Today is Wednesday, March 26, 2025



Section 1. In order to promote scientific, engineering and technological research, invention, and development, the Government shall, in accordance with the provisions of this Act:

(a) Grant scholarships in science, engineering and technology for especially gifted citizens;

(b) Grant bonus and other financial aid to brilliant and deserving scientific, engineering and technological researchers;

(c) Give additional compensation to scientific, engineering and technological researchers employed in the Government who, for financial reasons, engage in teaching or in private business after office hours, subject to the condition that upon receiving such additional compensation, they shall no longer engage in teaching or in private business but shall devote themselves after office hours to scientific research and studies: Provided, That the faculty and other personnel of the University of the Philippines engaged in scientific engineering and technical research who are not authorized to teach outside or engage in private business shall be entitled to the additional compensation equivalent to that received by officials and personnel of other branches of the government of equivalent rank;

(d) Employ the services of recognized scientists, engineers and technologists for the purpose of training promising young scientists or researchers;

(e) Acquire all the necessary scientific, engineering or technical equipment and supplies which may be needed for conducting researchers;

(f) Enter into contract with private persons, firms and corporations in order for them to undertake any scientific, engineering and technological research, invention and development that can not be undertaken in the various laboratories, bureaus, offices, agencies and instrumentalities of the Government;

(g) Extend aids to research, travel grants; send participants to international conferences or congresses; hold International Scientific or Engineering and Technological Conferences and Congresses in the Philippines; and establish exchange of scientific, engineering and technological information with other countries;

(h) Establish an industrial research and training center in the University of the Philippines;

(i) Allocate funds provided in this Act, over and above existing funds, to all existing and new research institutions of the government, for their expansion, improvement and establishment and for originating and continuing researches therein; and with the following research agencies designated to undertake special research projects and requirements along the line laid down in the programs outlined in appendices "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G" and "H" which are hereby made integral parts of this Act and/or such changes as the Board may from time to time decide.

1. The University of the Philippines Industrial Research and Training Center: (a) Textile Pilot plant, (b) pulp and paper pilot plant, (c) coconut products and by-products pilot plant, including fuel, and (d) industrial research building;

2. The National Scientific and Industrial Research Institute (formerly Institute of Science and Technology): (a) improvement and expansion of the scientific library and laboratory facilities, equipment and personnel, (b) electro-metallurgy pilot plant, and (c) ceramics pilot plant;

3. The University of the Philippines, College of Pharmacy (in cooperation with the College of Medicine, University of the Philippines and the National Museum): industrial development of drugs from Philippine medicinal plants;

4. The Science Foundation of the Philippines (in cooperation with the National Education Board): promotion of science consciousness among the students and the general public;

5. The University of the Philippines, College of Agriculture (in cooperation with the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources): (a) rice and corn breeding, (b) coffee and cacao varieties improvement and control of their diseases and other plant, and (c) livestock and poultry improvement;

6. Institute of Nutrition: (a) intensification of nutrition researches and (b) nutrition surveys.

7. Department of Health, Public Health Research Laboratories: (a) Anti-biotics (in cooperation with the Bureau of Soil Conservation, College of Agriculture and College of Pharmacy, University of the Philippines), (b) tetanus toxoid, (c) human rabies immune plasma, (d) plasma expanders, and (e) preparation of plasma fraction and gamma globulins.

8. Other new and necessary research projects.

(j) Perform other activities that will promote scientific, engineering and technological research, invention and development.

As used in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, the phrase "scientific, engineering and technological researchers" refer to those undertaking studies or investigations to acquire or discover new knowledge, principle, process or information relating to science, engineering or technology.

Section 2. The administration of the program provided for in this Act shall be vested in a National Science Board which is hereby created under the Office of the President to be composed of one representative each from the following: the National Research Council of the Philippines to be designated by the Executive Board of said council; the University of the Philippines to be designated by its President; the Science Foundation of the Philippines; the Institute of Science and Technology; the Philippine Association for the Advancement of Science; the Philippine Confederation of Professional Organizations; the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources; the Department of Health; the Department of Commerce and Industry; manufacturing industries; and the National Economic Council to be appointed by the President with the consent of the Commission on Appointments. The presiding officer of the Board shall be appointed by the President from among the above eleven members with the consent of the Commission on Appointments: Provided, That he is not the chairman of any other government board or council.

The President shall, upon recommendation of the National Science Board and subject to the confirmation of the Commission on Appointments, appoint an executive director on full-time basis. The National Science Board is authorized to:

(a) Organize such technical and secretarial staff as may be required to implement the provisions of this Act, for which the total sum of sixty-one thousand six hundred twenty pesos is hereby appropriated for the following to be taken from the sum appropriated in section three hereof:

I.- Personal Services
1. One Executive DirectorP12,000.00
2. One Assistant Executive Director and Secretary of the Board6,600.00
3. One Stenographer2,760.00
4. Two Typists at P1,8003,600.00
5. One Messenger1,440.00
6. One Janitor1,440.00
7. For salaries of expert, technical and other necessary office personnel employed by contract or otherwise18,000.00
Total for personal services
P 45,840.00
II.- Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses
1. Travel expenses of personnel1,000.00
2. Supplies and materials5,280.00
3. Sundry expenses5,000.00
Total for maintenance and other operating expenses
III.- Furniture and Equipment
1. Acquisition of fixed assets4,000.00
Total for furniture and equipment
Grand total

(b) Coordinate the various researches being undertaken by the different bureaus, offices, agencies and instrumentalities of the government and synchronize them with the activities authorized to be undertaken by this Act in order to prevent unnecessary duplication;

(c) Release funds provided for in this Act exclusively for the purpose enumerated in Section One hereof;

(d) Supervise, regulate and otherwise administer the research projects and activities financed from the funds under this Act; and

(e) Constitute for all legal purposes, the Board of Directors with all the duties, powers and prerogatives of a Board of Directors, unless otherwise provided for in this Act.

Section 3. To carry out the provisions of this Act there is hereby appropriated out of any funds in the National Treasury not otherwise appropriated, or from the proceeds of any bond issues authorized by law, beginning for the fiscal year nineteen hundred fifty-seven, the sum of four million five hundred thousand pesos to constitute a special fund to be known as the Scientific, Engineering and Technological Research Fund for the first year and there is hereby appropriated two million three hundred eighty thousand pesos for the second year, and two million two hundred fifty thousand pesos each year for the third, fourth and fifth years: Provided, That any unexpended appropriation for any particular year shall not revert to the General Fund.

Any amount in the form of grants, donations or aids that may be received by the Philippine Government for scientific, engineering and technological research, invention, and development, which shall be exempted from all taxes shall also form part of this Fund.

Section 4. The Scientific, Engineering and Technological Research Fund shall be expended by the National Science Board created under Section Two, exclusively for the purposes enumerated in Section One hereof.

Section 5. The National Science Board shall submit to the President of the Philippines, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, not later than thirty days from the opening of Congress, a yearly report on the progress made on the various projects financed under this Act, the program of projects the Board will undertake the following year, and a financial report on all its operations.

Section 6. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved, August 23, 1956.


In pursuance of the instructions of Senator Jose C. Locsin, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Scientific Advancement, the following research projects on the scientific, engineering and technological research to be undertaken as provided for in S. No. 507 and H. No. 5877 are hereby submitted:


The College of Engineering of the University of the Philippines will construct an industrial research building and install a textile pilot plant for studies of textiles that may serve the urgent needs of other government agencies engaged in textiles such as the National Development Company. It will establish also two other pilot plants: Pulp and Paper, and Coconut Products and By-Products including fuel.

Textile pilot plantP500,000.00
Operating expenses200,000.00

Yearly expenses of P200,000 for a period of five yearsP1,000,000.00
Pulp and Paper 1st yearP326,900.00
2nd year198,400.00

P 525,300.00

Coconut Products and By-Products including fuel Pilot Plant
1st yearP470,000.00
2nd year250,000.00
3rd year250,000.00
4th year250,000.00
5th year250,000.00

One Industrial research buildingP 500,000.00


The Institute of Science and Technology has submitted three important projects, namely, (a) the rehabilitation and expansion of its Scientific Library and improvement and expansion of present laboratory facilities, equipment and personnel, (b) electro-metallurgical laboratory, and (c) ceramics pilot plant.

1.Rehabilitation and expansion of the Scientific Library.
1st yearP600,000.00
2nd to 5th year at P60,000 per year240,000.00

2.Improvement and expansion of present laboratory facilities, equipment and personnel.
1st yearP300,000.00
2nd year150,000.00
3rd year120,000.00
4th year120,000.00
5th year120,000.00


3.Electro-Metallurgical Laboratory in collaboration with the Bureau of Mines and College of Engineering, University of the Philippines. Ore dressing, chemical separation and pyrometallurgy.
1st yearP100,000.00
2nd year90,000.00
3rd year90,000.00
4th year90,000.00
5th year90,000.00

4.Ceramics Pilot Plant
1st yearP75,000.00
2nd year25,000.00
3rd year25,000.00
4th year25,000.00
5th year25,000.00




Industrial development of drugs from Philippine medicinal plants.
1st yearP150,000.00
2nd year150,000.00
3rd year150,000.00
4th year150,000.00
5th year150,000.00



For the Science Foundation of the Philippines, the following estimates for its project to increase science consciousness among students and the public to be administered by the Science Foundation of the Philippines in cooperation with the National Education Board were submitted:
1st yearP171,480.00
2nd year145,880.00
3rd year145,880.00
4th year145,880.00
5th year145,880.00



Three most important research projects:

(a) Rice and corn breeding

(b) Improvement of coffee and cacao varieties

(c) Improvement of livestock and poultry

1. Personnel servicesP143,250.00
2. Supplies and equipment119,250.00
3. Travelling expenses8,000.00
4. Library (books, journals, etc.)50,000.00
5. Biological control laboratory9,500.00

P330,00 yearly for five years

The following are the three projects that might by included under general grants-in-aid of research:

(a) Virus problems in plants.

(b) Heterosis in coconut: Its extent and utilization.

(c) Exploration of sources of antibiotics among micro-organisms in the Philippines.


The following estimates of two different projects of the Institute of Nutrition were submitted:

1. Intensification of nutrition researches

2. Nutrition surveys (one team)

1st yearP200,000.00
2nd year200,000.00
3rd year200,000.00
4th year200,000.00
5th year200,000.00



The following are the main projects and estimates of the Department of Health Public Health Research Laboratories:

1.Antibiotic research (In cooperation with the Bureau of Soil Conservation, College of Agriculture and College of Pharmacy, University of the Philippines).

P50,000 yearly for five yearsP250,000.00
2.Research on Tetanus Toxoid

P50,000 yearly for five years 250,000.00
3.Research on human rabies immune plasma

P50,000 yearly for five years 250,000.00
4.Research on plasma expanders

P10,000 yearly for five years 50,000.00
5.Research on preparation of plasma fraction and gamma globulins

P5,000 yearly for five years 25,000.00



General Grants-in-aid of research:
1st yearP350,000.00
2nd year350,000.00
3rd year350,000.00
4th year350,000.00
5th year350,000.00


Complying with the suggestion of the Honorable Jose C. Locsin, an amount of P350,000 is proposed to be allocated for general grants-in-aid of research to take care of some other projects, such as some medical science projects, leather processing, fisheries, virus problems in plants, heterosis in coconut, rat control, social science projects, zoological, botanical and other biological problems, many others that were submitted without estimates and the employment of some foreign scientists.

The summary of estimates of all the research projects are given in Table I. (See attached)

By direction of the Honorable Jose C. Locsin, certain proposed amendments introduced in S. No. 507 are embodied in Appendix I.

The Committee respectfully invites the attention of the Committee on Scientific Advancement of the Senate of the Philippines to the fact that in addition to the estimates for the different projects herein enumerated, part of the scientific, engineering and technological research fund shall be expanded in the administration and in carrying out the other provisions of S. No. 507.

Immediately after the hearing before the Committee on Scientific Advancement of the Senate of the Philippines called by Senator Locsin and held in his Office on May 30, 1956, the Senator appointed the following as members of a Committee of Scientists and Technical Men to present concrete research projects envisaged in S. No. 507.

(a) Dr. Armando Clemente, representing the National Research Council of the Philippines and the University of the Philippines.

(b) Dr. Jose J. Mirasol, representing non-governmental, technical and scientific organizations.

(c) Dean Crisostomo Ortigas, representing the College of Engineering, University of the Philippines, including the University of the Philippines Industrial Research Center, engineering and other industrial research projects.

(d) Dr. Mariano P. Ramiro, representing the National Economic Council.

(e) Dr. Juan Salcedo, Jr., representing the Science Foundation of the Philippines, Institute of Nutrition and the Department of Health Public Health Research Laboratories.

(f) Dean L. B. Uichanco, representing the College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines, and agricultural and biological researches.

The members of the Committee after the adjournment of the hearing, unanimously elected Dr. Juan Salcedo, Jr. as Chairman and Dean Patrocinio Valenzuela as Secretary of the Committee, respectively. It was agreed to have a meeting where all projects will be presented and discussed at 4:00 P.M. June 2 to be followed at 4:00 P.M. June 4 to prepare a report to Senator Locsin. The Committee met on June 2 at the Institute of Science and Technology Advisory Board Room from 4:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. It met again at the National Research Council of the Philippines Office in Diliman on June 4, from 4:00 P.M. to 6:15 P.M.

The Committee had a hearing with Senator Locsin at his Office on the morning of June 6, after which the preliminary report was returned to the Committee for further study and modification. The Committee met in the afternoon of June 6, from 4:00 to 7:30 P.M. at the Office of the National Research Council of the Philippines and prepared this report. The Chairman and the Secretary of this Committee met again on Friday, June 8, from 10:00 to 11:45 A.M. to finalize this report. The Chairman, the Secretary and Dr. Ramiro conferred with Senator Locsin on Monday, June 11, 1956, from 10:40 to 11:40 A.M. The report underwent minor changes in the draft of S. No. 507 on the suggestions of the Senator.

Very respectfully submitted:

For the Committee of Scientists and Technical Men Appointed by Senator Jose C. Locsin:


June 12, 1956



The College of Engineering, University of the Philippines, hereby petitions for a total grant of 4,445,300 pesos to support the research activities of the University of the Philippines Industrial Research Center for six years for the construction of an Industrial Research Building and for the following pilot plants: (a) textile (b) pulp and paper and (c) coconut products and by-products including fuel.

During the first year there will be established a textile pilot plant which will use up about P500,000. Simultaneously, a research center building, costing about P500,000, will be constructed. The remaining P200,000 will be used for financing the ordinary but expanded activities of the University of the Philippines Industrial Research Center as well as the training phase for developing research engineers and technicians and research administrators.

The estimate of the cost of the textile pilot plant is based on two sources: namely, extensive correspondence with a European textile expert (in ramie) and prices obtained from American sources. These two sources yielded totals of the same order of magnitude. Copies of these bases are hereto attached together with the "Foreword to Textile Pilot Plant Project."

The Research Center Building will be used to house the following items.

1. The Industrial Research Library, which will include copies of all obtainable and available patents in the world;

2. Supporting laboratories where indispensable bench scale tests will be conducted;

3. Lecture rooms and classrooms and drafting rooms;

4. Precision instruments shop and glass-blowing shop;

5. Offices and Conference room;

The Contracts drawing for this proposed building was completed half a year ago.


The Philippines imports yearly more than 75 million dollars worth of textiles and fabrics. The development of a textile Industry in the Philippines cannot be achieved to the full benefit to the Filipinos without research undertaken by Filipinos for the Filipinos. "Full benefit to the Filipinos" is intended to include:

1. large scale employment

2. major contribution to reduction of unfavorable trade balance

3. general rise in standard of living

The financing support coming from this bill is intended to be used by the UPIRC for attacking the textile industry development problem with the use of the best tools, most modern equipment and highest quality services of available talents that our pesos can buy anywhere on earth. Such tools, equipment and services shall also be utilized for training young researches and technicians and researchers.

This proposal is for combined textile research, testing, and teaching facilities to be built on the grounds of the University of the Philippines in Diliman and to be operated under the direction of the President and Dean of Engineering of the University. There will be four principal divisions of the activities:

1. Original industrial research on matters concerning the textile industry aimed at solving problems in this area which are peculiar to the Philippines. One of the most pressing and important problems at the moment in the development of methods and techniques for low cost, high volume handling of ramie fibers so as to produce satisfactory low cost cloth and clothing.

2. Teaching. It is considered very desirable in view of the rapidly expanding textile industry in the country to develop a source of trained textile engineers. The University at present has a mechanical engineering course and will offer an option in textile engineering in the senior and graduate years.

3. Training of researchers and technicians. This is different from item (2).

4. Commercial quality control laboratory testing of textiles, fibers, and other materials used in the textile industry.


College of Engineering, U.P.

Contract Services

Research team - 3 scientists at $25,000/man year

Technical team - 3 Textile experts at $10,000/man year

Peso Costs

Equipment and Supplies- P158,000 for 1st year

- P5,000/year thereafter
Salaries and wages- P15,000/year
Contract services support- P60,000/year
for the two teams- P10,000/man year

Excerpts from PPA proposed:

Under Project Requirements FY '57 Dollar Funds Ramie and cotton research equipment (Pilot plant scale beginning, spinning and weaving equipment)$68,000.00
Industrial air conditioning; traveling crane16,000.00
Laboratory testing equipment41,000.00
Materials for textiles library21,000.00

Textile Research and Development Laboratory

College of Engineering, U.P.

1 ASTM Manual (American Society of Testing Materials, Philadelphia, Pa.)

1 USDA Evenness Cards

1 USDA Character and Grade Samples


1 Micronaire

1 Fibrograph (testing for staple lengths)

1 Cotton Classer's (Microscope)

1 Maturity Counter

1 Scott Pendulum-type Tester (fiber strength)

1 Bressley Analyser with scale

1 Fiber conditioning Oven


1 Loa Tester

1 Yarn Tensile Strength Tester

1 Standard Skein Reeler

1 Grain Balance, standard cotton type

1 Motor-driven Twist Tester

1 Torsion Balance for determining yarn number

1 Flexibility Tester for Yarns

1 Coefficient of Yarn Friction Tester


1 Cotton Cloth Calculating Machine

1 "Readex" Counter

1 Thread Counter

1 Textile Thickness Gauge

1 Crisp Tester

1 Universal Pendulum Tester, w/ball burst attachment and clamps

1 Abrasion Tester

1 Heat Transmission Tester

1 Permonometer for measuring airflow thru Fabric

1 Apparatus for testing water repellency

1 Stiffness Tester

1 Drape-Omator for measuring "drape" of fabrics

1 Compressometer for measuring resilience under compression


1 Color & Dye Scales

1 Reflectometer (test for dye penetration)

1 Launder-Ometer (test for fastness to washing, bleaching and dry cleaning)

1 Laboratory Package Dyeing Machine

1 Crookmeter (test for fastness to crooking)

1 FDA-Fade-Ometer (test for fastness to light)

1 Automatic Timing Device (test for fireproofing)

1 Spontaneous Combustion Machine (test for determining if finished fabric will ignite spontaneously during storage or under adverse conditions as high heat)


2 Grain scales, 7,000 grains

1 Lap Motor

1 Roving Tester

1 Yarn Tester (for evenness)

1 Yarn Evenness Winder

1 Yarn Evenness Controller


1 Autoclave, 5 atms. pressure

1 Tank for admixture

1 Overhead crane, 1-ton capacity

2 Special feed baskets

1 Beating and washing machine

1 Centrifugal Hydro-extractor

1 Dryer (Temp. 75/100)

1 Hydraulic pump, centrifugal

1 Steam Boiler, 3-passes, self-contained


1 Blending Feeder

1 One-Stage Picker (Beater only)

1 Flat Card

1 Roving Frame (54 spindles)

1 Drawing Frame, 4 deliveries

1 Spinning Frame (168 spindles)


1 Choose/cono Winder, 20 drums or less (1 side only)

1 Weft Winder, 4 spindles

1 Warping Frame, 120 cms.

1 Warping creel (480 threads)

1 Hot Air Drying and Sizing Machine

1 Size Boiler and Mixer

1 Automatic Plain loom, 32"

1 Automatic debby loom

1 Automatic terry loom w/jacquard attachment 32"

1 Automatic 4-bobbin changing loom

1 Air Conditioner for Test Laboratory

P.O. Box 988, Schlosstr. 59
Stuttgart, Germany

January 24, 1956
Yourlet No. 1505-55
Ourlet No. 4973

Messrs. T.J. WOLFF & CO., INC.
P.O. Box No. 920
Manila, Philippines

Re: Plant for Processing Ramie Cloth University of the Philippines

Dear Sirs,

Further to our letter No. 4920 dated 18th January, 1956 we may inform that we have today had the visit of Dr. Theodor Hoefer of Sabadell, Spain, who has come to Germany for negotiating with a Brazilian businessman who intends to put up a factory for Ramie yarn and possible also cloth for which he invited the assistance of Dr. Hoefer.

Dr. Hoefer will be in Germany for about 10-14 days visiting various factories with the gentleman from Brazil.

He told us that should the Brazilian project mature and should he decide to participate in it his journey to Manila and his collaboration in eventually taking up and setting into operation the plant projected by the University of the Philippines would of course then be practically be impossible. Since he does not speak Portuguese but speaks English as well as Spanish he would personally prefer to go to Manila instead of Brazil. For this reason he promised to delay his decision with regard to Brazil hoping that the University of the Philippines and possibly the Philippine Government will soon decide whether to employ his services or not.

We discussed with Dr. Hoefer the contents of your letter dated 14th December and he said that the processing of Ramie is not at all delicate but that the factories employed on processing this material all together about 12 in the whole thing with a secret and made a mystery of it in order to maintain their monopoly. Dr. Hoefer agreed that were only a few experts on the processing of Ramie who were all more or less firmly employed by one of the few manufacturers. As to his position his contract in Spain has expired some time ago but he agreed to continue his activities on a gentlemen agreement as long as his services were required.

The fact, however, that he had now gone on a fortnight's journey to Germany made it almost impossible for him to go on early journey to Manila unless the University of the Philippines or the Philippine Government made a definite decision in favor of employing him. We may also inform you that he demands a salary corresponding with regard to cost of living to the amount of DM 5,000 which he could earn in Germany per month. Of course, such a salary would have to be seen in relation to the intended production.

At present D. Hoefer is technical director of a Spanish factory producing Ramie yarn which is being passed on to a weaving mill for processing into cloth and he mentioned that Ramie Cloth is very similar to linen cloth. Therefore, every linen weaving mill could also work on Ramie Yarn. Dr. Hoefer in an expert on the processing of the raw Ramie fibre into Ramie yarn and appears to have a fair idea of weaving. Should, however, a weaving mill be also projected in connection with the Ramie processing plant he would prefer to have a weaving specialist to assist him on the job.

For Ramie yarn the same type of weaving loom may be used as for linen. He expects that the same looms can also be employed for hemp. But there he is not absolutely sure.

With our letter No. 4752 dated 23rd December 1955 we gave you an estimate and we are now handling you attached a new estimate submitted by Dr. Hoefer which is based on a somewhat different procedure making the whole process cheaper and reducing the daily production. In this case the circulaire combing fram would be left out with the result of also saving labor.

We also discussed with Dr. Hoefer the investment required for an economical plant to be put up on the Philippines for eventually producing cloth for the local market. He suggested that such an economical plant would produce about 400 kilos of yarn per day in 2 shifts. The machinery equipment would come to something like US-$130,000 to US-$150,000 with auxiliary machines, workshop equipment, spinning pots, spinning sleeves etc. amounting to about another 20 per cent of the cost of the machinery. The weaving of the 400 kilos of yarn in 2 shifts per day would require looms, total cost of which he estimated at something like US-$35,000 to 45,000. This is a very rough estimate which may, however, enable you to find out whether a party interested in the production of Ramie cloth for the sale in the Philippines could eventually be found.

It was, of course, impossible for Dr. Hoefer to estimate the consumption of Ramie cloth in the Philippines but he suggested that this could easily found out from the Philippine imports from Japan. The larger the production could be the cheaper in the comparison will be the whole equipment. It may interest you that the relation between yarn and cloth is about 100:90, respectively 95, depending on the quality of the fibre.

All prices mentioned are to be understood f.o.b. German seaport and are without any obligation on our part.

Dr. Hoefer who is 62 years old has projected and installed two Ramie yarn factories in Germany before he went to Spain after the last war.

He appears to be competent in this line and left us 3 addresses for reference purposes which we should make use of in case the University of the Philippines or the Philippine Government are definitely interested in employing his services.

Dr. Hoefer expects to pay us another visit on about 10 days time before returning to Spain. Should you be able to come to some decision before that time you might give us your cable advice so that we could continue negotiations with him before he leaves Germany again.

Trusting that the above information will be found of interest and anticipating your further news on this matter we are.

Yours very truly,


Translation of letter written by Dr. Teodor Hoefer to Messrs. Lehol Trading Co.

Ramie Factory for the Philippines

I received your letter dated January 5th and read your comments with interests. It is known to me that in the Philippines it is very much wanted to process Ramie but nobody ever decided to build a factory yet. Obviously, the government wants to go into this production in a small style for doing research work and eliminating all fears which most inventors have when planning a Ramie processing plant. These difficulties are my greatest enemies ever since: the absolute ignorance of Ramie production and processing. Even an investor who knows the advantage of the Ramie cloth production is afraid that he may lose his capital when investing in this very unknown line. The few Ramie spinning mills in the world are doing the rest by saying that the processing of Ramie is specially much difficult which is not at all the case. Because of this, the investor is discouraged. At best he will find a specialist and he will have to depend on him entirely, and this seems to most capitalists very risky. Because of all these my first goal always is to obtain the personal confidence of the clients.

I am able to deliver the necessary plans from here and will arrive at sight when the machineries are delivered. But also with the best informations a lot of fantasy is required to make these plants possible. Not only the production machineries but also accessory machineries are to be considered and the right design of these machineries for the local conditions which differ very much is very important.

As to your question if it would be necessary to come to the Philippines I would recommend this very much. At least I think a conference at sight will be very important for the project. I will be able to give a lot of detailed suggestions at sight which cannot be all given in the correspondence. In a few days I would be able to obtain informations about climate, air humidity, available space and working conditions as also about the available raw material, whereas with correspondence, it would take months. A conference at sight will push the plans very much. Until now I don't know yet how I can spare 14 days which will be required for this visit. But I think in some way I will be able to spare this time. The cost for the visit in Manila will be composed of the necessary expenses: both flights back and forth and the living costs for this two weeks (board and lodging). In addition to this I would require compensation for salary lost here. The last two mentioned amounts will reach DM 3,000 which will bring the summary cost for the visit up to approximately DM 12,000.

I am very truly yours,



Submitted by Dr. Theodor Hoefer (Jan. 14th, 1956)

1.Degumming the plant suggested before (outlet No. 4752) remains practically unaltered.US-$18,500.00 to 19,500.00
2.a) for the smallest daily production (8 hours) of 70 kilos yarn Nm 15-25 lea, the machinery cost will come to aboutUS-$ 55,000.00
b) should a doubling of this production to 140 kilos yarn Nm 15 be intended the cost of machinery would comeUS-$ 100,000.00
In case of item 2 a), respectively 2 b) the extra cost of the auxiliary machinery, workshop equipment, spinning pots, spinning sleeves, will be about 20-25 per cent of the actual machinery cost.
3.Weaving Plant for 70 kilos yarn depending on width of the cloth will require about 2 weaving looms at a total of something likeUS-$ 13,000.00 to 14,000.00

The above alternative proposal under item 2 means a saving of wages (abt. 50%) and a saving in the service, power consumption and repair as compared to the first proposal (our letter No. 4752) since the machinery equipment of the new proposal is simpler.



Determine the economic value of manufacturing paper from agricultural wastes such as rice straw, cogon grass, abaca waste, etc., and develop a simple pulping process which may be used by people in the rural areas.


Most of the paper we used worth millions of dollars are imported. Conversion of some of our agricultural wastes mentioned above into useful products will help save our dollar reserve.

Development of a simple pulping procedure which may be adapted in the rural districts will give employment to barrio people, help increase their earning capacity, and elevate their standard of living.

Estimated Expenditures

1. One researcherP9,600.00
2. One Asst. Researcher and Analyst4,800.00
3. Two Laboratory Technicians at P2,400 each4,800.00
4. Two Laboratory Helpers at P1,400 each2,800.00
5. Twelve Laborers at P1,200 each14,400.00

Pulping MachineryP85,000.00
Paper Making Machines142,000.00
Finishing Machines13,600.00
Power Transmission Equipment23,200.00
Boiler Room17,900.00
Expendable materials8,300.00
Electric Motors19,000.00


Estimated expenditures:

1st yearP326,900.00
2nd yearP198,400.00

Estimate No. G-3349

OSAKA, February 10, 1956

To Dr. Clemente

Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your esteemed inquiry No. _________ dated _______________, for which we have the pleasure in quoting you as under. We shall be much obliged, if you will favour us with your valuable order.

Thanking again in anticipation, we remain.

Yours truly,

(Undecipherable Signature)
Manager Machinery Department


One set 8'-0 x 55" Tissue Paper Machine

Complete with equipment as per Flow Sheet and General Arrangement attached.

Capacity: 10,000 lbs. per day of Tissue Paper.

Item :1. Raw Material Section$42,500.00
2. Paper Making Machines$71,000.00
3. Finishing Machine$ 6,800.00
4. Power Transmission Equipment$11,600.00
5. Boiler Room$8,950.00
6. Piping$4,950.00
7. Materials for Consumption$4,150.00
8. Electric Motors$18,500.00
Total F.O.B. Japanese Port U.S.

Above items comprises of machines and parts as follows:

Item 1
Raw Material Section
1)Waste Paper Treatment.
a. 3' x 4' 10' Duster with Exhaust Fan1 set
b. 24" Belt Conveyor1 set
c. 8'-0 Glove Digester1 set
d. 2,500 lbs. Chest one of the 2 sets with drum2 sets
e. 5" Conveyor Pump3 sets
f. 400 lbs. Chest1 set
g. 3' x 6' Yanson Screen1 set
h. 36" x 60" Decker Machine1 set
i. 500 lbs. Beater with drum3 sets
2)Rag and Hemp Treatment
a. 16" Rag Cutter2 sets
b. 24" Rag Duster1 set
c. 20" Belt Conveyor1 set
d. 9'-0 Globe Digester1 set
e. 3,500 lbs. Chest1 set
f. 5" Conveyor Pump1 set
g. 800 lbs. Beater2 sets
3)Bleaching Equipment
a. 2" Centrifugal Pump1 set
Item 2Paper Making Machines
1.2,500 lbs. Chest1 set
2.5" Conveyor Pump1 set
3.#0 Jordan Engine1 set
4.12" x 10 1/2 Chest2 sets
5.6" x 8" W Stuff Pump1 set
6.8 Plate Screen1 set
7.Wire Part
a. 8"-0 x 55" Wire Part1 set
b. 3" Nush Pump2 sets
c. 4" Back Water Pump1 set
8.Press Part and No. 1 Dryer Part1 set
9.No. 2 Dryer Part1 set
10.7 Roll Calendar1 set
11.Pope Reel1 set
Item 3Finishing Machines
1.52" Winder1 set
2.52" Guillotine Cutter1 set
3.52" Bobbin Cutter2 sets
Item 4.Power Transmission Equipment1 lot
Item 5.Boiler Room
1.2" Feed Water Pump1 set
2.6' x 18' Fire Tube Boiler1 set
3.Oil Burner
4.1" Oil Pump
Item 6.Piping
Item 7.Materials for Consumption
1.Wire Net1 pce
2.Felt and Canvas1 lot
3.Belt, Vand flat.1 set
4.Rubber Hose1 set
Item 8.Electric Motors
Motors with magnetic switches, etc.38 sets

Remarks: This estimate excludes following materials and charges


Wooden Part, Concrete and electric wire

Spare parts


1. Installation and erection works

2. Foundation works

3. Concrete works

4. Electric Wiring Works

5. Piping works

6. Test Running

7. Despatching Supervisers

Price. These prices are open for acceptance for a period of 20 days from the date of our quotation, after which they will be subject to our confirmation.

Payment. A sight draft or drafts to be drawn on buyer against each shipment under a confirmed irrevocable and without recourse letter of credit. The L/C is to be opened in favour of us within 20 days from the date of contract.

Currency. U. S. Dollar.

Delivery. Shipment shall be made within 5 months after receipt of your letter of credit.

Remarks. (1) The prices herein mentioned in U.S. Dollar are based on the present official conversion rate of Japanese Yen 359.20 to US $ 1. subject to an adjustment by a changed official conversion rate at the time of closing contract, if the rate changes in the interval.

(2) Other terms and conditions are as per the "TMM-terms".

E. & O.E.

Quezon City

The Coconut Products and By-Products pilot plant contrasts from the textile or paper plants in the sense that it is a multiradial project, by which is meant that in the latter's, various sources are made into papers or fabrics whereas in the former a variety of products are derived from the one single source (the coconut).

This situation involves one aspect which is critical in the coconut pilot plant; namely, the coordination and utilization of the many attempts both successful or unsuccessful that have been undertaken both by the government agencies, such as NACOCO or PHILCOA or NDC as well as achievements and failures of various individual investigators and inventors. In other words, problems of utilization of coconut products and by-products can be grouped into the one problem of utilizing Filipino manpower together with what they have already discovered and/or invented as well as processes yet to be discovered and developed.

The University of the Philippines Industrial Research Center (UPIRC) is proposing the undertaking of this project believing that it will succeed but realizing that it is a long term project or perhaps a project that will last as long as there are coconut plantations in the Philippines.

There are standard machines available in the market that may be made part of the equipment of this pilot plant. However, a large portion of the equipment will have to be tailor-made; that is, designed and manufactured by our shops. In any case, quotations on prices of standard machines are not in our possession in view of the fact that this project was assigned to the University of the Philippines Industrial Research Center only yesterday. As for the tailor-made equipment, their designs cannot be made without results from bench scale tests, which we could not have performed since the assignment of this project. However, it should be stated here that the UPIRC is at present conducting an investigation for PHILCOA on the problem of producing briquetted fuel and acetic acid from coconut husks. But this is only a small part of the projected pilot plant.

However, we are positive that this project involves much more money than the textile project. Therefore the amount of P470,000 nearly equal to that to be allocated to the textile pilot plant project is hereby requested in the first year. Every year thereafter for five years P25,000 is being requested.




The Scientific Library of the pre-war Bureau of Science, now Institute of Science and Technology, was considered, long before its complete devastation by war operations in 1945, as the richest and most complete collection of scientific and technical periodicals outside Europe and the United States. Its value as a tool of scientific research and activity was enhanced through its excellent indexing services, expert service staff, and adequate operating equipment. It was truly the Mecca of the pre-war scientists and technologists of the country as practically no scientific investigation of any consequence was ever concluded without first consulting the Scientific Library for some data on or clues to certain phases of such an investigation. On the basis of its wealth of technical information and data and its superior service, the library contributed its full share to the scientific and technological progress of the country during the first forty years of the present century.

The complete destruction of the Scientific Library collection in 1945 deprived science and industry from the handy fountainhead of technical knowledge essential to the adequate planning and vigorous and economical prosecution of scientific research and technological development. It is said that its loss set back scientific activities no less than fifty years.

The validity of this research-vigor retarding statement has been widely felt among the local scientific workers despite the Herculean effort that the new or post-war Scientific Library has been putting into gathering a fresh scientific reference collection. Through practically insurmountable financial difficulties the Library has, during the post-liberation years, acquired largely through goodwill and international cooperation a fair nucleus of what is hoped to be a worthy replica, if not a complete replacement, of the helpful and widely-known and used pre-war reservoir of technical knowledge. But on the basis of experience and prevailing financial circumstances, the Library can catch up with the highly dynamic present day scientific progress, and thus afford the local scientific workers with the necessary background knowledge of technical development, only through a special financial aid for even its nominal rehabilitation. For this much needed restoration to a level on which it could be of more fruitful service to science and industry, the Scientific Library is in urgent need of at least sufficient funds for a period of five years as follows:

1. First year:

a. Back sets of scientific and technical periodicals, including patents and specificationsP200,000.00
b. Standard and current scientific and technical books40,000.00
c. New subscriptions to current scientific and technical periodicals25,000.00
d. Microfilm and microcards and English translations as the case may be, of important scientific studies20,000.00
e. Contoura-contact copier and supplies and microfilm and micro-card readers3,000.00
f. Bookbinding machine (Planetol) and supplies2,000.00
g. General reading and reference room equipment and furniture10,000.00
h. Double-checked, compact, steel bookstacks with 18,000-20,000 linear feet of shelving space, 2 stairs, and lighting fixtures200,000.00
i. Repair of library wing, including purchase and installation of an air-conditioning unit for book preservation and readers' comfort100,000.00


2. For each succeeding year for five years:

a. Continuing subscriptions25,000.00
b. New scientific and technical books25,000.00
c. Microfilm and microcards and English translation, as case may be, of important studies10,000.00

For five years


First year:

Second year:

Third year:

Fourth year:

Fifth year:



First year:

Second year:

Third year:

Fourth year:

Fifth year:



Objective. This project is for the rehabilitation of the ceramic laboratory in the Institute of Science and Technology which was completely destroyed during the liberation of the City of Manila in 1945.

Justification. Ceramic products are used in the establishment and operation of other important industries. The Philippines has plenty of various ceramic materials that may be used and processed to substitute for the imported ones. The Institute of Science and Technology, before the war, had a ceramic section that studied various local deposits. This study led to the establishment of million-dollar industries like the San Miguel Glass Factory and the Ceramic Industries of the Philippines. They manufacture bottles of various kinds, roofing tiles, hollow blocks and construction brisks. After the war, the ceramic section of the Institute of Science and Technology was partly reorganized with very inadequate facilities. Studies made so far on local ceramic raw materials resulted in the establishment of three (3) manufacturing companies. These are (1) International Glass and Ceramic Manufacturing Company; (2) Apalit Manufacturing Company; and (3) Fil-Hispano Ceramic Company. There are plenty of ceramic deposits that are still to be studied so as to determine their ceramic possibilities. Some of these studies include the Manufacture of special glasses, glazed tiles, local dinnerwares, stonewares, refractories, inorganic colors for paints, abrassives, and other allied products.

The following is the break up of the amount requested:

First year:
Personnel 15,000.00
Supplies 5,000.00

Second year:
Personnel 10,000.00
Equipment 10,000.00
Supplies and accessories5,000.00

Third year:
Supplies and accessories5,000.00

Fourth year:
Supplies and accessories5,000.00

Fifth year:
Supplies and accessories5,000.00



Quezon City


College of Pharmacy, University of the Philippines

In collaboration with Bureaus and other Agencies of the Government

The industrial development of drugs from Philippine medicinal plants constitutes one of the important phases of the industrialization program of the government. Realizing its importance, several foreign manufacturing concerns have established their laboratories in the Philippines. However, most of the materials used are also imported. To be able to develop a major phase of this industry, it is necessary to investigate our Philippine medicinal plants to enable us to use local materials instead of imported drugs. The researches involved in this project is a coordinated one which include mainly the services of botanists and pharmacognosists, plant chemists, pharmaceutical chemists, manufacturing pharmacists, synthetic pharmaceutical chemists, pharmacologists and clinicians. The pharmacological and clinical studies shall be undertaken with the collaboration of the Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines.

Total estimates
1st yearP150,000.00
2nd year150,000.00
3rd year150,000.00
4th year150,000.00
5th year150,000.00



I. This project aims to create greater consciousness among students from the primary to the university grades and among the general public on the importance of science and scientific research and development in the solution of the present economic and social problems of the country as well as in many individual, family and community problems of the Filipino people.

II. The fundamental objectives of education as stated in the Master Educational Plan of the National Board of Education contains the following:

"To promote the sciences, arts and letters for the enrichment of life and the recognition of the dignity of the human person." (Article I, Paragraph 5)

"While the curriculum must provide common learnings, greater emphasis than now exists should be given to sciences and mathematics for the preparation of those students who may desire to continue their studies in colleges and universities." (Sec. 20, Article III)

"The State University shall give greater emphasis to researches directly related to our economic development program and to solving the pressing social problems." (Sec. 36, Art. III)

"The government shall give aid and support for the promotion of research in private colleges and universities." (Sec. 37, Art. III)

The objectives enumerated in the above Master Educational Plan are not at present being adequately implemented because of the usual lack of funds allocated to the Department of Education by the government.

III. This project aims to aid the implementation of the above objectives so that when the students and the general public shall have acquired sufficient consciousness to the point of belief and conviction on the importance of science and scientific research and development they shall out of their own violation request and urge the government to give greater emphasis on science and scientific development in the national program of the government.

IV. The Director of Public Schools, Mr. Venancio Trinidad, was asked to comment on this project and he referred the latter to Mrs. Lucrecia B. Soriano, Superintendent on Science, who submitted the following comments attached in this memorandum. (Appendix A)

V. With the assistance of Mrs. Soriano the following breakdown of the expenses to be incurred during the first year and the succeeding four years per year of the implementation of this project was prepared. Briefly, the project calls for the following:

1. Plantilla of PersonnelP53,580.00
2. Equipment and Supplies26,500.00
3. Traveling Expenses in Phil.12,000.00
4. Publications & Mass Media129,400.00

The plan calls for the establishment of Regional Science Center and Head Office.

* Of this amount, the sum of P50,000 is transferred to general grants-in-aid under the National Research Council of the Philippines.


Project aiming to increase the science consciousness among the schools, colleges, and the public and the search, guidance, assistance, and placement of talented youthP221,480.00*

Justification of the project:

The country is presently faced with grave problems of government, of industry, and of education. The administration is committed to the amelioration of the life of the people especially those in the rural areas through the wise solution of such problems and the ultimate improvement of governmental, industrial and educational services. Just how successful and fast such improvement can be arrived at will depend upon the amount of effort exerted by our own countrymen and support given by our government to identify and harness our technological and scientific resources and potentialities both human and material.

Scientists are trained, not born. The challenge therefore is the provision of opportunities for the development of science consciousness among the people, especially the youth in the schools, and a desire among the latter to pursue scientific careers. With the youth now in schools lies the future progress and development of this country. It is the duty of this generation to prepare the young people for such a responsibility through the full utilization of their intellectual capacities by means of a rich program of science education.

There is no gainsaying the fact that we are far behind other nations in this respect.

What are being done along this line at present:

The public schools offer science either as a separate subject or integrated with social studies in all of the elementary grades and in the first and third year high school. Although one of the main objectives of these courses is the opening up of avenues of interest toward science, it is felt that not much has been done mainly because of the dearth of materials, equipment, and facilities for effective science work in the schools. During the last few years, however, sensitizing the school system to the technological advances in modern society, the science work in the schools has been given impetus thru sciences seminars and workshops where problems of instruction have been threshed out. Last year, a national science competition under the auspices of the public schools stimulated the construction and use of scientific equipment and the undertaking of scientific projects. There is still much more to be done.

What can be done for further implementation:

1. Organization of science clubs on the municipal, provincial, and regional levels.

2. Establishment of provincial museums.

3. Initiation of an organized and systematic scientific talent search.

4. Finding ways of financing high schools more adequately.

5. Requiring universities to offer scholarship in science.

7. Lifting the control on books, materials, and equipment needed for science teaching.

8. Expansion into more regional centers.

What are being done in the United States:

a. A four-year operational approach by Forest Hills High School in New York.

b. Research on the genetic, predisposing and activating factors in the development of scientific ability.

c. Yearly National Science Institute.

d. National Science Talent Search.

* Of this amount, the sum of P50,000 is transferred to general grants-in-aid under the National Research Council of the Philippines.


I.Plantilla of Personnel

Per Annum
One Chief Scientist (To be obtained from the list of scientific personnel of the UNESCO, if obtained from abroad and there are no local scientists available)P24,000.00
Traveling expenses (To and from the Philippines, if obtained from abroad)6,000.00

Note: It is recommended that a contract be obtained for at least 2 or 3 years.
One Senior Assistant (Regional) at P6,0006,000.00
One Junior Assistant (Regional) at P5,1005,100.00
Two Clerk-Accountants at P2,4004,800.00
Two Technicians at P2,4004,800.00
Two Janitors at P1,4402,880.00

II.Equipment and Supplies
A. Science Centers
Testing instruments and laboratory equipment for the one regional center and main office science talent search (See attached list of equipment and reference)21,000.00
B. Office Equipment
4 Office Tables at P150P600.00
2 Typewriters at P400800.00
8 Chairs at P100800.00
4 Office Chairs at P100400.00
4 Filing Cabinets at P2501,000.00
Miscellaneous Office Equipment1,000.00


C. Maintenance of Equipment P300300.00300.00
D. Supplies at P600600.00600.00
One Chief5,000.00
Two Senior Assistants at P2,0004,000.00
Two Junior Assistants at P1,5003,000.00

IV. Publications and Mass Media129,400.00
P221,480.00 *

For subsequent years deduct Item II except C & D.

* Of this amount, the sum of P50,000 is transferred to general grants-in-aid under the National Research Council of the Philippines.


Science Laboratory Equipment and testing instruments (for aptitude, intelligence, etc.)

1. Microscope1
2. Electromagnets2
3. Analytical balance1
4. Electric oven1
5. Autoclave or pressure cooker1
6. All requirements for the equipment of high school sciences Refer to Incl. to G.L. 103, dated November 25, 1952.
Air pump2
Alcohol Burner6
Aneroid Barometer, adjustable to 3,500 ft.1
Balance, hand, beam 8 in2
Balance, spring1
Bar magnets, 50 x 4 x 4 mm.6
Barometer, mercurial2
Battery jars, 50 mm., round6
Beakers, Pyrex tall form glass with lip, 200 cc capacity5
Beaker, Resistance glass, with lip, 150 cc. capacity5
Beaker, Resistance glass, with lip, 250 cc. capacity5
Beaker, Resistance glass, with lip, 400 cc. capacity5
Bell jar, inside diameter 10 in., inside hgt. 8 in.5
Bell jar, with glass stopper, inside hgt. 9 in., inside diameter 5 in.5
Bladders, Volley ball2
Board, Oak for Mercurial Barometer2
Button, Push, Wood2
Buzzer, Iron Box Form2
Compasses, Magnetic, 50 mm., diameter6
Compound Microscope Bausch and Lomb6
Convex Lens and Screen6
Cover glass, round or square, No. 2 thickness, 25 mm., diameter1 oz.
Dishes, evaporating, porcelain, with lip, 60 mm. diameter6
Electric bell outfit6
Faucet, Compression type2
Faucet, Fuller2
Flask, glass, Erlenmeyer, 125 cc capacity6
Flask, glass Erlenmeyer, 250 cc capacity6
Flask, glass, Erlenmeyer, 500 cc capacity6
Flask, glass, Flat bottom, 125 cc capacity5
Flask, glass, Flat bottom, 250 cc capacity5
Flask, glass, Flat bottom, 500 cc capacity5
Forks, tuning, 15 cm. long, C, 512 vibration Funnel, glass, with long stem, conical, 2 in. diameter2
Funnel, glass, with long stem, conical, 2 in. diameter2
Funnel, glass, with long stem, conical, 3 in. diameter2
Glass slides, microscope1 gross
Glass tubing, assorted sizes from 3 mm. to 1 cm. in diameter in one meter length3 kilo.
Graduated cylinder, 250 cc.2
Iron Fillings (carton) 1/2 lb. Key telegraph1
Lamp, Bulbs, 2.5 volts2
Magnifiers, 4 in. diameter6
Mirror, concave, 4 cm. diameter6
Mirror, convex, 4 cm. diameter6
Model, Steam Engine1
Motor, St. Louis1
Planes, Incline, with pulleys1
Planetarium, Automatic1
Rubber stoppers, one hole, Nos. 4 and 51/2 lb.
Rubber stoppers, two holes, Nos. 6 and 71/2 lb.
Rubber tubing1
Sounder, Telegraph1
Support, iron, tripod rod, 24 in. x 1 1/2 in.1
Support, Ring, 3 in. diameter1
Telephone transmitter1
Test tube, 6 in. long x 3/4 in. diameter2 doz.
Thermometer, commercial, C and F2
Thermometer, medical, C and F2
Tubes, barometer, Toricelli with one end sealed, 36 in. long2
Tubes, Test, hard, 7 in. long, 1 in. diameter2 doz.
Tubes, glass, Y shape, 1 3/4 in. long4
U-Magnate, 14 cm. long1
Water Wheel1
Weights, Metric, 10 to 1000 gms.1 set
Support, Ring, 4 in. diameter1
Acquaria, capacity 6 gal., 16 x 1/2 x 9 x 11 in.2
Binocular, Prison, Wollensak 8 x 30 mm.2
Cabinets for all equipments and apparatus (obtainable locally)
Cage animals, 18 x 18 x 13 1/2 in.1
Dissecting Forceps, fine40
Dissecting Microscopes, Barnes40
Dissecting Needles, best quality40
Dissecting Pans, Waxed bottom40
Electrolysis apparatus (obtainable in the physics lab.)6
Insects nets, handle 48 in. long6
Laboratory tables, stools Mortar with pestle, marble or stone 130 mm. outside dia.1
Observation Bee Hive for Classroom Use1
Porcumatre troughs, 5 x 9 x 12 in.2
Scalpels, all steel, y C, No. B40
Spatulas, steel, wood handle, 6 in. long2
Spreading Insect Board (may be made locally in the school shop)6
Test tube clamps1
Test tube Rock, No. B1
Tube support, capillarity1
Water culture outfit (for hydrophonics, or the growing of plants in nutrient solutions without soils, offers many interesting and practical experiments which are easily carried in the laboratory).
Air Globe1
Air Pump1
Ammeter, Portable2
Ball, Steel, 3/4 dia.10
Ball and Ring1
Barometer, Standard1
Balancing Column (Density U-Tube)2
Battery, Students' Demonstration2
Boyle's Law Tube, filled4
Caliper, Micrometer2
Car for inclined plane2
Centrifugal Hoop1
Coil for Induction4
Compass, Magnetic Needle with Brass Cap1
Compass Needle, 50 mm. diameter4
Copper wire, insulated, No. 241 spool
Cylinder, Aluminum, with hook2
Cylinder, Brass2
Dew Point Apparatus2
Dishes, Evaporating, 60 mm. diameter6
Electrical Pendulum1
Equilateral glass prism, or index of refraction2
Flint-Glass Prism, right angle1
Gauge for measuring liquid pressure1
German Silver Wire2 spools
Glass rod, friction with silk1
Hydraulic press, glass model1
Hydrometer, commercial1
Hydrometer, constant volume2
Hydrometer, constant weight2
Hydrometer, jars 30 x 5 cm.2
Inclined plane with groove for acceleration1
Induction coil for demonstration1
Leyden Jar1
Leyden Jar Discharger1
Linear Expansion Apparatus2
Magnet, Bar4
Magnet, Board2
Magnet, Horseshoe Form4
Optical Disk with Accessories1
Pendulum Bob, wood, 3/4 in. drilled2
Pendulum Clamp2
Photometer with optical bench1
Pulleys, Combination of 34
Pulley, Single4
Steam Engine and Boiler (Model)1
Telegraph Key2
Telegraph Pony Relay2
Telegraph Sounder2
Tuning Forks2 sets
Volmeter, Portable2
Wheel and Axle2



The College of Agriculture of the University of the Philippines in cooperation with the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources will undertake research on rice and corn breeding which is considered of paramount importance.

The other two main projects are (a) those dealing with the improvement of coffee and cacao varieties and control of their diseases and (b) the improvement of livestock and poultry.

1. Personal servicesP143,250.00
2. Supplies and equipment119,250.000
3. Travelling expenses8,000.00
4. Library (books, journals, etc.)50,000.00
5. Biological control laboratory9,500.00
P330,000.00 yearly for five years

The following are the three projects that might be included under general grants-in-aid of research:

(a) Virus problems in plants.

(b) Heterosis in coconut: its extent and utilization.

(c) Exploration of sources of antibiotics among micro-organisms in the Philippines.


Padre Faura Street Manila



I. Laboratory

II. Nutrition Clinic

III. Recipe and Menu Testing



This request for additional funds over and above the existing appropriations for the Institute of Nutrition stems from the insufficiency of the funds amounting to _214,829 for the present fiscal year, which means 0.976 centavo per caput per annum to support necessary and indispensable researches and other activities which are fundamental towards the growth and development of practical national, regional and provincial nutrition programs which will bolster, the social, economic and political policies of the present administration.

Hereunder are proposed priority projects calculated to achieve (at an accelerated rate) the goals and objectives of the Institute of Nutrition as stated in the following statutes under which the Institute of Nutrition operates:

Section 30 of Executive Order No. 94, dated October 4, 1947

"Shall advise, guide, and give suggestions towards a coordination of all experimental work, objectives, and results of nutritional experiments being undertaken by the different units of the Government and by all private organizations: shall foster and encourage harmonious cooperation among the said units, private institutions and other organizations engaged in various activities in order to promote a national nutrition program; and shall seek close adherence to, and correlated execution of, the said program after its approval by the President."

Administrative Order No. 81, dated January 25, 1949

"To conduct researches and investigations in the applied science of food and nutrition, and to engage in other activities tending to bring about the amelioration of the nutrition of the masses of our people, in addition to the powers and functions vested in said institute by existing law."

Republic Act No. 832, dated August 14, 1952


It may be stated that an estimate of the economic loss to this country in 1954 just from three (3) major public health problems intimately related with the nutritional status of the people, namely: tuberculosis, beriberi and malaria amounts to the astounding figure of P1,186,280,644 or close to the overall proposed budgetary requirement of the Philippines for Fiscal Year 1956-1957 which is quoted at 1.3 billion pesos. (See attached.)

In view of the unique position occupied by nutrition in the health and welfare of our people and its role in the social, economic and political development of this nation, it is earnestly requested that this request for additional funds for the Institute of Nutrition for the following projects be granted:




Tuberculosis (Figures and estimates supplied by the National Chest Center and Section of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Bureau of Health for 1954)

1. Burial Expenses. Cost of burial is calculated by multiplying the average cost per burial (P150.00) by the number of deaths registered. This is equal to P3,523,650. (23,491 x P150 = P3,523,650)

2. Cost of Medical Care. Calculated by multiplying the average cost per illness per day, (P5) by the average duration of the disease (6 months) and the number of cases (500,000). This is equal to P450,000,000.

3. Manpower Lost. The number of deaths multiplied by P3,000 (value of a human life according to the Civil Code). This is equal to P70,473,000.

4. Production Loss. 1/2 the estimated number of cases (250,000) is multiplied by the minimum daily wage of P4 and the duration of the illness (6 months). This is equivalent to P180,000,000.

5. Total Economic Loss. sum of items 1-4-P703,996,650

Beriberi (Figures and estimates made by Bureau of Health, Philippine General Hospital, and the Institute of Nutrition).

1. Burial Expenses. P150 per burial multiplied by the number of deaths (23,306) equals P3,495,900 for 1954.

2. Cost of Medical Care. Average cost per illness (P100) multiplied by the number of cases (2,500,000). This is equal to P250,000,000.

3. Manpower Loss. The number of deaths for 1954 (23,306) is multiplied by the cost of one human life (P3,000 according to the Civil Code). This gives us P99,918,000.

4. Production Loss. The number of cases (308,000) from age 15 to 64 multiplied by P4 (minimum daily wage) and the duration of the illness, 84 days. This is equal to P103,488,000.

5. Total Economic Loss. Sum of items 1-4: P426,901,900.

Malaria (From Progress Report of the Division of Malaria, Department of Health) and Bureau of Health 1954

1. Burial Expenses. P150 multiplied by the number of deaths 5,236 for 1954. This is equal to P785,400.

2. Cost of Medical Care. The number of cases is multiplied by the average cost per case (P50). 228,799 multiplied by P50 equals P11,439,950.

3. Manpower Loss. 1/2 the number of cases (114,399) multiplied by P4 (minimum daily wage) times average duration of the diseases (60) days. This is equal to P27,455,880.

5. Total Economic Loss. sum of items 1-4. This is equal to P55,389,230.

Rice Enrichment Program

1. Cost of the program for the whole Philippines for one year is equal to P6,000.

FIRST PROJECT. Intensification of Nutrition Researches



A. Objectives:

To determine quantitatively the amino acid content of local foods, especially those of plant origin with high protein values. Each food will be analyzed for essential and some non-essential amino acids using microbiological methods of assay.

B. Justification:

It is an accepted fact that plant protein though less expensive are of an inferior quality when compared with those from animal sources. However, if we have the correct food combinations with the right proportion of essential amino acids, the result is a high quality protein.

If the amino acid content of foods is known, it will be possible to devise combinations of these foods so that the required amount of essential amino acids can be supplied. It will also be possible to find plant food combinations that can supplement and/or substitute for the more expensive animal food.

The microbiological method is based upon the observation that certain micro-organisms require amino acid in addition to other nutrients for growth. Its advantages over the chemical method are (1) it is applicable to a wider variety of materials; (2) it is well adapted to the simultaneous assay of materials containing small amounts of amino acids; (3) it is not influenced by the presence of biologically inactive material occurring naturally or produced during extraction.

C. Manner of Approach:

The food plants which have a high protein value will be analyzed for 8 essential and 2 non-essential amino acids. Animal foods will also be analyzed so that we can have a basis for the preparation of food supplements and substitutes for expensive foods or those which are not available for everybody.

One laboratory technician is needed in this study to assist the biochemist in all the laboratory work and the calculation of results. When no amino acid work is being done the services of the technician can be used in the routine work in the laboratory.

D. Personnel Requirements:

1 Laboratory Technician P2,400 per annum


A. Objectives

To determine the biologic value of our protein food like our local pulses, nuts and seeds; to determine the availability of food nutrients like calcium, iron and carotene from local vegetables and fruits; and to test the nutritional value of some of our unusual foodstuffs.

B. Justification:

Although quantitative determination of various food nutrients in food have been made using chemical, physical, spectrophotometric and micro-biological methods of assay and the data obtained from these methods are of practical value in solving many of the problems in foods and nutrition, there are instances where biological assays are the best method of getting a most reliable data. This is especially true in determining the quality of protein foods, biologic activity of vitamins and availability of minerals from food.

C. Manner of Approach:

Metabolism studies, growth experiments and curative methods shall be used in ascertaining availability of minerals, biologic value of proteins and biologic activity of vitamins. The laboratory shall try to raise its own colony of white albino rats. As much as possible, these animals shall be maintained on diets prepared from local foods. The facilities of the Foods and Nutritional Biochemistry laboratory of the Institute of Nutrition shall be used in the analysis of foods and biochemical samples necessary for this project.

The biochemist shall plan (with the help of the Chief and other senior members of the Foods and Nutritional Biochemistry Division) and supervise and/or execute nutrition studies made in the animal laboratory. The laboratory helper shall assist in the preparation of diets, weighing of experimental animals, feeding of the animals, but principally the helper shall have the responsibility of keeping the animal laboratory and its premises clean.

D. Personnel Requirements:

Per annum
2 Biological Nutritionists at P4,200P8,400
1 Laboratory Helper1,440


A. Objectives:

To determine the minimum amount of food nutrients (nitrogen, calcium, iron and vitamin A required by adult men for maintenance.

B. Justification:

To date no studies have been made on the minimum requirements of Filipinos. There is a great possibility that nutrient requirements of Filipinos are different from those of other people. (e.g., Americans, British), particularly when the differences in dietary make-up are considered.

Data on minimum requirements, from which allowance figures may be obtained, will provide a "yardstick" by which dietaries can be evaluated and goals for national food production can be determined.

C. Manner of Approach:

Adult Filipinos (male and female) of normal health will be used as subjects of these studies. Inasmuch as these studies require a careful control of the food intake, and the collection of body secretions, it is planned that the subjects be confined in a hospital ward for the duration of the study. If necessary and to get a good cooperation, the subjects shall be given a minimum daily pay of P4. It is estimated that the subjects will be confined for about two months during the year; however, this length of time will be very variable depending especially on how long it will take a subject to be depleted.

This study will be conducted by the personnel of the Foods and Nutritional Biochemistry Division. The services of a dietitian from the Recipe and Menu Testing Division will be needed during the time the subject's food intake is under control. A laboratory helper will be appointed to take charge of the collection of the biological samples like urine, feces, etc. This helper will, in addition, work in the Food Laboratory and in the Micro-Chemical Laboratory by cleaning glassware and other equipment used during analyses. Because of the increased number of analyses anticipated, the services of such a helper becomes necessary.

D. Personnel Requirements:

1 Laboratory Helper P1,440.00 per annum


A. Objectives:

1. To expand the Nutrition Clinic to render effective service in close affiliation with a general hospital (North General Hospital) emphasizing diet therapy in the management of diseases.

2. To conduct research studies on human subjects in the field of medical and applied nutrition.

B. Justification:

The important role of nutrition in the prevention and treatment of most diseases is now being given due recognition. However, although the average physician realizes that modern scientific nutrition is a useful branch of medicine, he often gives too little attention to the application of the fundamental principles of nutrition. This may partly be due to the fact that the medical schools have been slow in incorporating the science of nutrition within the medical discipline.

The nutrition clinic was created to fill the need for a center where the physician and the patient could be given advice on their dietary problems. The number of consultations given at the clinic has been increasing every year. It is envisioned to affiliate the clinic with a general hospital, now that the pilot project has proven its worth. By so doing, the clinic in addition to rendering service, could likewise be in a better position to conduct research studies.

The advance of nutrition, particularly in the laboratory, has been tremendous. However, there is a wide gap that remains unexplored between the laboratory and the practical application to man. The clinic hopes to help narrow down this gap.

C. Manner of Approach:

The Nutrition Clinic will have three sections:

1. Section on Metabolic and Other Diseases (Diabetes, obesity, hypertension, etc.)

2. Section on Allergy

3. Section on Vulnerable-Age Groups

These three sections will each be under the supervision and responsibility of a Medical Nutritionist who will take the medical history, examine the patient clinically and prescribe for him the necessary dietary treatment. Each section will have a Clinic Nutritionist who will take the dietary history of the patient and translate to him the physician's dietary prescription in terms of food allowed and to be avoided, amount of food servings he may take, and how he prepare them to do him the most good.

The main source of patients will be the hospital to which the Clinic will be affiliated, but other outside patients may be referred to them or may present themselves for treatment. It is envisioned that proper arrangements could be made with the affiliated hospital for an experimental word for research purposes of the clinic.

In addition, the nutrition clinic will, as at present, serve as a training center for students and health workers undergoing training in nutrition.

For proper follow-up of the cases and for giving any necessary adjunct treatments (such as injection of vitamins), a nurse-social worker will be employed. Research studies being conducted at present are being hampered by lack of facilities for follow-up. In most cases, as soon as the patient improves, he no longer feels the need be report back to the clinic, so that such an improvement is not recorded in his chart. Correspondence often fail to elicit any report. With a personnel to go to the patients home to check him up, we can expect a more complete study of the case.

D. Personnel Requirements:

Per annum
1 Medical Nutritionist at P4,800P4,800.00
3 Clinic Nutritionists at P3,48010,440.00
1 Nurse-Social Worker3,120.00


A. Objectives:

1. To evaluate feeding programs in institutions, schools and other organizations, both government and private.

2. To develop family food plans for various groups at different budget levels.

3. To develop methods and techniques of food preparation for the conservation of nutritive values.

4. To standardize recipes and menus that are adapted to the food habits of our people.

5. To undertake periodic dietary and/or food consumption surveys.

6. To undertake a study of consumer problems related to the purchase of food in different types of markets.

7. To undertake a study of food materials as purchased in various stages of preparation, packaged raw foods, frozen or cooked foods.

8. To undertake studies on one serving portions of food and translate them for easy comprehension of the layman:

B. Justification:

It is recognized that a nutrition program to be truly effective must be planned in the light of the needs and resources of the community. The Recipe and Menu Testing Division aims to expand its research activities along this line and to assume leadership in the promotion of nutrition programs in various institutions and organizations. Investigations and researches in various institutions will determine existing nutrition problems in the dietary or food service departments. The data obtained becomes a good working basis for improving dietary management in these institutions.

Surveys of food service in lunchrooms or cafeterias in schools bring the need for study on recipe and portion control to meet the low purchasing power of the student population. Such a study generally lead to serving of adequate meals, minimum cost, economy in buying and improved methods of food purchasing and food preparation to conserve nutritive value of the meals and the use of eye appeal in food arrangement and service.

Date compiled from results of the investigations and researches in institutions are used effectively in giving technical assistance and guidance in mass feeding such as has been given to the National and international camping activities of both the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts of the Philippines. Missionaries and religious groups. Meal plans for 2,000 and more have been prepared by the Institute of Nutrition.

The formulation of specific dietary allowances of food plans for individuals of various age, sex and activity groups are generally based on the fact-finding dietary surveys.

Methods and techniques of food preparation have to be studied in the light of newer knowledge on conservation of food nutrients in relation to common practices used in Filipino homes.

C. Manner of Approach:

The present appropriation of the Institute of Nutrition provides for only 4 Home Economists in this division. To be able to carry out various activities planned, it is proposed to have the following additional personnel:

1. Chief Research Nutritionists:

a. Directs and supervises the efficient nutritioning of the Recipe and Menu Testing Division of the Institute of Nutrition.

b. To plan, coordinate and supervise activities and new projects of the Recipe and Menu Testing Division.

c. To plan and/or develop standards and methods of research work to be carried out in the Recipe and Menu Testing Division for the implementation of its objectives.

d. To check, audit and recommend research studies to be carried out in the various activities of the division such as in the standardization of recipes and menus, in the studies on one serving portions, in the studies of consumer problems related to the purchases of food and in the various methods and techniques for the conservation of nutritive properties.

e. To sit in the Technical Committee of the Institute of Nutrition.

f. To prepare reports (annual, semi-annual) on the accomplishments of the Recipe and Menu Testing Division.

g. To prepare, edit or supervise the preparation of nutrition materials on kitchen-tested recipes, menus, food money-management, consumer guides for food purchasing, one serving portions of food commonly used and other reports needed from this division.

h. To attend conferences and represent the Institute of Nutrition whenever assigned by the Chief of Office such as in international conferences like the Pan Pacific Women's Organization, the Philippine Educational System, PHEA Convention, the Malacanang Conference on Family Life, etc.

i. To perform other work which may be assigned by the Chief of Office.

2. Supervisory Research Nutritionist:

a. To supervise the research nutritionists who will work on dietary investigations of institutions, gathering data, evaluation and calculation of said data and make recommendations on food plans, layout of kitchen for mass feeding operations, buying and care of equipment, menu planning, food preparation and service, sanitation, accounting and record-keeping.

b. Supervises the research study on menus and nutritionally adequate meals acceptable in institutions and school lunchrooms.

c. Supervises surveys in hospitals and other organizations such as in the Armed Forces of the Philippines, prisons, camps, missionaries and religious groups.

d. Sits with the Technical Committee in deciding matters pertaining to technical matters and policies.

e. Attends conferences and workshops on school lunch programs, and others of similar nature where her opinion and suggestions will be of importance.

f. Supervises research on standardization of quantity recipes for use in school lunchrooms and institutions.

g. Performs other duties assigned by the Chief Research Nutritionist or the Chief of Office.

3. Kitchen Helper:

a. Responsible to the Research Nutritionist in charge of the Test Kitchen for the proper sanitation, proper arrangement of equipment and for all kitchen and dining room supplies and properties.

b. Has to go to market to purchase food and other things needed for the standardization of recipes and menus and such studies being undertaken by the Division.

c. Performs other duties which may be assigned to her from time to time.

D. Personnel Requirements:

Per annum
1 Chief Research NutritionistP6,000.00
1 Supervisory Research Nutritionist4,800.00
1 Kitchen Helper1,440.00

SECOND PROJECT Nutrition Surveys

A. Objectives:

To gather facts on foods and nutrition from various regions in the Philippines which will enable us to locate and analyze nutrition problems with a view to obtaining a basis for the formulation of effective national and regional nutrition programs.

B. Justification:

Although it is generally accepted fact that conditions of malnutrition are widespread in the Philippines there is a paucity of more definite information on the type, extent and severity of these conditions and on the problems that are specific to each region. The dietary surveys to be conducted by the research nutritionist will determine the adequacy of the diets and the basic causes underlying any dietary inadequacies of the population surveyed. However, in order to pin-point specific problems, the data furnished by dietary survey alone are insufficient. Clinical examinations are necessary to furnish information on the type, distribution and severity of nutritional diseases. The information will be confirmed by the biochemical tests which, in addition will determine the presence of latent deficiencies undertectable by clinical examinations.

The data collected from the dietary, clinical and biochemical surveys will provide sufficient basis for practical action on the following:

1. Public health methods of control of nutritional diseases.

2. Education programs to improve food habits and to insure the best use of available food supplies.

3. Food production programs oriented to meet the food requirements of the region.

4. Food distribution programs planned to enable all regions to obtain enough supplies to provide for adequate diets.

A regional approach will lead to the direction of nutrition programs into areas and population groups with the greatest need. A regional nutrition program can thus be established in accordance with local conditions. This regional nutrition programs will in turn lead to a coordinated nationwide nutrition program directed to meet the needs of the rural population.

C. Manner of Approach:

The Philippines will be divided into eight regions as in Project 11. Data on the type and distribution of specific deficiency diseases and prevalence of factors contributing to the presence of poor nutritional status (such as chronic infections*) will be collected by a mobile survey team with the cooperation of local health officials and the nutritionists of the areas concerned.

The members of the survey team will be composed of the personal enumerated below with their duties:

1. Medical Nutritionist:

a. Has over-all supervision and responsibility for the proper functioning of the survey unit:

b. Performs the clinical examination of all subjects, emphasizing on the detection of manifestations of deficiency diseases.

c. After the period of collection of data for the survey, he stays in the region for at least six months to give medical nutrition consultation to local hospitals, health centers and practicing physicians in that area. The main objective of this service is to encourage the establishment of nutrition clinics in local hospitals which will greatly aid in the eradication of such deficiency diseases as may have been proven prevalent by the survey just made. It will, in addition, hasten the turnover of hospital beds, for it is a well-known fact that recovery from any disease is facilitated by proper nutrition.

d. Gives direct services to mothers and patients consulting him on dietary problems or for dietary treatment of their diseases.

e. Participates in the nutrition training of health workers in that region.

f. Keeps abreast of the latest advances in the field of human nutrition and determines their applicability to his public health activities.

g. Conducts such studies researches in medical and applied nutrition as may be useful and feasible with the resources he has on hand.

2. Biochemist:

a. Takes charge of the biochemical survey. With the assistance of a laboratory technician he collects the blood and urine samples necessary for laboratory examination and supervises their proper storage and transport to the laboratory of the Institute of Nutrition in Manila where the analyses are performed.

b. After the period of collection is over, he returns to the Institute of Nutrition headquarters where he participates in the analysis of the samples collected and in the evaluation of the data.

3. Laboratory Technician:

a. Assists the Biochemist in the collection storage and transport of samples taken in the field for laboratory examination.

b. After the period of collection, he assists in the laboratory analysis of the samples collected and of other samples assigned to him for examination.

4. Nutritionist:

a. To collect data on dietary intake.

b. Study the relation of income levels and other socio-economic factors to food consumption.

c. Assists in planning nutrition programs on regional basis.

d. Render direct services to the people which may include:

1) Dietary advice on their needs for an adequate diet and how to make full use of available food supplies. This includes advice on menu-planning and budgeting and on improvement of food habits.

2) Advice to patients with special diet needs (as pregnant and nursing mothers, diabetics, obese, hypertensives, etc.) based on a diet prescription given by a physician.

5. Clerk-Driver:

a. Assists the medical nutritionist by acting as the recorder of his findings during the clinical examination of subjects.

b. Responsible for the safe and rapid transport of dry ice from Manila to the field and back to the laboratory with the stored samples, by driving the vehicle used by the survey team.

c. After the period of collection of data, he performs clerical work for the medical nutritionist and the regional nutritionists; he drives the vehicle for them during their official trips.

Actual collection of data is estimated to last about two months for each region. As mentioned in the foregoing description of duties, the Medical Nutritionist and the Clerk-Driver stay in the region surveyed for at least six months while the Biochemist and the Laboratory Technician return to headquarters to work in the laboratory. In addition to these personnel, another laboratory technician will be needed in this project to assist in the analysis of the samples collected, to perform analyses in the food laboratory where an increased number of samples for examination is anticipated.

For proper evaluation of the results of the nutrition programs and for the formulation of new programs adjusted to changes in local conditions, resurveys will be done once in five years in each region.

D. Personnel Requirements:

1 Medical NutritionistP4,800.00
1 Biochemist4,800.00
2 Laboratory Technicians at P2,4004,800.00
1 Research Nutritionist 3,480.00
1 Clerk-Driver1,800.00


Two (2) Biological Nutritionists at P4,200 per annumP8,400.00
One (1) Biochemist at P4,800 per annum4,800.00
Three (3) Laboratory Technicians at P2,400 per annum7,200.00
Two (2) Laboratory Helpers at P1,800 per annum3,600.00
Two (2) Medical Nutritionists at P4,800 per annum9,600.00
Three (3) Clinic Nutritionists at P3,480 per annum10,440.00
One (1) Nurse-Social Worker at P3,480 per annum3,480.00
One (1) Research-Librarian at P3,120 per annum3,120.00
One (1) Stenographer at P2,760 per annum2,760.00
One (1) File-Clerk at P1,800 per annum1,800.00
One (1) Clerk-Driver at P1,800 per annum1,800.00
One (1) Kitchen-Helper at P1,440 per annum1,440.00
One (1) Chief-Research Nutritionist at P6,000 per annum6,000.00
One (1) Supervising Research Nutritionist at P4,800 per annum4,800.00
One (1) Research Nutritionist at P3,480 per annum3,480.00
One (1) Research Nutritionist at P3,480 per annum3,480.00
Total for Personnel


20 Office tables at P40P 800.0020
Revolving chairs at P501,000.0015
Filing Cabinets at P2003,000.001
Station Wagon 10,000.005
Typewriters at P6003,000.00
Books and magazines2,000.00
Other equipment for:
Foods and Nutritional Biochemistry20,000.00
Applied Medical Nutrition4,000.00
Recipe and Menu Testing3,000.00
Total for Equipment
Traveling expenses (to include surveys) and per diemsP39,480.00
Supplies and materials18,000.00
Illumination and Power Service8,000.00
Postal, telephone, etc.3,000.00
Printing and binding2,000.00
Other services10,000.00



Total for Salaries and WagesP72,720.00
Total for Equipment46,800.00
Total for Sundry Expenses80,480.00




I. Antibiotic Research. (In cooperation with the Bureau of Soil Conservation, College of Agriculture and College of Pharmacy, U.P.)

Objective. To survey samples of soils from different parts of the Philippines for culture of microorganisms that may possess antibiotic properties.

Justification. Two antibiotics have been already isolated from soil samples from the Philippines. One, Ilocytin, had been successfully tried and already in the market. Another is still under trial with great promise.

There is all the possibilities that our rich microbiological flora will yield other organisms possessing more potent antibiotics not only against those organisms now affected by the already discovered antibiotics but also against others just as important, like parasitic organisms of the skin, lungs, intestines, etc. or other organisms with properties that counteract the allergic effects of antibiotics now in use.

Funds. To carry out this project an outlay of P250,000 may be provided for to be spent at the rate of P50,000 a year.

Benefit. The outcome of these projects may provide a national income from royalties that may be derived from the discovery of other useful antibiotics that may offset the annual expenditures of more than P8,000,000,000 the Philippines had to pay for importing various antibiotics now used by the Filipinos. The effort will develop technological skill and know-how on the process of isolation, extraction, and purification and assay of antibiotics which can be passed on to students and technological assistants. A pilot plant for the manufacture of antibiotics may be set up later for the demonstration of processing antibiotics and for training of more workers interested in antibiotic research.

II. Research on Tetanus Toxoid

Objective. To immunize the entire population massively against tetanus.

Justification. For the last five years there are an average reported cases of 2,640 persons stricken with tetanus out of which 1,471 died.

Tetanus is a very preventable disease. It is necessary and possible to reduce the incidence of tetanus or entirely eradicate it by massive immunization of the population with tetanus toxoid.

The Project. In order to reach, by immunization, all age levels of population without introducing a separate immunization program, this research aims to combine the tetanus toxoid with the cholera-dysentery-typhoid vaccine. The latter vaccine is a widely accepted immunizing substance and the public welcomes its yearly administration. The idea is to combine the tetanus toxoid without increasing the bulk of the total vaccine. The subsequent yearly injection will serve as a booster dose for the tetanus toxoid.

The advantages to be derived from this combination is that immunization with four kinds of vaccine combined will not inconvenience the public any more than the ordinary yearly C.D.T. injection and immunization against the four major diseases can be simultaneously accomplished.

If the mortality to tetanus is 1,471 yearly and the life of a person on the very conservative estimate is placed at P3,000 then the amount of (1,471 x P3,000) = P4,413,000 will be saved yearly by this procedure. If the cost of treatment by injection of antitetanic serum is estimated at, say 60,000 units or P60,000 a day for an average of 14 days duration of active treatment = P840,000 per patient. By multiplying P840,000 by the average number of cases yearly which is 2,640 the total expenses per year on antitetanic serum saved will be P21,873,600,000. This will represent savings from the government since tetanus is a quarantinable infectious disease and usually treated under government supervision and expense. The substitution of toxoid immunization to antitoxin preventive injection after each injury will save the government yearly around P143,000 the annual cost of producing tetanus antitoxin for preventive purposes.

All in all the yearly savings to the Philippines will be P21,878,156,000.

Funds. To carry out this project it is proposed to request P250,000 to be spent at the rate of P50,000 annually for five years.

III. Research on Human rabies immune plasma

Objective. To check on the efficacy of human rabies immune plasma in persons stricken with hydrophobia.

Justification. Up to this time all persons suffering from hydrophobia were condemned to die. There are on the average of 265 cases of hydrophobia annually in the Philippines. Recently, a case diagnosed as hydrophobia was reported cured by the intravenous injection of dehydrated plasma prepared from blood of persons who have had a complete immunization series of antirabies vaccine.

The project will consist in immunizing volunteers or hired persons to undergo the complete series of immunization and 6 weeks after the last injection, be bled about 250-300 cc. of blood. The plasma will be separated and dehydrated. This dried plasma will be stored for use for definitely diagnosed hydrophobia cases. If sufficient plasma will be available some will be subjected to fractionation to determine the protein fraction that holds most of the rabies antibodies. This specific portion will be isolated to produce a refined and concentrated preparation to produce a more efficient product.

Funds for this project is estimated at P250,000 to be spent P50,000 yearly. This will be spent mostly on hired donors at the rate of P50 to P75 each, since it will not be always possible to induce people to be subjected to 25 injections and give their blood afterwards.

The benefit to be derived, if successful, is evident. It will save 265 lives annually. In terms of peso at a conservative estimate of P3,000 per life it will mean a yearly amount of 265 x 3,000 = P795,000 plus the earning ability of these saved persons during the rest of their lives. It will also free the people's mind from the fear of accidental dog bite and the hazards of the same to the life of the bitten person.

IV. Research on Plasma Expanders

Objective. To survey local sources of plasma substitutes using materials available locally.

Justification. One of the important plasma expanders so far found is dextran. Dextran is processed from sugar thru action of microorganisms. There is excess supply of sugar in this country from which dextran can be processed. At present we have to limited in the use of plasma because there is not enough blood procured from human donors to supply even the demand for whole blood. By making available plasma expanders, better and efficient medical help can be extended to those that need this material.

The project will consist in subjecting cane sugar to the fermentative action of microorganisms to convert it into dextran, a polysaccharide of high molecular weight. The latter will then be processed to lower its molecular weight to the level of that of the plasma so that it will have the same viccosity and colloid-osmotic pressure equivalent suitable for intravenous use to restore blood volume.

Funds. An outlay of about P50,000 to be spent at the rate of P10,000 yearly for five years, is estimated to be sufficient.

The benefit to be derived from this work will be incalculable judging from the fact that many cases of loss of blood, due to accidents, burns and acute diseases, cannot be properly attended to because of lack of whole human blood or human plasma due to limited number of volunteer donors available in the Philippines. If this is true in peace time, this situation will be multiplied a thousand fold during wartime when war casualties among civilians, especially in an atomic war, cannot be anything else but enermous and unpredictable.

V. Research on preparations of plasma fraction and gamma globulins.

Objective. To study preparations of the different protein fractions of the plasma and isolation of gamma globulins from the human placenta.

Justification. The different protein components in the plasma are finding more specific uses not in different infectious diseases, especially those not amenable to antibiotics or drug therapy.

This project aims to study the different fractions especially the globulins in the therapy of some of the acute infectious diseases especially of viral etiology, either to mollify the acute symptoms to lessen fatalities, or, if possible, to use it as preventive. The preparation of gamma globulin from placental tissue material, of which we have in abundance can be a rich source of this product.

Funds to support this project. An outlay of P25,000 to be spent at the rate of P5,000 yearly for five years is estimated sufficient for this purpose.

Benefit. The product can be used as prevention or to alleviate the acute symptoms and/or prevent development of complications in such acute diseases as measles, poliomyeletis, typhoid fever and others.



General Grants-in-Aid

The purpose of an allocating the amount of P350,000 every year for a period of five years for the general grants-in-aid of research is to take care of a number of research projects, such as some medical science projects, leather processing, fisheries, virus problems in plants, heterosis in coconut, rat control, social science projects, zoological, botanical and other biological problems, many others that were submitted without estimates, and the employment of some foreign scientists.

TABLE I. Estimated expenditures submitted by the various agencies for their respective projects

Agencies1st year2nd year3rd year4th year5th year
1. The University of the Philippines Industrial Research and Training Center Textile Pilot PlantP700,000.00P200,000.00P200,000.00P200,000.00P200,000.00
Pulp and Paper326,900.00198,400.00
Coconut Products and By-Productsincluding Fuel Pilot Plant470,000.00250,000.00250,000.00250,000.00250,000.00
Industrial Research Building500,000.00
2. The National Scientificand Industrial Research Institute (Formerly Institute of Science and Technology). Rehabilitation and expansion of the Scientific Library600,000.0060,000.0060,000.0060,000.0060,0000.00
Improvement and expansion of present Laboratory facilities, equipment and personnel300,000.00150,000.00120,000.00120,000.00120,000.00
Ore dressing, chemical separation pyrometallurgy100,000.0090,000.0090,000.0090,000.00090,000.00
Ceramic Project75,000.0025,000.0025,000.0025,000.0025,000.00
3. The University of the Philippines College of Pharmacy (incooperation with the College of Medicine, U.P. and the National Museum)Industrial Development of drugs from Philippine Medicinal plants150,000.00150,000.00150,000.00150,000.00150,000.00
4. The Science Foundation of the Philippines(in cooperation with the National Education Board)Promotion of science consciousness among the students and the general public171,480.00145,880.00145,880.00145,880.00145,880.00
5. The University of the Philippines College of Agriculture (incooperation with the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources)330,000.00330,000.00330,000.00330,000.00330,000.00
(a) Rice and corn breeding
(b) Coffee and cacao varieties improvement and control of their diseases.
(c) Livestock and poultry improvement.
6. Institute of Nutrition Intensification of Nutrition Researches Nutrition Surveys.200,000.00200,000.00200,000.00200,000.00200,000.00
7. Department of Health Public Health Research Laboratories Antibiotic Research(in cooperation with the Bureau of Soil Conservation and the College of Agriculture and College of Pharmacy, U.P.)50,000.0050,000.0050,000.0050,000.0050,000.00
Tetanus Toxoid50,000.0050,000.0050,000.0050,000.0050,000.00
Human rabies immune plasma50,000.0050,000.0050,000.0050,000.0050,000.00
Plasma expanders10,000.0010,000.0010,000.0010,000.0010,000.00
Preparation of plasmafraction and gamma globulins5,000.005,000.005,000.005,000.005,000.00
8. National Research Council of The PhiliPpines General Grants-in-aid350,000.00350,000.00350,000.00350,000.00350,000.00
GRAND TOTALP4,438,380.00P2,314,280.00P2,085,880.00P2,085,880.00P2,085,880.00

NOTE: The above estimates do not include a number of research projects submitted without financial requirements as well as other expenses, such as the administration, attendance of Philippine delegates to the international and national scientific conferences and congresses abroad, the holding of international and national conferences and congresses in the Philippines and the carrying out of the other provisions of S.B. 507.

The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation