Today is Wednesday, March 26, 2025

National Commission on Role of Filipino Women

The National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women (NCRFW) was established on January 6, 1975 through Presidential Decree No. 633, as an advisory body to the President and the Cabinet on policies and programs for the advancement of women. It is mandated "to review, evaluate, and recommend measures, including priorities to ensure the full integration of women for economic, social and cultural development at national, regional and international levels, and to ensure further equality between women and men."

  • Functions
  • Institute the gender responsiveness of national development plans and coordinate the preparation, assessment and updating of the National Plan for Women, ensure its implementation and monitor the performance of government agencies in the implementation of the Plan at all levels.

  • Undertake continuing advocacy to promote economic, social and political empowerment of women and provide technical assistance in the setting-up and strengthening of mechanisms on gender mainstreaming.

  • Ensure that the gains achieved by Filipino women due to Philippine culture and tradition shall be preserved and enhanced in the process of modernization.

  • NCRFW Directory
  • NCRFW Official Website