[ ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 115, February 17, 1989 ]


WHEREAS, an effective overseas information and communications strategy is crucial in enhancing Philippine foreign relations;

WHEREAS, in adopting said strategy, it is necessary to constitute a body that will formulate the plans and strategies and to insure that the effort shall bring about positive results in gaining more international respect and recognition for the Philippines;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, CORAZON C. AQUINO, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order:

There is hereby constituted the Foreign Information Council (FIC) composed of the following:

The Secretary of Foreign Affairs - Chairman
The Press Secretary - Co-Chairman
The Secretary of Labor and Employment - Member
The Secretary of Trade and Industry - Member
The Secretary of Tourism - Member

The Department of Foreign Affairs is hereby designated as the Secretariat of the Council for purposes of networking the information package abroad.

The Office of the Press Secretary shall be responsible for putting together the information package.

The Council shall have the following objectives:

(1) to insure that other nations acquire a better understanding of Filipino values and institutions through the formulation of credible communications strategies;

(2) that the overseas information program to be formulated by the Council shall explain and interpret accurately and objectively to the international community the objectives and policies of the Philippine government; and

(3) to cooperate with the private sector in enhancing the quality and reach of the country’s overseas information program.

The Council shall formulate the policies and plans for the Overseas Information Program and appropriate communications strategies that will be adopted taking into account existing resources and priorities in each area. The Council shall adopt its own rules and procedures to carry out the Overseas Information Program.

The Council shall establish linkages with other government agencies whose functions and program require an overseas information component. Whenever necessary, the Council may convene technical and other working committees to assist it in the discharge of its functions and engage the services of private sector entities for advice, consultation and appropriate assistance.

The Council shall form an Editorial Board that shall prepare information packages for dissemination. Each member of the Council shall designate a representative to the said editorial board: Provided, That the National Security Director shall be an ex-officio member of the editorial board.

The Council shall advise the President and other concerned officials of the government on the implications of foreign public opinion on the policies of the Philippine government.

The Council shall monitor and counter hostile attempts to distort or frustrate the objectives and policies of the Republic of the Philippines.

The Council shall draw up a consolidated budget plan taking into account the budget of each member agency for their foreign information programs.

This Administrative Order shall take effect immediately.

Done in the City of Manila, this 17th day of February in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and eighty-nine.1âшphi1

President of the Philippines

By the President:

Executive Secretary

The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation