Today is Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Couincil

  • Mandates
  • The Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC), under the immediate control and supervision of the President of the Philippines, is charged with main function of coordinating the activities of the government housing agencies to ensure the accomplishment of the National Shelter Program.

    Formulate national objectives for housing and urban development and to design broad strategies for accomplishment of these objectives;

    Determine the participation and coordinate the activities of the key government housing agencies in the national housing program;

    Monitor, review and evaluate the effective exercise by these agencies of their assigned functions;

    Assist in the maximum participation of the private sector in all aspects of housing and urban development;

    Recommend new legislation and amendments to existing laws as may be necessary for the attainment of government’s objective in housing;

    Formulate the basic policies, guidelines and implementing mechanisms for the disposal or development of acquired or existing assets of the key housing agencies;

    Exercise or perform other powers and functions as may be deemed necessary, proper or incidental to the attainment of its purpose and objectives.

    - Section 3. Executive Order No. 90 Series of 1986

    Reaffirming mass housing as a centerpiece program in the poverty alleviation efforts of the government and further strengthening the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council

    Serves as the lead agency to in formulating the national objectives, policies and strategies for housing and urban development;

    Coordinate and monitor the activities of all government agencies undertaking housing projects, including those of Local Government Units (LGUs), to ensure the accomplishment of the goals of the government’s housing program;

    Encourage the maximum participation of the private sector in all aspects of housing and urban development;

    Formulate the basic policies, guidelines and implementing mechanisms for the disposal or development of acquired or existing assets of the key housing agencies which are not required for the accomplishment of their basic mandates;

    Identify, plan and secure local and foreign funding for housing programs and projects;

    Provide directions to the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) to ensure rational land use for the equitable distribution and enjoyment of development benefits.

    Recommend new legislation and amendments to existing laws as maybe necessary for the attainment of government’s objectives in housing;

    Undertake other functions as provided by existing laws that are not contrary to the above-mentioned.

    - Executive Order No. 20 Series of 2001

  • HUDCC Directory
  • HUDCC Official Website