-seven postmasters or operators at P960 73,920.00
60. One hundred fifty postmasters or operators at P900 135,000.00
61. Ninety-five postmasters or operators at P840 79,800.00
62. Twelve postmasters or operators at P780 9,360.00
63. One hundred fifty-nine postmasters or operators at P720 114,480.00
64. Three clerks at P1,440 4,320.00
65. Five clerks at P1,320 6,600.00
66. Two clerks at P1,200 2,400.00
67. One clerk 1,080.00
68. Thirty-five clerks at P840 29,400.00
69. Eight drivers at P600 4,800.00
70. Two watchmen at P600 1,200.00
71. Two janitors at P600 1,200.00
72. Nine helpers at P600 5,400.00
73. Thirty-four postal agents at P120 4,080.00
(Additional Compensation for Municipal Treasurers
and other Government Employees Acting as Postmasters)
74. One postmaster 300.00
75. One hundred postmasters at P240 24,000.00
76. Two hundred postmasters at P216 43,200.00
77. One hundred postmasters at P192 19,200.00
78. One hundred seventy-four postmasters at P168 29,232.00
79. One accounting officer 5,100.00
80. One accountant 3,120.00
81. One clerk or stenographer 1,440.00
General Service Section
82. One chief of section 1,920.00
83. One clerk 1,320.00
84. One messenger 600.00
85. One helper 600.00
Bookkeeping Section
86. One chief bookkeeper 1,920.00
87. One clerk 1,320.00
88. Two clerks at P960 1,920.00
89. Three clerks at P960 2,880.00
90. One clerk 720.00
91. One janitor 600.00
Disbursement Section
92. One chief of section 1,920.00
93. One clerk 840.00
94. One clerk 780.00
95. One typist 720.00
96. Four clerks at P720 2,880.00
97. One clerk 1,320.00
Revenue Accounts Section
98. One chief of section 1,920.00
99. One clerk 1,320.00
100. Two clerks at P1,080 2,160.00
101. Two clerks at P960 1,920.00
102. One clerk 900.00
103. One clerk 720.00
104. Five helpers at P600 3,000.00
105. One chief of division 5,100.00
106. Two supervising inspectors at P3,120 6,240.00
General Service Section
107. One inspector 2,580.00
108. One clerk 960.00
109. One clerk 840.00
110. One clerk 720.00
111. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
112. One messenger 600.00
113. One janitor 600.00
Mail Permits Section
114. One inspector 2,400.00
115. One clerk 720.00
Complaint and Claim Section
116. One inspector 2,400.00
117. One clerk 1,560.00
118. One clerk 720.00
119. One clerk 600.00
Postal Service Section
120. One inspector 2,940.00
121. One inspector 1,920.00
122. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
123. One janitor 600.00
Dead Letter Section
124. One inspector 2,040.00
125. One clerk 900.00
126. One clerk 720.00
127. One clerk 600.00
128. One messenger 600.00
Investigation Section
129. Two supervising inspectors at P3,120 6,240.00
130. Five inspectors at P2,940 14,700.00
131. One inspector 2,760.00
132. Two inspectors at P2,580 5,160.00
133. One inspector 2,760.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
134. Thirteen inspectors at P2,400 31,200.00
135. One inspector 2,280.00
136. Two inspectors at P2,160 4,320.00
137. Two inspectors at P2,040 4,080.00
138. Ten inspectors at P1,920 19,200.00
139. One inspector 1,800.00
140. Three inspectors at P1,680 5,040.00
141. One inspector 1,560.00
142. Two inspectors at P1,200 2,400.00
143. One clerk 1,320.00
144. One clerk 600.00
145. Ten watchmen at P600 6,000.00
146. Six helpers at P600 3,600.00
147. One chief of division 5,100.00
148. One senior clerk 3,120.00
149. One photographer 720.00
150. One messenger 600.00
151. One janitor 600.00
Cash Section
152. One cashier and disbursing officer 3,120.00
153. One collector 1,080.00
154. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
Duplicate Money Order Section
155. One clerk 1,200.00
156. One clerk 840.00
157. Three clerks at P720 2,160.00
158. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
159. Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
International Money Order Section
160. One chief of section 2,040.00
161. One clerk 1,080.00
162. One clerk 960.00
163. Two clerks at P840 1,680.00
164. One clerk 600.00
165. One chief of division 5,100.00
166. One senior clerk 3,120.00
167. One clerk 600.00
168. One janitor 600.00
Stamp Section
169. One chief of section 2,400.00
170. One clerk 1,440.00
171. One clerk 720.00
172. Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
Philatelic Section (Reservations and Mail Orders for Stamps)
173. One clerk 1,440.00
174. One typist 600.00
Cash Sales Section
175. One clerk 1,440.00
176. One typist 600.00
177. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
178. One chief of division 5,100.00
179. One senior clerk 2,400.00
180. One clerk-stenographer 960.00
181. One clerk 960.00
182. One railway postal clerk 960.00
183. One clerk 720.00
184. Three helpers at P600 1,800.00
185. Two messengers at P600 1,200.00
Mail Routes Section
186. One clerk 840.00
187. One clerk 720.00
188. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
189. Three hundred thirty-seven mail messengers at P600 202,200.00
Railway Mail Service Section
190. One clerk in-charge 1,680.00
191. One clerk 1,440.00
192. One clerk 1,080.00
193. One railway mail supervisor 960.00
194. One railway mail supervisor 780.00
195. One railway postal clerk 780.00
196. Fifteen railway postal clerks at P720 10,800.00
197. One railway postal clerk 600.00
198. One messenger 600.00
199. One helper 600.00
Provincial Free Mail Delivery Service Section
200. One chief of section 2,040.00
201. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
202. Four letter-carriers at P720 2,880.00
203. Nine hundred forty letter-carriers at P600 564,000.00
Mail Boat and Domestic Air Mail Service Section
204. One clerk in-charge 1,080.00
205. One clerk 720.00
206. One clerk 600.00
207. One chief of division 5,100.00
208. One clerk 1,560.00
209. One stenographer 1,440.00
210. One clerk 1,320.00
211. Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
212. One helper 600.00
213. One chief of division 5,100.00
Accountable and Blank Forms Section
214. One clerk 1,320.00
215. One clerk 720.00
216. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
217. Four helpers at P600 2,400.00
Requisition and Shipping Section
218. One clerk 840.00
219. One clerk 600.00
220. One driver 600.00
221. Four helpers at P600 2,400.00
Property Accounting Section
222. One clerk 1,200.00
223. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
224. One janitor-porter 600.00
Equipment Section
225. One clerk 1,440.00
226. Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
227. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
228. One helper 600.00
Telegrah and Radio Supplies Section
229. One clerk 720.00
230. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
231. One messenger 600.00
232. Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
Stationery Supplies Section
233. One clerk 1,320.00
234. One clerk 720.00
235. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
236. One helper 600.00
237. One Postmaster 6,000.00
238. Chief clerk (by detail).
239. One chief of division 5,100.00
240. One senior clerk 3,120.00
241. One mail supervisor 3,480.00
242. One mail supervisor 2,940.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
243. One mail supervisor 1,800.00
244. One mail supervisor 1,440.00
245. One custodian of valuable mails 2,280.00
246. One custodian of valuable mails 1,440.00
247. One custodian of valuable mails 1,320.00
General Service and Records Section
248. One clerk 1,800.00
249. One clerk 720.00
250. One clerk 600.00
Mail Dispatching and Receiving Section
251. One chief of section 2,040.00
252. Three clerks at P1,200 3,600.00
253. One clerk 1,080.00
254. Three clerks at P960 2,880.00
255. Four clerks at P900 3,600.00
256. Four clerks at P840 3,360.00
257. Sixteen clerks at P720 11,520.00
258. Fifty-four clerks at P600 32,400.00
259. One laborer-messenger 600.00
260. Four helpers at P720 2,880.00
261. Twenty-six helpers at P600 15,600.00
Registry Section
262. One chief of section 2,400.00
263. One clerk 1,560.00
264. Two clerks at P1,440 2,880.00
265. Three clerks at P1,320 3,960.00
266. One clerk 1,200.00
267. One clerk 1,080.00
268. One clerk 960.00
269. Two clerks at P900 1,800.00
270. Three clerks at P840 2,520.00
271. One clerk 780.00
272. Seventeen clerks at P720 12,240.00
273. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
274. One interpreter 1,440.00
275. One janitor 600.00
276. Three helpers at P600 1,800.00
Motor Vehicle Section
277. One clerk 840.00
278. One clerk 720.00
279. Two drivers at P660 1,320.00
280. Twenty-six drivers at P600 15,600.00
281. One driver 720.00
Motor Vehicle Service
282. One automotive mechanic 960.00
283. Two automotive mechanics at P600 1,200.00
284. One tireman vulcanizer 600.00
285. Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
286. Chief of division (by detail.)
287. One senior clerk 3,120.00
288. One supervisor 1,920.00
289. One clerk 600.00
U. S. Mail Section
290. One chief of section 1,800.00
291. One clerk 1,560.00
292. Two clerks at P1,320 2,640.00
293. One clerk 1,200.00
294. One clerk 840.00
295. Three clerks at P720 2,160.00
296. One clerk 600.00
297. One registry receiving clerk 900.00
298. One registry receiving clerk 720.00
299. One messenger 600.00
300. One helper 600.00
Foreign Mails Section
301. One chief of section 1,920.00
302. One clerk 1,320.00
303. One clerk 1,200.00
304. One clerk 1,080.00
305. Two clerks at P960 1,920.00
306. Four clerks at P900 3,600.00
307. Two clerks at P840 1,680.00
308. Five clerks at P720 3,600.00
309. Nine clerks at P600 5,400.00
310. One clerk in-charge 960.00
311. One clerk in-charge 900.00
312. One patron 840.00
313. Three firemen at P600 1,800.00
314. One boatswain 600.00
315. Three sailors at P600 1,800.00
316. One janitor-porter 600.00
317. Eight helpers at P600 4,800.00
318. One chief of division 4,500.00
319. One senior clerk 2,400.00
320. Two clerks at P840 1,680.00
321. One clerk-typist 720.00
322. One messenger 600.00
General Delivery Section
323. One clerk 1,320.00
324. One clerk 840.00
325. Six clerks at P720 4,320.00
326. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
327. Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
City Distribution Section
328. One clerk 1,200.00
329. One clerk 1,080.00
330. One clerk 960.00
331. One clerk 900.00
332. Thirteen clerks at P720 9,360.00
333. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
334. One clerk 660.00
335. Five janitors at P600 3,000.00
Letter-Carriers Section
336. One clerk 1,440.00
337. One clerk 1,320.00
338. One clerk 840.00
339. Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
340. One clerk 600.00
341. Nineteen letter-carriers at P720 13,680.00
342. Forty-seven letter-carriers at P600 28,200.00
Special Delivery Section
343. One clerk 960.00
344. One clerk 1,200.00
345. One clerk 840.00
946. Seven clerks at P720 5,040.00
347. One clerk 660.00
348. One clerk 600.00
349. One janitor 600.00
350. Thirty-three messengers at P600 19,800.00
351. One janitor-porter 600.00
Lock Box Section
352. One clerk 1,200.00
353. One clerk 960.00
354. One clerk 840.00
355. Three clerks at P720 2,160.00
356. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
U. S. Ordinary Parcel Post Delivery Section
357. One clerk 1,320.00
358. Two clerks at P900 1,800.00
359. Seven clerks at P720 5,040.00
360. Seven clerks at P600 4,200.00
361. Three helpers at P600 1,800.00
362. One cashier (chief of division) 4,500.00
363. One collector 2,280.00
364. One clerk 600.00
Accounts Section
365. One clerk 1,200.00
366. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
367. One clerk-messenger 600.00
368. Four helpers at P600 2,400.00
369. One janitor-porter 600.00
Tellers’ Section
370. One teller 1,800.00
371. Two tellers at P1,680 3,360.00
372. Four tellers at P960 3,840.00
373. One teller 900.00
374. One teller 720.00
375. Six clerks at P600 3,600.00
376. One clerk 1,200.00
377. One clerk 960.00
378. Nine stamp tellers at P720 6,480.00
Disbursing Section
379. One disbursing officer 2,280.00
380. One clerk 960.00
381. One clerk 600.00
Clearing House Section
382. One clerk 1,560.00
383. One clerk 960.00
384. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
385. Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
386. For subsistence of the crew of the launch “Mail” 1,600.00
387. Clothing allowance of the crew of the launch “Mail” 160.00
388. Uniforms and shoes allowance for letter-carriers, special delivery messengers, drivers and watchmen at not to exceed P40 each 4,332.00
389. For employment of temporary postal employees and laborers 8,000.00

390. Less — savings to be made (159,704.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Director P7,200.00
2. One chief of division 5,100.00
3. One senior clerk 3,120.00
4. One stenographer 840.00
General Service and Complaint Section
5. One chief of section 2,940.00
6. One radio operator 1,800.00
7. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
8. One clerk 600.00
9. Three messengers at P600 1,800.00
Personnel Section
10. One chief of section 2,160.00
11. One clerk 1,440.00
12. One clerk 660.00
Appointment Section
13. One clerk in-charge 2,040.00
14. One clerk 720.00
15. One clerk 600.00
Leave and Insurance Section
16. One clerk in-charge 1,440.00
17. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
18. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
Records Section
19. One custodian of records 2,400.00
20. One clerk 840.00
21. One clerk 720.00
22. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
23. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
Manila Central Operating and Tuning Section
24. One traffic supervisor 2,760.00
25. One operator 2,280.00
26. One operator 1,680.00
27. One operator 1,560.00
28. One operator 1,080.00
29. One clerk or operator 1,680.00
30. One supervising teller 1,320.00
31. One operator-teller 960.00
32. Four operator-tellers at P840 3,360.00
33. Four operator-tellers at P720 2,880.00
34. One supervisor 1,800.00
35. One telegraph operator-supervisor 2,160.00
36. One telegraph operator-supervisor 1,800.00
37. One telegraph operator-supervisor 1,680.00
38. One operator 3,120.00
39. One operator 1,920.00
40. Four operators at P1,800 7,200.00
41. Four operators at P1,680 6,720.00
42. Ten operators at P1,560 15,600.00
43. Six operators at P1,440 8,640.00
44. One operator 1,320.00
45. Seventeen operators at P1,200 20,400.00
46. Fourteen operators at P960 13,440.00
47. One operator 900.00
48. Eleven operators at P840 9,240.00
49. One operator 780.00
50. Fifteen operators at P720 10,800.00
51. One operator 3,120.00
52. One operator 1,680.00
53. Six operators at P1,560 9,360.00
54. One operator 960.00
55. One operator 720.00
56. One supervisor 1,440.00
57. One operator-tuner 1,080.00
58. One operator-tuner 960.00
59. One operator-tuner 840.00
60. One operator-tuner 720.00
61. One engineman 900.00
62. One engineman 600.00
63. One messenger 600.00
64. One mechanic 660.00
65. One messenger 660.00
Message Receiving Section
66. One operator and chief of section 3,240.00
67. One clerk 600.00
68. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
69. One clerk 960.00
Message Delivery Section
70. One radio operator 1,800.00
71. Two clerks at P840 1,680.00
72. Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
73. One clerk 660.00
74. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
75. One clerk 600.00
76. Two messengers at P780 1,560.00
77. One messenger 720.00
78. Four messengers at P660 2,640.00
79. One messenger 600.00
80. Ninety-two messengers at P600 55,200.00
81. Five messengers at P600 3,000.00
82. Twelve messengers at P600 7,200.00
83. One engineman 600.00
84. Three helpers at P600 1,800.00
Provincial Personnel Section
85. One chief of section 3,120.00
86. Two operators at P2,940 5,880.00
87. Two operators at P2,400 4,800.00
88. Two operators at P2,280 4,560.00
89. One operator 2,160.00
90. Nine operators at P1,920 17,280.00
91. Eight operators at P1,800 14,400.00
92. Fourteen operators at P1,680 23,520.00
93. One operator 1,680.00
94. Fifteen operators at P1,560 23,400.00
95. Twenty operators at P1,440 28,800.00
96. Ten operators at P1,440 14,400.00
97. One operator 1,320.00
98. Forty-two operators at P1,200 50,400.00
99. Five operators at P1,200 6,000.00
100. Ten operators at P1,080 10,800.00
101. Thirty-three operators at P960 31,680.00
102. Ten operators at P960 9,600.00
103. Sixteen operators at P900 14,400.00
104. Five operators at P900 4,500.00
105. Forty-nine operators at P840 41,160.00
106. Two operators at P840 1,680.00
107. Five operators at P780 3,900.00
108. Seventy-five operators at P720 54,000.00
109. Twenty operators at P720 14,400.00
110. Twenty-one laborers at P600 12,600.00
111. One driver 780.00
112. Three hundred thirty-seven messengers at P600 202,200.00
113. One janitor 600.00
114. One accounting officer 4,800.00
115. One accountant 2,760.00
Bookkeeping Section
116. One chief of section 1,920.00
117. One clerk 1,320.00
118. Two clerks at P960 1,920.00
119. One clerk 600.00
Disbursement Section
120. One clerk in-charge 1,320.00
121. One clerk 960.00
122. One clerk 720.00
123. One clerk 720.00
124. One clerk 600.00
125. One clerk 600.00
126. Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
127. One chief of division 4,800.00
128. One senior clerk 2,940.00
129. One clerk in-charge 2,400.00
130. One clerk 1,320.00
131. One clerk 1,320.00
132. Two clerks at P960 1,920.00
133. One clerk 900.00
134. Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
135. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
136. Six clerks at P600 3,600.00
137. One clerk 600.00
138. One messenger 600.00
139. One chief of division 5,100.00
140. One stenographer 1,320.00
141. One clerk 660.00
142. One janitor 600.00
143. One laborer-messenger 600.00
General Service Section
144. One chief of section 2,400.00
145. One clerk 1,920.00
146. One clerk 1,800.00
147. One clerk 1,560.00
148. One clerk 1,080.00
149. One clerk-draftsman 960.00
150. Two clerks at P840 1,680.00
151. Five clerks at P600 3,000.00
152. Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
153. Two janitors at P600 1,200.00
154. One messenger 600.00
Radio Planning and Construction Section
155. One chief radio engineer 3,120.00
156. One draftsman 1,800.00
157. One clerk 600.00
158. One radio engineer 3,960.00
159. One radio engineer 2,280.00
160. One radio inspector 2,400.00
161. Two technicians at P1,200 2,400.00
162. One clerk 600.00
163. Two enginemen at P1,200 2,400.00
164. One radio engineer 2,940.00
165. One radio engineer 3,120.00
166. One carpenter 600.00
167. One carpenter 600.00
168. One radio inspector 1,800.00
Maintenance, Provincial Section
169. One radio engineer 4,500.00
170. Four district radio inspectors at P3,120 12,480.00
171. Four inspectors at P2,400 9,600.00
172. One radio inspector 2,160.00
173. One requisition clerk 1,200.00
174. One typist 720.00
175. Two chief enginemen at P2,400 4,800.00
176. Ten chief enginemen at P1,800 18,000.00
177. One chief engineman 1,440.00
178. Four enginemen at P1,320 5,280.00
179. Three teletype technicians at P1,440 4,320.00
180. Four chief enginemen at P1,200 4,800.00
181. Three chief enginemen at P1,080 3,240.00
182. One chief engineman 1,800.00
183. One engineman 960.00
184. Two enginemen at P900 1,800.00
185. Two enginemen at P840 1,680.00
186. One engineman 720.00
187. Five enginemen at P660 3,300.00
188. Two enginemen at P600 1,200.00
189. Seven enginemen at P600 4,200.00
190. Twenty-eight enginemen at P600 16,800.00
191. Four enginemen at P600 2,400.00
192. One engineman 600.00
193. Seven enginemen at P600 4,200.00
194. Eight enginemen at P600 4,800.00
195. Five enginemen at P600 3,000.00
196. Twenty enginemen at P600 12,000.00
197. Eleven enginemen at P960 10,560.00
198. Twelve enginemen at P900 10,800.00
199. Forty-two enginemen at P600 25,200.00
200. Three radio technicians at P2,400 7,200.00
Power Plant Section
201. One chief mechanical engineer 4,500.00
202. One clerk 960.00
203. One assistant mechanical engineer 2,580.00
204. One diesel mechanic 2,400.00
205. One gasoline engine mechanic 2,400.00
206. Four helpers at P600 2,400.00
207. One driver 600.00
208. One janitor 600.00
Maintenance, Manila Section
209. Two radio technicians at P1,800 3,600.00
210. Three radio technicians at P1,680 5,040.00
211. One diesel attendant 1,800.00
212. One radiotrician 1,800.00
213. Two mechanics at P1,200 2,400.00
214. One janitor 600.00
215. One caretaker 960.00
Manila Central Receiving Station
216. One radio technician 1,920.00
217. Three enginemen at P960 2,880.00
218. One janitor 600.00
219. One caretaker 960.00
220. One watchman 660.00
Telegraph Planning and Construction Section
221. One chief telegraph engineer 3,120.00
222. One teletype technician 2,400.00
223. One telegraph technician 1,440.00
224. One supervising lineman 2,400.00
225. Two district line supervisors at P2,760 5,520.00
226. One district line supervisor 2,940.00
227. Six linemen at P840 5,040.00
228. Two cable splicers at P1,200 2,400.00
229. One cable splicer 960.00
230. One draftsman 1,800.00
231. Two drivers at P960 1,920.00
232. One requisition clerk 1,800.00
Maintenance Section
233. One wire supervisor 3,120.00
234. One clerk 960.00
235. Two teletype technicians at P1,800 3,600.00
236. One supervising lineman 1,800.00
237. Three supervising linemen at P1,320 3,960.00
238. One supervising lineman 1,320.00
239. One lineman 600.00
240. Four supervising linemen at P1,200 4,800.00
241. Three supervising linemen at P1,080 3,240.00
242. Eight linemen at P900 7,200.00
243. Two supervising linemen at P900 1,800.00
244. One supervising lineman 780.00
245. Three supervising linemen at P720 2,160.00
246. Two supervising linemen at P660 1,320.00
247. One supervising lineman 600.00
248. One lineman 720.00
249. One lineman 840.00
250. Two linemen at P660 1,320.00
251. One lineman 660.00
252. Two hundred thirty-five linemen at P600 141,000.00
253. Sixteen linemen at P660 10,560.00
254. One line tester 2,400.00
255. Nine supervising linemen at P1,440 12,960.00
256. Five supervising linemen at P1,800 9,000.00
257. One supervising lineman 1,920.00
258. Two supervising linemen at P2,400 4,800.00
259. Sixty linemen at P600 36,000.00
260. Uniforms and shoes allowance for telegraph messengers, drivers and watchmen at not to exceed P40 each 3,000.00
261. For the employment of temporary employees and laborers 2,000.00

262. Less — savings to be made (95,880.00)
Total .......................................
Total for salaries and wages P4,238,228.00
1. Traveling expenses of personnel: PROVIDED, That out of this appropriation, the sum of P50,000 shall be allotted to the Bureau of Posts over and above the allotment received by the said bureau for the purpose during the fiscal year 1947 P102,700.00
2. Freight, express and delivery service, including transportation of mails 425,250.00
3. Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 17,700.00
4. Illumination and power service 29,775.00
5. Rental of buildings and grounds 52,325.00
6. Consumption of supplies and materials: PROVIDED, That out of this appropriation, the sum of P100,000 shall be allotted to the Bureau of Posts over and above the allotment received by the said bureau for the purpose during the fiscal year 1947 306,170.00
7. Printing and binding reports, documents and publications, including the purchase of stamps and stamped envelopes for the Bureau of Posts 52,500.00
8. For additional fund needed to cover the cost of plates and printing of postage stamps with new designs, including commemorative postage stamps of the Bureau of Posts, subject to the approval of the Secretary of Public Works and Communications 100,000.00
9. Traveling expenses of persons not government employees 100.00
10. Maintenance and repair of equipment 20,000.00
11. Other services 21,625.00
Total for sundry expenses
1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment P31,170.00
2. For the purchase of scales, mail bags, galvanized iron boxes, steel safes and post-office lock boxes for the use of the post offices throughout the Philippines 300,000.00
Total for furniture and equipment
1. Subvention to steamship companies that can maintain transportation services between Manila and Batanes with calls at Calayan, Itbayat and Sabtang, between Manila and Jolo with calls at Cagayan de Sulu, and between Manila, Cagayancillo, Balabac, Palawan and any other ports with calls at such places as the President of the Philippines may designate P45,500.00
2. For the operation of the domestic airmail service in accordance with Commonwealth Act No. 223: PROVIDED, That in the award of contracts for the transportation of mail by air, preference be given to the party operating on airlines whose landing fields are not on the routes now operated by the Manila Railroad Company 150,000.00
3. For the payment of transportation of pre-war mails from the Philippines to other countries through the intermediaries of foreign postal administrations 300,000.00
4. For salaries of the personnel of the Government Marine Railway and Repair Shops employed throughout the year, Act No. 4111, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding 49,500.00
To be paid out of the Government Marine, Railway and Repair Shops Revolving Fund, Act No. 4111 (49,500.00)

(a) One superintendent, with quarters P6,000.00
Marine and Service
(b) One mechanical engineer 5,100.00
(c) One mechanical engineer 2,280.00
(d) One engineering draftsman 1,560.00
Repair Shops
(e) One civil engineer 3,480.00
(f) One civil engineer 1,800.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
(g) One planning engineer 3,720.00
(h) One engineering draftsman 2,040.00
(i) One draftsman 1,200.00
(j) One clerk 1,440.00
(k) One clerk 720.00
(l) Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
Accounting Section
(m) One accounting officer 2,940.00
(n) One clerk 1,200.00
(o) One clerk 840.00
(p) Five clerks at P720 3,600.00
(q) One clerk 600.00
Materials and Property
(r) One property custodian 1,800.00
(s) One clerk 720.00
(t) Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
Disbursement and Collection
(u) One disbursing and collecting officer 1,680.00
(v) One personnel clerk 900.00
(w) One medical officer 1,200.00
(x) One nurse 960.00
Total for salaries and wages

5. For the personnel of the Baguio Dwellings and Equipment for Rent, Act No. 3340, employed throughout the year whose salaries are payable from its receipts 3,420.00
To be paid out of the Baguio Dwellings and Equipment for Rent Fund (3,420.00)
(a) One superintendent P2,040.00
(b) One clerks, with quarters 840.00
(c) One clerk, with quarters 540.00
Total .......................................

6. For the personnel of the Los Baños Quarry, Act No. 3459, employed throughout the year whose salaries are payable from the receipts 3,840.00
To be paid out of the Los Baños Quarry Fund (3,840.00)

(a) One superintendent, with quarters P2,940.00
(b) One disbursing and collecting officer and property custodian, with quarters 900.00
Total .......................................

7. For the salaries and wages of the personnel for the Irrigation Fund, Act No. 2152 1,800.00
To be paid out of the Irrigation Fund, Act No. 2152 (1,800.00)

(a) One clerk P600.00
(b) Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
Total .......................................

8. For the salaries and wages of the personnel for the Highways Special Fund, Act No. 3248 1,800.00
To be paid out of the Highways Special Fund, Act No. 3248 (1,800.00)

(a) One clerk P1,200.00
(b) One clerk 600.00
Total .......................................

9. For the salaries and wages of the personnel for the Permanent Bridges Revolving Fund, Act No. 3500 2,040.00
To be paid out of the Permanent Bridges Revolving Fund, Act No. 3500 (2,040.00)

(a) Two clerks at P720 P1,440.00
(b) One clerk 600.00
Total .......................................

10. For the salaries and wages of the personnel for the Port Works Fund, Act No. 3592, as amended 720.00
To be paid out of the Port Works Fund, Act No. 3592, as amended (720.00)

(a) One clerk P720.00
Total .......................................

11. For the establishment of new telecommunication stations, including purchase of equipment, apparatus and accessories, and for their operation and maintenance 1,000,000.00
Total for special purposes
Office of the Chief
1. One chief of the Office P7,200.00
2. One chief of division 2,400.00
3. One record clerk 1,440.00
4. One clerk-stenographer 720.00
5. One receiving clerk 720.00
6. One mailing clerk 600.00
7. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
8. One clerk-messenger 600.00
9. Two watchmen at P660 1,320.00
10. One driver and chauffeur examiner 1,080.00
11. One driver 600.00
12. One watchman 900.00
13. Two janitors at P600 1,200.00
14. One disbursing and collecting officer 1,560.00
15. One paymaster 1,440.00
16. One teller 1,440.00
17. One teller 1,200.00
18. One teller 960.00
19. One teller 720.00
20. One personnel clerk 720.00
21. One clerk 600.00
22. One accountant 1,680.00
23. One bookkeper 1,080.00
24. One clerk 840.00
25. One clerk 720.00
26. One clerk 600.00
27. Two typists at P600 1,200.00
28. One property clerk 1,200.00
29. One clerk 840.00
30. One clerk 600.00
31. One clerk 600.00
32. Four helpers at P600 2,400.00
33. Two painters at P600 1,200.00
34. One carpenter-packer 600.00
35. Two laborers at P600 1,200.00
36. One chief of division 3,300.00
37. Two chiefs, registration sections A and C, at P1,440 2,880.00
38. One chief, registration section B 1,200.00
39. One clerk 960.00
40. Three registration clerks at P840 2,520.00
41. One clerk 840.00
42. One clerk 720.00
43. Six clerks at P600 3,600.00
44. One clerk-typist 600.00
45. One chief, provincial registration section 1,800.00
46. One clerk-stenographer 600.00
47. Three clerk-verifiers at P600 1,800.00
48. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
49. Two registration clerks at P960 1,920.00
50. Four registration clerks at P900 3,600.00
51. Seventeen registration clerks at P840 14,280.00
52. Thirteen registration clerks at P720 9,360.00
53. Four chauffeur examiners at P960 3,840.00
54. One chauffeur examiner 900.00
55. Twelve chauffeur examiners at P840 10,080.00
56. Twenty-one chauffeur examiners at P720 15,120.00
57. Two chauffeur examiners at P600 1,200.00
58. One chief, drivers license section 1,200.00
59. One clerk 1,200.00
60. One clerk 960.00
61. One clerk 840.00
62. Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
63. Six clerks at P600 3,600.00
64. Three chauffeur examiners at P1,080 3,240.00
65. Three chauffeur examiners at P720 2,160.00
66. One chauffeur examiner 600.00
67. One statistician and chief of section 1,320.00
68. One clerk 720.00
69. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
70. One chief of division 2,400.00
71. One special agent 1,680.00
72. One clerk 840.00
73. One clerk-typist 720.00
74. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
75. One chief investigator 1,440.00
76. Two investigators at P1,200 2,400.00
77. Two investigators at P960 1,920.00
78. One investigator 840.00
79. One traffic officer 1,440.00
80. Three agents at P1,200 3,600.00
81. Five agents at P1,080 5,400.00
82. One agent 600.00
83. One chief inspector 1,440.00
84. Two inspectors at P1,200 2,400.00
85. One inspector 1,080.00
86. One inspector 1,080.00
87. Three inspectors at P960 2,880.00
88. Three inspectors at P900 2,700.00
89. One inspector 840.00
90. One clerk 600.00
91. One clerk-messenger 600.00
92. One chief, docket section 1,200.00
93. One clerk 200.00

94. Less — savings to be made (3,755.00)
Total for salaries and wages
1. Traveling expenses of personnel P23,000.00
2. Freight, express and delivery service 2,000.00
3. Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 3,000.00
4. Illumination and power service 1,000.00
5. Rental of buildings and grounds 5,050.00
6. Consumption of supplies and materials 51,820.00
7. Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 400.00
8. Maintenance and repair of equipment 4,000.00
9. Other services 3,000.00

10. Less — savings to be made (3,755.00)
Total for sundry expenses
1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment P48,265.00
Total for furniture and equipment
Total for salaries and wages P182,725.00
Total for sundry expenses 89,515.00
Total for furniture and equipment 48,265.00
Total amount available for the Motor Vehicles Office
Amount to be paid from the receipts under
Act No. 3992, any provision of existing
law to the contrary notwithstanding

1. One superintendent 5,100.00
2. One assistant 3,120.00
3. One supervisor 1,800.00
4. One stenographer 900.00
5. Two messengers at P600 1,200.00
Accounting Section
6. One accounting officer 3,480.00
7. One bookkeeper 1,320.00
8. Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
9. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
10. One clerk 600.00
11. One clerk 600.00
12. One clerk 600.00
13. One laborer 600.00
Depositor’s Accounts Control Section
Under immediate supervision of Accounting Officer)
14. One chief of section 1,440.00
15. One clerk 900.00
16. One clerk 720.00
17. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
18. One clerk 600.00
General Service Section
19. One chief of section 2,040.00
20. One clerk 1,560.00
21. One clerk 600.00
22. One clerk 600.00
23. One janitor 600.00
24. One laborer 600.00
Deposit and Withdrawal Section “A”
25. One clerk 840.00
26. One clerk 720.00
27. One clerk 720.00
28. One clerk 600.00
29. Six clerks at P600 3,600.00
Deposit and Withdrawal Section “B”
30. One clerk 900.00
31. One clerk 840.00
32. One clerk 660.00
33. One clerk 600.00
34. Seven clerks at P600 4,200.00
Deposit and Withdrawal Section “C”
35. One clerk 840.00
36. One clerk 720.00
37. One clerk 600.00
38. Eight clerks at P600 4,800.00
File Section
39. One clerk 720.00
40. One clerk 660.00
41. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
Tellers Section
42. One teller 1,440.00
43. One teller 1,320.00
44. One teller 1,080.00
45. One teller 900.00
46. One teller 900.00
47. One teller 900.00
48. One teller 900.00
49. One teller 720.00

50. Less — savings to be made (1,260.00)
Total for salaries and wages
1. Traveling expenses of personnel P100.00
2. Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 7,000.00
3. Illumination and power service 700.00
4. Consumption and supplies and materials 14,250.00
5. Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 800.00
6. Maintenance and repair of equipment 200.00
7. Administrative burden 61,340.00
8. Other services, including an amount not to exceed P1,000 for the purpose of conducting a thrift campaign as required in Act No. 3943 2,000.00
9. Three per cent contribution of the Government for the employees’ insurance premiums in the Government Service Insurance System 2,000.00

10. Less — savings to be made (1,260.00)
Total for sundry expenses
1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment P12,070.00
Total for furniture and equipment
1. For reimbursement to the General Auditing Office for the expenses of the auditing service for the Postal Savings Bank Fund, any provisions of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding P8,520.00
Total for special purpose
Total for salaries and wages P62,940.00
Total for sundry expenses 87,130.00
Total for furniture and equipment 12,070.00
Total for special purpose 8,520.00
Total amount available for the Postal Savings Bank
Amount to be paid out of the Postal Savings Bank Fund,
any provision of existing law to the
contrary notwithstanding

Total for salaries and wages P4,238,228.00
Total for sundry expenses 1,128,145.00
Total for furniture and equipment 331,170.00
Total for special purposes 1,495,500.00
Less — savings to be made (306,017.00)
Totals for —
Motor Vehicles Office 320,505.00
Amount to be paid from the receipts under Act No. 3992, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding (320,505.00)
Postal Savings Bank 170,660.00
Amount to be paid out of the Postal Savings Bank Fund, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding

Total amount available for the Department
of Public Works and Communications



1. The Director of Posts is authorized to use from any unexpended balance of any appropriation authorized for the Bureau of Posts in this Order, a sum of not more than P15,000 for the prompt payment of claims arising from fraudulent encashment or wrong payment of money orders and telegraphic transfers.

1. One Secretary of Department P12,000.00
2. One Undersecretary of Department 9,000.00
3. One National Physical Director 6,000.00
4. One private secretary 5,100.00
5. One assistant private secretary 2,400.00
6. One stenographer 2,400.00
7. One administrative officer 4,500.00
8. One clerk 2,940.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
9. One clerk 1,200.00
10. One clerk 960.00
11. One messenger 600.00
Cash, Property and General Service Section
12. One chief of section 2,400.00
13. One cashier and property clerk 1,200.00
14. One clerk 600.00
15. Two janitors at P600 1,200.00
Accounting Section
16. Accounting officer (by detail).
17. One clerk 1,920.00
18. One clerk 780.00
19. One clerk 720.00
Records Section
20. One clerk 900.00
21. One clerk 600.00
22. One clerk 600.00
23. One clerk 600.00
24. One messenger 600.00
25. Chief of division (by detail).
26. One superintendent of physical education 4,800.00
27. One superintendent of physical education 3,960.00
28. Two supervisors of physical education at P3,480 6,960.00
29. One stenographer 1,080.00
30. One clerk 960.00
31. One clerk 720.00
32. One secretary 4,800.00
33. One clerk 1,800.00
34. One messenger 660.00

35. Less — savings to be made (2,870.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Director P7,200.00
2. One Assistant Director 6,000.00
3. One administrative officer 6,000.00
4. One stenographer 2,280.00
5. One stenographer 1,320.00
6. One chief of division 4,800.00
7. One assistant 4,200.00
8. One chief of section 3,300.00
9. One chief of section 2,580.00
10. One chief of section 1,920.00
11. One chief of section 1,800.00
12. One chief of section 1,800.00
13. One stenographer 1,200.00
14. Two clerks at P1,680 3,360.00
15. One clerk 1,560.00
16. One clerk 1,440.00
17. Three clerks at P1,200 3,600.00
18. Four clerks at P1,080 4,320.00
19. Seven clerks at P960 6,720.00
20. Three clerks at P900 2,700.00
21. Three clerks at P840 2,520.00
22. Seven clerks at P720 5,040.00
23. Three clerks at P660 1,980.00
24. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
25. One accounting officer 5,100.00
26. One clerk 1,200.00
27. Two clerks at P960 1,920.00
28. One clerk 900.00
29. One clerk 780.00
30. Two clerks at P660 1,320.00
31. One clerk 600.00
32. One chief of division 5,100.00
33. One assistant 2,940.00
34. One supervisor 2,280.00
35. One curriculum writer 2,280.00
36. One curriculum writer 1,680.00
37. One curriculum writer 1,560.00
38. One curriculum writer 1,440.00
39. Three curriculum writers at P1,320 3,960.00
40. One textbook writer 3,720.00
41. One textbook writer 3,480.00
42. One textbook writer 1,560.00
43. One textbook writer 1,320.00
44. One illustrator 1,080.00
45. One librarian 2,040.00
46. Eight teachers at P1,200 9,600.00
47. One stenographer 1,200.00
48. Two clerks at P1,200 2,400.00
49. One clerk 720.00
50. One clerk 600.00
51. One typist 960.00
52. Two typists at P900 1,800.00
53. One chief of division 6,000.00
54. One assistant 5,400.00
55. One superintendent (normal schools) 3,960.00
56. One superintendent (physical education) 3,960.00
57. One division superintendent (at-large) 3,720.00
58. One supervisor (normal schools) 3,300.00
59. One registrar (vacation normal schools) 1,560.00
60. One supervisor (secondary education) 3,720.00
61. One supervisor (secondary education) 3,480.00
62. One supervisor (secondary education) 3,300.00
63. One supervisor (secondary education) 2,940.00
64. Three supervisors (elementary education) at P2,940 8,820.00
65. One supervisor (physical education) 3,960.00
66. One supervisor (physical education) 2,940.00
67. One supervisor (physical education) 2,400.00
68. One supervisor (physical education) 1,800.00
69. One supervisor (physical education) 1,680.00
70. One supervisor (health education) 3,300.00
71. One supervisor (health education) 2,760.00
72. One supervisor (health education) 1,320.00
73. One supervisor (health education) 1,200.00
74. Two supervisors (national language) at P3,480 6,960.00
75. One supervisor (national language) 1,800.00
76. One supervisor (music) 3,120.00
77. One supervisor (arts) 1,920.00
78. One stenographer 1,320.00
79. Three stenographers at P900 2,700.00
80. One clerk 840.00
81. One clerk 780.00
82. Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
83. One clerk 660.00
84. One chief of division 6,000.00
Administrative Section
85. One chief of section 3,960.00
86. One clerk 1,440.00
87. One clerk 600.00
88. One clerk-stenographer 720.00
89. One mimeograph operator 600.00
90. One messenger 600.00
91. One janitor 600.00
92. One laborer 600.00
Promotion and Supervision Section
93. One chief of section 3,960.00
94. Fifteen provincial organizers and supervisors at P1,440 21,600.00
95. One clerk-stenographer 720.00
Research Section
96. One chief of section 3,960.00
97. One researcher-writer 1,440.00
98. One artist-illustrator 1,080.00
99. Three translators at P720 2,160.00
100. One clerk-stenographer 660.00
101. One chief of division 5,100.00
102. One chief and supervisor, research section 2,940.00
103. One chief and supervisor, test construction 2,400.00
104. One chief and supervisor, survey testing 2,400.00
105. One chief, statistical section 1,920.00
106. One supervisor, survey testing (statistician) 1,800.00
107. One supervisor, survey testing 1,560.00
108. Four supervisors, survey testing, at P1,200 4,800.00
109. One supervisor, test construction 1,560.00
110. One researcher 2,040.00
111. Three researchers at P1,200 3,600.00
112. One test constructor 1,440.00
113. Two test constructors at P1,200 2,400.00
114. One computer 1,440.00
115. One draftsman-artist 1,080.00
116. One clerk-typist 960.00
117. One chief of division 4,500.00
118. One assistant 3,120.00
119. One chief of section 3,120.00
120. One custodian 3,120.00
121. One storekeeper 2,040.00
122. One draftsman 1,320.00
123. One clerk 1,680.00
124. One clerk 1,440.00
125. Two clerks at P1,320 2,640.00
126. One clerk 1,200.00
127. One clerk 1,080.00
128. One clerk 960.00
129. Four clerks at P900 3,600.00
130. One clerk 840.00
131. Two clerks at P780 1,560.00
132. One clerk 660.00
133. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
134. One watchman 660.00
135. Two watchmen at P600 1,200.00
136. One foreman 1,080.00
137. One foreman 900.00
138. One gardener 660.00
139. Three helpers at P720 2,160.00
140. Three helpers at P660 1,980.00
141. Nineteen helpers at P600 11,400.00
142. Two janitors at P660 1,320.00
143. Three janitors at P600 1,800.00
144. One chief of division (editor) 4,200.00
Editorial Section
145. One assistant chief of division 3,300.00
146. One illustrator 900.00
147. One clerk 1,200.00
148. One clerk 960.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
149. One clerk 840.00
Printing Section
150. One clerk 900.00
151. One craftsman 660.00
152. Two pressmen at P600 1,200.00
153. Two mimeograph operators at P600 1,200.00
154. Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
155. One chief of division 3,300.00
156. One assistant chief of division 2,160.00
157. One chief of section 1,800.00
158. One chief of section 1,320.00
159. One clerk 1,320.00
160. Two clerks at P960 1,920.00
161. Two clerks at P840 1,680.00
162. One clerk 720.00
163. One clerk 660.00
164. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
165. Two messengers at P600 1,200.00
166. One helper 720.00
167. Ten helpers at P600 6,000.00
168. One chief of division 4,800.00
169. One assistant 3,960.00
170. One disbursing and collecting officer 2,760.00
171. One clerk 1,560.00
172. One clerk 1,320.00
173. One clerk 1,200.00
174. Four clerks at P900 3,600.00
175. Two clerks at P840 1,680.00
176. One clerk 780.00
177. Six clerks at P600 3,600.00
178. Chief of division (by detail).
179. One assistant and supervisor of agricultural instruction 3,720.00
180. One supervisor (vocational education in the general secondary schools) 3,480.00
181. One clerk-stenographer 900.00
182. One clerk 900.00
183. One helper 600.00
Agricultural Education Section
184. One chief of section 3,720.00
185. One supervisor (vocational agriculture) 2,940.00
186. One supervisor (elementary agriculture) 2,400.00
187. One supervisor (farm and settlement farm schools) 1,800.00
188. One clerk 720.00
189. One helper 600.00
Trade and Industrial Education Section
190. One chief of section 3,720.00
191. One supervisor (industrial arts) 3,120.00
192. One supervisor (trade and technical education) 2,280.00
193. One supervisor (general shopwork) 1,440.00
194. One designer 900.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
195. One draftsman 900.00
196. One clerk 900.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
197. Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
Home Economics Section
198. Chief of section (by detail).
199. One supervisor (home economics) 2,940.00
200. Four supervisors (home economics) at P2,280 9,120.00
201. One supervisor (home economics) 1,800.00
202. One supervisor (home economics) 1,560.00
203. One supervisor (home economics) 1,320.00
204. One designer 900.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
205. One designer 600.00
206. One stenographer 840.00
207. Five helpers at P600 3,000.00
208. One clerk 2,400.00
209. One clerk 1,800.00
      Excess of actual salary 240.00
210. Two clerks at P1,800 3,600.00
211. One clerk 1,560.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
212. One clerk 1,560.00
213. One clerk 1,440.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
214. Nine clerks at P1,440 12,960.00
215. Five clerks at P1,320 6,600.00
      Excess of actual salary at P60 300.00
216. Five clerks at P1,320 6,600.00
217. Eight clerks at P1,200 9,600.00
218. One clerk 1,080.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
219. Two clerks at P1,080 2,160.00
      Excess of actual salary at P60 120.00
220. Fourteen clerks at P1,080 15,120.00
221. Two clerks at P960 1,920.00
      Excess of actual salary at P60 120.00
222. Thirteen clerks at P960 12,480.00
223. Ten clerks at P900 9,000.00
224. Sixteen clerks at P840 13,440.00
225. Six clerks at P780 4,680.00
226. Seventy-two clerks at P720 51,840.00
227. Six clerks at P660 3,960.00
228. Sixty-three clerks at P600 37,800.00
229. One clerk-messenger 600.00
230. Twenty-three janitors at P600 13,800.00
231. One foreman 660.00
232. One patron 960.00
233. One patron 900.00
234. Two guards at P600 1,200.00
235. One keeper 600.00
236. One machinist 840.00
237. Two machinists at P600 1,200.00
238. One quartermaster 600.00
239. One steersman 600.00
240. One cook 720.00
241. One cook, with quarters 480.00
242. Four watchmen at P600 2,400.00
243. One helper 660.00
244. Eleven helpers at P600 6,600.00
245. Three helpers at P360, with subsistence and quarters 1,080.00
246. Four matrons at P600 2,400.00
247. One matron, with quarters 480.00
248. Three boatmen at P600 1,800.00
249. Five sailors at P600 3,000.00
250. One yardman 600.00
251. One laundryman, with quarters 480.00
252. One division superintendent 6,000.00
253. Three division superintendents at P5,100 15,300.00
254. Ten division superintendents at P4,800 48,000.00
255. Five division superintendents at P4,500 22,500.00
256. Two division superintendents at P4,200 8,400.00
257. One division superintendent 3,960.00
      Excess of actual salary 40.00
258. Six division superintendents at P3,960 23,760.00
259. Ten division superintendents at P3,720 37,200.00
260. Two division superintendents at P3,480 6,960.00
261. Five division superintendents at P3,300 16,500.00
262. Two division superintendents at P3,120 6,240.00
263. One division superintendent 2,940.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
264. One supervisor 3,720.00
265. Three supervisors at P3,300 9,900.00
266. One supervisor 3,120.00
267. One supervisor 2,940.00
268. One supervisor 2,580.00
      Excess of actual salary 20.00
269. Two supervisors at P2,400 4,800.00
270. Twenty-six supervisors at P2,280 59,280.00
271. Three supervisors at P2,160 6,480.00
      Excess of actual salary at P40 120.00
272. Two supervisors at P2,040 4,080.00
273. Two supervisors at P1,920 3,840.00
      Excess of actual salary at P80 160.00
274. Three supervisors at P1,920 5,760.00
275. Two supervisors at P1,800 3,600.00
      Excess of actual salary at P60 120.00
276. One supervisor 1,800.00
      Excess of actual salary 20.00
277. Twenty-eight supervisors at P1,800 50,400.00
278. Ten supervisors at P1,680 16,800.00
279. Two supervisors at P1,560 3,120.00
      Excess of actual salary at P60 120.00
280. Eighteen supervisors at P1,560 28,080.00
281. Twenty supervisors at P1,440 28,800.00
282. Seven supervisors at P1,320 9,240.00
283. Twenty-six supervisors at P1,200 31,200.00
Normal Schools
284. One superintendent 6,000.00
285. One registrar 3,720.00
286. One clerk 1,440.00
287. One supervisor 2,400.00
288. Three supervisors at P2,280 6,840.00
289. One supervisor 1,800.00
290. One supervisor 1,680.00
291. One supervisor 1,560.00
292. One supervisor 1,440.00
293. One principal 3,960.00
294. Two principals at P3,720 7,440.00
295. Two principals at P3,480 6,960.00
296. Two principals at P2,940 5,880.00
297. One principal 2,280.00
298. One principal 1,560.00
299. One instructor 3,300.00
300. One instructor 2,940.00
301. Seventeen instructors at P2,280 38,760.00
302. Two instructors at P1,920 3,840.00
      Excess of actual salary at P80 160.00
303. Three instructors at P1,800 5,400.00
304. Eleven instructors at P1,680 18,480.00
305. Eighteen instructors at P1,560 28,080.00
306. One instructor 1,440.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
307. Fifteen instructors at P1,440 21,600.00
308. One instructor 1,320.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
309. Four instructors at P1,320 5,280.00
310. Five instructors at P1,200 6,000.00
311. Four instructors at P1,080 4,320.00
312. One instructor 960.00
313. One librarian 1,440.00
314. One librarian 1,200.00
315. Three critic teachers at P1,800 5,400.00
316. Two critic teachers at P1,680 3,360.00
317. Three critic teachers at P1,560 4,680.00
318. Nine critic teachers at P1,440 12,960.00
319. One critic teacher 1,320.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
320. Eleven critic teachers at P1,320 14,520.00
321. Five critic teachers at P1,200 6,000.00
322. Four critic teachers at P1,080 4,320.00
323. One critic teacher 960.00
Technical School Personnel
(Philippine School of Arts and Trades)
324. One superintendent 3,960.00
325. One registrar 2,280.00
326. Three supervisors at P2,280 6,840.00
327. One supervisor 1,800.00
328. One instructor 2,940.00
329. One instructor 2,280.00
330. One instructor 1,800.00
331. Seven instructors at P1,680 11,760.00
332. Three instructors at P1,560 4,680.00
333. Three instructors at P1,440 4,320.00
334. Five instructors at P1,320 6,600.00
335. Twelve instructors at P1,200 14,400.00
336. Five instructors at P1,080 5,400.00
337. Nine instructors at P960 8,640.00
338. Two instructors at P900 1,800.00
Philippine School of Commerce
339. One superintendent 3,300.00
340. One registrar 2,280.00
341. One instructor 2,400.00
      Excess of actual salary 400.00
342. Three instructors at P2,280 6,840.00
343. One instructor 2,160.00
      Excess of actual salary 240.00
344. Three instructors at P1,800 5,400.00
345. One instructor 1,440.00
346. One instructor 1,200.00
347. One instructor 900.00
School for the Deaf and the Blind
348. One principal 3,720.00
349. One instructor 2,760.00
350. One instructor 2,580.00
351. One instructor 1,800.00
352. One instructor 1,680.00
353. Two instructors at P1,560 3,120.00
354. One instructor 1,440.00
355. Two instructors at P1,320 2,640.00
356. Three instructors at P1,200 3,600.00
357. Three principals at P3,720 11,160.00
358. One principal 3,480.00
359. One principal 3,300.00
      Excess of actual salary 100.00
360. One principal 3,300.00
361. Sixteen principals at P2,940 47,040.00
362. One principal 2,760.00
      Excess of actual salary 40.00
363. Seven principals at P2,760 19,320.00
364. One principal 2,580.00
      Excess of actual salary 20.00
365. Twenty-six principals at P2,280 59,280.00
366. One principal 2,160.00
367. One principal 2,040.00
368. Three principals at P1,920 5,760.00
369. One principal 1,800.00
370. Nine principals at P1,800 16,200.00
371. Seven principals at P1,680 11,760.00
372. Five principals at P1,560 7,800.00
373. Three principals at P1,440 4,320.00
374. One assistant to the principal 2,280.00
375. One assistant to the principal 1,800.00
376. One assistant to the principal 1,680.00
377. One teacher 3,300.00
      Excess of actual salary 100.00
378. One teacher 2,940.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
379. One teacher 2,940.00
380. One teacher 2,760.00
      Excess of actual salary 40.00
381. Four teachers at P2,400 9,600.00
382. Two teachers at P2,280 4,560.00
383. Six teachers at P2,160 12,960.00
      Excess of actual salary at P40 240.00
384. One teacher 2,040.00
385. Five teachers at P1,920 9,600.00
      Excess of actual salary at P80 400.00
386. One teacher 1,800.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
387. Thirty-five teachers at P1,800 63,000.00
388. Forty teachers at P1,680 67,200.00
389. Sixty-one teachers at P1,560 95,160.00
390. Forty teachers at P1,440 57,600.00
391. Twenty teachers at P1,320 26,400.00
392. Twenty-two teachers at P1,200 26,400.00
393. Ten teachers at P1,080 10,800.00
394. Fifteen teachers at P960 14,400.00
395. Two teachers at P660 1,320.00
396. Two supervisors at P2,580 5,160.00
      Excess of actual salary at P20 40.00
397. Five supervisors at P2,160 10,800.00
      Excess of actual salary at P40 200.00
398. Six supervisors at P1,920 11,520.00
      Excess of actual salary at P80 480.00
399. Seven supervisors at P1,800 12,600.00
      Excess of actual salary at P60 420.00
400. Forty-eight supervisors at P1,800 86,400.00
401. One supervisor 1,680.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
402. Seventy-four supervisors at P1,680 124,320.00
403. Seventeen supervisors at P1,560 26,520.00
      Excess of actual salary at P60 1,020.00
404. Sixty-five supervisors at P1,560 101,400.00
405. Six supervisors at P1,440 8,640.00
      Excess of actual salary at P60 360.00
406. Seventy-eight supervisors at P1,440 112,320.00
407. Six supervisors at P1,320 7,920.00
      Excess of actual salary at P60 360.00
408. One hundred seventeen supervisors at P1,320 154,440.00
409. Seventy-nine supervisors at P1,200 94,800.00
410. One principal 2,160.00
      Excess of actual salary 40.00
411. One principal 1,800.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
412. Two principals at P1,680 3,360.00
      Excess of actual salary at P60 120.00
413. Two principals at P1,680 3,360.00
414. Seventeen principals at P1,560 26,520.00
      Excess of actual salary at P60 1,020.00
415. Fifteen principals at P1,560 23,400.00
416. Five principals at P1,440 7,200.00
      Excess of actual salary at P60 300.00
417. Twenty-eight principals at P1,440 40,320.00
418. Twelve principals at P1,320 15,840.00
      Excess of actual salary at P60 720.00
419. One hundred nine principals at P1,320 143,880.00
420. Seven principals at P1,200 8,400.00
      Excess of actual salary at P60 420.00
421. One principal 1,200.00
      Excess of actual salary 24.00
422. Two hundred thirty-one principals at P1,200 277,200.00
423. Five principals at P1,080 5,400.00
      Excess of actual salary at P60 300.00
424. One hundred ten principals at P1,080 118,800.00
425. Three principals at P960 2,880.00
      Excess of actual salary at P12 36.00
426. Forty-three principals at P960 41,280.00
427. One principal 900.00
      Excess of actual salary 144.00
428. One principal 900.00
      Excess of actual salary 126.00
429. Four principals at P900 3,600.00
      Excess of actual salary at P120 480.00
430. One hundred ten principals at P900 99,000.00
431. Two principals at P660 1,320.00
432. One teacher 1,200.00
433. Four teachers at P900 3,600.00
434. Honoraria to be paid to teachers giving instruction in the annual vacation assemblies and in the arts and trades, agricultural and commercial schools during the vacation period and for other expenses incident to the holding of such vacation assemblies: PROVIDED, That any expenditure in excess of the amount herein appropriated shall be covered by receipts to be derived from tuition fees 3,400.00
435. For student labor in national schools under the provisions of section 931 of the Administrative Code 25,000.00
436. For emergency laborers 9,000.00
437. For subsistence of employees who are entitled thereto under the provisions of paragraph (11)-(c), General Provisions, of section 7, of Commonwealth Act No. 246 830.00

438. Less — savings to be made (371,000.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Director P7,200.00
2. One clerk 1,440.00
3. One administrative officer 4,200.00
4. One superintendent 3,720.00
5. One supervisor 2,760.00
6. One supervisor 1,920.00
7. One stenographer 1,200.00
8. One stenographer 720.00
9. One clerk 1,200.00
10. One clerk 600.00
11. For the employment of temporary help for the correction of test papers 450.00
Accounting Section
12. Accounting officer (by detail).
13. One accountant 1,440.00
14. One clerk 600.00
15. One superintendent 3,960.00
16. One superintendent 3,480.00
17. Two supervisors at P2,400 4,800.00
18. Two supervisors at P2,040 4,080.00
19. Three supervisors at P1,920 5,760.00
20. Two supervisors at P1,800 3,600.00
21. Four supervisors at P1,440 5,760.00
22. One clerk 900.00

23. Less — savings to be made (2,840.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Director P7,200.00
2. One Assistant Director (ex-officio chief of the Municipal Libraries Division) 6,000.00
3. One clerk 1,800.00
4. One stenographer 960.00
5. One clerk-messenger 600.00
6. One laborer-janitor 600.00
7. One chief of division 5,100.00
General Service Section
8. One chief of section 2,400.00
9. One personnel and records clerk 2,040.00
10. One stenographer 1,080.00
11. Two clerk-typists at P600 1,200.00
12. One messenger 600.00
13. One laborer-janitor 600.00
Bookmenders and Binders
14. One chief binder 960.00
15. One binder 780.00
16. Seven binders at P720 5,040.00
17. One binder 660.00
18. Four binders at P600 2,400.00
Personnel of the Building
19. One chief janitor-watchman 720.00
20. Five janitor-watchmen at P600 3,000.00
Accounting Section
21. One accounting officer 3,480.00
22. One clerk 1,440.00
23. One clerk 720.00
24. One clerk-typist 840.00
Property Section
25. One property clerk 1,920.00
26. One clerk-typist 840.00
27. Two clerk-typists at P600 1,200.00
28. One laborer-janitor 600.00
Cash Section
29. One collecting and disbursing officer 1,800.00
30. One clerk 1,440.00
31. One chief of division 5,100.00
32. One junior librarian 1,440.00
33. One junior librarian 1,200.00
34. One clerk-typist 720.00
35. One clerk-typist 600.00
36. One laborer-janitor 600.00
Manuscript and Publication Section
37. One manuscript curator 1,680.00
38. Two library helpers at P720 1,440.00
39. One clerk-typist 600.00
Local History and Folklore Compilation Section
40. One chief of section 1,680.00
41. One junior librarian 1,200.00
42. One clerk-typist 600.00
43. Chief of division, item 2.
44. One library supervisor 2,160.00
45. One library supervisor 1,320.00
46. One clerk-typist 720.00
47. One clerk-typist 600.00
48. One library helper 600.00
49. One laborer-janitor 600.00
50. One chief of division 6,000.00
51. One researcher and bibliographer 3,960.00
52. One junior librarian 1,800.00
53. Two library helpers at P960 1,920.00
54. One clerk-typist 900.00
55. One laborer-janitor 600.00
56. One chief of division 5,100.00
Branches and Traveling Library Section
57. One junior librarian 1,800.00
58. Six junior librarians at P1,320 7,920.00
59. Seven assistant branch librarians at P840 5,880.00
60. One clerk-typist 600.00
Registration of Priests and Ministers Section
61. One registrar 1,560.00
62. One clerk-typist 600.00
63. One laborer-janitor 600.00
64. One chief of division 4,200.00
Archives File and Cataloging Section
65. One chief of section 1,920.00
66. Two junior librarians at P1,800 3,600.00
67. Two laborer-janitors at P600 1,200.00
68. Two laborer-janitors at P600 1,200.00
Reference and Office Section
69. One chief of section 1,920.00
70. One library helper 840.00
71. One clerk-typist 600.00
72. One chief of division 4,200.00
Reference and Public Reading Room Section
73. One librarian 2,400.00
74. One junior librarian 1,320.00
75. One library helper 600.00
76. One clerk-typist 600.00
77. Three janitor-guards at P600 1,800.00
Public Documents Section
78. One junior librarian 1,200.00
79. Four library helpers at P720 2,880.00
80. One clerk-typist 600.00
Indexing and Checklist Section
81. One junior librarian 1,320.00
82. Two library helpers at P720 1,440.00
83. One clerk-typist 600.00
84. One chief of division 3,960.00
85. Two junior librarians at P1,320 2,640.00
86. One library helper 1,080.00
87. One clerk-typist 600.00
88. Three janitor-watchmen at P600 1,800.00
89. One chief of division 3,720.00
Classification and Cataloging Section
90. One librarian 1,800.00
91. Two junior librarians at P1,320 2,640.00
92. One junior librarian 1,200.00
93. One library helper 840.00
94. One library helper 660.00
95. One library helper 600.00
Typing, Labeling and Filing Section
96. One labeler and filer 960.00
97. One clerk-typist 840.00
98. Three clerk-typists at P600 1,800.00
99. Two labelers at P600 1,200.00

100. Less — savings to be made (9,230.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Director P7,200.00
2. One secretary and executive officer 5,100.00
3. Per diems of seven members of the Institute at the rate of P12 per session attended for fifty-two weeks sessions, notwithstanding the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 333 to the contrary 4,368.00
4. One chief clerk 2,400.00
5. One librarian and property custodian 1,440.00
6. One stenographer 1,920.00
7. One stenographer 1,200.00
8. One clerk 960.00
9. One typist 960.00
10. One bookbinder 720.00
11. One helper 600.00
12. One janitor-messenger 600.00
Accounting Section
13. Accounting officer (by detail).
14. One clerk 1,440.00
15. One chief of division 4,200.00
16. Two researcher-translators at P3,120 6,240.00
17. Two researchers at P2,400 4,800.00
18. Four researchers at P1,440 5,760.00

19. Less — savings to be made (1,800.00)
Total .......................................
Total for salaries and wages P3,862,418.00
1. Traveling expenses of personnel P236,800.00
2. Freight, express and delivery service 23,735.00
3. Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 48,400.00
4. Illumination and power service 20,550.00
5. Rental of buildings and grounds 15,000.00
6. Consumption of supplies and materials 365,550.00
7. Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 141,550.00
8. Printing of historical publications which will be available for sale or exchange purposes with foreign or local institutions or persons, including free distribution of not more than 400 copies of each volume for complimentary purposes when authorized by the Secretary of Education 8,000.00
9. Traveling expenses of persons not government employees 300.00
10. Maintenance and repair of equipment 2,600.00
11. Other services 20,700.00
Total for sundry expenses
1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment P8,095.00
2. For the purchase of books, including manuscripts: PROVIDED, That no manuscripts shall be purchased the cost of which exceeds P500 7,125.00
3. For the purchase of books for the branch libraries in the City of Manila and in the provinces 5,700.00
4. For the purchase of books for traveling libraries and deposit stations in the different municipalities under section 1689 (c) of the Administrative Code 10,687.00
5. For the purchase of Filipiniana collections 7,125.00
6. For the purchase of salable publications of the Bureau of Printing exclusively for exchanges with foreign countries and institutions as provided in section 1689 (i) of the Administrative Code 600.00
Total for furniture and equipment
1. For salaries and wages of teachers and other employees, sundry expenses, including the purchase of textbooks and supplementary readers, and for the acquisition of furniture and equipment, in connection with the operation and maintenance of public elementary schools including those organized during previous years 48,123,460.00
2. For scholarships for students in normal and vocational schools of the specially organized provinces of Mindanao and Sulu, and for the provinces of Palawan, Batanes, Mountain Province and Nueva Vizcaya to be distributed equitably 39,240.00
3. Additional allotment for the maintenance of special schools, to be allotted in the discretion of the Secretary of Education and subject to the approval of the President, any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding 20,000.00
4. Aid to defray the expenses of the Lagangilang Agricultural High School, including the drilling of wells 8,000.00
5. For expenses in connection with educational work in the specially organized provinces 274,130.00
6. Aid for the operation and maintenance of agricultural, rural, farm, trade and normal schools, to be allotted in the discretion of the Secretary of Education and subject to the approval of the President 311,500.00
7. For the operation, maintenance and improvement of the Central Luzon Agricultural School and the regional agricultural schools in Baybay, Leyte, and Bukidnon, and the regional trade schools in Iloilo and Cebu 262,990.00
8. Expenses in connection with the National and Regional Athletic Meets 10,000.00
9. For the operation and maintenance of the Trinidad Agricultural High School 70,000.00
10. For the operation and maintenance of the Mampising Agricultural High School 35,000.00
11. For the purchase of animal stocks, hand tools, farm machinery, agricultural books and supplies for agricultural schools 150,000.00
12. For technical and advisory staff to the Secretary of Education, who may be employed with the approval of the President of the Philippines 61,180.00

(a) One technical assistant P7,000.00
(b) One technical assistant 6,000.00
(c) One technical assistant 5,520.00
(d) Two technical assistants at P5,100 10,200.00
(e) One technical assistant 5,040.00
(f) One technical assistant 4,500.00
(g) One technical assistant 4,200.00
(h) Two technical assistants at P4,000 8,000.00
(i) One technical assistant 3,800.00
(j) One technical assistant 3,720.00
(k) One technical assistant 3,200.00
Total .......................................

13. For the necessary expenses of the Philippines Historical Committee as provided for by Commonwealth Act No. 169, in connection with the work of identifying, designating, appropriately marking and preserving the historic antiquities, or for the acquisition, by purchase or otherwise, of the antiquities owned by private persons, including the salary of a secretary of said Committee at not to exceed P2,400 per annum 20,000.00
Total for special purposes
Total for salaries and wages P3,862,418.00
Total for sundry expenses 883,185.00
Total for furniture and equipment 39,332.00
Total for special purposes 49,385,500.00
Less — savings to be made (387,740.00)
Total amount available for the Department of Education


1. Any savings in the appropriation for salaries and wages authorized in this Order for the Bureau of Public Schools, including those for the maintenance and operation of normal, vocational, secondary and elementary schools, may be utilized for the temporary employment of substitute teachers to take the place of those subpoenaed to act as witnesses in court, of those with vacation service credit who go on leave of absence, of those granted vacation or sick leave and of temporary teachers assigned to duty during vacation.

2. In conjunction with section 7-II (24) of Commonwealth Act No. 246, the Secretary of Education may allow, free of charge, quarters in kind in government-owned buildings, to clerks and other employees assigned to dormitory duty and to agricultural schools, farm schools and special schools in isolated places under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Public Schools.1aшphi1

3. With the approval of the President of the Philippines, the Secretary of Education is authorized to use savings from the amount herein appropriated for salaries and wages of personnel under the Bureau of Public Schools for sundry expenses, including the purchase of supplies, textbooks and supplementary readers, and for the acquisition of furniture and equipment which may be needed for the opening of new or additional elementary classes, and for the repair or purchase of equipment for elementary classes, any provision of this Order or any other act to the contrary notwithstanding.

4. In order to encourage the printing of books in the Philippines, the Department, in using the appropriations provided in this Order for the purchase of textbooks and supplementary readers for the elementary grades, shall give preference to those locally prepared, printed and bound whenever such textbooks and supplementary readers can be obtained under terms and conditions not prejudicial to public interest.

5. The Secretary of Education is authorized to order the printing of textbooks and supplementary readers for the Bureau of Public Schools with local private printers and publishers by allowing the contractors reasonable margin of profit whenever the Bureau of Printing cannot guarantee the delivery of such textbooks and supplementary readers at the time they are required.

1. One Secretary of Department P12,000.00
2. One Undersecretary of Department 9,000.00
3. One Inspector General of Labor 6,000.00
4. One administrative officer (ex-officio chief of the administrative division 6,000.00
5. Three conciliators at P5,100 15,300.00
6. One private secretary 5,100.00
7. One assistant private secretary 2,400.00
8. One senior assistant 4,800.00
9. One assistant and researcher 3,720.00
10. One accounts inspector 2,940.00
11. One accounts inspector 2,400.00
12. One accounts inspector 1,800.00
13. Three stenographers at P2,400 7,200.00
14. One stenographer 1,200.00
15. One stenographer 960.00
16. One clerk 1,800.00
17. One confidential agent 1,440.00
18. One confidential agent 1,200.00
19. One clerk 600.00
20. One driver 960.00
21. One messenger 600.00
22. One chief of division, item 4.
23. One assistant 2,400.00
24. Four labor agents at P1,800 7,200.00
25. One labor agent 1,440.00
26. One clerk 1,800.00
27. One stenographer 960.00
28. One janitor 600.00
29. Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
Records Section
30. One chief of section 2,400.00
31. One clerk 1,440.00
32. One clerk 600.00
33. One typist 960.00
34. One typist 720.00
Accounting Section
35. Accounting officer (by detail).
36. One accountant 1,200.00
37. One clerk 720.00
Cash and Property Section
38. One clerk in-charge 1,800.00
39. One clerk 600.00

40. Less — savings to be made (3,860.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Director P7,200.00
2. One stenographer 1,200.00
3. One chief of division 4,200.00
4. One assistant 2,760.00
5. One clerk 900.00
6. One messenger 600.00
Personnel Section
7. One chief of section 2,400.00
8. One clerk 1,200.00
9. One clerk 1,080.00
10. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
Records Section
11. One record clerk 2,040.00
12. One clerk 1,200.00
13. One clerk 960.00
14. One clerk 840.00
15. One clerk 720.00
16. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
Accounting Section
17. One accounting officer 2,940.00
18. One clerk 1,200.00
19. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
Property Section
20. One clerk in-charge 2,160.00
21. One clerk 900.00
22. One clerk 600.00
23. One helper 600.00
Cash and Disbursing Section
24. One disbursing and collecting officer 2,160.00
25. One clerk 900.00
26. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
Janitor Service
27. One head janitor 600.00
28. Two janitors at P600 1,200.00
29. Two watchmen at P600 1,200.00
30. Four helpers at P600 2,400.00
Labor Inspection Division
31. One chief of division 5,100.00
32. One assistant 3,120.00
Eight-Hour Labor Law Section
33. One chief of section 2,400.00
34. One labor agent 1,440.00
35. One labor agent 1,320.00
36. Three labor agents at P1,200 3,600.00
37. One clerk 1,440.00
38. One clerk 1,320.00
39. One clerk 1,200.00
40. One clerk 660.00
Women and Child Labor Law Section
41. One clerk in-charge 2,040.00
42. One labor agent 1,440.00
43. Two labor inspectors at P840 1,680.00
44. One clerk 660.00
45. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
Strikes and Lockouts Section
46. One chief of section 2,760.00
47. Three labor agents at P1,800 5,400.00
48. One labor agent 1,320.00
49. Two labor agents at P1,200 2,400.00
50. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
Labor Organization Section
51. One chief of section 2,400.00
52. Two labor agents at P1,800 3,600.00
53. One clerk 1,080.00
54. One clerk 1,200.00
55. One chief of division 5,100.00
56. One assistant 3,720.00
57. One assistant 2,940.00
58. One public defender 2,400.00
59. One public defender 1,800.00
60. One labor agent 1,200.00
61. One labor agent 1,080.00
62. One stenographer 840.00
63. One clerk 1,320.00
64. One clerk 1,200.00
65. One clerk 840.00
66. Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
67. One clerk 600.00
68. Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
Provincial Public Defenders Service Section
69. One public defender 3,120.00
70. One public defender 2,940.00
71. Eight public defenders at P2,400 19,200.00
72. Ten public defenders at P2,280 22,800.00
73. Twenty-three public defenders at P1,800 41,400.00
74. Two public defenders at P1,560 3,120.00
75. Five public defenders at P1,440 7,200.00
76. One public defender 1,320.00
77. One public defender 1,200.00
78. Three labor agents at P1,800 5,400.00
79. One labor agent 1,440.00
80. Two labor agents at P1,320 2,640.00
81. Fifteen labor agents at P1,200 18,000.00
82. One labor agent 660.00
83. One labor agent 600.00
84. Two clerks at P840 1,680.00
85. One clerk 720.00
86. Forty clerks at P600 24,000.00
87. Five helpers at P600 3,000.00
88. One chief of division 4,500.00
89. One assistant 3,120.00
90. One clerk 1,800.00
91. One clerk 720.00
Investigation and Research Section
92. One clerk in-charge 2,040.00
93. One clerk 1,200.00
94. One clerk 840.00
Computation Section
95. One clerk in-charge 1,680.00
96. One clerk 1,320.00
97. One clerk 1,200.00
98. One clerk 840.00
Docket and Compilation Section
99. One clerk in-charge 1,800.00
100. One clerk 840.00
101. One messenger 600.00
102. One chief of division 3,960.00
103. One assistant 3,120.00
104. One assistant 2,400.00
105. One labor agent 2,280.00
106. Two labor agents at P1,200 2,400.00
107. One clerk 900.00
108. One clerk 840.00
109. One clerk 660.00
110. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
111. One chief of division 3,720.00
112. One clerk 600.00
Employment Section
113. One chief of section 2,400.00
114. Three employment agents at P1,200 3,600.00
115. One clerk 660.00
Marine Section
116. One clerk in-charge 1,680.00
117. Two clerks at P840 1,680.00
Investigation Section
118. One clerk in-charge 1,800.00
119. One labor agent 1,200.00
120. One clerk 600.00
121. One chief medical officer 3,960.00
122. One assistant chief medical officer 2,760.00
123. One medical officer 1,920.00
124. Two medical officers at P1,800 3,600.00
125. One nurse 720.00
Labor Placement Division
126. Ten employment agents at P1,920 P19,200.00
127. Twenty-six employment agents at P1,440 37,440.00
128. Forty-one employment agents at P960 39,360.00
129. Thirty-one clerks at P720 22,320.00
130. Eleven helpers at P600 6,600.00

131. Less — savings to be made (23,410.00)
Total .......................................
Total for salaries and wages P569,730.00
1. Traveling expenses of personnel P53,125.00
2. Freight, express and delivery service 1,548.00
3. Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 7,143.00
4. Illumination and power service 3,268.00
5. Rental of buildings and grounds 27,375.00
6. Consumption of supplies and materials 19,648.00
7. Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 2,731.00
8. Traveling expenses of persons not government employees 1,606.00
9. Maintenance and repair of equipment 3,564.00
10. Other services 5,570.00
Total for sundry expenses
1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment P16,130.00
Total for furniture and equipment
1. For expenses in connection with the inspection service for the safety of laborers and employees in mines, quarries or metallurgical operations and other industrial enterprises, including the inspection of boilers and pressure vessels, Commonwealth Act No. 104, as amended by Commonwealth Act No. 696 66,285.00
To be paid out of the receipts under Commonwealth Act No. 104, as amended (66,285.00)

(a) Per diems of four members of the Advisory Safety Council at the rate of P20 each per meeting, four times a month (Sec. 5 of Commonwealth Act No. 104, as amended) P3,840.00
(b) One safety engineer and chief of division 5,100.00
(c) One safety assistant and researcher 3,960.00
(d) One clerk-stenographer 780.00
(e) One clerk 720.00
(f) One messenger 600.00
Boiler Safety Inspection Service
(g) One boiler safety engineer 4,200.00
(h) Two boiler safety engineers at P3,120 6,240.00
(i) One assistant boiler safety engineer 1,680.00
(j) One clerk-stenographer 1,440.00
Mine Safety Inspection Services
(k) One mining safety engineer 2,580.00
(l) One mining safety engineer 1,800.00
General Safety Inspection Service
(m) One safety engineer and chief of section 3,960.00
(n) One safety engineer 1,680.00
(o) One inspecting engineer 1,680.00
(p) One mechanical engineer 1,200.00
(q) One safety inspector 1,440.00
(r) One safety inspector 1,320.00
(s) One safety inspector 1,080.00
(t) One safety inspector 960.00
(u) Four safety inspectors at P720 2,880.00
(v) Two assistant safety inspectors at P600 1,200.00
(w) One labor inspector 1,440.00
(x) Two labor inspectors at P1,200 2,400.00
(y) One labor inspector 720.00
(z) Two labor inspectors at P660 1,320.00
(a-1) One clerk-stenographer 1,200.00
(b-1) One draftsman 840.00
Total for salaries and wages
(c-1) Traveling expenses of personnel P3,000.00
(d-1) Freight, express and delivery service 150.00
(e-1) Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 300.00
(f-1) Consumption of supplies and materials 710.00
(g-1) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 300.00
(h-1) Traveling expenses of persons not government employees 75.00
(i-1) Maintenance and repair of equipment 450.00
(j-1) Other services 300.00
(k-1) Three per cent contribution of the Government for the employees’ insurance premiums in the Government Service Insurance System 600.00
Total for sundry expenses
(l-1) For the purchase of furniture and equipment P2,140.00
Total for furniture and equipment
Total for special purpose

Total for salaries and wages P569,730.00
Total for sundry expenses 125,578.00
Total for furniture and equipment 16,130.00
Total for special purpose –––––––––––
Less — savings to be made (27,270.00)
Total amount available for the Department of Labor
I. — Salaries and Wages
1. One Secretary of Department P12,000.00
2. One Undersecretary of Department 9,000.00
3. One administrative officer 6,000.00
4. One assistant 3,960.00
5. One assistant 2,760.00
6. One private secretary 5,100.00
7. One attorney 4,500.00
8. One agent 1,440.00
9. One chief of division 4,800.00
10. One attorney 2,400.00
11. One clerk 2,400.00
12. One clerk 1,800.00
13. One clerk 1,800.00
14. One clerk 1,800.00
15. One clerk 1,200.00
16. One clerk 960.00
17. Four clerks at P720 2,880.00
Cash and Property Section
18. One disbursing and collecting officer and property custodian 2,400.00
19. One clerk 1,800.00
Records Section
20. One chief of section 2,400.00
21. One clerk 1,200.00
22. One clerk 900.00
23. One typist 720.00
24. Two typists at P600 1,200.00
25. One watchman 600.00
26. One watchman 600.00
27. One janitor 600.00
28. One janitor 600.00
29. Two janitors at P600 1,200.00
30. One messenger 600.00
31. One helper 600.00
32. One helper 600.00
Accounting Section
33. One accounting officer 3,480.00
34. One clerk 840.00
35. One clerk 600.00
36. One clerk 600.00

37. Less — savings to be made (5,500.00)
Total .......................................
Base pay for officers:
1. One captain (Director) P6,600.00
2. One commander (Assistant Director) 5,400.00
3. Two lieutenant commanders at P4,800 9,600.00
4. Eight lieutenants at P3,960 31,680.00
5. Eleven lieutenants (junior grade) at P2,720 29,920.00
6. Thirteen ensigns at P2,160 28,080.00
7. One chief marine engineer 4,800.00
8. One chief marine engineer 3,960.00
9. Four cadets at P1,800 7,200.00
10. Rental and commutation of quarters for thirty-eight officers 21,120.00
11. Longevity pay of officers 1,440.00
Purpose II. — Enlisted Men
Base pay of one hundred twenty-one enlisted men:
Ship “Fathomer”
12. One assistant to engineer 1,320.00
13. One assistant to engineer, second class 1,200.00
14. One machinist 1,080.00
15. Two machinists at P960 1,920.00
16. One launch engineer 960.00
17. Three oilers at P600 1,800.00
18. One ship’s writer 1,800.00
19. Two ship’s writers at P1,200 2,400.00
20. One radio operator 1,320.00
21. One radio operator 960.00
22. One boatswain 900.00
23. One boatswain mate, first class 600.00
24. One boatswain mate, second class 480.00
25. Two stewards at P720 1,440.00
26. One carpenter 720.00
27. Two firemen at P540 1,080.00
28. One fireman 480.00
29. Two trimmers at P360 720.00
30. Two quartermasters, first class, at P480 960.00
31. Three quartermasters, second class, at P420 1,260.00
32. Two quartermasters, third class, at P360 720.00
33. One cook 720.00
34. One cook 480.00
35. One laundryman 420.00
36. Seventeen seamen at P360 6,120.00
37. Four helpers at P360 1,440.00
Ship “Research”
38. One ship’s writer 1,800.00
39. One ship’s writer, first class 1,440.00
40. One assistant to engineer, second class 1,320.00
41. One radio operator 1,200.00
42. One boatswain mate, second class 480.00
43. One quartermaster, first class 480.00
44. One fireman 600.00
45. Two seamen at P360 720.00
46. One laundryman 420.00
47. One helper 360.00
48. One assistant to engineer 2,400.00
49. One assistant to engineer, first class 1,680.00
50. Two assistants to engineer, third class, at P840 1,680.00
51. One boatswain 960.00
52. One boatswain mate, first class 720.00
53. One steward 720.00
54. One steward 660.00
55. One quartermaster 540.00
56. One quartermaster, first class 480.00
57. Three quartermasters, second class, at P420 1,260.00
58. One carpenter 840.00
59. One cook 660.00
60. Two cooks at P540 1,080.00
61. Two cooks, second class, at P360 720.00
62. Three oilers at P600 1,800.00
63. Five firemen at P600 3,000.00
64. Seventeen seamen at P360 6,120.00
65. Six trimmers at P420 2,520.00
66. Four helpers at P360 1,440.00
67. Re-enlistment pay of enlisted men 5,450.00
68. Subsistence allowance for officers at P3 per day each, commutable 43,885.00
69. For rations of petty officers at P2 per day each, commutable 10,220.00
70. For rations of members of the crew at P1.50 per day each, commutable 59,130.00
71. For uniform allowance at P50 4,550.00
72. One stenographer 1,440.00
73. One personnel supervisor 3,960.00
74. One administrative assistant 2,940.00
75. One assistant 1,800.00
76. One field inspector 1,920.00
77. One librarian 2,400.00
78. One assistant librarian 1,920.00
79. One stenographer 1,320.00
80. One personnel clerk 1,320.00
81. One record clerk 1,080.00
82. One clerk 720.00
83. One clerk 600.00
84. One messenger 600.00
85. One chief guard 840.00
86. Three guards at P600 1,800.00
87. Two special watchmen at P600 1,200.00
88. Six janitors at P600 3,600.00
89. Three laborers at P600 1,800.00
Cash and Property Section
90. One cashier and paymaster 3,120.00
91. One property custodian 1,560.00
92. One laborer 600.00
Accounting Section
93.Accounting officer (by detail).
94. One accountant 2,400.00
95. One clerk 1,200.00
96. One clerk 960.00
97. One chief of division 4,800.00
98. One senior geodesist 3,960.00
99. One junior geodesist 2,400.00
100. One geophysics observer and computer 3,120.00
101. One mathematician 3,120.00
102. One junior mathematician 1,920.00
103. One physicist 2,400.00
104. One clerk 2,160.00
105. One clerk 1,800.00
106. One clerk 1,440.00
107. One senior cartographer 3,960.00
108. One cartographic supervisor 3,120.00
109. One cartographer 2,400.00
110. One assistant cartographer 2,400.00
111. Three cartographic draftsmen at P2,400 7,200.00
112. One assistant 2,400.00
Chart Construction Section
113. One draftsman 1,560.00
114. One draftsman 1,440.00
115. Three draftsmen at P1,320 3,960.00
116. One draftsman 960.00
Hydrographic Section
117. One draftsman 1,800.00
118. One draftsman 1,680.00
119. One draftsman 1,320.00
120. Two draftsmen at P1,200 2,400.00
Geographic Section
121. One draftsman 1,440.00
122. One draftsman 780.00
123. One draftsman 720.00
Negative Cutting Section
124. One draftsman 1,680.00
125. One draftsman 1,560.00
126. One draftsman 1,080.00
127. One draftsman 720.00
128. One draftsman 600.00
Archives and Miscellaneous Section
129. One draftsman 1,440.00
130. One draftsman 1,200.00
131. One draftsman 1,080.00
132. One photolithographic superintendent and expert 4,800.00
133. One assistant superintendent 3,120.00
134. One chief photographic operator 2,400.00
135. One chief photolithographic transferrer 2,400.00
136. One chief photolithographic pressman 2,400.00
137. One assistant photolithographic pressman 1,920.00
138. One photographer 1,800.00
139. One photographer 960.00
140. One technician 1,200.00
141. One technician 600.00
142. One pressman 1,800.00
143. One pressman 1,200.00
144. Two pressmen at P600 1,200.00
145. One lithographic draftsman 1,080.00
146. One lithographic draftsman 900.00
147. One chart depot superintendent 3,960.00
148. One nautical writer 2,580.00
149. One assistant 1,920.00
150. One chart and map stock recorder 1,920.00
151. Two chart and map salesmen at P1,200 2,400.00
152. One clerk 1,440.00
153. One clerk 1,320.00
154. One draftsman 1,200.00
155. One draftsman 600.00
156. Per diem allowance of United States officers and experts as technical instructors at P10 and P5 each 22,410.00

157. Less — savings to be made (18,410.00)
Total .......................................
Total for salaries and wages P591,515.00
1. Traveling expenses of personnel P24,750.00
2. Freight, express and delivery service 2,317.00
3. Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 5,225.00
4. Illumination and power service 3,800.00
5. Rental of buildings and grounds 14,000.00
6. Consumption of supplies and materials 114,190.00
7. Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 1,825.00
8. Maintenance and repair of equipment 25,000.00
9. Other services 2,250.00
Total for sundry expenses P193,357.00
1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment P23,050.00
Total for furniture and equipment
Purpose I. — PERSONNEL
1. Base pay P7,046,000.00
2. Longevity pay of officers 186,000.00
3. Rental and commutation of quarters for officers 1,100,000.00
4. Initial clothing allowance of seventy-five cadets at P200 each 15,000.00
5. Pay and maintenance allowance of seventy-five cadets at P130 per month each 140,000.00
6. Base pay 9,028,061.50
7. Additional re-enlistment pay already earned by enlisted men 70,000.00
8. Additional pay for technicians, section 89 of the National Defense Act (Commonwealth Act No. 1), as amended 220,000.00
9. Re-enlistment bonus 228,556.00
10. Clothing allowance of enlisted men 739,542.00
11. Clothing allowance for R.O.T.C. cadets 90,000.00
12. One stenographer 1,320.00
13. Two clerk-stenographers at P1,200 2,400.00
14. One clerk 840.00
15. Two clerks at P660 1,320.00
Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for
Personnel and Administration (G-1 Division)
16. One clerk-stenographer 1,200.00
17. Two clerk-stenographers at P960 1,920.00
18. Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
19. One draftsman 840.00
Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for
Intelligence (G-2 Division)
20. One clerk-stenographer 1,200.00
21. Two clerk-stenographers at P960 1,920.00
22. Five clerks at P720 3,600.00
23. One draftsman 840.00
24. Three interpreters at P960 2,880.00
Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Organization and Training
(G-3 Division)
25. One clerk-stenographer 1,200.00
26. Two clerk-stenographers at P960 1,920.00
27. Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
28. One draftsman 840.00
Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for
Service, Supply and Procurement (G-4 Division)
29. One clerk-stenographer 1,200.00
30. Two clerk-stenographers at P960 1,920.00
31. Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
32. One draftsman 840.00
Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for
Plans and Operation
33. One clerk-stenographer 1,200.00
34. Two clerk-stenographers at P960 1,920.00
35. Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
36. One draftsman 840.00
Office of the Inspector General
37. Three clerk-stenographers at P900 2,700.00
38. Three clerk-stenographers at P840 2,520.00
39. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
Research and Development Division
40. One stenographer 900.00
41. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
42. One draftsman 840.00
Budget Division
43. One clerk-stenographer 1,560.00
44. One bookkeeper 1,560.00
45. One ledger clerk 960.00
46. One clerk 660.00
Public and Legislative Relations Division
47. One clerk-stenographer 1,080.00
48. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
Historical Division
49. One clerk-stenographer 840.00
50. One clerk-stenographer 780.00
51. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
The Adjutant General’s Office
52. One administrative officer 5,100.00
53. One chief clerk 3,120.00
54. One assistant chief clerk 2,280.00
55. Four personnel clerks at P1,920 7,680.00
56. Five clerk-stenographers at P960 4,800.00
57. Five clerk-stenographers at P840 4,200.00
58. Four clerk-stenographers at P780 3,120.00
59. Two clerks at P1,320 2,640.00
60. Two clerks at P1,080 2,160.00
61. One clerk 2,040.00
62. One clerk 960.00
63. Six clerks at P1,080 6,480.00
64. Fifteen clerks at P720 10,800.00
65. Twenty-five clerks at P660 16,500.00
66. Forty typists at P660 26,400.00
67. Five messengers at P600 3,000.00
68. Twenty file clerks at P600 12,000.00
69. Emergency employees 23,280.00
Judge Advocate General’s Office
70. One personnel clerk 2,940.00
71. One clerk 900.00
72. Two clerks at P840 1,680.00
73. Three stenographers at P720 2,160.00
74. Ten clerks at P660 6,600.00
75. Six clerks at P600 3,600.00
Educational and Recreational Service
76. One senior librarian 2,040.00
77. One assistant librarian 1,800.00
78. Two librarians at P960 1,920.00
79. Four library helpers at P660 2,640.00
80. One clerk-stenographer 960.00
81. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
Utilities Section, Headquarters Battalion
82. One clerk 780.00
83. One clerk 720.00
84. Two clerks at P660 1,320.00
85. One chief janitor 720.00
86. Thirty janitors at P600 18,000.00
87. One carpenter 720.00
88. One carpenter 660.00
89. One mechanic 1,200.00
90. One plumber 720.00
91. One plumber 660.00
92. One electrician 780.00
93. One electrician 720.00
94. One painter 660.00
95. One painter 720.00
96. One draftsman 840.00
97. Emergency laborers 1,800.00
Courts Martial and Boards of Officers
98. One court reporter 1,800.00
99. Three court reporters at P1,560 4,680.00
100. Four stenographers at P840 3,360.00
101. Four stenographers at P780 3,120.00
102. One typist 660.00
103. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
Office of the Chief, Corps of Engineers
104. One architectural draftsman 1,680.00
105. Two architectural draftsmen at P1,440 2,880.00
106. One clerk-stenographer 960.00
107. One clerk 720.00
108. Three helpers at P600 1,800.00
Ordnance Service
109. One personnel clerk 1,920.00
110. One clerk 780.00
111. One clerk-stenographer 960.00
112. One draftsman 840.00
113. One storekeeper 1,440.00
114. Two leathermen at P600 1,200.00
115. One mechanic 840.00
116. Two mechanics at P720 1,440.00
117. Two carpenters at P660 1,320.00
118. Ten helpers at P600 6,000.00
119. Emergency laborers 2,820.00
Quartermaster Service
120. One personnel clerk 2,940.00
121. Two clerk-stenographers at P840 1,680.00
122. One clerk 2,040.00
123. One clerk 1,920.00
124. One clerk 1,320.00
125. One draftsman 840.00
126. One clerk 1,080.00
127. Ten clerks at P660 6,600.00
128. Ten clerks at P600 6,000.00
129. Five clerks at P720 3,600.00
130. Emergency employees, skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers 1,800.00
Signal Corps
131. One clerk-stenographer 840.00
132. One clerk-stenographer 780.00
133. Two clerks at P660 1,320.00
134. One telephone supervisor 840.00
135. Fifteen telephone operators at P720 10,800.00
136. One telephone technician 960.00
137. Emergency employees 1,700.00
Medical Service
138. One personnel clerk 1,920.00
139. One clerk-stenographer 840.00
140. Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
141. Three clerks at P660 1,980.00
142. Emergency employees, skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers 64,970.00
Finance Service
143. One personnel clerk 2,940.00
144. One clerk 1,920.00
145. Two clerks at P1,440 2,880.00
146. One clerk 1,200.00
147. One clerk-stenographer 960.00
148. Two clerks at P900 1,800.00
149. Ten clerks at P720 7,200.00
150. Ten clerks at P660 6,600.00
151. One accounting officer 5,100.00
152. One accountant 3,960.00
153. One bookkeeper 2,760.00
154. Two clerks at P2,400 4,800.00
155. Four clerks at P1,800 7,200.00
156. Four clerks at P1,680 6,720.00
157. Four clerks at P1,440 5,760.00
158. Ten clerks at P1,200 12,000.00
159. One clerk-stenographer 1,080.00
160. Two clerks at P1,080 2,160.00
161. Four clerks at P960 3,840.00
162. Three clerks at P840 2,520.00
163. Three clerks at P720 2,160.00
164. One helper 600.00
Philippine Military Academy
165. One stenographer 1,080.00
166. One clerk-stenographer 960.00
167. One clerk-stenographer 840.00
168. One clerk-stenographer 720.00
169. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
170. One plumber 720.00
171. One electrician 720.00
172. One carpenter 720.00
173. One cook 720.00
174. One cook 600.00
175. One steward 660.00
176. Emergency employees, skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers 12,280.00
Military Training Command
177. One clerk-stenographer 840.00
178. One draftsman 840.00
179. One clerk 660.00
180. One clerk 600.00
Army Ground Forces School
181. One stenographer 840.00
182. One draftsman 840.00
183. Two clerks at P660 1,320.00
Reserve Officers Training Corps
184. One clerk-stenographer 840.00
185. One clerk 660.00
186. One clerk 600.00
General Depot Headquarters
187. One clerk-stenographer 840.00
188. One clerk 960.00
189. One clerk 720.00
190. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
Quartermaster Supply Section
191. One clerk 1,680.00
192. One clerk 1,080.00
193. Three clerks at P720 2,160.00
194. Ten clerks at P660 6,600.00
195. Ten clerks at P600 6,000.00
Engineer Supply Section
196. One clerk 840.00
197. One clerk 780.00
198. Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
199. Two clerks at P660 1,320.00
Ordnance Supply Section
200. One clerk 840.00
201. One clerk 780.00
202. Three clerks at P720 2,160.00
203. Five clerks at P660 3,300.00
Medical Supply Section
204. One clerk 1,800.00
205. One clerk 780.00
206. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
Signal Supply Section
207. One clerk 840.00
208. Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
209. Three clerks at P660 1,980.00
Utilities, Transportation and Labor Section
210. Emergency employees, skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers 46,684.00
211. Salaries and per diems of members of Acceptance Boards 25,000.00
212. Pensions to officers and enlisted men who may retire under Section 5, Commonwealth Act No. 190 45,000.00
213. Gratuity to officers who may retire under Section 22 (g) of the National Defense Act (Commonwealth Act No. 1), as amended 500,000.00
214. Extra premiums on policies of officers and enlisted men, Section 24, Commonwealth Act No. 186 180,000.00
215. For additional appropriation needed for the different new agencies of the Armed Forces of the Philippines that are required to operate for the fiscal year 1948 to do functions that are not normal to the Armed Forces of the Philippines, but which are imposed thereon by law or by obligations or commitments to the United States Army which have been assumed in order to protect the interests of the Filipino Veterans, guerrillas and their heirs 1,976,240.00

216. Less — savings to be made from items 12 to 210 (60,104.50)
Total for Purpose I. — Personnel
217. Subsistence of able-bodied enlisted men at P1 each per day and for officers and enlisted men patients confined in hospitals of the Armed Forces of the Philippines at P2 each per day P4,398,350.00
218. Commutation of subsistence allowance for officers at P1 each per day 800,000.00
219. Hospitalization 20,000.00
220. For hospitalization and salaries of patients and medical personnel over and above the authorized strength of the Philippine Ground Force, including payment to blood donors; for medical supplies and equipment; and for the hire of skilled and semi-skilled civilian personnel needed to take care of said patients beginning July 1, 1946 until this service is taken over by the United States Veterans’ Administration: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That if the amount herein authorized should be insufficient for the purpose contemplated in this section, the deficiency shall, by authority of the President, be covered by transfer of savings in the appropriation for the Philippine Ground Force 1,859,040.00
221. Maintenance, operation and rentals of posts, stations, hospitals and buildings 600,000.00
222. Instruction of officers 20,000.00
223. Expenses of the Philippine Military Academy 27,600.00
224. Military libraries 7,000.00
225. Expenses of the Research and Development Division, including the purchase of necessary equipment and supplies 50,000.00
226. Recreations of the Philippine Ground Force 5,000.00
Total for Purpose II. — Maintenance of Personnel
227. Transportation of military and civilian personnel and dependents of officers transferred from one station to another, including per diems of United States Army officers on detail with the Philippine Ground Force and necessary expenses of officers and civilian employees of the United States required to inspect United States ordnance and other property on loan to the Armed Forces of the Philippines P1,550,000.00
228. Transportation and packing of supplies, equipment and armament 283,000.00
229. Supplies for upkeep and operation of motor vehicles 640,000.00
Total for Purpose III. — Transportation P2,473,000.00
230. Signal and chemical defense armament, including maintenance and repair P95,000.00
231. Ammunition of all calibers and types 145,000.00
232. Quartermaster equipment, including furniture for officers’ quarters, maintenance and repair, semi-expendable and consumable supplies and materials as may be considered by the authorities of the Philippine Ground Force as equipment under this item 150,000.00
233. Engineer equipment 30,000.00
234. Medical, dental and veterinary equipment 7,000.00
235. Equipment for ordnance establishments 7,000.00
236. Signal corps equipment 12,000.00
237. Maintenance and repair of equipment 66,220.00
B. Supplies
238. Quartermaster supplies 2,300,000.00
239. Medical supplies 60,000.00
240. Ordnance supplies 30,000.00
241. Signal supplies 25,000.00
242. Engineer supplies 300,000.00
Total for Purpose IV. — Armament Equipment and Supplies
243. Clothing allowance of officers of the Philippine Ground Force sent to the United States Army Service Schools at P400 each P155,000.00
244. For intelligence and counter-intelligence work, miscellaneous, incidental and contingent expenses of the Philippine Ground Force 300,000.00
245. For expenses of military missions from the Philippines to foreign countries and of contracted foreign military missions assigned to serve in the Philippines in a technical, advisory and consultative capacity as the President of the Philippines may authorize 300,000.00
Total for Purpose V. — Miscellaneous Expenses P755,000.00
Purpose I — Personnel P22,150,109.00
Purpose II — Maintenance of Personnel 7,786,990.00
Purpose III — Transportation 2,473,000.00
Purpose IV — Armament, Equipment and Supplies 3,227,220.00
Purpose V — Miscellaneous Expenses 755,000.00

Less — savings to be made (516,220.00)
Total for the Philippine Ground Force
Purpose I. — PERSONNEL
1. Base pay P963,520.00
2. Flying pay of officers on flying status and per diems of special air corps instructors 228,000.00
3. For increase in compensation equivalent to fifty per cent of the respective base pay of all officers and enlisted men of the Philippine Air Force 200,000.00
4. Longevity pay of officers 2,000.00
5. Rental and commutation of quarters for officers 167,760.00
6. Pay and maintenance allowance of one hundred twenty-five flying cadets at rates not to exceed P1,800 base pay, P250 clothing allowance and P1,460 subsistence allowance per annum each 438,750.00
7. Base pay 1,133,640.00
8. Flying pay of enlisted men 130,000.00
9. Pay and allowance of three hundred air crews for six months not included in the strength of the Philippine Air Force 411,000.00
10. Additional pay for air mechanics 159,000.00
11. Re-enlistment bonus 15,444.00
12. Clothing allowance of enlisted men 110,458.00
13. One clerk-stenographer 840.00
14. One clerk 720.00
15. One draftsman 840.00
Total for Purpose I. — Personnel P3,961,972.00
16. Subsistence of able-bodied enlisted men at P1 each per day and for officers and enlisted men patients confined in hospitals of the Armed Forces of the Philippines at P2 each per day P541,660.00
17. Commutation of subsistence allowance for officers at P1 each per day 111,325.00
18. Hospitalization 1,430.00
19. Maintenance, operation and rentals of posts, stations, hospitals and buildings 79,232.00
20. Instruction of officers 2,000.00
21. Military libraries 1,000.00
22. Recreations of the Philippine Air Force 1,000.00
Total for Purpose II. — Maintenance of Personnel
23. Transportation of military and civilian personnel and dependents of officers transferred from one station to another, including per diems of United States Army officers on detail with the Philippine Air Force, and necessary expenses of officers and civilian employees of the United States required to inspect United States ordnance and other property on loan to the Armed Forces of the Philippines 150,000.00
24. Transportation and packing of supplies, equipment and armament 8,695.00
25. Supplies for upkeep and operation of motor vehicles 50,000.00
Total for Purpose III. — Transportation
26. Signal and chemical defense armament, including maintenance and repair 1,000.00
27. Ammunition of all calibers and types 5,000.00
28. Quartermaster equipment, including furniture for officers’ quarters, maintenance and repair, semi-expendable and consumable supplies and materials as may be considered by the authorities of the Philippine Air Force as equipment under this item 5,217.00
29. Engineer equipment 1,000.00
30. Medical, dental and veterinary equipment 500.00
31. Air corps equipment 19,000.00
32. Signal corps equipment 2,000.00
33. Maintenance and repair of equipment 5,000.00
34. Quartermaster supplies 245,000.00
35. Medical supplies 10,000.00
36. Air corps supplies 2,500,000.00
37. Signal supplies 5,000.00
Total for Purpose IV. — Armament, Equipment and Supplies P2,798,717.00
38. Clothing allowance of Philippine Air Force officers sent to the United States Army Service Schools at P400 each P20,000.00
39. For intelligence and counter-intelligence work, miscellaneous, incidental and contingent expenses of the Philippine Air Force 5,000.00
Total for Purpose V. — Miscellaneous Expenses
Purpose I. — Personnel P3,961,972.00
Purpose II. — Maintenance of Personnel 737,647.00
Purpose III. — Transportation 208,695.00
Purpose IV. — Armament, Equipment and Supplies 2,798,717.00
Purpose V. — Miscellaneous Expenses 25,000.00

Less — savings to be made (102,020.00)
Total for the Philippine Air Force
Purpose I. — PERSONNEL
1. Base pay P560,440.00
2. Sea duty pay at 10 per cent of base pay 33,500.00
3. Longevity pay of officers 2,000.00
4. Rental and commutation of quarters for officers at the following annual rates: For commodore, one thousand four hundred forty pesos (P1,440); for captain, one thousand two hundred pesos (P1,200); for commander, nine hundred sixty pesos (P960); for lieutenant-commander, seven hundred twenty pesos (P720); for lieutenant, senior grade, six hundred pesos (P600); for lieutenant, junior grade, four hundred eighty pesos (P480); and for ensign, four hundred eighty pesos (P480) 93,240.00
5. Base pay 1,117,200.00
6. Sea duty pay at 10 per cent of base pay 69,130.00
7. Additional enlistment pay already earned by enlisted men 2,400.00
8. Re-enlistment bonus 3,000.00
9. Clothing allowance of enlisted men at forty-eight pesos (P48) initial, and twenty centavos (P0.20) daily 171,730.00
10. Rental and commutation of quarters for married enlisted men at the following annual rates: for chief petty officer, one hundred ninety-two pesos (P192); for petty officer, first class, one hundred forty-four pesos (P144); for petty officer, second class down to and including third class, ninety-six pesos (P96) 65,000.00
Central General Staff
11. One stenographer 1,560.00
12. Five typists at P960 4,800.00
13. Five helpers at P720 3,600.00
Training Center
14. One stenographer 1,200.00
15. Two clerks at P1,080 2,160.00
16. Five helpers at P720 3,600.00
General Supply Depot
17. Two clerks at P840 1,680.00
18. Five helpers at P720 3,600.00
Carpentry Shop
19. Two carpenters at P960 1,920.00
Operating Base
20. Two lathemen at P1,200 2,400.00
21. One blacksmith 960.00
22. Two electricians at P960 1,920.00
23. Two shipfitters at P1,200 2,400.00
24. One welder 960.00
25. Four mechanics at P1,200 4,800.00
26. Five helpers at P720 3,600.00
Lighthouse Service
27. One supervisor 3,960.00
28. One clerk 1,080.00
29. One clerk 840.00
30. One clerk 780.00
31. One radio-beacon operator, with furnished quarters and subsistence 1,560.00
32. One radio-beacon operator, with furnished quarters and subsistence 960.00
33. One machinist, with furnished quarters and subsistence 960.00
34. Three lightkeepers at P1,320, with furnished quarters and subsistence 3,960.00
35. One lightkeeper 1,200.00
36. One lightkeeper 1,080.00
37. Three lightkeepers at P960, with furnished quarters and subsistence 2,880.00
38. One lightkeeper, with furnished quarters 960.00
39. One lightkeeper 960.00
40. One lightkeeper 900.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
41. Fourteen lightkeepers at P900 12,600.00
42. One lightkeeper, with furnished quarters and subsistence 840.00
43. Seven lightkeepers at P780 5,460.00
44. Two lightkeepers at P720 1,440.00
45. One lightkeeper, with furnished quarters and subsistence 660.00
46. Thirty lightkeepers at P660 19,800.00
47. Three lightkeepers at P600, with furnished quarters and subsistence 1,800.00
48. Twenty-six lightkeepers at P600 15,600.00
49. Twenty-three lightkeepers at P540 12,420.00
50. Four lightkeepers at P480, with furnished quarters and subsistence 1,920.00
51. Six lightkeepers at P480, with furnished quarters 2,880.00
52. Twenty-seven lightkeepers at P480 12,960.00
53. Two lightkeepers at P420 840.00
      Excess of actual salary at P60 120.00
54. Fifty-nine lightkeepers at P420 24,780.00
55. Twenty-seven lightkeepers at P360, with furnished quarters and subsistence 9,720.00
56. Forty-four lightkeepers at P360 15,840.00
57. One hundred three boatmen at P360, with furnished quarters and subsistence 37,080.00
58. Two boatmen at P360 720.00
59. Rations in kind furnished to lightkeepers and boatmen at light stations 20,200.00
60. One captain 4,800.00
      Excess of actual salary of the incumbent on January 1, 1939, of the position of captain, item 60 600.00
61. Three captains at P4,800 14,400.00
62. Two captains at P4,500 9,000.00
63. Five chief marine engineers at P4,800 24,000.00
64. One chief marine engineer 4,500.00
65. Three first officers at P2,940 8,820.00
66. Two first officers at P2,760 5,520.00
67. One second officer 2,040.00
68. Four second officers at P1,920 7,680.00
69. One third officer 1,800.00
      Excess of actual salary of the incumbent on January 1, 1939, of the position of third officer, item 69 180.00
70. One third officer 1,800.00
71. Four first assistant engineers at P2,940 11,760.00
72. One first assistant engineer 2,760.00
73. One second assistant engineer 2,040.00
74. Four second assistant engineers at P1,920 7,680.00
75. Two third assistant engineers at P1,800 3,600.00
76. One radio operator 1,920.00
77. Four radio operators at P1,560 6,240.00
78. One radio operator 1,320.00
79. One radio operator 1,200.00
80. Six radio operators at P780 4,680.00
81. Five radio operators at P720 3,600.00
82. One electrician 1,200.00
83. Two machinists at P840 1,680.00
84. Six machinists at P780 4,680.00
85. Two machinists at P720 1,440.00
86. Five machinists at P660 3,300.00
87. One machinist 600.00
88. Twenty-four oilers at P600 14,400.00
89. Two boatswains at P720 1,440.00
90. Three boatswains at P660 1,980.00
91. Two carpenters at P720 1,440.00
92. Three carpenters at P660 1,980.00
93. One steward 720.00
94. One steward 660.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
95. Three stewards at P660 1,980.00
96. Nine firemen at P540 4,860.00
97. Six firemen helpers at P420 2,520.00
98. Two engine storekeepers at P540 1,080.00
99. Two dock storekeepers at P360 720.00
100. Fifteen quartermasters at P480 7,200.00
101. Ten coxswains at P420 4,200.00
102. Fifty seamen at P360 18,000.00
103. Two cooks at P720 1,440.00
104. Three cooks at P660 1,980.00
105. Five cooks at P420 2,100.00
106. Fifteen helpers at P360 5,400.00
107. One patron 1,080.00
108. One second officer 1,920.00
109. One launch engineer 960.00
110. One launch engineer 720.00
111. One launch machinist 480.00
112. One launch machinist 420.00
113. One machinist 360.00
114. One coxswain 420.00
115. Five seamen at P360 1,800.00
116. Subsistence of officers and other members of the crew of vessels, launches, boats and motorboats at daily rates to be fixed by the Secretary of National Defense, but not to exceed P3 for each officer and radio operator; P2 for each petty officer, assistant radio operator, patron, launch engineer and assistant engineer or machinist, and P1.50 for each of the other members of the crew 167,603.00
117. Uniform allowance to members of the crew of vessels, launches and motorboats 7,262.00

118. Less — savings to be made (43,708.00)
Total for Purpose I. — Personnel
119. Subsistence of officers and enlisted men at P1 daily P573,780.00
120. Additional subsistence for officers on sea duty at P2 daily 76,650.00
121. Additional subsistence for chief petty officers on sea duty at P1 daily 29,200.00
122. Additional subsistence for enlisted men on sea duty at P0.50 daily 181,770.00
123. Hospitalization 1,500.00
124. Instruction for officers 1,800.00
125. Instruction for enlisted men 5,000.00
126. Libraries and publication of textbooks 7,000.00
127. Construction of barracks, warehouses, shops, offices and facilities 100,000.00
128. Maintenance, operation and rentals of stations bases, hospitals and buildings 20,000.00
129. Recreation and athletics 1,800.00
130. Burial expenses of officers and enlisted men 800.00
Total for Purpose II. — Maintenance of Personnel
131. Transportation of military and civilian personnel and dependents transferred from one station to another P6,000.00
132. Transportation and packing of supplies, equipment and armaments 2,400.00
133. Supplies for upkeep and operation of motor vehicles 30,000.00
Total for Purpose III. — Transportation
134. Engineering and naval equipment P150,000.00
135. Signal equipment 3,800.00
136. Quartermaster equipment 24,700.00
137. Medical and dental equipment 7,600.00
138. Maintenance and upkeep of equipment 10,000.00
139. Quartermaster supplies 11,400.00
140. Medical supplies 23,750.00
141. Signal supplies 1,710.00
142. Engineer supplies 13,300.00
Total for Purpose IV. — Equipment and Supplies
143. Repair and overhaul of vessels P520,000.00
144. Fuel, grease and lubricating oil 897,000.00
145. Paints, waste cotton and cleaning materials 180,000.00
Total for Purpose V. — Maintenance and Operation of Vessels
Purpose VI. — Miscellaneous Expenses
146. Miscellaneous incidental and contingent expenses P24,900.00
Philippine Nautical School
147. One superintendent 3,960.00
148. One property custodian 720.00
149. One watchman 600.00
150. One janitor 600.00
151. One gardener 600.00
152. Subsistence of 40 cadets who will practice on board government vessels for 90 days at P2 per day each, and subsistence of one instructor who will accompany the cadets during the training cruise at P3 per day for 90 days 7,470.00
Total for Purpose VI. — Miscellaneous Expenses
153. Traveling expenses of personnel P1,500.00
154. Freight, express and delivery service 50.00
155. Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 200.00
156. Illumination and power service 800.00
157. Consumption of supplies and materials 150,000.00
158. Maintenance and repair of equipment 30,000.00
159. Other services 1,200.00
Total for Purpose VII. — Sundry Expenses for Lighthouse and Revenue Cutter Services
Purpose VIII. — Equipment for Lighthouse and Revenue Cutter Services
160. Miscellaneous equipment P2,000.00
Total for Purpose VIII. — Equipment for Lighthouse and Revenue Cutter Services
161. For salaries and wages of the personnel employed throughout the year for the maintenance and repair of lighthouses, buoys and beacons, and for the necessary repair of lighthouse equipment to be paid out of the Port Works Fund, Commonwealth Act No. 130, any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding P23,790.00

To be paid out of the Port Works Fund,
Commonwealth Act No. 130
Salaries and Wages
(a) One foreman P1,680.00
(b) Two lighthouse mechanics at P1,440 2,880.00
(c) Two lighthouse mechanics at P1,080 2,160.00
(d) One storekeeper 900.00
(e) Two helpers at P900 1,800.00
(f) One helper 660.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
(g) Six helpers at P660 3,960.00
(h) One helper 600.00
(i) One helper 420.00
      Excess of actual salary 30.00
(j) Twelve helpers at P420 5,040.00
(k) Two helpers at P360 720.00
(l) Subsistence of four lighthouse mechanics at the rate of P2 a day each while on duty on board the revenue cutters in connection with the repair of lighthouse equipment 2,880.00
Total .......................................

162. For additional appropriation for the operation of an Aircraft Patrol Squadron P406,134.00
Total for Purpose X. — Aircraft Patrol Squadron P406,134.00
Purpose I. — Personnel P2,736,937.00
Purpose II. — Maintenance of Personnel 999,300.00
Purpose III. — Transportation 38,400.00
Purpose IV. — Equipment and Supplies 246,260.00
Purpose V. — Maintenance and Operation of Vessels 1,597,000.00
Purpose VI. — Miscellaneous Expenses 38,850.00
Purpose VII. — Sundry Expenses for Lighthouse and Revenue Cutter Services 183,750.00
Purpose VIII. — Equipment for Lighthouse and Revenue Cutter Services 2,000.00
Purpose X. — Aircraft Patrol Squadron 406,134.00

Less — savings to be made (43,708.00)
Total for the Philippine Naval Patrol
Total for salaries and wages P591,515.00
Total for sundry expenses 193,357.00
Total for furniture and equipment 23,050.00
Less — savings to be made (23,910.00)

Armed Forces of the Philippines —
Total for the Philippine Ground Force 35,876,099.00
Total for the Philippine Air Force 7,630,011.00
Total for the Philippine Naval Patrol 6,204,923.00
Total amount available for the Department of National Defense

VI. — Special Provisions

1. The President shall have authority to transfer, at quarterly intervals during the fiscal year 1948, from Purpose I or II of any of the three Major Commands to other Purposes as titled in this Order of the same or any other Major Command, such portions of unexpended balances of the appropriations authorized thereunder as may be necessary in order to assure balanced development of the National Defense during that year, any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding.

2. The President shall have authority to transfer and expend not to exceed fifty per centum of the amount appropriated for any item in any purpose of the appropriations for the Armed Forces of the Philippines to any other item or items in the same or any other purpose.

3. Officers and enlisted men of the Armed Forces of the Philippines who may be transferred by competent authority from one station to another shall be allowed to have transported at government expense personally-owned possessions, household effects and baggage not to exceed such allowance as may be fixed by the President for the several grades.

4. Funds appropriated under item 244, Philippine Ground Force, shall include representation and contingent expenses of the Chief of Staff and of such other officers of the Philippine Ground Force authorized by the Chief of Staff, which expenses shall be subject to the approval of the President.

5. Expenses for unforeseen contingencies which cannot be paid for lack of appropriation in other purposes may be paid for from Purpose V.

6. Expenses under items 227, Philippine Ground Force; 23, Philippine Air Force; and 131, Philippine Naval Patrol, shall include per diems of officers sent to the United States Army schools for training during the fiscal year 1948.

7. The Secretary of National Defense is authorized with the approval of the President of the Philippines to use any savings in the appropriations authorized in this Order for the Armed Forces of the Philippines for the payment of claims under section 699 of the Revised Administrative Code and section 91-a of the National Defense Act, whichever is applicable, to the heir or heirs of deceased officers and enlisted men of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, and of deceased trainees or reservists in active service or enlisted reserves, who died as a result of the war or in connection with their guerrilla activities during enemy occupation or while in active duty with the former Philippine Army, the Armed Forces of the Philippines and/or USAFFE.

8. The appropriations intended for subsistence, clothing, armaments, and other supplies, materials and equipment for the Armed Forces of the Philippines shall not be available for expenditure whenever such subsistence, clothing, armaments, and other supplies, materials and equipment are obtainable under the provisions of the Military Assistance Act between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the Government of the United States.

9. Officers and enlisted men of the Armed Forces of the Philippines detailed on duty with the Surplus Property Commission shall not during such detail receive pay, allowances, subsistence or other emoluments from the Armed Forces of the Philippines but from the Surplus Property Commission: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That the savings thus realized shall not be available for expenditure for any purpose.

10. Officers, enlisted men and other personnel of the Armed Forces of the Philippines who may not have received the three months advance pay (bonus) at the outbreak of the war and who have not received said advance pay under the provisions of Commonwealth Act Numbered Six hundred and seventy-six, shall be paid the same from the savings in the appropriations for the former Philippine Army for the fiscal year 1947 or from the savings in the appropriations for the Armed Forces of the Philippines for the fiscal year 1948.

11. When expressly authorized by the President, a revolving fund for the operation of the Philippine Naval Base Facilities may be created, not to exceed P1,000,000 for any fiscal year, out of funds transferred from any item or items and any purpose as provided for in paragraph 1 above.

12. Expenses for unforeseen contingencies of the Philippine Naval Patrol which cannot be paid due to lack of funds may be paid for under any item for Purpose VI of the appropriations for the Philippine Naval Patrol.

I. — Salaries and Wages
1. One Secretary of Department P12,000.00
2. One Undersecretary of Department 9,000.00
3. One private secretary 5,100.00
4. One assistant 3,960.00
5. One assistant private secretary 2,400.00
6. One stenographer 1,440.00
7. Two chauffeurs at P1,200 2,400.00
8. One messenger 600.00
9. One administrative officer 6,000.00
10. One assistant 3,960.00
11. One law officer 2,580.00
12. One action clerk 1,440.00
13. One stenographer 960.00
14. One clerk 720.00
15. One messenger 600.00
Accounting Section
16. Accounting officer (by detail).
17. One accountant 1,800.00
18. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
General Service and Personnel Section
19. One chief of section 1,920.00
20. One clerk-stenographer 780.00
21. One head janitor-messenger 720.00
22. One messenger 600.00
23. One watchman 600.00
24. Two janitors at P600 1,200.00
Cash and Property Section
25. One cashier and property clerk 1,800.00
26. One clerk 600.00
Records Section
27. One chief of section 1,800.00
28. One clerk 720.00
29. One clerk 600.00
30. Two clerk-typists at P600 1,200.00
31. One messenger 600.00
Drug Inspection Service
32. One chief pharmacy inspector 3,720.00
33. Two pharmacy inspectors at P1,440 2,880.00
34. One pharmacy inspector 1,200.00
35. One clerk-stenographer 960.00
36. One clerk 600.00
37. One janitor-messenger 600.00
38. One chief of division 5,100.00
39. One medical officer 5,100.00
40. One medical officer 2,940.00
41. Two nurses at P780 1,560.00
42. One clerk 780.00
43. One clerk 600.00
Cebu Biological Laboratory
44. One medical officer 3,300.00
Iloilo Biological Laboratory
45. One medical officer 2,940.00
46. One helper 600.00
Section of Social Hygiene
47. One medical officer 3,960.00
48. One epidemiologist 6,000.00
Section of Tuberculosis Control
49. One medical officer and chief of section 5,100.00
50. One tuberculosis specialist 4,200.00
51. One tuberculosis specialist 3,120.00
52. One tuberculosis specialist 2,400.00
53. One tuberculosis specialist 2,280.00
54. Eight tuberculosis specialists at P1,800 14,400.00
55. One bacteriologist 2,400.00
56. One pathologist 2,400.00
57. One nurse 1,200.00
58. Two nurses at P960 1,920.00
59. Five nurses at P900 4,500.00
60. Four nurses at P840 3,360.00
61. One technician 960.00
62. Three photographers at P960 2,880.00
63. One clerk 720.00
64. One clerk 600.00
65. Four clerk-laboratory helpers at P600 2,400.00
66. One helper and caretaker of animals 600.00
67. Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
Section of Malaria Control
68. One medical officer and chief of section 5,100.00
69. One medical officer 2,940.00
70. Two medical officers at P2,040 4,080.00
71. Two medical officers at P1,920 3,840.00
72. One medical officer 1,800.00
73. One entomologist 2,940.00
74. One entomologist 2,580.00
75. One technician 1,200.00
76. One technician 900.00
77. One technician 840.00
78. One technician 720.00
79. One clerk 960.00
80. One foreman 900.00
81. One helper 720.00
82. Sixteen helpers at P600 9,600.00
83. One chief of division 5,100.00
84. Three assistants at P3,960 11,880.00
85. One clerk-stenographer 1,800.00

86. Less — savings to be made (13,440.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Director P7,200.00
2. One chief of division 6,000.00
3. One assistant 3,960.00
4. One law clerk 2,400.00
5. One disbursing and collecting officer 2,280.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
6. One clerk 1,800.00
      Excess of actual salary 240.00
7. One clerk 660.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
8. One messenger 600.00
9. One watchman 660.00
10. Two janitors at P600 1,200.00
11. One helper 600.00
District Health Officers
(One-half of salary is payable by the province concerned)
12. Fourteen district health officers at P4,500 31,500.00
13. Fourteen district health officers at P4,200 29,400.00
14. Two district health officers at P3,960 3,960.00
15. Eleven district health officers at P3,720 20,460.00
16. Seven district health officers at P3,120 10,920.00
17. Two district health officers at P2,400 2,400.00
Personnel Section
18. One chief of section 2,400.00
19. One clerk 960.00
20. Two clerks at P660 1,320.00
21. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
Records Section
22. One chief of section 2,400.00
23. One clerk 960.00
24. Two clerks at P840 1,680.00
25. Six clerks at P600 3,600.00
26. Two messengers at P600 1,200.00
Property Section
27. One chief of section 2,940.00
28. One clerk 2,280.00
29. One clerk 1,320.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
30. One clerk 720.00
31. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
32. One supplyman-storeman 840.00
33. One watchman 720.00
34. One helper 900.00
35. Four helpers at P600 2,400.00
Section of Nursing
36. One chief nurse 2,400.00
37. One assistant chief nurse 2,280.00
38. One nurse 1,920.00
39. Two nurses at P1,800 3,600.00
40. Two nurses at P1,440 2,880.00
41. Fifteen nurses at P960 14,400.00
42. Thirty-one nurses at P900 27,900.00
43. One nurse 720.00
44. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
45. One accounting officer 4,500.00
46. One accountant 3,120.00
47. One bookkeeper 1,920.00
48. One clerk 2,160.00
49. One clerk 1,320.00
50. One clerk 1,200.00
51. One clerk 960.00
52. One clerk 840.00
53. Two clerks at P780 1,560.00
54. Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
55. One laborer 600.00
56. One chief of division 6,000.00
57. One assistant 5,100.00
      Excess of actual salary 900.00
58. Two medical officers at P3,960 7,920.00
59. One medical officer 3,120.00
60. Two medical officers at P1,920 3,840.00
61. Two medical officers at P1,800 3,600.00
62. One clerk 1,920.00
63. One clerk 1,800.00
64. One clerk 1,080.00
65. One clerk 960.00
66. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
67. One sanitary inspector 1,320.00
68. One sanitary inspector 720.00
69. Seven sanitary inspectors at P600 4,200.00
70. One vaccinator 600.00
71. One messenger 600.00
72. Ten helpers at P600 6,000.00
Section of Sanitary Engineering
73. One sanitary engineer and chief of section 5,100.00
74. One sanitary engineer 3,960.00
75. One sanitary engineer 3,120.00
76. One sanitary engineer 1,680.00
77. Two sanitary inspectors at P600 1,200.00
78. One draftsman 1,080.00
79. One draftsman 600.00
80. One clerk 600.00
81. Three helpers at P600 1,800.00
Section of Factory Sanitation
82. One medical officer and chief of section 2,400.00
83. One medical officer 1,920.00
84. One nurse 960.00
85. Two nurses at P780 1,560.00
86. Two nurses at P720 1,440.00
87. Two sanitary inspectors at P600 1,200.00
88. One clerk 600.00
89. Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
Food Inspection Service
90. Chief food inspector, medical officer (by detail).
91. One medical officer 2,280.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
92. One sanitary inspector 720.00
93. One sanitary inspector 600.00
94. One clerk 1,920.00
95. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
96. One clerk-messenger 600.00
97. Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
Section of Immunization
98. One medical officer and chief of section 3,960.00
99. Eleven nurses at P780 8,580.00
100. One sanitary inspector 900.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
101. One sanitary inspector 900.00
102. One sanitary inspector 840.00
103. Forty-one sanitary inspectors at P600 24,600.00
104. One clerk 720.00
105. One clerk 600.00
Vaccinating Parties
106. One supervisor 1,440.00
107. Two vaccinators at P900 1,800.00
      Excess of actual salary at P540 1,080.00
108. Three vaccinators at P900 2,700.00
      Excess of actual salary at P300 900.00
109. One vaccinator 900.00
      Excess of actual salary 180.00
110. Four vaccinators at P900 3,600.00
      Excess of actual salary at P60 240.00
111. Three vaccinators at P900 2,700.00
112. One vaccinator 720.00
113. One vaccinator 660.00
      Excess of actual salary 240.00
114. Three vaccinators at P660 1,980.00
      Excess of actual salary at P60 180.00
115. Four vaccinators at P660 2,640.00
116. One hundred thirty-three vaccinators at P600 79,800.00
Section of Biostatistics and Epidemiology
117. One medical officer and chief of section 4,200.00
118. One medical officer 2,400.00
119. One medical officer 1,800.00
Section of Cemeteries and Public Conveyances
120. Chief of section, medical officer (by detail).
121. One chief of division 5,100.00
122. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
Health Education and Information
123. One medical officer, artist in-charge 4,200.00
124. One medical officer and editor 3,720.00
125. One assistant editor 2,400.00
126. One clerk 1,200.00
Physical Examination
127. Two medical officers at P1,800 3,600.00
128. One nurse 960.00
School Health Supervision
129. One medical officer 3,720.00
130. One medical officer 1,440.00
131. One nurse 1,080.00
132. One clerk 780.00
133. One chief of division 5,100.00
134. One senior health inspector 5,100.00
135. One junior health inspector 3,960.00
General Inspection
136. Two senior health inspectors at P5,100 10,200.00
137. One medical officer 4,800.00
138. One medical officer 2,940.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
139. One medical officer 2,940.00
Investigation of Anomalies and Complaints
140. One senior health inspector 5,100.00
141. One medical officer 2,040.00
142. One clerk 1,200.00
143. Two nurses at P780 1,560.00
Investigation of Prevalence of Diseases
144. One senior health inspector 5,100.00
145. Three nurses at P1,200 3,600.00
146. One nurse 900.00
147. One clerk 900.00

148. Less — savings to be made (55,000.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Director P7,200.00
      Excess of actual salary 240.00
2. One executive officer 5,400.00
3. One assistant, non-medical officer 3,960.00
4. Two clerks at P2,400 4,800.00
5. One stenographer 2,400.00
6. One clerk 2,280.00
7. One clerk 1,800.00
8. One clerk 1,320.00
9. One messenger 720.00
10. One janitor 1,080.00
Property Office
11. One property custodian 2,940.00
12. One clerk 2,280.00
13. One clerk 1,920.00
14. One clerk 1,800.00
15. One carpenter 1,200.00
16. Four helpers at P1,080 4,320.00
17. Two watchmen at P960 1,920.00
18. For emergency and temporary employees and laborers to be paid by the day at not to exceed P5.20 a day each and for clothing allowance 1,320.00
Accounting Unit
19. One accounting officer 3,960.00
20. One clerk 1,200.00
21. One clerk 960.00
22. Two quarantine officers at P4,800 9,600.00
23. Four quarantine officers at P3,960 15,840.00
24. Three quarantine officers at P2,760 8,280.00
25. Two nurses at P2,160 4,320.00
26. One fumigator, with clothing 2,400.00
27. One fumigator, with clothing 1,800.00
28. Four fumigators at P1,440, with clothing 5,760.00
29. Two helpers at P840 1,680.00
Iloilo Quarantine Station
30. One quarantine officer 3,960.00
31. One fumigator, with clothing 1,440.00
32. One clerk 960.00
33. One helper, with clothing 840.00
Jolo Quarantine Station
34. One quarantine officer, part time 1,200.00
35. One sanitary inspector, with clothing 960.00
36. One sanitary inspector, with clothing 720.00
Davao Quarantine Station
37. One quarantine officer, part time 1,200.00
Zamboanga Quarantine Station
38. One quarantine officer, part time 1,200.00
Legaspi Quarantine Station
39. One quarantine officer, part time 1,200.00
Tacloban Quarantine Station
40. One quarantine officer, part time 1,200.00
41. For per diems of substitute quarantine officers who shall serve from among the medical officers of government entities or private practitioners who shall be designated by the Secretary of Health, at not to exceed P20 per day, for the ports of Cebu, Iloilo, Legaspi, Tacloban, Davao, Zamboanga, Jolo, Aparri, and other ports, the provisions of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding 6,000.00
42. Chief of division (by detail).
43. One supervisor 3,120.00
44. One inspector 2,400.00
45. Two foremen at P1,920 3,840.00
46. Twenty rodent control operators at P1,440 28,800.00
(All with subsistence, quarters, laundry and clothing)
Mariveles Quarantine Detention Station
47. One quarantine officer 3,960.00
48. One superintendent 3,120.00
49. Two technicians at P1,680 3,360.00
50. One clerk 960.00
51. One mechanic 1,560.00
52. One mechanic 1,200.00
53. One mechanic 960.00
54. Sixteen helpers at P720 11,520.00
55. Two watchmen at P720 1,440.00
56. One carpenter 1,200.00
57. Three carpenters at P960 2,880.00
Cebu Quarantine Detention Station
58. One quarantine officer 3,960.00
59. One superintendent 3,120.00
60. Eight helpers at P720 5,760.00
61. One clerk 720.00
Launch Service Division
(All with subsistence and quarters)
62. Chief of division (by detail).
63. Five patrons at P2,400 12,000.00
64. Two patrons at P1,440 2,880.00
65. Five launch engineers at P2,400 12,000.00
66. Two launch engineers at P1,440 2,880.00
67. Five quartermasters at P960 4,800.00
68. Two quartermasters at P600 1,200.00
69. Five machinists at P960 4,800.00
70. Seven machinists at P600 4,200.00
71. Twenty-four sailors at P600 14,400.00
72. For commutation of subsistence and quarters allowances of quarantineofficers as may be determined by the President upon recommendation of the Secretary of Health 16,000.00
73. Clothing allowances of employees 8,800.00
74. Subsistence of employees and members of the crew of quarantine launches at daily rates not to exceed P2 each for superintendents, patrons and launch engineers, and P1.50 each for minor employees, sailors and other members of the crew, subject to reduction of rates depending upon the availability of funds 50,000.00
Total .......................................
1. One Director P7,200.00
2. One chief of division 6,000.00
3. One disbursing and collecting officer 2,400.00
4. One clerk 1,800.00
5. One clerk 900.00
6. One clerk 600.00
7. One messenger 600.00
8. Three helpers at P600 1,800.00
Personnel Section
9. One chief of section 2,400.00
10. One clerk 1,200.00
11. One clerk 960.00
12. Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
13. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
Records Section
14. One chief of section 2,400.00
15. One clerk 1,200.00
16. One clerk 960.00
17. Two clerks at P660 1,320.00
      Excess of actual salary at P60 120.00
18. Six clerks at P600 3,600.00
19. One messenger 600.00
20. One helper 600.00
21. One helper 600.00
Inspection Service
22. Two hospital inspectors at P6,000 12,000.00
23. Two hospital inspectors at P5,100 10,200.00
24. One chief of division 3,960.00
25. One clerk 2,4,00.00
26. One clerk 1,920.00
27. One clerk 1,800.00
28. One clerk 1,440.00
29. One clerk 840.00
30. One clerk 600.00
31. One pharmacist 1,800.00
32. One supplyman-storeman 1,920.00
33. One storekeeper 960.00
34. One carpenter 720.00
35. One watchman 600.00
36. One janitor 600.00
37. Five helpers at P600 3,000.00
38. One accounting officer 4,500.00
39. One accountant 3,120.00
40. One bookkeeper 2,400.00
41. One clerk 2,040.00
42. One clerk 1,920.00
43. Two clerks at P1,080 2,160.00
44. One clerk 960.00
45. Two clerks at P840 1,680.00
46. Three clerks at P720 2,160.00
47. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
48. One messenger 600.00
49. Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
Leprosy Section
50. One medical officer and chief of section 5,100.00
51. One medical officer (specialist, Disposal Committee) 4,500.00
52. One medical officer (specialist) 2,040.00
53. One nurse 1,200.00
54. One clerk-stenographer 960.00
55. One helper 600.00
Culion Proper
56. One chief of colony and chief physician (specialist) 6,000.00
57. Additional pay of 10 per cent to physicians detailed for duty in Culion Leper Colony, pursuant to section 966 of the Revised Administrative Code 600.00
58. One superintendent of construction 2,400.00
59. One chaplain 1,800.00
60. Two chaplains, without compensation but with subsistence and quarters.
61. One dentist 960.00
62. Six sisters of charity at P900 5,400.00
63. Three sisters of charity, without compensation but with subsistence and quarters.
64. One property custodian 1,440.00
65. One paymaster 960.00
66. One clerk 780.00
67. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
68. Two clerks at P480 960.00
69. One sanitary inspector 720.00
70. One storekeeper 540.00
71. Three telephone operators at P360 1,080.00
72. One carpenter 660.00
73. Two carpenters at P360 720.00
74. One foreman 480.00
75. One plumber 540.00
76. One electrician 420.00
77. One machinist 420.00
78. One machinist 360.00
79. Two drivers at P360 720.00
80. One tinsmith 420.00
81. One blacksmith 360.00
82. Four guards at P360 1,440.00
83. Three helpers at P600 1,800.00
84. Two helpers at P480 960.00
85. Three helpers at P420 P1,260.00
86. Thirty-one helpers at P360 11,160.00
87. One sailor 360.00
88. One janitor 360.00
89. Three laundrymen at P360 1,080.00
(Leper Assistants)
90. One general foreman 480.00
91. Four assistant sanitary inspectors at P120 480.00
92. Four attendants at P120 480.00
93. Forty nursing aides and substitutes of various grades 2,345.00
94. One clerk, justice of the peace 120.00
95. One clerk, Culion post office 120.00
96. One clerk, general leper kitchen 120.00
97. Four clerks at P120 480.00
98. One employee in charge of storehouse 180.00
99. One chief of police 300.00
100. One sergeant of police 240.00
101. Fifteen policemen at P120 1,800.00
102. One band leader 120.00
103. Eleven musicians at P60 660.00
104. One lieutenant of firemen 180.00
105. Ten firemen at P120 1,200.00
106. One fish inspector 120.00
107. Two food carriers at P60 120.00
108. Six assistant cooks at P120 720.00
109. One in-charge of litter-bearers 180.00
110. Nine litter-bearers at P120 1,080.00
111. One janitor, Colony Hall 120.00
112. Eight toilet cleaners at P120 960.00
113. Eight laborers at P120 960.00
Medical Section
114. One medical officer (specialist) 3,720.00
115. One medical officer (specialist) 3,480.00
116. Two medical officers (specialists) at P2,940 5,880.00
      Excess of actual salary at P60 120.00
117. One medical officer (specialist) 2,940.00
118. One pharmacist 2,400.00
119. One chief nurse 2,280.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
120. Two nurses at P1,320 2,640.00
      Excess of actual salary at P180 360.00
121. One nurse 1,320.00
122. One nurse 1,200.00
123. One nurse 1,080.00
124. Two nurses at P900 1,800.00
125. One nurse 840.00
126. One clerk 960.00
127. One pharmacy clerk 480.00
128. Three messengers at P360 1,080.00
129. Three helpers at P360 1,080.00
(Leper Assistants)
130. One clerk, school of nursing aides 300.00
131. Two kitchen clerks at P120 240.00
132. Four employees in charge of hospital at P120 480.00
133. One employee in charge of invalids 120.00
134. Two servants at P120 240.00
135. Ten waiters at P120 1,200.00
136. One chief cook 300.00
137. One assistant cook, hospital kitchen 240.00
138. One assistant cook 180.00
139. One assistant cook 120.00
140. Eight cooks at P120 960.00
141. Two bed cleaners at P120 240.00
142. Twelve laundrymen at P120 1,440.00
143. Ten toilet cleaners at P120 1,200.00
144. Two woodcutters at P120 240.00
145. Seven dishwashers at P60 420.00
146. One clinic messenger 60.00
Pathological Section
147. One pathologist, without compensation but with subsistence and quarters.
148. One medical officer (specialist) 6,000.00
149. One medical officer (specialist) 4,500.00
150. One medical officer (specialist) 3,120.00
151. One clerk 1,440.00
152. One scientific aide 1,320.00
153. One technician 720.00
154. One technician 660.00
155. Three helpers at P360 1,080.00
Chemical Section
156. One chemist 3,120.00
157. One technician 960.00
158. One technician 900.00
Administrative Section
159. One clerk and disbursing and collecting officer 1,800.00
      Excess of actual salary 240.00
160. One agronomist 1,320.00
161. One electrician 960.00
162. One mechanic 960.00
163. Two machinists at P720 1,440.00
164. Two linemen at P480 960.00
165. Two oilers at P360 720.00
166. One helper 360.00
Central Luzon Leprosarium
167. One medical officer (specialist) 4,500.00
168. One medical officer (specialist) 1,800.00
169. One chemist 1,800.00
170. One pharmacist 1,200.00
171. One clerk and disbursing and collecting officer 1,800.00
172. One property custodian 960.00
173. One clerk 600.00
174. One pharmacy clerk 360.00
175. One nurse 1,320.00
      Excess of actual salary 180.00
176. One nurse 1,320.00
177. One nurse 1,200.00
178. One nurse 960.00
179. One nurse 900.00
180. One nurse 780.00
181. One sanitary inspector 960.00
182. One electrician 840.00
183. One mechanic 840.00
184. One driver 600.00
185. Two cooks at P480 960.00
186. Three helpers at P480 1,440.00
187. Eighteen laborers at P360 6,480.00
188. Two watchmen at P480 960.00
189. Four watchmen at P360 1,440.00
190. Three janitors at P360 1,080.00
191. One chaplain, without compensation but with subsistence and quarters.
192. Two sisters of charity, without compensation but with subsistence and quarters.
(Leper Assistants)
193. One chief of police 360.00
194. One storekeeper 300.00
195. Two nursing aides at P180 360.00
196. Two nursing aides at P144 288.00
197. One nursing aide 84.00
198. Six dishwashers at P120 720.00
199. Eight garbage collectors at P180 1,440.00
200. Six camineros at P180 1,080.00
201. Two laborers at P180 360.00
202. Two cemetery caretakers at P180 360.00
Regional Treatment Stations
Eversley Child’s Treatment Station
203. One medical officer (specialist) 3,720.00
204. One medical officer (specialist) 2,280.00
205. Two sisters of charity, without compensation but with subsistence and quarters.
206. Two nurses at P960 1,920.00
207. One nurse 900.00
208. One clerk and property custodian 1,200.00
209. One clerk 600.00
210. One supply clerk 480.00
211. Two watchmen at P480 960.00
212. One janitor 360.00
213. Two cooks at P360 720.00
(Leper Assistants)
214. One chief of police 240.00
215. Two policemen at P120 240.00
216. Three nursing aides at P120 360.00
217. Two attendants at P60 120.00
Cebu Skin Dispensary
218. One medical officer (specialist) 2,580.00
219. One technician 1,320.00
220. One nurse and property custodian 960.00
221. Three helpers at P600 1,800.00
222. One janitor 600.00
Western Visayas Treatment Station
223. One medical officer (specialist) 3,720.00
224. One clerk and property custodian 960.00
225. One nurse 960.00
226. One watchman 480.00
227. One janitor 360.00
(Leper Assistants)
228. One cook 240.00
229. One policeman 120.00
230. One nursing aide 120.00
231. One attendant 60.00
Bicol Treatment Station and Albay Skin Clinic
232. One medical officer (specialist) 3,720.00
233. One medical officer 1,800.00
234. One clerk and property custodian 960.00
235. Two nurses at P960 1,920.00
236. One watchman 420.00
237. One janitor 360.00
(Leper Assistants)
238. One cook 240.00
239. One policeman 120.00
240. One nursing aide 120.00
241. One attendant 60.00
Mindanao Central Treatment Station
242. One medical officer (specialist) 3,120.00
243. One nurse 1,080.00
244. One clerk and special disbursing officer 720.00
245. One guard 360.00
246. One nursing aide 360.00
(Leper Assistants)
247. One cook 240.00
248. One guard 120.00
249. One attendant 120.00
Lanao Sub-Treatment Station
250. One nurse 960.00
251. One helper 420.00
252. One attendant 360.00
(Leper Assistant)
253. One guard 60.00
Cotabato Sub-Treatment Station
254. One nurse 960.00
255. One helper 360.00
Sulu Sub-Treatment Station
256. One nurse 900.00
257. One helper 360.00
Ilocos Skin Dispensary
258. One nurse 960.00
San Lazaro General Hospital
259. One medical officer and chief of hospital 5,100.00
260. One superintendent 3,480.00
261. One medical officer (specialist) 4,200.00
262. Two medical officers (specialists) at P3,120 6,240.00
263. One medical officer (specialist) 2,760.00
264. Two medical officers (specialists) at P2,400 4,800.00
265. Two medical officers (specialists) at P2,280 4,560.00
266. One medical officer 1,800.00
267. One medical officer 1,560.00
268. One medical officer 1,320.00
269. Two medical officers at P1,200 2,400.00
270. Fifteen internes, without compensation but with subsistence and quarters.
271. One dentist 1,200.00
272. One dentist 960.00
273. One pharmacist 960.00
274. One pharmacist 600.00
275. One disbursing and collecting officer 1,800.00
276. One clerk 1,080.00
277. One property custodian 720.00
278. One clerk 660.00
279. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
280. Two clerks at P480 960.00
281. Two clerks at P360 720.00
282. One chief nurse 2,400.00
283. One nurse-social worker 960.00
284. Four nurses at P960 3,840.00
285. Six nurses at P840 5,040.00
286. Eighty-one nurses at P720 58,320.00
287. One dietitian 1,200.00
288. Two dietitians at P1,080 2,160.00
289. One dietitian 900.00
290. One technician 1,200.00
291. One technician 600.00
292. Two technicians at P540 1,080.00
293. One technician 480.00
294. One mechanic 1,320.00
295. One mechanic 480.00
296. One plumber 600.00
297. One carpenter 840.00
298. Two carpenters at P600 1,200.00
299. Two drivers at P900 1,800.00
      Excess of actual salary at P120 240.00
300. One driver 720.00
301. Two drivers at P660 1,320.00
302. One driver 600.00
303. One driver 420.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
304. One driver 360.00
305. One watchman 660.00
306. Two watchmen at P600 1,200.00
307. Five watchmen at P480 2,400.00
308. Nine watchmen at P420 3,780.00
309. Two watchmen at P360 720.00
310. One painter 480.00
311. One foreman 480.00
312. One cook 900.00
313. One cook 600.00
314. Two cooks at P360 720.00
315. Three telephone operators at P360 1,080.00
316. One helper 840.00
317. One helper 780.00
318. Two helpers at P660 1,320.00
319. Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
320. Two helpers at P480 960.00
321. Five helpers at P420 2,100.00
      Excess of actual salary at P60 300.00
322. Eight helpers at P420 3,360.00
323. Two hundred twenty-seven helpers at P360 81,720.00
324. One seamstress 360.00
(Leper Assistants)
325. One foreman 360.00
326. One employee 180.00
327. One employee 120.00
328. One employee 60.00
329. One nursing aide 120.00
330. Five policemen at P120 600.00
331. Three carpenters at P120 360.00
332. One helper 180.00
333. Ten helpers at P120 1,200.00
334. Ten helpers at P60 600.00
335. Four ward attendants at P120 480.00
National Psychopathic Hospital
336. One medical officer and chief of hospital (psychiatrist) 5,100.00
337. One chief of clinical service (psychiatrist) 4,200.00
338. One chief, male service (psychiatrist) 3,120.00
339. One pathologist-bacteriologist 3,120.00
340. One chief, female service (psychiatrist) 2,940.00
341. One psychiatrist 2,760.00
342. One psychiatrist 2,280.00
343. Two psychiatrists at P2,040 4,080.00
344. Six psychiatrists at P1,440 8,640.00
345. Six psychiatrists (internes) at P240 1,440.00
346. One medical officer 1,560.00
347. One medical officer 1,440.00
348. Two medical officers at P1,200 2,400.00
349. One pharmacist 1,200.00
350. One dentist 1,200.00
351. One chief nurse 1,800.00
352. Two nurses at P1,200 2,400.00
353. One dietitian 960.00
354. Seven nurses at P960 6,720.00
355. One nurse 840.00
356. Two nurses at P780 1,560.00
357. Seventy nurses at P720 50,400.00
358. One administrative officer and cashier 2,760.00
359. One clerk 1,440.00
360. One property custodian 1,200.00
361. Two clerks at P960 1,920.00
362. One clerk 540.00
363. One clerk 480.00
364. One pharmacy clerk 480.00
365. One clerk 420.00
366. Eight clerks at P360 2,880.00
367. One dormitory matron 840.00
368. One occupational therapist 900.00
369. One occupational therapist 720.00
370. One occupational therapist (recreational) 720.00
371. One occupational therapist (rattan expert) 720.00
372. Two occupational therapists (hat and mat weavers) at P720 1,440.00
373. Two occupational therapists (cloth weavers) at P720 1,440.00
374. One occupational therapist (tailor) 720.00
375. One occupational therapist (carpenter) 720.00
376. One occupational therapist (shoemaker) 720.00
377. One occupational therapist (toothbrush and toy maker) 720.00
378. One occupational therapist (modiste) 720.00
379. Two occupational therapists (farmers) at P720 1,440.00
380. One occupational therapist (poultry and hog raiser) 720.00
381. One agronomist 480.00
382. One foreman 600.00
383. One technician 600.00
384. One laboratory technician 420.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
385. One plumber 960.00
386. One plumber 360.00
387. One carpenter 900.00
388. One carpenter 360.00
389. One driver 540.00
390. One driver 360.00
391. One helper 900.00
392. One helper 600.00
393. One helper 480.00
394. Four helpers at P420 1,680.00
      Excess of actual salary at P60 240.00
395. One helper 420.00
396. Three hundred seven helpers at P360 110,520.00
397. One gardener 420.00
398. Two gardeners at P360 720.00
399. One tailor 360.00
400. Eight seamstresses at P360 2,880.00
401. Two barbers at P360 720.00
402. One guard 480.00
403. Fifteen guards at P360 5,400.00
404. Two watchmen at P360 720.00
405. One cook 600.00
406. Five cooks at P360 1,800.00
407. One janitor 720.00
408. One dormitory boy 360.00
Southern Islands Hospital
409. One medical officer and chief of hospital 4,200.00
410. One medical officer (specialist) 2,400.00
411. One medical officer 1,800.00
412. One medical officer 1,560.00
413. Six medical officers at P1,440 8,640.00
414. Ten internes, without compensation but with subsistence and quarters.
415. One pharmacist 1,440.00
416. One dentist 1,200.00
417. One chief nurse and principal, training school for nurses 1,560.00
418. One dietitian 960.00
419. Two nurses at P960 1,920.00
420. One nurse 780.00
421. Twenty nurses at P720 14,400.00
422. One administrative officer and cashier 1,320.00
423. One property custodian 720.00
424. Five clerks at P480 2,400.00
425. One clerk 360.00
426. Three messengers at P360 1,080.00
427. One foreman and gardener 480.00
428. Two drivers at P480 960.00
429. One cook 420.00
430. Two cooks at P360 720.00
431. One watchman 420.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
432. Two watchmen at P360 720.00
433. Three laundrymen at P360 1,080.00
434. Five laundresses at P360 1,800.00
435. Thirty-eight helpers at P360 13,680.00
436. Sixty student nurses, without compensation but with laundry allowance not to exceed P8 per month each 5,760.00
Baguio General Hospital
437. One medical officer and chief of hospital 3,960.00
438. One medical officer 2,400.00
439. One medical officer 1,560.00
440. Three medical officers at P1,440 4,320.00
441. Eight internes, without compensation but with subsistence and quarters.
442. One dentist 1,080.00
443. One pharmacist 1,080.00
444. One administrative officer and cashier 1,320.00
445. One clerk 600.00
446. One clerk 480.00
447. Three clerks at P360 1,080.00
448. One chief nurse and principal, training school for nurses 1,200.00
449. One nurse 960.00
450. One nurse 900.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
451. Three nurses at P780 2,340.00
452. Nineteen nurses at P720 13,680.00
453. One technician 960.00
454. One cook 660.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
455. Two cooks at P360 720.00
456. One driver 480.00
457. One driver 420.00
      Excess of actual salary 60.00
458. One mechanic 480.00
459. One gardener 420.00
460. One seamstress 360.00
461. One watchman 360.00
462. One helper 480.00
463. Twenty helpers at P360 7,200.00
464. Forty student nurses, without compensation but with laundry allowance not to exceed P8 per month each 3,840.00
Maternity and Children’s Hospital
465. One medical officer and chief of hospital 3,720.00
466. One medical officer 3,480.00
467. One medical officer (consultant in obstetrics) 3,120.00
468. One medical officer 2,940.00
469. One medical officer (consultant in pediatrics) 2,400.00
470. One medical officer 1,920.00
471. One medical officer 1,440.00
472. One senior resident physician 1,440.00
473. Two medical officers at P1,320 2,640.00
474. One junior resident physician 1,320.00
475. One pathologist-bacteriologist 1,920.00
476. One pharmacist 960.00
477. One dentist 1,080.00
478. Ten internes, without compensation but with subsistence and quarters.
479. One nurse-administrative officer 2,400.00
480. One disbursing officer and cashier 1,200.00
481. One clerk-stenographer 960.00
482. One property custodian 960.00
483. Four clerks at P720 2,880.00
484. One clerk 480.00
485. One pharmacy clerk 480.00
486. Three clerks at P360 1,080.00
487. One technician 720.00
488. One chief nurse 1,920.00
489. One nurse and principal of school of midwifery 1,920.00
490. One nurse 1,200.00
491. Two nurses at P960 1,920.00
492. Two nurses (delivery and operating rooms) at P960 1,920.00
493. One nurse-matron 960.00
494. Six nurses at P840 5,040.00
495. Thirteen nurses at P720 9,360.00
496. One midwife in charge of linen 720.00
497. Six midwives at P720 4,320.00
498. One midwife 600.00
499. Ten midwives at P480 4,800.00
500. Three midwives at P360 1,080.00
501. One foreman 360.00
502. One cook 600.00
503. One cook 540.00
504. One plumber 480.00
505. Two drivers at P720 1,440.00
506. Two drivers at P480 960.00
507. One watchman 360.00
508. One gardener 360.00
509. Thirty-four helpers at P360 12,240.00
510. One seamstress 360.00
511. One laundryman 360.00
Sibul Springs Sanatorium
512. One medical officer 1,440.00
513. Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
514. One helper at P600 for four months 200.00
Puericulture Centers
515. One medical officer and chief of puericulture centers 4,200.00
516. One medical officer 1,800.00
517. One medical officer 1,440.00
518. One medical officer 1,080.00
519. One nurse 1,920.00
520. One nurse 1,800.00
521. Four nurses at P1,440 5,760.00
522. One nurse 1,320.00
523. Eight nurses at P960 7,680.00
524. Forty-two nurses at P900 37,800.00
525. One clerk 1,200.00
526. One clerk 1,080.00
527. One clerk 960.00
528. One clerk 720.00
529. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
530. For laundry allowance not to exceed P8 per month each which may be commuted when authorized by the Department Head, and for subsistence and quarters similarly commutable in the case of employees whose positions have been allowed such commutation prior to 1938: PROVIDED, That commutation for quarters shall be allowed only while government quarters are not available for the purpose 105,635.00

531. Less — savings to be made (113,860.00)
Total .......................................
Total for salaries and wages P2,216,792.00
1. Traveling expenses of personnel P140,855.00
2. Freight, express and delivery service 26,200.00
3. Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 20,610.00
4. Illumination and power service 53,940.00
5. Rental of buildings and grounds 33,290.00
6. Consumption of supplies and materials, including the necessary amount for the purchase of tiki-tiki, vaccine, sera, anti-toxins and other biological products and subsistence of lepers in institutions under the Bureau of Hospitals 2,203,420.00
7. Printing and binding reports, documents and publications, including the publication of bulletins, circulars and other health educational materials not exceeding P1,875 8,150.00
8. Contributions and gratuities 43,500.00
9. Traveling expenses of persons not government employees, including a sum not exceeding P3,750 for the maintenance and care, during the transportation from their homes to government hospitals, of insane persons, and a sum not exceeding P9,780 for the chartering of boats for the transportation of members of families of lepers visiting them in Culion 15,200.00
10. Maintenance and repair of equipment 19,550.00
11. Other services 23,380.00
Total for sundry expenses
1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment P53,945.00
Total for furniture and equipment P53,945.00
1. For expenses in connection with health work in specially organized provinces where local health funds are insufficient, including allowances for subsistence, quarters and laundry of hospital personnel, to be allotted in the discretion of the Secretary of Health and subject to the approval of the President P405,160.00
2. For the establishment, operation and maintenance of municipal maternity, charity clinics and dental service, pursuant to the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 704 600,000.00
3. To carry out the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 701 relative to the protection of early infancy, maternity and child health 100,000.00
4. For aid to national, provincial and municipal hospitals pursuant to the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 705 and subject to release under the same conditions specified in said Act: PROVIDED, That private organizations may, with the approval of the President, acquire and operate government hospitals established under said Commonwealth Act No. 705 on condition that said operation shall be in conformity with regulations of the Bureau of Hospitals: PROVIDED, FURTHER, That ten per centum of the bed capacity of hospital so acquired and operated shall be available for charity cases 900,000.00
5. Aid for the operation and maintenance of hospitals created and established under the provisions of Acts Nos. 3114, 3168, and 3284 and in conformity with Act No. 3361, and those created and established under the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 356 100,000.00
6. For the purchase of medicines and medical supplies and instruments to be distributed to public dispensaries in the municipalities by the Secretary of Health, including expenses for the control of communicable diseases 80,000.00
7. For the control and eradication of malaria 140,000.00
8. Aid for the office expenses of the health officers in the Province of Romblon 9,880.00
9. For continuing the work on the control of venereal diseases in the Philippines, pursuant to the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 685 150,000.00
Total for special purposes
Total for salaries and wages P2,216,792.00
Total for sundry expenses 2,588,095.00
Total for furniture and equipment 53,945.00
Total for special purposes 2,485,040.00
Less — savings to be made (182,300.00)
Total amount available for the Department of Health


1. The Secretary of Health may allow, free of charge, quarters in kind in government-owned buildings to clerks and other employees assigned to dormitory duty, hospitals, training schools and other similar institutions in isolated places operated by the bureaus or offices under the Department of Health.

2. Temporary officers and employees whose salaries are paid from appropriations provided in this Order under this Department and detailed for duty in the Culion Leper Colony and other leper treatment stations or leprosaria under the Bureau of Hospitals may be granted in the discretion of the Secretary of Health, 28 days’ vacation leave with pay for each year of service in the said leper institutions, which vacation must be enjoyed during the year in which earned, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding.

3. Any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding, the Director of Hospitals with the approval of the Secretary of Health, may use the unexpended balance of any appropriation authorized in this Order for the Bureau of Hospitals under sundry expenses, for the maintenance, alteration and repair of the buildings for lepers in Culion and other leper stations without the intervention of the Bureau of Public Works, the total amount that may be spent under this provision not to exceed P5,000.

4. The appropriation provided in this Order for the operation of the Maternity and Children’s Hospital and training of midwives in the City of Manila shall include expenses for graduation of midwives including diplomas not to exceed P400.

5. Part of the appropriation for “other services” of the Department of Health which may be allotted for the use of hospitals under the said Department, shall be available for the purchase of pins and diplomas for the graduating class of nurses and insignia for the officers of such hospitals, and for other expenses that may be incurred in connection with the holding of graduation exercises, as well as for expenses for refreshments, music and other items in connection with the annual Hospital Day Celebration, the total expenses thereof not to exceed P500; and shall also be available for incidental expenses in connection with the holding of scientific meetings or roundtable conferences on health matters, the total expenses for the latter not to exceed P1,000.

6. When necessary due to the presence of quarantinable diseases, any unexpended balance of the appropriations for “salaries and wages” and “sundry expenses” of the Bureau of Quarantine may be used, with the approval of the President, for payment of salaries and wages of temporary personnel, including assistant disinfectors and laborers, to assist the regular force in disinfection work or in handling supplies, and for the purchase of necessary equipment, supplies and materials and for subsistence of personnel, any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding.

7. From the various items of appropriations herein authorized for “sundry expenses” and “furniture and equipment” of the Department of Health, a total sum of not less than P120,000 and an amount of not less than P5,000 shall be allotted for sundry expenses and purchase of furniture and equipment, respectively, of the Bureau of Quarantine.

8. The Secretary of Health may authorize the officers and employees of the Department of Health engaged in the manufacture of anti-toxins, vaccine, sera and other biological products at the Alabang Laboratories and experiment stations whose salaries and wages are payable from the Alabang Laboratories Revolving Fund, to lodge free charge in government buildings situated at the Alabang Station and controlled by the Secretary of Health: PROVIDED, That the officers and employees herein mentioned shall not be allowed to lodge in rented buildings without requiring them to reimburse to the Government their corresponding reasonable share of the rent.ℒαwρhi৷

1. For salaries and wages of the personnel of the Office of the Secretary P53,810.00
2. One secretary 3,960.00
3. One stenographer 2,400.00
4. For salaries and wages of the personnel of the Radio Control Division 30,780.00
5. Less — savings to be made (1,960.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Director P7,200.00
2. One chief of division 5,100.00
3. One assistant 3,120.00
4. One clerk 600.00
Records Section
5. One chief of section 1,440.00
6. One clerk 1,080.00
7. One clerk 900.00
8. One clerk 660.00
9. One messenger 600.00
10. Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
General Service Section
11. One chief of section 1,800.00
12. One stenographer 1,560.00
13. One clerk 720.00
14. One clerk 660.00
15. One messenger 600.00
16. Three watchmen at P600 1,800.00
17. Five helpers at P600 3,000.00
Cash Section
18. One cashier and disbursing officer 1,680.00
19. One clerk 660.00
20. One clerk 600.00
Property Section
21. One chief of section 1,800.00
22. One clerk 1,320.00
23. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
Accounting Section
24. Accounting officer (by detail).
25. One accountant 2,400.00
26. One clerk 900.00
27. One clerk 720.00
28. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
29. One chief of division 5,100.00
30. One assistant 2,940.00
Research Section
31. One chief of section 2,040.00
32. One junior commercial agent 1,800.00
33. One junior commercial agent 1,200.00
34. Two junior commercial agents at P1,080 2,160.00
35. One clerk 780.00
36. One clerk 660.00
Trade Information Section
37. One chief of section 1,560.00
38. Two junior commercial agents at P1,080 2,160.00
39. Two clerks at P900 1,800.00
40. One clerk 660.00
41. One chief of division 5,100.00
42. One assistant 2,940.00
43. One clerk 900.00
44. Three clerks at P660 1,980.00
45. Five clerks at P660 3,000.00
46. One chief of division 5,100.00
47. One assistant 2,940.00
48. One market analyst 2,940.00
49. One clerk 780.00
Commodity Section
50. One chief of section 2,040.00
51. Two junior commercial agents at P1,560 3,120.00
52. One junior commercial agent 1,200.00
53. One junior commercial agent 1,080.00
54. One junior commercial agent 960.00
55. One clerk 900.00
Market Quotations Section
56. One chief of section 2,040.00
57. Two junior commercial agents at P1,560 3,120.00
58. One junior commercial agent 1,080.00
59. One clerk 900.00
Bonded Warehouse Section
60. One chief of section 1,560.00
61. One junior commercial agent 1,320.00
62. One chief of division 5,100.00
63. One assistant 2,760.00
Business Names Section
64. One chief of section 1,800.00
      Excess of actual salary 240.00
65. One clerk 780.00
66. Two clerks at P660 1,320.00
67. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
Commercial Brokers Section
68. One chief of section 1,560.00
69. One clerk 1,080.00
70. One clerk 900.00
71. One clerk 660.00
72. One clerk 600.00
73. One chief of division 5,100.00
74. One assistant 3,120.00
75. One commercial agent 3,480.00
76. Two commercial agents at P3,120 6,240.00
77. One assistant commercial agent 2,580.00
78. One assistant commercial agent 2,280.00
79. Ten junior commercial agents at P1,920 19,200.00
80. One junior commercial agent 1,800.00
81. Two junior commercial agents at P1,560 3,120.00
82. One junior commercial agent 1,320.00
83. Three junior commercial agents at P1,080 3,240.00
84. Five clerks at P900 4,500.00
85. Three clerks at P780 2,340.00
86. One clerk 660.00
87. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
88. One demonstrator 600.00
89. One chief of division 5,100.00
90. One assistant 3,120.00
Foreign Trade Information Section
91. One assistant commercial agent 2,940.00
92. One junior commercial agent 1,920.00
93. Two junior commercial agents at P1,200 2,400.00
94. One clerk 720.00
95. One messenger 600.00
Foreign Trade Survey Section
96. One assistant commercial agent 2,940.00
97. One junior commercial agent 1,920.00
98. One clerk 720.00

99. Less — savings to be made (13,180.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Sugar Quota Administrator P7,200.00
2. One chief of division 5,100.00
3. One attorney 4,200.00
4. One stenographer 2,400.00
5. One stenographer 1,920.00
6. One janitor 600.00
7. One laborer 600.00
Accounting Section
8. Accounting officer (by detail).
9. One clerk 1,080.00
10. One clerk 780.00
Cash and Property Section
11. One disbursing and collecting officer and property custodian 2,400.00
12. One clerk 960.00
General Service, Personnel and Records Section
13. One chief of section 2,400.00
14. One clerk 1,680.00
15. One clerk 1,440.00
16. One clerk 960.00
17. One chief of division 4,800.00
18. One sugar accountant 3,480.00
19. One bookkeeper 2,160.00
20. One statistician 2,040.00
21. One clerk 1,680.00
22. One clerk 1,440.00
23. One clerk 1,080.00
24. One chief of division 4,800.00
25. One stenographer 1,440.00
26. One district sugar supervisor 5,100.00
27. One chemist 4,200.00
28. One special agent 2,580.00
29. One permit agent 2,400.00
30. One permit agent 2,040.00
31. One permit agent 2,040.00
32. One inspector 2,400.00
33. One bookkeeper 2,160.00
34. One bookkeeper 1,440.00
35. One clerk 1,440.00
36. One clerk 840.00
37. One district sugar supervisor 6,000.00
38. One sugar supervisor 2,940.00
39. Three permit agents at P2,400 7,200.00
40. One special agent 2,400.00
41. One inspector 1,200.00
42. One clerk 1,080.00
43. Five clerks at P840 4,200.00
44. One chief of division 4,200.00
45. One clerk 1,920.00
46. One clerk 1,080.00
47. One clerk 840.00

48. Less — savings to be made (7,130.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Director P7,200.00
2. One Assistant Director 6,000.00
3. One chief of division 5,100.00
4. One clerk 2,040.00
5. One collecting and disbursing officer 1,800.00
6. One accountant 1,800.00
7. One stenographer 1,800.00
8. One stenographer 1,440.00
9. One clerk 960.00
10. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
11. One messenger 600.00
12. Three watchmen at P720 2,160.00
13. One chief of division 5,100.00
14. One mechanical and electrical engineer 5,100.00
15. One chemical and industrial engineer 5,100.00
16. Two examiners at P2,400 4,800.00
17. One examiner 2,160.00
18. One examiner 1,080.00
19. One draftsman 1,800.00
20. One clerk 900.00

21. Less — savings to be made (6,000.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Commissioner P11,000.00
2. One assistant 6,000.00
3. One chief of division 5,100.00
4. One attorney 4,500.00
5. One attorney 3,720.00
6. One attorney 3,120.00
7. One attorney 2,580.00
8. One attorney 2,400.00
9. One attorney 2,160.00
10. One attorney 1,920.00
11. One registrar of securities 1,200.00
12. One mercantile registrar 1,200.00
13. One superintendent of brokers and exchanges 5,400.00
14. One securities agent 3,120.00
15. Two securities agents at P2,400 4,800.00
16. Two securities agents at P1,320 2,640.00
17. One chief of division 5,400.00
18. One examiner 3,720.00
19. One examiner 3,120.00
20. Three examiners at P2,400 7,200.00
21. One assistant examiner 1,320.00
22. Two assistant examiners at P1,200 2,400.00
23. One administrative officer 4,800.00
24. One collecting and disbursing officer 2,940.00
25. One stenographer 2,280.00
26. One stenographer 1,800.00
27. One junior stenographer 1,080.00
28. One junior stenographer 900.00
29. One clerk 960.00
30. Three clerks at P900 2,700.00
31. Six clerks at P720 4,320.00
32. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
33. One chief janitor 600.00
34. Four janitors at P600 2,400.00
Accounting Section
35. Accounting officer (by detail).
36. One clerk 840.00
37. One clerk 600.00
Records and Property Section
38. One chief of section 2,280.00
39. One clerk 960.00
40. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
41. One janitor-messenger 600.00

42. Less — savings to be made (3,680.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Administrator P7,200.00
2. One Deputy Administrator 6,000.00
3. One stenographer 1,920.00
4. One messenger 600.00
5. One plans and performance officer 5,400.00
6. One assistant plans and performance officer 4,200.00
7. One general counsel 5,400.00
8. One counselor on economic affairs 4,200.00
9. One regulations and legislation officer 3,720.00
10. One research engineer 5,100.00
11. One ICAO coordinator 4,200.00
12. One aviation information officer 4,200.00
13. One aviation education officer 4,800.00
14. One aviation statistical control officer 4,800.00
15. One statistician 2,760.00
16. One chief of division 4,200.00
17. One senior clerk 2,400.00
18. One librarian 1,920.00
19. One stenographer 1,920.00
20. One stenographer 1,440.00
21. One stenographer 960.00
22. One clerk 1,680.00
23. One clerk 840.00
24. One mimeograph operator 600.00
25. Two messengers at P600 1,200.00
26. Three janitors at P600 1,800.00
27. Two watchmen at P720 1,440.00
Records Section
28. One chief of section 2,040.00
29. One clerk 1,440.00
30. One clerk 720.00
31. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
32. Two typists at P600 1,200.00
Cash and Property Section
33. One cashier and disbursing officer and property custodian 2,940.00
34. One collector 1,440.00
35. One stock clerk 960.00
36. One supply clerk 840.00
Accounting Section
37. Accounting officer (by detail).
38. One accountant-bookkeeper 2,040.00
39. One clerk 1,440.00
40. One clerk 1,080.00
41. One clerk 960.00
42. One clerk-typist 600.00
43. Chief of division (airline pilot) (by detail).
44. Medical director (flight surgeon) (by retail).
45. One enforcement officer 4,200.00
46. One stenographer 1,560.00
Aircraft and Components Section
47. One chief of section 5,100.00
48. One airplane and engine inspector 4,200.00
49. One airplane and engine inspector 3,300.00
50. One mechanic helper 1,920.00
Flight Operations Section
51. One chief of section 5,100.00
52. Two air carrier inspectors at P3,300 6,600.00
Airmen Section
53. Chief of section — airline pilot (by detail).
54. One airline pilot 6,000.00
55. One airline pilot 5,100.00
56. One flight engineer 3,960.00
57. One flight engineer 3,120.00
58. One flight radio operator 3,120.00
Licensing Section
59. One recorder 1,560.00
60. One clerk 960.00
61. One clerk 720.00
62. One chief of division 5,100.00
63. One air traffic controller 4,800.00
64. Two assistant airport traffic controllers at P2,400 4,800.00
65. One radio engineer 5,100.00
66. One radio inspector 3,120.00
67. One senior airways communicator 3,120.00
68. Nine airways communicators at P1,920, with quarters in kind 17,280.00
69. One radio mechanic 2,400.00
70. One radio mechanic helper 1,440.00
71. One stenographer 1,560.00
72. One clerk 1,080.00
73. One clerk 960.00
74. One chief of division (airport engineer) 5,100.00
75. One airport engineer 4,200.00
76. One assistant airport engineer 3,120.00
77. Two assistant airport engineers at P2,760 5,520.00
78. One airport superintendent 3,960.00
79. One airport inspector 2,400.00
80. One assistant airport inspector 1,920.00
81. One airport surveyor 3,120.00
82. One architectural draftsman 2,400.00
83. One topographical draftsman 1,440.00
84. One topographical draftsman 1,200.00
85. One computer 960.00
86. One airport caretaker supervisor 1,560.00

87. Less — savings to be made (10,390.00)
Total .......................................
1. One Director P7,200.00
2. One chief of division 4,200.00
Personnel and Records Section
3. One chief of section 2,400.00
4. One clerk 1,440.00
5. One clerk 1,200.00
6. One clerk 960.00
7. One clerk 720.00
8. Two telephone clerks at P600 1,200.00
9. Three messengers at P600 1,800.00
10. One janitor 600.00
Accounting Section
11. One accounting officer 2,400.00
12. One accountant 1,800.00
13. One clerk 780.00
Property Section
14. One property clerk 1,920.00
15. One clerk 720.00
16. One mechanic 1,800.00
17. One assistant mechanic 1,560.00
18. One junior mechanic 900.00
19. One junior mechanic 720.00
20. Three laborers at P600 1,800.00
Cash and Disbursement Section
21. One cashier and disbursing officer 1,560.00
22. One junior computer 600.00
23. One chief of division 5,100.00
Forecasting Section
24. One forecaster 3,720.00
25. One forecaster 2,760.00
26. One forecaster 2,400.00
27. Three assistant forecasters at P1,920 5,760.00
28. One observer 1,440.00
29. One teletype technician 1,920.00
30. One assistant draftsman 1,440.00
31. One teletype operator 1,440.00
32. Two junior wireless operators at P1,080 2,160.00
33. Two telegraph operators at P1,680 3,360.00
34. Two map plotters at P960 1,920.00
Observations Section
35. One chief of section 3,720.00
36. One observer 2,400.00
37. One observer 1,680.00
38. Two aerological observers at P1,440 2,880.00
39. One radiosonde technician 1,920.00
40. Two radiosonde operators at P1,560 3,120.00
41. Two radiosonde operators at P1,200 2,400.00
42. Two observers at P1,440 2,880.00
43. Six observers at P1,080 6,480.00
44. Ten aerological observers at P960 9,600.00
45. Ten observers at P720 7,200.00
46. Eight observers at P600 4,800.00
47. Twenty rain observers, part time, at P180 3,600.00
48. Fifty-five rain observers, part time, at P120 6,600.00
49. One chief of division 5,100.00
Statistics Section
50. One chief of section 3,720.00
51. One computer-compiler 2,400.00
52. Two assistant computers at P1,080 2,160.00
53. Two junior computers at P720 1,440.00
54. One log computer 720.00
Research and Publication Section
55. One meteorologist 3,720.00
56. One climatologist 2,400.00
57. One computer 1,800.00
58. One computer 1,560.00
59. One observer-librarian 1,200.00
60. One junior computer 720.00
61. One geophysicist (seismic) 5,100.00
62. One assistant geophysicist (magnetic) 3,720.00
63. One magnetic computer 1,440.00
64. One seismic computer 1,200.00
65. Three seismic observers at P960 2,880.00
66. One magnetic observer-mechanic 960.00
67. One astronomer 5,100.00
68. One assistant astronomer (at observatory) 3,720.00
69. One astronomical observer (star transit) 1,800.00
70. Two astronomical computers at P1,440 2,880.00
71. One time siren operator-mechanic 1,200.00
72. One observatory keeper-helper 720.00
73. One photographer-optician 960.00

74. Less — savings to be made (10,270.00)
Total .......................................
Total for salaries and wages ============
1. Traveling expenses of personnel P55,500.00
2. Freight, express and delivery service 4,390.00
3. Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 19,200.00
4. Illumination and power service 9,040.00
5. Rental of buildings and grounds 5,580.00
6. Consumption of supplies and materials 50,300.00
7. Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 5,400.00
8. Maintenance and repair of equipment 7,880.00
9. Other services 10,800.00
Total for sundry expenses
1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment P39,450.00

1. For allowance, transportation and other expenses of a pensionado to be sent abroad P6,000.00
2. For salaries and wages and other expenses as may be necessary for the Division of Standards in the Bureau of Commerce 100,000.00
3. For salaries and wages of the personnel of the Manila Trading Center and Exchange employed throughout the year, Act No. 4069 15,240.00
To be paid out of the Manila Trading Center and Exchange Fund (15,240.00)

(a) One agent P1,200.00
(b) One agent 900.00
(c) One clerk 900.00
(d) One clerk 720.00
(e) Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
(f) One cashier 600.00
(g) Three store attendants at P600 1,800.00
(h) One storekeeper 600.00
(i) Five helpers at P600 3,000.00
(j) One watchman 600.00
Accounting Section
(k) One clerk 1,080.00
(l) One clerk 720.00
(m) Two clerks at P660 1,320.00
(n) One clerk 600.00

(o) Less — savings to be made (600.00)
Total .......................................

Total for special purposes
Total for salaries and wages P984,020.00
Total for sundry expenses 168,090.00
Total for furniture and equipment 39,450.00
Total for special purposes 106,000.00
Less — savings to be made (49,430.00)
Total amount available for the Department
of Commerce and Industry

1. The Auditor General P15,000.00
2. One Deputy Auditor General P9,000.00
3. One secretary to the Auditor General 2,940.00
4. One assistant 5,100.00
5. One special investigator 3,720.00
6. Two confidential agents at P1,800 3,600.00
7. One clerk-stenographer 1,920.00
8. One clerk-stenographer 1,200.00
9. One clerk-filer 960.00
10. One chauffeur 1,200.00
11. One assistant 2,400.00
12. One stenographer 2,040.00
13. One clerk 1,200.00
14. One administrative officer 5,100.00
15. One supervising auditor 5,100.00
Accounting Service
16. One accounting officer 3,960.00
17. One accountant 1,800.00
18. One bookkeeper 1,200.00
19. One ledger clerk 1,080.00
20. One chief of division 3,960.00
National Government Fiscal Statistics Section
21. One statistician 2,400.00
22. One tabulator 1,080.00
23. One clerk 1,200.00
24. Two clerks at P960 1,920.00
25. Two clerks at P900 1,800.00
26. One clerk 840.00
27. One clerk 720.00
28. One stenographer 720.00
29. One messenger 600.00
Local Government Fiscal Statistics Section
30. One chief of section 2,760.00
31. One statistician 2,280.00
32. One statistical clerk 1,080.00
33. One tabulator 1,080.00
34. One examiner 960.00
35. One clerk 720.00
Cash Audit and Warrant
Reconcilement Section
36. One chief of section 2,400.00
37. One examiner 2,040.00
38. One clerk 1,200.00
39. One clerk 960.00
40. One clerk 840.00
41. One helper 600.00
42. One chief of division 3,960.00
43. One clerk-stenographer 1,440.00
44. One messenger 600.00
Cash and Property Section
45. One disbursing, collecting and property officer 2,400.00
46. One assistant property officer 1,800.00
47. One clerk 600.00
48. One helper 600.00
49. One driver 900.00
Personnel and Leave Section
50. One personnel clerk 1,800.00
51. One senior clerk 1,800.00
52. One clerk 600.00
53. One leave clerk 1,800.00
54. One clerk 1,320.00
55. One clerk 840.00
Janitor and Guard Service
56. One head janitor and guard 1,200.00
57. Four janitors at P600 2,400.00
58. One janitor 600.00
59. One chief of division 3,960.00
60. One senior clerk 1,920.00
Indexing-Searching Section
61. One clerk 1,560.00
62. One clerk 600.00
Typing and Mailing Section
63. One clerk 1,080.00
64. One clerk 900.00
65. One clerk 660.00
66. One clerk 600.00
67. One helper 600.00
Filing Section
68. One clerk 1,080.00
69. One clerk 600.00
70. Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
71. One chief law officer 6,000.00
72. One senior attorney 5,100.00
73. One attorney 3,480.00
74. One attorney 2,400.00
75. Two attorneys at P1,920 3,840.00
76. One attorney 1,800.00
77. One stenographer 960.00
78. One helper 600.00
79. One attorney 3,120.00
80. One attorney 2,400.00
81. Two attorneys at P1,920 3,840.00
82. One stenographer 960.00
83. One chief of division 3,720.00
84. One lawyer-accountant 3,120.00
85. One attorney 2,940.00
86. One senior clerk 2,400.00
87. One stenographer 1,320.00
88. One stenographer 720.00
89. One chief supervising auditor 6,000.00
90. One supervising auditor 5,100.00
91. One chief of division 3,960.00
92. Five field auditors at P2,400 12,000.00
93. One field auditor 2,040.00
94. Three field auditors at P1,920 5,760.00
95. One field auditor 1,800.00
96. Two examiners at P1,440 2,880.00
97. One examiner 1,320.00
Franchise Tax Audit Section
98. One chief of section 3,120.00
99. Two field auditors at P2,400 4,800.00
100. One field auditor 1,800.00
Clerical Service
101. One clerk 1,200.00
102. Two clerk-stenographers at P960 1,920.00
103. One clerk-stenographer 720.00
104. One helper 600.00
105. One chief supervising auditor 6,000.00
106. One supervising auditor 5,100.00
107. One special auditor 3,120.00
108. One senior clerk 1,800.00
109. One clerk 1,320.00
110. Two clerks at P1,200 2,400.00
111. One stenographer 720.00
112. One helper 600.00
113. Four division auditors at P5,100 20,400.00
114. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
Provincial Auditors
(One-half of salary is payable by the province concerned)
115. Thirteen provincial auditors at P4,560 29,640.00
116. Twelve provincial auditors at P4,080 24,480.00
117. Thirteen provincial auditors at P3,600 23,400.00
118. Twelve provincial auditors at P3,240 19,440.00
119. Two chief supervising auditors at P6,000 12,000.00
120. Five supervising auditors at P5,100 25,500.00
Bureau Auditors
121. Five bureau auditors at P4,800 24,000.00
122. Six bureau auditors at P4,500 27,000.00
123. Ten bureau auditors at P3,960 39,600.00
Senior Audit Clerks
124. One senior audit clerk 2,760.00
      Excess of actual salary 40.00
125. Three senior audit clerks at P2,760 8,280.00
126. Three senior audit clerks at P2,400 7,200.00
127. Three senior audit clerks at P2,280 6,840.00
128. One senior audit clerk 2,160.00
129. One senior audit clerk 2,040.00
130. One senior audit clerk 1,920.00
131. Eleven senior audit clerks P1,800 19,800.00
Audit Clerks
132. Three audit clerks at P1,800 5,400.00
133. Four audit clerks at P1,680 6,720.00
134. Two audit clerks at P1,560 3,120.00
135. Four audit clerks at P1,440 5,760.00
136. Seven audit clerks at P1,320 9,240.00
137. Seventeen audit clerks at P1,200 20,400.00
138. Eight audit clerks at P1,080 8,640.00
139. Twenty audit clerks at P960 19,200.00
140. Three audit clerks at P900 2,700.00
141. Thirteen audit clerks at P840 10,920.00
142. Two audit clerks at P780 1,560.00
143. Twenty-four audit clerks at P720 17,280.00
144. Thirteen audit clerks at P660 8,580.00
145. Thirty-three audit clerks at P600 19,800.00
146. Four messengers at P600 2,400.00
147. One helper 660.00
148. Twenty-three helpers at P600 13,800.00
(Payable from the Cadastral Survey Fund)
149. One audit clerk 1,800.00
150. One audit clerk 1,200.00
151. One audit clerk 960.00
152. One audit clerk 840.00
153. One helper 600.00
(Payable from the Postal Savings Bank Fund)
154. One audit clerk 1,440.00
155. One audit clerk 1,080.00
156. One audit clerk 960.00
157. One audit clerk 840.00
158. Seven helpers at P600 4,200.00
(Payable from the Bureau of Printing Revolving Fund)
159. One senior audit clerk 2,400.00
160. One audit clerk 960.00
161. Three audit clerks at P720 2,160.00
162. One audit clerk 600.00
(Philippine Veterans Board)
163. One auditor 4,500.00
164. One audit clerk 2,400.00
165. One audit clerk 1,440.00
166. One audit clerk 960.00
(Payable from the Central Luzon Agricultural School Fund)
167. One audit clerk 1,440.00
168. One chief supervising auditor 5,100.00
169. One chief of division 4,800.00
Inspection Section
170. One senior inspector 3,300.00
171. One inspector 3,120.00
172. One inspector 1,800.00
173. One inspector 1,560.00
174. Ten technical property inspectors at P1,440.00 14,400.00
175. One clerk 1,200.00
176. Three clerks at P960 2,880.00
177. One helper 600.00
Bidding Section
178. One chief of section 2,400.00
179. Two inspectors at P1,440 2,880.00
180. One helper 600.00
Inventory Section
181. One chief of section 2,400.00
182. One inspector 1,920.00
183. One inspector 1,200.00
184. One clerk 720.00
185. One clerk 600.00

186. Less — amount to be reimbursed from special and other funds (items 149 to 167) (30,780.00)
187. Less — savings to be made (67,180.00)
Total for salaries and wages
1. Traveling expenses of personnel P28,900.00
2. Freight, express and delivery service 110.00
3. Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 7,750.00
4. Illumination and power service 2,200.00
5. Rental of buildings and grounds 9,000.00
6. Consumption of supplies and materials 16,050.00
7. Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 9,000.00
8. Traveling expenses of persons not government employees 80.00
9. Maintenance and repair of equipment 1,800.00
10. Other services, including rental of electric accounting machines 8,000.00
Total for sundry expenses
1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment P4,200.00
Total for furniture and equipment
Total for salaries and wages P703,080.00
Total for sundry expenses 82,890.00
Total for furniture and equipment 4,200.00
Less — savings to be made (67,180.00)
Total amount available for the General Auditing Office

1. Employees of the General Auditing Office drawing salaries from the appropriations provided in this Order and assigned in the Auditing Office for the Bureau of Prisons may be furnished quarters in kind and prisoner’s service inside the prison compound.1a⍵⍴h!1

1. Contribution to the University of the Philippines, in addition to its current receipts, to be disbursed by the Board of Regents of said University, in accordance with section 6 of Act No. 1870, as amended, the provisions of paragraph 83 of section 18 of Act No. 2935, of Acts Nos. 2040, 2095, 2672, 2730, 3043, 3377, 3667, of Commonwealth Act No. 15 and of other acts to the contrary notwithstanding, including the construction of buildings and permanent improvements P1,249,350.00
2. For the transportation, salaries and other expenses of pensionados and members of the faculty detailed abroad or enjoying sabbatical leave 50,000.00
3. For expenses of maintaining post-graduate courses and fellowships in the College of Medicine of the University of the Philippines, Commonwealth Act No. 401 35,000.00
4. For the establishment of a branch of the University of the Philippines in the City of Iloilo: PROVIDED, That the Province and/or City of Iloilo shall provide the necessary site and buildings acceptable to the Board of Regents of the University of the Philippines 200,000.00
5. For the operation and maintenance of the Philippine General Hospital 1,271,427.00

(a) One Director, additional to the compensation received by the incumbent as dean of the College of Medicine of the University of the Philippines, with furnished quarters and service P2,400.00
(b) One superintendent, with furnished quarters and service 6,000.00
(c) One assistant to the Director, without compensation but with one-third subsistence.
(d) One clerk 840.00
(e) One senior resident physician, additional compensation, with furnished quarters and service 600.00
(f) Seven resident physicians, without compensation but with furnished quarters and service.
Department of Surgery
(g) One senior resident physician, additional compensation, with furnished quarters and service 600.00
(h) Eight resident physicians, without compensation but with furnished quarters and service.
(i) One senior resident physician additional compensation, with furnished quarters and service 600.00
(j) One resident physician, without compensation but with furnished quarters and service.
(k) One senior resident physician, additional compensation, with furnished quarters and service 600.00
(l) Six resident physicians, without compensation but with furnished quarters and service.
(m) One senior resident physician, additional compensation, with furnished quarters and service 600.00
(n) Four resident physicians, without compensation but with furnished quarters and service.
(o) One senior resident physician, additional compensation, with furnished quarters and service 600.00
(p) Three resident physicians, without compensation but with furnished quarters and service.
Department of Laboratories
(q) One chief of department, additional compensation, part time 600.00
(r) One bacteriologist; additional compensation, part time 600.00
(s) One clinical biochemist, with furnished quarters and service whenever on 24 hours’ duty 2,400.00
(t) One hematologist, with furnished quarters and service whenever on 24 hours’ duty 2,400.00
(u) One clinical pathologist, with furnished quarters and service whenever on 24 hours’ duty 1,440.00
(v) Two assistant clinical pathologists at P1,200, with furnished quarters and service whenever on 24 hours’ duty 2,400.00
(w) One junior clinical pathologist, with furnished quarters and service 720.00
(x) One clinical technician, with furnished quarters and service whenever on 24 hours’ duty 600.00
(y) One serological technician, with furnished quarters and service 600.00
(z) One clinical laboratory technician, with furnished quarters and service 600.00
(a-1) One histopathological technician, with furnished quarters and service 600.00
(b-1) One helper 480.00
(c-1) One physician and chief of department, part time 3,300.00
(d-1) One resident physician, with furnished quarters and service 1,200.00
(e-1) One supervising nurse, X-Ray technician, with furnished quarters and service 1,440.00
(f-1) One nurse, radium technician, with furnished quarters and service 1,200.00
(g-1) Two nurses at P960, X-Ray technicians, with furnished quarters and service 1,920.00
(h-1) One nurse, X-Ray technician, with furnished quarters and service 840.00
(i-1) Twenty-four adjunct resident physicians at P360, with furnished quarters and service 8,640.00
(j-1) One dentist 2,280.00
(k-1) One assistant dentist 1,320.00
(l-1) One chief of division, additional compensation, part time 600.00
(m-1) One pharmacist in charge 2,400.00
(n-1) One pharmacist 2,400.00
(o-1) One pharmacist 2,040.00
(p-1) Two pharmacists at P1,200 2,400.00
(q-1) Four pharmacists at P960 3,840.00
(r-1) One chief of division 4,200.00
(s-1) One stenographer 1,440.00
(t-1) One filing clerk 720.00
Personnel Section
(u-1) One chief of section 1,920.00
(v-1) One clerk 1,440.00
(w-1) One clerk 960.00
(x-1) Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
(y-1) One clerk 600.00
General Service Section
(z-1) One chief of section 1,920.00
(a-2) One inspector 1,320.00
(b-2) Two inspectors at P840, with furnished quarters and service 1,680.00
(c-2) Four telephone operators at P720 2,880.00
(d-2) One foreman 960.00
(e-2) One assistant foreman, with furnished quarters 600.00
(f-2) One head cook 1,080.00
(g-2) One cook 900.00
(h-2) Two assistant cooks at P720 1,440.00
(i-2) Two assistant cooks at P600 1,200.00
(j-2) Sixteen watchmen at P720 11,520.00
(k-2) One head gardener 720.00
(l-2) Eight gardeners at P600 4,800.00
(m-2) Four laborers at P600 2,400.00
(n-2) Two hundred forty helpers at P480 115,200.00
Machinery, Repairing and Transportation Section
(o-2) One chief of section 2,400.00
(p-2) One mechanic and assistant chief of section 1,560.00
(q-2) One clerk-typist 600.00
(r-2) One mechanic 960.00
(s-2) Two assistant mechanics at P720 1,440.00
(t-2) One electrician 960.00
(u-2) Two electricians at P720 1,440.00
(v-2) One electrician 600.00
(w-2) One carpenter 960.00
(x-2) One carpenter 720.00
(y-2) Two carpenters at P600 1,200.00
(z-2) One plumber 960.00
(a-3) One plumber 720.00
(b-3) Two plumbers at P600 1,200.00
(c-3) One painter 840.00
(d-3) Three drivers at P960 2,880.00
(e-3) One driver 840.00
(f-3) Six drivers at P720 4,320.00
(g-3) Twenty laborers at P600 12,000.00
(h-3) Four laborers at P600 2,400.00
(i-3) Six litter-bearers at P600 3,600.00
Records and Statistics Section
(j-3) One medical statistician and chief of section (To be filled by a physician only) 2,400.00
(k-3) One record clerk 1,680.00
(l-3) One clerk 1,440.00
(m-3) One clerk 960.00
(n-3) Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
(o-3) Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
Dispensary Clerical Unit
(p-3) One clerk in-charge 1,440.00
(q-3) One clerk 960.00
(r-3) One chief of division 4,500.00
(s-3) One clerk-stenographer 1,200.00
Accounting Section
(t-3) Accounting officer (by detail).
(u-3) One accountant 2,400.00
(v-3) One clerk 1,680.00
(w-3) One clerk 1,320.00
(x-3) One clerk 1,200.00
(y-3) One clerk 840.00
Cash Section
(z-3) One cashier and disbursing officer 3,120.00
(a-4) One assistant cashier and disbursing officer 1,920.00
(b-4) One clerk 1,200.00
(c-4) Three clerks at P720 2,160.00
Property Section
(d-4) One property officer and chief of section 2,760.00
(e-4) One clerk 1,200.00
(f-4) One pharmacist 1,200.00
(g-4) Three clerks at P960 2,880.00
(h-4) Two clerks at P840 1,680.00
(i-4) Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
(j-4) One mattress maker 600.00
(k-4) One laborer 600.00
(l-4) One chief nurse and superintendent of the School of Nursing, with furnished quarters and service 3,300.00
(m-4) One assistant to the chief nurse, with furnished quarters and service 1,440.00
(n-4) One principal, with furnished quarters and service 2,400.00
(o-4) One assistant to the principal, with furnished quarters and service 1,440.00
(p-4) One physical instructor, with furnished quarters and service 1,080.00
(q-4) One instructor in English, part time 600.00
(r-4) One instructor in massage, part time 600.00
(s-4) One librarian 960.00
(t-4) One dietitian, with furnished quarters and service 2,400.00
(u-4) One chief operating room supervisor, with furnished quarters and service 2,400.00
(v-4) One chief anaesthetist, with furnished quarters and service 1,440.00
(w-4) One private operating room supervisor, with furnished quarters and service 1,200.00
(x-4) Two anaesthetists at P1,200, with-furnished quarters and service 2,400.00
(y-4) One extension service supervisor, with furnished quarters and service 1,320.00
(z-4) One supervisor (hospital matron), with furnished quarters and service 1,440.00
(a-5) Eight supervisors at P1,200, with furnished quarters and service 9,600.00
(b-5) Fifteen supervisors at P960, with furnished quarters and service 14,400.00
(c-5) One hundred thirty-five nurses at P840, with furnished quarters and service 113,400.00
(d-5) Twenty-four graduate student nurses or, in their absence, temporary attendants at P360, with furnished quarters and service 8,640.00
(e-5) Fifty-three student nurses (seniors and associate seniors) at P180, with furnished quarters and service; and two hundred junior, sophomore and freshman student nurses as well as probationers, without compensation but with furnished quarters, laundry and service 9,540.00
(f-5) One clerk-stenographer 960.00
(g-5) One clerk 720.00
(h-5) Ninety-seven attendants at P420, with furnished quarters and service 40,740.00
(i-5) For laundry allowance not to exceed P8 per month each of the employees who are entitled thereto under the provisions of paragraph (14), General Provisions of section 7 of Commonwealth Act No. 246: PROVIDED, That the allowance for laundry may be commuted when authorized by the Head of Department 39,834.00
(j-5) For subsistence of employees who are entitled therein under the provisions of paragraph (11)-(c), General Provisions of section 7 of Commonwealth Act No. 246, and quartets: PROVIDED, That the allowances for quarters may be commuted when authorized by the Head of Department in case of employees who have, prior to 1938, been allowed such commutation and commutation for quarters shall be allowed only while government quarters are not available for the purpose 201,280.00

(k-5) Less — savings to be made (57,511.00)
Total for salaries and wages
(l-5) Traveling expenses of personnel P2,000.00
(m-5) Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 6,000.00
(n-5) Illumination and power service 50,000.00
(o-5) Consumption of supplies and materials 456,000.00
(p-5) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 500.00
(q-5) Contributions and gratuities 200.00
(r-5) Maintenance and repair of equipment 2,000.00
(s-5) Other services 40,000.00
Total for sundry expenses
(t-5) For the purchase of furniture and equipment P54,395.00
Total for furniture and equipment
Total for salaries and wages P717,843.00
Total for sundry expenses 556,700.00
Total for furniture and equipment 54,395.00
Less — savings to be made (57,511.00)
Total .......................................
(u-5) The appropriation for “other services”, item (s-5), may be used for the purchase of pins and diplomas for the graduating class of nurses and insignia for the officers of the Hospital, and such other expenses as may be incurred in connection with the holding of graduation exercises, as well as for expenses for refreshments, music and other items in connection with the annual hospital day celebration, the total expenses not to exceed P500.

Total amount available for the University of the Philippines

VI. — Special Provisions

1. Any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding, the salary of the President of the University of the Philippines shall not exceed P12,000 per annum.

2. Students of the College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines, shall be exempt from the payment of any matriculation or tuition fees.

1. One Chairman P12,000.00
2. Two members at P10,000 20,000.00
3. One secretary (ex-officio chief of the Administrative Division) 5,100.00
4. Three private secretaries at P2,400 7,200.00
5. One chief of division, item 3.
6. One senior assistant 3,480.00
7. One stenographer 1,200.00
8. One clerk-stenographer 1,200.00
9. One clerk-stenographer 1,080.00
10. One stenographer 1,200.00
11. One clerk-typist 600.00
12. One clerk 600.00
13. One laborer-messenger 600.00
Finance Section
14. One cashier and property officer 2,400.00
15. One clerk 1,200.00
16. One clerk 600.00
17. Two janitors at P600 1,200.00
18. One messenger-laborer 600.00
Records Section
19. One chief of records section 1,800.00
20. One clerk 840.00
21. One clerk-filer 600.00
22. One messenger laborer 600.00
Accounting Section
23. Accounting officer (by detail).
24. One accountant 2,400.00
25. One clerk 960.00
26. One clerk 660.00
27. One clerk 600.00
28. One chief attorney 3,960.00
29. Two attorneys at P3,120 6,240.00
30. One attorney 2,400.00
31. One attorney 1,800.00
32. One law clerk 1,440.00
33. One stenographer 1,200.00
34. One stenographer 900.00
35. Three clerks at P720 2,160.00
36. Two clerk-typists at P600 1,200.00
37. Two messenger-laborers at P600 1,200.00

38. Less — savings to be made (4,240.00)
Total for salaries and wages
1. Traveling expenses of personnel P8,665.00
2. Freight, express and delivery service 810.00
3. Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 1,330.00
4. Illumination and power service 1,200.00
5. Rental of buildings and grounds 15,000.00
6. Consumption of supplies and materials 4,160.00
7. Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 1,000.00
8. Maintenance and repair of equipment 250.00
9. Other services 910.00
Total for sundry expenses
1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment P6,420.00
Total for furniture and equipment
1. For emergency laborers to be used for hauling and handling registry lists of voters (Censo Electoral) and other election matters coming from all parts of the Philippines P720.00
Total for special purpose
Total for salaries and wages P86,980.00
Total for sundry expenses 33,325.00
Total for furniture and equipment 6,420.00
Total for special purpose 720.00
Less — savings to be made (4,240.00)
Total amount available for the Commission on Elections
(Not Reorganized)
1. The Chief Justice P16,000.00
2. Ten Associate Justices at P15,000 150,000.00
3. Eleven private secretaries, appointed by respective Justice, at P3,600 39,600.00
4. One judicial assistant 4,800.00
5. One administrative assistant 3,480.00
Office of the Clerk of Court
6. One clerk of court 6,000.00
7. One clerk 900.00
Docket Section
8. One docket clerk 1,320.00
9. One clerk 1,200.00
10. One clerk 720.00
11. One clerk 660.00
Calendar Section
12. One clerk 2,280.00
13. One clerk 600.00
Judgment Section
14. One clerk 1,800.00
15. One clerk 960.00
Brief and Record Section
16. One clerk 720.00
17. One helper 600.00
Bailiff Section
18. One bailiff 900.00
19. One bailiff 660.00
      Excess of actual salary 180.00
20. One bailiff 720.00
21. One deputy clerk of court (reporter) 4,800.00
22. One clerk 660.00
Translation Section
23. One translator 1,920.00
Library and Digest Section
24. One librarian 3,720.00
25. One librarian 2,940.00
26. One librarian 2,760.00
27. One clerk 720.00
28. Two helpers at P600 1,200.00
Stenographers Section
29. One court stenographer 2,280.00
30. Four court stenographers at P1,920 7,680.00
Section of Public Laws and Decisions
Published in the Official Gazette
31. One clerk 2,280.00
      Excess of actual salary 960.00
32. One clerk 2,040.00
33. Three clerks at P1,800 5,400.00
34. One clerk 1,320.00
35. One typist 1,320.00
36. One clerk 900.00
37. One clerk 660.00
38. One deputy clerk of court 4,500.00
39. One personnel clerk 1,080.00
40. One driver 960.00
41. One clerk 660.00
42. One messenger 600.00
Bar Examination Section
43. One bar examination clerk 3,720.00
Finance Section
44. One disbursing and collecting officer 2,760.00
45. One clerk 1,800.00
46. One property custodian 960.00
47. Two clerks at P900 1,800.00
48. One clerk 600.00
49. One janitor 600.00
Accounting Section
50. Accounting officer (by detail).
51. One accountant 1,320.00
52. One clerk 720.00
Mailing Section
53. One clerk 720.00
54. Two messengers at P600 1,200.00
Watchmen Section
55. One janitor, with free quarters, water and light while required to live in the premises of the Supreme Court 900.00
56. One clerk 600.00
57. Two messengers at P600 1,200.00
Messengers and Janitors Section
58. One messenger 600.00
      Excess of actual salary 120.00
59. Five messengers at P600 3,000.00
60. Twelve janitors at P600 7,200.00
61. One helper 600.00

62. Less — savings to be made (9,540.00)
Total for salaries and wages
1. Traveling expenses of personnel P6,000.00
2. Freight, express and delivery service 500.00
3. Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 4,000.00
4. Illumination and power service 2,000.00
5. Rental of buildings and grounds 30,000.00
6. Consumption of supplies and materials 5,700.00
7. Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 500.00
8. Free distribution of public documents 300.00
9. Maintenance and repair of equipment 2,500.00
10. Other services 2,000.00
Total for sundry expenses
1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment P50,000.00
Total for furniture and equipment
1. For the necessary expenses for carrying out the purposes of section 2 of Commonwealth Act No. 259 P22,000.00
2. Expenses for holding bar examinations 8,210.00
To be paid out of the receipts in connection with the holding of
bar examinations and admissions to the practice of law

(a) Fees for eight bar examiners at P500 each P4,000.00
(b) One stenographer 1,200.00
(c) Two helpers at P3 a day each for a period of not to exceed 90 days 540.00
Total for salaries and wages
(d) Traveling expenses of personnel P50.00
(e) Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 40.00
(f) Consumption of supplies and materials 950.00
(g) Other services 540.00
Total for sundry expenses
(h) For the purchase of furniture and equipment P890.00
Total for furniture and equipment

Total for special purposes
Total for salaries and wages P306,340.00
Total for sundry expenses 53,500.00
Total for furniture and equipment 50,000.00
Total for special purposes 22,000.00
Less — savings to be made (9,540.00)
Total amount available for the Supreme Court of the Philippines


1. With the approval of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines, any unexpended balance of the fund appropriated for the Supreme Court of the Philippines may be used to cover a deficit in any item of the appropriations for “sundry expenses” for the said Court.

(Not Reorganized)
1. The Presiding Justice P13,000.00
2. Fourteen Associate Justices at P12,000 168,000.00
3. Fifteen private secretary-stenographers at P3,600 54,000.00
4. One clerk of court 6,000.00
5. One court stenographer 2,400.00
6. One clerk 1,920.00
7. One deputy clerk of court and chief of division 4,500.00
8. Four deputy clerks of court at P3,960 15,840.00
9. One librarian 2,400.00
10. One personnel clerk 1,440.00
11. One clerk 1,440.00
12. Four clerks at P1,320 5,280.00
13. Two clerks at P960 1,920.00
14. One bailiff 1,440.00
15. Four bailiffs at P960 3,840.00
16. One driver 960.00
Accounting Section
17. One accounting officer 3,480.00
18. Two clerks at P1,440 2,880.00
Cash and Property Section
19. One disbursing and collecting officer 2,280.00
20. One property custodian 1,800.00
21. One clerk 1,200.00
22. One clerk 960.00
Service Section
23. One head janitor and watchman, with free quarters, water and light while required to live in the premises of the Court of Appeals 960.00
24. Fifteen janitors at P720 10,800.00
25. One helper 720.00
26. One chief of division 4,500.00
27. Five attorneys at P3,480 17,400.00
28. Two clerks at P1,440 2,880.00
29. One deputy clerk of court and chief of division (reporter) 4,200.00
30. One assistant 3,120.00
31. One clerk 1,800.00
32. One clerk 1,440.00
33. One clerk 1,320.00
34. Three clerks at P960 2,880.00
35. One chief of division 2,400.00
36. One clerk 1,440.00
37. One clerk 1,080.00
38. Three clerks at P960 2,880.00
39. One chief of division 2,400.00
40. One clerk 1,440.00
41. Two clerks at P960 1,920.00
42. One chief of division 2,400.00
43. One clerk 1,440.00
44. Two clerks at P960 1,920.00

45. Less — savings to be made (33,420.00)
Total for salaries and wages
1. Traveling expenses of personnel P30,000.00
2. Freight, express and delivery service 1,000.00
3. Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 6,000.00
4. Illumination and power service 3,430.00
5. Rental of buildings and grounds 24,000.00
6. Consumption of supplies and materials 22,000.00
7. Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 1,030.00
8. Maintenance and repair of equipment 1,280.00
9. Other services 1,710.00
Total for sundry expenses
1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment, including P40,000 for the purchase of books P50,000.00
Total for furniture and equipment
1. For the necessary expenses in carrying out the purposes of section 145-I of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended by Republic Act No. 52 P30,000.00
Total for special purpose
Total for salaries and wages P334,900.00
Total for sundry expenses 90,450.00
Total for furniture and equipment 50,000.00
Total for special purpose 30,000.00
Less — savings to be made (32,460.00)
Total amount available for the Court of Appeals


1. With the approval of the Presiding Justice of the Court of Appeals, any unexpended balance of the fund appropriated for the Court of Appeals may be used to cover a deficit in any item of the appropriations for “sundry expenses” for the said Court.

1. For covering deficits in the appropriations authorized in this Order for the Executive Branch of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines, which the President may authorize P1,000,000.00
2. For the payment of bonuses to employees in accordance with the following schedule:
(a) For rates below P720 per annum: P45 per month
(b) For rates from P720 to P900 per annum: P40 per month
(c) For rates from P960 to P1,320 per annum: P35 per month
(d) For rates from P1,440 to P1,800 per annum: P30 per month
(e) For rates from P1,920 to P2,280 per annum: P25 per month
(f) For P2,400 per annum: P15 per month
PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That no employee receiving salary other than any of the above rates shall be given less than the salary, including bonus, of another employee in the next lower rate: PROVIDED, FURTHER, That the bonuses to be given to employees whose salaries are chargeable against special funds shall be paid out of such funds: AND PROVIDED, FINALLY, That the President may, at any time during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and forty-eight, order the reduction of the rates of bonuses authorized herein or suspend or otherwise stop the payment thereof whenever, in his judgment, the public interest so requires, but in case of reduction, the same shall be general and the reduction shall be uniform for similar rates of bonus 25,221,930.00
3. For the payment of automatic salary increases in accordance with the provisions of section 162 (5) of this Order: 889,700.00
Total for the Contingent Funds
Grand Total of the Appropriations Authorized in this Order:


Section 160. The appropriations for sundry expenses, furniture and equipment, and special purposes for the Office of the President shall be allotted by the President among the bureaus and offices under his direct control; those for the Executive Departments, by the Heads of Departments among the bureaus and offices under their respective control, as the needs of the service may require.


Section 161. Any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, any savings in the regular appropriations authorized in this Order for salaries and wages, except the amounts of the “savings to be made” herein provided, for sundry expenses, and for purchase of furniture and equipment of the bureaus and offices under any Department may, with the approval of the President, be used to cover a deficit in any other item of the regular appropriations, except for salaries and wages, under the same Department. Likewise, any savings in the appropriations for salaries and wages, except the amounts of the “savings to be made” herein provided, for sundry expenses, and for purchase of furniture and equipment of any item under “Special Purposes” may, with the approval of the President, be used to cover a deficit in any other item of appropriations, except for salaries and wages, under the same purpose.


Section 162. The President of the Philippines is authorized to use any savings in the appropriations authorized in this Order, except the amounts of the “savings to be made” herein provided, (1) for paying compensation differentials that may be granted pursuant to the provisions of section seven of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four hundred and two; (2) for adjustment to P960 per annum of the salaries of elementary school teachers who are graduates of Bureau of Public Schools collegiate normal schools and the teacher’s curriculum in the collegiate schools of arts and trades, graduates of private junior normal schools and colleges offering two years of normal work above the secondary level, and holders of the degrees of bachelor of science in education, bachelor of science in home economics, high school teacher’s certificate, bachelor of science in agriculture with certificate in agricultural education, and any bachelor’s degree with at least eighteen units in education; for adjustment to P840 per annum for those teachers who are graduates of Bureau of Public Schools secondary normal schools and of private secondary normal schools and holders of any bachelor’s degree not herein mentioned and of the title of associate in arts; and for all teachers not falling under the foregoing classification, to P720 per annum, the provisions of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four hundred and two, as amended by this Order, to the contrary notwithstanding: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That elementary school teachers with the above educational qualifications who are already receiving salaries in excess of the amounts above indicated will not have their salaries reduced; (3) for the payment of claims under section 699 of the Revised Administrative Code and the Workmen’s Compensation Act, whichever is applicable, to officers, employees and laborers who died or were injured in line of duty during the war in areas not occupied by the enemy; (4) for the commutation of the money value of the additional leave, extended leave, and accrued leave earned by American and deceased Filipino officers and employees for service rendered prior to November twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and thirty-six; (5) subject to rules and regulations that the President may prescribe, for the payment of automatic salary increases to employees who have completed and rendered one year of continuous, faithful and satisfactory service before July first, nineteen hundred and forty-seven, the rate of such increases to be P10 per month to employees with basic salaries below P80 per month or P960 per annum until their basic salaries and allowances for subsistence, quarters and laundry plus the automatic salary increases shall reach P80 per month or P960 per annum: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That in case of promotion, an employee who has earned and been receiving the automatic salary increase shall continue receiving the same on condition that his basic salary plus the automatic increase shall not exceed P80 per month or P960 per annum; (6) for any unforeseen contingencies; and (7) for covering, any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, any deficits in the special funds or receipts of the various special services provided for in this Order whose operating expenses are payable from their respective funds or receipts.


Section 163. No new positions authorized in this Order shall be filled without the previous approval of the President of the Philippines. The provision of this section shall not apply to the Congress of the Philippines, the Supreme Court, and the Court of Appeals.


Section 164. No appropriation provided in this Order may be used for renting automobiles, jitneys, or trucks on the monthly basis nor on the daily basis for a continuous period exceeding one month, unless authorized by the President.


Section 165. Any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding, the President of the Philippines is authorized to suspend or otherwise stop the expenditure of any amount herein appropriated for any purpose, or any portion thereof, whenever in his judgment the public interest so requires, and thereupon the funds affected by such action shall become available for any other expenditures authorized in this Order as the President may determine. This provision shall not apply to the appropriations for the Congress of the Philippines, the Supreme Court, and the Court of Appeals.


Section 166. All appropriations for the purchase of furniture and equipment authorized in this Order shall be available only for locally manufactured furniture and equipment whenever available.


Section 167. Officers and employees of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines who may be entitled to receive payment from the Government of the United States for services rendered thereto shall not be barred from receiving any salaries or payments that may be due them from the Republic of the Philippines as provided in this Order, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding.


Section 168. All the positions authorized in this Order formerly occupied by persons who may still be in active service with the armed forces of the United States, the Armed Forces of the Philippines, or any recognized deserving guerrilla organizations in the Philippines, shall be made available to said incumbents upon the latter’s reporting for duty in their respective bureaus or offices: PROVIDED, That, in the interest of the service, the corresponding Department Head may fill the said positions temporarily until the said regular incumbents shall have reported for duty: AND PROVIDED, FURTHER, That the right herein reserved shall lapse six months after such persons have been mustered out, honorably discharged or otherwise reverted to civilian status.


Section 169. The item of appropriation for “excess of actual salary” provided in this Order under “Salaries and Wages” shall be paid to the incumbent of the position to which said “excess” pertains who is actually receiving the same “excess” as part of the salary granted to him upon his appointment to the said position before the reduction of the basic pay thereof to the amount provided herein: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That if the position be vacated and the successor to its previous incumbent shall have previously received an equal salary plus the “excess of actual salary” in the same or any other branch of the Government service such excess shall be allowable to him: PROVIDED, FURTHER, That positions authorized in this Order the corresponding items of which in Commonwealth Act No. 654 had appropriations for “excess of actual salary” but which have been eliminated in this Order shall, when filled by the original incumbents thereof as of 1941 entitled to such excess, be provided for with the necessary amount to pay said “excess of actual salary” chargeable against the savings from the appropriations for salaries and wages of the corresponding departments, bureaus and offices.


Section 170. No appropriation authorized in this Order shall be used for the operation and maintenance of automobiles, jitneys, jeeps and other motor vehicles, or purchase or lease thereof, except those for the President of the Philippines, the Vice-President of the Philippines, the President of the Senate, the President Pro-tempore, the Majority Floor Leader; the Chairman, Committee on Finance; and the Chairman, Committee on Accounts, of the Senate; the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Speaker Pro-tempore, the Majority Floor Leader, the Chairman, Committee on Accounts; and the Chairman, Committee on Appropriations, of the House of Representatives; the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the Presiding Justice of the Court of Appeals, the Department Heads, the Auditor General, the Commissioner of the Budget, the Undersecretaries of Departments, the Ambassadors and Ministers Plenipotentiary, the Chief of Staff of the Philippine Ground Force, the Chief of Constabulary, the members of the latter two organizations when on active military operations or on active duty in the restoration and maintenance of peace and order, of the Office of Special Prosecutors and of the National Bureau Investigation when on investigation, of the Harbor Police Unit and the Secret Service Unit of the Customs Patrol Service of the Bureau of Customs, the agents of the Department of the Interior when on active duty in pacification campaign or in the restoration of peace and order, the Motor Vehicles Office for use in the enforcement of the provisions of the Motor Vehicle Law, the personnel of the Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey whenever used on field operations, the personnel of government hospitals whenever used for purposes of such hospitals, the postal personnel whenever used for the transportation of strictly mail matters, the personnel of the Bureau of Telecommunications for the construction, repair and maintenance of telegraph and radio circuits, and the delivery of telegrams, the Prisons personnel whenever used for purposes strictly official of this institution, and the personnel of vocational schools whenever used for instructional purposes of these schools: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That, the provisions of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding, chiefs and assistant chiefs of bureaus and offices shall be paid transportation allowance at the rate of P100 and P50 per month, respectively, and, with the approval of the President, officers and employees with rank equivalent to that of a bureau chief may be paid the corresponding allowance.


Section 171. The expenses incurred from July first, nineteen hundred and forty-seven up to the promulgation of this Order chargeable against the appropriations authorized in Republic Act Numbered One hundred fifty-six, shall be charged against the items of appropriations provided in this Order.


Section 172. All Acts, Executive Orders, Administrative Orders, or Proclamations or parts thereof inconsistent with any provision of this Order are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.


Section 173. If any provision of this Order should be held invalid, the other provisions shall not be affected thereby.


Section 174. This Order shall take effect as of July first, nineteen hundred and forty-seven, except where otherwise stated.

DONE in the City of Manila, this fourth day of October, in the year of Our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Seven and of the Independence of the Philippines, the second.

President of the Philippines

By the President:

(Sgd.) N. ROXAS
Acting Chief of the Executive Office

The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation