Resolution No. 10135 May 12, 2016
In the Matter of the Declaration of Failure of Election In Clustered Precinct No. 35, Barangay Katuli, Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Armm; Clustered Precinct No. 7, Barangay Binucayan, Loreto, Agusan Del Sur and Clustered Precinct No. 61, Barangay Palayog, Hinigaran, Negros Occidental
Resolution No. 10133 May 11, 2016
In the Matter of the Composition of the Random Manual Audit (Rma) Committee and Allocation of Clustered Precincts Per Legislative District
Resolution No. 10130 May 11, 2016
In the Matter of Adopting Protocols While the Commission En Banc Is Acting On Administrative and Quasi - Judicial Matters and Acting As the Nboc
Resolution No. 10129 May 11, 2016
In the Matter of the Declaration of Failure of Elections In Certain Areas and the Conduct of Special Elections
Resolution No. 10128 May 9, 2016
In the Matter of the Printing and Recycling of Accountable and Non-Accountable Forms For Use By the Special Board of Election Inspectors For Detainee Voting During the Counting of Votes
Resolution No. 10127 May 9, 2016
In the Matter of the Request of Senate Secretary Oscar G. Yabes For the Commission To Address the Requirement Under Section 37 of Republic Act No. 9369 That the Certificates of Canvass To Be Used In the Canvass To Be Used In the Canvass of Votes For President and Vice-President Shall Contain the Names of All the Candidates, and Their Corresponding Votes In Words and Figures
Resolution No. 10126 May 9, 2016
In the Matter of Amending Resolution No. 10111 (Rules of the Commission On Elections Sitting En Banc As the National Board of Canvassers For Senators and Party-List Representatives On the Canvass/consolidation of Votes For the Election of Senators and Party-List Representatives In the 09 May 2016 National and Local Elections)
Minute Resolution No. 16-0341 May 7, 2016
In the Matter of the Last Batch of Requests For Inclusion of Names In the List of Voters In Regions IV-A, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, and Caraga
Resolution No. 10125 May 5, 2016
In the Matter of Requesting the Honorable Secretary of Justice to assign Prosecutors as Members of a Special Task force Created by the Commission to Conduct the Investigation and Prosecution of Election offenses in Connection with the 9 May 2016 National and Local Elections
Resolution No. 10121 May 5, 2010
Resolution Calling on and Encouraging all Filipinos to Fly the Philippine National Flag From 06 to 09 May 2016, and Requesting the President of the Philippines to Issue a Proclamation Enjoining the Display of the Philippine National Flag on Said Dates in all Government offices, Business Establishments, institutions of Learning, Private Buildings and Homes
Resolution No. 10120 May 5, 2010
In the Matter of the Submission of Election Documents and Reports by the City / Municipal Election Officers and Provincial Election Supervisors Relative to the Conduct of the May 9, 2016 National and Local Elections
Resolution No. 10105A May 5, 2016
Guidelines for Securing Electronic Copies of the Electronically Transmitted Election Results From the Transparency and Mirror Servers by Mass Media Entities and accredited Citizens' arms in Connection with the 09 May 2016 National, Local and ARMM Elections
Resolution No. 10119 May 4, 2016
In the Matter of Clarifying and Supplementing the Revised Contingency Procedures Prescribed Under Resolution No. 10101, and the Protocols for Lowering of the Threshold to Proclaim a Candidate as Winner for a Local Position Under Resolution No. 10102 in Connection with the 09 May 2016 National and Local Elections
Resolution No. 10113 May 3, 2016
General instructions on the Conduct of Counting and Canvassing of Ballots of Detainee Voters with Votes Cast in Favor of Local Candidates in Connection with the May 9, 2016 National and Local Elections
Resolution No. 10112 May 3, 2016
In the Matter of Further Amending Resolution No. 10057 (General instructions to Board of Election inspectors on the Testing and Sealing of Vote Counting Machines (VCMS), and Voting, Counting, and Transmission of Election Results in Connection with the May 9, 2016 National and Local Elections), as amended, and Certain Provisions of Resolution No. 9371
Resolution No. 10111 May 3, 2016
Rules of the Commission on Elections Sitting En Banc as the National Board of Canvassers for Senators and Party-List Representatives on the Canvass/Consolidation of Votes for the Election of Senators and Party-List Representatives in the 09 May 2016 National and Local Elections
Resolution No. 10110 May 3, 2016
In the Matter of Requiring all Local Government Units to Open their Day Care Centers During Election Day on 09 May 2016
Resolution No. 10109 May 3, 2016
In the Matter of Further Amending Provisions of the General instructions for the Conduct of Random Manual Audit (RMA) for the 9 May 2016 automated Synchronized National and Local Elections and Subsequent Elections thereafter
Resolution No. 10108 April 29, 2016
General instructions on Voting by Persons with Disability (Pwd) and Senior Citizens (SC)
Resolution No. 10107 April 29, 2016
In the Matter of Further Amending Provisions of the General instructions for the Conduct of Random Manual Audit (RMA) for the 9 May 2016 automated Synchronized National and Local Elections and Subsequent Elections thereafter
Resolution No. 10106 April 29, 2016
Amending Certain Provisions of Resolution No. 10080 Dated 14 March 2014 on Rules and Regulations on Pilot indigenous Peoples Voting in Selected Voting Centers in Occidental and Oriental Mindoro in Connection with the May 9, 2016 National and Local Elections and Subsequent Elections thereafter
Resolution No. 10103 April 26, 2016
Amending Certain Provisions of Resolution No. 10083 Or Otherwise Known as the General instructions for the Boards of Canvassers on the Consolidation/Canvass and Transmission of Votes in Connection with the May 9, 2016 National and Local Elections
Resolution No. 10102 April 26, 2016
In the Matter of the Protocols for Lowering of the Threshold to Proclaim a Candidate for a Local Position as Winner, in Connection with the 09 May 2016 National, Local and ARMM Elections
Resolution No. 10101 April 26, 2016
Revised Contingency Procedures in Connection with the May 9, 2016 National and Local Elections
Resolution No. 10097 April 22, 2016
In the Matter of Defining the Chain of Custody and Responsibility Over the aes Machines and Peripherals and the Security assistance to Be Provided by the Philippine National Police (Pnp) and the armed forces of the Philippines (afp) in the: (1) Deployment of aes Machines and Peripherals; (2) Delivery of official Ballots and Ballot Boxes; (3) Security at the Polling and Canvassing Centers; and (4) Retrieval of aes Machines, Peripherals, Ballot Boxes, Election Documents and Other Paraphernalia in Connection with the May 9, 2016 National, Local and ARMM Elections
Minute Resolution No. 16-0244 April 14, 2016
In the Matter of the Early Distribution of Election forms, Paraphernalia and Supplies to the Board of Election inspectors (BEIs)
Resolution No. 10096 April 21, 2016
Manifestation of the Commission on Elections to Undertake the Printing of Voters' Receipts for the 2016 National and Local Elections, in Full Compliance with the Supreme Court'S Decision in Bagumbayan-Vnp, inc. Vs. Comission on Elections (G.R. No. 222731, 08 March 2016)
Resolution No. 10095 April 14, 2016
Rules and Regulations on the Liquor Ban in Connection with the May 9, 2016 National and Local Elections
Resolution No. 10094 April 14, 2016
In the Matter of the Filing of a Petition for Purpose of Determining the Dominant Majority Party, Dominant Minority Party, Ten (10) Major National Parties and Two (2) Major Local Parties in Connection with the May 9, 2016 National, Local and ARMM Elections
Resolution No. 10093 April 14, 2016
In the Matter of Amending Comelec Resolution No. 10077 and Further Deputizing the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) and Bureau of Customs (BOC) to act as Members of the Sub-Committee on Security Issues and Concerns for the May 09 2016 National and Local Elections Under the Committee on the Ban on Firearms and Security Personnel (CBFSP) |
Resolution No. 10092 April 14, 2016
In the Matter of the Notice of Designation of Counting Centers in Connection with the 09 May Synchronized National, Local and ARMM Regional Elections
Resolution No. 10091 April 14, 2016
In the Matter of Amending Comelec Resolution No. 10047, Entitled: in the Matter of Amending Section 1 (C), Rule Iii of Comelec Resolution No. 10015; and allowing the Philippine National Police (Pnp) to Provide Security Detail to Qualified Private individuals
Resolution No. 10090 April 13, 2016
In the Matter of the amendments to the General instructions for the Conduct of Random Manual Audit (RMA) for the 9 May 2016 utomated Synchronized National and Local Elections and Subsequent Elections thereafter
Resolution No. 10088 April 12, 2016
Amending Certain Provisions of Resolution No. 10057 Dated February 11, 2016 Or Otherwise Known as the General instructions for the Boards of Election inspectors (BEI) on the Testing and Sealing of Vote Counting Machines (VCMS), and Voting, Counting and Transmission of Election Results in Connection with the 09 May 2016 National and Local Elections
Resolution No. 10087 April 8, 2016
In the Matter of Amending Certain Provisions of Resolution Nos. 10035, 10051 and 10052 Promulgated by the Commission on Elections to Implement the Overseas Voting in Connection with the 09 May 2016 National and Local Elections
Resolution No. 10083 March 15, 2016
General instructions for the Boards of Canvassers on the Consolidation/Canvass and Transmission of Votes in Connection with the May 9, 2016 National and Local Elections
Resolution No. 10079 March 11, 2016
Guidelines for accreditation of foreign Observers in Connection with the May 9, 2016 National, Local and autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) Elections
Information Sheets
Foreign Media
Resolution No. 10078 March 11, 2016
In the Matter of the General instructions for the Conduct of Random Manual Audit (RMA) for the 9 May 2016 automated Synchronized National and Local Elections and Subsequent Elections thereafter
Resolution No. 10077 March 10, 2016
In the Matter of the Expanded Mandate of the Committee on the Ban on Firearms and Security Personnel Pursuant to Minute Resolution No. 16-0021 Dated January 18, 2016
Resolution No. 10076 March 10, 2016
Preservation of the Book of Voters and Other Election Documents Relative to the Precautionary Protection Order Issued in Pet Case No. 004 Entitled "Manuel a. Roxas Versus Jejomar C. Binay" in Connection to the May 9, 2016 National, Local and ARMM Elections
Resolution No. 10074 March 10, 2016
In the Matter of Placing Some areas in the Country Under Comelec Control in Connection with the May 9, 2016 National and Local Elections
Resolution No. 10073 March 10, 2016
Guidelines for Mass Media accreditation in Connection with the May 9, 2016 National, Local and autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) Elections |
Minute Resolution No. 16-0132 March 8, 2016
In the Matter of the Continuity Plan for the Conduct of the automated Election System in Connection with the May 9, 2016 National, Local, and ARMM Elections
Draft Continuity Plan
Resolution No. 10073 March 10, 2016
Guidelines for Mass Media accreditation in Connection with the May 9, 2016 National, Local and autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) Elections
Information Sheets
Foreign Media
Local Media
Resolution No. 10069 March 1, 2016
amendments to the Omnibus Rules on Campaign Finance to Establish an online Reporting System for Campaign Finance Disclosure Statements and Reports Required by the Omnibus Rules on Campaign Finance and Clarifications thereof
Resolution No. 10068 March 1, 2016
General instructions for the Special Board of Canvassers on the Consolidation/Canvassing and Uploading of the Election Results in Connection with the Conduct of Overseas Voting for Purposes of the May 9, 2016 National and Local Elections
Minute Resolution No. 16-0129 March 1, 2016
In the Matter of the Various Requests for inclusion in the List of Voters of Several Municipalities
Minute Resolution No. 16-0116 March 1, 2016
in the Matter of the inclusion in the List of Voters and Correction of Records in the Database
Resolution No. 10067 March 1, 2016
In the Matter of Amending Comelec Resolution No. 10023 and Further Deputizing the Department of Energy (DOE), Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), Department of the interior and Local Government (DILG), the Philippine National Police (PNP), Department of National Defense (DND), the armed forces of the Philippines (aFP), and Other Law Enforcement agencies to assist, and Deputize Certain Departments Under the Executive Branch, Government-Owned and Controlled Corporations in Securing the Nationwide Transmission infrastructure and Facilities to Ensure Reliability of Power in Connection with the May 09, 2016 National and Local Elections
Minute Resolution No. 16-0123 March 1, 2016
In the Matter of the Following Items in the agenda:
Ref. No. 0155-16 - In the Matter of the Request of EO Arsenia V. Bondoc, Orion, Bataan, to Transfer the Canvassing Venue From Sangguniang Bayan Session Hall to Conference Hall, Municipal Building, Barangay San Vicente, Said Municipality, in Connection with the May 9, 2016 National and Local Elections
Ref. No. 0156-16 - In the Matter of the Request of acting EO Onilou N. De Guzman, Llanera, Nueva Ecija, That the Canvassing Venue of the Municipal Board of Canvassers (Mboc) Be Held at the Public Employment Service office (Peso), Municipal Hall, Said Municipality, in Connection with the May 9, 2016 National and Local Elections
Minute Resolution No. 16-0113 March 1, 2016
In the Matter of the Verification of applications for Local absentee Voting; and Extension of the Deadline to File the application forms to avail of the Local absentee Voting
Resolution No. 10063 February 23, 2016
In the Matter of Providing the Distribution and Submission of Election Returns for Posts adopting the automated Election System Under R.a. 9189 Otherwise Known as "the Overseas absentee Voting act of 2003" as amended by Republic act. No. 10590, for Purposes of the May 9, 2016 National and Local Elections
Resolution No. 10062 February 16, 2016
In the Matter of Amending Section 22 of Comelec Resolution No. 10003, Entitled: "Rules and Regulations on Local absentee Voting in Connection with the May 9, 2016 National and Local Elections
Minute Resolution No. 16-0085 February 16, 2016
In the Matter of the Updated total Number of Registered Voters in Connection with the May 9, 2016 National, Local, and ARMM Elections
Resolution No. 10061 February 12, 2016
In the Matter of the Certified List of Candidates for National Positions and the Party-List System of Representation (Sectoral Groups/Organizations/Political Parties/Coalitions of Political Parties) together with Its Respective List of Nominees for the May 09, 2016 National and Local Elections
Resolution No. 10060 February 12, 2016
In the Matter of Bac Resolution No. 3 Re: Deployment of automated Election System Equipment and allied Services - Lots 1, 2, and 3, in Connection with the May 9, 2016 National and Local Elections
Resolution No. 10057 February 11, 2016
General instructions for the Boards of Election inspectors (BEI) on the Testing and Sealing of Vote Counting Machines (VCMS), and Voting, Counting and Transmission of Election Results in Connection with the 09 May 2016 National and Local Elections |
Resolution No. 10052 February 3, 2016
General instructions for the Special Board of Election inspectors and Special Ballot Reception and Custody Group in the Conduct of automated Voting and Counting of Votes Under Republic act No. 9189, Otherwise Known as "the Overseas absentee Voting act of 2003" as amended by Republic act No. 10590 for Purposes of the May 9, 2016 National and Local Elections |
Resolution No. 10051 February 3, 2016
In the Matter of Providing the Procedures for the Final Testing and Sealing of the Vote Counting Machines in the Conduct of Overseas Voting Under Republic act No. 9189, Otherwise Known as "the Overseas absentee Voting act of 2003" as amended by Republic act No. 10590, for Purposes of the May 9, 2016 National and Local Elections
Resolution No. 10050 February 3, 2016
Guidelines on the Constitution, Composition and appointment of the Boards of Canvassers, and Other Matters Related thereto, in Connection with the May 09, 2016 National and Local Elections (NLE)
Resolution No. 10049 February 3, 2016
Rules and Regulations Implementing Republic act No. 9006, Otherwise Known as the "Fair Elections act", in Connection with the 09 May 2016 National and Local Elections
Resolution No. 10048 February 1, 2016
General instructions for the Special Board of Canvassers in the Conduct of Manual Canvassing of Votes Under Republic act No. 9189, Otherwise Known as "the Overseas absentee Voting act of 2003" as amended by Republic act No. 10590 for Purposes of the May 9, 2016 National and Local Elections
Resolution No. 10047 January 28, 2016
In the Matter of Amending Section 1 (C), Rule Iii of Comelec Resolution No. 10015; and allowing the Philippine National Police (PNP) to Provide Security Detail to Qualified Private individuals
Resolution No. 10044 January 26, 2016
In the Matter of Amending Comelec Resolution No. 9981 Dated 22 December 2015, Otherwise Known as the Calendar of activities and Periods of Prohibited acts in Connection with the May 09, 2016 National and Local Elections, Specifically as to the Date for the Posting of the Certified List of Voters
Minute Resolution No. 16-0036 January 26, 2016
In the Matter of the Request for authority to Post Project of Precincts (POPS) in Csv foRMAt in the Comelec Website
Resolution No. 10037 January 13, 2016
Guidelines for Mass Media accreditation in Connection with the Conduct of Overseas Voting Under Republic act No. 9189, Otherwise Known as "The Overseas absentee Voting act of 2003" as amended by Republic act No. 10590 for Purposes of the May 09, 2016 National and Local Elections
Resolution No. 10036 January 13, 2016
Guidelines for accreditation of Filipino Community (FILCOM), Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), Or Civil Society Organization (CSO) as Partners of the Commission on Elections in Connection with the Conduct of Overseas Voting Under Republic act No. 9189, Otherwise Known as "the Overseas absentee Voting act of 2003" as amended by Republic act No. 10590 for Purposes of the May 09, 2016 National and Local Elections
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