An Act to Create a Board of Technical Surveys and Maps, Defining its Functions and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippine Congress Assembled:
Section 1. Title. -This Act shall be known as the Surveying and Mapping Act of 1960.
Section 2. Policy. -It is hereby declared as the policy of the State: (1) That there shall be independence from the United States of America in the making of economic maps, topographical maps, special maps, aeronautical charts and/or maps of the Philippines and functions of the government in this field up-dated so that the necessary machinery be established; (2) that in order to promote and/or improve efficiency among the different mapping and surveying agencies of the government, their activities must be systematized and coordinated and that research be instituted; (3) that economic maps, large scale topographical maps which conform with modern standards, special geological maps needed for economic development, and aeronautical charts be produced in this country and made available for its economic development; and (4) that this Act shall not be construed to prevent the logical expansion of offices now engaged in mapping and surveying but rather to coordinate such expansion for the sake of economy and efficiency and that no map or chart now produced or contemplated to be produced by any authorized surveying and/or mapping agency of the Government shall be duplicated as a result of this Act.
Section 3. Board of Technical Surveys and Maps; Powers, Functions and Duties. -There is hereby created a Board of Technical Surveys and Maps hereinafter called the Board, with the following functions, powers and duties:
(1) To promulgate and adopt a set of national mapping and surveying standards which shall include, but shall not be limited to symbols, surveying requirement and specifications, and with due considerations to those already adopted by international organizations of which the Philippines is a member;
(2) To adopt and prescribe national survey data which shall include but shall not be limited to horizontal and vertical surveying controls and gravity;
(3) To coordinate the activities of such surveying and mapping agencies in the government as well as semi-government corporations which have activities in this field and which may be designated by the Board;
(4) To coordinate the budgetary requirements of those agencies designated in accordance with the previous section in so far as the objectives of the Board are affected;
(5) To develop and encourage free private enterprise in the field of surveying and mapping;
(6) To promote and encourage voluntary coordination and cooperation among the designated government agencies so as to promote the usefulness of every technical survey data and/or map obtained and produced, so that duplication of work shall be reduced to a minimum;
(7) To encourage, assist, plan, coordinate and direct within its powers and facilities the early publication for public use economic maps, large scale topographical and special geological maps needed for economic development, aeronautical charts, technical and scientific data;
(8) To promote and encourage research and development among the designated agencies, not only for the improvement of production methods but also for the utilization of local instruments, machines and materials;
(9) To initiate and formulate measures designed to promote the early attainment of the objectives of this Act;
(10) To obtain the necessary data for the compilation, reproduction and publication of any of the maps and charts specified in this Act, unless such function is vested under existing laws to any other government agency;
(11) To have all the duties, powers, functions and prerogatives of the Board of Directors which shall function as such, unless otherwise provided for in this Act; to promulgate such rules and regulations as may be necessary for the conduct and exercise of its functions, duties and powers under this Act: Provided, That the concurrence of at least six members is required for the approval of any resolution;
(12) To submit to the President of the Philippines and to both Houses of Congress, not later than the opening of the regular session each year, an annual report on the status of surveying and mapping efforts of the government; and
(13) To do such other things and take such action as may be directly or indirectly incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objectives of this Act.
Section 4. Composition of the Board. -The Board shall be composed of a chairman; a vice-chairman who shall concurrently be the Executive Director of the Board; and the following as members: the Budget Commissioner, the Undersecretary of Public Works and Communications whose appointment is to be approved by the President upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Public Works and Communications, the Undersecretary of National Defense, the Undersecretary of National Resources of the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the Director of National Planning of the National Economic Council, the Manager of National Waterworks and Sewerage Authority, and one member each, representing the surveying or geodetic, photogrammetric and civil engineering professions who shall be appointed by the President from among those who may be recommended by representative groups or societies, subject to the confirmation of the Commission on Appointments and who shall hold office for a term of three years.
Section 5. Chairman of the Board. -The Chairman of the Board shall be the Secretary of National Defense. He shall receive a per diem of fifty pesos per session but not to exceed two hundred pesos a month.
Section 6. Vice-Chairman and Executive Director. -The Vice-Chairman and Executive Director shall be appointed by the President subject to the confirmation of the Commission on Appointments. He shall be a citizen of the Philippines with proven executive ability in the field of surveying and mapping and shall have seven years experience as a senior executive with sufficient training and background in the management of mapping. He shall be familiar with the production of maps and charts specified in this Act. He shall receive an annual compensation of fifteen thousand pesos per annum and transportation allowance of one hundred pesos per month.
Section 7. Per diem of members of the Board. -The members of the Board, except the vice-chairman who shall serve as ex officio member, shall receive a per diem of forty pesos each per session but not to exceed one hundred sixty pesos each month.
Section 8. Divisions in the Board. -The Board shall have the following divisions: Administrative Division, Division of Topographical Maps, Division of Special Maps and Aeronautical Charts, Division of Research and Development and such other division as the Board may deem necessary to create.
Section 9. Duties, Powers and Functions of the Chairman. -The Chairman may, subject to the approval of the Board enter into contracts or otherwise make arrangements for the compilation, reproduction and distribution, including research and development of the following:
(a) Large scale topographical maps;
(b) special geological maps needed for economic development;
(c) aeronautical charts; and
(d) economic maps and other scientific data and information that are within the scope and objectives as defined in this Act.
In the implementation of such contracts or arrangements, the Chairman, subject to the approval of the Board, may make partial or advance payments and make available such equipment and facilities of the Board as he may deem necessary.
The Chairman shall, with the approval of the Board and upon the recommendation of the Vice-Chairman and Executive Director, appoint such technical and administrative personnel as many be necessary to carry out the functions of the Board.
The Chairman may, subject to the approval of the Board, delegate some of his powers and authority to the Vice-Chairman and Executive Director who shall hold office on a full time capacity.
Section 10. Duties, Powers and Functions of the Vice-Chairman and Executive Director. -The Vice-Chairman and Executive Director shall exercise immediate control and supervision over the divisions and offices of the Board and such other duties, powers and authority as may be delegated by the chairman and approved by the Board.
Section 11. Research and Development. -The Board shall, in coordination with the National Science Development Board and similar agencies of the government, strive to promote research and development to improve efficiency in surveying and map-making. The Chairman is authorized to conduct development work for the improvement of surveying and cartographic methods, instruments and equipment.
Section 12. Gifts and Bequests. -The Board is authorized to accept and utilize gifts or bequests of money and other real or personal property for the purpose of aiding or facilitating the work of the Board and such gifts and bequests and the income therefrom shall be exempt from taxes.
Section 13. Transitory Provisions. -The President is authorized, prior to the approval by Congress of a regular budget for the normal operation of the Board:
(1) To create a revolving fund by transferring funds from the income of the Manila International Airport, for the printing of aeronautical charts; and
(2) To create another revolving fund for the printing of other maps specified in this Act, which may be secured from reparations fund and from any existing and/or expected ICA-NEC assistance fund or from similar revolving funds at present frozen in the Treasury.
Section 14. Appropriation. -There is hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the National Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act.
Section 15. Funds. -Funds appropriated for the Board shall, if obligated by contracts during the fiscal year for which appropriated, remain available for expenditures for four years following the expiration of the fiscal year for which appropriated or for the duration of the contract under which it is obligated.
Section 16. Separability Clause. -If any provision of this Act should be held invalid, the other provisions shall not be affected thereby.
Section 17. Repealing Clause. -All Acts, executive orders, administrative orders, rules and regulations or parts thereof, which are inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
Section 18. Effectivity. -This Act shall take effect after thirty days from its approval.
Approved: June 19, 1960.
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation