[ ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 114, February 13, 1989 ]


WHEREAS, the rampant and massive destruction of the country’s marine and aquatic resources by the use of explosives, sodium cyanide and other non-biodegradable poisons, ‘muro-ami”, “kayakas”, undersized nets, poaching and other illegal fishing methods are threatening the country’s primary protein source and future food supply;

WHEREAS, this continuing cycle of destruction is drastically reducing the total yield which the marine environment can sustain, and the resulting shortage is already affecting the nutritional status and health of the people;

WHEREAS, the Philippines is blessed with a significant variety of corals, tropical fish and other marine resources;

WHEREAS, there is an urgent need to coordinate the efforts of national and local government agencies, civic organizations, and the residents of fishing communities for a total and simultaneous campaign to stop and reverse this destructive trend, and manage our fishery resources to maintain their productivity;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, CORAZON C. AQUINO, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order:

1. There is hereby constituted a Presidential Committee on Illegal Fishing and Marine Conservation, hereinafter referred to as the Committee, composed of the following:

Secretary, Department of Justice - Member
Secretary, Department of Education, Culture and Sports - Member
Secretary, Department of National Defense - Member
Secretary, Department of Agriculture - Chairman
Secretary, Department of Local Government - Member
Secretary, Department of Tourism - Member
Secretary, Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Member
Secretary, Office of the Press Secretary - Member
General Manager, Philippine Tourism Authority - Member

and four (4) additional members to be chosen by the Committee from the federations of fishing associations and non-government organizations actively engaged in training and fisheries conservation.

Should any member coming from the government not be able to attend any of the Committee’s regular meetings, such member may designate a representative to appear in his stead provided such representative shall be fully authorized in writing, to act and decide for his principal.

2. The Committee shall coordinate all governmental and non-governmental efforts in the planning and implementation of a national program for the conservation of marine and coastal resources. Its responsibilities shall include the following:

a) To carry out such measures as may be necessary to implement its nationwide campaign, including community education and public information, alternative livelihood projects, organization of local coordinating councils, organizing a communications network, coordination with the proper authorities in apprehension and prosecution campaign and in confiscation and disposition of illegally caught fish and fishing equipment;

b) To review existing policies, procedures, laws and regulations affecting fishing methods, licensing, importation, transporting, possession and disposition of poisons, toxic drugs, explosives and destructive chemicals and equipment used for fishing and to recommend to the President such appropriate measures as may be needed to modify or change existing law, rules and regulations in order to conserve and develop the marine and coastal resources of the country;

c) To conduct training of all personnel from the government and the private sector involved in the campaign, which shall include orientation on marine ecology and all applicable fishing rules and regulations, the development of skills in detecting fish caught with explosives and noxious substances, and the general orientation on the campaign for environmental protection and conservation;

d) To undertake extensive civic information campaign and training programs for fishing communities, local government officials, civic and influential leaders and to enlist their active support and cooperation for the campaign;

e) To regularly evaluate the programs of the joint campaign, and make such modifications thereon as may be necessary;

f) To coordinate its efforts with international and civic foundations and agencies;

g) To call upon other departments, agencies and instrumentalities of the government to participate actively in its programs;

3. The Committee shall organize an operations group to monitor and implement its programs, and such group shall consist of technical personnel and consultants detailed from any of the Departments and offices represented in the Committee who shall serve full time. Their basic salaries, honoraria and allowances shall continue to be paid by their respective departments or agencies.

4. The Committee shall finance its activities from fund contributions of its members to be charged against their respective authorized programmed appropriations for the calendar year.

5. The Committee shall submit to the President a quarterly report of its activities and accomplishments.

6. This Administrative Order shall take effect immediately.

Done in the City of Manila, this 13th day of February in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and eighty-nine.1âшphi1

President of the Philippines

By the President:

Executive Secretary

The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation