Today is Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Republic of the Philippines





WHEREAS, it is the constitutional duty of the Commission on Elections to ensure the holding of free, orderly, honest, peaceful and credible elections;

WHEREAS, in order to carry out this mandate, the Commission on Elections deems it necessary to create working committees which will undertake the pre-election, election and post election activities;

WHEREAS, Resolution No. 3211 as amended promulgated by the Commission on Elections on September 5, 2000, activated/created the following working committees; Pre-Qualification, Bids and Evaluation, Allocation, Printing, Reception and Verification, Packing and Shipping, Media, Personnel and Gun Ban and Absentee Voting for the May 14, 2001 national and local elections;

NOW, THEREFORE, the Commission on Elections by the power vested in it by the Constitution and other election laws RESOLVED to promulgate the following duties and functions of the Committees:

SECTION 1. Duties and responsibilities. – The Committees shall have the following duties and functions:


    1. Request the Education and Information Department (EID) to cause the publication of the Invitation to Pre-Qualify for three (3) consecutive days on newspapers of general circulation;
    2. Accept and maintain a log book for applications for pre-qualification and supporting documents within the deadline fixed in the Invitation to Pre-Qualify;
    3. Forward all documents relative to the applicant’s financial capabilities to the Finance Services Department (FSD) for evaluation;
    4. Cause, upon receipt of the evaluation report from the FSD, the site inspection of the office, storage, space, printing or manufacturing plant of each applicant who passed the financial evaluation stage;
    5. Submit to the Commission en banc recommendations on who will be pre-qualified as printer, supplier and manufacturer;
    6. Inform in writing, upon notice of the action taken by the Commission en banc, all applicants, both pre-qualified and disqualified, of the results of the evaluation of the pre-qualification process; and
    7. Prepare a listing of all pre-qualified and disqualified printers, suppliers and manufacturers.

On the Conduct of Public Binding

    1. Prepare the bidding documents based on approved Requisition and Issue Vouchers (RIV) emanating from the Allocation Committee, or from other working committees in case of special requirements. The RIV shall contain the exact quantity of the items to be purchased; the detailed description thereof; the purpose for which the same is being purchased; Minute Resolution number approving the purchase; be signed by the Vice-Chairman of the Committee concerned; and approved for purchase by its Chairman;
    2. Forward the approved RIV to the FSD for certification of funds availability;
    3. Request the EID upon receipt of the RIV duly certified by the FSD, to cause the publication of the Invitation to Bid for three (3) consecutive days in newspaper of general circulation;
    4. Release to requesting prospective pre-qualified bidders copies of the Invitation to Bid with Terms, Conditions and Instructions to Bidders and the Bidder’s Tender containing the specifications and schedule of delivery of the items to be purchased; and
    5. Conduct the public bidding and pre-bid conference if necessary, on the date, time and place as advertised in the Invitation to Bid.

On the Evaluation of Bids and Preparation of Contracts

    1. Prepare the Abstract of Prices obtained during the public bidding and Evaluation Report to be submitted to the Commission en banc for its approval;
    2. Prepare, upon receipt of the Minute Resolution approving the purchase, the corresponding Notices of Award for issuance to the winning bidder, furnishing a copy thereof to the Reception and Verification Committee;
    3. Prepare Purchase Order (PO) or Job Order (JO), as the case may be, in favor of the winning bidder who was issued the Notice of Award;
    4. Forward to FSD the PO or JO for funding;
    5. Upon receipt of the funded PO or JO from FSD, forward the same to the PBEC Chairman for approval and signature;
    6. Issue to the winning bidder the duly funded and approved PO or JO, furnishing a copy thereof to the Reception and Verification Committee; and
    7. Furnish a copy of the PO or JO to the Resident Auditor within five days from its approval.

On the Payment of Deliveries

    1. Prepare, upon receipt of the Reception Committee’s Inspection and Acceptance Report, the disbursement voucher for payment of the items delivered; and

2) Forward the voucher to the FSD for processing and payment.


    1. Prepare and compute allocation of all election forms, supplies and other materials;
    2. Determine the quantity requirement of security paper for printing of accountable forms;
    3. Prepare packing lists of the different forms, supplies and other materials;

    • Mimeograph packing lists
    • Set packing lists/place carbon
    • Type the address and quantity allocated
    • Verify the completeness and accuracy of packing lists
    • Release packing lists to Packing/Shipping Committee

    1. Check and verify allocated series numbers of canvassing forms;
    2. Set the canvassing forms and record the corresponding serial numbers; and
    3. Pack canvassing forms and release to Packing and Shipping Committee.

    1. PRINTING:

    1. Submit design of election forms for approval of the Commission En Banc;
    2. Send notices top political parties to observe the installation of the dandy roll in the paper mill, manufacture of security paper and printing of official ballots and election returns and non-accountable forms;
    3. Proof read and approve the final proof of the forms to be printed;
    4. Supervise the printing of accountable and non-accountable forms;
    5. Coordinate with the security force of the Commission to secure the area of the printing establishment on a twenty-four hour basis;
    6. Submit final report of printing activities to the Commission En Banc; and
    7. Prepare certification on data of quantity of official ballots and election returns printed.


D.1 Receiving Unit

    1. Receive/accept deliveries of election forms, supplies, materials and paraphernalia subject to verification by the verifying unit;
    2. See to it that the quantity of the deliveries is in accordance with the specifications;
    3. Notify the Resident Auditor on the deliveries;
    4. Prepare daily and final reports on, among others, the quantity and date of receipt of election forms, supplies, materials and paraphernalia; and
    5. Release forms, supplies and paraphernalia to verifying unit.

D.2 Verifying Unit

    1. Make certain that:

    • the election forms, supplies and paraphernalia are in accordance with specifications
    • serial numbers are the same on the upper and lower portions of the official ballots and on all pages of the election returns (ER), statement of votes (SOV) and certificate of canvass COC.
    • The number o sheets of ballots per pad is correct
    • The number of copies and pages of the ER, SOV and COC is correct
    • The printing of the forms and other materials is clear, correct and legible

    1. Verify correctness as to quantity of delivered forms, materials and paraphernalia;
    2. See to it that rejected forms, supplies, materials, and paraphernalia are immediately replaced;
    3. Forward to releasing unit, verified forms, supplies, materials and paraphernalia; and
    4. Prepare and submit to the Pre-Qualification Bid and Evaluation Committee the Inspection and Acceptance Report.

D.3 Releasing Unit

    • Deliver under proper receipt, to the Packing and Shipping Committee, the verified forms, supplies, materials a paraphernalia.


    1. Receive packing lists from the Allocation Committee for us as basis for packing and shipment;
    2. Receive election forms supplies, materials and paraphernalia from the Reception Committee;
    3. Allocate, pack and address the forms, supplies, materials and paraphernalia by municipality/city.
    4. Prepare Bill of Lading;
    5. Ship through forwarders, airlines, and shipping lines, the forms, supplies, materials and paraphernalia to the Provincial and City Treasurers in coordination with Provincial Election Supervision and City Election Officers (EO) concerned.
    6. Cause the personal delivery in priority areas of forms, supplies, materials and paraphernalia direct of the Municipal Treasurer in coordination with the EO concerned.
    7. Assign and dispatch escort and security personnel in delivering all forms in priority areas and accountable forms in non-priority areas;
    8. Advice field offices of the shipment/delivery;
    9. Monitor/Check whether or not COMELEC cargoes are prompting delivered to the field offices; and
    10. Prepare voucher for forwarding services claims.

    1. MEDIA

    1. Cause the publication of resolutions pertinent to the election in two (2) leading newspapers;
    2. Disseminate promulgated resolutions and other issuances orders to concerned Comelec field officials and employees deputized agencies, citizens arms including non-governmental organizations (NGOs), political parties/candidates, party-list organizations/parties/coalitions and the general public for their information and guidance;
    3. Prepare Media Information Kits;
    4. Design, prepare and develop informative materials anent for the elections and the party-list system:

    • Primers
    • Posters/leaflets
    • Streamers
    • Media advisories/taglines/messages
    • Radio and TV plugs

    1. Manage a distribution system of information to different media outfits:
    2. Set-up a Media and Information Center at the Intramuros Central Office on election day to liaison with media for the Commission’s public information requirements, equipped with;
    3. Set-up a Canvassing Media Center where print, TV and radio can be provided a place for their outfits/equipment in monitoring the canvassing of results for the senatorial and party-list elections;
    4. Make arrangements with the Intramuros Administration for the setting-up of microwave facilities within its premises for television networks to cover live interviews, press briefing be the Chairman and Commissioners on important event regarding the elections;
    5. Reactivate "Hotline" on election day to provide assistance to the general public for queries and clarifications regarding the elections.
    6. Organize Monitoring Teams for print, radio and TV;
    7. Organize an Assessment and Evaluation Conference on the conduct of activities of the Committee on Media and the Education and Information Department after the 2001 election period; and
    8. Prepare Draft on the Report to the President and Congress of the Condcut of the 2001 National and Local Elections.


    1. Direct and supervise the operations and internal administration of the Commission; and
    2. Ensure that all applications for gun ban exemption are prompt acted upon.


    1. Draft rules and regulations on local absentee voting;
    2. Supervise implementation of the local absentee voting;
    3. Coordinate with other offices/agencies for the successful implementation of the system of absentee voting;
    4. Appoint members of the special Boards of Election Inspector to count the absentee ballots; and
    5. Supervise the counting and canvassing of absentee ballots

SEC. 2. Effectivity. - The Resolution shall take effect on the seventh day following its publication in two (2) newspapers of general circulation.

SEC. 3. Dissemination.The Education and Information department shall cause the publication of this resolution in two (2) newspapers of general circulation and furnish copies hereof to all field offices of the Commission.

 Promulgated: 29 November 2000



(Sgd) JULIO F. DESAMITO, Commissioner



(Sgd) RALPH C.LANTION, Commissioner

(Sgd) RUFINO S. B. JAVIER, Commissioner

(Sgd) MEHOL K. SADAIN, Commissioner

The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation